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7th Grade Science Final Review

1. Mechanical digestion : Teeth and digestive tract muscles

2. Chemical digestion : Enzymes, gastric juices and acids
3. Why are teeth and chewing important for mechanical digestion? To
break down food and ease digestion.
4. Types of teeth and functions? Incisors (Cut), Canine (Shred),
Premolars (Grind), Molars (mash)
5. Roll of the saliva in the process of digestion? To break down
carbohydrates into simple sugar. Lubricates food.
6. Where are sugars digested? In the mouth.
7. The epiglottis prevents food from entering the windpipe.
8. Nutrients are substances that must be consumed or taken in by an
organism to promote normal growth, maintenance, and repair.
9. A calorie is a unit of energy that indicates the amount of energy
contained in food.
10. What are six types of nutrients and their functions?
Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, water.
11. What are 6 essential vitamins and where do we find them? A,
B, C, D, E, K
12. Carbohydrates are biochemically composed of one or more
simple sugars bonded together used to provide and store energy.
They begin digesting in the mouth.
13. Proteins are biochemically composed of amino acids; their
functions include regulating chemical reactions, transporting and
storing materials, and providing support.
14. Fats are energy-storing nutrients that help the body store some
vitamins. Provide Insulation.
15. What is the function of the cerebellum? Balance and
movement coordination
16. What is the function of the cerebrum? Thinking and memory
17. What is the function of the medulla? Involuntary functions
(breathing, heart rate)
18. A gland is an organ that secretes hormones or other substances
that help your body processes.
19. A hormone is a chemical messenger that controls and regulates
the activity of certain cells or organs.
20. Which hormone activates the fight or flight response?
Epinephrine, also known as adrenaline
21. Fast acting hormones are: adrenaline, oxytocin, insulin.
22. What is the feedback mechanism of insulin and glucagon?
23. Slow acting hormones are: Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH),
cortisone, and growth hormone.
24. What is the metabolism? Its the sum of all the processes in our
25. A Diuretic is a substance that promotes the production of urine.
26. Urea is nitrogen containing body waste expulsed in the urine
27. Uro-chrome is a pigment that give urine the yellow color
28. Nephrons are the filtering units of the kidneys
29. Are photoreceptors in the eye called rods important? Why?
30. What do we call people who are color-blind? What colors they
cant distinguish?
31. Concave lens have curves inward
32. Convex lens have curves outward
33. What flavors do taste buds detect? Sweet, Sour, Salty, bitter
34. The organ of Cori is the true organ of hearing.
35. The cochlea is full of fluid that convert the sound waves into
electrical signals.
36. The testes produce sperm and testosterone
37. The ovaries produce eggs, estrogen and progesterone
38. Menstruation is the process by which about every 28 days
blood and tissue lining leave the uterus.
39. Ovulation occurs on the 14th day of the menstrual cycle.
40. The sequence of some events in human development is:
fertilization - zygote implantation embryo fetus.
41. The Placenta is connected to the uterus and protects the fetus.
42. Umbilical cord is a cord that goes from the fetus to the placenta
it allows him to feed and eliminate waste.
43. Amniotic fluid is a protective liquid in the uterus. It promotes
development of lungs and gastrointestinal tract
44. Pathogens are agents that cause a disease (viruses and
45. What is the difference between a virus and bacteria?
46. What are ways to come in contact with a pathogen?
47. Immunity is the ability to resist & recover from an infectious
48. Immunological memory confers the ability to respond more
rapidly and effectively to a second and subsequent challenge by the
same pathogen.
49. The first line of defense and second line of defense of the
immune system are composed of?
50. Who was credited with the first vaccine? Eduard Jenner
51. A second hand smokers or passive smoker is a person who is
exposed to or smells smoke from the air
52. Narcotics are drugs made from opium.
53. What is the use for analgesics? For pain
54. What is the use for antibiotics? For viruses
55. What is the use for Antihistamines? For allergies
56. What are Stimulants? Uppers (narcotics)
57. What are Depressants? Downers (alcohol)
58. What is Stamina The ability to maintain prolonged physical or
mental effort
59. Hygiene - methods of preserving and protecting your health.
60. Aerobic exercises are vigorous, sustained exercise of the whole
body for 20 minutes or more (walking, running, swimming, and
61. Stress is a physical and mental response to situations that
create pressure
62. What are methods to handle stress?

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