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WOULD can be used as USED TO: In the nineteenth century, people in Almeria would go
everyday by horse.

- Would: Just for DYNAMIC VERBS as run, study

- Used to: For DYNAMIC and STATE VERBS as be, know


BE USED TO: Estar acostumbrado

GET USED TO: Acostumbrarse

Suggest: Going/ (that) you go

Despite +Noun

+ The fact that + Verb Pharse

+ Verb ing

In case [something happens/I go there/ You love me] X It will never be In case THAT X

Noun: -ion, -ure,- ment, -hood, -ity, -ship, -ness, -th, -or/-er

Adj: -less, -able, -ful, -ish, -like, -al

Verb: -ise, -en

Adv: -ally, -ly

Be bound to: Estar obligado a, deber

Take for granted: Dar por hecho (Reassure that sth is secure: you wont lose it)

Granted that: Dado por sentado que

Pull out (of): Retirarse (de)

Make up someones mind to = Decide to

Slight: Leve

Basis: Fundamento

Conceivably: Posiblemente

Apuntes descargados de

Mad: Loco

Aside: A un lado, aparte

Purely = Only

Craft: Something done with the hands

Readiness (n): to be ready

To get the hang of something: pillarle el tranquillo

Step-brother/sister: hermanastro, hijo de la persona con quien se casa tu madre/padre

Half- brother/sister: hermanastro, hijo de tu m/padre y nuevo compaero

Genre: Gnero

Adverts: Anuncios

Unrestrained: Relaxed, friendly, openminded

Amid: en medio de

Clattering: Ruidoso

Shrug: Encoger los hombros

Tilt: Inclinacion

Chin: Barbilla

Rusty: oxidado

Nail: Clavo

Likely to: Probablemente

No longer: No ms

Shrink = the opposite of Grow

I take it: lo entiendo

Rough: Rugoso

Thorough: Completo

Compulsory: Obligatorio

Portrayal: Relato

Loose her nerve = Loose her courage

Recluit: Reclutar

Battered: Magullado

Subble: Barba de varios dias

Berth: Embarcadero/ huida

Marvel: Maravilla

Otherwise: O si no

Appalled: Shocked

Van: Furgoneta

Blend = Mixture

Work on: Continue working

Perk: Incentivo

Reassure: Asegurar

Await: Aguardar

Setback: Contratiempo, revs, adversidad

Drawback: Inconveniente

Distort: Distorsionar

Outcome: Resultado

Acknowledge: Reconocer, confesar, admitir / Agradecer

Overal: Total, conjunto (adj)

Chapter (book) Episode (series)

Schedules: Horarios

Odd: Impar

Stifle: Sofocar, ahogar

Stalk: Seguir los pasos a, acechar

Barred from: Privado de, prohibido de

Thus: As, en consecuencia

Prey: Presa
Desert: Abandonar / Desertar

Cast: Lanzar, emitir

Diminish: Disminuir

Rumbling: Retumbante ( Rumble: Ladrar, retumbar)

Stuff: cosa

Commute for (v): Ir a un lugar

Commute (n): El tiempo que lleva llegar a un sitio

Fellow: compaero, someone who is with you

Peer: Compaero

Shortage of: lack of

Cope with: Deal with

Firm: Company

Seek (without preposition) = Look for

Leap: take a big jump

Pave: prepare a route for something/ someone

Steer: Girar el volante, la bici (conduciendo)

Lure = Tempt: tentar

Weve had it= Weve got no chance

Reignite: Reavivar

Betray: Traicionar

Reluctant: Reacio

Pursue: Persigue

Row: Escndalo

Jangle: Sonar

Innocuous: Inofensivo

Approach: Enfoque

Imply: Querer decir, implicar

Knack: Truco, tranquillo

Unwise: Imprudente

Overstate: Exagerar

Supportive: que apoya

Enable: Hacer posible, Permitir

Dismayed: consternado, desalentado

A blur: Un recuerdo con lagunas

Treadmill: Cinta de correr

Brake: Freno (v) and (n)

Steering wheel: volante (coche)

Gears: Marchas

Resent : Resignarse

Livelier: Con ms vida

Steadily: Continuamente

Evenly: Igualmente

Smoothly: Suavemente

Plump: Rechoncho

Breadths: Amplitud

Expanses: Extensiones

BESIDES: Adems de, tambin


PROVIDED = as long as = only if

Whereas: mientras que

Enlievened: Animado, avivado

Revived: Revivido

Striker: Huelguista

Likelihood: Probabilidad
Arose: Surgi

Engaged: Acopl, contrat

Update: Actualizar

Renewed: Renovado

Even so: An as

Just sort of: similar to maybe, By chance

Fairly: Similar to quite

Adept (formal) = Clever (informal)

Contemplate (f) = Think about (i)

Food (f) = grub (i)

Generation (f) = Age group (i)

Neighbourhood (f) = area (i)

Rapid (f) = Quick (i)

Reside (f) = live (i)

Tolerate (f) = Put up with (i) : aguantar

Hesitate = doubt Hesitate to ask

Root: base, raz

Stem = Base y algo ms

Prompts: chivar, apuntar, ordenar..

Stroll = Walk

Depicted: Descrito / Dibujado

Virtually: ms dbil que absolutely

Full Sail ( A toda vela)

Long / Short Working hours

Harsh/ Close/ tight/ Fierce Competition

Wide range
Huge/ constant/ high/ low pressure

Vast/ nice/ little experience

Endless/ hight/ low number / A considerable number of

Entirely surprising

Peer Group (Grupo de colegas)

Make/ Suggest/ Propose Recommendations

Huge/ powerful impact

Excellent reputation

Huge/ vast increase

Extensive (vasta)/ vast knowledge

Specialist (especializadas) Skills

Take A step/Turns/ A chance/ Care

Take A stroll, Walk

Give A party/ A lecture/ Someone a smile

Lay an egg (poner un huevo)/The blame on (echar la culpa a)/ The table

MakeArrangements/ an apology/ a noise/ Friends

Pay attention/ Tribute to (make respect)/ a compliment

Run a business/ A race/ A campaign

ShootA film/ A target (apuntar a un objetivo)/ An arrow (apuntar un arco)

Stand Trial/ For parliament/ A chance

Drow a conclusion (to consider the fact of a situation and make a decision about what is
true, correct)

Drow (my) attention (Atraer (mi) atencin)

Fake a laugh

Large amount of money

Have A good time

The ordinary Person // common Folk, people

Prompt A laugh
To serve a purpose (servir un propsito)

Attend a meeting

Do sports

Expanses of ocean

Economic problems

Area of expertise

Object Of beauty

Mi life is a treadmill: Pasa muy rpido/ rutinaria

Stab someone in the back = Betray

Be a wonder = Be surprising

Cant wait for = Look forward to

Keep an eye on sth = Watch carefully

Be tied up = Be very bussy

To be on the mend = To get better

Turn a blind eye on it = Let it pass

Twist my arm = Convince me

Keep the fingers crossed

Pull someones leg = Joke with someone

Break a leg! = Good luck!

He has got ants in his pants = He is nervous

Put my foot in it = make a mistake while talking

To be a pain in the neck = Ser pesado

To pick a fight = Begin an argument

Take place = Happen

To go bananas = Become crazy

To be a couch potato = be very lazy

To bite off more than you can chew = Do more things than you can

Keep your hair on = Keep calm

To cast an eye over = To have a quick look at

Appeal to

Hope for something

Settle up : Pay what you owe

Catch down: reduce

Catch on: Become popular

Catch up with: Alcanzar

Consist in: consistir en, basarse en.

Consist of: be made of, componerse de.

Exert control over

Explain to

Worry about

Complain about

Related to

Count on

Knowledge of

Pay for sth

Answer to

Place sth under scrutiny

Congratulate someone on sth

Take part in

Take into consideration

Take on = Accept a job/ employ, hire

Take up = Start a new hooby

Drow attention to

A need for

An advertisement for sth

Keep on = continue

Keep up with: llevar el ritmo de

Break off= Stop early (As if I finish sth early)

Break down = collapse (An engine, negotiations)

Make up: Reconciliar/ Construir/ Inventar ( A story)

Make out = Kiss/ Understand, hear

Make off: Escape, run away

Set up: stablish sth

Set against someone = to be opposed

Bring about = Plan and make it happen

Bring on = Venir con algo Bring it on! = Come on! , as a challenge

Put off: Posponer/ Repeler +noun,+verb-ing

Put someone down: make smn feel bad

Get by: Have in off money to survive

Get on with smn = get along with (llevarse bien)

Get on with sth: Hazlo ya!

Tent to: tender a

Talk: about sth, to sb, with sb, on sth (When you give a conversation)

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