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Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of these elements is used as an antiseptic in medicine?
(a) Carbon (b) Oxygen
(c) Nitrogen (d) Iodine
2. Which of the following does not contain a metallic element?
(a) Sodium Chloride (b) Silicon dioxide
(c) Magnesium oxide
(d) Calcium hydroxide
3. Which of these have physical properties similar to sodium?
(a) Calcium (b) Magnesium
(c) Potassium (d) Silver
4. Aluminum is a type of metal that is used to make?
(a) Wires and bulb filaments
(b) Tanks and magnets
(c) Drink cans, foils and aero planes
(d) Food containers and tooth fillings
5. A substance can be identical as metal or non-metal by its
(a) Hardness (b) density
(c) Electrical conductivity
(d) all of these
6. Bronze is an example of
(a) an element
(b) a compound of copper and zinc
(c) a mixture of copper and lead
(d) a mixture of copper and tin
7. The reason(s) why aluminum is preferred over copper for making overhead cables
(i) Aluminum is lighter than copper
(ii) Aluminum is harder than copper
(iii) Aluminum is less soluble in water than copper
(a) i only (b) iii only
(c) i and ii only (d) i, ii and iii
8. A metal dissolved in mercury is called a/an
(a) Suspension (b) emulsion
(c) Amalgam (d) solution
9. Identify the most reactive metal
(a) Iron (b) Gold
(c) Zinc (d) Potassium
10. Non-metals can exist in which of the following forms?
(a) Generally gases (b) Solids, liquids, gases
(c) Gases and liquids
(d) Generally liquids
11. Which metal does not react with water?
(a) Na (b) Mg
(c) Cu (d) Fe
12. Which is not a basic oxide?
(a) Sodium oxide (b) Calcium oxide
(c) Silicon oxide (d) Iron oxide
13. An element X forms an oxide XO which turns red litmus blue. Identify X.
(a) A metal (b) A non-metal
(c) A metalloid (d) A noble gas
14. An alloy used in making bodies of aircraft is
(a) Duralumin (b) steel
(c) Amalgam (d) solder
15. Non-metals form
(a) cations (b) anions
(c) anions and cations
(d) do not form ions
16. Which of the following is the property of non-metals?
(a) Low densities (b) Low melting points
(c) Poor conductors (d) All of these
17. Mercury is used in thermometers because
(a) It does not stick to the glass
(b) It expands on heating
(c) It is a liquid (d) all of these
18. The metal which is soft is?
(a) Na (b) Al
(c) Cu (d) Pb
19. Tungsten is used in electric bulbs because
(a) It is sonorous
(b) it has high melting point
(c) it has high tensile strength
(d) it has high density
20. The non-metal used in vulcanization of rubber is
(a) sulphur (b) carbon
(c) Phosphorus (d) nitrogen
21. Which of the following is not a property of aluminum?
(a) Good conductor of heat and electricity
(b) It is malleable
(c) It is heavy (d) It is ductile
22. When a substance X is hit with a hammer, it expands in size but does not break.
This is because the substance is
a) ductile b) hard
c) elastic d) malleable
23. Which of the following is not a physical property of an element?
a) Ductility
b) Electrical conductivity
c) Reaction with Acid
d) Strength
24. Which of the following is a non-metal?
a) Tungsten b) Mercury
c) Graphite d) Platinum
25. A coil of copper wire can be made by pulling a larger piece of copper metal. This is due to which of the
following properties of copper?
(a) Malleability (b) Ductility
(c) Tensile strength (d) Conductivity
26. Which of the following groups of physical properties should be considered when selecting materials to
build the body of a ship?
(a) Strong, low density and easy to mould
(b) Hard, high density and strong
(c) Heat insulator, light and high density
(d) Strong, high density, good conductor
27. The physical property for making the heating element in electrical appliances is
(a) High electrical conductivity
(b) High density
(c) High melting point
(d) High tensile strength
28. Brass is an alloy of
(a) Cu,Sn (b) Cu,Zn
(c) Cu, Al (d) Sn, Pb
29. The metals are eaten away when they are exposed to water, oxygen and other chemicals.
(a) Oxidation (b) Corrosion
(c) Galvanization (d) Amalgamation
30. Rusting of iron requires the presence of
(a) Air and water (b) CO2 and water (c) O2 and H2 (d) O2 and N2
31. Metal which does not react even with steam is
(a) Potassium (b) iron (c) magnesium (d) Silver
32. The property of metals by virtue of which their surface shines, is
(a) Sonority (b) ductility (c) luster (d) malleability
33. Which of the following statements is not true?
(a) Among all the naturally occurring elements around eighty percent are metals.
(b) Non-metals are more abundant than metals.
(c) Sodium and potassium are soft like wax.
(d) Bromine is a reddish brown liquid at room temperature.
34. When steam is passed through zinc then
(a) Zinc oxide is formed
(b) Zinc hydroxide is formed
(c) HCI is formed (d) H2O is formed
35. Study the following equations and mark the correct option.
2A + 2B 2AOH + H2
S + O2 C
(a) Na H2O SO2 H2SO3
(b) Na H2O SO2 H2SO4
(c) K H2O SO2 H2SO4
(d) K H2O SO3 H2So3
36. The metal which is present brass, bronze and German silver is
(a) Mg (b) Zn (c) Cu (d) AI
37. The metal that forms a self protecting film of oxide to prevent corrosion is
(a) Cu (b) AI (c) Pt (d) Au
38. Non-metals do not conduct electricity because
(a) they have free electrons
(b) they do not have free electrons
(c) they are electron donors
(d) they are electron acceptors
39. A copper coin is kept immersed in a solution of silver nitrate for some time. What will happen to
the coin and the colour of the solution?
(a). Silver metal will be deposited on coin and solution will turn blue
(b). Solution will remain colourless and coin will turn blue
(c) Both solution and the coin will turn blue
(d) Both solution and the coin will become colourless
40. Metals below hydrogen in the activity series can
(a) React with acids to liberate hydrogen gas
(b) React with water at ordinary temperature
(c) React with acids to liberate hydrogen ions
(d) None of these
41. Two metals are melted and mixed together. The resulting mass is cooled to solidify. What is this solid
(a) An alloy (b) A non-metal
(c) An oxide (d) A mineral
42. The poorest conductor among metals is
(a) Copper (b) lead
(c) Zinc (d) gold
43. When a metal X is added to dilute HCI solution, there is no evolution of gas. The metal X is
(a) K (b) Na
(c) Ag (d) Zn
44. Reactivity of zinc is __________ than hydrogen.
(a) Less (b) more
(c) Equal
(d) Sometimes more sometimes less
45. Which of the following pairs will give displacement reaction?
(a) NaCl solution and copper metal
(b) MgCl2 solution and aluminum metal
(c) FeSO4 solution and silver metal
(d) AgNO3 solution and copper metal
46. Which of the following methods is suitable for preventing an iron frying pan from rusting?
(a) Applying grease (b) Applying paint
(c) Applying a coating of zinc
(d) All of the above
47. The correct order of increasing chemical reactivity is
(a) Zn < Fe < Mg < KF
(b) Fe < Mg < Zn <K
(c) Fe < Mg < K < Zn
(d) Fe < Zn < Mg < K
48. Which of the following elements is not a metal?
(a) Calcium (b) Copper
(c) Potassium (d) Carbon
49. Diamond is a/an
(a) Alloy (b) metal
(c) Metalloid (d) non-metal
50. Which of the following elements produces basic oxide on reacting with oxygen?
(a) Chlorine (b) Sulphur
(c) Phosphorous (d) Magnesium
51. Copper sulphate solution can be safely kept in a container made of
(a) Aluminum (b) lead
(c) Silver (d) zinc
52. Which of the following metals occurs in Free State in nature?
(a) Aluminum (b) Calcium
(c) Gold (d) Sodium
53. Which of the following is not a property of a non-metal?
(a) Forms anions (b) Forms acidic oxides
(c) High tensile strength
(d) Low density
54. An unknown metal X when placed in copper sulphate solution gives a red brown precipitate. When
placed in magnesium sulphate solution gives no reaction. Identify element X.
(a) Sodium (b) Potassium
(c) Calcium (d) Iron
55. Gun metal is an alloy of
( a) Cu and AI (b) Cu and Zn
(c) Cu, Zn and Ni (d) Cu and Sn
56. Which of the following will replace hydrogen from acids to form salts?
(a) Sulphur (b) Sodium
(c) Silicon (d) Silver
57. Which of metal foil is used for packing of some of the medicine tablets?
(a) Aluminum (b) Silver
(c) Gold (d) Tin
58. Which of the following alloys does not contain tin?
(a) Bronze (b) Gun metal
(c) German silver (d) Type metal
59. Duralumin is mixture of
(a) Copper and tin
(b) Copper and zinc
(c) Copper, nickel and zinc
(d) Aluminum, copper, and traces of Mg and Mn
60. White phosphorus is stored in
(a) Air (b) Water
(c) Kerosene (d) alcohol

Fill in the Blanks

1. The oxides of metals are in nature
2. . Litmus paper turns . When it is dipped in a basic solution
3. The only liquid non-metal is
4. Metals react with mineral acids to form . And evolve
5. .. Is a non-metal which conducts electricity?
6. .. Is a non-metal which is lustrous?
7. Fizzy drinks are .. In nature
8. Brass is made up of .. And .
9. Carbon dioxide dissolves in water to form..
10. Silver reacts with sulphur compounds to form a black coating of ..
11. Fe + H2O + O2 .
12. the most reactive metal is placed on the .. and the least reactive metal at the of the
reactivity series.
13. CuSO4 +Fe .. + . .
14. Non metals exist in . state.
15. An alloy of iron called . is used in constructor of buildings, dams and bridges.
16. Foils for packaging of food are made up of . .
17. .and . Metals are kept in Kerosene.
18. Formation of layers of undesirable compounds on the surface of metals is known as ..
19. Rust is a/an . Oxide
20. Gold lies very low in reactivity series being highly
21. a metal which is not ductile or malleable.
22. . reacts with hot water to give hydrogen.

True or False
1. Copper does not get corroded.
2. Sodium metal can be cut with a knife.
3. Non-metals combine with oxygen to form basic oxide.
4. Reactivity of all metals is same towards water and acids.
5. Non metals have many different colours.
6. Non-metals are less dense and have low melting and boiling points.
7. Non-metals are sonorous.
8. Coins are made up of making resonating sound is called sonority.
9. The property of making resonating sound is called sonority.
10. Aero planes are made from alloys of iron.
11. Immersion rods for heating liquids are made up of metallic substances.
12. Metals tend to form anions.
13. Sodium and potassium are very reactive, they react with water present in air, and hence they are stored in
14. We can store curd in an aluminum vessel for a long time.
15. When magnesium combines with oxygen, it burns with a dazzling white flame and forms a white
powder called magnesium oxide.
16. Metals can be stretched to great extent without breaking or tensile strength of metals is very high.
17. Electric wires are made up of iron or lead.
18. Calcium also reacts very vigorously with water, generating lot of heat.

Matrix Match Type:

In this section each question contains statements given in two columns which have to be matched.
Statements (A, B, C, and D) in column I have to be matched with statements (p, q, r, and s) in
column-II. The answers to these questions have to be appropriately bubbled as illustrated in the
following example. If the correct matches are A-q, A-r, B-p, B-s, C-r, C-s and D-q, then the correctly
bubbled matrix will look like as shown.
Column I Column-II
(A) Aircrafts (p) Stainless steel
(B) Utensils (q) Bronze
(C) Medals (r) Magnalium
(D) Balance beam (s) Duralumin
Column I Column- II
(A) The property of making (p) Ductility
resonating sound
(B) The property to be drawn (q) Malleability
into wires
(C) The property to be (r) sonority
beaten into sheets
(D) The property to withstand (s) Tensile strength
the longitudinal pull
Column I (Metal) Column II (Use)
(A) Iron (p) Wrapping food
(B) Aluminum (q) Machinery
(C) Copper (r) Thermometers
(D) Mercury (s) Electric wires
Column I Column II
(A) Metallic oxide (p) Turns blue litmus red
(B) Phosphorus (q) Kept in kerosene
(C) Non metallic oxide (r) Basic in nature
(D) Sodium (s) Kept in water
Column I Column II
(A) Iron oxide (p) Liquid metal
(B) Noble metal (q) Acidic oxide
(C) Sulphur dioxide (r) Gold
(D) Mercury (s) Basic oxide
Column I Column II
(A) Rust (p) Acidic oxide
(B) Bromine (q) Hydrated iron oxide
(C) Carbon dioxide (r) Non- metal
(D) Magnesium Oxide (s) Basic oxide
Column I Column II
(A) Sulphur (p) Violet
(B) Iodine (q) Reddish brown
(C) Carbon (r) Yellow
(D) Bromine (s) Black
Column I Column II
(A) CuSO4 solution (p) Colourless
(B) FeSO4 solution (q) Purple
(C) ZnSO4 solution (r) Light green
(D) I2 solution (s) Blue

Assertion and Reason Type

Directions: In each of the following questions, a statement of assertion (A) is given followed by a
corresponding statement of Reason (R) just below it. Of the statements, mark the correct answer as
(a) If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion
(b) If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion
(c) If assertion is true but reason is false
(d) If assertion is false but reason is true.
1. Assertion: Iron is found in Free State in nature.
Reason : Iron is highly reactive metal
2. Assertion: Zinc is used in galvanization of iron.
Reason: Its coating on iron articles increases their life by protecting them from rusting.
3. Assertion: Copper cannot displace hydrogen from acids.
Reason : It lies above hydrogen in the reactivity series.
4. Assertion: Aluminum appears dull in colour and does not react with water, acids or alkalis.
Reason: It has a protective layer o0f oxide on it.
5. Assertion: If a piece of copper is placed in silver nitrate solution, the solution becomes blue.
Reason: Displacement reaction takes place and copper goes into the solution.
6. Assertion: On beating with the help of a hammer, coal is converted into small pieces and finally into a
Reason: Coal is made up of carbon which is malleable in nature.
7. Assertion: Most of the metals can be beaten into sheets.
Reason: Most of the metals are ductile.
8. Assertion: Graphite is a non metal.
Reason: It is only non-metal which good conductor of electricity.
9. Assertion: A solution of carbon dioxide in water turns red litmus blue.
Reason: Carbon dioxide is an acidic oxide.
10. Assertion: Copper and aluminum are used to make electric wires.
Reason: Copper and aluminum are good conductors of electricity.

Passage Comprehension
Passage 1: The decay of metals by atmospheric oxygen and moisture is called corrosion. Few metals do
not with atmospheric gases and water and do not undergo corrosion, while others develop a dull layer on
them or a coloured layer to spoil their shiny appearance on turn black or are converted into powder. Few
elements, on the other hand are protected due to presence of this dull layer of oxide on them.
1. Aluminum does not react readily with air or water because
(a) it occupies high position in electrochemical series.
(b) it lies below hydrogen in electrochemical series.
(c) it is covered with a layer of oxide which does not rub off.
(d) it is a noble metal.
2. Iron reacts with air in presence of water and forms a brown powder which is called rust chemically rust is
(a) Iron oxide (b) hydrated iron oxide
(c) Iron sulphate (d) iron carbonate
3. Silver metal on exposure to air for a long time becomes black in colour. What is the reason behind it?
(a) Silver reacts with hydrogen sulphide present in air and forms silver sulphate.
(b) Silver reacts with carbon dioxide present in air to form silver carbonate.
(c) Silver reacts with water to form silver hydroxide.
(d) Silver reacts with air to form silver oxide.
4. The green layer developed on copper on exposure to air is due to
(a) Copper carbonate layer
(b) Basic copper carbonate layer
(c) Copper sulphate layer
(d) Copper nitrate layer
PASSAGE 2: Certain metals have the capacity to displace some metals from their salt solutions. These
reactions are known as metal displacement reactions. A metal placed higher in activity series can displace
the metal occupying lower position from aqueous solution of its salt or a more reactive metal can displace
less reactive metal from its salt solution.
1. If a zinc rod is dipped in copper sulphate solution, following changes will be noticed. Mark the
Correct observations.
(i) Zinc rod slowly loses its weight
(ii) Copper settles at the bottom of the beaker.
(iii) Blue colour of copper sulphate disappears.
(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (i),(ii) and (iii)
(i) and (iii) (d) only (iii)
2. Take aqueous solution of copper sulphate in one test tube and ferrous sulphate in another test tube. Dip
and iron nail in copper sulphate and copper wire in ferrous sulphate solution. Mark the correct observation.
(a) Blue colour in first test tube changes to light green and green in the second test tube changes to blue.
(b) There is no reaction in both the test tubes.
(c) Blue colour in first test tube changes to light green and no changes in second test tube.
(d) Blue colour remains as such and green colour in second test tube changes to blue.
3. The above observations show that
(a) copper is present above iron in the activity series
(b) Iron is present above copper in the activity series
(c) Both iron and copper are present above hydrogen in activity series
(d) Activity series does not decide reactivity of the metal
4. Displacement reactions are shown by
(a) metals only (b) non-metals only
(c) both metals and non-metals
(d) all the elements
PASSAGE -3 Metals and non-metals react with oxygen to give oxides at different rates. The oxides formed
by metals are basic in nature while oxides formed by non-metals are acidic in nature while oxides formed by
non-metals are acidic in nature. The nature of oxides can be determined by testing the aqueous solution of
oxide with litmus paper.
1. The oxides of non metals are acidic oxides because they dissolve in water to give ..
(a) Alkalies (b) acids
(c) Carbonates (d) sulphates
2. Phosphorus is burnt in air to give phosphorus pentoxide.It is dissolved in water and tested with litmus
paper. Mark the correct observation.
(a) Red litmus paper turns blue.
(b) Blue litmus paper turns red.
(c) There is no change in the litmus paper.
(d) Red litmus paper changes to green.
3. Magnesium ribbon on burning in air gives a white powder which when dissolved in water turns red litmus
blue. The reason for this change is that
(a) MgO is a basic oxide
(b) MgO is an acidic oxide
(c) MgO is a very reactive oxide
(d) MgO is not a reactive oxide
PASSAGE: 4 Metals in general have a tendency to evolve hydrogen on reacting with acids. In the activity
series the metals that are placed above hydrogen evolve the gas on reaction with acids while the metals
placed below hydrogen do not evolve the gas on reaction with acids. These metals are regarded as inactive
metals. Metals placed at the bottom of the series are called noble metals.
1. Potassium and sodium react with oxygen at room temperature while magnesium reacts with oxygen on
hearing. What does the observation show?
(a) Magnesium occupies lower position than sodium in the activity series.
(b) Magnesium occupies a higher position in the activity series.
(c) Magnesium lies at the bottom of the activity series.
(d) Magnesium is not a reactive metal.
2. Silver and gold do not react with oxygen even at very high temperature while copper reacts on prolonged
heating. The reactivity of these metals is
(a) Cu > Ag > Au (b) Cu =Ag > Au
(c) Cu = Ag = Au (d) Au > Cu > Ag
3. Mark the correct statement.
(a) Metals placed above hydrogen react with dilute acids to evolve hydrogen gas.
(b) Metals placed below hydrogen react with dilute acids to evolve hydrogen gas.
(c) Metals placed at the bottom of the series are very reactive.
(d) Metals placed above hydrogen are not very reactive.

Subjective problems
Very Short Answer Type
1. What are the elements which show properties of both metals and non-metals called?
2. Name the reaction in which more reactive metal displaces less reactive metal form its salt solution?
3. What is galvanization?
4. Why aluminum and copper metals are used for making utensils?
5. What is rust chemically known as?
6. What happens when a solution of metal oxide is tested with (i)blue litmus and (ii) red litmus?
7. Compare the changes taking place in an iron piece and a wood log on beating with a hammer.
8. List four physical properties of metals.
9. Explain why zinc metal can displace copper from copper sulphate solution but copper cannot displace
zinc from zinc sulphate solution?
10. Why are metals good conductors of electricity?
11. Write equation for the reaction of iron with steam.
12. Arrange Ca, Zn, Fe, Au, Ag and Cu in order of decreasing reactivity.
13. What is the most common property of the metals lying at the bottom of the reactivity series?
14. What is Amalgam?
15. In what respect does graphite resemble a metal?

Short Answer Type

1. Complete the table about properties of metals

Property Meaning
(a) Can be beaten into thin sheets
(b) Can be pulled into wires
(c) Gives a ringing sound when hit
(d) Has a shiny appearance
2. For the following questions, choose answers from the list of elements mercury, carbon, hydrogen, tin
sulphur, bromine magnesium, silicon
(a) Which of the elements are solids?
(b) Which of the elements are liquids?
(c) Which of the elements are gases?
(d) Which of the elements are metals?
(e) Which of the elements are non metals?
3. What happens when a magnesium ribbon is heated in presence of air?
4. List few important uses of metals.
5. What will happen if you drop
(a) Some zinc pieces into blue copper sulphate solution?
(b) Some copper pieces into green ferrous sulphate solution?
6. Gold, Platinum and silver are used to make jewellery. Give reasons.
7. Why do some metals acquire a dull appearance on exposure to air for a long time?
8. Give reason why metals are good conductors, whereas non-metals are bad conductors of electricity.
9. Why are some metals light in weight? Give examples of few light metals.
10. Arrange the metals K, Na and Ca in decreasing order of reactivity on the basis of reaction with water.
11. How do alloys, brass and brass and bronze differ in composition?
12. Aluminium metal is not as reactive as expected. Why?
13. Which of the following metals will give hydrogen with dilute hydrochloric acid? Fe, Cu, Mg.
14. Name the alloy of lead used in joining metals for electrical work.
15. Name the alloy of copper which is used in making utensils and vessels.

Long Answer Type

1. Two properties of four substances A, B, C, and D are given in the table.

Substance Melting Electrical conductivity

Point(C) Solid Molten form

A 1100 Good Good

B 1234 Poor Poor
C 2027 Poor Poor
D 15 Poor Poor
Which of these substances is most likely a metal and why?
2. Identify the non-metals on the basis of their use:
(i) Non metal essential for all living beings.
(ii) Non-metal used in fertilizers to enhance growth of plants.
(iii) Non-metal used in water purification process.
(iv)Non metal used in purple coloured solution which is applied on wounds and used as an antiseptic.
(v) Non-metals are used in crackers.
3. Explain the reaction of metals with oxygen.
4. What are the harmful effects of corrosion? Mention a type of corrosion which is helpful to the metal.
5. Alloys have some advantages over a pure metal. Explain this statement with two examples.
6. with a suitable activity show that sulphur burns in air to form a compound which is acidic in explain.
7. An iron knife kept in blue copper sulphate solution turns the blue solution into light green. Explain
8. An athlete won a bronze medal in a competition. After a few months he noticed that the medal has a
greenish layer on it and it has lost its brightness. Explain the observation.

Integer Answer Type

This section contains 5 questions. The answer to each of the questions is single digit integer, ranging from 0
to 9. If the correct answers to question numbers X, Y, Z and W (say) are 6, 0, 9 and 2respectively, then the
correct darkening of bubbles will look like the following.
1. Number of metals which lie above hydrogen out of the following is Sodium, lead, copper, platinum, zinc,
2. In the following reaction, x is
xNa + O2 yNa2O
3. Number of elements which form basic oxide is Magnesium, aluminum, Carbon, Sulphur, iron,
potassium, zinc
4. Number of elements which will not react even with hot water is
Sodium, iron, zinc, copper, magnesium, silver
5. Number of possible reactions out of the following is
Cu + 2AgNO3 2Ag + Cu (NO2)
Cu + ZnSO4 CuSO4 + Zn
Mg + CuSO4 MgSO4 + Cu
Zn + PbSO4 ZnSO4 + Pb

Questions from Previous Years NTSE/Olympiads

1. Acids react with metals and they liberate
(a) oxygen (b) hydrogen
(c) nitrogen (d) carbon-dioxide

(Karnataka-SAT, 2009)
2. In the process of welding metals like stainless steel and aluminum
(a) Oxy acetylene flame is used
(b) Liquid helium is used
(c) Liquid oxygen is used
(d) Liquid nitrogen is used
3. If you cut a piece of sodium with a knife and then gently drop it on the surface of cold water with the help
of forceps, the gas evolved is
(a) O2 (b) H2
(c) Cl2 (d) N2

(Karnataka SAT, 2009)

4. Which of the following metals on reacting with sodium hydroxide solution produce hydrogen gas?
1. Cu 2. Al
3. Fe 4.Zn
(a) 2 and 3 (b) 2 and 4
(c) 1 and 4 (d) 2 only

(Uttar Pradesh SAT, 2010)

5. Match the following.
Column I Column II
(i) Sodium (p) on burning produces an acidic gas
(ii) Phosphorous (q) Reacts neither with acids nor bases
(iii) Copper (r) it is so soft that is can be cut with a knife
(iv) Charcoal (s) Burns spontaneously on exposure to air
(t) Acquires a dull green coating on exposure to air.
Which of the following shows the correct Matching?
(a) (i) (r), (ii)-(t), (iii)-(q),(iv)-(p)
(b)(i) (s), (ii)-(p), (iii)-(r),(iv)-(q)
(c) (i) (s), (ii)-(t), (iii)-(r),(iv)-(q)
(d) (i) (r), (ii)-(s), (iii)-(t),(iv)-(p)
(Uttar Pradesh SAT, 2010)
6. In which test tubes, the rusting of iron nail will take place?
(a) I and IV (b) I, II and IV
(c) II and III (d) II, III and IV
7. Things made of iron are galvanized to avoid rusting by dipping them in
(a) Molten nickel (b) molten tin
(c) Molten zinc (d) molten chromium

(Karnataka SAT, 2010)

8. This is used as grinding stone to sharpen cutting tools
(a) Coke (b) coal
(c) Calcium carbide (d) silicon carbide

(Karnataka SAT, 2010)

9. The metal which is the best conductor of heat and electricity is
(a) Copper (b) aluminum
(c) Silver (d) zinc

(Karnataka SAT, 2010)

10. Metals can be drawn into thin wires. This property is called as ..
(a) Conductivity (b) ductility
(c) Malleability (d) tensile growth

(Goa SAT, 2010)

11. A greenish deposit on the surface of copper vessel is chemically a mixture of .
(a) Cu (OH) 2 and CuO
(b) CuO and CuSO3
(c) Cu2O and CuO (d) Cu (OH) 2 and CuCO3

(Goa SAT, 2010)

12. The chemical formula of the rust is
(a) FeO (b) Fe2O3
(c) FeO + FeO3 (d) O2 + H2O +FeO
13. To prevent the contact of phosphorus with atmospheric oxygen, it is stored in
(a) Kerosene (b) liquid oxygen
(c) H2O (d) edible oil

(Goa SAT, 2010)

14. Steel is an alloy of ____________
(a) Zn and Cu (b) C and Fe
(c) Zn and Ni (d) C and Mn
15. Which metal is used in the thermometer?
(a) Sodium (b) Mercury
(c) Magnesium (d) Silver

(Maharashtra SAT, 2010)

16. Freezing point of mercury is
(a) -35C (b)-34C
(c) -39C (d) -38C

(Maharashtra SAT, 2010)

17. metal is in liquid from at normal temperature.
(a) Mercury (b) Sodium
(c) Magnesium (d) Silver
18. When copper reacts with hot and concentrated sulphuric acid . Gas is produced.
(a) Hydrogen (b) oxygen
(c) sulphur dioxide (d) carbon dioxide
19. Which of the following element will produce O2 from water?
(a) P4 (b) Na
(c) F2 (d) I2
20. Which of the following will produce by burning magnesium in air?
(a) MgO (b)MgO + Mg3N2
(c) Mg3N2 (d) MgCO3
21. Match the items in Column I with Column II

Column I Column II
(Ore) (Metals to be extracted)
(i) Cassiterite (p) Mg
(ii) Chalcopyrite (q) Hg
(iii) Dolomite (r) Sn
(iv) Cinnabar (s) Cu
Which of the following alternatives is correct?
(a) (i)-(q),(ii)-(p),(iii)-(r),(iv)-(s)
(b) (i)-(r),(ii)-(q),(iii)-(p),(iv)-(s)
(c) (i)-(p),(ii)-(r),(iii)-(s),(iv)-(q)
(d) (i)-(r),(ii)-(s),(iii)-(p),(iv)-(s)
22. Among following which one is an alloy?
(a) zinc (b) Gold
(c) Brass (d) Sodium
23. The properties of elements with 4,5,6 or 7 valence electrons is
(a) Metallic (b) non-metallic
(c) acidic (d) alkalies
24. Metals generally do not react with the acid?
(a) Sulphuric acid (b) non-metallic
(c) Nitric acid (d) carbonic acid
25. A copper doll kept in showcase loses its shine with time because of the formation of
(a) Oxides (b) hydroxides
(c) Chlorides (d) sulphates
26. Electrovalent bond is
(a) Ionic bond (b) Covalent bond
(c) Metallic bond (d) hydrogen bond
27. A highly reactive element X is store under water. It readily reacts with oxygen of air to give a compound
Y which dissolves in water. The aqueous solution of Y changes blue litmus solution to red. The element X
(a) Sodium (b) Sulphur
(c) Phosphorus (d) potassium
28. Two elements A and B on burning in air give corresponding oxides. Oxides of both A and B are soluble
in water. The aqueous solution of oxide of A is alkaline and reacts with aqueous solution of oxide of B to
give another compound. Identify A and B.
(a) A and B both are metals
(b) A and B both are non-metals
(c) A is metal and B is non-metal
(d) A is non-metal and B is metal
29. Mercury is the ideal liquid for making thermometer because
(a) It does not stick to glass and is easily visible
(b) Expands on heating
(c) Its boiling point is high
(d) all of the above
30. Which of the following steps is different?
(a) Calcinations (b) Roasting
(c) Concentration (d) Corrosion
31. Which metal is related to kollar mine?
(a) Silver (b) Gold
(c) Aluminum (d) Iron
32. Copper glance ore is a
(a) Carbonate ore (b) sulphide ore
(c) Oxide ore (d) halide ore

National Science Olympiad (NSO)

1. Which of the following will take place in the given figure?
(a) Iron displaces oxygen from CuSO4
(b) Iron displaces Cu from CuSO4
(c) Iron displaces S from CuSO4
(d) No reaction takes place
2. Iron and steel are protected from corrosion by coating them with a layer tin or chromium metals. This
process is called ____________
(a) Galvanization (b) electroplating
(c) Greasing (d) Painting
3. The property of metals which makes them useful as ringing bell is ________________
(a) Malleability (b) ductility
(c) Sonority (d) hardness
4. Samples of four different oxides were taken and dissolved in water separately to form the respective oxide
solution. The four solutions were then tested for their acidic/basic nature. When dissolved in water, which of
the following oxides, is likely to turn blue litmus red?
(a) SO2 (b) MgO
(c) Fe2O3 (d) CaO
5. Which of the following is a common product formed in the reaction of metals which acids and in reaction
of metals with bases?
(a)H2 gas (b) O2 gas
(c)CO2 gas (d) N2 gas
6. When few granules of sample X are added to a solution of copper sulphate, the changes observed are
shown in the figure. Identify sample X and red deposit.
(a) Fe,Zn (b)Zn,Cu
(c) Cu,Zn (d) Fe,Cu
7. Choose the reactions which are not feasible.
I. Iron + zinc sulphate Iron sulphate + zinc
II. Magnesium + silver nitrate Magnesium nitrate + silver
III. Copper + dil.sulphuric acid Copper sulphate + H2
IV. Zinc + ferrous sulphate Iron + Zinc sulphate
(a) I, II and III (b) III and IV only
(c) I and III only (d) All of the above
8. Meenu sets up an electric circuit by using copper wire.
She repeated the experiment with:
I Aluminum foil, II Iron nail,
III Coal, IV Graphite
In which cases the bulb will light up?
(a) I and II only
(b) II and IV only
(c)I, II and IV
(d) All of these
9.Statement I :Most of the metals are malleable.
Statement II: Metals can be drawn into thin wires.
Which option is correct for above statements?
(a) Both statements I and II are true, statement II is correct explanation for statement I.
(b) Both statements I and II are true, statement II is not a correct explanation for statement I.
(c) Statement I is true and statement II is false.
(d) Statement I is false and statement II is true.
10. Mona tries an experiment with five different metals namely sodium, magnesium, zinc, iron and copper in
five different test tubes.
Mona observed that hydrogen gas is evolved in test tube 3, only when it was boiled. Test tube 3 contains
only ___________
(a) Zn (b) Na
(c) Mg (d) Cu
11. Reactivity order of the above mentioned metals is ______________
(a) Sodium > magnesium > Zinc > Iron> Copper
(b) Sodium > magnesium > Iron>Copper>Zinc
(c) Sodium > magnesium > Zinc > Copper>Iron
(d) Sodium > magnesium > Copper > Iron> Zinc
12. Read the given statements and mark the correct option.
Statement 1: Metals are sonorous
Statement 2: Metals are generally brittle in the solid state; they break into pieces when hammed.
(a) Both statements 1 and 2 are true and statement 2 is the correct explanation of statement 1.
(b) Both statements 1 and 2 are true but statement 2 is not the correct explanation of statement 1.
(c) Statement 1 is true but statement 2 is false.
(d) Both statements 1 and 2 are false.

13. Study the table carefully and select the appropriate options.

Sample Conductor of Malleability Lustrous


(a) Potassium sodium Graphite Aluminum
(b) Graphite Aluminum Sodium Potassium
(c) Sodium Aluminum Potassium Graphite
(d) Aluminum Sodium Graphite Potassium
14. Which of the following reactions cannot occur?
(a) Fe + CuSO4 FeSO4 + Cu
(b) Zn + FeSO4 ZnSO4 + Fe
Fe + ZnSO4 FeSO4 + Zn
(d) Both (a) and (b)
15. Some materials like magnesium ribbon, aluminum foil, copper wire and charcoal (powder) were taken in
different test tubes labeled as P, Q, R and S.5 mL of dilute hydrochloric acid was added to each test tube.
When a burning match stick is brought near the mouth of each test tube, in which cases pop around would
be heard?
(a) only P (b) P and Q
(c) Q and S (d) P, Q and R
16. Ritika noted the initial color of the solutions in breaker I , II, III and IV.After inserting zinc rods in each
solution and leaving undisturbed for two hours, she noted the colour of each solution again.Mark the beakers
in which colour change is observed?
(a) I and II (b) II and III
(c) III and IV (d)I and Iv
17. Rusting cannot be prevented by __________
(a) Oiling (b) Galvanization
(c)Alloying (d) Wrapping iron object with paper
18. Which of the following can be beaten into sheets?
(a) Zinc (b) Phosphorous
(c) Sulphur (d) oxygen

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