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a The Lite and
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Willianr Buckley
Tim Flurrttcry

In this rcnrarkablc
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Tim Haines

The sequel to Walkinq With Ditrosuurs.

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Amanila Ellis the World's Dauid Held
Australian women are truly remarkable - The Globalisation/
pioneering, entrepreneurial, communit5r minded and Anti-Globalisation
Andrew Robinson
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qOAW 'ZIn sn14 Aurlunotrv gO^W
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uaql 's1d!:rs uorletuolne qllm ']uErrruoll uJ Furureal
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81rr988 ',trnbua flrrra rnof ol tsuodsar
OLZg6LA ldur5uorlry qtlm suo!]eulue (dMS) asrurd pue lseJ e sJrnsuJ 'sJJuar{u
'Jroru puu'sdrqsuorlelar 'qrM rq] o1 qsrlqnd qsBlc elpJurorrBl I alearJ ol rrBMUos paxepur pue quII aFpalltoul
{ueduror-ssolJ'etep'suotJEJtuntutuoJ urqt pue e8ed qam e uEIsJp o] Moq uoqo4)Arl ;o rBeluu,tpe a1e1
ssJursnq lBpuJleJ'[reu-J sulerl osle rrperr )qJ'seBed qam 000'el9 s.erruuelug pue f8olouqral
'Ired uorlowr^r]/a^r'Io0 rqopv qllM qrreJs uB-rq]-Jo-rlels qlIM
rno{ FurFEueu loJ sler}uassr rq} r^ur{JJ FuluFrsep sJJrAep ssJIJrlM puB qaM aql roJ srlls paurqruoJ'uorlJalloJ Jl)rue lse8rBI
Furureal - plol6 ,{q qaL4 ap11q J^rlJerJlul 'rlueur{p aqJ:relnduoJ Jnod
pue',lutodtemod plroM pue l)ul)tul ,toldep pue JoJ plEpuels pllo/vr
'@\oouno 'Prrg Jq] uo{ lUJuJq ,
'aFeueru'dolanep )ql Mou sl pue
'ssrrJy {osottry/g ueJ rJpeJr Jq] Moq ueaf 697 JaAo roJ
'JleuruB ,{prdex
q]!1v\ slsel ,teprtana sureldxa U 'u8lsap prepuels JJUJJilJT
'suorlBluluv qrM
ur:o;:ad o1 qJM roJ JIqe|e^E s,plloiv\ JI{} uJJq
olul srlu rotBrlsnlll sBq eJruuelgg
Moq rJ^orsrp sloot ]srtBl rql doqsoloq4 ulnl
6 erpaedolr.'(ruE
.rrnoJ o] palepdl
umoJg loJoJ uolsrJA uollBrnpa uoJsrJA
a1duu5 utlsnv uotlg lurpnls reN/ulM
pue uleld dx sde15 Asee u1
uolloN)^!'l z00z erluuelllg
rruJo uosorrll/[ u6rsaq a6e4 qary1
/a,il1og Jqopv

11.t9888 z70t99g
'sJslnoJ 'uorFa.r

EZ t t68 ur pJSn srulJl uMo rno jo qsr13u3 Jqt otur qJleJser
']aFpnq u1qtlm pue Irerl rsrlel rq] qltM
'qaM alqBurrnBrBord jo aFera.ror lerrads
uo dels slralord os ?auroJul dels ol pue 'sJJuJrJJJl pJurquor qsrlFuE
rql roJ ovll sl lBuorssaJord
paau no,{ lBq} samle{ luaurafeueur leuorleurJlur
JAN' olpnls IEnsrA 'e^ef pue 000'89 .lr.\o qlr.\\
#J '++J 'Jlseg lensl^ ruorJ sJFen8uel luford lBlurruepurg Jqt seq p;lor4 qstlFug uBlltsllsnt' .1o afferr,ror Jlep ol
FurururerSord Jo eJIor{J B pue UosorJr4 dlalerprurur Fulyoder Jo .uBuoll)rp
dn sraggo ,,teuor1r1q
pue Fupueyd lralo.rd uels ueJ auenbreyq
AOI pareqs e apnord seqglqeder q1trg tredtuo-'r t:.i
seJIAou uaAJ - dprmb arulrnpord ]aF Butllas tsrq aq1
ar{J 'srJnap ueus ol sa)r^ap }urllr :-rrsuaqa:dtLror y
-u1ql ot smopurM o1 suoqerlldde qa14{'arue1srsse luaurleueu pafo.rd
ruorJ sluarlJ Jo a8uer ]sapeorq aql roJ
ul-l[nq puB slool r^r]rn]ul erou q]lM
ueuotirtq uoulpa prf
'uorJerruoJur lraford podu pue 'sn1e1s 'fueuorlrrq
suoqnlos pilnq oi $adola^rp salqeua uerlerlsnY
lreford JlBJIunuruoJ'sJunosar pue JslJuoJ
ll 'rr^rrs rql roJ G\illl pu fwx qruo

sJInpJqJs aFeue{u ol JJ J uer{} rJrsBa
lredLuoS surllo3
auenbre6l aq1

suorlelldde Jseqetep arueu:oyad
u sa{Bru prepue}s
palor4 UosoJJrl l
,vro11 'urerFord
lueura8eueu palord
3u1pea1 s,ppom rql
q z00z prBpuels r,829888
'JJUJo Jr{t lo slLrJpnts loJ Jzls 1ra3-rad

lralor6 @Uosor)lli\l 'JIqBIIE.\e J Jtl Jl J-.lJl
Jrsntu JIunlo.r-alFurs rtep ot dn
rql sr lBqr uorlrpr lr^orplBq JlqElnp
pue treduor
uolllpa JlluJpeJV lsoru pue ')nrleluoqlne tsotu 'tsaiitq
Jq] st pue splo.\\ uollllru e lJ.\o V'^ttunuuroJ
dx/xzlam/86u!M uerlertsnv Jq] pue
prepuBls z00z sureluoJ looq qradns slqt uolttpJ
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E Ul-\\O\.JtUl] lle Jo lxeluo)
aqt utqlr,t" leads
Jo slooq JJurl{rr puB JluM 'peJr
z9gzag snoueJ tsoru
'sreaf dluarvq ]sel eq] tano oqM suerlerlsnv
Jql Jo Juo sl Jlsruv
JlBr ssJJJns lsaq8lq eql qllm esrnor ot uotuodurol ro; pau8rsap
00'99$ ueql'lsel s)I)ols rllt{./\ r ]sa$BJ aqt fureqSo uouelndar aq1 ptollo )tlJ urJq sBq srql
pJurea seq 1:rnQaddl uerlerlsnv-l1y
60nLtg 'EurssarFord are no,{ 11am moq nof snrnesJql
'llBurloH potlpa) wDtltol
slunorJe lrelu-a prseq-qf,M /v\oqs ol suodil luanberJ saleraurf rlsnlA lJlJod er.renbreyl
rnod uarr,a 'uolleJol IBrlueJ Juo olul osle urerFord JqI'sBare qloq ul sl[{s
o1 uorueduro3
IIeru-J leuolssa;ord pue leuosrad rno,t rnof alorduu o] suossal flernue proJXo
IIB sJsuJpuoJ lBuorss{oJd dx JJSO pue arrlrerd paads urarolrq saleuralp
ul {ool}no Jo uolsJa^ rvreu aq1 'aued
lrrnQaddl'rnulluo) o] plle^llou pue
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lsnfere sdals aldqpu parrnbar atuo suoss)l snovr,ard rr{l ul peurerl sllrls z6n698g
ler{} sIsBI 'snuau qFnorql BuFFtp 'srrqsrlqnd pue stu)pnls'srottpJ
oN 'ru3q] paau no,t uaqM lr{Flr eql uo splrnq uossrl qJBA 'Fu1u.rea1
o1 qled lsruor{s aqg uo no^{ saIB} }Bq} 6 102689 'srrtuM rog aprn8 Jleur][n aql 's]slt
- paJu nod suorldo qlrr* dn dod sEel 'aBesn puualfls 'uorlenlrund 'xetu,{s InJJsn pup's;lduexr'suotleueldxa
ueus J^-rlrsuJs-lxeluoJ M)N'rJADs aruanbas prfol pue pauueld e ur
'l0S UosorJly{ sB qJns seseqelep luorJ suossal alqertofua pue errrsuaqudruot 'reuuerB'uorlelJunuord 91 erueprnfi Jo ilnJ s! txrl JqI'proM uJuuM
uorlerruoJur asdpue ro 'saseqelep pue ue] Jo esrnoJ aq1 qBnorql suleluoJ pue 'sFutueau pue sploM rqt ]uesard ot Moq uo ut,rpe fiutntfl
s1st1 aBeueur pue plnq o1 nod rvrolle MJU JO tUnOJJe sraldeqr paseq
pappB are
sseJJV ur slool notr 'sratug ua1 JIel or parepdn -rrdot gl sureluoJ
prnordurl puB MJN qllrvr rddl-qrno1 uJJq seq lxr1 rqf ty 'uorlerryqnd
's)Iuq IIB le rIJBar 'sproMpBrq 000'09 ro; ,{dor
,{sea u1q1rm paeu
ol ruBal ol dur*
fsea pue 4lnb rr,ro Fuunleag Euuedard ur sJnssr
no.,( sarnleag aq1 '{reuortrrp Eurllas uJJporu sseduorua
slnd leuorssa;or4 aqt s1 addl o1
ureal 1rmfed,,{1 -tsJq s.ellersnv Jo ol FulPuedxa
dx 3rgJ0 uosorrrtr\l
uotltpJ ,\\Ju pJsrAJl urrq seq a1t1g o1

uo$!pa uolsla^ ]uJpnls .{lqFnoroqr y aprng pto{rg aq1

rluaperv aXIXZ s/r{opul,\A
&euoglrlq teilla
ruN/an/s6ulM slry Dururerl
proJxo ]r)tJod rlAls o]
leuorssaJord dx uo!]eJnpa
uelleilsnv Jqf eplnc proJxo aql
rruJo uosorJll l - lrgnQadAl
| ,rr^uos fiutpnpxo*

96'l t $ duu


I- uo!]rrs
@ ]urpnls
6) [errrds

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