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Remember when you read this; I am simply brainstorming/venting. If you disagree with
something feel free to use strikeout or some form of marking it, but please do not rush to delete
thoughts as I may end up using them for separate projects, teachings, etc. Also, the paragraphs
are likely not in flow as I am popping in during moments of inspiration, passion, free time, or
some combination of the three. For those of you primarily here for edit, my issue is to be concise.
I know the meaning of the word, but the concept tends to escape me! That's why I am asking for

Dear fellow believers,

Colossians 1: 2 "To the saints and faithful brothers in Christ "

The purpose of this letter will be to welcome all of you to fellowship with other Christians like
myself, who hold God and his Word above everything. I believe that the Word is true, and that truth is
something definite. That we must push forward and do our best to understand God's Word and that all
words have meaning, and the Bible was originally written in Greek and Hebrew. So, if that means
spending hours learning either or both of those languages is required to get to know mt God, then so be
it! After all, if I believe the Bible is true, then the creator of the universe took the time to write a book
that he wants us to know well. It's essentially "The Creator of The Universe's Guide to a Better Life",
that advises us and nurtures us on how to live! Can you think about what it would sell for if people
truly believed this? Dale Carnegie and Anthony Robbins (and many others) make millions every year,
from using biblical principles to motivate and guide people! In God's Word, he tells us that everything
in the bible is profitable! (2 Timothy 3:16) Why wouldn't we want to break it down and understand it as
best we can? Therefore I want to invite anyone who truly cares about God, to stand with me, and say
we want to learn the Truth regardless of what it takes, or how many follow. That we are ready to bury
as many hatchets as possible, let bygones, be bygones, and stand together united! The more of us who
are in fellowship together the more our talents and experiences can mix together, and we can create a
community worthy of our amazing and loving God!

For those of you who might say, on what authority do I speak? I would like to quote: Philemon
1:8-9 "Accordingly, though I am bold enough in Christ to command you to do what is required, yet for
love's sake I prefer to appeal to you." I consider myself to be a very dedicated Christian who
personally spend hours each week in prayer, reading the Word, researching Greek and Hebrew words,
learning about the cultures that thrived in biblical times, praying for people, advising friends and
family, working to network with other Christians, and etc. I am not a person who has faith because it
helps me sleep at night, in fact I lose many hours of sleep trying to counsel others, figure out
resolutions to conflicts amongst believers, working on teachings, etc. I am a person who spent 14 years
of Catholic schooling asking every question I could. Yet 3 months after I graduated high school, to the
dismay of my family and friends, I ended up converting to a different viewpoint of Christianity. This
was not because I had more fun somewhere else, but instead for the first time in my life, my "faith"
became something that was tangible and that I could actually understand. My mother was heavily
involved in my Catholic grammar school, as well as the challenging inner politics that tend to come
with a private school education. So growing up I learned early on the difference often in Christian
organizations to be Christians when the camera is rolling, and to behave much differently when it is

Nevertheless, I didn't let that stop me! As soon as I was offered an opportunity to serve, by the
ministry which had been helping me learn how to decipher Truth from myth, I pursued it despite mixed
emotions from most of my friends and family. Now, during this experience I did witness some great
things, but I also witnessed some things that were not so great. There are some friendships and
relationships that were forever changed, some even dissolved, due to my choice to serve God (as well
as some of the choices I made during and after that time period). However, if the opportunity to go
back ever presented itself, while I might exercise more wisdom, I would still make the same choices.
"Before God we are all equally wise - and equally foolish." Albert Einstein; "Controversy equalizes
fools and wise men- and the fools know it.” Oliver Wendell Holmes

Our tendency as humans when challenged after or during a bad decision, is to get defensive
and to play the blame game, just as Adam did back in Genesis 3:12!!! Now I will not deny that I did
that, it took me nearly 5 years to stop blaming certain people, and I still occasionally catch myself
harboring bad feelings toward other believers. The most important thing I learned from my experience,
is that the worst thing we can do as Christians is distance ourselves from each other because we are
hurt! Why? Because then the devil gets us alone in a corner and just starts pummeling us!!! Groups
may change, or even fall, but that does not mean the church itself should suffer for it! We need to
remember that the only one we are supposed to be following is Christ, everyone else we are supposed
to be standing alongside. Our call is to work together as a unit, not lead this army of zombies, "to
wherever we will go!" (Peter Pan reference) God has already appointed a general, and we need to stop
trying to stand in for him and follow him. While it is true a colonel can be a leader in the general's
absence, he still is not the general. Plus, he isn't absent! He's right there beside us trying to help us
along. So let's learn how to stand together, and band together like brothers. 1 Corinthians 1: 10 "I
appeal to you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree and that there be
no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment." Max Lerner:
"You may call for peace as loudly as you wish, but where there is no brotherhood there can in the end
be no peace."

Many Christians choose to rationalize exiling their brother in Christ with all sorts of verses, that
speak to a specific case, that they then just apply when necessary. Firstly, I doubt Christ likes having a
spasmatic, distracted body that constantly insists on devouring itself. But as to those rationalizations,
many serial killers have created entire logical processes (that are not based in reality) in order to
rationalize their behavior. Here's a hypothetical case: Killer "Reincarnate" believes in reincarnation, he
thinks that anyone who suffers in this life is treated better in the next. So he goes on a killing spree,
killing anyone who is suffering in this world, thinking he is "saving" them. If his theory were true, his
actions would be completely justified! But, his theory is obviously skewed from reality, so we as a
society stop him. In this same way, the Christian community needs to stand up and reject any foolish
rationalizations for dividing his church and/or for ungodly behavior! The last time Jesus saw Judas
Iscariot before his betrayal, Jesus dined with him, and I don't see Jesus saying "Be not in fellowship
with us my brother", he simply encourages him to do as he wills. If Jesus did this in a church today, the
modern day Pharisees would call him an enabler. So if our basic theology as a Christian is in fact
"What would Jesus do?" The answer is not cast out our brother because he has fallen. If that were the
true way of God, then why on earth would Jesus appear to Saul of Tarsus??? Clearly he wasn't in
fellowship with God!! But did God send him to live with the lepers? NO!! He invited him in, just like
the prodigal son, David, and us!!!! Time and time again scripture speaks to the mercy of God. How
then can any Christian say I am better off without him because he has fallen? It is our duty as a
community to stand up and say enough is enough! No more Gospel of bloodshed, a hard long path
filled with the destroyed remnants of our brothers hearts, let us go back to the Gospel of Love! 1 John
3: 16: "By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for
the brothers. "

Recently I was with an old friend and I watched "300" for the first time. One of the many dramatic
moments of that movie that stood out for me, was when the general was saying "All of us must be
trained hard to hold the line, one hole in the line and the whole line falls." How many holes are there in
the Christian church? How many of us have stopped holding the line because we were hurt or
begrudged? Or worse, how many of us stopped holding the line, because someone else was hurt? In
wars, often brothers fight beside brothers, and it is common for the one who didn’t fall to then become
blood drunk and go screaming into the approaching enemy and also die! Let's grab a hold of each other,
and stop using the wounded as an excuse to lay down our swords or turn our swords on each other.
What would have happened in any war, if the guys behind the men on the front line said "Oh, look at
what they did to him, I'm not going in there!" or "Look at this scar, forget those guys!" Surely, we have
an enemy who no sword or bullet can strike, yet our loved ones still fall every day at his hands. The
only way to combat him, is by serving God. Every time one of us lays down our arms in frustration we
hand over a little more of the world to him. I pledge we stop splitting up into smaller and smaller
groups, and we stop running every time something hurts. We are called by whom? Guys with grey
hair? No! 1 Corinthians 1: 9 "God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of his Son,
Jesus Christ our Lord."

Meanwhile, as constantly we divide amongst ourselves and take out other Christians. The rest of
the world has one common enemy, us! Speaking from personal experience, while I haven't endured
physical torture on account of my faith (yet at least). I have endured plenty of mocking, intimidation,
some level of discrimination, etc. Now I do not say this to make myself seem greater or for people to
feel bad for me, I say it in attempt to sober people up to the reality that a treaty doesn't work, if both
sides don't sign it. Just because you decide to take a stand and be a "politically correct" or passive
Christian, does not mean the other team is going to stop playing! I am not much of a sports buff but I
do know that there is something about a cowering defense that makes the offense play harder. But
when the offense has no effect and the defense stands firm, slowly the game turns to the team with a
tough defense. In the Christian church, I can attest that we have a pretty decent offense. Guys who go
out there and just talk about the bible all day long! But when it comes to the defense...I rarely see
people standing up and speaking out when the same people who insist on a cross coming down, then
hang a gay rights banner, or something of the sort.

For a small example, in order to drive toward my house, the common highway is Route 22. On
Route 22, there is one Christian book store that is barely ever open, and they get in trouble for
advertising in their lot because it is offensive. But as soon as you pull into the business section of Route
22, you are now greeted by a giant Buddhist statue. Now if that was a crucifix, it would make the
regional if not national news. But, its a Buddhist statue so no one cares. If I had a choice, I would say
let them display their idols, but only if we get to pray in school!!! The double standard is frightening
and more and more Christians are falling for this line of thinking. Recently, I read an article about a
piece of property that had a makeshift cross on it. The land it stood on was purchased by a State park in
the region, and thereby a man called that it should be torn down, because while he was Catholic it
might offend others! So, before this could even go to court, the original owner requested to buy that
square of land back, but the man deemed that was not good enough. It is currently in the appeals
process, but what next the cross at Arlington? Trinity Church? Any other landmark, that contains a
Christian symbol?

I am pretty sure I could find a Masonic lodge that is currently on historic land, but they wouldn't
dream of tearing it down because it is loaded with spiritual symbols!!! Same thing in some school
districts, if a teacher even mentions Jesus in some areas he makes the newspaper. But I am pretty sure
if that same history teacher neglected to teach about Apollo, Zeus, or Rah, he would be out of work
rather quickly! Where's the d? Where are those who are willing to be scorned for the things that must
be said? I know a couple, and I know I am developing a reputation for being quick to speak up!
Perhaps I need to learn a little balance and timing, but my impatience comes from seeing an absolute
refusal to get one's hands dirty. WWJD? He was beaten beyond recognition. So either take off the
wristbands and bumper stickers, or start speaking up!

I like many who live in my area, experienced September 11th up close and personal. Having
traveled around this country a bit, I don't know that there are too many (if any) travel hub/business
center/mall/dock/etc locations that host as many people as the WTC once did. Even if there is one or
two, they are not surrounded by hundreds of other buildings that hold thousands if not several million
people. If you have never been to New York, you may be unfamiliar with how busy and chaotic one
street can be, most areas only get equally crowded if their sports team is playing a big game or some
sort of National conference is in their area. Whereas, New York City is always that busy! At the time I
lived in Jersey City which is a little less busy, but is pretty much filled with movement 24 hours a day,
7 days a week. Around 6 or 7 pm on a Tuesday night, which is still considered rush hour in our region.
I began my 20-30 blocks back to my home, keep in mind all communication towers were down, so you
were on your own. As I walked through the streets they were just about desolate, only emergency
vehicles whizzing by every moment or so, from all over the state! There are millions of Christians on
this planet, and yet many of us feel like I did that day. If we are walking with God and/or fighting for
his Word, the road seems desolate and lifeless, with only major emergencies making their presence
felt! Okay so our Lord and Savior was crucified, and life is hard. That is not an excuse for us not to
push forward, and make our presence as Christians felt!

The most clear cut chapter that I have seen, in the bible that is dedicated to unity is Ephesians 4, if
you read it you will immediately see that Paul is talking about everyone working together as one! Verse
3 says: "eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace." But what does that mean?
Normally I go to the Greek and say okay what does the word unity mean in Greek, and is defined as
oneness, which should surprise anyone because verse 4 then says: "There is one body and one Spirit!"
Why then do we continue to separate ourselves one from another? Do we not care what the Word of
God calls us to do? Do we not know that Christ said? It is by no surprise that the enemy then tries to
divide the body after Jesus said to the Pharisees in Luke 11: 17 ""Every kingdom divided against itself
is laid waste, and a divided household falls. ". Also, in 2 Timothy 2: 14-26 Paul says in regard to people
in the church "charge them before God not to quarrel about words, which does no good, but only ruins
the hearers." & "And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach,
patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness."

"Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to
the word but does not do what it says is like a man, who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking
at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But the man who looks intently into
the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but
doing it--he will be blessed in what he does. If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not
keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless. Religion that God our
Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to
keep oneself from being polluted by the world. "James 1:22-27 NIV.

While God's word does say he is a just God, there is no mention of God seeking nor wanting
revenge! This whole "Kick Satan’s teeth in!!" attitude does not jive with "Love your enemies!" That
verse does not say love your enemies when it is convenient, or profitable for you to do so. It is not a
"only on Tuesdays", kind of request! It is a command! You know I have been saying for some time
now, Christians have this image that God is just sitting on the edge of his seat waiting to get back at
Satan. But is that a God of love? "1 Corinthians 13:4-8 Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or
boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does
not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes
all things, and endures all things. Love never ends." Love is not resentful and never ends! So how can
a God of love be sitting there saying, that son of a ...! He crucified my son, wait till I get my gun
license... Sorry to burst your bubble people, but every minute you spend angry and whining about
Satan’s shortcomings, your just missing the opportunity to love and you are not walking in the grace
you have been given or the mercy you have been shown! Let's remember people, after all this he is
going to give him 1000 years in a cell to repent! Then Satan is going to still be begrudged and form a
final army, and fire will fall down from above and engulf them! Yeah it will probably resemble a lake,
puddle, or grease spot perhaps! The point isn't that God is saying, dont worry they will get theirs! Nor
that he wants to destroy his creations, its that he wants to protect the ones he loves, and those that truly
love him, from the "ancient destroyer".

How can we then hold grievances against our brothers, all the while claiming to serve a God of
love and mercy? Talk about hypocrisy! I know I personally have told dozens of people that God
doesn't steal, kill, and destroy. That he is a God who loves us, and wants a relationship with us. If God
doesn't destroy, kill, nor want destruction, how do you think he feels about the destruction of The Body
of Christ? When you "tear someone a new one" or "set someone straight", are you doing the will of
God? We pray all the time, we tote around our bibles, but what about our relationships? Are we free to
determine who we "play" with? Ezekiel 18:32 "For I have no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares
the Lord GOD; so turn, and live." A few verses later he clarifies that he wishes not even the wicked to
perish. So if the will of God is for us to live and love one another. Where did this exile thing come

Constantine, Emperor of Rome, died around 1300 or so years ago, and the Roman Empire is long
since gone. Now, many Christians disagree whether or not Constantine's intervention was a highlight or
a dark spot on the Christian timeline. I personally believe the mere fact that he demanded (keep in mind
he had the legions of the Roman army at his disposal) all the bishops to come and stay at his summer
home, and that they weren't allowed to leave until they agreed on a set doctrine the whole empire
would follow. I hardly think, the decisions made here should carry much theological weight. But either
way, here we are still following Constantine's premise. After all, it was Constantine who ruled that
Christians, subdue their conflicting view points or be cast into exile. 13 or so centuries later, opposing a
Pastor, Leader, or etc, in a Christian church still gets you into a modern version of exile. When this
wasn't even a real Christian concept!!!! This was a bunch of Bishops, held at the emperor's vacation
home (likely by the point of the sword) until they came to an agreement! Thomas questioned Jesus all
the time! Yet he was never considered not to be an apostle! Peter was called Satan for his words, yet
Jesus put him in charge of the church, and Jesus broke bread with Judas while he was suspecting him of
treason! What would Jesus do? He would reopen the doors of the church, and shut the doors to the
"Holy Roman Empire!"

For too long, Christians have been fooled by one very basic concept. I love God with all my heart
and his Word is truly what I live for. When I wake up in the morning, I don't just think about the coffee
I am going to buy, I think of how I can live for God. Now I do wish I could say that lasted all day, but
I get distracted and off track on to some random thing. But when I discuss, debate, or learn about the
Word of God, I (like most Christians I know), get really fired up and passionate! If I hear something
that doesn't sound like the God I know, I get upset and possibly outright aggressive (as do many). In the
this same way, we get angry if someone we love is misquoted, misrepresented, or mistreated. But we
need to stop mistaking that passion for attacks to our person, and realize that the other party is just like
us, they love God and is his Word and are willing to fight for him. Possibly even till death! So let's stop
mistaking a passion for his Word as a lust to be right! We must also realize when we are getting too
aggressive so we can tone it down and listen. When talking to another passionate person for God, if we
do love them, we should be able to discuss his Word rationally!! But let's not forget, that if his Word
does mean that much to us, then we should love them!

Now in many cases, when one builds up an argument using both biblical and non-biblical
references to make their point. Often Christians jump to 1 Corinthians 8: 1, and say but "Knowledge
puffs up!", for clarification this is a misuse of the verse as Paul is talking in the previous verse about
eating food that is sacrificed to idols. In Greek mythology, it was commonly believed that if you ate of
ambrosia, you ate the food of the gods and thereby would either be invited to Mt Olympus, gain
immortality, and/or gain the knowledge that only the gods possess. This line of thinking is a complete
100% match to what the serpent told Eve in the garden. Paul is not talking about knowledge as a whole;
he is discussing this mighty knowledge of the gods that they Greeks spoke of. If in person, I imagine he
would have drawn a full picture that Satan himself fell, due to this "conceit of God's knowledge."

However, that is not to say we should not be careful with knowledge as it can be tricky. As Paul
cautions, 2 Timothy 2:14 "Remind them of these things, and charge them before God not to quarrel
about words, which does no good, but only ruins the hearers." We have in our very nature a desire to
do what is right and to be right (eous). Sometimes we can channel that in the wrong direction and
suddenly we become righteous only by being right! Knowing tons of verses has nothing to do with
righteousness, although I am sure God appreciates your quest to know him better! We must be careful
that we don't suffer from "Goethe Syndrome" quoted from "Look Back, Leap Forward" by James
McIntosh, for those of you unfamiliar, Goethe was a German poet who lived in the 1800s, and he was
said to "know everything" which quite obviously is impossible. I also found this quote by Kahlil
Gibran to be very insightful. "Wisdom ceases to be wisdom when it becomes too proud to weep, too
grave to laugh, and too selfish to seek other than itself."

Now often many churches split because they can’t agree on behavior, doctrine or principle. Let’s
explore either scenario in the Word.

So what do we do if we disagree on behavior?

So what do we do if we disagree on doctrine? I mean clearly

We cannot decide what others believe. If you were not a Christian and I said that you must become
one, does that mean you have to be a Christian no matter what, even if you did not agree with it? Of
course not! They need to make decisions for themselves. God designed us with free will. Therefore
God cannot make a person do anything, and neither can we.
Think love. Whenever I have seen people debating the Bible without love in their hearts, nothing
gets done. 1 Corinthians 13:1 applies when it says, " If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but
have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal." If you speak with love in your heart,
people will realize it. If you speak only for the purpose of debating, people will realize it. Their
response will result by your approach towards them.

What about principle?

Cast not the first stone, Judgement is not ours but his

Matthew 7:1 "Do not judge, or you too will be judged."

Proverbs 10:12 Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses.
Forgiveness is a requirement not a question
Only one intercessor
Sometimes being in fellowship, may mean to get in the face of someone. (Cinema reference Sam &
Andrew Killeen- No Christian should ever walk away from another Christian. (Paraphrasing)

Jason Amato-Blue
Shelby Hoffman-Purple

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