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Neurosurg Focus 16 (5):Article 1, 2004, Click here to return to Table of Contents

Pathophysiology of peripheral nerve injury: a brief review


Department of Neurosurgery, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Clinicians caring for patients with brachial plexus and other nerve injuries must possess a clear understanding of the
peripheral nervous systems response to trauma. In this article, the authors briefly review peripheral nerve injury (PNI)
types, discuss the common injury classification schemes, and describe the dynamic processes of degeneration and rein-
nervation that characterize the PNI response.

KEY WORDS peripheral nerve nerve injury neurapraxia axonotmesis


After a nerve is injured in the periphery, a complex and Lacerations such as those created by a knife blade are
finely regulated sequence of events commences to remove another common PNI type, comprising 30% of serious in-
the damaged tissue and begin the reparative process. Un- juries in some series.5 Whereas these can be complete
like cellular repair in other areas of the body, the response transections, more often some nerve element of continuity
of the peripheral nerve to injury does not involve mitosis remains. Because most research models involve a lacer-
and cellular proliferation. Our understanding of the peri- ation-type injury mechanism because it is easily repro-
pheral nerve regeneration process has increased signifi- duced, the details of nerve degeneration and regeneration
cantly during the past several decades concurrent with discussed in this article are perhaps most representative of
advances in cellular and molecular biology. We now see this injury type.
that a nerves response to injury is not simply localized Compression is a third common type of PNI. These
at the site of damage but involves the cellular bodies locat- injuries include the Saturday Night palsy due to radial
ed in the spinal cord and ganglia as well. Critical roles are nerve compression as well as entrapment neuropathies
played by Schwann cells as well as macrophages and in- and do not involve a severance or tearing of the neural ele-
flammatory cells. The importance of neurotrophic factors ments. Total loss of both motor and sensory function may
has also been elucidated. We provide a review of PNI and occur, but the pathophysiology responsible for these def-
repair processes and illustrate the remarkable cooperation icits is unclear because complete nerve continuity is main-
between destructive and restorative forces that must occur tained. Two pathological mechanisms are believed to be
if proper nerve regeneration is to take place. involved in these injuries: mechanical compression and
ischemia. Discerning which mechanism is more important
BASIC INJURY TYPES in compression injuries has been difficult. The authors of
tourniquet experiments performed in the 1930s demon-
Before discussing the pathophysiology of PNIs, it is im- strated that, at least in short-term compression, ischemia
portant to provide a brief description of the basic injury and not the pressure itself causes the resultant physiologi-
types seen in clinical practice. cal conduction block.8 Exactly how short-term ischemia
Stretch-related injuries are the most common type. Pe- induces such a block has not been determined, but large
ripheral nerves are inherently elastic because of their col- myelinated fibers appear to be more susceptible to ische-
lagenous endoneurium, but when traction forces exceed mic effects than smaller unmyelinated ones. Little or no
the nerves capacity to stretch, injury occurs.17 If the force histological change is seen as a result of such injuries, and
applied is great enough, a complete loss of continuity may the effects appear to be reversible unless ischemia persists
occur as in a brachial plexus avulsion. More often, how-
ever, continuity is retained. Injuries of this type can be for more than approximately 8 hours.
seen in isolation (for example, in Erb palsy and similar Mechanical deformation is thought to be the primary
brachial plexus birth-related injuries) or in association mechanism in the more severe cases of compression in-
with extremity fractures at points where nerves and bone jury such as in Saturday Night palsy in which function
are in close approximation (for example, in radial nerve may be lost for weeks and full recovery does not always
injury following humeral fracture. occur. Experiments involving a pneumatic cuff to recreate
this sort of compression injury have and shown that nerves
undergo degenerative changes at the edges of the com-
Abbreviations used in this paper: CNS = central nervous system; pressed area and not under the center of the cuff where
NGF = nerve growth factor; PNI = peripheral nerve injury. ischemia is most severe.10 Ultrastructural examination of

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M. G. Burnett and E. L. Zager

the nerves has demonstrated that the axoplasm and myelin otmesis) and also partial injury to the endoneurium. This
beneath the cuff were pushed away from the point of categorization places a third-degree between Seddons
greatest compression and toward the edges of the cuff, axonotmesis and neurotmesis. Dependent on the extent
reinforcing the finding that mechanical deformation is re- of the endoneurial damage, functional recovery may be
sponsible in these injuries.11 possible. Sunderland divides Seddons neurotmesis into
fourth- and fifth-degree injuries. In a fourth-degree injury,
all portions of the nerve are disrupted except the epineuri-
NERVE INJURY CLASSIFICATION um. Recovery is not possible without surgical interven-
The timing and success of the peripheral nerve repair tion. Similarly, a fifth-degree injury involves complete
process depends on the extent of injury. Clinically useful severance of the nerve.
injury grading systems have been developed that allow
correlation of the microscopic changes occurring after
nerve injury and patient symptomatology. Perhaps the NEURAL RESPONSE TO INJURY
most widely accepted are those developed by Seddon15 Before regeneration of nerve fibers can occur, a series
and Sunderland18 (Fig. 1). Seddon divided nerve injuries of degenerative processes must take place, many of which
by severity into three broad categories: neurapraxia, axon- are direct preludes to regeneration. The success of regen-
otmesis, and neurotmesis. Neurapraxia, the mildest injury eration depends largely on the severity of the initial injury
type, does not involve loss of nerve continuity and causes and resultant degenerative changes. Pathological changes
functional loss, which is transient. This symptoms transi- are mild or absent in first-degree injuries in which the
ence it thought to be due to a local ion-induced conduction mechanism is conduction block alone, and no true degen-
block at the injury site, although subtle alterations in eration or regeneration occurs. In second-degree injuries
myelin structure have also been found. Axonotmesis oc- (axonotmesis) there is little histological change at the in-
curs when there is complete interruption of the nerve axon jury site or proximal to it; however, distal to the injury
and surrounding myelin while the surrounding mesenchy- site, a calcium-mediated process known as Wallerian (or
mal structures including the perineurium and epineurium, anterograde) degeneration is known to occur22 (Fig. 2).
are preserved. Axon and myelin degeneration occur distal In Wallerian degeneration the primary histological
to the point of injury, causing complete denervation. The change involves physical fragmentation of both axons and
prospect of recovery is excellent in such injuries because
of the remaining uninjured mesenchymal latticework that
provides a path for subsequent sprouting axons to reinner-
vate their target organ. Neurotmesis involves disconnec-
tion of a nerve. Functional loss is complete and recovery
without surgical intervention, does not usually occur be-
cause of scar formation and the loss of the mesenchymal
guide that properly directs axonal regrowth.
Sunderlands classification system18 further stratifies
the three injury types described by Seddon15 into five cat-
egories according to severity. A first-degree injury is
equivalent to Seddons neurapraxia and a second-degree
injury is equivalent to axonotmesis. Third-degree nerve
injuries occur when there is disruption of the axon (axon-

Fig. 2. Illustrations showing the Wallerian degeneration of the

peripheral nerve. In the normal (A) and injury state (B), Schwann
cells align along the length of the axon forming multiple layers of
myelin. The characteristic spaces between neighboring Schwann
cells are known as nodes of Ranvier. After significant injury (C),
the nerve will begin to degrade in an anterograde fashion. The axon
and surrounding myelin break down during this process. The round
mast cells can be seen as can the phagocytic macrophages that in-
teract with Schwann cells to remove the injured tissue debris. As
the degradation of the distal nerve segment continues (D), connec-
tion with the target muscle is lost, leading to muscle atrophy and
fibrosis. Once the degenerative events are complete (E), all that re-
mains is a column of collapsed Schwann cells (bands of Bngner).
Fig. 1. Graph illustrating the Sunderland and Seddon PNI grad- Axon sprouts with a fingerlike growth cone advance using the
ing systems. Gradations in both systems are associated with the Schwann cells as guides. After reinnervation (F), the newly con-
anatomical extent of injury and with the chance of a spontaneous nected axon matures and the preinjury cytoarchitecture and func-
recovery of function after trauma. tion are restored.

2 Neurosurg. Focus / Volume 16 / May, 2004

Pathophysiology of peripheral nerve injury: a brief review

myelin, a process that begins within hours of injury. Ul- as the bands of Bngner and become important guides
trastructurally, both neurotubules and neurofilaments for sprouting axons during reinnervation. These bands
become disarrayed, and axonal contour becomes irregular, provide an early illustration of a second role for Schwann
due to varicose swellings. By 48 to 96 hours postinjury, cells after nerve injury, the neurosupportive role for axon
axonal continuity is lost and conduction of impulses is no regrowth. This will be described further when nerve
longer possible. Myelin disintegration lags slightly behind regeneration is discussed.
that of axons but is well advanced by 36 to 48 hours. In fourth- and fifth-degree injuries, local reaction to the
Schwann cells play a key role in Wallerian degenera- severe trauma is pronounced. Endoneurial tubes, as well
tion. They initially become active within 24 hours of in- as fasciculi, are disrupted and Schwann cells and axons
jury, exhibiting nuclear and cytoplasmic enlargement as are no longer confined. The epineurium is also damaged
well as an increased mitotic rate. These cells divide rapid- and reactive epineurial fibroblasts are present at the sev-
ly to form dedifferentiated daughter cells that upregulate ered ends within 24 hours. These are accompanied by pro-
gene expression for a multitude of molecules to assist in liferating Schwann cells and peri- and endoneurial fibro-
the degeneration and repair process. An initial Schwann blasts. Vigorous cellular proliferation peaks within the
cell role is to help remove the degenerated axonal and 1st week and continues for a prolonged period. As in
myelin debris and then pass it on to macrophages. The the aforementioned milder injuries, capillary permeability
macrophages have migrated into the traumatized region, increases, probably as a result of mast cell degranulation,
primarily through a hemopoietic route, passing through and edema and macrophage infiltration follow. The mag-
the walls of capillaries, which have become permeable in nitude of this response correlates with the severity of the
the injury zone. Schwann cells and macrophages work to- trauma to both the nerve and the surrounding tissues.
gether to phagocytose and clear the site of injury in a pro- In fourth- and fifth-degree injuries, the nerve ends
cess that requires 1 week to several months. become a swollen mass of disorganized Schwann cells,
Endoneurial mast cells also play a pivotal role in this capillaries, fibroblasts, macrophages, and collagen fibers.
process, proliferating markedly within the first 2 weeks Regenerating axons reach the swollen bulb of the proxi-
postinjury. They release histamine and serotonin, which mal stump and encounter formidable barriers to further
enhance capillary permeability and facilitate macrophage growth. Many axons form whorls within the scar tissue or
migration. During the initial stages, the endoneurial tubes are turned back along the proximal segment or out into the
swell in response to the trauma, but after the first 2 weeks surrounding tissue. Some of the regenerating axons may
they become smaller in diameter. By 5 to 8 weeks, the de- reach the distal stump, an accomplishment that is depen-
generative process is usually complete, and nerve fiber dent on multiple factors, including the severity of the orig-
remnants composed of Schwann cells within an endoneu- inal injury, the extent of the scar formation, and the delay
rial sheath are all that remain. before the axons reach the injury site. As in third-degree
In third-degree injuries, a more significant trauma-in- injuries, endoneurial tubes left unoccupied for prolonged
duced local reaction occurs. These intrafascicular injuries periods undergo progressive shrinkage and fibrosis, ul-
involve retraction of the severed nerve fiber ends due to timately becoming completely obliterated by collagen
the elastic endoneurium. Local vascular trauma leads to fibers.
hemorrhage and edema, which result in a vigorous inflam-
matory response. Fibroblasts proliferate, and a dense fi- Proximal Segment and Cell Body
brous scar causes a fusiform swelling of the injured seg-
ment. Interfascicular scar tissue also develops so that the Changes in neuronal cell bodies and in nerve fibers
entire nerve trunk, which is left in continuity, is perma- proximal to the site of injury depend on the severity of the
nently enlarged. Often, it is adherent to perineural scar tis- injury as well as the proximity of the injured segment to
sue as well. the cell body. Schwann cells inevitably degrade along the
proximal segment near the area of injury, and axons and
myelin become visibly reduced in diameter. This proximal
Distal Segment degradation can be minimal (ranging from the injury site
Distal to the injured segment, Wallerian degeneration back to the next node of Ranvier) or it can extend all the
follows a sequence very similar to that observed in sec- way back to the cellular body. If the cellular body actual-
ond-degree injuries. One important difference is that the ly degenerates, which may occur in severe trauma, the
intrafascicular injury impairs axonal regeneration and, entire proximal segment undergoes Wallerian degenera-
therefore, the endoneurial tubes remain denervated for tion and is phagocytosed.
prolonged periods. While denervated, the endoneurial Following significant injury, the proximal segment ax-
tubes begin to shrink in a process that reaches a maximum on is reduced in diameter, particularly if functional con-
at approximately 3 to 4 months postinjury.17,19 The endo- nections to appropriate end organs are not reestablished.
neurial sheath progressively thickens secondary to colla- Nerve conduction velocity is accordingly reduced. As re-
gen deposition along the outer surface of the Schwann cell generation proceeds, the axonal diameter increases, but
basement membrane. If the endoneurial tube does not may never reach normal preinjury levels. A definite inter-
receive a regenerating axon, progressive fibrosis ultimate- dependence exists between the cellular body and the axon
ly obliterates it. in terms of recovery: the cellular body does not recover
Stacks of Schwann cell processes representing col- fully without the reestablishment of functional peripheral
lapsed endoneurial tubes become microscopically visible connections, and the final axonal caliber depends to a
late in the Wallerian degeneration progress in these more great extent on the recovery of the cellular body.
significant injuries. The Schwann cell columns are known The nerve cell body itself reacts to axonal injury in a

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relatively predictable fashion. Within 6 hours of the injury, unsuccessful regeneration may be attributed to pathologi-
the nucleus migrates to the periphery of the cell and Nissl cal changes that impede normal reparative processes at
granules, rough endoplasmic reticulum, break up and dis- one or more of these zones.
perse. This process is called chromatolysis. Simultaneous- The regeneration and repair phase following nerve in-
ly, there is a brisk proliferative response of perineuronal jury may last for many months. The earliest signs of this
glial cells, most likely signaled in some manner by the phase are visible changes in the cell body that mark the
process of chromatolysis. Glial cell processes extend to reversal of chromatolysis. The nucleus returns to the cell
the affected neuron and interrupt synaptic connections, center and nucleoproteins reorganize into the compact
possibly to isolate the neuron for its recovery phase. Nissl granules. Postinjury, many subcellular metabolic
Cell survival is not assured after severe nerve injury. functions were altered during chromatolysis. Likewise,
The incidence of apoptosis-related cell death in dorsal root RNA synthesis was increased and neurotransmitter syn-
ganglion neurons following axonotmesis ranges from 20 thesis decreased. Chromatolysis heralded a fundamental
to 50%.9 Death occurs more frequently if axonotmesis oc- shift in cell function from synaptic transmission to cellu-
curs proximally and in injuries involving sensory or cra- lar repair. The metabolic machinery was reprogrammed so
nial nerves. This process of injury-induced neuronal cell that the cell would be able to produce the vast amount of
death remains poorly understood, but conditions within protein and lipid needed for axonal regrowth during the
the microenvironment of the injury site are believed to be regeneration phase.
important. In fact, the regenerative capacity of the periph- A complex and incompletely understood interaction
eral nerves microenvironment has been studied since the occurs between the cell body and the regenerating axon
early 1900s when Cajal proposed that it was the peripher- tip. Axoplasm, which serves to regenerate the axon tip,
al nerve milieu rather than intrinsic neuronal differences arises from the proximal axon segment and cell body.
been peripheral and central nervous system neurons that Both fast and slow components of axoplasmic transport
explained the failure of regeneration in the latter. Since supply materials from the cell body to the sites of axonal
that time researchers have demonstrated that central neu- regeneration. The rate of increase in protein and lipid syn-
rons have the capacity to regenerate in a peripheral envi- thesis in the cell body influences the rate of advance and
ronment and that peripheral neurons lose this ability when the final caliber of the regenerating axon. The human
placed in a central environment.2,13 The authors of molec- peripheral neurons capacity to initiate a regenerative re-
ular studies continue to elucidate the supportive role of sponse appears to persist for at least 12 months after
Schwann cells and have demonstrated the presence of injury, and a robust response can be elicited even after re-
trophic molecules in the peripheral nerve microenviron- peated injuries.
ment such as NGF, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, and The length of the segment between the regenerating
others that appear to influence cell survival after in- axon tip and the injury site depends on the severity of the
jury.21,23,24 original injury and the consequent retrograde degradation.
The first signs of axon regrowth in this segment may be
seen as early as 24 hours postinjury, or they may be de-
NERVE REGENERATION layed for weeks in more severe injury. The rate of axonal
In severe injuries nerve regeneration begins only after regrowth is determined by changes within the cell body,
Wallerian degeneration has run its course, but in mild in- the activity of the specialized growth cone at the tip of
juries the regenerative and repair processes begin almost each axon sprout, and the resistance of the injured tissue
immediately. For first- and second-degree injuries (neura- between cell body and end organ.
praxia and axonotmesis), restoration of function is the There may be multiple axon sprouts within each endo-
rule. This occurs early via reversal of conduction block or neurial sheath, even in milder injuries, that do not involve
late via axonal regeneration. Functional recovery is com- destruction of the sheath itself. The fate of these multiple
plete in these milder degrees of injury. Both morphologi- sprouts is not clear even in experimental paradigms. The
cal and physiological changes are fully reversible. timing of degenerative and regenerative processes is such
In more severe nerve injuries in which endoneurial that there must be a significant overlap between these in
tubes are disrupted, regenerating axons are no longer con- certain segments. For example, in milder injuries in which
fined to their original sheaths. They may meander into there is no significant delay in regeneration across the
surrounding tissue or into inappropriate endoneurial tubes, injury site, the growth cone at the advancing axon tip must
thus failing to reinnervate their proper end organs. Neuro- encounter the debris of Wallerian degeneration in the dis-
logical recovery is compromised, generally to a degree tal segment. This debris does not appear to impede regen-
proportional to the severity of the injury. eration, perhaps because the growth cone secretes a pro-
Functional recovery after nerve injury involves a com- tease that can help dissolve material blocking its path.6
plex series of steps, each of which may delay or impair the In very proximal injuries in which there is considerable
regenerative process. In cases involving any degree of delay before the advancing axon tip reaches the distal seg-
nerve injury, it is useful initially to categorize these regen- ment, the empty endoneurial tubes distally have decreased
erative steps anatomically on a gross level. The sequence in diameter. This factor may be responsible, in part, for a
of regeneration may be divided into anatomical zones: 1) terminal slowing in axonal regrowth. Surgical interven-
the neuronal cell body; 2) the segment between the cell tion that interrupts entering nutrient arteries does not ap-
body and the injury site; 3) the injury site itself; 4) the pear to impair axonal regeneration, provided that longitu-
distal segment between the injury site and the end organ; dinal arteries within the nerve itself are not disrupted.
and 5) the end organ itself. A delay in regeneration or In severe nerve injuries that disrupt the endoneurial

4 Neurosurg. Focus / Volume 16 / May, 2004

Pathophysiology of peripheral nerve injury: a brief review

tubes, nerve fascicles, or trunks, formidable obstacles face ful recovery of nerve architecture. The effects of pro-
the regenerating axons that reach the injury site. There longed denervation, which do appear to impair functional
may be a gap between the disrupted nerve ends, allowing recovery, are at the level of the injury sitethat is, pre-
regenerating axon sprouts to wander into surrounding tis- venting the regenerating axons from entering appropriate
sue. Scarring is inevitably present at the site of severe endoneurial tubesor at the end organ.
injury; the extent depends on multiple factors including End organ undergoes characteristic histological
the timing of the arrival of the regenerating sprouts after changes with nerve degeneration and subsequent reinner-
injury. vation. Muscle fibers atrophy quite rapidly (a mean 70%
It has been well documented that regenerating axons reduction of cross-sectional area by 2 months) and cell
may at times successfully traverse long gaps spontaneous- nuclei assume a central rather than the normal peripheral
ly, despite the presence of substantial scar tissue; howev- position. The synaptic folds of motor endplates are pre-
er, there is no question that appropriate surgical repair can served for at least 1 year after denervation.
eliminate the gap and reduce the amount of intervening Tremendous proliferation of fibroblasts also character-
scar tissue. This procedure provides no guarantee of prop- izes the histological picture of denervation. New collagen
er fascicle orientation, of course, and regenerating axons is deposited in both the endo- and perimysium. In gener-
may grow into functionally inappropriate endoneurial al, muscle fibers are not replaced by connective tissue but
tubes or even may fail to reenter an endoneurial tube. Ei- rather atrophied fibers are separated by thickened connec-
ther circumstance results in wasted axons. tive tissue, so that the overall internal pattern of muscle
Previously nonmyelinated axons may regenerate in- architecture is preserved. Occasional dropout of muscle
to endoneurial sheaths that formerly contained myelina- fibers does occur. This is a relatively late phenomenon,
ted axons (and vice versa). This regeneration will not generally observed between 6 and 12 months after dener-
be wasteful. The resistance that an axon meets at the vation.
injury site results in the formation of multiple smaller Regenerating axonal sprouts follow the original
axon sprouts. These daughter axons do not all make their Schwann cells to the denervated motor endplates to
way into the distal segment. No specific neurotropism is reform neuromuscular junctions.14 Collateral sprouting
known to enhance the growth of a regenerating axon into also occurs, resulting in groups of reinnervated muscle
its original endoneurial tube, but some form of neurotrop- fibers, all of the same fast or slow types. This is a charac-
ic influence has been demonstrated in experimental para- teristic finding in reinnervated muscle, contrasting sharply
digms. Scarring within the bridging tissue impedes the with the random pattern observed in normal muscle.
regeneration and misdirects axon sprouts in to functional- Unfortunately, incomplete motor recovery occurs com-
ly unrelated endoneurial tubes. Residual scar tissue also monly after moderate-to-severe nerve injuries. This is due
interferes with the maturational processes of axons that do to a number of factors within the muscle itself and in the
negotiate the injury site. regenerating nerve. Intramuscular fibrosis may limit the
Axons that successfully enter the endoneurial tubes in efficacy of the contraction produced by a nerve impulse.
the segment distal to the injury site stand a good chance of Appropriate physical therapy can help maintain the dener-
reaching the end organ, given reasonable growth condi- vated muscles in an optimal condition to receive the re-
tions. The distal regeneration rate is slower if the endo- generating axon terminals.
neurial tubes have been disrupted because axon sprouts Functional motor recovery is obviously impaired if sig-
must first find their way into the tubes before advancing. nificant numbers of axons do not successfully reform
The specialized growth cone at the tip of each axon sprout functional connections with the muscle. Even if the num-
contains multiple filopodia that adhere to the basal lamina bers are adequate, erroneous cross-reinnervation may pro-
of the Schwann cell and use it as a guide. Both contact and duce a suboptimal functional result: an originally fast
chemotactic guidance have been shown to be important in muscle may be reinnervated by axons previously inner-
directing advancement of the growth cone.3,4 At times, vating slow muscle, and the result may be a mixed form
because several small axon sprouts may enter the same with inefficient contraction.
endoneurial tube, a regenerated nerve fiber may contain In cases in which significant motor recovery occurs,
more axons than the original nerve. functional outcome may be impaired by concomitant sen-
If a functionally unrelated end organ is reached, further sory deficits, particularly in proprioception. Denervated
development of the axon and remyelination do not occur. sensory receptors survive and may make useful function-
Similarly, axonal development and maturation are aborted al recoveries after 1 year and possibly after many years. In
if the end organ, due to prolonged denervation, has under- first- and second-degree injuries, return of sensation is
gone degenerative changes that do not allow the estab- complete in its original pattern, even after 6 to 12 months
lishment of functional connections. If the entry of regen- of denervation. This is due to faithful reinnervation of sen-
erating axons into the distal segment is delayed more than sory receptors by their original axons.
approximately 4 months, the axons are entering endoneur- After more severe injuries and nerve repair, sensory re-
ial tubes of smaller diameter, generally 3 m or less. This covery is never complete. This is undoubtedly related to a
shrinkage may make it more difficult for axon sprouts to combination of factors, including failure of sensory axons
locate and enter endoneurial tubes, but this does not ap- to reach the skin, cross-reinnervation (an axon originally
pear to impede axonal regrowth once sprouts are inside from one type of receptor making connections with a dif-
the tubes. This is presumably due to the elastic properties ferent type of receptor), and possibly degeneration of sen-
of the endoneurium. sory receptors. Sensory reinnervation appears to be mo-
The return of function does not require absolutely faith- dality specific, but it is less so than motor reinnervation,

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M. G. Burnett and E. L. Zager

which means that sensory cross-reinnervation is unfortu- is involved in nerve cell survival and maintenance in the
nately more common. Some controversy exists over the normal state and appears to be an important component of
fate of denervated encapsulated sensory receptors. These the nerve repair process as well. Factors such as NGF are
receptors include Pacinian corpuscles and Meissner cor- tonically released from peripheral nerve target organs and
puscles, which are rapidly adapting receptors mediating transferred to the nerve cell body via retrograde axonal
light touch and vibration, as well as Merkel cells, which transport.16 It may be that the decrease in NGF and other
are slowly adapting receptors that mediate constant touch trophic factors reaching the cell body as a result of axon-
and pressure. It is believed that these specialized receptors al disruption occurring immediately after nerve injury is
survive in an atrophied state for prolonged periods, await- the molecular signal needed to trigger the repair process.
ing the arrival of an appropriate nerve terminal. The sur- In one experiment NGF was applied to neurons following
vival period has not been clearly established, however, axotomy, and this appeared to reverse the cell body
and there is some evidence indicating that the protective changes seen in chromatolysis.12 Soon after injury, the
sensation, which recovers years after denervation, is me- amounts of NGF and NGF messenger RNA are greatly
diated by less elaborate sensory receptors. increased, consistent with their role as a neurotroph. It is
The rate of axonal regeneration has been assumed to be thought that invading macrophages stimulate NGF pro-
constant and, in clinical situations, is generally estimated duction via interleukin-1 release, which suggests that
to be 1 mm per day and is often followed by an advancing the macrophage is involved with both phagocytosis and
Tinel sign. Reported rates of regeneration, however, vary regeneration. Similarly, Schwann cells have been shown
broadly from 0.5 to 9 mm per day. This variability is due to produce neurotrophic factors, including NGF, at the site
to several factors. 1) The rate of axon growth decreases of injury.
with increasing distance from the cell body to the advanc- Neurotrophic factors, like other cell-signaling mole-
ing axon tip. 2) Measurements of axonal regeneration cules, bind to specific tyrosine kinase receptors transmit-
were made in different species after different methods of ting a signal which ultimately regulates gene activation.
nerve injury. 3) The techniques for measuring regenera- Nerve growth factor receptor concentration on the
tion were different (for example, Tinel sign compared Schwann cells forming the bands of Bngner increases
with functional recovery). Moreover, the rate of regenera- after injury. The NGF that binds to these receptors on the
tion can depend on the nature and severity of the nerve Schwann cells is presented to the regrowing axon sprouts.
injury, the duration of denervation, and the condition of This NGF uptaken by the axon is then transferred retro-
the peripheral tissues. Regeneration after surgical nerve grade from the growth cone to the cell body, providing a
repair is slower than uncomplicated regeneration, most continued stimulus for growth as well as a guide for the
likely reflecting the severity of the original injury. Aging advancing axon.20
has also been shown to retard the rate of axonal regrowth.
Axonal regeneration is not synonymous with return of
function. A process of maturation precedes functional re- CONCLUSIONS
covery. Morphological changes of maturation proceed The peripheral nerve response to injury is unique. Neu-
along the regenerating axon at a slower rate than axon re- rons of the CNS do not show the same ability to regener-
growth and continue for a protracted periodas long as 1 ate lost connections. Rather than rebuild, neurons of the
year. Remyelination develops in a manner similar to that CNS circumvent damage by strengthening and repro-
for developing nerve fibers, involving alignment of gramming uninjured pathways so that they conduct the
Schwann cells and encircling of the axon to form a multi- functions that have been lost. The complicated processes
lamellated sheath. This process begins within 2 weeks of of peripheral nerve degeneration and regeneration that
the onset of axonal regeneration and results in myelinated have been discussed in this paper are only partly under-
axons quite similar to the originals except with shortened stood. Further investigations into this area will undoubt-
internodes. The axons diameter increases progressively edly yield information that will lead to surgical and thera-
until normal dimensions are reached, but this enlargement peutic advances for the treatment of PNI such as the use
is dependent on the establishment of functional connec- of neurotrophic factors to stimulate growth and direct
tions between the axon tip and the appropriate end organ. growing axons to their proper target organ. Perhaps this
additional understanding will also help explain why it is
that the CNS has not developed such a restorative process
NEUROTROPHIC FACTORS and illuminate some possible strategies for simulating
the peripheral nerve regenerative microenvironment in the
Ensuring that the processes of degeneration and re- brain and spinal cord.
generation proceed in an orderly fashion requires a so-
phisticated system of cellular communication. Research-
ers have long suspected the existence of a cascade of References
cell-signaling molecules and trophic factors similar to
those seen in an inflammatory response. Neurotrophic fac- 1. Barbin G, Manthorpe M, Varon S: Purification of the chick eye
tors such as NGF, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, cil- ciliary neuronotrophic factor. J Neurochem 43:14681478,
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