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KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .770

Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 433.486

df 91

Sig. .000

Since the sig value of the KMO and Bartletts test is < 0.05 that means the groups of the variables can be
form and the data is reducible. Its reason is that there exist a 77% relevance among the variables selected
for data reduction (KMO measure of sampling adequacy)


a. Determinant =

The value of determinant is an alternative method of checking the fitness of factor analysis. The data is
considered reducible if the value of determinant appeared < 0.01


Initial Extraction

item01 motivation 1.000 .737

item02 pleasure 1.000 .659
item03 competence 1.000 .737
item07 motivation 1.000 .691
item09 competence 1.000 .648
item12 motivation 1.000 .747
item13 motivation 1.000 .685
item14 pleasure 1.000 .709
item04 reversed 1.000 .756
item05 reversed 1.000 .846
item08 reversed 1.000 .669
item11 reversed 1.000 .583
item06 reversed 1.000 .525
item10 reversed 1.000 .642

Extraction Method: Principal Component

This table reports the expected (Initial) and the actual (Extraction) participation of the variables in group
formation. The actual Communalities explains three things.

1- The variables with approximately same values are likely to join the same group.
2- The variable with the maximum value will be the group leader and it will later use to decide the
name of the group.
3- The variable with low values (<0.5) are likely to overlap among the groups

Total Variance Explained

Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings

Component Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative % Tota

1 4.888 34.916 34.916 4.888 34.916 34.916 3

2 2.000 14.284 49.200 2.000 14.284 49.200 2
3 1.613 11.519 60.719 1.613 11.519 60.719 2
4 1.134 8.097 68.816 1.134 8.097 68.816 1
5 .904 6.459 75.275
6 .716 5.113 80.388
7 .577 4.125 84.513
8 .461 3.293 87.806
9 .400 2.857 90.664
10 .379 2.710 93.374
11 .298 2.126 95.500
12 .258 1.846 97.346
13 .217 1.551 98.897
14 .154 1.103 100.000

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

The three portions of this table reports the amount of variances (total), its percentage values and its
cumulative percentages for the variables, cutoff and factor respectively.

In second portion the software map the values until the variance is above 1 and then stopped. The number
of rows appeared in second portion reflects the number of factors recommended to form.

In the last portion of the table the factor information are appeared after allocation of the remaining
variables along with the main factor variables.

The last portion shows that around 23%, 17%, 16% and 13% of the variables join group 1,2,3 and 4
respectively remaining 31`% will overlap among the groups will direct to any one by ourself based on the
best relevance
Scree plot is the special graph generated by factor analysis which reflect the same information graphically
as the table of total variance explained explain.

Rotated Component Matrixa

High High
Competance Motivation Pleasure Motivation
item01 motivation .817
item02 pleasure .579
item03 competence .834
item07 motivation .695
item09 competence .678
item12 motivation .794
item13 motivation .753
item14 pleasure .833
item04 reversed .833
item05 reversed .882
item08 reversed .764
item11 reversed .640
item06 reversed .581
item10 reversed .778
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.
a. Rotation converged in 6 iterations.

After allocation of the variables it is requird to transform the groups or factors in terms of new variables
by using

Path: transform ---> Compute variable

The expression must be in form of

HC=(item01 + item03+item05r+item11r)/4

Hc will be new variable and remaining other side will be in the numerical experession

The sign used in between the variables is the sign of the correlations in rotated component matrix

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