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Natural Frequency and Natural Period of Vibration

Eq (2.11) implies that the system vibrates indefinitely with the same amplitude at a frequency of n
radian/sec. Here, n is the angular rotation (radians) traversed by a dynamic system in unit time (one
second). It is called the natural frequency of the system (in radians/sec).

Alternatively, the number of cycles completed by a dynamic system in one second is also called its
natural frequency (in cycles/sec or Hertz). It is often denoted by fn. fn = n/2

The time taken by a dynamic system to complete one cycle of revolution is called its natural period (T n).
It is the inverse of natural frequency.
Tn = 1/fn = 2 / n

Example 2.1
An undamped structural system with stiffness (k) = 25 k/ft and mass (m) = 1 k-sec2/ft is subjected to an
initial displacement (u0) = 1 ft and an initial velocity (v0) = 4 ft/sec.
(i) Calculate the natural frequency and natural period of the system.
(ii) Plot the free vibration of the system vs. time.

(i) For the system, natural frequency, n = (k/m) = (25/1) = 5 radian/sec
fn = n/2 = 5/2 = 0.796 cycle/sec
Natural period, Tn = 1/fn = 1.257 sec

(ii) The free vibration of the system is given by Eq (2.11) as

u(t) = u0 cos ( nt) + (v0/ n) sin ( nt) = (1) cos (5t) + (4/5) sin (5t) = (1) cos (5t) + (0.8) sin (5t)
The maximum value of u(t) is = (12 + 0.82) = 1.281 ft.
The plot of u(t) vs. t is shown below in Fig. 2.2.



0 1 2 3 4 5


Time (sec)

Fig. 3.1:Displacement
Displacement vs.
forfree vibration
Free of anofundamped
Vibration systemSystem
an Undamped

Problems on the Dynamic Analysis of SDOF Systems

1. The force vs. displacement relationship of a spring is shown below. If the spring weighs 10 lb,
calculate its natural frequency and natural period of vibration. If the damping ratio of the spring is 5%,
calculate its damping (c, in lb-sec/in).




0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Displacement (in)

2. For the (20 20 20 ) overhead water tank shown below supported by a 25 25 square column,
calculate the undamped natural frequency for (i) horizontal vibration (k = 3EI/L 3), (ii) vertical
vibration (k = EA/L). Assume the total weight of the system to be concentrated in the tank
[Given: Modulus of elasticity of concrete = 400 103 k/ft2, Unit weight of water = 62.5 lb/ft 3].



3. The free vibration of an undamped system is shown below. Calculate its

(i) undamped natural period, (ii) undamped natural frequency in Hz and radian/second, (iii) stiffness if
its mass is 2 lb-sec2/ft.


0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0

Time (sec)
4. If a linear viscous damper 1.5 lb-sec/ft is added to the system described in Question 3, calculate its
(i) damping ratio, (ii) damped natural period, (ii) free vibration at t = 2 seconds [Initial velocity = 0].

5. The free vibration response of a SDOF system is shown in the figure below. Calculate its
(i) damped natural frequency, (ii) damping ratio, (iii) stiffness and damping if its weight is 10 lb.


0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0

Time (sec)

6. The free vibration responses of two underdamped systems (A and B) are shown below.
(i) Calculate the undamped natural frequency and damping ratio of system B.
(ii) Explain (qualitatively) which one is stiffer and which one is more damped of the two systems.

System A System B


0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Time (sec)

7. A SDOF system with k = 10 k/ft, m = 1 k-sec2/ft, c = 0 is subjected to a force (in kips) given by
(i) p(t) = 50, (ii) p(t) = 100 t, (iii) p(t) = 50 cos(3t).
In each case, calculate the displacement (u) of the system at time t = 0.1 seconds, if the initial
displacement and velocity are both zero.

8. Calculate the maximum displacement of the water tank described in Problem 2 when subjected to
(i) a sustained wind pressure of 40 psf, (ii) a harmonic wind pressure of 40 cos(2t) psf.

9. An undamped SDOF system suffers resonant vibration when subjected to a harmonic load (i.e., of
frequency = n). Of the control measures suggested below, explain which one will minimize the
steady-state vibration amplitude.
(i) Doubling the structural stiffness, (ii) Doubling the structural stiffness and the mass,
(iii) Adding a damper to make the structural damping ratio = 10%.

10. For the system defined in Question 7, calculate u(0.1) in each case using the CAA method.


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