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What you are being assessed on for your Semester 1 and Semester 2 Reports:

1 Comprehend a range of written, spoken and multimodal texts 6

2 Analyse and compare structures and features in a variety of texts 7

Identify and explore different perspectives through events, characters

3 and setting in texts 8

4 Draw conclusions and explain issues and ideas from a variety of sources 9

5 Create well-constructed texts for a variety of purposes and audiences 10

In addition to the above 10 areas, I have developed an explanation of some key skills, understandings and attitudes that you absolutely need to
in all other subjects at school and definitely at College.

Reading 1 2 3

Able to identify words and phrases to

Comprehension - direct No evidence answer a direct question N/A

Able to guess what a character is

Able to guess what is happening based on
Comprehension - inferential No evidence hints or circumstances in the text feeling/thinking based on non-obvious hints
or circumstances in the text
Connecting to other No evidence Able to make simple connections between Able to see how and why one text influences
texts/sources of information genres, plots, themes others

Can make less predictable guesses about

Able to guess something predictable about
Predicting No evidence what is going to happen next in the story what a character is going to do or what
events are going to happen

Understands that the author has created the

Analysing Characters & Author's No evidence Able to describe the character and identify characters and themes for a reason and can
Intention / Themes the moral or message of the writing analyse that reason with evidence from the

Writing 1 2 3

The writing lacks focus, is

incompletely developed, and has
few details. The thesis is without The writing may be focused, but it is only partially developed and may lack necessary
Content direction or not evident.Support details.The thesis is present; however, it may be too broad or predictable.The thesis is
for the thesis is minimal or non- supported by details, but the details may be general, obvious, or insufficient in number.
evident; details are limited or
unclear. Ideas are trite.
Organization neither supports nor
develops the central idea (thesis).
The lack of order and structure
detract from the reader's Organization supports the central idea (thesis). However, the order and structure do not
understanding. The introduction readily move the reader through the text. The introduction and conclusion are present.
Organisation and conclusion are not present. Transitions are present but commonplace, inappropriate, or excessive. Organizational
Transitions are nonexistent. patterns are present but predictable. Paragraphing is not consistently natural and
Organizational patterns are appropriate.
haphazard and disjointed.
Paragraphing is not utilized or is

The writer seems indifferent,

uninvolved, or distanced from the
topic and/or audience. As a result,
the paper reflects more than one
of the following problems: The The writer seems sincere, but not fully engaged or involved. The result is pleasant or even
writer speaks in a kind of personable, but not compelling. The writing communicates in an earnest, pleasing manner.
Voice monotone that flattens all Only one or two moments here or there surprise, delight, or move the reader. The writer
potential highs or lows of the seems aware of an audience but weighs ideas carefully and discards personal insights in
message; The writing is humdrum favor of safe generalities.
and risk-free; The writer is not
concerned with the audience, or
the writer's style is a complete
mismatch for the intended reader.
The language is awkward and
unclear. Words are limited, dull, The language is functional, and the message is conveyed. Words are generally correct and
Word Choice and abstract. No powerful words appropriate but may be ordinary. Powerful words are occasionally present. Expression is
are used. The writer uses a limited clear but cliches and redundancy may exist.
vocabulary and/or excessive jargon.

The writing moves awkwardly. The

sentences tend to be choppy, The writing moves mechanically. The writer shows control over simple sentence structure,
Sentence Fluency incomplete, or rambling. The but uses complex sentences infrequently. The sentence rhythm is attempted but
sentence rhythm is clumsy and inconsistent.

The writer demonstrates limited

control of standard writing The writer shows reasonable control over a limited range of standard writing conventions;
Conventions conventions. Errors are serious and however, a variety of errors or frequent errors detract from the quality of the paper.

Can name 6 different persuasive writing

Does not understand what Can name 2 different persuasive writing
Persuasive techniques persuasive writing techniques are techniques and apply them simplistically techniques and can apply them easily and

Proofreading is only used to correct obvious Proofreading is used to significantly improve

Proofreading No evidence spellingand punctuation mistakes the first draft of writing.

Speaking 1 2 3
Speaks with clarity, pauses and appropriate
Tone Is not aware of tone or volume. Speaks with appropriate volume changes in tone

Does not make eye contact with

Eye contact audience
Makes eye contact with audience Pace and target of eye movement is confident and purposeful

No appropriate hand gestures are

Hand gestures made Gestures and moves to affect audience
Changes stance / body position for some Makes use of the space / the room to engage
Body Language Is not aware of body language effect audience and deliver key points

Absence of ums, ahs, etc High frequency of these words Medium frequency of these words Low frequency of these words

Listening 1 2 3
Is able to discern most relevant points from a
Note taking No evidence Can only copy notes from slides/board lecture, reading or video and note them
down in a useful form

Listens to others ideas and opinions without Is

Respecting others' ideas and able to identify the ways in which others
No evidence ideas and opinions are different from their
opinions interrupting and without tuning out own

Summarising what is being said / No evidence Can change a few words (can find synonyms) Can simplify what is being said and identify
able to put into your own words to keep the meaning the same most important point(s).

1 - never thinks like 2 - sometimes thinks or 3 - thinks like this about

Thinking this or does this does this half of the time
Always questioning why and what
(who is the author? What is
author's purpose? When was it
written? Etc)

Able to put ideas into different

contexts (what would other
cultures, age groups, historical
contexts think about this)

Checking for bias (how are you

being manipulated? Why is the
author / message taking a certain

Able to hold two conflicting ideas

in their mind (including
subjective and objective spheres
of knowledge)

Constantly questions what the

consequence is of an action,
thought, event

Employs a range of problem

solving strategies

Able to develop evidence from a

range of sources (experience,
books, films, research)
3 - neither agree or
Attitude 1 - strongly disagree 2 - disagree disagree
You can articulate at least 8
benefits of reading and
understand that reading is not
just about books

You agree that the more you

learn, the more you realise they
do not know (humility)

You know that when you make a

mistake, you see this as an
opportunity to learn (growth

You know that when someone

has a different opinion to you, it
is not a personal attack on your
opinion (tolerance)

You appreciate that exercising

your brain will make it more
powerful and thereby make
experiencing life more rich and
You are aware of the importance
of communicating to human
relationships and that
communicating is a very complex
nd Semester 2 Reports:

Use correct paragraphing and a variety of sentence structures to convey meaning

Use evidence to support ideas

Deliver formal and informal oral presentations using language and presentation skills to
engage the audience

Contribute actively to discussions in both speaking and listening modes

Plans, reviews and proofreads own writing using accurate spelling, grammar and

that you absolutely need to master in order to excel not just in English, but

4 5


Able to hypothesis about events, themes, feelings, N/A

setting, etc, based on symbols and indirect evidence
Able to assess the relative importance of N/A
connections with other texts

Can make predictions about events and characters

based on an understanding of the features of the N/A
text strucutre

Can discuss own character, author and theme

analysis in the context of the text and also place Can apply a school of literary criticism as a way
analysis in broader context (social issues, other of interpreting a literary text
texts, etc)

4 5

The writing is focused, well developed, and enhanced by details. The thesis is clear and concise.The
thesis is strongly supported by well-chosen and integrated details.Ideas are engaging or sophisticated.
Organization supports the centrail idea (thesis). The order and structure move the reader through the
text easily. An interesting introduction draws the reader into the paper, and a satisfying conclusion
leaves the reader with a sense of resolution. Smooth, effective transitions exist among all elements
(sentences, paragraphs, and ideas). Organizational patterns are effective but unobtrusive.
Paragraphing is natural and appropriate.

The writer speaks directly to the reader in a way that is individual, compelling and engaging. The
writer is aware and respectful of the audience and the purpose for writing. The reader feels a strong
interaction with the writer, sensing the person behind the words. The writer takes a risk by revealing
who they are and what they think. The writing makes you think about and react to the author's point
of view.
The language is rich, natural, and yet succinct. Words are specific, precise, and appropriate. Powerful
words provide energy for the paper.

The writing has a natural flow and rhythm. Varied sentence structure and length demonstrate
conscious planning. The sentences are rhythmic and graceful.

The writer correctly utilizes a wide range of standard writing conventions. Some minor errors may
exist, but they do not detract from the overall quality of the paper.

Can use a range of persuasive writing techniques in N/A

creative and powerful ways.

Proofreading is used as an integral part of the writing process which results in a final draft which is
vastly clearer in terms of logic, structure and language conventions

4 5
Changes speech patterns to affect the reader N/A

dent and purposeful N/A

Employs props/devices to engage audience N/A

Body language and presence in the room combine
for purposeful effects that link powerfully to what is N/A
being said

Almost no use of these words No use of these words

4 5
Does everything in point 3 and in addition adds own
comments about the points being noted, including N/A
adding own questions about the notes

In addition to what is included in level 4, the

student shows a value for tolerance and that
Is willing to change their mind and / or to include people's backgrounds and personal experience
the new information, opinion, idea into their own strongly influence what their ideas and opinions
understanding of topic are. Student understands why someone might
have the idea or opinion that they have


5 - enjoys thinking like this

4 - thinks like this the majority and understands its
of the time importance
4 - agree 5 - strongly agree

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