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Ideas principales del texto de ingles

1. Revolutions of thecomputers
2. Different types of classification by size, and area
3. Analog computers today : extinct today
4. Digital computers :
5. Hybrid computer : combination of both digital and analog
6. Mainframe computers can substitutive for several small servers
7. Microcomputers : personal computer, dont occupy space
8. Desktop computer: Is used in the workplace and households.
9. Laptop : portability, run on a single battery and have a touch pad
acting as a mouse
10. Netbooks : is in the category of laptop, is relative smaller in size
11. Personal digital assistants : handheld computer
12. Minicomputers :
13. Servers : designed to provide services to client machines in a
computer network
14. Supercomputer : high calculation intensive
15. Wearable computers, is used in your hand , is the evolution of
computers , is used for the human health
16. Tablets: mobile computers, is used with the touch screen technology.

The revolution of computers accompanied of technology show

different computers and evolution, how has it been the step to step of
the changes beganing for analog computers and ending with tablets
that overcome the others machines extinct today same, this
computers are one the most brilliant inventions of marking and thanks
to marking this capacity to create new technology and computers
more progressive
Ove come: superar
Progressive: avanzados
Revolutionized: revolucionado
Proveed: demostrado
Are: son
Read: leer
Is: es
Achieve: lograr
Processing: procesando
Requiered: necesario
Carryout: llevar a cabo
Depending: dependiente
Be: ser o estar
Netbooks: computadora porttil
Use: usos
Oprate: funcionar
Designed: diseado
Meant: significado
Perform: realizar
Capacities: capacidades
Substitute: sustituir
Occupy: ocupar
Called: llamado
Fit: Ajuste
Prove: probar
Intened: intencionado
Run: correr
Fall: caer
Had: tuvo
Began: empez
Begun: empezar
Came: llegar
Acces : acceso
Look up: buscar
Needed : necesito
Provide: proporcionar
Running : corriendo
Allocate : asignar
Have: tener
Step : paso
Was: fue o estuvo
Incorporated: incorporar

Oraciones en presente simple

Sentences in simple presents

1. Laura is processing the computer

2. Alvaro always achieves do operate the computer
3. Daniel has proved that the technology is required for our lives
4. Nancy learned step to step to turned on the netbook
5. The technology has revolutionized the world

Oraciones en presente progresivo

Present progressive

1. Alex is processings netbooks

2. Claudia is incorporating the new technology
3. I am reading in my computer
4. He is knowing new things



Analog Computers

Microcomputers Supercomputers

Hybrid Computers Netbooks Laptops

Digital Computers Tablets Wearable Computers


The study of computers and their types make us understand what is a demanding
world like ours, where every day Must Make double the Task in less time, it is
extremely important foray computers like those studied previously, in order to
perform more tasks form Easier and Faster.
The computers of the previous times were the size of a large and forced to
consume large amounts of electricity room. However, with the advancement of
technology, computers have shrunk to the size of a small clock.
Depending on its processing power, size and area of use, which have been
classified into several types. Based on the operating principle.

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