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Eugene Albert Olarte Javillonar For September 10, 2013

Absent Report, PH104 Section B

From the lesson we discussed the Greeks and the deployments of

sexuality, focusing on the concepts brought out by Foucault we see that
even in the ancient times, there has been prisons and schools; each of
which reproduces that form of control and power relations. This control is
necessary in order for the maintenance of disciplinarity. By schools and
prisons, the populace of that time has disciplinarity promulgated again and
again, and with each new generation, new kinds of fiction are created to
renew the power and maintain the presence of control. By fiction of
control, it was termed in class to be patterned as scientific, but this is
all said and done in bad faith, for only power is being focused, and those
below it are being oppressed under the guise of truth and right of the
state and upper classes. The fiction is now termed more justly as the very
deployments of sexuality; it is completely and utterly manmade, with
nothing but the words of those in power repeating it for their own
purposes. Case in point is the move One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest, which
is a metaphorical representation of the fiction of the deployments of
sexuality and how it is used as power against those wanting freedom. The
nurse represents the deployments, utterly man made and we see in the film
that the prison apparatus is one of crude fiction. But as man made things,
it can be undone and fought against. Foucault calls for this fight. Life
under the spell of the disciplinarity that enforces the deployments of
sexuality on humanity should be stopped. Though the system is well
imprinted into the minds of the masses, the key is the future. We cannot
turn back time, and we cannot fight the conception of these power
relations. But the future allows us the choice to stop it, because this
thing, deployments of sexuality, is a symbol of a kind of evil, because of
the amount of control it has over our lives. Almost like puppets, we are
controlled to live a boxed life without true freedom. This control can be
seen in our everyday lives through the concept of labels. From there we
move on the discussion on The Republic and the practice of courage, where
it was simply the courage and the fortitude to stand your own ground to
innovate in your own lives. It was in this time we see that sexuality was
taken in a different route, where then it was seen as a form of life and
duty. That duty is being for men or women raising a family, it was by
sexuality that family became duty and honoured. We are given the choice
whether we follow the system or fight against it. Something so inherent in
human society that it seems completely unassailable thus we simply take
things as is. But this hopelessness is not an utter defeat for those who
want change. The answer to fight this disciplinary juggernaut of the
Faustian pact is through curiosity, a curiosity that enables one to be free
of idolatrizations. Where there is no encompassing life-style or ideology
but a curiosity that pushes the self-worth of the human being because in
many cases we reach that point where the need for possession in itself
possesses us. Like the form of higher education, we may at times subject
ourselves to simply learning, by engrossing ourselves in the processes of
education but not actually learning. We simply follow the routine of our
courses, study, do the paper and finish, but have we actually learned,
where we really curious in being educated. Like the rich man who denied
Jesus because he cannot let go of his possessions, he himself became the
possession of his things and wants. The problem though is that in presence
of many institutions like that of this school, we have been trained to live
a life unrattled with conflict or strife. We train ourselves to adapt the
processes, the teachers and the course in order that our lives will not be
disturbed, like that of those living in the upper brackets of the grid. But
education which is like knowledge should be a passion, something we desire
but also do. To fight the partitions, one has to be filled with passion to
do so. But in fighting for it one should not work too hard or else they
will forget themselves as well.

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