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Sensorless Multiscalar Control of Double Fed Machine for Wind

Power Generators
Zbigniew Krzeminski
Technical University of Gdarisk, Electrical and Control Engineering Faculty
ul. Narutowicza 11/12, 80-952 Gdansk, POLAND
Phone (048)(058) 3472348, Fax. (048)(058) 3410880
E-Mail: zkrzem@,sparcI0.elv.Dn.gda.d

Abstract and 3kHz. The delay is introduced to the control system

from this reason and has to be compensated for.
The control system based on the multiscalar model of The new variables for the induction motor were
the double fed machine is presented in the paper. proposed in [SI and applied to the DFM in [9].
Nonlinear feedback transforms the system into two Simplified assumptions have been made in [9] 'to show
independent linear subsystem. Estimation of variables properties of the control system. Exact model including
including the rotor position has been applied to the inverter is presented in this paper.
system. The active and reactive powers of the stator are The variables used in the control system are measured
controlled using PI controllers. Oscillations in an on stator and rotor side of the machine but the control is
uncontrolled part of the machine are well damped. applied on the rotor side. The rotor position is used to
Delay caused by digital realization of control algorithm transform the variables from the stator-oriented frame of
is compensated for in the system. No mutual dependence references to the rotor oriented frame of references. The
of transients of the active power on reactive power are control system has to be equipped with rotor position
observed and the system is stable. Fast oscillations of the sensor but application of estimation algorithm for the
rotor speed cased by variable torque produced by the
rotor angle is more preferred.
wind does not influence the active power of generator.
Results of simulations are presented.
2 Vector model of DFM

2 Introduction A general space vector theory is used to derive

differential equations of the induction machine fed from
The slip-ring induction machine working as a double both stator and rotor terminals. The equations for
fed machine (DFM) becomes the most interesting variables determined in the same frame of references are
solution for the high power wind generators if compared as follows:
with synchronous machine and squirrel cage induction
us = R s i , +2+jo,ips,
machine [l]. The stator of the machine is connected to
the grid and the inverter supplies the rotor as shown in dT
Fig. 1. The rotor speed may vary in a limited range and
only a part of energy is transformed by the inverter that
may be designed for the reduced power. These
conditions make the wind power generator with DFM
very efficient and economic.
where vS,\v, are the stator and rotor flux vectors, i s , i,
Different schemes of control systems for the DFM
were proposed. Stable systems presented in [2]-[3] are are the stator and rotor current vectors, us,u, are the
based on forcing the current in the rotor winding. The stator and rotor voltage vectors, R,, R r are the stator
space vector theory may be used to design the structure and rotor resistances, mois the torque, J is moment of
of the control system for variables in different frames of
inertia, or is the rotor angular velocity, w, is the
references [4]. Common problems for all systems are
oscillations of the stator flux in the DFM. These angular velocity of frame of references and T is the
oscillations appear in the uncontrolled part of the
machine resulting from the direct connection of the
stator to the grid and makes the setting of controller very
difficult. Nonlinear feedback was proposed in [5] and [6]
to damp the oscillations in the system with forced
current. An additional inverter was proposed in [7] to
damp the flux oscillations appearing in the DFM.
The other difficulty results from the low switching
frequency of the inverter. The power of the inverter may
be greater than 1 MW and carrier frequency is between 2 Fig. 1. Wind power generation system with DFM

0-7803-7 156-9102/$10.0002002 IEEE - 334 - PCC-Osaka 2002

m2 ur 1
Controller +

' Transfor-
ofgrid side

L\ \ I I I I


2 40 I


P Correction Estimation of
rotor position
I 'sfl, 'SQ, 'si13 Us12
Zll, 2129 221JZ21 variables

Fig. 2. The scheme of multiscalar control system for the DFM

relative time. All variables are expressed in p.u. system.

The equations (1) - (3) were derived with assumption
that the frame of reference rotates in relation to the
stator. In a control system of the DFM presented in
Fig. 2 the rotor variables are defined and measured in the
kame of references tied to the rotor and the stator
variables are defined and measured in the fame of
references tied to the stator. Using the known

(5) L,, L,, L, are the stator, rotor and mutual inductances,
and the additional index S denotes the variables defined
the following differential equations are received for the in the stator oriented frame of references and R denotes
vector components: the variables defined in the rotor oriented frame of
The stator oriented variables are transformed to the
frame of references tied to the rotor as follows:
WsxR = VsxS cosqRS -VsyS sin(PRS > (12)
WsyR = VsxS Sin'PRS +VsyS Cos(PRS (13)
where (PRS is the angle between the rotor and stator.
The variables measured in the rotor are transformed to
the frame of references tied to the stator in the similar

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3 Multiscalar model based control of the

Most of the known up to now control systems of the

DFM are based on the vector model of the machine and
simplification are assumed for the control system design.
The control system presented in this paper is based on an
multiscalar model of the induction machine proposed by
the author in [8] for the induction motor and in [9] for
the DFM. The following variables are defined to develop
the multiscalar model of the DFM: where

All vector components are expressed in the same transform the DFM into two linear subsystems of the
frame of references and the index R or S is omitted. The following:
variables defined by (14) - (17) do not depend on the - mechanical subsystem
fiame of references. The variables zI2 and 222 are
scalar and vector products of the stator flux vector and
the rotor flux vector. On the other hand these variables
may be interpreted as the stator flux and rotor current (33)
vector components defined in the frame of references
tied to the stator flux vector and scaled by \vs . - electromagnetic subsystem
The differential equations of the multiscalar model of
the DFM are derived for the variables (14) - (1 7) are as

where ml, m2 are new inputs to the plant.

4 Control of active and reactive power

The DFM considered in this paper is used as a
generator connected to the grid. The active power is
generated in dependence on the actual wind power and
the reactive power usually have to be equal to zero. The
full control system of the DFM is presented in Fig. 2.
The grid side inverter is used to provide flow of the
power in two directions. Usually the control system of
both inverters generate the reactive power equal to zero
to the grid and a filter is used to eliminate high
harmonics from the current. The active and reactive
powers of the stator side are controlled using PI
The instantaneous active and reactive powers are
defined as follows:
P = usxisx + usyisy
3 (36)
q = -usxiSy + usyiSx. (37)

Using the steady state equations for the stator current

vector components expressed in the frame of references

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inconvenient for the wind power generators of high
power. A long distance between the machine and the
cubicle for control system together with tower
configuration form mechanical difficulties. To avoid
these difficulties a sensorless system is preferred where
the angle of rotor position is calculated.
The rotor position is determined by the angle between
two frames of references presented in Fig. 3. The stator
current vector is determined in two kames of references.
In the rotor oriented coordinates the rotor current vector
is directly measured. In the stator oriented coordinates
the rotor current is calculated from the following
irS = ims -is,, (42)
Fig. 3. Position of the stator current vector in the where i,s is the magnetizing current vector.
frames of references tied to the stator and the rotor
tied to the stator voltage vector the following
dependences may be received:
where vmSis the main magnetic:
Vms = V ~ -Losis~
S 9 (44)
where LoS is the stator leakage inductance.
The stator current vector in (44) is directly measured
and the stator flux vector may be estimated on the basis
The variables uSfl and usf2 may be interpreted as
of the following steady state equations received by
vector and scalar products of the stator voltage and the assumption that the stator resistance is omitted:
stator flux vectors. The angle between these vectors is
equal near to n I 2 in steady state and in consequence
usf2 is equal near to 0 and usfl is equal to 1. It means
that the active power depends mainly on the variable
z12 and the reactive power depends on the variable 222.
Wsps = 7,
The simplified expressions for the active and reactive where w is the angular velocity of the stator voltage
powers received from (38) and (39) taking the above vector.
dependences are as follows: The position of the stator current vector in two frames
of references is connected with rotor position as follows:
(Pis = (PiR + (PRS 9 (47)
The rotor oriented frame of references may be rotated
in clock opposite direction together with the rotor current
vector. Two vectors in the same frame of references are
In accordance with (40) and (41) the signals on received in this way. The angle between the rotor current
outputs of the controllers of the active and reactive vectors in the same frame of references is equal to the
power may define the set values for the variables 212 angle between the rotor and stator. The trigonometric
and ~ 2 ~ . functions of the rotor position may be expressed as
The variable z21 is uncontrolled in the system with follows:
controllers of the active and reactive power what may be
a reason of oscillations.

5 Estimation of variables
The angle between the stator and the rotor is needed The rotor position is calculated from the functions
to transform the variables to the same frame of (48) and (49). The estimated angle (PRS is used to
references. The simplest way is application of the transform the variables to the required frame of
encoder to measure the rotor position but it is references.

- 337 -
1 1k 1
U.Yb 0

f \
212 L Y 7
-1 . . . . . . . . . . .i ................ :...... ........... : ..
... .............

1. . . . . . . . . . . . L .............. :........... :................ :. ........... :

I : \ i
9 \ ' r ! 1
-1- ............. i ............... !...... . . . . . . ;.... ............ i ............ 1 - 1 -

Time [As] 100 200 300 400

Fig. 4. Transients in the multiscalar model based Fig. 6. Transients in the multiscalar model based
control system for actual variables control system for variable wind torque

z2 1
- in dependence on the sampling time and actual value of
0.9 rotor speed.
1 ................ k ............ ~............... . . ~ . - ................... The full system presented in Fig. 2 was digitally
P -1
................ :....
f ............ :. ................................
1 model. The grid side inverter was controlled by PI
controllers working in the frame of references tied to
grid voltage vector.
The PI controllers were applied in the cascade
connection to control the active and reactive power and
the variables zI2 and z22.
............................. : ................................ ;.. ...........:

7 Results of simulations
Time [ i s ] 160 200 300 400
The control system was investigated using digital
Fig. 5. Transients in the multiscalar model based simulations to check influence of simplified assumption.
control system for estimated variables The results of simulation of the ideal system with all
variables directly available from the machine are
presented in Fig. 4. Constant rotor angular velocity and
step changes of the active and reactive powers were
6 Digital realization of the control system applied. Full decoupling of the variables z12 and 222
may be observed on transients although oscillations of
In the high power generators the carrier frequency of
pulse with modulation is in the range bemeen 2 kHz and very amplitude appear after step change Of set
HZ because of limitation of switching losses in the values for the powers. It is impossible to damp these
~ h period appears from this
inverter. ~ i sampling oscillations by controllers tuning. The reason of
in the control system that have to be compensated for. It oscillations lies in inner properties of the DFM as it has
was investigated by simulations that the delay caused by been Pointed out in [51 and 161. The most evident
sampling period does not influence the nonlinear oscillations are observed in transients of the variable
feedback. The variables appearing in the nonlinear 221 that appear in the uncontrolled part of the system.
feedback are constant in steady states, change slowly in Eventually additional damping feedbacks may be applied
transients and controllers compensate for the delay. On to damp the oscillations.
the other hand the delay have to be corrected in the The transients in the multiscalar model based control
transformations of rotation. system with estimated flux, rotor position and rotor
Two corrections of the transformation angle have to angular speed are presented in Fig. 5. The rotor speed
be applied. The first one is applied for transformations of was estimated in a phase locked loop with estimated
output variables. The estimated stator flux used for rotor angle as an input. The oscillations of the variable
calculation of the rotor voltage vector have to be rotated
221 are damped more efficient than in the system with
by the angle resulting from its rotation in sampling time.
The second rotation is needed for transformation of the actual values. This future is of general nature and is very
variables defined in the stator oriented system to the important for experimental application. Good damping
rotor oriented system. This rotation have to be corrected of variable z21 is connected with very small damped

- 338 -
oscillation appearing in transients of 212 and 222. The [2] Bogalecka E., Krzeminski Z., Wierzejski M.:
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Europ. Conf. on Power Electronics and Appl.
The paper was supported by The Polish Scientific EPE200 1, Graz, 200 1.
Committee in project Nr 8 TlOA 05521.
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