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Original Article

The antioxidant effects of green tea reduces blood

pressure and sympathoexcitation in an experimental
model of hypertension
Michelle L. Garcia a, Roberto B. Pontes a, Erika E. Nishi a, Flavia K. Ibuki b, Vanessa Oliveira c,
Alexandra C.H. Sawaya d, Patrcia O. Carvalho e, Fernando N. Nogueira b, Maria do Carmo Franco c,
Ruy R. Campos a, Lila M. Oyama a, and Cassia T. Bergamaschi a

Background: Oxidative stress is a key mediator in the


maintenance of sympathoexcitation and hypertension in t is well known that activation of the sympathetic
human and experimental models. Green tea is widely nervous system plays an important role in the patho-
known to be potent antioxidant. genesis of hypertension in humans and in experimen-
Objective: We aimed to evaluate the effects of green tea tal models [1]. Previous studies have shown that a reduction
in a model of hypertension. in renal sympathetic nerve activity (rSNA) is associated
with a reduction in blood pressure (BP) in experimental
Methods: Hypertension was induced by the nitric
hypertension [1,2]. Furthermore, ongoing clinical trials have
oxide synthase inhibitor [N-nitro-L-arginine-methyl-ester
also shown that renal nerve ablation produces a long-term
(L-NAME); 20 mg/kg per day, orally, for 2 weeks] in male
reduction in BP in resistant hypertensive patients, [3] cor-
Wistar rats. After the first week of L-NAME treatment,
roborating that excessive activity in rSNA contributes to
animals received green tea ad libitum for 1 week. At
hypertension. Additionally, hypertension is also associated
the end of the treatment period, blood pressure, heart
with endothelial dysfunction [4,5].
rate, baroreflex sensitivity, renal sympathetic nerve
Several studies have shown that increased oxidative
activity, and vascular and systemic oxidative stress were
stress is a key mediator in the maintenance of sympathoex-
citation and hypertension [1,4]. In experimental models of
Results: L-NAME-treated animals exhibited an increase in hypertension, scavenging of reactive oxygen species (ROS)
blood pressure (165  2 mmHg) compared with control rats systemically and in the central nervous system significantly
(103  1 mmHg) and green tea treatment reduced reduced BP and endothelial dysfunction [1]. Such evidence
hypertension (119  1 mmHg). Hypertensive animals suggests that antioxidants are a promising additional treat-
showed a higher renal sympathetic nerve activity (161  12 ment for hypertension.
spikes/s) than the control group (97  2 spikes/s), and Epidemiological data have demonstrated that green
green tea also decreased this parameter in the tea consumption is beneficial in cardiovascular diseases,
hypertensive treated group (125  5 spikes/s). Arterial possible because of its antioxidant effect and its important
baroreceptor function and vascular and systemic oxidative biological properties [6]. One possible beneficial effect of
stress were improved in hypertensive rats after green tea green tea is related to the presence of polyphenols, known
treatment. as flavanoids. Catechins are flavanoids, and epigallocate-
Conclusions: Taken together, short-term green tea chin-3-gallate (EGCG) is the primary catechin components
treatment improved cardiovascular function in a of green tea. EGCG is considered to be the component
hypertension model characterized by sympathoexcitation,
which may be because of its antioxidant properties.
Journal of Hypertension 2017, 35:348354
Keywords: green tea, hypertension, oxidative stress a
Department of Physiology, Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de Sao
Paulo, bDepartment of Biomaterials and Oral Biology, Faculdade de Odontologia,
Abbreviations: BP, blood pressure; CAT, catalase; DAF-2, Universidade de Sao Paulo, cDepartment of Medicine, Universidade Federal de Sao
4,5-diamino fluorescein diacetate; DHE, dihydroethidium; Paulo, Sao Paulo, dDepartment of Plant Biology, Universidade Estadual de Campinas,
EGCG, epigallocatechin-3-gallate; eNOS, endothelial nitric Campina and eLaboratory of Multidisciplinary Research, Universidade Sao Francisco,
Sao Paulo, Brazil
oxide synthase; GPx, glutathione peroxidase; HR, heart
Correspondence to Cassia T. Bergamaschi, PhD, Disciplina de Fisiologia Cardiovas-
rate; L-NAME, N-nitro-L-arginine-methyl-ester; MAP, mean cular, Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo, Rua Botucatu,
arterial pressure; MDA, malondialdehyde; NO, nitric oxide; 862, CEP 04023-060, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil. Tel: +55 11 5573 7820 ext. 24;
fax: +55 11 5573 7820; ext. 5; e-mail:
ROS, reactive oxygen species; rSNA, renal sympathetic
Received 2 June 2016 Revised 8 August 2016 Accepted 16 September 2016
nerve activity; SEM, standard error of the mean; SOD,
J Hypertens 35:348354 Copyright 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights
superoxide dismutase reserved.

348 Volume 35  Number 2  February 2017

Copyright 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Green tea decreases sympathoexcitation

with the highest biological properties responsible for green day of EGCG that was previously reported to be effective
teas major antioxidant effects [7]. in reducing BP in clinical studies [12].
Previous studies demonstrated that chronic green tea or To determine the amount of vehicle or green tea intake
green tea component treatment led to a reduction in BP, and the urinary volume after treatment, animals were
and these effects were mainly correlated with a reduction in housed for 48 h in metabolic cages (Nalgene, Ugo Basile,
oxidative stress [8,9]. It was also suggested that catechins Varese, Italy). The first 24 h were considered an adaptation
present in green tea were able to improve vascular function period.
[10,11]. However, the underlying mechanisms by which
green tea reduces BP are still unclear. Our hypothesis is that Cardiovascular parameters and cardiac arterial
green tea influences sympathoexcitation, especially in baroreceptor reflex function in conscious rats
regards to sympathetic vasomotor activity to the kidneys, Rats under ketamine and xylazine anesthesia had the fem-
key organs in the control of BP. Therefore, the aim of the oral vein and artery catheterized for the i.v. injection of
present study was to verify the effects of green tea con- drugs and the direct recording of arterial pressure, respect-
sumption on BP levels, baroreflex control of heart rate (HR) ively. After surgical recovery (24 h), basal values of MAP
and baseline rSNA in an experimental model of hyperten- and HR were recorded in conscious rats for at least 15 min.
sion induced by nitric oxide synthesis inhibition. Moreover, Bolus intravenous injections were made with increasing
we also evaluated the role of green tea consumption on the doses of phenylephrine (3510 mg/kg i.v., Sigma-Aldrich)
systemic antioxidant system and the local effect on resist- and sodium nitroprusside (51520 mg/kg, i.v., Sigma-
ance blood vessels. Aldrich) to induce BP increases or decreases and reflex
bradycardia or tachycardia, respectively. Values of match-
METHODS ing MAP variations (DMAP) with reflex HR (DHR) responses
were separately plotted for each vasoactive drug to create
All experimental procedures used in this study were con-
linear regression curves of baroreceptor function for each
ducted under guidelines recommended by the National
group. Their slopes (bpm/mmHg) were compared with test
Institutes of Health and approved by the Ethics in Research
changes in baroreflex sensitivity among groups.
Committee from the Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo-
Escola Paulista de Medicina (process No.0381/12). Male
Wistar rats (250300 g) were housed in group cages, given Renal sympathetic nerve activity
access to rat chow and water ad libitum, and maintained in After recording the cardiovascular parameters in conscious
a temperature-controlled environment (238C) with a 12-h rats, the same animals were slowly anesthetized with ure-
light/dark cycle. Animals were supplied by the animal care thane (1.2 g/kg, i.v., Sigma-Aldrich). The left renal nerve was
facility of our institution (Centro de Desenvolvimento de retroperitoneally exposed, placed on bipolar silver electro-
Modelos Experimentais). des, and covered with paraffin oil. The signal from the renal
nerve was displayed on an oscilloscope (Tektronix digital
Experimental protocol series) 220 (Tektronix, Beaverton, Oregon, USA). The nerve
The rats were divided into four groups: CT: control rats activity was amplified (gain 20K, Neurolog, Digitimer, Hert-
fordshire, UK), filtered by a bandpass filter (1001000 Hz),
received only vehicle (water); CT GT control rats treated
and collected for display and subsequent analysis using
with green tea; H: hypertensive rats treated with vehicle and
a PowerLab data acquisition system (ADInstruments,
HGT: hypertensive rats treated with green tea. The study
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia). At the end of the
was divided into two independent series of experiments. In
experiments, the background noise level was determined
the first series, mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate, the
by hexamethonium bromide administration (30 mg/kg, i.v.,
arterial baroreceptor reflex control of HR were assessed. In
Sigma-Aldrich). The neural activity was analyzed offline
a second series of experiments, blood samples and mes-
using the Spike Histogram (ADInstruments) software. The
enteric arteries were collected for analysis.
raw nerve signal was passed through a spike discriminator
Induction of hypertension to remove background noise, and the total nerve activity was
expressed in spikes per second (spikes/s).
Hypertensive animals were obtained using N-nitro-L-
arginine-methyl-ester (L-NAME, Sigma-Aldrich, St.Louis,
Missouri, USA), an inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase. Biochemical analyses
Animals were treated orally by gavage with L-NAME Superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase
(20 mg/kg per day) for 2 weeks. (GPx) enzyme activities in the serum were determined using
RANSOD and RANSEL Kits (Randox Laboratories, Crumlin,
Green tea treatment UK), respectively. Catalase (CAT) activity was assayed
Green tea (Leao Junior, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil) was admin- according to Aebi, 1984 [13]. Lipid peroxidation was esti-
istered ad libitum in substitution of water for 1 week. Green mated by serum levels of malondialdehyde [14]. The protein
tea treatment started 1 week after the beginning of treat- concentration was measured by the Bradford method.
ment with L-NAME or vehicle and lasted for 1 week. The
green tea was prepared daily by infusing three tea bags Reactive oxygen species in mesenteric arteries
(9.6 g) in boiling tap water (1.0 litre) for 5 min, following the The oxidation-sensitive fluorescent dye dihydroethidium
manufacturers recommendation. Each animal drank was used to evaluate the in-situ concentration of ROS in
approximately 18 ml/day. We used a dose 12 mg/kg per mesenteric arteries, as previously described [15,16].

Journal of Hypertension 349

Copyright 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
Garcia et al.

Nitric oxide production in mesenteric arteries (Fig. 1a). No differences in HR, water or tea intake, or
Nitric oxide production was determined in third-order urinary volume were observed among groups (data not
branches from mesenteric resistance arteries by use of shown).
the 4,5-diamino fluorescein diacetate, an nitric oxide- The H group showed a significantly higher rSNA (Fig. 1b
sensitive fluorescent dye, as previously described [17]. 161  12 spikes/s, n 7) than the CT group (97  2 spikes/
s, n 8). Green tea treatment significantly decreased rSNA
Composition of green tea by ultraperformance in the HGT group (125  5 spikes/s, n 6) and increased
liquid chromatography this parameter in the CTGT group (124  5 spikes/s,
We evaluated the composition of commercial green tea by n 8).
Ultraperformance Liquid Chromatography- Mass Spec- The arterial baroreceptor reflex function is presented in
trometry. An Acquity UPLC system (Waters Co., Milford, Fig. 2a and b, and the statistical data for the slopes are
Massachusetts, USA) consisting of a binary solvent manager shown in Table 1. The H group exhibited a pronounced
and a sample manager was coupled to an Acquity TQD reduction in baroreflex sensitivity for both bradycardic
Mass Spectrometer (Micromass; Waters Co.). Analyses were and tachycardic responses. Green tea treatment signifi-
performed on a bridged ethylene hybrid C18 analytical cantly improved the arterial baroreceptor sensitivity
column (50 mm  2.1 mm, 1.7 mm), at a temperature of for the tachycardic response and completely restored the
258C, injecting 5 ml of green tea and standards. A gradient bradycardic response in the HGT group.
was applied at a flow rate of 0.2 ml/min using two mobile
phases: purified water with 0.1% formic acid; and methanol Oxidative stress markers and antioxidant
starting with 5% methanol , ramping to 100% methanol in enzyme activity
8 min, maintained until 8.50 min, returning to the initial The values for serum SOD, CAT, and GPx activities are
conditions. Detection was carried out in the negative shown in Fig. 3a,b and c, respectively. SOD and CAT
ion mode with an electrospray ionization source under activity were increased in the H group compared with
the following conditions: capillary 3000 V, cone 30 V, those in the CT group. Green tea treatment normalized
temperature 1508C; ranging between m/z 1001000. Data these enzymes activity in the H group (Fig. 3a and b). GPx
acquisition was carried out by Mass Lynx software (Waters activity was reduced in the H group, and green tea
Co.). The green tea used in this study presented: 111 mg/ml treatment normalized the activity in HGT rats (Fig. 3c).
epigallocatechin, 210 mg/ml epigallocatechin gallate, Figure 3d shows the MDA analysis. Lipid peroxidation in
92 mg/ml epicatechin gallate, 15 mg/ml catechin, and the H group was significantly increased compared with that
42 mg/ml epicatechin. in the CT group. Green tea treatment normalized this
parameter in the HGT group.
Statistical analysis
The results were expressed as the mean  SEM. All variables Reactive oxygen species production in
were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance followed by mesenteric arteries
the Tukey post hoc test for specific intergroup differences. As observed in Fig. 4a and b, DHE fluorescent intensity was
A level of 5% probability was considered significant. significantly increased in the H group, suggesting increased
ROS production. Green tea treatment significantly reduced
RESULTS ROS levels in mesenteric arterioles. However, green tea
treatment did not alter ROS production in control animals.
Cardiovascular parameters
L-Name-treated animals presented a significantly increased Nitric oxide production in mesenteric arteries
MAP (165  2 mmHg, n 8) compared with CT rats At basal conditions, lower levels of nitric acid production
(103  1 mmHg, n 8), and green tea treatment signifi- were detected in the mesenteric arterioles of both H and
cantly reduced hypertension (119  1 mmHg, n 8) HGT rats, suggesting that green tea treatment was not

(a) (b)

200 200
* *
rSNA (spikes/s)
MAP (mmHg)

150 150
* *#
100 100

50 50

0 0






FIGURE 1 Effects of GT treatment on (a) mean arterial pressure and (b) rSNA. , P < 0.05 compared with the CT group. #, P < 0.05 compared with the H group. CT,
control rats received only vehicle; GT, green tea; H, hypertensive rats treated with vehicle; MAP, mean arterial pressure; rSNA renal sympathetic nerve activity.

350 Volume 35  Number 2  February 2017

Copyright 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Green tea decreases sympathoexcitation

#* 200
(a) CT


Depressor response
MAP (mmHg) 200 100 100 200
Pressor response


HR (bpm)
FIGURE 2 Effects of GT treatment on baroreflex function for (a) tachycardic and (b) bradycardic responses in the CT, CTgt, H, and HGT groups. See slope statistics in
Table 1. CT, control rats received only vehicle; GT, green tea; H, hypertensive rats treated with vehicle, HR, heart rate; MAP, mean arterial pressure.

effective in restoring nitric oxide bioavailability in this nitric with vitamin C, a nonenzymatic antioxidant, reduced renal
oxide inhibition hypertension model, Fig. 5a and b. oxidative stress, sympathetic activity, and BP [18]. Addition-
ally, microinjections of Tempol (a SOD mimetic) in regions
DISCUSSION of the brain involved with cardiovascular regulation
significantly reduced both BP and rSNA [19]. Such obser-
The major new findings of the present study were: green vations indicate that oxidative stress contributes to sympa-
tea treatment significantly reduced rSNA and improved thoexcitation in this model of renovascular hypertension.
arterial baroreceptor function leading to a reduction in In the present study, we also found an increase in rSNA,
BP, associated with decreased oxidative stress in hyper- which probably contributes to hypertension. Considering
tensive animals induced by nitric oxide synthesis inhibition. that rSNA potentially predicts BP [20], it is plausible that
Green tea treatment leads to a robust reduction of the reduction in sympathetic activity elicited by green tea
oxidative stress either vascularly or systemically in hyper- treatment in our study drives at least in part the decrease
tensive rats and our hypothesis is that the improvement in in BP. However, we cannot rule out the possibility that
cardiovascular and autonomic function induced by green other factors are also influencing this effect. Importantly,
tea is related to its antioxidant properties. Indeed, recently no alteration in urinary volume was observed with
the role of oxidative stress in the maintenance of hyperten- green tea treatment, excluding the possibility of a diuretic
sion has been extensively evaluated, and treatment with effect on BP.
antioxidant substances have been suggested to be poten- Interestingly, green tea increased rSNA with no change
tially beneficial for cardiovascular diseases [1,4,5]. Green tea in BP in the control group. In our interpretation, this is a
is a widely consumed beverage, and most of its beneficial reflex compensatory mechanism in response to green
effects in different situations are attributed to its antioxidant
effects. However, the role of its effects on BP is still
controversial. TABLE 1. Values of the slopes obtained from the linear
In the present study, green tea treatment promoted an regression graph of the function of baroreceptor
important 28% reduction in BP in hypertensive animals, reflex responses of heart rate (HR)
associated with a 22% reduction in rSNA and improvement Groups Tachycardic response Bradycardic response
in the arterial baroreceptor reflex control of BP. Sympath-
N Slope (bpm/mmHg) Slope (bpm/mmHg)
etic vasomotor hyperactivity is a key factor involved in the
generation of hypertension and is commonly observed in CT 8 3.74  0.19 2.47  0.07
humans and in experimental models [1,3]. Several studies CT GT 5 3.91  0.20 2.16  0.12
have correlated the reduction in oxidative stress with a H 5 0.82  0.13 1.36  0.11
H GT 8 2.80  0.13, 2.67  0.10
decrease in sympathetic activity leading to improvement in
BP [18,19]. Values are mean  standard error of the mean.
Previous studies by our group showed that in renovas- GT, green tea; HR, heart rate.

P < 0.05 compared with CT group.
cular hypertensive rats with high rSNA, chronic treatment 
P < 0.05 compared with H group.

Journal of Hypertension 351

Copyright 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
Garcia et al.

(a) (b)
4 60 *

SOD (IU/mg protein)

CAT (IU/mg protein)


2 #
# * *

0 0






(c) (d)
0.05 5

MDA (g/mg protein)

GPx (IU/mg protein)

0.04 4 *

0.03 * 3 #

0.02 2

0.01 1

0.00 0






FIGURE 3 Effects of GT treatment on oxidative stress. Serum content of (a) SOD, (b) CAT, (c) GPx activities, and (d) MDA in the CT, CTGT, H, and HGT groups.

P < 0.05 compared with the CT group. #, P < 0.05 compared with the H group. CAT, catalase; CT, control rats received only vehicle; GT green tea; GPx,glutathione
peroxidase; H, hypertensive rats treated with vehicle; MDA malondialdehyde; SOD, superoxide dismutase.

tea preventing a decrease in BP. In an interesting study, humans or animal models. It has been suggested that
Barret et al. [21] described a sustained decrease in rSNA baroreflex dysfunction may also be involved in the gener-
after 1 week of hypertension induced by angiotensin II, ation of the hypertensive state [18]. Other antioxidants such
suggesting that baroreflex control of rSNA is likely to play a as resveratrol, quercetin, and vitamin C have been shown to
significant role in the control of arterial pressure not only in improve the baroreflex sensitivity in different models of
the short term but also in the long term. Thus, our interpret- hypertension [18,22,23]. The underlying mechanisms of
ation is that the increase in rSNA is a reflex long-lasting baroreflex dysfunction in hypertension are not very well
response to the reduction in BP induced by green tea. understood. However, reduction of oxidative stress, either
Another interesting result of the present study is the systemically or in the brain, seems to be related to the
pronounced improvement in the sensitivity of cardiac improvement of baroreflex sensitivity in pathological con-
baroreflex control in the hypertensive group after green ditions [18,22,23]. Although several studies correlate the
tea treatment. It is well known that baroreflex dysfunction is improvement in baroreflex with the reduction in the
a common feature observed in hypertension, either in oxidative state, it is also plausible that the improvement

(a) (b)
DHE fluorescence density

20 *
(arbitrary units)

ROS levels






FIGURE 4 (a) Digital images and (b) histogram illustrate the presence of ROS in DHE-treated sections of second branches of mesenteric arterioles. P < 0.05 H group
compared with CT, CTGT, HGT. CT, control rats received only vehicle; DHE, dihydroethidium; GT, green tea; H, hypertensive rats treated with vehicle; ROS, reactive
oxygen species.

352 Volume 35  Number 2  February 2017

Copyright 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Green tea decreases sympathoexcitation

(a) (b)

DAF-2 fluorescence density


(arbitrary units)

NO levels
H H+GT #

5 *



FIGURE 5 (a) Digital images and (b) histogram illustrate the presence of nitric oxide in DAF-2-treated sections of second branches of mesenteric arterioles. P < 0.05 H
group compared with CT and CTGT. #P < 0.05 H GT group compared with CT and CTGT. DAF-2, 4,5-diamino fluorescein diacetate; GT, green tea.

in the baroreceptor function was a consequence but not antioxidant properties and the activation of endothelial
a cause of reduction in BP. nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) [8,10,11,28]. Although the
Oxidative stress is an important player in the pathogen- beneficial effect of green tea treatment on the endothelial
esis of hypertension and is commonly associated with dysfunction induced by nitric oxide blockade was not
endothelial dysfunction and inflammation, which can directly investigated in the present study, the notion that
modify renal, vascular, brain, and cardiac function [4,5]. green tea affects the modulatory function of endothelial
Antioxidants and anti-inflammatory therapies have been cells could be supported by our findings. In fact, we show
the focus of several studies because of their potential to be here that ROS generation decreases in the mesenteric
used as treatments for hypertension and other diseases. artery after green tea treatment. This positive effect could
In the present study, green tea promoted an improve- be attributed, at least in part, to an improvement in the
ment in the antioxidant system, defined as the return of circulatory antioxidant profile. On the other hand, the oral
antioxidant enzyme activity to the control group values administration could also exert a local effect on the target
and by reducing lipid peroxidation. Although not exten- vascular system. Some investigations have found that green
sively evaluated, clinical studies described that green tea or tea polyphenols promoted a decrease of ROS production
green tea components were associated with a reduction of because of downregulation of NADPH oxidase activity and
oxidative stress and BP [8,9]. expression in the aortic rings [29]. Another study with
The antioxidant defense system is composed of an similar results found that treatment with green tea extract
enzymatic and a nonenzymatic system. The enzymatic was effective in preventing the increase in p22phox and
system includes SOD, CAT, and GPx that work in coordi- SOD mRNA in the aorta caused by angiotensin II infusion
nation to convert superoxide anion to oxygen and water. [30]. However, further research is required to elucidate the
Briefly, it is known that SOD catalyzes the conversion of mechanisms involved in the beneficial effect of green tea on
superoxide anion to oxygen and hydrogen peroxide. the vascular ROS generated in our experimental model.
Hydrogen superoxide is in turn converted to water and Despite its beneficial effects on ROS generation, green
oxygen by CAT or GPx. In our study, we found an increase tea did not increase nitric oxide synthesis in the current
in plasma SOD and CAT activities and a decrease in GPx study. There is strong evidence that green tea is able
concentration in the L-NAME group. Although this model of to increase nitric oxide production by modulation of
hypertension is characterized by an increase in ROS pro- eNOS activity through a PI3K/Akt/ cAMPprotein kinase
duction, it is likely that the increased SOD activity leads to A-dependent mechanism [31,32]. Recently, an experimental
increased hydrogen peroxide formation. Although plasma study found that the consumption of a diet rich in catechins
CAT activity is increased to scavenge hydrogen peroxide, promoted increased eNOS activity, nitric oxide release,
however, GPx activity is decreased in the hypertensive and cGMP content. These authors observed that the
group, indicating that the blockade of nitric acid synthase beneficial effect on the arterial tissues occurred independ-
results in a deficiency in the antioxidant defense system. ently of the alteration in the eNOS protein expression [31].
Interestingly, green tea treatment was efficient in improving These discrepant results could be because of the vessel
the antioxidant system and reducing ROS generation [24]. types, the model of hypertension/stage of the disease, or
Catechins present in green tea exhibit antioxidant activity the green tea treatment regimen.
by scavenging ROS, chelating redox-active transition In summary, the present study describes an important
metal ions, inhibiting redox-sensitive transcription factors, improvement in hypertension with only 1 week of green tea
inhibiting prooxidant enzymes, and increasing antioxidant treatment showing a very powerful action of this beverage.
activity [8]. Although the treatment duration was very short, the animals
It is known that the long-term inhibition of nitric oxide were submitted to an exclusive tea intake that may have
synthesis alters endothelial function [2527]. It was dem- potentiated the effect. Even so, green tea can be considered
onstrated that green tea is able to improve endothelial to be a potential coadjuvant for the prevention or treatment
function through several mechanisms based on their of hypertension. Moreover, the reduction in renal

Journal of Hypertension 353

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