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review transformations

1. A translation moves A( 3; 2) to A0 (0; 0). Find B0 , 6. The parabola shown in the diagram is re ected in
the image of B(5; 4), under the same translation. the x-axis. What is the turning point after the
re ection?

A. (2; 5)

B. ( 2; 5)

2. A translation maps P(4; 1) to P0 (2; 1). What are C. ( 2; 5)

the coordinates of Q00 , the image of Q(1; 3) under
the same translation? D. (5; 2)

3. In which gure is ^A0 B0 C0 a re ection of ^ABC 7. What are the coordinates of the image of point
in line ` ? ( 2; 6) after a re ection in the y-axis?

A. B. A. (2; 6) B. (6; 2)

C. (2; 6) D. ( 2; 6)

C. D.
8. What is the image of (1; 3) when re ected in the

A. ( 1; 3) B. (3; 1)

C. ( 3; 1) D. ( 1; 3)

4. The three vertices of ^ABC are in Quadrant I. If 9. What are the coordinates of point P, the image of
^ABC is re ected in the x-axis, its image will lie point (3; 4) after a re ection in the line y = x?
in Quadrant
A. (3; 4) B. ( 3; 4)
C. (4; 3) D. ( 4; 3)

10. In which quadrant does the image of ( 4; 1) lie

5. What is the image of the point ( 3; 2) when it is after a re ection in the origin?
re ected in the x-axis?

page 1
11. The coordinates of point (x; y) after a re ection in 15. Under a dilation with respect to the origin, the
the origin can be represented by image of A(1; 2) is A0 (5; 10). Under the same
dilation, what are the coordinates of B0 , the image
of B(0; 3)?
A. (x; y) B. ( x; y)

C. (x; y) D. ( x; y)

16. If point R0 (6; 3) is the image of point R(2; 1) under

the dilation with respect to the origin, what is the
12. A function, f , is de ned by the set constant of the dilation?
f(2; 3); (4; 7); ( 1; 5)g. If f is re ected in the
line y = x, which point will be in the re ection?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 6

A. (5; 1) B. ( 5; 1)

C. (1; 5) D. ( 1; 5)
17. What is the image of point P(2; 1) under a
dilation of 3?

13. Triangle XYZ, shown in the diagram below, is

re ected over the line x = 2. State the coordinates
of ^X 0 Y 0 Z 0 , the image of ^XYZ.
18. If a dilation maps (3; 2) to (x; 8), what is the
value of x?

19. In the accompanying diagram, ^ABC is a

right triangle. Which diagram below represents
the image of ^ABC when rotated 90
counterclockwise about the origin?

A. B.

14. The coordinates of point A are ( 3a; 4b). If

point A0 is the image of point A re ected over the
C. D.
line y = x, the coordinates of A0 are

A. (4b; 3a) B. (3a; 4b)

C. ( 3a; 4b) D. ( 4b; 3a)

page 2 review transformations

20. The point ( 2; 1) is rotated 180 about the origin 25. Which property is not preserved under a dilation?
in a clockwise direction. What are the coordinates
of its image?
A. collinearity B. orientation

C. similarity D. distance

21. What is the image of (5; 1) under a

counterclockwise rotation of 90 ?
26. Which transformation is not an isometry?

A. a re ection in y = x

B. the translation T(x+3; x 4)

22. What is the image of (6; 5) under a
counterclockwise rotation of 180 ? C. the dilation D3

D. the rotation R90

23. The transformation of ^ABC to ^AB0 C is shown

in the accompanying diagram.
27. Which transformation does not preserve

A. T(5; 3) B. ry=x

C. D3 D. R0;90

28. If the dilation Dk is an isometry, what must be the

This transformation is an example of a
value of k?

A. line re ection in line `

A. 1 B. 2 C. 2 D. 0
B. rotation about point A

C. dilation

D. translation 29. What are the coordinates of P0 , the image of the

point P(2; 3), under the transformation rx=4 rx-axis ?

24. Which transformation is not an isometry? 30. What is the image of P( 4; 6) under the composite
rx=2 ry-axis ?
A. T(5;3) B. D2
A. ( 8; 6) B. (4; 2)
C. rx-axis D. Rot(0;90 )
C. (6; 0) D. (0; 6)

page 3 review transformations

31. Write (R 30 R40 R60 )(A) as an equivalent single 34. The vertices of ^RST are R( 6; 5), S( 7; 2),
rotation of A. and T(1; 4).

The image of ^RST after the composition

T 2;3 ry=x is ^R00 S00 T 00 .

State the coordinates of ^R00 S00 T 00 .

32. The coordinates of point A are (3; 1). What

are the coordinates of A under the transformation
(T2; 5 rx-axis )(A)?

A. ( 1; 4) B. (5; 6)

C. (5; 4) D. ( 5; 4)

33. What are the coordinates of point A0 , the image of

point A( 4; 1) after the composite transformation
R90 ry=x where the origin is the center of

A. ( 1; 4) B. ( 4; 1)

C. (1; 4) D. (4; 1)

page 4 review transformations

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review transformations 05/08/2014

1. 21.
Answer: (8; 2) Answer: ( 1; 5)

2. 22.
Answer: ( 1; 1) Answer: ( 6; 5)
3. 23.
Answer: B Answer: B
4. 24.
Answer: D Answer: B
5. 25.
Answer: ( 3; 2) Answer: D
6. 26.
Answer: A Answer: C
7. 27.
Answer: A Answer: B
8. 28.
Answer: D Answer: A
9. 29.
Answer: D Answer: (6; 3)
10. 30.
Answer: D Answer: D
11. 31.
Answer: D Answer: R70 (A)
Answer: A
Answer: B
Answer: X 0 (5; 1), Y 0 (4; 4), Z 0 (7; 4)
Answer: D
14. 34.
Answer: A Answer: R00 (3; 3), S00 ( 4; 4), and T 00 (2; 4)
Answer: (0; 15)

Answer: C
Answer: (6; 3)

Answer: 12
Answer: A
Answer: (2; 1)

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