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Plant Stress 2010 Global Science Books

Plants under Continuous Light: A Review

Marina I. Sysoeva* Eugenia F. Markovskaya Tatjana G. Shibaeva

Institute of Biology, Karelian Research Centre, Russian Academy of Science, 11, Pushkinskaya st., 185910 Petrozavodsk, Russia
Corresponding author: *

In this review an attempt has been made to analyze the results of the studies that explored the changes in the growth and development of
plants exposed to continuous light published since the 1930s, including papers that are available in Russian only. Potential benefits of
using a 24-h photoperiod for the production of greenhouse crops, transplant production in closed controlled environment systems and the
culture of plants in controlled ecological life support systems are reviewed. Continuous lighting is shown to be a useful tool for speeding
up the selection of crops. The mechanisms involved in a plants response to continuous light and causes of negative effects of continuous
light (foliar chlorosis, limited or reduced plant growth and productivity) are discussed. Plant response to continuous light depends on plant
tolerance and can be modified by alterations in temperature, light intensity, CO2 level, humidity, mineral nutrition and other
environmental factors.

Keywords: 24-h photoperiod, growth, development, photosynthesis, chlorosis

Abbreviations: CAT, catalase; CELSS, controlled ecological life support systems; chl, chlorophyll; DM, dry matter; LAR, leaf area
ratio; LDP, long-day plant; NAR, net assimilation rate; NDP, neutral-day plant; PAR, photosynthetically active radiation; POD,
peroxidase; PPF, photosynthetic photon flux; SDP, short-day plant; SLA, specific leaf area; SOD, superoxide dismutase; SPS, sucrose
phosphate synthase


INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
PLANT DEVELOPMENT UNDER CONTINUOUS LIGHT....................................................................................................................... 6
PLANT GROWTH AND PRODUCTIVITY UNDER CONTINUOUS LIGHT ........................................................................................... 7
ASSIMILATE PARTITIONING UNDER CONTINUOUS LIGHT .............................................................................................................. 9
PHOTOSYNTHESIS UNDER CONTINUOUS LIGHT ............................................................................................................................. 10
LEAF PIGMENT CONTENT UNDER CONTINUOUS LIGHT................................................................................................................ 11
PHYSIOLOGICAL DISORDERS UNDER CONTINUOUS LIGHT ......................................................................................................... 11
CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 15
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ......................................................................................................................................................................... 15
REFERENCES............................................................................................................................................................................................. 15

INTRODUCTION with artificial lighting, which have several potential benefits

compared with conventional systems also requires know-
Light as an energy source for plant life is known to affect ledge of plant response to continuous light. In the culture of
plants dually. It affects photosynthetic rate and assimilate plants in controlled ecological life support systems
accumulation, thereby playing a substrate role, but also (CELSS) in long duration space bases, it is essential to
controls plant growth and development, in that way playing maximize plant growth rates or production of edible bio-
a regulatory role. While plant growth in short-day (SD) and mass per unit area per unit time. Limitations for plant
long-day (LD) conditions is generally well studied and has growth in space include energy needed to produce light for
been reviewed recently by Adams and Langton (2005), less photosynthesis. In an effort to deal with the low energy
is known about the long-term impact of continuous light on constraints during extended space missions, the use of low
plant growth and development, when many plant circadian photosynthetic photon flux (PPF) has to be a viable alter-
rhythms are disrupted. Studies of plant growth and develop- native. One way to increase the daily total PPF is to extend
ment under continuous light are of current importance for the daily light period and/or provide continuous (24 h)
the production of greenhouse crops, where daily timing of lighting (Rowell et al. 1999). Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.),
supplementary lighting can be manipulated to maximize potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.), soybeans (Glycine max
plant response or to minimize the heating costs by spread- (L.) Merr.), lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.), tomato (Solanum
ing the daily light integral from artificial sources over as lycopersicum L.), peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.), rice
many hours as possible. Growing plants under continuous (Oryza sativa L.), barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), oats
light is a way of producing crops economically in controlled (Avena sativa L.), rye (Secale cereale L.), sorghum (Sorg-
environment growth rooms. With extension to continuous hum bicolor (L.) Moench.), quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa
radiation, savings possibility could be realized by decreasing Willd.) and other crops have been under investigation for
the number of light fixtures per unit area and by prolonging use in the NASAs CELSS/Advanced Life Support (ALS)
useful lamp life (no on/off deterioration). Transplant pro- program as a food source for extended space missions.
duction in closed controlled environment systems (CCES) Continuous lighting can be a very useful tool for speeding

Received: 29 April, 2010. Accepted: 20 October, 2010.

Plant Stress 4 (1), 5-17 2010 Global Science Books

up selection of crops. Accelerated development of some simum L.) (LDP) a year can be also grown under continu-
plant species under continuous lighting allows breeders ous light providing high yields (Lisovskij and Dolgushev
shortening of the generation cycle having more generations 1986). Continuous light is commonly used to accelerate the
a year. It also permits breeders to have closer ripening terms reproductive cycle in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana
of early- and late-season varieties and varieties with dif- (L.) Heynh.) (LDP) (Handling Arabidopsis Plants and Seeds
ferent photoperiodic sensitivity, which is important in 2004; Massa et al. 2007). It was assumed that the 24-hour
growing of hybrid material. Besides, it decreases the dis- illuminated Arabidopsis plants may not produce as much
persion of particular plant features (Lisovskij and Dolgu- seed, having had less time to accumulate carbohydrates by
shev 1986). Studying plant responses to continuous light vegetative growth (Massa et al. 2007). However, only one
may provide us with better understanding of plant adapta- report was found suggesting that lower seed yields results
tions in the Arctic under conditions of polar day with a 24-h from this treatment, and it involved weak mutants (Hirono
photoperiod. Thus, according to Hay (1990) there have 1964).
been two reasons for the sustained interest in the influence In pot roses (Rosa x hybrida) (neutral-day plant (NDP))
of daylength extension on growth. On the one hand, pasture continuous light decreased the number of days to flowering
grass breeders have become interested in the adaptation by 12% and increased the number of flowers by 34% com-
shown by commercially important species to the diverse pared to 18-h photoperiod (Pettersen et al. 2006, 2007). In
combinations of temperature and photoperiod experienced contrast, continuous light had no influence on number of
in maritime and continental Europe. A major aim of this days to flowering for Begonia (LDP) and geranium (Pelar-
work has been to increase spring and autumn production gonium x hortorum Bailey) (NDP), while increased the
without sacrificing winter hardiness. On the other hand, number of buds and flowers in begonia compared to 16-h
plant selection and breeding in Scandinavia has led to the daylength (Gislerd et al. 1989).
development of named varieties of several grass species The response of SDPs to continuous light is somewhat
which are adapted to growing seasons near the Arctic Circle different. Thus, in millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) (SDP)
(continuous illumination and cool temperature) (Simonsen continuous light decreased developmental rate compared to
1985). shorter photoperiods, but nevertheless a number of resear-
This paper is focused on findings achieved in various chers reported that almost all tested millet cultivars flow-
experiments where plants were exposed to continuous light ered and produced seeds under continuous illumination
and summarizes the knowledge about the impact of con- when natural day was extended by supplemental lighting
tinuous light on plant development, photosynthesis and (Kornilov 1968; Lisovskij and Dolgushev 1986). Extension
growth, yield, and development of physiological disorders. of photoperiod up to continuous light considerably extended
the reproductive cycle, but increased total plant biomass
PLANT DEVELOPMENT UNDER CONTINUOUS and seed yield. Interestingly, continuous light extended the
LIGHT vegetation period of early-season cultivars compared to
field conditions but shortened it in late-season cultivars,
There are reports in the literature of continuous light both thereby reducing the difference between vegetation duration
increasing plant developmental rate and inhibiting develop- of utmost cultivars (Lisovskij and Dolgushev 1986). In con-
ment. In most of long-day plants (LDP) continuous light trast, early-season varieties of soybean (SDP) grown under
accelerated the reproductive cycle, while short-day plants continuous light did not demonstrate the delay in flowering
(SDP) usually did not respond in such a way. Thus, conti- compared to natural daylength (17.5 h), while the ripening
nuous light was shown to increase the developmental rate in was considerably (by 30-50 days) delayed in 16 out of 44
30 spring wheat (LDP) cultivars of different geographical tested varieties (Davydenko et al. 2004).
origin (Zhukov and Romanovskaja 1980), barley (LDP), Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) is regarded by many
radish (Raphanus sativus L.) (LDP) (Lisovskij and Dolgu- researchers as SDP or NDP; nevertheless, Gvozdeva (1981)
shev 1986; Moshkov 1987), LD and neutral day (ND) pea observed shortening of the vegetation period of sunflower
varieties (Pisum sativum L.) (Kornilov 1968; Berry and Ait- under continuous light by 3-7 days compared to 16-h photo-
ken 1979; Lisovskij and Dolgushev 1986). For LD legume period. Also Voskobojnik et al. (1981) concluded that SD
chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), supplemental lighting was was not necessary for normal growth and development of
recommended under Indian conditions in order to provide sunflower and photoperiods of 16 or 24-h were quite suita-
continuous illumination, which greatly reduces the vegeta- ble, although 24-h photoperiod did not have benefits in res-
tion period and allows breeders obtaining four generations pect of yield and energy inputs. The developmental rate of
of chickpea a year (Sethi et al. 1981). In contrast, SD leg- the typical SDP cotton (Gossypium spp.) was found to be
ume crop peanut was found to be relatively insensible of higher under continuous light compared to SD at light in-
photoperiod as regards to the time to the appearance of first tensity of 250 W m-2 (Shulgin 1973). Continuous lighting
flower, while continuous light slightly increased the number resulted in earlier flowering and fruiting of pepper plants
of leaves produced per plant, although flower production (Capsicum annuum L.) (a moderately SDP) giving better
was substantially enhanced among plants grown under the early yields, compared with a 15-h photoperiod, while final
shorter (12 h) light period (Rowell et al. 1999). Alfalfa productivity was identical for the two photoperiods (Costes
(Medicago sativa L.) is a typical LD perennial plant and in and Milhet 1970). Different responses of SDPs to continu-
middle latitudes it often does not produce seeds on the first ous light may be related to species biology as different spe-
year, which means it takes 3-5 years to obtain seeds of the cies have evolved different mechanisms to respond to pho-
2nd or 3rd generation. However, illumination by continuous toperiod (Jackson 2009) or variations of other environmen-
light allowed obtaining mature alfalfa seeds in 90 days from tal conditions, i.e. photoperiod-temperature interactions. In
sowing (Lisovskij and Dolgushev 1986). Rapid growth of our research, we observed that in soybean (SDP) the deve-
alfalfa under continuous light was accompanied by en- lopment was accelerated by 24-h illumination only when
hanced tillering and formation of a great number of inflo- daily temperature gradient was applied (Markovskaja and
rescences without simultaneous growth retarding as it usu- Sysoeva 2004). It was found also that daily short-term tem-
ally occurs in annual plants. Continuous light also turned perature drop may hasten plant development under continu-
out to be a useful tool for the breeders of such LDP as oil- ous light. Thus, daily temperature drop to hardening tem-
seed rape (Brassica napus L.) and yellow rocket (Barbarea perature for 4 to 6 hours increased leaf initiation rate and
vulgaris R.Br.) providing the possibility to obtain 3 genera- lateral branching at early stages of ontogenesis in cucumber
tions of rape plants and 4 generations of yellow rocket in plants (Cucumis sativus L.) grown under continuous light
the winter period and ensuring more uniform material in (Sysoeva et al. 2007).
respect of developmental rate, time of flowering, leafiness, There are reports that continuous light initiated senes-
etc. compared to 14-16-h photoperiod (Lisovskij and Dol- cence earlier than shorter photoperiods, indicating acceler-
gushev 1986). Three generations of flax (Linum usitatis- ated development of plants. This was found to be the case

Plants under continuous light. Sysoeva et al.

by Gestel et al. (2005) who observed that onion plants development more than continuous light or natural day-
(Allium cepa L.) grown in continuous light completed their length, but continuous light was highly competitive in res-
growth stages about 45 days earlier than under normal field pect of energy input per unit yield. It has been noted above
conditions. The more rapid senescence of leaves was ob- that the best regime for black currant was a combination of
served in potato plants grown under 24-h photoperiod continuous light followed by SD resulted in flowering of
(Wheeler and Tibbitts 1987). plants at the age of 9 months (Hohlova et al. 1979). Fin-
There are some reports in the scientific literature with dings by Sato et al. (2009) indicated that day-extension
the examples of the use of continuous light to accelerate treatments from the middle term of growth until flowering
trees and shrubs timing. Thus, in experiments of Hohlova et time with more than 0.7 molm-2s-1 of far red light promo-
al. (1976) and Moshkov (1987) with black currant (Ribes ted a high production of marketable cut flowers of the Eus-
nigrum L.) they were unable in the first year to stimulate toma grandiflorum in early winter in the cool area in Japan
flowering by continuous light, although plants grew vigo- and the effect was greatest with continuous lighting. Thus,
rously and at the age of 2-2,5 months looked like 2-year-old many factors including photoperiodic sensitivity and res-
seedlings. Later Hohlova et al. (1979) found a particular ponsiveness, precocity, developmental stage and environ-
combination of continuous light followed by SD resulted in mental conditions affect plant developmental response to
flowering of 70% of plants at the age of 9 months and continuous light.
fruiting of 58% of plants. Hohlova (1979) also observed There are several indications of the role of continuous
that seedlings grown under continuous light followed by SD light spectrum in plant development. Thus, Kasajima et al.
had compared well with 3-5-year old fruiting seedlings in (2007) investigated the developmental rate of wheat (a
the field as regards to flowering intensity, disease resistance Japanese spring wheat var. Norin 61 and a winter wheat var.
and winter hardiness. The ability to obtain black currant Shun-yo) under continuous light of eight different qualities
flowering in the first year allowed breeders intensification obtained by combining three out of four different kinds of
of their work as usually it required 3-5 years in Siberia to fluorescent lamps (white, blue, purplish red and ultraviolet-
estimate cultivars by their fruit quality (Lisovskij and Dol- A) at a constant temperature of 20qC. Results suggested that
gushev 1986). Working with honeysuckle (Lonicera edulis green and red lights play important roles in the regulation of
Turcz. Ex Freyn), sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides the developmental rate having a promotive effect, indepen-
L.) and apple trees (Malus domestica Borkh.) Lisovskij and dent of photoperiodism and vernalisation. This research
Dolgushev (1986) showed that grown under continuous aimed to accelerate heading, which shortens the generation
light for 4-6.5 months plants looked similar to 2-3-year-old cycle and improves the efficiency of the crossing. Apple
field grown seedlings and were suitable for spring trans- trees grown under continuous light developed faster when
planting to permanent place. They failed to induce flower- supplemental red lighting was used (Isaeva 1978), while
ing in the first year, nevertheless plants flowered and fruited accelerated development of cucumber plants was observed
some years earlier compared to field-grown plants. when they were treated by supplemental blue light (Lvova
Plant response to continuous light may vary depending 1978). Under continuous light, longer period of natural
on the stage of plant development. Demers and Gosselin lighting in combination with shorter period of fluorescent
(2002) stated that although long-term use of continuous lighting resulted in considerably faster generative develop-
light is detrimental to tomato and sweet pepper plants, early ment of vetch (Vicia spp.) plants (Rzhanova 1978). The
vegetative growth and fruit production of both species can great effect of light quality for continuous illuminating at
be improved by short-term use (5 to 7 weeks) of continuous night on floral initiation of wild strawberry (Fragaria chi-
lighting. Demers et al. (1998a) reported that continuous loensis L.) grown under a 24-h photoperiod was shown by
lighting hastened flowering of tomato plants but only Yanagi et al. (2006).
during the first weeks. At the end of the experiment there
was no difference between 14-h and 24-h photoperiods in PLANT GROWTH AND PRODUCTIVITY UNDER
the number of clusters that had reached anthesis. In experi- CONTINUOUS LIGHT
ments with pea flowering was most rapid in 24-h photo-
period, but the duration of the period from floral initiation The findings in the literature regarding the effect of conti-
to first flower was independent of photoperiod (Berry and nuous light on dry matter production are very contradictory,
Aitken 1979) suggesting that any differences in flowering mainly due to different experimental settings and other than
between treatments arose prior to floral initiation. Many light growth factors, as well as different plant age. Exten-
authors (Kleshnin et al. 1959; VNIIZH 1978; Zhukov and sion of daylength to 24 h gave no further increases in dry
Romanovskaja 1980 et al.) believe that the most efficient is matter accumulation in cucumber, maize (Zea mays L.),
such light regime when at the early stages of ontogenesis Chrysanthemum (Gislerd et al. 1989; Warrington and Nor-
plant development is slightly hampered by SD and then, in ton 1991), begonia, geranium, Hedera, Kalanchoe (Gisle-
the period of intensive photosynthetic activity plants are rd et al. 1989), radish (Warrington and Norton 1991;
provided with continuous lighting. It was shown that wheat Ohyama and Kozai 1998), sunflower (Gvozdeva 1981),
grain yield was maximum when plants were provided with lettuce (Inada and Yabumoto 1989) and even decreased
16-18-h photoperiod during first 20-30 days followed by growth and yields of tomato and sweet pepper plants in
continuous light (Zhukov and Romanovskaja 1980; Lisov- some cases when caused such negative effects as chlorosis
skij and Dolgushev 1986). Such lighting regime reduced or blistering of leaves (Costes and Milhet 1970; Bradley
radiant energy cost per grain yield by 20-30% while exten- and Janes 1985; Vzina et al. 1991). However, Murakami et
ding vegetation period by only 5-8 days. The most effective al. (2009) reported that plants of sweet pepper grew well
growing regime for barley was when 18-h photoperiod and bore abundant fruits under continuous fluorescent
given for the first 20 days from seedling emergence was fol- illumination, although pungency level strongly increased.
lowed by continuous light (VNIIZH 1978). According to Ohyama et al. (2005a) reported working with tomato plug
Kornilov (1968), millet is photoperiodically sensitive in the transplants that did not develop leaf injuries, probably due
period from seedling emergence to the stage of 7-8 leaves. to the alternating air temperature, that fresh weight, dry
SD applied during the seedling emergence paniculation weight and leaf area of tomato plants were 41, 25 and 64%
period by enhancing development greatly reduced growth greater, respectively, under the 24-h photoperiod than under
compared to continuous light treatment. It was suggested to 16-h photoperiod with the same daily integrated PPF. These
apply SD for the development acceleration during shorter results suggested that using a 24-h photoperiod with rela-
time, while 3-4 leaves appear and then grow millet under tively low PPF has the benefit of reducing both initial and
continuous light (Lisovskij and Dolgushev 1986). With this operational costs for transplant production in closed sys-
aim 24 cultivars of millet from 14 ecologo-geographical tems. Under the relatively low PPF condition, the number
groups were tested. In these experiments, 16-h photoperiod of lamps can be decreased, resulting in the reduction in the
during 3 weeks followed by continuous light accelerated consumption rate of electric energy of lamps, decreased re-

Plant Stress 4 (1), 5-17 2010 Global Science Books

quirements for cooling and the extension of lamp lifetime Not necessarily increased vegetative yield under conti-
(Koontz and Prince 1986; Ohyama and Kozai 1998; Oh- nuous light results in increased reproductive yield. Thus, for
yama et al. 2005a). For the production of plant dry matter, example, Moshkov (1987) observed that in raspberry
often lengthening the photoperiod is more effective than (Rubus idaeous L.) fruit yield was twice lower under conti-
increasing the illumination. Plants exposed to a low PPF for nuous light compared the 13-15-h photoperiods, despite the
a long photoperiod generally accumulate more dry matter fact that vegetative mass was the greatest under continuous
than plants exposed to a high PPF for a short photoperiod light. Peanut plants exposed to continuous light produced
under the same daily integrated PPF. This phenomenon was 42% more foliage biomass, but 34% less pod yield, 66%
reported in lettuce (Craker and Seibert 1982; Koontz and less mature seed yield, and 94% lower harvest index com-
Prince 1986; Oda et al. 1989; Kitaya et al. 1998), radish pared to plants grown under 12-h photoperiod (Rowell et al.
(Craker et al. 1983), roses (Jiao et al. 1991), Benjamin Fig 1999).
(Ficus benjamina L.) (Mortensen 1992) when plants were There are findings that exposure to continuous light at
grown under the 24-h photoperiod vs shorter photoperiods. high latitudes stimulates dry matter production. When
Craker and Seibert (1982) also observed that the lower the plants are transferred beyond the Arctic Circle some species
radiation, the greater the effect of increased photoperiod. develop giantism (Shavrov 1961). Thus, onions Allium al-
Increased dry matter accumulation was also found in pansy taicum Pall. and A. atrosanguineum Schrenk from the
(Viola x wittrockiana Kappert) (Langton et al. 2003), wine Khibini Mountains were twice as large as plants from the
grape (Vitis vinifera L.) (Moshkov 1987), barley, millet, natural habitats in the Altais and Alma-Ata (Kazakhstan)
spring oilseed rape (Lisovskij and Dolgushev 1986) and and the size and number of their generative organs were
beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) (Lebedeva et al. 1978) grown 15,5-2 times greater compared to natural ones (Shavrov
under continuous light. Homma et al. (2009) reported that 1961). In the Holt cultivar of Kentucky bluegrass (Poa
continuous irradiation by blue and especially red LED pratensis L.) at high latitudes large effects on plant dry
showed positive effects on growth of young tea plants weight and leaf area were related to significant influence of
(Camellia sinensis L.). Alfalfa seed yield was greater under continuous light upon leaf anatomy (Hay and Heide 1983).
continuous light compared the 18-h photoperiod (Lisovskij From leaf impressions, it was established that the epidermal
and Dolgushev 1986). Seeds of plants grown under continu- cells of leaf blades were longer and broader in LD (continu-
ous light had germinating capacity of 100% and were not ous light) than in SD controls. It was concluded that conti-
hard, while those of plants grown under 18-h photoperiod nuous light stimulated both cell extension and division. Fur-
had germinating capacity of 88% and almost all seeds were thermore, it was shown, using leaf sections, that the higher
hard, i.e. required scarification. leaf area ratios under continuous light were not due solely
Some tests sponsored by NASA focused on the photo- to increased succulence, but also to modest decreases in leaf
period responses of potato cultivars, and in particular, thickness and number of cell layers (Hay and Heide 1983).
which cultivars might be tolerant to continuous light. The There were also indicated some changes in the Arctic in the
rationale for this was simple: If plant growth and tuber yield anatomy of organs in a number of introduced plant species.
could be increased with longer photoperiods, the total crop For example, crested gentian plants (Gentiana septemfida
area required to sustain humans in a life support system Pall.) were characterized by expanded mesophyll cells of
could be reduced (Wheeler 2006). The good performance of leaves and reproductive organs and prolonged meristematic
some cultivars and the poor performance of others indicated activity of cells located near conducting bundles. Owing to
genotypic differences in response to photoperiod (Wheeler these changes, introduced plants had the ability of long and
and Tibbitts 1986a, 1986b; Yandell et al. 1988; Wheeler et intensive growth (Shavrov 1961).
al. 1991). In plants of potato cultivars that are tolerant to There is no universal agreement among authors who
continuous light and did not develop leaf injuries or malfor- have reported a dry weight gain as to the mechanisms in-
mations dry matter production was greater under continuous volved in the plant response to continuous light. Some au-
light treatments than under the 12-h photoperiod (Wheeler thors relate stimulation of biological productivity of plants
and Tibbitts 1987). In contrast, the total growth of plants of under continuous light to increased tillering and lateral
intolerant cultivars was severely depressed under continu- branching. For example, stimulated tillering was observed
ous light treatments. Initially, they grew vigorously but by in temperate grasses under continuous light (Simonsen
10-d-age the leaves began to show flecking and malforma- 1985). However, Solhaug (1991) observed the opposite
tion. These injury symptoms intensified with age, conse- effect when SD (8 vs 24 h) increased tillering in 5 grass
quently stunning total growth of these plants (Wheeler and species. Increased branching was observed in many plants
Tibbitts 1986a, 1986b). The results of experiments sug- transferred from different geographical regions of the world
gested that all the cultivars tested were intrinsically short to Kola Peninsula in the Russian Arctic (Shavrov 1961),
day with regard to tuber initiation but that this tendency where the period when the Sun is continuously in the sky
could be overridden with greater total light levels in some lasts up to 53 days. Even larger (up to 100 days) is the
cultivars (Wheeler and Tibbitts 1986b). When plants were period of so-called white nights and the period with nights
provided SD for the first 40 days to initiate strong tuber without complete dark is up to 160 days. Besides, according
sinks followed by continuous light for 92 days to promote to Langton et al. (2003) in some plant species increases in
tuber bulking final tuber yields reached level, that is plant biomass production due to prolonged photoperiod re-
roughly twice that for record field yields, suggesting there sult from actions related to increases in leaf area and chlo-
is still potential for increasing yields in field settings rophyll (chl) content per unit of leaf area. However, increa-
(Wheeler 2006). ses in plant dry weight are unlikely to mirror precisely the
The alternation of photoperiods was found to give bene- observed increases in leaf greenness. For example, in kale
fits to other crops also. Demers and Gosselin (2002) sug- (Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala D.C.) an increase in
gested that early vegetative growth and fruit production of photoperiod resulted in increased pigment accumulation,
tomato and pepper plants can be generally improved by but maximum concentrations of pigments were not required
continuous lighting for 5 to 7 weeks. However, they men- for maximum biomass production (Lefsrud et al. 2006).
tioned that such a practice should be investigated in order to Plants from two groups of potato cultivars grown under
determine if short-term use of continuous light might have continuous irradiation, which differed 10-fold in plant dry
residual negative effects on plants. A different lighting matter production did not differ significantly in leaf chl
regime was proposed by Volk and Mitchell (1993) for rice concentration (Cao and Tibbitts 1991). According to Sol-
(SDP), which has been selected as a CELSS candidate spe- haug (1991) an increase in plant leaf area is much more im-
cies for human life support in space. Greenhouse studies portant than an increase in the chl content per unit leaf area
have shown that edible yield rates, shoot harvest index and for increasing light absorptance. Under conditions of Kola
individual panicle weight increased if the cultivar was Peninsula (beyond the Arctic Circle) the most active chlo-
switched from 8 h to 24 h day after panicle emergence. roplasts in potato plants are those that are large, with loose

Plants under continuous light. Sysoeva et al.

structure and small osmiophilic granules. Plants with such little influence upon the distribution of dry matter between
chloroplasts have large leaf area and high dry matter pro- culms, leaves and stolons in Kentucky bluegrass. Continu-
duction under conditions of long polar day and short grow- ous light did not change partitioning of DM in wheat, barley,
ing season (Shahov 1965). It was shown by Miroslavov et cucumber and soybean at early stages of development com-
al. (1998) that Arctic plants are often characterized by chlo- pared to other photoperiods (Markovskaja and Sysoeva
roplasts with deep invaginations or excrescences, more 2004). In black currant (Ribes nigrum L.) continuous light
compact intracellular arrangement of plastids, larger num- favored accumulation of dry matter in leaves and stems,
ber of mitochondria, more branched endoplasmic reticulum while 14-h photoperiod was preferred to root growth
and numerous lipid vesicles. (Lisovskij and Dolgushev 1986).
The modifying influence of different growth factors, In some experiments continuous light enhanced vege-
such as temperature, light intensity, CO2 enrichment, water tative growth at the expense of reproductive growth. Thus,
and fertilizer supply etc. under continuous lighting regime in peanut plants continuous light reduced pod and seed
has been reported by many authors. It was shown for six yield by delaying or decreasing assimilate partitioning to
grass species that LD without increase in daily photosyn- reproductive organs, which resulted in 94% lower harvest
thetically active radiation (PAR) stimulated dry matter index compared to that of plants under 12-h photoperiod
(DM) production most at low temperatures (Solhaug 1991). (Rowell et al. 1999). Similarly, vegetative mass of rasp-
It was known that temperate grasses increase DM produc- berry bushes was the greatest under continuous light, but
tion in LD via increased leaf area ratio (LAR) which more fruit yield was twice lower compared the 13-15-h photo-
than compensates for reduced net assimilation rate (NAR) periods (Moshkov 1987). In a greenhouse study aimed at
in LD (Hay and Heide 1983; Solhaug 1991). Solhaug increasing biomass partitioning to rice grain, plants were
(1991) suggested the following mechanism of LD stimula- switched to continuous light after different periods of time
tion of DM production. Higher LAR in LD than in SD was under 8-h photoperiods. There was a positive correlation
mainly a result of the increased specific leaf area (SLA, leaf between the length of continuous light treatments and non-
area per unit leaf dry weight) in LD, since leaf weight ratio grain biomass, but grain yield did not increase in continu-
(LWR, the proportion of DM allocated to the leaves) was ous light (Volk and Mitchell 1993).
almost unaffected by daylength. When SD-propagated The role of storage organs in the biomass partitioning
plants are placed in LD, a rapid increase in SLA occurs. In within plants under continuous light remains unclear. For
addition, more assimilates are allocated to growth, which the understanding of source-sink interactions under continu-
together with increasing SLA lead to increased leaf area in ous light the effect of increased source activity (i.e. photo-
LD. Since the NAR is only slightly reduced, photosynthetic synthesis generated by a 24-h photoperiod) on two species
capacity per plant will increase. This creates a positive feed- of onion that differ in their sink capacity (bulbing vs. non-
back system, since more assimilates will be available to leaf bulbing) was studied (Gestel et al. 2005). Plants showed a
growth due to higher photosynthesis per plant. different response to photoperiod in biomass partitioning,
Results of Masuda et al. (2006) indicated that the en- such that over half of the biomass in both Allium species in
hancement of dry mass production in pepper plants by over- the 12-h photoperiod was present as leaves, while in the 24-
night supplemental lighting is more profound when the day- h photoperiod up to 84% of total mass was present as bulbs.
time solar radiation is low. Kitaya et al. (1998) showed that This is in accordance with research by Garner and Allard
at the same PPF, DM of lettuce plants was increased by (1923) and Kato (1965), who reported that in onions SD
25% to 100% with 24-h photoperiod compared to 16-h. promoted leaf growth, while LD stimulated bulb production,
However, at the same daily light integral (DLI), the longer even when sucrose was injected into onion leaves. This sug-
photoperiod (24 h vs 16 h) promoted growth of lettuce plug gests that carbohydrate accumulation promotes bulb deve-
transplants under the low CO2 concentration, but not under lopment only when photoperiod exceeds a specific duration.
the high CO2 concentration. Long photoperiods and high irradiances were also shown to
Manipulation by plant mineral nutrition was shown to increase the percentage of plant assimilates transferred to
be the possible way to increase yield under conditions of the radish storage organs. For radishes exposed to an ir-
continuous lighting. Some cultivars of hard wheat did not radiance of 113 W m-2 and a photoperiod of 24 h, almost
yield a harvest under continuous light when provided by 90% of the plant was storage organ (Craker et al. 1983).
standard mineral nutrition. However, development of nut- The production of early-season radish varieties decreased
rient medium with increased concentrations of all nutrients when the day length was extended from 12 to 24 h. They
and mixed nitrate and ammonia nitrogen allowed successful formed flower stalks, but did not form storage organs. On
cultivation of wheat under continuous light (Lisovskij and the contrary, full-season varieties had much higher produc-
Dolgushev 1986). The use of vermiculite substrate in com- tion under continuous light by forming storage organs
bination with plant mineral nutrition varied during plant quicker (Lisovskij and Dolgushev 1986). In the experiments
ontogeny stimulated significantly greenhouse production of by Tihomirov et al. (1976) radish plants grown under conti-
some ornamental plants (calla lily (Zantedeschia aethiopica nuous light provided by xenon lamps with PAR of 400-650
(L.) Spreng.), Barberton daisy (Gerbera jamesonii Bolus ex W m-2 had very high production of storage organs, but the
Hook.f.), Jersey lily (Alstroemeria spp.), amaryllis (Hip- yield per unit of light energy was decreased considerably
peastrum spp.), cucumber and tomato plants under condi- compared to other photoperiods. In experiments with turnip
tions of polar day on Kola Peninsula (Russian Arctic) (Iva- (Brassica rapa L. var. rapa (L.) Hartm.) (Akira et al. 1988)
nova et al. 2006). the greater plant biomass and storage root weight were ob-
tained under 24-h photoperiod. Plant growth and accumula-
ASSIMILATE PARTITIONING UNDER tion of assimilates in storage roots were stimulated by
CONTINUOUS LIGHT higher irradiance and elevated CO2 concentration under
continuous light.
Continuous light affects not only DM production but also Quite the opposite assimilate distribution pattern was
the partitioning of DM within the plant. Thus, in six tem- observed in plants under natural conditions of Kola Penin-
perate grass species grown under continuous light more DM sula (Russian Arctic). Long photoperiods decreased the per-
was allocated to leaf sheaths and stems than in SD, while centage of plant assimilates transferred to the sugar-beet
more DM was allocated to the roots in SD. The greatest storage organs, so that weight of leaves was twice as much
effect was found in smooth brome (Bromus inermis Leyss.) as storage organ weight (Stanko 1965). Zhurbickij and Var-
in which 24-h photoperiod more than doubled the propor- tapetjan (1956) and Kisljakova (1965) have shown that long
tion of DM in the leaf sheaths and stems, while reducing the polar day and low irradiance are two main unfavourable
proportion of DM in the roots by nearly 50% (Solhaug factors for starch accumulation in potato tubers. However,
1991). However, these findings do not support those of Hay these findings are in contrast with results obtained by
and Heide (1983) who found that continuous light had very Kardo-Sysoeva (1963) who came to a conclusion that the

Plant Stress 4 (1), 5-17 2010 Global Science Books

main cause of low starch content in potato tubers in Yamalo- elevated CO2 and increased PAR increased yields under a
Nenetsky region (western Siberia, Russia, the latitude of the 12-h photoperiod, but had only a slight or even negative
Arctic Circle) is low soil temperature. Despite the fact that effect under continuous light (Wheeler et al. 1991). Whee-
in experiments temperature increase affected positively ler and Tibbitts (1989) offered as possible explanation for
starch synthesis is potato tubers under conditions of Kola this that the use of continuous lighting at 450 Pmol s-1 m-2
Peninsula, all obtained experimental data gave grounds to may already be pushing the potato plants to their maxi-
Kisljakova (1965) to make conclusion on the leading role of mum growth potential. Models of tuber yield developed by
light factor in starch accumulation. Yandell et al. (1988) predicted little advantage from CO2
Findings from controlled environment studies at NASA enrichment under continuous light when irradiance levels
showed that despite the ability of some potato cultivars to exceed 500 Pmol s-1 m-2 PPF. It is possible that assimilation
grow and tuberize under continuous light, SD tendencies rates in potato leaves were suppressed by some photosyn-
were still apparent. For example, harvest index, which is an thetic feedback inhibition under continuous lighting and
indicator of the partitioning to tubers, was nearly always high CO2 (Wheeler and Tibbitts 1989).
greatest under SD, and hence efficiencies for converting The use of continuous light caused a reduction of the
light into edible biomass were greatest under SD (Wheeler photosysnthesis rate in photoperiod-sensitive tomato, but
and Tibbitts 1986a; Wheeler et al. 1991). These observa- did not affect photosynthesis rates in less-photoperiod-sen-
tions suggested that yields might be optimized if strong sitive sweet pepper (Demers 1998). Demers and Gosselin
induction could be combined with high total light. This idea (2002) suggest that the increased accumulation of starch
was tested by moving plants between a 12 h light/12 h dark generates, by a feedback effect, an overload of the Calvin
and a 24-h light environment at different stages of growth cycle, which gradually causes the decrease of the CO2
(Wheeler 2006). The results showed that at equal total ir- fixation rate. Demers et al. (1995) have reported that pepper
radiance, plants given SD early in growth followed by con- plants were less-efficient than tomato plants in using light
tinuous light later in growth produced greater tuber yields for CO2 fixation, but were more efficient in dissipating the
than plants given continuous light followed by SD (Wheeler extra energy received. This may explain why pepper plants
and Tibbitts 1997). This suggests that it is best to first are less sensitive to continuous light than tomato plants,
establish strong tuber initiation and then follow with high although both species are of the Solanaceae family and re-
total light to sustain bulking (Wheeler and Tibbitts 1997). In quire similar conditions.
contrast to results obtained by Kisljakova (1965) in research Gestel et al. (2005) in order to test whether photosyn-
by Wheeler et al. (1986) harvest index of potato plants de- thesis downregulation occurs due to carbohydrate feedback
creased with increasing temperatures under continuous light. used onions that differed in bulb-forming capacity. In Al-
Their results showed that cooler temperatures could be used lium fistulosum, a non-bulbing onion, photosynthetic down-
to offset the less inductive influence of a long photoperiod, regulation was observed under continuous light as indicated
i.e. under cooler temperatures the potato becomes less ob- by reductions in the light- and CO2-saturated photosynthetic
ligate for dark period stimulation of tuberization. Thus, the capacity, reduced maximum rate of carboxylation by
influence of continuous light or supplementary lighting Rubisco, reduced maximum rate of electron transport and 3-
seems important not only to enhance growth, but also to in- fold higher foliar sugar concentration. In contrast, the pho-
fluence dry matter distribution to the fruits, flowers and sto- tosynthetic and biochemical capacity of Allium cepa, a
rage organs, in order to produce a high yield. bulb-forming onion, was not affected by exposure to 24-h
photoperiod, presumably because substantial amounts of
PHOTOSYNTHESIS UNDER CONTINUOUS LIGHT foliar carbohydrates were re-allocated to bulbs. Thus, car-
bohydrate concentration may not fully be responsible for
Findings in the literature on the long-term impact of conti- regulating photosynthesis.
nuous light on photosynthesis are quite contradictory. There Foliar nitrogen may also be a key regulator of photosyn-
are data testifying to the decrease of photosynthesis under thesis. In experiments by Gestel et al. (2005) in both Allium
continuous light. For example, Stutte et al. (1996) have species, 24-h plants had much lower N levels compared
shown that in potato plants grown under 24-h photoperiod, with 12-h plants. Usung N as a quantitative measure of
photosynthesis was 33% lower than in plants grown under Rubisco content suggests that Rubisco levels for borth
12-h photoperiod. The reduction in photosynthesis was Allium species in 24-h plants are much lower than in 12-h
attributed to high starch accumulation in leaves, suggesting plants. However, Rubisko activity was only reduced in A.
that photosynthate production (i.e. source activity) was fistulosum and not in A. cepa. Therefore, reduced Rubisco
greater than photosynthate utilization (i.e. sink activity). activity, potentially initiated by higher foliar carbohydrate
Therefore, higher source activity relative than sink activity concentration in A. fistulosum, could have been primarily
may have initiated the downregulation of photosynthesis at responsible for the observed photosynthetic downregulation
the protein or transcriptional level, thereby lowering the (Gestel et al. 2005). This is consistent with Paul and Foyer
amount and/or activity of Rubisco. However, quite the op- (2001) who stated that when carbohydrate levels reached a
posite, Cao and Tibbitts (1991) showed that the lower net threshold, downregulation of photosynthesis was initiated to
photosynthesis in potato plants grown under continuous rebalance the source-sink ratio. The formation of a storage
light was not associated with an excess carbohydrate ac- organ enabled A. cepa to balance its source-sink ratio to a
cumulation in the leaves. Moreover, cultivars differed in greater degree than A. fistulosum, thereby maintaining
their physiological response to continuous irradiation and Rubisco activity at similar levels to A. cepa in the 12-h
some cultivars did not demonstrate decreased CO2 assimila- photoperiod (Gestel et al. 2005).
tion. The inhibition of net CO2 assimilation in stunted plants Lower net photosynthetic rate of peanut (Arachis hypo-
was not also due to a limiting amount of chl or to CO2 in gaea L.) plants grown under 24-h photoperiod compared to
the leaf tissues. Wheeler and Tibbitts (1986a) suggest that 12-h photoperiod coupled with the lower stomatal conduc-
intolerant to continuous light potato varieties are incapable tance (Rowell et al. 1999) suggesting that plant may have
of sustaining continuous photosynthetic activity, while the been sufficiently stressed to cause a partial closure of the
tolerant varieties are capable of sustaining the activity. In stomates, thereby influencing the gas exchange rates of
tests with potato, in which the photoperiod was changed these plants. However, carbon fixation efficiency was signi-
from 12 h to 24 h, photosynthetic rate dropped immediately ficantly lower among plants grown under 12-h light period.
following the change to continuous light as a result of some The decrease reflected a probable diversion of the Rubisco
scorching of the upper canopy leaves (Wheeler 2006). It is enzyme from oxygenation to carboxylation in plants grown
of interest to note the slight negative effect of elevated CO2 under continuous light.
on net photosynthesis rates observed in some potato cul- Research conducted in the Arctic under natural condi-
tivars (Wheeler and Tibbitts 1989; Cao et al. 1994). Total tions of continuous light have shown that plants there utilize
plant biomass and tuber yields showed similar trends, where solar energy of a wider spectrum range (Shahov 1965) and

Plants under continuous light. Sysoeva et al.

the findings regarding photosynthetic activity of plants are nuous light by modifying the distribution of chl among the
quite contradictory to those obtained in greenhouse research. photosystems and altering the size of photosystems. In
Thus, there are reports that under conditions of Kola Penin- tomato plants, these photo-adaptation phenomena are actu-
sula photosynthesis may measure up to very high values, up ally an increase in the proportion of chl associated with
to 40-80 mg 214 per dm2 h in barley, wheat, radish and PSII compared with PSI and a decrease in the size of PSI
some wild plants. Net photosynthesis of 7-8 g DM per m2 following reduction in the size of its antenna (LHCPI). In
day was reported for potato (Shahov 1965). Under natural pepper plants, a reduction in the size of PSII was compen-
conditions at high latitudes photosynthesis may occur at sated by an increased activity (Dorais 1992). Dorais (1992)
lower light intensities providing greater DM accumulation concluded that reduced efficiency of tomato plants in bene-
per day due to longer photoperiod (Shulgin 1973). Conti- fiting from long photoperiods is not due to a lower capacity
nuous light ensures positive leaf net CO2 flux over the en- of electron transport through the photosystems caused by
tire 24-h photoperiod in plants both under natural condi- photoinhibition, but rather to restrictions in the carbon
tions (Shvecova and Voznesenskij 1970; Lukjanova et al. metabolism, which in turn leads to partial photooxidation of
1986) and in greenhouses (Afanasjeva 1970). The lack of the chl and is perhaps responsible for development of foliar
diurnal rhythm in photosynthesis under continuous light chlorosis.
was reported for Benjamin Fig, although it was found under The research into the effect of continuous light on caro-
18-h photoperiod, indicating that the plant benefits from tenoid accumulation is limited in higher plants. Lefsrud et
continuous light. Indeed, dry weight increased progres- al. (2006) reported maximum accumulation of lutein and -
sively with increasing lighting periods between 16, 20 and carotene occured in kale under the 24-h photoperiod. Con-
24 h day-1 in this species (Mortensen 1992). More studies tinuous light caused reductions in carotene and xantho-
focused on how the photoperiod affects the carbon meta- phylls content in tomato and sweet pepper plants (Demers
bolism of plants, which could be linked to development of 1998). Leaf chlorosis and loss of pigments were more im-
negative effects on plants grown under continuous light are portant and occurred earlier in tomato plants than in sweet
needed in order to confirm the hypotheses advanced. pepper. Compared to sweet pepper plants, EPS ration (epo-
xidation state of the pigments of the xanthophylls cycle)
LEAF PIGMENT CONTENT UNDER CONTINUOUS was lower in tomato, indicating a greater need for energy
LIGHT dissipation and a more important state of stress caused by
excessive light. Pigments such as carotene and xanthophylls
The effect of photoperiod on leaf pigment content is varied. play a significant role in the protection of the photosyn-
For example, Fukuda et al. (2000) found that additions of thetic apparatus against damage that could be caused by an
night supplemental lighting increased chl concentrations in excess of light. Carotene and xanthophylls levels were
lettuce, pakchoi (Brassica rapa L. subsp. chinensis P. higher in sweet pepper plants than in tomato. Thus, sweet
Hanelt) and tsukena (Brassica rapa L., subsp. campestris pepper has a better protection against the degradation of chl,
A.R. Clapham), but this was not found to be the case by which would explain why leaf chlorosis appeared later and
Solhaug (1991) who reported that plants of four temperate were less severe in sweet pepper (Demers and Gosselin
grass cultivars cultivated in SD (8 h) contained about 50% 2002).
more chl per unit leaf area or fresh weight than plants cul-
tivated under 24-h photoperiod. However, Solhaug (1991) PHYSIOLOGICAL DISORDERS UNDER
came to the conclusion that the reduction of chl content per CONTINUOUS LIGHT
unit leaf area in plants cultivated under continuous light per
se seems not to be the mechanism causing reduced photo- Daily timing of supplementary lighting can be manipulated
synthetic rate of high-latitude grasses in LD. Increasing the to maximize crop response and therefore it is widely used in
day-extension lighting from 16 h to 24 h gave no further greenhouse production (Costes and Milhet 1970; Koontz
intensification of greenness in four bedding plant species: and Prince 1986; Logendra et al. 1990; Moe 1997). Under
geranium, impatiens (Impatiens walleriana Hooker), pansy extended photoperiods, however, many sensitive species
and petunia (Petunia x hybrida (Hooker) Vilmorin) (Lang- tend to develop important physiological disorders. The de-
ton et al. 2003). In tomato and pepper plants, foliar chl con- creased ability to utilize supplemental lighting is associated,
tent was negatively correlared to lengthening of the photo- notably, with the appearance of intervascular chlorosis.
period (Dorais 1992). Lower foliar chl as determined on a Light injury symptoms caused by exposing plants to con-
dry weight basis, was measured in tomato plants cultivated tinuous light were reported for several species including
under a 24-h photoperiod (Bradley and Janes 1985). How- tomato (Hillman 1956; Bradley and Janes 1985; Vzina et
ever, when the chl content of leaves was calculated on a leaf al. 1991; Warrington and Norton 1991; Cushman et al.
area basis, no significant difference was found between 1995; Murage et al. 1996), coleus (Solenostemon scutellari-
photoperiods of 12 h and 24 h. Despite the development of oides (L.) Codd), chrysanthemum (Warrington and Norton
visible mottled chlorosis soon after exposure of tomato 1991), eggplant (Murage et al. 1996), potato (Wheeler and
plants to continuous light, pigment levels were not mea- Tibbitts 1986a; Tibbitts et al. 1990; Cao and Tibbitts 1992;
surably lower than those of controls grown under a 12-h Stutte et al. 1996), radish (Craker et al. 1983; Warrington
photoperiod until injury was quite severe, indicating that and Norton 1991), cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.)
pigment levels in green areas of the leaf compensated for (Ohler and Mitchell 1996), onion (Gestel et al. 2005),
pigment losses in chlorotic areas (Globig et al. 1997). With cucumber (Wolff and Langerud 2006), geranium, cotton,
respect to electron transport capacity through photosystems, buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench.) (Arthur and
activities per unit of chl in photosystem II (PSII) and photo- Harvill 1937). In contrast, some other plants do not appear
system I (PSI) of tomato plants and PSI of pepper were not to suffer from leaf injury under continuous light. This was
affected by photoperiodic treatments, while PSII activity in reported for lettuce (Craker et al. 1983; Kitaya et al. 1998),
pepper increased under continuous lighting (Dorais 1992). sweet pepper (Murage and Masuda 1997), rise (Volk and
Photosystem activity in tomato plants correlated positively Mitchell 1993), peanut (Rowell et al. 1999), Kentucky blue-
to chl content of leaves, while this relationship was not grass (Hay 1990), meadow foxtail (Alopecurus pratensis L.),
found in pepper plants. This explains why, unlike pepper Hungarian brome (Bromus inermis Leyss.), cocksfoot grass
plants, PSII and PSI activities of tomato plants correlated (Dactylis glomerata L.), meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis
negatively with extension of the photoperiod. Under conti- Huds.), timothy (Phleum pretense L.) (Solhaug 1991), soy-
nuous light, a decrease in the photosynthetic rate was mea- bean (Davydenko et al. 2004), wheat, barley, millet, pea,
sured in tomato plants, while it increased in pepper plants. alfalfa, sunflower (Lisovskij and Dolgishev 1986), kale
No significant correlation was found in either species be- (Lefsrud et al. 2006), turnip (Akira et al. 1988), roses (Jiao
tween photosynthetic rate and leaf chl content or photosys- et al. 1991). Different potato cultivars have been found to
tem activity. Both tomato and pepper plants adapt to conti- vary widely in their response to continuous irradiance. Some

Plant Stress 4 (1), 5-17 2010 Global Science Books

of cultivars grew well and had better production under con- the export of the triosephosphate (photosynthesis products)
tinuous irradiation, whereas other cultivars showed adverse out of the chloroplast, which would then be redirected
growth responses developing brown and black flecking on towards starch synthesis, thus explaining the increased
the plant leaves initially and chlorosis and necrotic lesions starch contents. Moreover, the increased accumulation of
as the plants aged (Wheeler and Tibbitts 1986a; Tibbitts et starch would generate, by a feedback effect, an overload of
al. 1994). Wheeler (2006) noted that not surprisingly cul- the Calvin cycle, which would gradually cause the observed
tivars selected for high latitudes were more tolerant to long decrease of the CO2 fixation rate. Are the starch accumula-
photoperiods. Similarly, cultivars of loose-leaf lettuce dif- tions responsible for the leaf chlorosis in tomato? It is pos-
fered in respect of developing physiological disorders under sible that the overload imposed on the Calvin cycle (de-
continuous light (Koonts and Prince 1986). creased photosynthesis) could limit the use of the reducing
In addition to duration of lighting per day, other aspects potential (ATP, NADPH) produced by the luminous phase
of light energy, such as light quality and quantity also play of photosynthesis, thus causing an overload on the electron
roles in the development of the effects of continuous light. transport chain and the photo-oxidation of the chl (decrease
Thus, the severety of leaf chlorosis in tomato and pepper in the leaf chl contents), and thus explaining the observed
plants caused by continuous light varied with the type of leaf foliar chlorosis. Transgenic tomato plants (overexpres-
lamps (high pressure sodium versus metal halide) used to sing SPS) that have higher photosynthesis rates and ac-
provide supplemental light and was modified by the pre- cumulate less starch and more sucrose than non-trans-
sence or absence of natural light (Demers 1998; Demers formed plants (Galtier et al. 1993, 1995; Micallef et al.
and Gosselin 2002). The addition of far-red light as sup- 1995) could be used in future studies to test if accumula-
plement to the white light greatly reduced light injury tions of starch in leaves are responsible for the development
symptoms on tomato leaves caused by the white light of chlorosis observed in plants exposed to continuous light
(Globig et al. 1997). Differences in the severity of the foliar (Demers and Gosselin 2002). In sweet pepper, the use of
chlorosis were observed depending on the type of lamps continuous light caused an increase in the leaf starch and
used to grow eggplants (Murage et al. 1997), geranium, cot- sucrose contents, but did not affect leaf hexose contents,
ton, buckwheat (Arthur and Harvill 1937) under continuous photosynthesis rates and SPS activity (Demers 1998). The
light. The extent of the leaf injury under continuous illumi- increased foliar contents in sucrose indicate that SPS acti-
nation was strongly influenced by the daily quantity of light vity in sweet pepper is not limiting as in tomato. Increased
received by the plants. It was shown for eggplant (Murage accumulation of starch in sweet pepper plants exposed to
et al. 1997), lettuce seedlings (Oda et al. 1989) and Arabi- continuous light would be explained by the fact that con-
dopsis (Massa et al. 2007) that the degree of leaf injury was tinuous light results in a longer period of time over which
positively correlated to the increase in the photosynthetic starch synthesis occur, but without overloading the starch
photon flux density (PPFD) under continuous illumination. synthesis pathway. Thus, starch accumulation in sweet pep-
However, Murage et al. (1997) clearly indicated the pre- per under continuous light would not be important enough
dominant effect of the photoperiod over light quantity on to cause a reduction in CO2 fixation (no overload of the
the induction of the leaf injury. Calvin cycle). Increased leaf contents in sucrose suggest
Even though it has been known for a long time that ex- that sucrose export would be possibly limiting. This would
posing some plants to 24-h photoperiod causes the develop- explain why the growth and the productivity of the sweet
ment of leaf chlorosis and growth reductions, the cause of pepper plants do not increase under continuous light. More-
these problems remains unclear. A short review on the fac- over, compared to tomato, higher levels of carotene and
tors possibly involved in the development of the negative xanthophylls in pepper leaves probably provided a better
effects of long photoperiods on tomato and sweet pepper protection of the photosynthetic apparatus against excessive
plants was published by Demers and Gosselin (1999). It light, plus preventing the destruction of chl and develop-
was suggested (Bradley and Janes 1985; Logendra et al. ment of leaf chlorosis in pepper (Demers and Gosselin
1990; Dorais 1992) that the starch and soluble sugar ac- 2002).
cumulations in leaves of tomato plants could be related to The results for leaf starch content in cucumber exposed
the development of the leaf chlorosis under continuous light. to continuous light in the study by Wolff and Langerud
Studies on some other species support the hypothesis of a (2006) gave no support to the hypothesis that it is hyper-
relationship between leaf chlorosis development and starch accumulation of starch that causes leaf injuries and lower
accumulations. For example, continuous light caused in- plant production under continuous light. However, they ad-
creased leaf starch and hexose accumulations and leaf chlo- mitted that leaf sampling and analysis were performed at a
rosis of eggplants (Murage et al. 1996). However, eggplants rather late stage in injury development and nothing was
growing under continuous light but in a CO2-free atmos- known about the starch status previous to visible symptoms.
phere for 12 h per day accumulated less starch and hexoses, In two groups of potato cultivars (those that are stunted and
and did not develop leaf chlorosis. There are indications injured by constant light and those that grow well) the
that accumulations of starch and soluble sugars are not lower net CO2 assimilation rates in stunted plants were not
caused by a limiting sink capacity. Demers et al. (1998a) associated also with an excess carbohydrate accumulation
concluded that if leaf photosynthate accumulation is related in the leaves (Cao and Tibbitts 1991).
to leaf chlorosis and decreased growth and yields, it is pos- Dorais et al. (1995) reported that under continuous light,
sibly the inability of the leaf to export photosynthates out of the situations might happen when photosynthesis efficiency
the leaf that is the liming factor. is reduced while interception of the incoming light con-
In tomato, the use of continuous light caused, in tinues unabated. It is therefore, possible that a direct leak-
addition to the foliar chlorosis and increased foliar contents age of electrons to molecular oxygen occurs, enhancing the
in starch and hexoses, a reduction of the photosynthesis rate generation of toxic oxygen species. This can damage the
and of the activity of the sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) ultrastructure and function of chloroplasts, and photosyn-
enzyme (Demers 1998). The reduction of SPS activity oc- thetic pigments leading to leaf chlorosis (Foyer et al. 1994).
curred in 2-4 weeks after the increase in starch and hexoses. Thus, it was hypothesized that the leaf injury observed
It is, thus, impossible that the reduction of the SPS activity under continuous light in sensitive species is attributed to
is responsible for these accumulations. However, Demers photooxidative stress. From the results of Murage and
and Gosselin (2002) suggest that it is possible that the SPS Masuda (1997), it emerged quite clearly that continuous
activity in vivo is limiting, which would explain the hexose light triggers photooxidative damage in eggplant as evi-
increase. This suggests the limiting step of the export of denced by the incidence of chlorosis, decreased chl and the
photosynthases in the synthesis of sucrose and would ex- synchronized increases of superoxide dismutase (SOD),
plain the absence of growth and the productivity increase peroxidase (POD) and catalase (CAT) activities. On the
under continuous light. Furthermore, the increased hexose other hand, pepper plants did not appear to suffer from
levels in the cytoplasm, by a feedback effect, would limit photooxidative damage and thus grew normally under con-

Plants under continuous light. Sysoeva et al.

tinuous illumination. Continuous light did not enhance the equivalence of low temperature light with darkness no lon-
activities of SOD and POD in leaves of pepper, but the CAT ger holds in an injurious alternating light-dark schedule, this
activity was significantly higher in pepper than in eggplants. simple hypothesis was abandoned, and temperature change
These results are supported by Masuda et al. (2002) who regarded as the significant factor in preventing injury. Re-
also suggested that the superoxide radical is associated with cently the interest of researches to the potential use of a 24-
light-induced leaf injury in eggplants. However, there are h photoperiod with alternating air temperatures for plant
reports in the literature that argue that the light leaf injury production in closed systems has increased. Ohyama et al.
observed under continuous light is correlated to photooxi- (2005b) have shown that physiological disorders (chlorosis
dative damage. Thus, Gestel at al. (2005) reported that leaf and/or necrosis) were not observed under the 24-h photo-
necrosis and chlorosis exhibited in both bulbing and non- period in tomato plants grown at alternating air tempera-
bulbing onion species in the 24-h photoperiod was not due tures of 28/16. In our studies we observed that daily
to photodamage, because photosynthetic light compensation short-term exposures of cucumber plants to low temperature
point was higher in both species exposed to continuous light, (12C) decreased the severity of chlorosis caused by conti-
which suggests that plants grown in 24-h photoperiod were nuous light (unpublished data). The results obtained from
less efficient using absorbed light at low irradiance and had the study by Tibbitts et al. (1990) on potato cultivars show
acclimated to a high light environment. The excess light that temperature fluctuations under constant irradiation
energy would then be expected to be utilized in generating have promotive effect, not only on shoot growth and dry
oxygen radicals, leading to the subsequent photooxidation matter accumulation, but also on tuberization in some
of plant pigments (Foyer et al. 1994). potato cultivars indicating that the injury to potato plants
Interesting results obtained Cushman and Tibbitts grown under constant irradiation and temperature is not
(1996) that potato cultivar Kennebec, which severely in- simply a light response, as shown by the lack of injury
jured by constant light when propagated from tissue-cul- under fluctuating temperatures. It supports the conclusion
tured plantlets, also was injured when plants were propaga- made by Wheeler and Tibbitts (1986b) that potato plants
ted from small tubers pieces (approximately 1 g). However, injury by constant light is not photoperiodic in nature, as
plants did not develop injury when propagated from large shown by the lack of injury under the dim daylength exten-
tuber pieces (approximately 100 g). Authors suggested that sion treatments. This is consistent with the effective growth
plant vigor and carbohydrate translocation play role in con- of potatoes in the field plantings in northern latitudes under
trolling injury development. Cushman and Tibbitts (1998) LD, for these areas always have some diurnal temperature
also noted that in many ways the injury of plants grown fluctuation during the growth period (Garner and Allard
under continuous irradiation and constant temperature res- 1923; Pohjakallio 1953).
embles the effects of ethylene exposure: leaf abscission, Murage et al. (1997) showed that the temperature cycle
chlorosis, reduced leaf area, and increased leaf thickness. under continuous illumination had a big influence on the
Studies on potato and tomato (Cushman and Tibbitts 1998; leaf carbon metabolism in eggplant. In a non-injurious tem-
Jensen and Veierskov 1998; Wheeler et al. 2004) support perature cycle of 28/15, the accumulation of starch, suc-
the hypothesis that ethylene metabolism is one of the pos- rose, glucose and fructose was significantly reduced com-
sible mechanisms by which plants are injured by continuous pared with the injurious temperature regimes of 25/25 and
irradiation, but the casual chains are so far not elucidated. 25/20. This suggested that the CO2 assimilation must
It was shown on tomato plants that that growth and have been drastically checked during the period of low tem-
yields reductions as well as leaf chloroses observed under perature. At the same time, it is also possible that the meta-
continuous light have not been related to mineral nutrition bolism of starch and sugars into other metabolites and their
problems (Withrow and Withrow 1949; Demers et al. subsequent translocation from the leaves might have been
1998a). However, there are reports on some success in im- enhanced greatly at 28/15.
proving appearance of plants grown under 24-h photoperiod It is clearly shown that the leaf injury under continuous
by increasing fertilization. Thus, increased liquid fertiliza- irradiation is not simply a light response alone, but a result
tion reduced the purpling of leaves of Arabidopsis plants of a strong interaction between the light period, quality and
grown under continuous light (Massa et al. 2007). Leaf nec- quantity on the one hand, and on the other, the thermo-
rosis that developed at the high PPFD in lettuce leaves was period and that they exert their effects on the photosynthetic
partly alleviated by adding more nitrogen to the nutrient activity and subsequently the carbon metabolism (Murage
solution (Koontz and Prince 1986). High concentration of et al. 1997). However, it is still not clear whether the ad-
calcium reduced leaf chlorosis and increased fruit yield in verse effects of these factors during induction and expres-
mini-cucumber production under supplemental lighting sion of the leaf injury are a manifestation of the buildup of
(Hao et al. 2009). In the same study, adding blue light alle- carbohydrates, particularly starch, in the chloroplasts lead-
viated leaf chlorosis symptom but did not further improve ing to the systematic destruction of chl as proposed by
mini-cucumbers fruit yield compared to high pressure Bradley and Janes (1985) or a culmination of the activities
sodium lihjting along (Hao et al. 2009). of other processes such as photooxidative damage to the
It was reported long ago that light injury was reduced at leaf pigments (Wise and Naylor 1987). Thus, further inves-
low temperatures (Roodenburg 1940; Withrow and Withrow tigations are required in order to elucidate the causative
1949). Daily temperature alternations has been shown to be mechanism.
effective in preventing physiological disorders in plants and Pettersen et al. (2006) found that a variation in the air
inhibition of growth caused by continuous daily light humidity can counteract the negative effect of continuous
periods (Hillman 1956; Went 1957; Kristofferson 1963; lighting on the keeping quality of roses. The reduction in
Tibbitts et al. 1990; Omura et al. 2001). As early as in the the keeping quality of roses caused by continuous lighting
1930s Bnning (1931) showed that, under continuous light, is related to malfunctioning stomata and excessive water
scarlet runner (Phaseolus multiflorus L.) plants subjected to loss in indoor conditions (Mortensen and Fjeld 1998; Mor-
variable temperature regime had much less severe leaf tensen and Gislerd 1999). However, it was found that a
chlorosis compared to those subjected to a constant tempe- daily 6-h period with low air humidity was sufficient to en-
rature regime. Later Hillman (1956) and Kristofferson hance considerably the vase life of roses under continuous
(1963) observed that not all variable temperature regimes lighting as compared to constant high air humidity (Petter-
are equally effective in preventing physiological disorders sen et al. 2006). The result was explained by the fact that
in tomato plants caused by continuous light, but day/night leaves developing at high relative air humidity (RH) failed
differential should be of 8-10 or greater. It was suggested to respond to post-production conditions as leaves were un-
that for a plant previously exposed to high temperature, a able to close their stomata and therefore control water loss.
low temperature light period is equivalent to a dark period However, plants grown under conditions inducing daily sto-
as far as photoperiodically-sensitive system is concerned. matal closure, caused by a period of low RH, were able to
But, since several experiments showed that this apparent close their stomata, which indicates that continuous lighting

Plant Stress 4 (1), 5-17 2010 Global Science Books

does not disable stomata (Mortensen and Fjeld 1998; Mor- light followed or preceded by short or long photoperiods
tensen and Gislerd 1999; Pettersen et al. 2006). In practice, depending on plant sensitivity were found to be favorable.
during mild weather periods in spring and autumn it can be Despite quite a lot of research having been conducted on
difficult to change the vapor pressure deficit (vpd) much by the influence of long photoperiods on plant growth and
ventilation. Pettersen et al. (2007) showed that periodical development, there is no universal agreement among au-
diurnal temperature variations (between 21 and 27) thors as to the mechanisms involved in the plant response to
which change vpd were equally effective as a drop in RH at continuous light and the exact cause of negative effects of
constant temperature for avoiding stomata malfunction of continuous light (foliar chlorosis, limited or reduced plant
roses grown under continuous lighting. growth and productivity) still remains to be elucidated. It is
Continuous lighting of roses is desirable since dark not clear whether the starch accumulations are responsible
periods are known to enhance the development of powdery for the leaf chlorosis or the light leaf injury observed under
mildew (Mortensen and Braut 1998) that is particularly continuous light is correlated to photooxidative damage,
troublesome in greenhouse production of hybrid roses. production of stress ethylene or another processes. The indi-
Studies by Mortensent and Gislerd (2005), Mortensen et al. cations are of great interest that plant injury by constant
(2007), Pettersen et al. (2006) and Suthaparan et al. (2010) light is not photoperiodic in nature, as shown by the lack of
indicated that severity of powdery mildew was strongly re- injury under the dim daylength extension treatments and
duced on roses grown under continuous lighting compared that the injury to plants grown under constant irradiation
with day lengths of 16 h and 18 h. Authors recommend and temperature is not simply a light response, as shown by
increased day length as an important control measure to de- the lack of injury under fluctuating temperatures. New re-
crease powdery mildew in roses. This practice is currently search should be undertaken in order to look further into the
being implemented among Norwegian rose growers. Fur- impact of temperature regimes (day/night differential, tem-
thermore, evidence was also found that very low light inten- perature drop) on photosynthesis, carbon metabolism and
sities seem necessary to suppress the fungus (A. Suthaparan, leaf pigment content of plants grown under continuous light.
unpublished data). Light-emitting diode (LED) technology Besides, other growth factors, such as light intensity, light
is currently developing rapidly, and, in the future, it may be quality, CO2 enrichment, water and fertilizer supply have
possible to manipulate day length and light qualities with been reported to have the modifying influence on the effects
low-energy LED lamps with the purpose of controlling or of continuous lighting. More research are needed to identify
delaying powdery mildew epidemics (Suthaparan et al. the exact causes of negative effects of continuous light on
2010). It was reported (Moshkov 1987) that 24-h photo- plants and find possible measures preventing physiological
period similarly prevented infection of black currant bushes disorders in plants caused by continuous daily light periods.
by teliospores of rust fungi, while 100% of plants were in- Knowledge on plant growth and development under
fected under 13-14-h photoperiod. The effect of dark period continuous light can also provide us with better understan-
on the development of diseases was probably related to a ding of plant adaptations in the Arctic under conditions of
drop in air/plant temperature followed by a rise in air humi- the polar day.
dity. Further studies are necessary to clarify the practical
impact of continuous lighting as a tool to improve keeping ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
quality of plants in commercial production.
The authors gratefully acknowledge that this review has been writ-
CONCLUSION ten with financial support from Russian Foundation for Basic Re-
search (projects 07-04-00063, 08-04-98833, 10-04-00097).
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light are of current importance as adequate guide-lines for REFERENCES
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