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Individual Assignment: Climate Change Issue based on Before The Flood Documentary.


1.0 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 3
2.0 CLIMATE CHANGE ISSUE ........................................................................................................... 3
2.1 ISSUE OF CLIMATE CHANGE IN UNITED STATE OF AMERICA ..................................... 3
2.1.1 CAUSES ......................................................................................................................... 3
2.1.2 IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE ...................................................................................... 4
2.2 ISSUE OF CLIMATE CHANGE IN CHINA .............................................................................. 5
2.2.1 CAUSES ................................................................................................................................ 5
2.2.2 IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE ...................................................................................... 5
2.3 ISSUE ON CLIMATE CHANGE IN CANADIAN ARTIC ........................................................ 7
2.3.1 CAUSES ................................................................................................................................ 7
2.3.2 IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE ...................................................................................... 7
2.4 WAY TO REDUCE CAUSES OF CLIMATE CHANGE ........................................................... 7
3.0 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................. 8
4.0 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................. 9

Climate change is a phenomenon in which the average annual temperature increase of
the earth from year to year (Leichenko, 2011). This climate change is due to human activity
and also due to natural factors. This phenomenon has become a major issue around the world.
This is because, this phenomenon has had a bad impact on society as well as in the
environment. Many initiatives have been taken by certain organizations to educate the
community on issues of climate change. Most countries have found various ways to ensure
that the worldwide temperature rise can be reduced.



2.1.1 CAUSES
The United States is a country with a relatively stable economy. This economic
stability is due to the very rapid industrial activity in the United States. The speed of
industrial activity in the country has reached the highest level. The United States has made
industrial activity a major source of their economy. Nevertheless, this industry has had a lot
of impact on society as both good and bad. However, the industry has a negative impact on
the environment in particular the world climate. Climate change in the United States has
become the biggest issue. This is because it has adverse effects on the environment in the
United States. Due to climate change many disasters such as floods and storms also occur in
United States (Karl, 2009).

Natural gas and petroleum mining in the United States is one of the causes for climate
change taking place in the country. The discovery of petroleum in 1859 at Pennyslavania in
the United States was a trigger for the start of the petroleum industry in the United States.
This petroleum mining activity can actually impact on climate change. This gas and
petroleum industry is one of the factors that cause worldwide climate change (Union of
Concerned Scientists, 2007). This is because, many natural resources have to be cut down
because the area has been used for the purpose of mining. This tree logging process has led to
a forest burning process. Additionally, it is also due to the excessive burning of petroleum
that causes the subsequent increase in temperature to push for climate change somewhere.
Smoke emissions from vehicles and factories also cause climate change due to the smoke
emitted by the car as well as the plant hazardous to the environment.

a) Disaster
This climate change has had a great impact on the environment. This climate change
has resulted in the destruction of the environment. Climate change has actually led to natural
disasters (Susan et al., 2009). For example the drought and the cyclone hit the United States.
There are some researchers who have made studies and also the fact that climate change is
the cause of the hurricane. The hot air has joined the strong wind has produced a strong
hurricane (McBridge et al, 2006).

(Sources: Annual Disaster Statisical Reviews)

Figure 1 : Trends in occurrence and victims (deaths and affected)

According to (Annual Disaster Statisical Reviews, 2013), the United States has
become one of the most frequent natural disasters. The natural disasters that occurred in these
natural disasters have recorded a relatively high number of victims, especially around 2002.
However, based on the above graphs shows that the number of victims recorded is uneven as
this indicates a decrease and an increase. The graph also shows that there are still many
natural disasters recorded since 1990 until 2013. This natural disaster has caused victims to
lose property due to typhoon and natural disasters have also sacrificed many lives that affect

their families. Therefore, this catastrophe is due to climate change taking place around the

b) Impact On Economy

In addition, climate change also has an impact on the economy of a country. This is
because the government has to spend a lot of provisions to repair the damage caused by
climate change. Climate change has also resulted in inflation and economic growth (Wade &
Jennings, 2016). This economic situation will also take place over a long period of time. The
global climate change has impacted economies. This is because, many economic activities
can not run smoothly. Therefore, it will have a bad effect on the economy of a country. This
climate change was originally caused by economic activity that was conducted in a country.


2.2.1 CAUSES
China is one of the polluted countries due to industrial activity. Nearly all areas in the
country are polluted due to industrial activity occurring in China and it is also due to the
burning of coal in China (Hao & Wang, 2012). Coal is one of the fuel that can be used to
generate electricity. China has used coal resources to generate electricity in its country. This
coal combustion actually has a bad impact on the environment that can cause climate change.
Changes in the Chinese economy occurred when the change of the Chinese administration
(Omar, 2006). This is true when the reign of Mao Tze-Tung has ended. China has
restructured its government policy. Thus, China has transformed into open economies
causing economic activity in China to flourish which has led to climate change


a) Epedemics
The exhaust emissions from the plant and also the logging of coal in China have
caused the country to be polluted and the haze also occurs. This smoke release has led to the
occurrence of climate change taking place in China. This climate change has also led to the
occurrence of epidemic in China. The epidemic has become increasingly critical due to the
population density in the country. China has the world's most populous population with a
population of about 1 billion (POPULATION REFERENCE BUREAU, 2015). Population
density has caused epidemics in China.

(Sources: World Health Organisation)

Figure 2: The Number of Patient of SARS

The above figure shows the number of patients caused by Severe acute respiratory
syndrome (SARS). SARS is a respiratory disease caused by Coronavirus (CDC, 2012). China
has recorded the highest number of victims of respiratory illness compared to other countries.
Although SARS is caused by a virus it may also be affected by climate change. This is
because the disease is susceptible to the victims of hot fever. Hot fever is one of the effects of
disease caused by climate change. As a result of climate change taking place in China, all
kinds of diseases are easily dispersed.

b) Combustibility

In addition, climate change also led to the occurrence of a fire that caused the
environment to be destroyed (Jacob & Winner, 2009). Fires occur due to extreme weather
due to climate change taking place. This fire has devastated the environment and this fire has
also led to increased temperatures leading to climate change. This may be the cycle that
causes climate change. This fire can also cause forest destruction. The fire in China has
actually caused destruction to 26 species of dominant plants in China (Liu et al., 2013).


2.3.1 CAUSES
Compared to both America and China, the climate change that occurs in the Canadian
Arctic is caused by Green House Gas (GHG). This happens due to the emission of shallow
ponds in the Canadian Arctic a few centuries ago (INRS, 2015). This pool is a major
emission of GHG which causes climate change in Canadian Artic. The cause of climate
change in the Canadian Arctic is different from the United States and China as it is caused by
the inevitable natural factor.


a) Glasial Melting
The ice found in the Canadian Arctic has started to melt due to climate change taking
place. The increase in temperature has actually melted ice-ice at the north pole and also the
south pole (Nicholls, 2003). This ice meltdown has led to an increase in water levels
worldwide. The increase in sea level caused by ice melting causes some low places to be
b) Effect on Animal Species

Climate change has caused some species of animals to begin to diminish in the
Canadian Arctic. Most of these animals are impressed with the surrounding climate change.
Among the impressed animals are peary caribou, polar bear, arctic fox, snowy owl (Berteaux,
2014). This animal is threatened as a result of an ineffective environment due to climate
change. Besides it may be due to the lack of one of the food chains that affects other food


The best way to reduce the cause of climate change is by way of restructuring energy
consumption, especially the use of non-renewable energy in China (Hao & Wang, 2011). The
restructuring of this energy is by using renewable energy such as wind power and also solar.
The use of this method is more environmentally friendly than coal consumption. Therefore,
the restructuring of this energy use can help reduce the use of coal as an electric power.

In conclusion, climate change actually affects both society and the environment. It
starts with the destruction of the environment and thus impacts the society. This climate
change is caused by uncontrolled human activity causing the world's climate to change. This
climate change can not be prevented but it can be mitigated in several ways such as
renewable energy use. China has begun using renewable energy to reduce the phenomenon of
climate change. The renewed energy consumption in China is due to the economic and
energy crisis. (Wang, Yuan, Li, & Jiao, 2011). The use of this renewable energy is good for
the environment and is capable of reducing the phenomenon of global warming

Berteaux, D. (2014). Effects of Climate Change on the Canadian Arctic Wildlife. Arctic
Wildlife , 1-21.

CDC. (2012). CDC - SARS - Basics Fact Sheet. Retrieved from

Guha-Sapir, D. (2012). Hoyois Ph., Below R.,(2013). Annual Disaster Statistical Review
2013: The Numbers and Trends.
Hao, J., & Wang, L. (2012). Improving Urban Air Quality in China: Beijing Case Study.
Http://Dx.Doi.Org/10.1080/10473289.2005.10464726, (October 2005), 12981305.

Institut national de la recherche scientifique - INRS. (2015, December 18). Greenhouse gas
emissions from Canadian Arctic aquatic systems dated for the first time: Bylot Island
ponds and lakes: Carbon sinks or GHG emitters?. ScienceDaily. Retrieved from

John McBridge, Kerry Emmanuel, Thomas Knutson, Chris L., Creg H., Hugh w., et al.,
(2006). Statement on Tropical Cyclones and Climate Change . San Jose, Costa Rica:
World Meteorological Organization (WMO).CDC. (2012). CDC - SARS - Basics Fact
Sheet. Retrieved from

Jacob, D. J., & Winner, D. A. (2009). Effect of climate change on air quality. Atmospheric
Environment, 43(1), 5163.

Karl, T. R. (2009). Global climate change impacts in the United States. Cambridge
University Press.

Leichenko, R. (2011). Climate change and urban resilience. Current Opinion in

Environmental Sustainability.

Liu, M. H., Yi, L. T., Yu, S. Q., Zhou, G. M., Jiang, H., & Li, X. P. (2013). Combustibility of
fresh leaves of 26 forest species in China. Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 25(4),

Nicholls, R. J. (2003). Case study on sea-level rise impacts. Environment, 9, 32. Retrieved

Omar, R. (2006). China dan kuasa hegemoni baru ekonomi. International Journal of
Management Studies (IJMS), 14(1), 138.

POPULATION REFERENCE BUREAU. (2015). World Population Data Sheet. 2015 World
Population Data Sheet, 23.

Wang, S., Yuan, P., Li, D., & Jiao, Y. (2011). An overview of ocean renewable energy in
China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 15(1), 91111.

Union of Concerned Scientists. (2007). Smoke, Mirrors, and Hot Air : How ExxonMobile
uses Big Tobacco's Tactics to Manufacture Uncertainty on Climate Sciences.


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