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Name : Jess Alcivar Zambrano - Emily Estupin Chaw


Topic: Illegal bypass

Title of the essay: Illegal bypass of networks.

The frauds that occur in the telecommunications sector cause a significant economic loss to

telephone companies in our country and similarly in the rest of the world. The telephone signal

bypass is one of the main problems facing the Ecuadorian telecommunications companies, since

among the main affections that cause are the great economic losses, the lack of security, and the

damage to infrastructure by unauthorized facilities.

Of the existing types of fraud, the one that causes the most damage to the telephony operators and

the Ecuadorian state, is the Bypass, which in recent years has caused great economic losses. In

summary we can say that the Bypass directly routes the traffic coming from outside to the local

exchanges, without going through the international traffic center (that is, the international call rate

is avoided, and it becomes a call local). The traffic of incoming calls is approximately 8 times

greater than that of outgoing calls and in this same sense the illicit of Bypass is committed. The

Bypass is shown as an alternative route for international carriers, which has a much lower cost

than that required by local telephone companies; for this reason they decide: to enter their traffic

volumes through this alternative way; or, encourage the implementation of Bypass systems to enter

your traffic at a lower cost.

The lack of security is another problem, for this measures have been taken as the acquisition of

equipment equipped with hardware and software, which algorithms characteristic of fraud, are able

to identify the operation of fraudulent systems. Also the formation of permanent monitoring

groups, in charge of identifying the possible committal of telephone fraud. and the disposition of

an elite group, in charge of intervening, dismantling and dismantling the bands that clandestinely

provide illegal telecommunications services.

To carry out the fraud and evade the current rates, those who commit the Bypass install illicit

platforms in the country, whose structures incorporate several cell lines of legitimate customers,

in charge of receiving the national messages, which are processed through the Internet, to

international destinations. Many times those frauds are committed internally by some worker to

profit, this affects the installation itself and often goes unnoticed.

In conclusion, what is wanted mainly by the Bypass is to evade the payment of the interconnection

fee to the local operator. If immediate legal support is not available, in vain resources and efforts

are used to control fraud, as the same protagonists who are now detected and punished for

providing illegal services, tomorrow will operate again, in another location and under an identifier


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