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Grade 9


Introduction to chemistry

Objectives Suggested activity

Define the term chemistry Students can come up with definitions and teacher
will give three definition of the term chemistry.
State and explain SIX importance of Chemistry Video or story on the importances of Chemistry.
Class discuss o the importance of chemistry to
career, medicine, manufacturing of chemicals,
food, clothing and technological devices.
Assessment Idea: Students can create story/
photo collage/ video or poster on the importance
of Chemistry in any industry.

List 6 careers for which chemistry is vital Class discussion. Teacher will introduce students to
non-traditional careers.
Give THREE reasons why laboratory rules are Class discuss, song or deejay
important to lab.

State 6 laboratory rules and state their

Draw 2 D diagram of laboratory apparautus and Handout on laboratory apparatus.
state their use.
Teacher can demonstate:
1. filtration to show the use of the filter
funnel and concial flask,
2. Titration to use the use of dropper, funnel,
retort stand, burrete, pipette, conical flask,
3. Evaporation
4. Measuring volume of liquids.

Home Work: study the first twenty element in order of atomic mass, symbols. Students could devise a

Week 2

Objectives Suggested activity

Know the first 20 elements in order of atomic Quiz
number, symbol
Define the term atomic number, mass number,
Name and give the property of the THREE
subatomic particles
Draw the atomic structure of the first twenty
Use the electronic configuration to deduce the Periodic table to locate an element position in the
group or period of the atom. periodic table
Explain why an atom is neutral Discussion
Define the term ions, cations and anions
Explain why and how ions are formed Use drawng to show how ions are formed

Ionic Bonding and covalent bonding

Define the term ionic bonding

Explain how ionic bonds are formed Students will draw dot cross diagrams to show
ionic bonding.

Na and Cl
Mg and F
Al and O
Ca and N
Na and S

Students could use role play to sow ionic bonding.

Defne the term covalent bonding

Explain how covalent bonds are formed Students will draw dot cross diagrams to show
And distinguish between single, double or triplet covalent bonding.
covalent bonds

Cl and Cl
O and O
N and N
H and O
N and H
Si and F
Mixture and compound

S.O. Students should be able Content Suggested practical activities


A 5.1.p.13 identify Solution as a uniform mixture of solid Identify from a variety of

different types of solutions in solid, solid in liquid, examples

gas in liquid, liquid in liquid.

5.2 distinguish among Continuous gradation of particle size. Identify from a variety of
solutions, Dividing line not absolutely fixed. examples.

colloids and suspensions Solution as uniform/homogeneous Filtration

mixture vs suspension as
heterogeneous solid in liquid mixture.
Tyndall effect in colloids.

5.4 identify suitable Mixtures as impure, properties of Simple and fractional distillation
separation components retained. Properties -ethanol and water, (compare
include boiling point, solubility, crude oil p.28)
techniques based on particle size, solute motility in
differences Filtration, evaporation, paper
solvent, miscibility
in properties of components
separating funnel,
in mixtures
sublimation (p.8, 1.2)

Simple line diagrams of


Research on alloys, metals and non metals and pollution. Students will complete projects and form
groups to discuss ideas please see the attached handout. Teacher will discuss key points and discuss

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