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- without democracy, the elite class with make the decision vs democracy people have rights
to make
- equal political participation

- inform citizens for democracy

proposition opposition
1. Quantity of information circulation rise 1. Quality of information drop
Low quality information provided
2. searching engine will organize the 2. algorithm is untransparent
information ( counter arguing point 1 Search engine optimization (SEO)
counter argument) cookies

3. majority speak up enhance belief 3. some people (e.g. grandma) can hardly
minority shut up suppressed belief ( participate ( social group)
spiral of silence thory) - establishment has stronger power etc
Thus IT allows the silent minority to find easier to accss
like-minded together - technological capacity
So at that by IT both minority and e.g. google has saved your cookies
majority can enhance their beliefbut btw fb can actually save and own your
this causes polarization photos
such divide is shrinking over time
* polarization is not good for democracy
cant come into concensus - good argument

7 Nov
market strong (commercial+PSB)
Political parallelism quite strong( co-exist with non-PP)
oriental daily and apple daily are the most famous strong PP\
- some extreme pp can perform extremely poor as well ( e.g. Ta Kung
Pao, Passion times)
Professionalization -colonial press ( sophisticated censorship indeed)
- prep for handover:grown strong
- after mid 2000s:setbacks ( over-commercalization
sensationally reported(btw TW more serious),self-
censorship) - self-censorship is a strong evidence for weak
professionalization, but now in HK u can see more and more
State role - PSB (e.g. RTHK)
- TV license
- cableless TV: so make use of air radiowaves
- radiowaves frequency is a public resource
- government now claim that cant be more transparent , have to
protect businessmens rights
- to change the over-commercialization situation, you can only change
customers behaviour
- HK nearest to liberal model, similar to the UK model, reason can be because we are a
colony of UK, model is influenced by social and political context

- building a better public sphere
today: pm as an example
Nov 21 Presentation (group)
Nov 28 Tutors feedback (group)
Dec 7 Essay due (individual)

1. Identify the problem ? List them out

2. Causes to the problem
3. Solutions
4. consolidate plan ( combine everything in 3 to make the maxillary arch)

1. Ownership public ownership
2. Advertising ( try to get clean monet) subsidies/ crowd- funding/ donation
3. Sourcing citizen journalism scheme
4. Flack profrssional exchange
5. ideological marginalization

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