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DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT =! ow oe ne S00 Mariner Avense Bargad, Guam 90513 “Telephone: (671) 300141 1S86ePa (67725008 ‘jonas gioe et Jou J.P. Fennawae2 Siertnae eben Ave, 2016 RUTH RYDER. Office a Speci Education Peprams US. Department of Eueation Potomac center Pans ‘alstep 2600, oom 3028 580 12" Street, SW Washigton, 0¢ 20202 SUBIECT: GUAM ANNUALSTATE APPLICATION UNDER PART 8 OF THE INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES EDUCATION ACT (QOEA) As AMENDED IN 2006 FOR FF 2016. eae Actin Director Ryser, ife Adel! “The Deparment of Edscaton In Guam (O08) respectfully submits ts Annual Sate Appbaton under Part 8 ofthe Inevdals withDisabitis Eaton Act (IDEA) a8 amended in 2008 for Feceral ial Yea 2016. Trough the submission of tN ‘vant application, Guam OOE proves assurances that thas polices and procedures in pace 2 equed by Part 8 of the IDEA Should there be any need for cartes, please donot hesitate to contact me. | thank you for your continued support of our fami and ehilren with pec needs on Guam. Si Yure Ma se! datachmet (Guam Pet 8 State Applleation for FY 2016 “OMB NO, 1820-0030 Expires: 10372010 ‘ANNUAL STATE APPLICATION UNDER PART 8 OF THE INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES EDUCATION ACT AS AMENDED IN 2008 FOR FEDERAL FISCAL YEAR 2016 CFDA No, 84,027A and 84.4738 ED FORM No. 9055 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ‘OFFICE OF SPECIAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS Washington, DC 20202-2600 Public Burden Statement ‘According othe Paperwork Recut At of 198, ro persons are requted 1 respond oa coection of infomation Uta suckcoecton apays avabd OMB cantel number Pubbe roping Burdon fr calc oinfermation Isesieated to vera 14 hours per response, Inuing ie or reviewing stucons, searching eiing data Soutes, gathering ard maraing the daa needed, nd competing and even te callecson of raten The blgatcn to reopod eB colecton requ te cblarna grat under Secon) B11 andor 610 of he nidals ‘wh salves Eaueson Act Send comments rgarcing the bude estore or ny cies aspect oti calechen ‘tinfomaton,incluang suggstone for esoong ths burden. to he U.S. Deparment of Ecucaton 400 Maryand ‘ive, SW, Washington, 0 20202 4596 or ema CDocsetlgi@ed gov and aaron the OMG Cones Number 1826-0030 Not: Pease dort ru te cmplted Armual State Appicaton under Par B of The nas wih Debits Edveaton Ae e Amended n 20040 ts aos, State Section! |A._ Submission Statement for Part B of IDEA Please select tor 2 below, Check 3 appropriate -X_1. The Stato provides assurances that ithas i fect policies and procedures to moot al ibility requroments of Part B of the Act as found in PL 108-446, th inividual with Disablies Education Act and applicable requatons (DEA). The State is able to met all ‘esurances found in Section ILA othe Appcaton, ‘The Sate cannot provide assurances fe al elibily requirements of Part B of the Act a8, found in PL 108-446. The State has determined that Lis unable to make the assurances thal ace checked as ‘No'in Section ILA. However, the Stale assures tha thoughout the period a tis grant award the Stato wil operate consistent wit al requirments of IDEA In PL 105-116 and applicable regulatons. Tho Stato wil make suc changes to existing polsiot and procedures ax are necersar to ring tnaze policies and procedures into Compliance with te requitements of the IDEA, as amended, as soon as posse, and not later than June 30,2017. The Stale has included the date by which it expec io comalste ‘necessary changes associated wih assurances matked No. (Refer to Assurances found in. ‘Seaton tA) Optional: 3, The State fs submiting modieaions to State polices and procedures previous submited to the Department. These modicaion are. (1) deemed necessary by the Sate, for ‘example when the State revises applicable Stat law of regulations (2) quired by the Secretary because there isa new interpretation of Ye Act or regulations by a Federal court ‘ortho State's highest cour, andor (3) because of an oficial finding of noncompliance with Federal aw or requations 8. Conditional Approval for Current Grant Year 1 the State received conditional approval forthe current grant year, check the appropriato statements) below: 1. Conditional Approval Related to Assurances in Section ILA: 1 Section ILA provides documentation of compton ofall issues identified inthe FFY 2015 ‘coneitonal approval eter b. Asnoted in Section ILA, the State has not completed al issues knifed inthe FFY 2015 ‘condita approval eter. 2. Conditional Approval Related to Other Issues: ‘2. The State previously submitted documentation of completion ofall Issues identi inthe FEY 20% conditional aprova later The States atlaching dacumertation of completion ofall issues dented inthe FFY 2018 concional approval eter. (rcnsocumernin showing compton oat ans) The Sate hs not completed all issues dered inthe FFY 2015 conditonal epproval later tech dimen shonng compton any asses anda thr nyt come) art Anmsal Stata Appeston: FFY 2016 Seaton ot (OMB No. 1820-0080tBiraton Date 1-31-2018 Section I ‘Site A. Assurances Related to Policies and Procedures ‘The Stale makes the folowing assurances that ithas palces and procedures in place as rquied by Part Bol the Indviduas with Disbltios Ecucation Act. (20 U.S.C. 1471-1410, 34 CFR §§300 100-300-174) (rec ond en eat ae ‘pee nese we | “merce | Steen | 3) ‘Assurances Related to Policies and Procedures ‘free appropriate public educations avalable to all chicren wth disables resgingn tne State between the ages of 3 and 21, incusive, including ehigren wih dsabsites whe have been suspended or expelled, in accordance with 20 U.S.C. 1412(a\1}; 38 CFR §§300 107-300 108. ‘The State has established a goal of providing ful edueaional ‘oppertuniy tal children wih cisablives and e detalles timetable for ‘ccomplisting that gol. (20 US. 1472{a)2} 34 CFR §§300.109- 300.110). [Al cidren with clssbties residing inthe State, incudng chidren wth Gisbilties who are homeless or ae wards of the State and cdren wth {isebilbes sterding private schools, regardless ofthe seve of har ‘isablves, ana who aren need of special education and related ‘services, ae dene, located, and evaluated and a praca method ‘developed and implemented to determine which ehidren wih deabinies are curreny receiving needed special education and related services in Accordance with 20 U.S.C. 1412(aK3). 34 CFR §300.11%, ‘An individualized education program, or an individualized fay service lan that meets the requlemants of socton 636), is developed, Fevlewod, and revised for each cid with a deabily in acsoreance with ‘34 CFR 6§300.320 trough 300.324, except as provided in §§§300.300(0)3) and 300-200(0N). (20U SC. 1872(9X4). 24 CFR 00.112) ‘To the maximum extent appropriate, chien with sabes, ncuding children in public or private insiutins or other care facies, ae ‘educated with ehidren wha are nol aableg, and special asses, Separate schooling, of ater removal af chien wih disailties from the Fegular educational ronment occurs oly when the nature o severity Ofthe esa of a child fs such that education in regular classes wth the use of supplementary aids and services cannot be achieved salsfactorly in accordance wih 20 U.S.C. 1412(a)/5YA}B); 94 CFR Part Aarua Stata Appeton:FFY 2016 ‘secon I-2 (OMG No. 120-0020fpration Date 1031-2018 (psnunce rode ‘Assurances Relate to Policies and Procedures Sem) ‘$B. TBO. TD, 7 6. Children wit csabiltios and ther parents are afforded the procedural safeguards required by 24 CFR 65900500 through 300,596 and in 2ecardance wih 20 U.S.C. 1412(3)(6); 34 CFR §200.121 i: 7. Chileren with disables are evaluates in accordance wth 34 CFR. '§§900.300 trough 300.311. (20 U.S.C. 1412(aXT) 34 CFR §300.122) Z ‘3. Agoncios inthe State comaly with 34 CFR §§300.610 trough 300.626 (olatng tothe confidentiality of records and infermation). (20 US.C. 1412 2x8}. 34 GFR §300.123) v 8. Chiléren participating in eat intervention programs assised under Part | ©. and who wil pareipao in proschodl programs assisod under tis part experience a smooth and efecve iranstton fo those preschool programs in a manner consistent with section 627(8).9). By the thie Birthday of sucha cl, an indvictalized education program or, ‘consist with 34 CFR'§300.323(0) ané socton 636(), 29 | Ingividvalized fail service pan, has been developed and is being Implemented for tho eld. The cal edveaionl agency wil paricpate in ‘aration praning conferences ranged by the designated lead agency Under section 635(a) 10), (20US.C. 142{aV9), 34 CFR §300 124) 10. Agencies inthe State, and the SEA if applcabe, comply with the requirements of 3 CER §§300,130 twough 300.148 (rating 10 Fesponstlies for children in private schools), Inctng that to the extent onalstent wih the number and location of enidren wih dsabiiies nthe State who are enrolled by tel parens in private elementary schools and secondary schools in the schoo tet served bya local education ‘agency, provision is made (or the participation ofthese chien in the rogram assisted or carried out uncer ns part by providing for such Children special educaton and related services in accordance witht Fequrements found in 34 CFR §§200.130 through 300.148 uross the ‘Secretary has arranged for services to thse chidren under subsection (0 (By pass. 20 US. 1442(=) 10), 94 CFR G§200.120-200.148) i 11. The State educational agency is responsible fr ensuring thatthe requremerts of Par B are met including the requirements of 34 CFR {§§800.113, 300.149, 300.180 trough 300.183, ana 300.178 ana an Bin aocordance wih 34 CFR §§300,600-300.602 and 300.606- art ArrulSateAgplcton: FFY 2018 Section 1-2 ‘OMe Na. 120-00s0Eypration Osto- 1031-2018 (heck nent ate cea aan Socio cnn compe setuancs) Assurancos Related to Policies and Procedures 300808, (20US.6. 1412(9X11) 34 CFR §300.149) 2 The Chie Exeoutve Officer ofa State or designee ofthe afer shall tenure that an interagency agreement or other mechanism for Interagency coordination sn effect between each puble agency escrbed in subparagraph (b) of 38 CFR §300 154 and the State educational agency, n order to ensue tat all services described in paragraph (OK) that are needed Io ensue a fee appropriate pubic feduction are provided, including the provision of such services during the pendency of any dispute under §300 154()(3). Such agreement or ‘mecharism shall meet the requiremerts found in 20 US C- *412(a)12)/A}(Ch: 34 CFR §200.154, 18 ‘The Stale educational gency wil not make a final determination that a ble for aesctance under ths part sasonable notice and an opportunity fecahearing (20USC. 1412(a\ 13), 4 CFR §300.155) ‘The Stale educational agency has established and maintains {qualfestions to ensure that personnel necessary to cay out this part ‘are appropriately and adequately prepared and trained including tet ‘hose personnel have the conta’ knowledge and skis o serve chieren vith deabilies as noted in 20 USC. 141 2{a 14KAME). 38 CFR. 0.156, ‘The Siate has established goals forthe performance of chléren with isebltes inthe State that meet the requirements found In 20 U.S.C. 1412{a)(15KAC), 34 CFR §900.157 ‘Al citron with csablies are included in all goneal State and Gisrecwide assessment programs, Inducing assessments cescibed Under section 1111 ofthe Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1985, wih appropiate accommodations and alternate assessments lahore necessary and as inaiated Inthe respective ndhgualzes feducaton programs a8 noted in 20 US.C. 1612{a) 18KA)E), 38 CFR 300.160. Funds pad toa State under this pat wil be expended in accorcance wit all the provisions of Pat B including 20 U.S.C. 1812{aN 17KAMCY, 34 CFR 900.162 Par Ars Slate Aopeaton: FEY 20:6 Section 4 ‘OM No, 1220 a0sarEpaton Date 101-2088 i rotate ‘Assurances Related to Policies and Procedures 48. The Stale wil notredu~ 2 -_mount of State ancl suppor fer special ‘education and ated services fr enidren with deabites or otherwise made avaiable because ofthe excess costs of educating ose children, below the amount ofthat support forthe preceding fica year, uress 2 waiver i granted, in accordance with 20 USC. 1412(a)T8XAMD). 34 (GFR'§§300 163 tough 300 164 7 18. Prior tothe adoption of any policies and procedures needed to comply with ths secon (including ay amendments to such poies and | procedure), the State ensures that thre are public hearings, adequate | otic of the hearings, and an opportunity for comment avalatie tothe ‘general pubic, induding individuals with disabties and parents of Children wih disbities. (20 U.S.C. 1412(aX 19}, 34 CFR §500.165) i: 20. _Incomplying wih 34 CFR §§300.162 and 300.163, a State may not use funds pala tit under this part to saisty State-law mandated funaing ‘bigation to local educational agencies, including funding based on ‘Student attendance or enoiment or iflaion. (20U.S.C. 1412(2¥20) 234 CFR 300.168) 21. The State has established and maintains an advisory panel forthe purpose of providing plicy quidance with respect to special education ‘nd related services fr chron wih alablibes in tho Sate as four In 2OUS.C. 1412(6K21XA}D}: 34 CFR 66300. 167-200 160. i 22, The State educational agency examines daa, incuding data iseggregated by race and ethic, to determine fsignifeant ‘iscreparcies are occurring in he rate oflong-erm suspensions and ‘expulsions of ehlsren with dsabiles in accordance with 20 U.S. 1412{ay22KAXB), 84 CFR §300.170, im 28a, The State adopts the National Instructional Materials Accessibilty ‘andar forthe purposes of proving instuctional materi o Bind persons or other parsons wih print sabes, in a imaly manner ator the publication of te Natonal Instructional Matrials Accessibility Standard in te Federal Register in accordance wth 20 U.S.C. 1412{a\28KA) and (D} 34 CFR §300-172. 230. (Note: Check ether °238.1° or "2382" whichever applies | 230-1 The State educational agency coorsinates wth the Natonal an Amual State Applaton: FEY 2016 Section 1-5 (OMe No 1820-030 epraon Date 103-2018 ‘State ‘reese neswerees ‘vent ‘Assurances Related to Policies and Procedures aieiale Acca Conor anata than Y2I0TO8 to SEA a part of any pit instructional materials adoption process, procurement contact, ‘or other practice or nsrument used fr purchase of print insvuctoral ‘materials enters no‘ writen contract witht publisher ofthe pin Inetctonal materiale to requ the publisher to prepare and, on orbefore delivery ofthe print instructional materials, provide io the NatcralInsvuctonal Matos. ‘Access Center, elecvonic fes conlairing fe contents ofthe pin, instructional materials using the National Irstuctonal Materials, ‘Accessbily Standard; or purchase instuctioal matras from the publisher that are produced in, ‘or may be rendered in, specialized formats. (20U:S.. 1412(a)23NC} ‘34 CFR §900.172) ‘The State educational agency has chosen not to coordinate wth the National Insttucional Mateals Access Conte but assures that it il provide instructional materas to bind persons or other persons with prin sabilies ina timely manner. (20 U.S.C. 1812(aX236); 34 CFR 500.172) 2 “The State has in etc, consistent wth te purposes ofthe IDEA and with section 618() ofthe Act, polices and procedures designed provant the inappropriate verdentieaton or disproportionate feprecentation by race and ethnic of chlren a chron wit lsebiles, incuging chlren wih disables wih a paricularimpaiment ‘scribed in 34 CFR §300.8. (20 US.C 1612(aX24), 34 CFR §300.173) 2. “The State educational agency shal prohibt State andcal educational ‘agency personnel fom requiring a chid ioobain a prescription fr a Substance covered by the Controlled Subsiances Act (21 US. 812(c) ‘5a condtion of attending schoo, eceivirg an evaluaion under 34 CFR {$6300.00 trough 200311, or recaving sewices under tne IDEA a8 described in 20 U.S.C, 1412(aN25KA}(); 34 CFR §200.175, Pas 8 Anna Sila Aycan. FEY 2018 Secion-8 (OMB No 1820-0030tEpraton Date - 10-31-2018 State 8. Other Assurances ‘The Sate also makes the flowing assurances! Yes Other Assurances 44. As appicabe, the assurance in OMB Standard Form 4248 (Assurances for Non= 2. The Stato shall provide data othe Socratary on any iformation that may be required by 3. The Stato, local educational agonces, ae educational service agencies shall use fiscal 1. The Stato shal dstibut any funds the State dos not resorve under 20 US.C. 1411(e) to loca educational agencies including pubic charter schools hat operate a local ‘educational agencies) in he State that have eslabsed thei eligbity under secon 613. fer use in accordance with this pat as provided forin20US.C. 14111) 34 CFR 200.705. the Secretary, 20USC. 1416(a)3) 34 CFR 9§900-640-300.645,) contol and fund accounting procedures tha insure proper disbursement of and | ‘Secountng for Federal nde (24 CFR §76.702) Construction Programs), aang to legal author to apply fer assistance; access to ‘cera; confit of interest, mert systems; nondiscresnation, Hatch Act provisions, labor Standards; food insurance: environmental standards; wid and scenic river systems: histore preservation; protocion of human subjects; animal welfare: lead-based paint | Single Aust Act, and general agreement to com wih all Federal laws, erecubve oars and reguatons. ©. Gentineations ‘The State's peoviding the following corfcations Yes 1. The State cates that ED Form 80-0013, Cartication Regarding Lobbying, ison file with the Secretary of Education Wit ospect to the Certification Regarding Lobbying, the Stato recertfies that ro Federal appropriated funds have been pad o wl be paid to any porson for influencing or attempting to inuence an offeer or employee of ary agency, 2 Member of Congress, an bofcer or employee of Congress, or an employee ofa Member of Congress in connection ‘ith the making or renewal of Federal grants Under this program: thal the State shall ‘complete and submit Standard Forn-LLL,“Oiscsure Form to Report Lobbying.” when Fequires (34 CFR Part 82, Appendix B), ane that the State Agency shall require the fl Catitaton as st frth in 84 CFR Part 82, Appendix A, in the award documents fo all 0b awards ata rs 2, The Stata cerfas that cerfication in the Education Department General Administvatie Regulations (EDGAR) at 3 CFR §76.104 relating to State eligi, authorty and ‘approval to submit and cary out the provisions of ts Sate application, and consistency of ‘at appicaton with State law are In place within the Sate, 3.__The Slate cartes that he aangemens o establish responsi for services pursuant to 20USC.1412{a) 12KA}(C), 34 CFR §200.154 or 20 USC. 1612(0X 124A), 34 CFR. ‘§200.154(a) are current. Ths cetficaton must be recov pric fo the expenditure of any funds reserved by the Stato under 20 US.C. 141 (eK 34 CFR §900.171 an Annus Site Apptcalon:FFY 2016 Section 7 (OMB No 1820-00301Exaton Dae 1081-2018 State D. Statement | certty that the State oF GUAM can make the assurances checked as Yes’ In Section IA andl ® and the certifications required in Section ILC ofthis application. These provisions meet the requirements of the Par B ofthe Inividvals wth Dieablites Education Actas found i PL. 108-846. The Stato vil ‘operate its Part 8 program in accordance with la he requed assurances and crtieatons i any assurances have been checked no | ceri that the State wll operate zoughou the period of hs (rant avard consistent withthe requrements ofthe IDEA as found in PL 108-448 and any eppicable equations, and wil make such changes to existing paces and procedures as are necessary to bing ‘tose polices and procedures nto compliance wih the requirements of he IDEA, as amended, 38 3000 £8 possible, and not latr than une 30, 2017, (34 CFR 876.104) | the undersigned authorized ofl of he [GUAM DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION (Wame of Sate and oficial name of State agency) ‘am designated by the Governor of this Stat to suri this application or FFY 2016 funds under Part Bof ‘he Incvguals wih Dsabiies Education Act (DEA), | Printer ;ped Name ad Tie of Authorized Represoniatve ofthe Site JON J. P. FERNANDEZ, Superintendent of Education Signature: Ter Annual State Appicaion: FY 2016 Section 8 (OM No 1820-00501Exiroon Dale 103-2018 Section Il Description of Use of Funds Under Part B ofthe Individuals with Disabilities Education Act - 20 US.e. 1441(0)(6), 94 CFR 200.171 ‘States must provide the Desriton of Use of Funds by completing and submiting the Exca! Intoracive ‘Spreadsheet with the FFY 2016 Applicaton DDeccrite haw the amount retained by the State edueatonal agency under 20 U.S. 1411(0X1) wl be tased to moe the folowing acti Under Part B. (20U'S.C. 1411(0\1)(3),(6)and (7) The Department annually ientfies for States the maximum amounts that a State may ean under Section ‘141 (0\1) and 2.” The dalar amounts listed Inthe Excel Interactive Spreadshest by the State for ‘admiration and for oer Slate actives should add up to less o equa othe dolar smaunt proved to the State by the Dopariment fr each ofthese activites. Enter whole dollar amounts (do not entor cents) in appropriate cals onthe State's Excel Interactive Worksheet. The Excal Interactive Spreadsheet must be submited as pat of the Siate's application, Descibe the process used o get Input om LEAS regarding the dstibuion of amour among actos ‘esorbed in the Excel Interactive Spreadsheet 9 meet State praries. (20 U.S.C. 1411(@)X8); 34 GFR 00.708) Guam Part B did not submit an Excel interactive Spreadsheet because the Guam Department of Education is a unitary school system and there is no distribution of amounts among activities from other LEAS. ‘Setar reach eco soe may resco coh cal yoo ht nse vans pacar oe Sree hone ea ecb nde US "Ut HOR far wha yon or 000 chee eter Fer eon acl er boginig wih cl yo 2005, Scrat ha cust dh iru ant te Sto ma ‘igo toret ir Se sano an a rue ya 04 a) S000 8y ere ean mene She pecerngelnresa, anyon ha woes te ys tthe Carsumar Pres arr hi ter Caneaners puchs Byta Stems dao" Sisson no Dapamment sar a8 Annus State Appicaton. FEY 2018 Section ‘Section IV ‘State Administration ‘Seaton 608() ofthe IDEA requires each State that recelves funds under this tite to: (1) ensure that any State ules, regulations, and policies relating otis ile cororm tothe Purposes of is tite: (2) ‘dentin wrting to loca educational agencies located inthe Sta ‘af, regulon or ply as State-‘mposed requirement that is nat requre by this Federal reguiatons: and (@)__mnmize the number of rules, regulations, and policies to which the local edicational agencies {and schools located ine State ae subject under th ile regulation, or palcy thet is State-imposed States must attach to this application alist identifying ay rl (Pot required: or Federal regulations). hare are no such S'o posed rues, regulations, or policies, please so indicate. In adtton tho State is requred to inform local education agencies in wing Of such Statesiposed rule, regulation or poley. (20 U.S.C. 1407(a) 94 CFR §300.199) Guam does not have any rules, regulations, of policies that are State-imposed (not required by IDEA or Federal regulations). 8 Annus Sat Apliatin: FFY 2015 Secon V-1 (OME No. 1870-00S0Expration Date -831-2015 Pan 8 Annual Sista Appeaon: FFY 2016 ‘Seton Vt “OMB Ne 1820-0030Bxoraton Ose 10-31-2018 Section V Maintenance of State Financial Support Pursuant tothe authorty established in IDEA section 618(a)(3), each applicant for funds under section {11 must provide the flowing Slate aca data wth a cortieaon os accuracy by Uv State budget ‘office or a authorized representative there. Arnounts shouldbe shown in whole dollars and ae or the State ical yar, ‘Total Amount of State Financial Support Made ‘Avallable for Special Education and ated ‘Services for Children with Disabiliies SFY 2016 6,961,967 SFY 2015, 17,238,432 NORA 1. SAWYER ‘Slate Bude OFicer or Authorized Representative (Pred Narva) ‘Signature of Stal Budget Offic o* Authorized Represoratve Pert Annual Stale Aplcatn: FFY 2018 (Oe No 1820-0050 xpration Dale 1031-2018 Section V-1 See misao Feet es tng Adnan patie seston ees rate er fne amo 6 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Ee cur “ERE See ee eee en oes So cerireneectens ose etn ‘ve times the rvghy 3.000 people ‘Stspgot aes ice Sead Seto tel or SEs Eonbarasumestarsoery EaSSs2 Sein Wcimesoes IBM to bolster cloud growth incigsnteyeentetegmer ‘Betis tote Raunt Stee ste pron einer hy iatraldng coc a aces era mee : ‘GUAM ELECTION COMMISSION ‘Sv Spm me Can ean mune ee as 88 Side tats yen oe eee C= a Ss PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT & ; J NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING ‘= eer sicieceieattieameaed ete ee ea ae aa FAMILY FINANCE CO, Personal Loan $1,000 - $3,500 nigdercan, tate moon kb GUAM POWER AUTHORITY "ATURDAT LERTRESEDATGUAKAN i no, uoX 277» AGANA, GUAM USA 56922577 This notices pad for by the GUAM POWER AUTHORITY CIP, O84, AND REVENUE FUNDS Public Law 26-12 oN: | SITEVISIF: TIME: DUEDATE: TIME: pESCRPTIONS Re bj noe ne emcee hehe i eattarar cea oer ners mgarsese mea eeeses sa | Sine

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