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Trunks slowly grinned as he placed the coffee on the small table inside the café, his

attention shifting from the car magazine to the distant blonde walking towards him.
‘I knew it – I just knew she would come! Yes!’
He raised his arm and began to wave at her when he noticed the raven-haired twin
following behind her. His grin fell quickly.
‘God damn it! Why does he always follow her around like some paranoid weirdo?’
It wasn’t the first time her brother had ‘supervised’ their dates. He always tagged
along whenever they arranged to meet up, ruining the atmosphere Trunks had tried so
hard to create. It had been a whole 6 months that he had been like this, and quite
frankly Trunks was sick of it.
He sighed softly as they came closer, ‘Oh well, I guess I will just have to do it in front
of him then. I mean, we’ve been going out for 2 whole years now – he needs to let go
of her some time ’
He managed to resurrect a smile as Eighteen sat down on the opposite side of table,
who returned a soft, apologetic smile, while Seventeen sat awkwardly on the side, his
eyes falling directly on the menu in the centre of the table.
‘Ok Trunks. You’ve planned this all out – just say the lines you rehearsed. Forget
about him, it’s going to be perfect.’
“Hey Eighteen, how are you? Sorry I haven’t managed to meet up as regularly, this
new job is -”
“HEY! Can we have a waiter here?” Seventeen called out, clapping his hands
impatiently as the rest of the people in the café turned their heads in annoyance.
Eighteen whipped a quick glare to her brother, “Seventeen!” she whispered, “Shut the
hell up!” Seventeen shrugged, “Hey, after all that ‘shopping’, I think I deserve some
hospitality!” Eighteen sneered, “You’re such an asshole. You know that right?”

Trunks bowed his head into a menu in shame. ‘Fuck, this is just what I needed…
Damnit, I need to get rid of him before he wrecks the whole date…again! Why the
hell is he even here?! Can’t he learn to grow up?’ Calming himself, he turned to
Seventeen and spoke softly, “I think you need to go up and order it yourself.” He then
turned to Eighteen. “I’ve already ordered ours.”
“Tch.” Seventeen stood and walked over to the counter, hands shoved into his pockets
as he searched for spare change.

‘Excellent, now he’s not in the way…’

Looking at Eighteen, he smiled softly, “Hey, I was wondering if you would like to go
for a walk after this?” He glanced over towards Seventeen. “Alone.”
Eighteen also shifted her eyes over to Seventeen, “Yea, it’s been even harder to get
him away from me recently. It’s so fucken annoying, and he just won’t give me an
explanation as to why either…”
She turned back to Trunks and started to whisper, “Shall we ditch him?”
Trunks grinned back in mischief, ”Yea, let’s go!”

Without a word, the couple slipped out of the café as Seventeen continued to banter to
the equally agitated woman at the counter.

Trunks smiled peacefully as they walked along. ‘Alone at last. I wonder whether she
gets any time to actually be alone anymore…’ He turned his head towards Eighteen,
who was walking with her eyes closed, humming to herself.
‘Man, I’m so lucky to have her…’

He gently took her arm, “Hey, wanna do some exploring with your newly gained
freedom? There’s a great nature track over here!” Eighteen opened her eyes and
smiled, looking at the sign:
“Central City Sapphire Falls Walk”
“45 minutes”
“Experience Nature in it’s purest!”

She shrugged, “Well, it’s can’t be too bad. Sure!”

‘Awesome!’ Trunks thought, ’This is going exactly as planned…’
“Alrighty, let’s go!”

Seventeen sneered at the woman, ‘My god, how many times do I have to yell at her to
get it to sink into her brain that I want a goddamn beer?!’ The woman sighed at him,
“I’m sorry sir, we just don’t sell beer here.” Seventeen snatched back his wallet,
“That’s just fucken bullcrap. Screw this place! Hey, Eighteen! We’re gonna – ”
He stopped midway as his eyes fell on the empty table.
‘FUCK!’ He ran over to the table, then looked at the now transfixed spectators,
“Where the fuck did they go?! WELL?!”
He fixed his cold stare at a man, who replied whilst trembling – “T-t-they… th-they
“Th-th-they just left before, s-s-s-sir…”
‘Of all the goddamn days she wants to run out on me, it had to be TODAY!’ he
thought as he sped out of the café, leaving the spectators to their own thoughts.
‘You better not be far, sis…’

The walk so far had been pleasant, as well as (in Trunks’ mind at least), very
romantic. It wasn’t long before Trunks stopped Eighteen before the main feature of
the walk – a waterfall.
“Hm? What’s up Trunks?”
He could feel himself blush as he gripped the small box in his pocket.
“Well, you know Eighteen… It’s been two whole years since we have been going out.
And we’ve gotten to know each other pretty well…”
Eighteen tilted her head slightly, uncertain as to the reason behind the spiel.
His cheeks starting to burn, Trunks could feel his heart starting to race. ‘This is it…’
“Eighteen, I just wanted to ask you something…”
As he bend down, he could see Eighteen’s eyes widen in surprise. Smiling he held up
the small white box,
“Will… you marry me?”
Seventeen continued to look around town, trying to sense Trunk’s ki. ‘Fuck, he must
be suppressing it from me! That cunt, I bet he convinced her to run away…’
It had been a whole hour, yet he hadn’t found the couple anywhere. Time was running
out. ‘I can’t let her down. Not this time…’
He looked up, and to his surprise he saw Eighteen run out onto the road from a side
path – tears streaming down her face. ‘What the…’
Wide, shock-filled eyes turned to him as she slowed her run. Quickly he ran over to
her, “Eighteen, are you alright?! What happened? Where’s Trunks?”
He walked over to touch her, but she punched him away. “My GOD! Can’t you just
leave me alone for ONE GODDAMN SECOND Seventeen?!”
And with that, she powered up and flew away. Seventeen just stood there,
‘Eighteen… surely you haven’t forgottent…’ He closed his eyes, and thought about
what may have gotten into her. ‘Trunks… that bastard… It must be him. It HAS to
be!’ He glanced at the path that she had run out from. ‘I bet he’s in there, stupid cunt.’

Trunks was a mess. ‘No?! NO?!’ He didn’t understand. Everything he had done was
done perfectly. She couldn’t have asked for anyone better. He gave her the gifts, he
sent her the texts, he even paid for all her meals. He didn’t understand. Everything
was fine, wasn’t it? Wasn’t she happy? She would have told him if something was
wrong, right?
He couldn’t block out her words, ringing through his mind like chimes that grew
louder and louder.
“No! I’m sorry Trunks, but… I… I can’t. No, it’s not your fault, I just, I just need
something… someone… someone else Trunks… I’m sorry… What? Don’t bring him
into this! What the hell? You don’t even know HALF of what the hell is going on in
Seventeen’s life – how DARE you! You’re just like the rest of them! Just leave me
His thoughts were disturbed as he heard someone running towards him. He had only
turned his head enough to see the fist flying towards him - and smash into his face.
Trunks barely had time to process as he flew into a tree, snapping it in half. Trying to
recover as quick as he could, his blurred eyes captured enough of Seventeen’s
movement to dodge and catch his fist.
“So you did try looking for us. How sad. Why don’t you just put a goddamn leash on
her if you’re so worried?”
With a large ki burst he threw Seventeen to the ground, making the android curse as
he landed on the rocks which were outside the path.
“You don’t understand anything, Trunks. I honestly have no idea how she puts up
with your pampering all the goddamn time. It makes me sick.”
Seventeen slowly stood up and faced the lavender-haired time traveller face on.
“But just one look at her face was enough to convince me that she’s probably not
going to be seeing you for long. Now tell me what the fuck you did to make her so
Trunks grit his teeth in anger, ‘Like hell I would tell you about it. Your half the reason
she’s like this anyway…’ Staring back, he replied “Why don’t you go and ask her
yourself? Shouldn’t you be with her right now? Unless you finally realised that she’s
not a baby whose hand needs to be held all the goddamn time.”
Seventeen closed his eyes to calm himself. Part of what Trunks said was true. He did
need to be with her, and Trunks wasn’t going to tell him anything either.
Opening his eyes, he sneered as he began to hover. “You’re right, you know. I do
need to be with her. And funnily enough, she doesn’t depend on you as much as me –
what do you think that says about your importance in her life?”
Before Trunks could formulate an answer, he flew off.

It was now at least half an hour since Seventeen left, and Trunks continued to stare
out at the raging waterfall. The air was serene, almost calming. His mind, however,
could not have been more chaotic.

‘Why? It was planned… so perfectly. It was… fine. We were good. No, we were
great! But why did she do that?’

That’s when he realised: She did love him. All this confusion, all this hesitation… it
was because she loved him. She just had a very strange way to show it.
‘I mean, it’s not like she could have lied for the whole of those two years right? Why
even bother pretending?’ It didn’t make sense. She must have been trying to protect
him from something.
‘Most likely. And I have a feeling that Seventeen is behind this…’

He had resolved on something. He would save her from Seventeen. He would show
her how much he truly loved her – and that nothing would step between them. He
would show her that he loved her, and that she loved him. He would make her see.

He grinned as he understood, ‘I’ll save you from this bondage, Eighteen. I’ll free
you!’ With a growing eagerness, he left the nature walk – flying as fast as he could
towards her small house. ‘I’ll take you away from here, Eighteen. I’ll steal you, just as
you stole my heart…’

He landed on the lawn of her home, only barely taking a step before he heard a
scream shriek from the house.
“What the? Eighteen!?”
He ran over to the door, and it wasn’t long before his saiyan-senses picked up the
smell of blood.
Someone had gotten there before him.


Yays! I hope that was ok! (Italics were gone in the copy and past lol) Slightly rushed
due to assignments - but hopefully it was enough to be enjoyable! ^_^
Have a good Birthady! <3

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