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Pure water is the second most essential nutrient for human life. Water plays a crucial role in
every function of your body. It is the master waterway that carries nutrients to all your
cells, carries waste products away from the cells, and transports hormones, enzymes,
neurotransmitters, and other essential components to and from their correct destinations.
Localized Dehydration
Your body is made up of about 25% solid matter and about 75% water. Your brain is about
85% water. If you do not take in enough water every day, parts of your body become
dehydrated. This does not always result in your becoming thirsty. The parts of your body
that begin to lack enough water to adequately perform their normal functions will produce
varying signs, symptoms, and problems. Most of us either ignore, misinterpret, or label
these as a disease. This is well documented in a book entitled Your Body’s Many Cries for
Water (click to buy) by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.
Your body naturally prioritizes which nutrients go to which glands and organs based upon
keeping you alive and functioning as well as possible for as long as possible. Also, since
water is at least as essential as any other nutrient to your survival, it is very easy to
understand how and why your body would reduce its supply of available water to certain
areas to insure an adequate supply to other areas if it is not receiving enough for all areas
at once. This explains why you could feel symptoms from lack of water that may not be
immediately recognized as water deficiency.
Many of the symptoms caused by dehydration are due to excessive amounts of histamine
being produced to help your body make up for a low water situation. The rise in histamine
directs other parts of your body to take in more water and redistribute it based upon your
prioritized survival system. Histamine and its water regulators, such as prostaglandins, can
cause you to feel pain.
Some of the more common problems that may be caused or worsened by localized de-
hydration, and which respond well to re-hydration, are:
• Heartburn
• Excess weight
• Ulcer pain
• Constipation
• Stomach pain and inflammation
• Middle and lower bowel pain and inflammation
• Asthma
• Allergies
• Headaches
• Joint (rheumatoid) pain, back pain, neck pain and leg pains when walking
• Poor sleep
• Angina
• Anxiety and stress
• High blood pressure
• Depression
• Diabetes
Water Purity Any
We all grow up taking our plentiful and "pure" water supply for granted. You become used with
to just turning on the faucet or going to the nearest water fountain. Unfortunately, this isa a
mistaken assumption. In an October 1, 1985 Wall Street Journal article by Robert E. Taylor, mp
entitled New Tests for Drinking Water Quality Raise Concerns about Federal Standards, itinst
was stated that "In general, people assume their drinking water is safe because there arealle
standards and because local systems test for contaminants.... But what they don’t know is bef
that the water systems don’t test for the carcinogens and other dangerous chemicals thatore
are being found." 198
Later in the article, Mr. Taylor says "...there are indications that the pollution problem is or
growing. Wells have been closed in at least half the states. Contributors to pollution lurk is
everywhere: septic tanks, gas tanks, animal feedlots, and industrial chemical dumps. No less
state is immune: Even in Hawaii, pesticides have tha
tainted parts of its water supply." 60
To date, over 70,000 different water contaminants have been identified. These include: p,
• Biological impurities such as bacteria, viruses, and other microscopic parasites as uld
well as dissolved organic compounds, including PCBs and other halogenated be
• Heavy metal salts, such as lead and mercury dissolved gases (primarily radon in for
private wells) such as fluorine and chlorine (see the section on Fluorine and Chlorine)
• Suspended solid particles such as asbestos fibers. oth
On average, we each use about 100 gallons of water every day. That includes 25 to 50 er
gallons of water for a shower, roughly 7 gallons for every toilet flush, about 2 gallons for anic
brushing teeth, and up to 20 gallons for washing dishes. com
Over 90 percent of this country’s drinking water supply comes from underground sourcesnds
such as springs and aquifers. Since a significant portion of underground storage tank leaks .

gasoline and other chemicals, it is not surprising that at least 40 percent of all ground water
contamination comes from these leaking underground tanks. Another 50 percent, at least,
of the pollutants in your drinking water comes from runoff. This is not only from farms but
also from urban and suburban lawns and streets. Toxic waste sites are an obvious source of
ground water contamination. In addition, lead in plumbing, as well as other contaminants
from different types of plumbing, are a constant source of water pollution.
If you feel safe with your well or spring, you may need to think again. The Environmental
Protection Agency estimates that approximately half the water supplies in rural areas
contain hazardous substances and that, of these, 20 percent are "grossly contaminated."
There are no drinking water standards for rural wells. Laws for public water quality and
safety do not apply to private wells.
The Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974 established maximum contaminant levels for 26
contaminants, including specific micro-biological organisms, inorganic chemicals, organic
chemicals, and radio-nucleotides. Amendments passed in 1986 added maximum
contaminant levels for 57 more contaminants, followed by another 25 in 1991. These
standards are violated thousands of times across the country every year. The states and
federal government do little to enforce them. In addition, this list of 108 contaminants is
minuscule compared to the more than 70,000 potentially hazardous substances that can be
contaminating your drinking water supplies.
Things You Can Do To Improve The Quality of Your Water
1. If your water comes from a public water supply, leave your drinking water in a
pitcher in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. Most of the chlorine will evaporate.
Alternatively, you can boil your water for 15 minutes.
2. Buy an activated, compressed carbon water filter that you can attach to your kitchen
faucet and/or shower head. These are available, relatively inexpensively, at most
department stores such as K-Mart, Fred Meyers, Wal-Mart, etc.. If you'd rather get
one online you'll find a good selection (here (opens a new window). Shower head
filters help prevent most pollutants in water, especially chlorine and fluorine, from
being absorbed through your skin. Since whatever you put on your skin does get into
your body, you should never put anything on your skin that you would not put in
your mouth.
3. More elaborate water filtration systems for home can be more expensive but also
more effective. The one we prefer, use, and sell in our office is the Microwater
system. It has a multi-stage filtration system with an electrolysis unit that not only
supplies very pure water but also allows you to set the pH of your water (see the
section on pH).
4. Bottled water, if you are sure of its purity and quality, is another option instead of
tap water.
5. Ultraviolet water treatment systems are excellent for eliminating micro-organisms
and parasites from your water supply. These devices can be quite expensive if
installed on a whole house water system.
Distillation is another way to destroy micro-organisms and parasites. Distillers,
however, can be quite expensive for producing enough water for an entire family. In
addition, some questions exist as to their effectiveness in removing toxic chemicals.
Beneficial minerals are lost when water is distilled. Also, distilled water may not be
the best choice for improving and maintaining health. Fish can not live in distilled
6. Yet another way to rid your water supply of micro-organisms and parasites is reverse
osmosis. These can be expensive to buy and maintain. Some beneficial minerals are
lost with reverse osmosis. It may not be the best for maintaining health since the
water it produces will not keep fish alive.
7. Treating water with Ozone is a common practice in some parts of the world. This is a
very effective but somewhat costly alternative initially. It is a definite replacement
consideration for whole house, community, or city water purification systems. One
company that produces such systems is U. S. Ozonair International. Their phone
number is 415-952-1420.
Drink More Water
To restore and maintain optimal health, you may need to drink more water. At the most, try
to drink about half your body weight in ounces of pure, high mineral content, high alkaline
pH (see the section on pH) water every day. For example, if you weigh 160 pounds, you
may need to drink up to 80 ounces (10, eight ounce glasses) of water each day. Freshly
made vegetable and fruit juices are great for you and count toward your daily water
requirement. Other drinks, such as pop, coffee, tea, and bottled, canned, or frozen juices,
do not count.
Some people say they can not tolerate drinking plain water. This is usually because they
have never had healthy water to drink. When you provide your body with pure, high mineral
content, high alkaline pH water, you will invariably find an increase in your body’s desire
and tolerance for water. If you still find difficulty drinking plain water, try adding the juice
from half a fresh lemon (not bottled lemon juice concentrate) to each glass of water. Begin
with one, 8 ounce glass of water one-half hour to one hour before each meal every day.
Gradually increase your water intake until you can comfortably take in your optimal daily
Water pH
What is pH?
pH is a measurement of how acidic or how alkaline something is. Your blood is maintained,
as a priority above all else, at a pH of 7.3 to 7.45. Too great a variation from this optimal
range is life threatening. For example, at a blood pH of about 6.95, you would likely go into
a coma and, without medical help, possibly die. Skin is healthiest at a pH of about 4.7. This
is very acidic. Acidic skin provides you protection against bacterial infections entering
through your skin. Most external pHs are normally acidic and most internal pHs are normally
alkaline. Neutral is 7.0. Anything less than 7.0 is acidic. Anything greater than 7.0 is
pH and Waste Neutralization/Disposal
One of the interesting things about the pH of water is the amount of oxygen in water at
different pH levels. Acidic water, by definition, has a higher concentration of hydrogen
atoms. Alkaline water has more hydroxyls. Hydroxyls are equal concentrations of both
hydrogen and oxygen atoms. Alkaline water, therefore, has a higher concentration of
oxygen atoms than acidic water. The amount of oxygen in water increases as the pH rises.
Everything your body does to produce energy and to continue life produces acidic waste
products. To maintain life and health, your body must neutralize and/or dispose of these
acids. Clinically, it has been my experience that individuals with the most chronic and the
most difficult problems are those people with the most acidic bodily fluids. The results of
your body being unable to neutralize and eliminate excess acidic wastes are endless. Among
many others, some of the more recognizable conditions that are caused or worsened by
excessively acidic conditions are:
• High blood pressure
• Diabetes
• Allergies
• Arthritis
• Cancer
• Asthma
• Degenerative joint diseases
• Osteoporosis
• Digestive problems
Reducing Acidity
Our bodies have many ways of neutralizing or eliminating acidic waste products. Simply
breathing is very effective way of reducing acids in your system. When you take in oxygen
and breathe out carbon dioxide and carbonic acid, you decrease the acid levels in your
blood. Moderate exercise helps by increasing the depth of your breathing as well as the
frequency. Excessive exercise can produce more acids than you can eliminate by breathing.
Proper breathing (see the section on Proper Breathing) is extremely beneficial whether you
are exercising or not.
More important than breathing is the use of minerals to neutralize acids within your cells, in
your blood, in your urine, and in your lymphatic system. When your system can no longer
neutralize its excess fatty acids, acetic acids, lactic acids, uric acids, cholesterol, and others,
your body will store them away to keep them from making your blood too acidic.
Constantly replacing the minerals your body uses to neutralize acids is essential. The most
obvious source of minerals for replenishing and restoring your mineral reserves is your food.
The best foods are those that form the fewest acidic waste products and that provide the
greatest amount of acid neutralizing minerals. The foods with the highest mineral content
are vegetables. However, even the best foods contain only about 3 percent minerals. The
other 97 percent is carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen. This means that even the best
foods are ultimately reduced to acidic waste products by your body. In other words, you
cannot eat enough high-mineral-content foods or take enough mineral supplements to
adequately neutralize all the acidic waste products your body produces daily.
Besides minimizing your intake of highly acidic foods and maximizing your alkalinizing
foods, you should reduce your acidic drinks. Coffee, black tea, commercial fruit juices, and
carbonated beverages such as pop and sodas are often very acidic and made from poor
quality, highly chlorinated and/or fluoridated water. In addition, caffeine-containing drinks,
as well as artificially flavored drinks (see the section on food additives), act as diuretics and
dehydrating agents. They make you lose excessive amounts of water. Also, caffeine and
artificial sweeteners (see the section on food additives) can stimulate weight gain by
confusing normal thirst and hunger signals.
Akaline Water
Other solutions for helping to minimize or reverse the chronic degenerative changes
resulting from the gradual buildup of acidic waste products are drinking plenty of pure, high
alkaline pH water and/or freshly made vegetable juices (see the sections on Water and on
Juicing). You can check the pH of your water at home or work by using a test kit for
checking swimming pool pH. The higher the pH of your water, the better it will be for you.
Anything between 8.0 and 10.0 is excellent.
In testing the pH of the water throughout our county, we found that all the water samples
were very acidic. If your water’s pH is less than 8.0, you can raise it with liquid chlorophyll.
Ask for liquid chlorophyll at your local health food store and follow the instructions for how
much to add per glass of water. When you consider that it takes about 32 glasses of water
to neutralize the effects of the acidity of one can of soda pop, you can readily see the
benefit of such a handy supplement.
Another way to raise the pH of your water is to use a water purification device such as the
Microwater system. This water treatment system uses a multi-stage filter before electrically
concentrating your water into its more acidic and alkaline components. It supplies you with
an adjustable level of pH. You choose your level of alkalinity. This machine is also available
for purchase through our office.

Fluorine and Chlorine l

As if the more than 70,000 identified contaminants in your water supply were not enough, cau
you also have to deal with the pollutants that your local and national governments add toses
your water supply. The worst of these are chlorine and fluorine.
Fluoride thin
According to a paper written by Gary Null, Ph.D., entitled The Fluoridation Fiasco, as
“...fluoride is more toxic than lead and just slightly less toxic than arsenic.” He goes on tolimi
state that “...the fluoride added to drinking water and toothpaste is a crude industrial wastejoin
product of the aluminum and fertilizer industries...toxic enough to be used as rat poison.”Dent
Dr. Null adds that “research does not support the effectiveness of fluoridation for preventingfluo
tooth disease. ...purported benefits are supposedly for children, not adults and senior s
citizens. At about age 13, any advantage fluoridation might offer comes to an end.... cau
...fluoridation has never been proven safe. On the contrary, several studies directly link sese
fluoridation to skeletal fluorosis, dental fluorosis, and several rare forms of cancer.” (To per
browse/buy books by Gary Null, click here.) nen
Fluoride is added to more than your water and ned
becomes more of a problem for certain people than for others. Laborers, athletes, diabetics,
and those living in hot or dry regions drink more water, and therefore more fluoride. In wn, ,
addition, foods processed with fluoridated water, such as all bottled drinks, fruit juices, andmot
canned foods, add an additional, more concentrated fluoride burden. Fluoride-containing tled ifica
insecticides are used in growing grapes. Cooking can greatly increase a food’s fluoride h.
content. Last but certainly not least, fluoride is added to virtually all commercial toothpasteThe
products. Altogether, clearly many people, especially children, are exposed to excessive and
dangerously high concentrations of fluoride on a bon
daily basis. e
Western Europe rejected fluoridation because it is unsafe. Test cities there found that is
benefits did not occur and toxicity was evident. The Netherlands outlawed fluoridation after ut
23 years of tests. West Germany rejected the practice because the recommended dosagethre eveof
1 part per million was “too close to the dose at which long-term damage to the human body e
is to be expected.” Public pressure has resulted in fluoride not being added to the water in es
Los Angeles, California, Newark and Jersey City, New Jersey, and Bedford, Massachusetts. hig
Considering all the evidence available today, it would appear safer to avoid all fluoridatedin s.
products. Also, treat any water that you drink, cook with, or bathe in to eliminate as much fluo
of the fluorine as you can. In addition, you may wish to advise loved ones to do the same. ted
Chlorine n in
Chlorine is also a toxic, poisonous substance that has become a major industry in this non
country. Interestingly, again, the United States is one of the very few countries in the world fluo
that persists in using chlorine in its water supply. Many of the same arguments used about rida
fluorine apply equally to chlorine. ted
In addition, however, is the information presented in a book by Joseph M. Price, M.D. as.
entitled Coronaries/Cholesterol/Chlorine (click to buy). Dr. Price draws a compelling link
between the introduction of chlorine into our food chain in 1904 and the beginning and
continuing escalation of cardiovascular disease, the number one killer in our country.
Besides this, chlorine can combine with hydrocarbons in your water to form cancer-
producing chlorinated hydrocarbons. Until Dr. Price’s conclusions can be refuted
conclusively, it would be wise to eliminate chlorine from your drinking, cooking, and bathing
What You Can Do
If you use public drinking water you know that it is supposed to meet certain standards. If it
contains chlorine and/or fluorine and you wish to remove it, the solution is fairly simple. Boil
it for 15 minutes, leave the water in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes, or use some
type of water purification system for your drinking, showering, and bathing water.
An excellent alternative to fluoridated toothpaste is to check at health food stores for non-
fluoridated brands or to make your own tooth powder. This is easily done by thoroughly
mixing together about four parts baking soda to one part sea salt or earth salt. Lightly
moisten your tooth brush and dip it in this powdered combination before brushing.
If you have your own, private water supply or, if you do not trust your public supply, you
may wish to have your water tested. You may find local organizations that are qualified to
test your water. You can also use mail-order water testing laboratories. The costs for lab
tests can range from as little as twenty-five dollars to several hundreds of dollars. You can
select tests for bacteria, for metals such as lead, or “super tests” that include over 100
items such as microbes, minerals, heavy metals, pesticides, volatile solvents,
trihalomethanes, and others. One mail-order lab is:
WaterTest Corporation
33 S. Commercial St., P.O. Box 6360
Manchester, N.H. 03108
Phone: 800-426-8378
Oxygen and Air Pollution
As you know, oxygen is your most important nutrient. You can live weeks to months without
food, days without water, but only minutes without air. With nutrients from your food,
oxygen provides the energy for your immune system, growth, maintenance, repair, and all
the other functions of your body. Adequate oxygen allows your body to successfully combat
all micro-organisms that are harmful to your body. It also allows you to detoxify chemical
Analysis of air bubbles trapped in fossils, such as in fossil amber, show that our air in
earliest times contained about 35% oxygen. Today, the average oxygen content of our air is
approximately 20%. In some larger, more polluted cities, oxygen content in the air has
been measured at 12 - 15%. Anything less than 7% is not able to support human life.
Because of today’s lower air oxygen content, there have been suggestions that this could be
leading to the noticeable increases in cancers, cardiovascular diseases, and chronic
degenerative diseases. However, our air is not the only problem. Another critical factor is pH
(see the section on pH). Acidic water and liquids have fewer oxygen molecules than alkaline
water and liquids. Usually, our systems are much too acidic overall. Excess acidity, as well
as increased oxygen depletion, is worsened by our high stress lifestyles and poor food
As discussed in the section on pH, alkaline minerals and liquids are required to neutralize
acidic conditions in your body. This decreases oxygen stores unless you replenish them with
high alkaline foods and water. High protein and high fat foods not only have less oxygen in
them but require extra oxygen to use them for energy. Food choices with much higher
oxygen content include complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, vegetables, seeds,
and nuts. However, balance is the key factor. Too many carbohydrates without adequate
protein and fats are also not good (see the section on Blood Type Diets.) Improving the
amount of oxygen available to you, as well as your ability to use what you have, will
improve all aspects of your health dramatically.
Things You Can Do to Improve Your Air and Oxygen Intake
1. Drink up to one half your body weight in ounces of pure, high alkaline pH, high
mineral water and/or fresh vegetable juice every day.
2. Choose high oxygen content, complex carbohydrate foods such as local, organically
grown vegetables, whole grains, seeds, nuts, and fruits according to your blood type
diet (see the section on Blood Type Diets).
3. Frequently, open the windows and doors in your home or apartment ONLY if you live
in an area of minimal outdoor air pollution NOT close to a highway. Otherwise, keep
everything closed with the recommended number of plants (see number 5 below).
4. Practice proper breathing and exercise regularly (see the sections on Exercise and
Proper Breathing). Remember that exercise is cumulative. A 10 minute walk after
each meal is the equivalent of 30 minutes of continuous walking exercise for that
5. Use plants to reduce indoor air pollution. Plants breathe in carbon dioxide and
breathe out oxygen. Some even break down and neutralize chemical pollutants. The
more common chemical pollutants in your home or work place can include:
○ Acetone
○ Benzene
○ Formaldehyde
○ Alcohols
○ Bioeffluents
○ Trichloroethylene(TCE)
○ Ammonia
○ Chloroform
○ Xylene/Toluene
The recommended number of plants is 2 for every 100 square feet of interior space
(assuming 8 to 10 feet ceilings) with groupings of plants being helpful. The more
leaves the plant has, the better. Covering potting soil with a layer of aquarium gravel
will help reduce mold spores. Even four or five plants in a room can make a
difference in air quality. Some of the best plants for cleaning air indoors are:
○ Chinese Evergreen
○ Gerbera Daisy
○ Aloe Vera
○ English Ivy
○ Bamboo
○ Palm
○ Banana
○ Spider Plant
○ Mum
○ Heart-Leaf Philodendron
○ Janet Craig
○ Devil’s Ivy
○ Split-Leaf Philodendron
○ Warneckie Snake Plant
○ Ficus (Weeping Fig)
○ Corn Plant
○ Peace
○ Lily Madagascar Dragon Tree
○ Umbrella Plant
○ Arrowhead Plant
6. Use supplemental oxygen therapies such as Homozon, Oxy-Mag, Oxy-OxyC,
Stabilized Oxygen (Aerobic 07, Genesis 1000, etc.), Magnesium Peroxide, Hydrogen
Peroxide, etc. These supplemental types of oxygen products may be found in health
food stores.
7. Use Negative Ion Generators instead of cigarette lighters in your vehicles. These
small electrical devices help remove pollution from the air by producing negative ions
that attract positive pollutants. Using these indoors can help clean the air but may
create a cleaning problem since the pollutants tend to attach to walls, drapes,
furniture, and other furnishings.
8. Use Ozone Generators to reduce and remove indoor chemical pollutants, molds,
mildew, bacteria, and odors. They are very effective in eliminating out-gassing from
new carpets, drapes, paint, paneling, and other polluters of your indoor environment.
Any machine that you buy should have an adjustable output to avoid an excessive
build up of Ozone. The machine that I have used for many years is made by
Quantum Electronics Corporation. It is their small 2 plate Panda model. Their phone
number is 800-966-5575.
9. Use Air Filtration Systems for single rooms or for your entire house. These machines
are wonderful for helping relieve allergy symptoms. They come with multiple types of
filters and should have, at the very least, a replaceable and/or cleanable HEPA type
filter for removing very fine particles. Also, they should be capable of running very
10. Also available for treatment of your home’s air are furnace filters that are specifically
designed to remove dust, airborne allergens, and other extremely small particles.
These are considerably more expensive than regular furnace filters, but they are
cleanable and reusable.
11. Possibly the worst air you are exposed to is what you must breathe in an airplane at
30,000 feet. This air is recycled and becomes progressively less healthy with time.
We use and sell a device called a CHIonizer. It is a small battery powered
bioelectronic field generator and air purifier that is worn around your neck. It is also
useful in steel structures, air conditioning, crowds, and driving in congested or
smoggy areas.
e of
Immune System Foods s
• Non-Fat Yogurt made from raw un- e
pasteurized, and
• un-homogenized milk, from cows raised organically without antibiotics or hormones. pou
This yogurt should contain high concentrations of live, friendly bacteria such as m nds
lactobacillus bulgaricus and acidophilus. -100
• Cabbage (Vitamin U), cooked or raw. on
• Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs), especially as found in cold water, deep ocean fish such roor
as herring, salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines, trout, etc. Other sources of EFAs -gani
include fish oils, organic, clarified butter sms
(Ghee), and This
• vegetable oils such as extra virgin olive oil and organic coconut oil. it
• Garlic, raw or odorless. hea
• Fiber from fresh, organically grown vegetables and fruits. As you increase fiber in Must
your diet, you need to increase your daily intake of pure water. org
• Seaweeds such as kelp, Nori, Dulse, Kombu, Hijiki, etc. in
• Sprouts from seeds, beans, peas, and grasses rsac
• Freshly made Juices from organically grown vegetables, fruits, and grasses y.
• com
• Mushrooms (Shiitake, Maitake, Rei-Shi, Ling- t of
Zhi, etc. feca
a or
l 3-

. If
Immune System Vitamins and Minerals
• A especially in the form of Beta Carotene. 25,000 i.u. (15 mg.) to 100,000 + i.u. per
• B Complex especially emphasizing B1 (Thiamine), B2 (Riboflavin), B3 (Niacinamide),
B5 (Pantothenic Acid), B6 (Pyridoxyl-5-Phosphate), B12 (Cobalimin), and Folic Acid.
Choline, Inositol, and Biotin should also be included in any good B Complex formula.
• C Complex with Bioflavonoids (Rutin, Hesperidin, etc.)
• E Complex with mixed Tocopherols
All minerals, and many trace minerals, are important to the proper functioning of your body
and its immune system. The following, in alphabetical order, are of special importance:
• Calcium, optimally about 16 mg. for every gram of protein consumed daily
• Copper is usually adequate in your diet. Excess intake of Zinc can cause a copper
deficiency that is similar to a Vitamin C deficiency as well as a form of anemia.
• Germanium Sesquioxide greatly increases your body's supply of available oxygen.
• Iodine is generally adequate in most diets. Sea vegetables are a great source.
• Magnesium should be taken in amounts equal to or greater than Calcium.
• Manganese needs to be replenished daily since you excrete almost as much as the
average diet supplies every day.
• Potassium is provided in excellent quantities in sea vegetables.
• Selenium is deficient in the soils of the Pacific Northwest.
• Zinc is especially important for men. Too much can result in a Copper deficiency.
Other minerals and trace minerals of vital importance include Boron (bone and joint health),
Chromium (glucose/sugar metabolism), Iron (red blood cells carrying oxygen; avoid Iron in
supplemental form if there is cancer or potential for cancer), Molybdenum (immune
support), Phosphorus (metabolism), Silicon (bone health), and Vanadium (metabolism).
Minerals compete with each other for digestion and absorption. Fiber also slows down and
blocks some mineral absorption. Acid assists the digestion and absorption of minerals. The
best mineral supplements are chelated with (bound to) amino acids, especially citrates.
Immune System Amino Acids, Herbs and Enzymes
Amino Acids
Amino Acids are usually only helpful in gram doses. This makes them very expensive to use
as supplements. In addition, the interactions between Amino Acids are even more intricate
and complicated than those between minerals. It is not uncommon for an excess of one
Amino Acid to result in the deficiency of another. Extreme caution should be used in
supplementing individual Amino Acids.
Amino Acids that enhance immune function include:
• Arginine improves wound healing but can cause an outbreak of cold sores.
• L-Cysteine (N-acetylcysteine) may be best taken with 3 times as much Vitamin C
• DMG (N,N-dimethylglycine) increase oxygen utilization, decreases fatigue, and
increases mental function.
• L-Lysine is especially good for herpes simplex (cold sores) in a dosage of 500 mg.
with 500 mg. Vitamin C Complex four to six times daily.
• Glucosamine sulfate helps reverse bone, joint, and connective tissue damage in a
dosage of 500 mg. three times daily.
• L-Methionine requires adequate amounts of Magnesium, B6, and B12 for optimal
• D,L-Phenylalanine is best known for its use in controlling pain. The recommended
dosage is to take two 375 mg. tablets 15 to 30 minutes prior to each meal for three
weeks. If there is no relief, you double the dosage for three more weeks. If still no
relief, discontinue.
• RNA (ribonucleic acid) is very expensive to produce with many quality control
• L-Taurine has a multitude of uses.
• Other Amino Acids associated with improved immune function include Carnitine,
Glutathione, Isoleucine, Leucine, Ornithine, Tryptophan (banned by the FDA) and
Herbs have been used medicinally since humans began eating plants. All societies have their
favorite, local herbs for healing. Herbs are best used as teas or extracts.
Some of the most widely recognized immune enhancing herbs include:
• Astragalus is especially good for your liver.
• Cayenne is one of the best heart and circulatory system tonics.
• Codonopsis
• Echinacea is best used with a break of several days after using it for a week or so.
• Ginseng (Siberian - Eleuthero)
• Green Tea
• Licorice
• Ligustrum
• Lomatium
• Pau D'Arco (Brazilian)
• Schizandra
• Suma (Para Todo, South American)
• Venus Fly Trap
• There are also herbal combinations for improving immune function. Two of the most
famous are Essiac and Biocidin.
Enzymes that enhance immune function include:
• Catalase
• Coenzyme-Q-10 (Co-Q-10)
• Digestive: Carbohydrase (digests carbohydrates and simple sugars)
• Cellulase (digests fiber, cell walls)
• Lipase (digests fats)
• Protease (digests proteins)
• GSH (Glutathione, Reduced Glutathione, Glutathione Reductase, Glutathione
• SOD (Superoxide Dismutase)
• Sorbic Acid
Antioxidants (Free Radical Scavengers)
What Free Radicals Are
A Free Radical is an oxygen molecule with more or less than its normal number of electrons.
This imbalance makes the atom or molecule unstable, reactive, and destructive.
Some free radical activity is normal. White blood cells use peroxide (H2O2) to kill ingested
bacteria, viruses, and other foreign invaders. Too much free radical activity, however, is
harmful. Cell damage and cell death occurs when energy production (ATP) is reduced and
excess peroxide and hydroxyl (OH) radicals are formed.
Certain vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and amino acids help keep excessive free radical
reactions in check. These are called free radical scavengers or Antioxidants. Some of the
best Free Radical Scavengers are:
• Vitamins: A, B3, B5, B6, C Complex, and E Complex
• Minerals: Germanium, Manganese, Selenium, and Zinc
• Amino Acids: L-Cysteine, DMG (N,N-Dimethylglycine), and GSH (as Glutathione
Peroxidase and Reduced Glutathione), L-Methionine, and L-Taurine
• Enzymes: Catalase, Coenzyme-Q-10 (Co-Q-10), Sorbic Acid, and Superoxide
Dismutase (SOD)
One of the most bioactive natural antioxidants is a product called Pycnogenol. It is about 50
times stronger than Vitamin E and about 20 times more potent than Vitamin C as an
antioxidant. One of the richest sources for this proanthocyanidin (procyanidin) is the French
maritime pine tree (needles, primarily, and bark). Pycnogenol contains about 85%
proanthocyanidins by weight. Red wines, grapes, other foods and herbs also contain lesser
levels of proanthocyanidins.
Most health food stores carry some form of Pycnogenol, but very few, if any, explain how to
properly take it. If your tissues are not saturated, it does not seem to have its reported
effects. If you choose to try this product, take one 20 mg. tablet, for every 20 pounds of
body weight, every day for three days. After taking the proper amount for you for three
days, a normal maintenance dosage is two tablets a day.
You cannot live without it. So, how do you live with it?
The stress of moving against gravity allows you to develop the muscles you need to stand,
walk, and run rather than crawl for the rest of your life. Bacteria, viruses, and parasites
stress your immune system and force it to develop into an adequate defense system for
you. Encounters with parents, siblings, and others develop your abilities to communicate,
cooperate, tolerate, and function within your society. Anything deficient, or anything in
excess, of what your body needs to remain normal or balanced causes stress.
Stress cannot be avoided. How you deal with it, however, can greatly influence how it
affects you. Dr. Hans Selye (pronounced Sell Yea) stated in his book entitled The Stress of
Life (click to buy) that stress is predictable and always has the same effect on the body. For
example, any stress that persists for too long will cause a reaction. At first your body will
resist the stress. You may continue to resist successfully until, or unless, the stress persists
for too long, too hard, or too often. At some point your ability to resist will reach a stage of
The Effects of Stress
When your ability to resist becomes exhausted, your body begins to compensate or cope
with the stress in the best way it can. You may move a different way. Your body may
borrow a needed nutrient from another area of your body. You may deny that you have any
stress. The eventual result of this compensation, if it continues too long, will be
degeneration. In other words, your body begins to break down when it can no longer
compensate or cope. The result of degeneration that persists too long is dis-ease. And, of
course, the result of disease that is not corrected is death.
It is not the stress itself that causes damage, but your ability or inability to cope. The three
major factors that determine the degree of stress experienced with any given situation are
lack of predictability, lack of control, and lack of outlets for frustration. Stress due to a lack
of predictability would be something like having someone smash into the back of your car
while you are sitting at a stop light blissfully listening to your favorite tunes. Stress that
occurs when you seemingly have no control over it would be demands of work, holiday
seasons, family duties, as well as other types of situations that are part of the
"expectations" of our society. Lack of outlets for frustration are often self-imposed. Some
suggestions that you may find useful will be reviewed later in this article.
Obviously, the optimal plan for managing stress is prevention and acceptable methods of
coping. Since it is virtually impossible to totally avoid all stress, you need to learn to deal
with it prior to its reaching the degeneration and dis-ease stages. When it has entered these
last two phases, noticeable damage has begun to occur in your body. Avoiding the damage
not only helps you lengthen your life but also, more importantly, allows you to enjoy a
much higher quality of life. A higher quality of life can certainly be recognized as
synonymous with an overall less stressful life.
The Three Primary Stresses
The three primary stresses affecting all of us are Chemical, Emotional, and Mechanical.
Mechanical Stress
Mechanical stress is the result of something external such as temperature or gravity.
Standing, driving, walking or sitting all day at work are examples of mechanical stress. Any
difficulty, discomfort, or pains experienced as a result of attempting to cope with the effects
of gravity are symptoms of excessive mechanical stress. These symptoms can include aches
or pains anywhere in your body. Physical injuries are also types of mechanical stress.
Severe, acute traumas such as broken bones, cuts requiring stitches, dislocations, and other
severe accidental injuries are best treated in emergency rooms or medical doctors' offices.
Less traumatic injuries such as sore muscles, minor strains and sprains, back aches, neck
aches, and most other mechanical stress problems can be more effectively treated by
chiropractic physicians, homeopathic physicians, physical therapists, massage therapists,
exercise therapists, and other preventive health care providers who are better trained to
recognize and treat the causes, rather than just prescribe a drug for the symptoms, of
mechanical stress. Maintaining proper physical conditioning and nutritional balance are the
best ways for you to improve your ability to cope with the every day wear and tear of
mechanical stresses.
Emotional Stress
Emotional stress is the result of things that we think or believe. Each of us responds to
emotional stress differently. What is an emotional problem or stress for one person can be
totally opposite for another. A perfect example of this is how you respond to holiday
seasons such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukah, or whatever. If you see holiday
seasons as completely enjoyable and happy, they result in little, if any, harmful stress. If
you believe and expect otherwise, they become a major stressor for you.
W. B. Cannon, in his book The Wisdom of the Body (click to buy), described the "emergency
response to stress" as the classic "fight or flight" feelings that you experience when you are
severely frightened, uncontrollably angered, or feel cornered with no way out. In our
present society, neither fleeing nor fighting is usually an appropriate, available, or
acceptable response. This inability to flee or fight results in stress being retained and
building up over time. Unless you recognize and adequately deal with this type of stress, the
degenerative scenario described earlier will eventually lead to the manifestation of some
type of problem.
One of the critical factors is how you interpret stress. This key determinant in your response
to stress is totally dependent upon memory. In other words, expectation is the ultimate
stressor. As such, stress becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Your reactions to all types of
stress tend to fit your expectations. If you are worried about what your boss will think if you
do not complete a particular project in a certain way, you create your own stress. If you are
stewing about the future, you are manufacturing artificial stress for something that may or
may not ever come to be. If you fret about anything that happened in the past, you are
wasting your coping energies on events that you will never be able to change. As with
mechanical stress, exercise meditation, and nutrition are extremely effective in helping to
cope with emotional stress.
Chemical Stress
Chemical stress has to do with nutrition or the science of foods which includes:
• Ingestion - what you eat and how you prepare it
• Digestion - how you digest what you eat
• Absorption - how efficiently and effectively what you digest is absorbed
• Transportation - how what is absorbed gets to and into your cells
• Utilization - how what gets into your cells is used
• Elimination - how efficiently and effectively you get rid of the wastes produced by
your cells
A breakdown in any of these processes can and does create a chemical stress for your body.
Of these six functions, you have the most direct control over ingestion and digestion. You
knowingly, or often unknowingly, ingest things that become chemical stressors. These may
include recreational and prescriptive drugs, alcohol, tobacco, food additives such as MSG
(monosodium glutamate) and artificial sweeteners (See section on MSG and Sweeteners
here), excessive amounts of dietary sugars and fats, and contaminated foods, water, and
air. Any or all of these can be avoided most of the time. When it is impossible to totally
avoid them, take the appropriate steps to minimize their harmful affects and, above all, do
not worry about it. There is no need to add the emotional stress created by worry to the
chemical stress.
Your digestive function requires more energy than anything else your body does every day.
In this society it is all too easy to stress your system with excesses and oversights that
negatively affect your digestive system. Without proper digestion and its related functions,
your ability to cope with any of the other types of stress is greatly reduced.
What You Can Do About Stress
 Healthly Food:
Eat the healthiest food you can as often as possible. This would include any food that
you can grow yourself. Second best would be local, organically grown foods. Since
this is not always available year round, you can always choose from the organic
produce at natural foods stores. The third option would be produce which is labeled
as "No detected pesticide residues." These are often available in the produce sections
of many different grocery stores. Your final choice for produce would be whatever is
available in grocery stores. Wash and scrub it thoroughly or peel it before cooking or
eating it. Always avoid genetically altered foods or foods that have been treated with
radiation. Your best selections for meats would be fresh, deep ocean fish, organically
raised chickens or turkeys, or wild game. The best food selections for the least stress
on your digestive system would be large amounts of fresh, raw vegetables. Fresh
fruits, in season, are also good, but should not be consumed in excessively large
quantities. Other foods to be avoided include hydrogenated oils (with one exception),
milk, sugar, soy, white flour and anything made with it. That pretty well eliminates
all of the pre-packaged foods that you find in your typical grocery store. The reasons
for all of the foods to be avoided are beyond the scope of this article but are certainly
well established within research literature. (For additional dietary recommendations,
see this page.) During the holiday seasons it is virtually impossible to avoid all such
ingredients in foods unless you are a hermit. Do not add such excessive worry to
your overall stress level. Counteract the negative effects of such indulgences with
larger amounts of pure water and fresh, organic vegetables. The best ways to
prepare foods are quick stir frys, steaming, or slow, low temperature cooking such as
crock-pots. Fried foods are the hardest to digest and create an excessive chemical
burden on your body. Choose something else whenever possible.
 Water:
Drink up to one half your body weight in ounces of pure, unchlorinated, unfluoridated
water every day. This is a goal that most people find difficult to reach. It is, however,
an indication of how much more water we could all use. For those who say they do
not like to drink water, try squeezing the juice from one half of a fresh lemon into
every glass of water. It improves the taste and hardly anyone does not like fresh
lemon juice and water. A good way to begin increasing your daily amount of water is
to drink one glass of water for every cup of coffee or tea or pop or whatever that you
usually drink. This is especially important during holiday seasons when we tend to
drink more alcoholic beverages than otherwise. What you will quickly discover is
that, as you increase your water, you will begin to drink less of these other fluids
that are not providing any nourishment. Invariably, you will also discover that
increasing your water intake results in some surprising benefits. You have more
energy. You awaken with less aches and pains. Your digestion improves. You are not
bothered with heart burn as much or as often. Your blood pressure starts to drop.
Your ankles and legs swell less. You just feel better overall. Buy a good water filter
to remove the toxic chemicals from your water. These filters are readily available at
most department stores such as Fred Meyer and Wal-Mart or you can buy one online.
You'll find some very good deals (here (opens a new window). The least expensive,
yet still effective, are pressed carbon charcoal filters. Most fit right on your faucet
and should be used to purify any water you drink or use for cooking. Filters are also
available for your shower as well as for your entire house. (For additional information
about water, see this page.)
 Exercise:
Exercise daily. I know. You do not have time to exercise. You do not like to exercise.
I have heard all the excuses and used most of them myself at one time or other. You
will never reach your optimal weight or health without regular exercise. This does not
mean daily calisthenics, or weight training, or any other regimented activity that
does not appeal to you. Daily exercise involves finding an activity or activities that
you like to do and doing them regularly. This could include bouncing or walking on a
mini-trampoline, walking on the beach or trails, riding a stationary or other type of
bicycle, walking or running on a treadmill, swimming, or whatever you wish. The
best exercises use the largest muscles of the body such as those in the legs and
buttocks. The best part is that exercise is cumulative. You do not have to take huge
amounts of time out of your day to exercise effectively. The optimal time to exercise
is before meals. This time for your activity assures that the food you consume
afterwards is more likely to be used to replenish muscle supplies used in movement.
A lot less is available to be stored as fat. Very simply, five to ten minutes of large
muscle activity before each meal becomes fifteen to thirty minutes of the most
effective exercise you could possibly do every day. All of us can take such a small
time before each meal to do some type of activity that we like or can at least
tolerate. The benefits of such a daily regimen are countless. Numerous studies
document the effectiveness of exercise for reducing tension and stress, improving
cardiovascular function, assisting digestion, insuring a better night's sleep, and too
many others to list. Take the time. Be consistent until it becomes a habit. All you
have to lose is excess weight and a lot of unnecessary stress. (You can find exercise
recommendations based on your blood type in the Blood Types section.)
 Meditation:
A five-year study of 2,000 people who regularly practiced meditation found they had
fewer hospital admissions in all disease categories compared to the norm. Among
other things, this included 87% less hospitalizations for cardiovascular disease, 55%
less for cancer, 87% less for diseases of the nervous system, and 73% less for nose,
throat, and lung problems. There are a multitude of books, audiotapes, CDs, and
videos on meditation. (For a new window containing a listing of Meditation related
items at, click here.) Find a technique that appeals most to you and
practice regularly until you become very proficient at it. (Click here for an example
meditation called Mindful Awareness.) The best time to attempt meditation is first
thing in the morning after a good night's sleep. You will be more alert and less likely
to fall asleep.
 Slow Down:
Hug a tree. Stand or walk barefoot on grass or sand. These simple little suggestions
are extremely effective at relieving significant amounts of stress in a short period of
Kettlebell Classes

· Diet Information
· Exercise
· Kettlebell Classes
· Active Stretching
· Body Weight
· Kettlebell Exercises
· Blood Types
· Water and Oxygen
· The Immune System
· Stress And Meditation
· Protocol Suggestions
· Perpetua Articles

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Kettlebells are an ideal form of exercise because they work and strengthen every muscle in
the body while at the same time providing a great cardiovascular workout. One of the first
things people notice is how quickly you are able to get a good workout. Kettlebells are
popular with both athletes and people looking for general fitness and weight loss.
Eight curious people attended my first Kettlebell class on April 8th, 2008 in Newport on The
Oregon Coast. Amazingly, as many have come, gone, and stayed, or not, four of the original
eight are still with me as this chronicle begins in late December, 2008.
My exposure to Kettlebell strength and fitness training began serendipitously in 2001 with a
web search for a protein drink containing eggs instead of whey or soy. Somehow, came up. I recognized the Kettlebells from working as a therapist and
trainer while attending National University of Health Sciences to earn my doctor of
chiropractic degree (see Biography). I never found the protein drink, but did order “The
Russian Kettlebell Challenge” video ( ) and haven’t looked back since.
Apparently many others have found Kettlebells as well. Kettlebells are one of the top 10
fitness trends for 2009. (see the Sarah Jio Blog)
The ultimate achievement of my Russian Kettlebell Certification (RKC) was not without
difficulty (see Overtraining article). Even so, it was accomplished in April, 2006. Re-
certification is required every two years. As of this date, I have not re-certified. What
follows are my procedures for safely and effectively training someone from beginner level to
advanced Kettlebell practitioner.
There will never be an end to improving and expanding Kettlebell training, but this is my
work-in-progress. Hopefully, you will find it helpful. It certainly is working for my students.
My first class is free. Originally, I began all new students with instructions in proper
squatting. This naturally progressed to swings. Invariably, there were stories of extreme
soreness, while getting up and down, for days after class. The most extreme was a lady who
said she had to relieve herself while standing in the shower. She explained it hurt too much
to sit and stand again. She did return for two classes, but hasn’t been seen since.
To avoid this problem, I’ve instituted a screening procedure and a prerequisite format for
my Kettlebell classes. The screening procedure is adapted from Gray Cook’s and Lee
Burton’s “Secrets of Primitive Patterns” DVDs (
New students are given printed information about the uses and benefits of kettlebells, the
principles of the RKC system and, most importantly, safety (see Kettlebell Safety). They are
then arranged in class so they can sneak peaks at the advanced students performing their
designated routines. Included in this screening are upper body and lower body rolls, side
plank, pushups, and rotary stability. After any deficiencies are noted, we do 21 reps of the
Tibetan Five Rites, 10 reps of the Advanced Torso Series, 10 reps each side of the Indian
Sun Exercises and 10 Wall Squats within 3” of the wall (after instruction in proper squatting
technique). Inability to complete these four activities within 45 minutes requires retesting at
the next class.
The second class includes a group of exercises to get newbies comfortable with safely lifting
and moving a kettlebell below their waists, above their waists, and above their heads. A
significant portion of this class is from Andrea DuCane’s “Working with Special Populations”
DVDs. (available at
The third week begins the serious work of mastering the Swing, the Turkish Getup, the
Clean, and the Military Press. Also the end-of-class burns are introduced for the first time.
These are always tailored to the exercises mastered and newly introduced.
The number of weeks required for all the additional exercises varies from class to class.
Meeting once a week, as we do, takes longer, of course, than multiple days of instruction
weekly. Variety is added to classes with burns, combination and series of exercises.
Once mastery of all the exercises is accomplished, an evening is devoted to recording
personal bests. See personal bests chart. Then series of exercises are introduced. These are
continued for weeks at a time to improve strength, mass, and VO2 max. See charts for
strength and mass and aerobics 1 and 2. For any student wishing to be able to successfully
complete the RKC (Russian Kettlebell Certification) instructor program we include training
for accomplishing the Snatch requirements as well as the conditioning to get you through
the three days. See chart for snatch training.
For the truly ambitious we add Pavel’s Rite of Passage training, USSS Counter Assault Team
10-minute Snatch Test training and training for being able to press a kettlebell closest to
half your body weight. There’s no end to all the possibilities.
If you are interested in Kettlebell classes near Newport on the Oregon Coast, please
contact us via phone or email for information or to sign up.
Active Stretching
Warming up and cooling down are very important aspects of exercise. Passive stretching
has not been shown to reduce injuries. In fact, there is some evidence that passive
stretching can increase your chances of injury. Examples of passive stretching are leaning
forward at your waist to try and touch your toes, whether sitting with your legs out straight
in front of you or standing. This type of stretching should always be avoided. Active
stretching, however, is excellent before and after your exercise routines to help loosen and
clear your muscles. It is the safest and most effective way to stretch.
To do any active stretch, contract or tighten the muscle(s) opposite the muscle(s) you want
to relax or stretch. For example, if you want to stretch the muscles on the front of your
upper arm (biceps), you tighten the muscles on the back of your arm (triceps). This is easily
done by straightening your elbow as hard as you can without cramping. Conversely, if you
want to stretch the muscles on the back of your upper arm, you tighten the muscles on the
front of your arm. In other words, bend your elbow as hard as you can without cramping.
This same principle applies to any muscles anywhere in your body. For example if you wish
to stretch your muscles on the back of your legs (hamstrings, gastrocnemius, etc.), sit with
your legs straight out in front of you. Tighten your abdominal and gluteal (buttocks)
muscles so your upper pelvis tips back. Hold this pelvic tuck without holding your breath.
Next, tighten the muscles on the front of your upper legs (quadriceps) by pushing your legs
down to the floor as hard as you can without cramping. Then, bend your ankles and pull
your toes toward your head (tibialis anterior, etc.) while reaching toward your toes with
both hands. You will definitely feel a strong stretch along the entire length of the backs of
your legs. Use this principle of active stretching to relax and loosen any muscles anywhere
in your body after you exercise.

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