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EDUC 2220- Educational Technology

Infant-Pre-K Curriculum Plan: Technology-Based Lesson/Activity

Your Name: Tina Jenkins Activity Title: A Zoo Visit

Number of children participating at one time: 6 children Ages: 3 years old

Activities written for previous classes cannot be re-used and must be the original work of the student.
Ohio Early
Learning &
Domain: Approaches Toward Learning
Standards: Strand: Initiative
Topic: Initiative and Curiosity
List at least 1 Standard Statement: Demonstrates self-direction while participating in a range of activities
standard that
is addressed and routines.
by this activity.
Write out each
component Domain: Language and Literacy
and exactly, Strand: Reading
as published in
Topic: Reading Comprehension
Standard Statement: Actively engage in-group reading with purpose and understanding.

Children will be able to explore the use of an Ipad while observing the habitat of the zoo animals.

Estimated This lesson will be divided into a minimum of 30 -minute sessions over a period of five days. The
preschool class of three year olds can sometimes go a little longer than 30 minutes if they are really
interested but on some days, that is pushing it. We will be doing a weekly theme about the zoo
animals to give children plenty of time to explore and discover their interests.

Preparation What preparation is needed? Gather materials for the classroom presentations, Do research
of materials on which online sites provides the best information appropriate for preschool age group.
environment What materials will be used? An Ipad or tablet, a computer, a camera or iPhone for pictures,
laminated zoo animal for each child, stuffed zoo animals, plastic zoo animals. A box for all
items. A book, Hello Baby! about baby zoo animals. A book and cd called, Animal Boogie.

How will the learning environment be set up? Animal sponges and paint will be at the art table,
animal stencils and stickers at the writing table, monkey game at the manipulative table. Small
plastic zoo animals, trees and fences will be in the sensory table with pinto beans as ground
cover in some areas and rice in other areas. We will have an Ipad, book and cd at group time
Instructional Procedures:

Day 1: First 10 minutes: Introductory activity- We will begin with a song, Mommy Finger, Mommy Finger where are
you? Then we will change the song to implement the zoo animals, lion, giraffe, hippo, elephant and zebra.

For the next 20 minutes: I will talk to the children about whether they have been to the zoo and the students will talk
about their experiences. Then I will discuss how we use the ipad to look up information. I will ask the children which
animal they would like to learn more information about. Each child can give an animal choice. I expect that the children
will continue to share stories about experiences and demonstrating their use of language and literacy. Explain to the
children that an ipad, computer, cameras, cd player, etc. are all uses of technology.
Day 2: First 10 minutes: Read the story, Hello Baby by Mem Fox. Talk about the baby zoo animals from the book. Next
20 minutes: I will bring out a basket of stuffed animals and have children pick one. I will ask children if they want their
pics taken with their animal. Take pictures and send them through the app printicular to be developed for tomorrows
lesson. We will then talk about what sounds their baby animals make and verify through the computer to listen for
animal sounds.
Day 3: First 10 minutes: Pictures of the children that were taken yesterday will be laid out on the table and children will
be asked to pick out their picture. I will ask children to say something about their picture to the class. Children may
hang their picture in their cubby. Next 20 minutes: Bring out the book and CD, Animal Boogie, and let the children be a
bear, monkey elephant, bird, leopard and snake. Repeat the step with each animal, singing and interacting with the
book. Repeat the book if they wish.
Day 4: First 10 minutes: Talk to children about if they were an animal, what zoo animal would they like to be? What
kinds of food would you eat? What kind of bed would you need? Write down their answers. Next 20 minutes: Look up
the answers on the tablet of the animal they chose.
Day 5: First 10 minutes: Review the lessons of the week. Next 30-45 minutes allow each child to explore the app, Kids
Zoo Game: Preschool by Google play.

This is a site that gives the best 10 educational apps for children based on their ages to promote growth and

Differentiated Instructional Support: Describe how instruction can be differentiated (changed or altered) to meet the
needs of gifted or accelerated students: I have other activities set out on the tables in case a child is not showing interest
in the particular activity. A child may choose another area.
Discuss additional activities you could do to meet the needs of students who might be struggling with the material:
An extra teacher assistant can help with a child who wants to be included but needs extra help.

Vocabulary: technology, camera, ipad, habitat, jungle, leopard

For teachers Ask parents to bring in ipads or tablets that may be available for use in the class for
the day or week. Borrow from other classes as needed. Use center camera and CD
For students Each child will need an ipad, tablet or computer to fully participate.

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