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Vara 2012


Strategic Plan de marketing
Model S Premium Electric Car, Tesla Motors Inc.
auguSf 20, 2012. New York University

Autor: Partha Mitra

Strategic Marketing
Revizuire Istorie

Data Versiune Descriere zaier

07/07/2012 1.0 Iniial Proiect - Scop, misiunea companiei, Partha Mitra
prezentarea general a companiei, analiza
industriei, apendicele
14/07/2012 1.1 Adugat Competitor Analiza, Analiza SWOT, Partha Mitra
22/07/2012 1.2 Adugat Segmentarea, Anex, Referine Partha Mitra
04/08/2012 1.3 Adugat poziionarea, Produs, Pret, Referinte Partha Mitra
11/08/2012 1.4 Adugat Loc, Promovare, Referine Partha Mitra
15/08/2012 1.5 Adugat Marketing matrici Partha Mitra
17/08/2012 1.6 Modificat fiecare seciune n conformitate cu Partha Mitra
comentariul Prof. Gould
19/08/2012 1.7 Adugat Referinte, imagini, Cover Page, Partha Mitra
Tabelul formatat coninut, alte modificri

Strategic Marketing
Tcapabil of cuprins
1. Scop de the Document................................................. .................................................. ................... 8

2. Companie M................................................. comisionul .................................................. ............................... 8

3. Companie Vision ................................................. .................................................. .................. ............... 8

4. Industrie Analiz ................................................. .................................................. ................. ............... 8

4.1 caracteristici din industria auto ............................................... ....................................... 8 4.1.1
etape de producie ................................................. .................................................. ... 9
4.1.2 Global lanurile de producie ................................................
............................................. 10 4.1.3 propriuership
model................................................. .................................................. .... 10
4.2 Automotive Industrie pe scurt .............................................. ............................................... 11
4.2. 1 Pia Mrimea................................................. ..................................................
............... 11 4.2.2 clienii i Piaa int................................................ .....................................
4.3 Electric Industria de vehicule in ............................................... ............................................ 14
4.3.1 Baterie Pachet Costuri Proieciile ............................................... ....................................
16 4.3.2 ncrcarea Infrastructur.................................................
............................................... 17 4.3.3 A costat de proprietate
................................................ .................................................. ..... 17
4.4 Provocri cu care se confrunt industria ...............................................
................................................. 17 4.4.1 component
complexitate................................................. ............................................... 17 4.4. 2
Generational cercetare................................................. ................................................
18 4.4 .3 Powertrain tehnologie.................................................
................................................ 18

5. Concurent Analiza ................................................. .................................................. ......................... 18

5.1 Avantaje competitive Tesla Motors .............................................. ...................................... 18
5.2 Analiza Competitor Direct ....... .................................................. ............................................. 18
5.2.1 General motoare ................................................. .................................................. ......... 19
5.2.2 Toyota Motors ................................................ .................................................. ............
20 5.2.3 BMW ................................. .................................................. .........................................
5.3 Critic Succesul Factor Matrix ............................................... .................................................. 22

6. Companie And Managementul Context ................................................ ............................................ 23

6.1 Istorie................................................. .................................................. ................................... 23
6.2 Strategic Parteneriat ................................................. .................................................. ............
23 6.3 Managementul ................................................. .................................................. .........................

7. SWOT Analiz................................................. .................................................. ......... ....................... 24

7.1 Analiza SWOT a modelului Tesla S ............................................ ...............................................
24 7.2 SWOT Analiza modelului Tesla S Manufacturing Modelul ........................................... .............

Strategic Marketing
8. Pia Segmentarea ................................................. .................................................. ....................... 28
8.1 Date demografice, psihografice, Technographics Based Research ...................................... 29
8.2 EV Scales msurare .................................................. .................................................. ..... 30 8.2.1
inovativitate ........................................ .................................................. ................... 30
8.2.2 Cunotine................................................. .................................................. ................
31 8.2.3 De mediu ngrijorare................................................. ..............................................
32 8.2.4 Relativ Avantajul ................................................. ..................................................
8.2.5 Compatibilitate................................................. .................................................. ......... ....
32 8.2.6 Complexitate i Percepute de risc ...............................................
..................................... 32 8.2.7 Atitudine spre Electric Vehicle
............................................... .................................. 32
8.3 EV Rezultate Segmentarea Research ............................................... ........................................ 33

9. Poziionarea ................................................. ..................................................

........................................ 34 9.1 Strategia de poziionare ...... ..................................................
.................................................. ....... 34

10. Marketing Amesteca ................................................. .................................................. .......................

10.1 Elemente de produse ................................................ ..................................................
.................. 35 10.1.1 Elemente de produse corporale .........................
.................................................. ............ 35 Dimensiuni .................................
.................................................. .................................. 35 Corp ...........
.................................................. .................................................. ................ 35 Dimensiuni
suplimentare ............................ .................................................. ...................... 36 Powertrain
....................... .................................................. ............................................. 37 Suspensie ,
direcie, i Frne ............................................. .................................... 37 Incarcarea .........
.................................... .................................................. .......................... 37 interior
................... .................................................. .................................................. ..... 37
Instrumentation ........................................ .................................................. .................... 38
garanie ......................... .................................................. .............................................. 38
Confort ................................................. .................................................. .............. 38 de
siguran ............................... .................................................. ........................................... 39 10.1.2
imaterial Elemente de produse .................................................. ................................... 40 EV
ncrctor de instalare ........ .................................................. .... .................................... 40
Instruction ......... .................................................. .................................................. .......... 41
Linia de produse de membru ................................. .................................................. ........... 42 10.1.3
Brand .................................. .................................................. ..................................... 42
10.1.4 Pachet................................................. .................................................. .................. 44
10.1.5 Garanie .............................................. .................................................. .................... 44
10.2 Elemente Pre ................................................ .................................................. .......................
45 10.2.1 Strategii tarifare ..................... .................................................. ............................... 45 Pret introductiv de model S .......... .................................................. ............................. 45 Federal credit i deducerile fiscale ............ .................................................. ................. 45 Stabilirea geografica ........................... .................................................. ............................ 45
10.2.2 Preuri Obiective ................ .................................................. .................................... 46
vnzri orientate ........ .................................................. .................................................. .... 46
orientate spre profit ........................................ ......... .................................................. .............. 46 Status Quo orientat ............................. .................................................. ........................ 46 non-pre orientat .................. .................................................. ..................................... 46
10.2.3 Politicile de preuri ....... .................................................. ................................................. 46 One-Price ............................................ .................................................. ......................... 46 Pre flexibil ................... .................................................. ............................................. 47 Rsfoind Pre................................................. .................................................. ........... 47 Penetrarea Pret ................................. .................................................. ...... ................... 47 Rezervare i Politica rambursabil ....................... .................................................. ....... 48
10.3 Elemente ....................................... Place .................................................. ............................... 48
10.3.1 Sistemul de canalul direct ............ .................................................. ................................ 48

Strategic Marketing
10.3.2 Canal Sytij mManagemet ................................................. ................................. 49
10.3.3 Ateptrile mijlocitori ............................................ ........................................... 49
10.4 Elemente de promovare ................................................ ..................................................
.............. 49 10.4.1 Definire tip provocare ............................. ..................................................
................. 49 limitare de reglementare privind vnzarea de internet .............................................
............................ 49 Branding Tesla Motors .............. ..................................................
............................... 49 Achiziia .............. ..................................................
.................................................. .... 50 10.4.2 Obiective .........................................
.................................................. ....................... 50 10.4.3 Elemente de promovare .....................
.................................................. ........................... 50 video ................. pentru meciurile
.................................................. .............................................. 50 Masa de vnzare
................................................ .................................................. ................. 51 promovarea
vnzrilor ........................... ....................... .................................................. ......... 51 10.4.4 direcia
strategic ................................... .................................................. ................. 51 strategie
Push ........................... .................................................. .................................... 51 strategia de Pull ........ .................................................. .................................................. .......
Instrumente 51 10.4.5 comunicare ..................................... .................................................. .........
52 10.4.6 Media Instrumente ................................... ..................................................
.......................... 52 Tesla Motors Social Media ................ ..................................................
........................... 52

11. Marketing Matrici ................................................. .................................................. ............... 52

11.1 Profit i pierdere ............................................... .................................................. ...... 52 11.2
Pragul de rentabilitate Analiz a modelului S ...............................................
................................................ 53 11.3 ntoarcere de investiie
Analiz................................................. ................................................ 54 11.4 RFM Analiza
modelului S .............................................. .................................................. ........ 55 11.5 Durata
de via Analiza valorii ................................................ .................................................. ......... 56 11.6
Cheie Cod Analiz .................................................. .................................................. ..............

12. Apendice................................................. .................................................. ............................... 57

12.1 Pia Prognoze de penetrare ................................................ ................................................. 57
12.2 Tel EV i PHEV Market .............................................. .................................................. ....... 57
12.3 Combustibil/ Energie Cheltuieli per mile de lux berline vs Tesla model S
....................................... 58 12.4 Gam, Battery Pack Costuri i pre / Mile Pentru BEV
........................................ ...................... 58 12.5 TEsla Parteneriat strategic
................................................ .................................................. ... 59 12.6 Tel atitudinea fa de
vehiculele electrice i a antecedentelor sale ........................................... .......... 59 12.7
Cumprare intenie, atitudine, i antecedente atitudinal cu privire la un stat-of-art electrice
12.8 TEsla Locaii Store ................................................ .................................................. ............ 61
12.9 TEsla Echipa executiva................................................ .................................................. ...........
62 12.10 Tesla model S Caracteristicile produsului ................................
.................................................. ......... 65 12.11 Amatori Tesla .....................................
.................................................. ........................... 71 12.12 Tesla Motors Social Media Marca
comunitar ............... .................................................. ..... 73

13. Referin................................................. .................................................. ............................. 74

Strategic Marketing
Approver / AutHor / distribuire List
Nume Rol Approvals
Prof. Myron Gould Profesor, Marketing strategic
Departamentul Marketing i Public
Relations. Universitatea York New,
Partha Mitra New York,
Autor Statele
- Strategic Unite alePlan:
Marketing Americii.
Modelul S
Premium Electric Car, Tesla Motors Inc. N/A
Master, Management i sisteme de
Universitatea din New York, New York,
Statele Unite ale Americii.

Strategic Marketing
1. Scop de documentul

Tel Scopul acestui document este de a dezvolta un plan de marketing strategic pentru prima Tesla

electric masina - model S. Modelul S este o masina electrica sedan premium cu patru ui, cu o raz de

la300 mile pe o singur ncrcare. Proiectat de la sol ca o main electric complet,

Model S combines inginerie vehicul superioar cu sistem de propulsie electric avansat Tesla


2. Companie Misiune

TEslaMotors proiecteaz i vinde performane ridicate, maini electrice super-eficiente. masini Tesla

join stil, acceleraie i de manipulare cu tehnologii avansate, care le face cel mai rapid

imasinile cele mai eficiente energetic de pe planeta. (Tesla Motors, Mission)

3. Companie Viziune

La thede baz de Tesla Motors este credina c o main electric nu trebuie s fie un sacrificiu de
conducere. Tesla

motoare hla fel de adus cel mai bun din lumile de automobile i tehnologie mpreun permanent

ngropa Tel imaginede o main electric ca un pas napoi n performan, eficien, sau de design.

Motor Tehnologia cheie este sistemul de propulsie electric de 100%, ceea ce ne propulseaza n
prezent i

simultaneously stabileteo baz pentru modelele noastre viitoare. Ei au stabilit s modifice pentru

percepii de electricvehicule i de a face mainile electrice o alternativ viabil. Tesla Motor a

produs o masina care este n acelai timp frumos i interesant de a conduce, mpreun cu a fi cea mai

producere auto peplaneta. (Tesla Motors, Vision).

4. Industrie Analiz

Strategic Marketing
4.1 caracteristici of Automotive Industrie

Tel auto e u lui ndustry c o m plex produs d evelopment i m anufacturing r e l a t i i c u

p u b l i c u l ocess M A K es aceasta

unu de the most kunoaterea-intensive industrii. Taici sunt Trei distinctiv characteristics de

the sectorul automobilelor.

4.1.1 etape de producere

producere n Tel Automobile sEctor este c haracterized by A hiGH grad de s egmentation between

diferit etapele de producie, care implic adesea diferite de proprietate i

Geographical Location. T h mai nainte sunt s ix different t yp es de producere activitate weu slab the

sEctor: asamblorii; s y tij s uppliers; f irst, s econd i al treilea T REI s uppliers; i piaa pieselor
de schimb

produs furnizori

asamblorii: Creterea la scar necesar pentru a rspndi costurile de proiectare i de branding

a vehiculului.

Inovaie i capacitile de proiectare rmn critice ca primele Movers n noi seciuni de pia pot

ctigchirii importante, n timp ce alte companii prinde din urm. Unele companii, cum ar fi Ford, apar

la cred c aceste competene de baz se afl mai mult n branding i finane, i, prin urmare,

externalizezepri de fabricaie. Altele, cum ar fi Toyota, menine un accent pe

manufacturing excelen i competen.

Globalmega-furnizori: Aceste firme furnizeaz sisteme majore asamblorii. Sunt

sometimes refgreit ca furnizori de Tier 0,5, deoarece acestea sunt mai aproape de asamblorii dect

thefurnizori de prim nivel. Aceste companii trebuie s aib o acoperire la nivel mondial, n scopul de a

follow Tmotenitorclienii ctre diferite locaii din ntreaga lume. Ei au nevoie de proiectare i

inovaie capaciti, n scopul de a oferi soluii black-box pentru cerinele lor

customers. Soluii black-box sunt soluiile create de furnizorii folosind propria lor

tehnologie To s ndeplineasc cerinele de performan i de interfa stabilite de asamblorii.

Primul nivelfurnizori: Acestea sunt firme care furnizeaz direct la asamblorii. Cteva din acestea

suppliers avea evolvedn la nivel mondial mega-furnizori. furnizori de prim nivel necesit proiectare i

inovaie capabiliti, dar ajunge lor la nivel global ar putea fi mai limitate.

Al doilea nivel furnizori: Aceste firme vor lucra de multe ori pe modele furnizate de asamblorii

global mEga-furnizori. Ele necesit competene proces de inginerie, n scopul de a satisface costurilor i

flexibility cerine. n plus, capacitatea de a ndeplini cerinele de calitate i de a obine

Strategic Marketing
calitate certificare (ISO9000 i QS9000 tot mai mult) este esenial pentru care rmne n

market. THese firmele pot furniza doar o pia, dar exist unele dovezi de cretere

Third-tierfurnizori: Aceste firme furnizeaz produse de baz. n cele mai multe cazuri, doar

InginerieSunt necesare abiliti. Un studiu efectuat de Leite (1997) de competene i de formare n

diferite pri

de the automobile lanului valoric n Brazilia a artat c, n al treilea nivel al lanului de componente,

abilitateniveluri i investiiile n formare au fost limitate. n acest moment n lanul, firmele concureaz

predominant pe Pre.

4.1.2 Global lanurile de producie

A distinguishing caracteristic a sectorului auto este gradul ridicat de integrare la nivel mondial n

producere activitati. Lanul valorii adugate este dezmembrat la nivel global, cu diferite

sTagesn lanul de producie situate n diferite ri (Dicken, 2006). Cu scderea

de comer bariere i progrese n globalizare, deciziile de producie locaie sunt din ce n ce

determinat de competitivitatea internaional a produciei ntr-o anumit locaie, mai degrab

dect la fel de wla fel decaz istoric, de potenialul de dimensiunea i de cretere a pieei interne. La fel

A result de acest vertical dezintegrare de producere peste frontiere, internaional c om petitiveness

este determinat la the nivel de diferit sarcini n the Automobile sEctor, rather THan la the LEvel de

the industrie (Baldwin,2006; Grossman i Rossi-Hansberg, 2006).

4.1.3 propriuership model

Tel Globalizarea produciei de automobile a avut loc ca parte a deciziei strategice

MAKING procesedin numrul mic de companii multinaionale care domin industria. La

nceput de the deceniu, cele mai mari 20 de firme de produse mai mult de 95 la suta din lume

vehicule. La prezent, 529 unele plante situate n 45 de ri sunt deinute de 27 de auto

(Sturioni Florida, 2000). n ceea ce privete locaia furnizor de plante, 2211 plante situate n 60

countries suntdeinut de 150 de furnizori de automobile. n ceea ce privete producia de motoare, 168

plante sunt situat n 24 de ri i deinut de 16 companii.

Strategic Marketing
4.2 Automotive Industrie pe scurt

4.2.1 Pia mrimea

Tel Industria automobilelor este implicat n procesul de proiectare, fabricaie i de vnzare cu motor

vehicule. However, aceasta estenu doar despre vanzarea de autoturisme pentru consumatori. Serviciile
necesare pentru a

maintain i distribuie maini dup vnzarea iniial a mainii fac parte din piaa pieselor de schimb auto,

257 miliard dolarpia. Aceste servicii includ accesorii auto i reparaii vitale pentru

auto ecosistemului funciei

4.2.2 clienii i pia int

Tel mrimea i importana industriei de automobile au creat multe oportuniti pentru oameni

laa se implica. Potrivit Franciza Business Economic Outlook 2011, auto

franchiseuniti sunt de ateptat s creasc 3,9% fa de anul precedent. General

auto tendinele industriei i o economie mbuntirea sunt revelatoare oportuniti pentru oricine, cu

A pasiune n industria auto s se implice.

n unele pri ale industriei auto aftermarket, exist un avantaj semnificativ prin

franchising impotriva starting Amagazin pe cont propriu. Pe piaa de schimbare a uleiului i ungere,
partea de sus

few companiesculege ntr-o cantitate semnificativ a profiturilor ntregii industrie. Exist, de asemenea,

oportuniti acea exista waici oamenii pot beneficia de pe urma.

Auto reparaie wbolnavcontinu s joace un rol important n industria de automobile. In plus fata de
masina de rutin

i reparaii fiecare proprietar de masina trebuie sa treaca, nu va fi o cerere mai mare de specialitate

pri i reparaiinecesar de automobile electrice si hibride. n prezent, exist o ofert redus de


capable stabilirea acestor automobile hibride, n ciuda cererii sale n cretere.

Tel accesorii auto pia este o pia de 32 de miliarde de dolari $, cu date care arat procente de 92%

Strategic Marketing
consumers suntdispui s cumpere accesorii auto. Cu consumatorii care dein mainile lor mai mult i

disponibil sursa de venit n cretere, accesorii auto ncep s arate ca o investiie prudent

fsau proprietarii de automobile.

Tel pia de nchiriere de maini, care pune 1,6 milioane de masini pe drum, este de a vedea n prezent
o saritura inapoi

fROM thedeteriora criza financiar creat. Companii cum ar fi Hertz i Enterprise a trebuit s

drastic a taia costurile i s pstreze vehiculele mai vechi, n scopul de a face fa cu scderea cererii n

c. Ars Pe msur ce economia se mbuntete, aceste companii sunt mai mult angajarea i trecerea
lor vechi maini pentru

mai nou, mai puine maini kilometraj.

Tel Industria auto din SUA a vandut 1,28 milioane de uniti n luna iunie 2012. Aceasta a fost o

de 22,2% din iunie 2011. ajustat sezonier rata anual (Saar) pentru luna a fost de 14.1

million. T hrough sase luni, vanzarile din industrie au crescut cu 14,9% fa de prima jumtate a anului

S.U.A. Industria auto este plin de companii competitive de producie auto, cota de pia de cuplu de

popularcompanii auto sunt furnizate n continuare diagrama circular. BMW Group, Chrysler / Dodge /
Jeep, Ford

motoare, General Motors, Honda / Acura, Hyundai / Kia, Mazda, Nissan, Suberu etc sunt pe pia

compititors n piaa american Auto.


Strategic Marketing
n n ultimii 10 ani, o cretere pe pieele emergente a reprezentat cea mai mare parte creterii

global vautovehicululvnzri. Vnzrile pe pieele dezvoltate din SUA, Europa i Japonia a sczut ca

shown n TelGraficul de mai jos. Totui, acest lucru nu nseamn n curs de dezvoltare pe piaa de
vnzri va conduce
autoctiguri mai mari n anii urmtori. ri precum China da preferenial

tratament companiilor auto interne, afectnd astfel n mod negativ auto occidentali ncearc s-

luaavantajele oferite de piaa auto n plin expansiune acolo. n India, Tata interne de automobile (TTM)

faces$ De 2.000 de Nano, bate concurena pe pre. Ford (F) se situeaz n urma altor maini strine

companies n captura o cot mai mare din piaa indian.

Surs: JD Power i Bernstein

nalt ulei preurile de la mijlocul anilor 1990 a provocat muli consumatori s se mute departe de
dependenta mare de combustibil

vehicule ca SUV-uri i Hummer c constructorii din SUA produceau mai luminos i mai mult

compactautoturisme. Vanzarile au scazut dramatic ca tot mai muli oameni au preferat mai mici i

mminereu fUELautoturisme japoneze eficiente la cele americane powered mai ridicat. Criza financiar

2008 made probleme mai ru ca vanzarile de autoturisme au sczut n continuare i cele trei mari avea
nevoie de miliarde de

dolari eun fonduri de salvare guvernamentale.

La fel de din 2010, piaa auto a contribuit la aproximativ 4% din PIB-ul Statelor Unite

i angajatmilioane de muncitori. Vnzrile au crescut cu 11% fa de anul trecut i este de ateptat s

Strategic Marketing
maintain grajd de cretere pentru urmtorii civa ani.
THese evenimentele recente au schimbat peisajul pieei automobilelor, dar au, de asemenea,

created mare sume de oportuniti pentru proprietarii de afaceri care aspir s profite de recenta

transformare din industria de automobile.

4.3 Electric Vehicul Industria Vremii

La fel de preurile de combustibil rmn ridicate i exist o mai mare preocupare pentru mediu, mai
eficiente energetic

cArs suntcreterea cererii. Mai mult dect att, ca parte din specificaiile lor de salvare, Trei Mari

autosunt necesare pentru a elibera rapid vehicule mai eficiente energetic pe pia. Acest

crescnd popularitate pentru automobile hibride si electrice vor afecta industria n moduri de mare ca

voia crea o nou pia pentru ntreprinderi pentru a rspunde la aceste noi forme de vehicule. graficul de
mai jos

cadouri TEsla Modelul S cererea de pe piaa de consum - masina electrica.

Global automobile previziunile de vnzri de proiecte ratele de penetrare pe pia divergente de

aproximativ 0,6

- 0,9% pentru vehiculele electrice hibride plug-in (PHEV) pn n 2015, 9% pn n 2020, i 22% pn
n 2030 pentru

Electricvehicule (BEV) i plug-in vehicule electrice hibride (PHEV). ptrunderea pe pia va

Strategic Marketing
depinde pe Costurile de ncrcare, acumulatorul de infrastructur, tehnologii concurente, preurile

manufacturer investiii n EV i PHEV, i scepticismul consumatorilor de SVE i PHEV.

Pia prognoza de penetrare este prevzut n detaliu n apendicele 8.1.

Electric vnzrilor de vehicule Prognoza de tip Bazat pe SUA Vnzri pentru 2015.

Surs: JD Power i Bernstein

Electric Vnzrile de vehicule Prognoza de Interval de volum - 2015

EV Estimri de vnzri n SUA de tip 2015 este prevzut n chat-ul de mai jos -

Strategic Marketing
Tos faciliteze creterea economic, guvernul SUA a investit 5 miliarde $. prin recuperare american

i Reinvestirea Act i tehnologie avansat i fabricarea de vehicule de mprumut (ATVM) DOES

Program. DOE are ca scop creterea accelerat publicului staii de ncrcare de la 500 la 20.500

n 2012 i reduce costurile de ambalaj baterie cu 70% pn n decembrie 2015.

Two predominant inhibitori de EV / PHEV market penetrarea sunt costurile bateriei, iar gama

anxietate. Recent ratele Costurile acumulatorul sunt la fel de mult ca 30% mai mic dect 2009 /
nceputul anului 2010

proiecii, potenial reducecosturile EV / PHEV. Costurile reduse de ambalaj baterie poate permite

EV / PHEV manufacturers pentru a produce vehicule cu crescut gama full-electric, n cretere

EV / PHEV market penetrarea prin realizarea EV / PHEV game all-electrice mai competitive cu

intervale fsaumotor cu ardere intern (ICE) vehicule. EV i PHEV de pia n Statele Unite ale Americii

prevzut n apendicele 12.2.

Tel de capital a crescut investit n EV / tehnologia PHEV i infrastructura a fcut o energie electric

mminereucombustibil alternativ viabil pentru vehiculele pe termen scurt. Cu toate acestea, chiar i cu
proiecia pe care

baterie pack costs wbolnav scdea rapid i permite, astfel, productorii s dezvolte EV / PHEV

cu mai mare game all-electrice.

4.3.1 Baterie Pachet Costuri Proieciile

Electric productorii de baterii rareori de pres costurile exacte acumulatorul, dar gama cele mai multe

fROM 500 $ - $ de 1200 / kWh, n funcie de chimie i celul-form factor.1 Cu toate acestea acumulator

costs aveaa sczut mai repede dect se atepta. n noiembrie 2009, analitii Deutsche Bank

proiectat Costurile medii pachet baterie de reducere de la $ 675 / kWh la 500 $ / kWh pn n 2015 i

$ 325 / kWh by 2020; dar n Martie 2010 a citat rapoarte ale industriei de oferte acumulatorul n mediu

$ 400 / kWh fsau2011/2012. Dovezi suplimentare de raportare este Nissan acumulatorul n economia

Strategic Marketing
EVLeaf costa doar 375 $ / kWh. n plus, Tesla CEO Elon Musk a declarat c modelul S acumulator

ambalaj WilL cost Mai puin dect pack3 frunzei, o declaraie confirmat prin calcule de baterie

costs dat informaie n Tlui EslaIPO. n 2008, Statele Unite ale Americii avansat Baterie Consortium,
un organizaie umbrel Chrysler LLC, Ford Motor Company i General Motors, a proiectat o

reducere n Pre la 500 $ / kWh pn n 2012, $ 300 / kWh pn n 2014, $ 250 / kWh pn n 2020 i $
100 / kWh

unnedefinit pe termen lung. DOE costurilor proiectelor pachetul de baterie la nivel de industrie, pentru
a reduce

aproximativ 70% (Probabil de la o medie de $ 700 de / kWh sau $ 33.000 de / pachet) pn n

decembrie 2015.

Gam, Battery Pack Costuri, i Pre / Mile Pentru BEV 12.4.

4.3.2 ncrcarea Infrastructur

n plus, DOE finaneaz dezvoltarea infrastructurii de ncrcare

strile sau Echipament electric de alimentare a vehiculului (EVSEs), cu scopul de a crete numrul de

nivel 2 (400V) sau nivelul 3 EVSEs (500V), care reduce timpul de ncrcare de la aproximativ de la 8 -

16 ore la 30 minute pn la 4 ore, de la aproximativ 550 pn la 20550 de ctre 2012.7For exemplu,

Tlui elsaSistemul de ncrcare rapid este un sistem de nivel 3 de ncrcare care poate fi instalat la
domiciliu. Poate

fUlly charge Abaterie n mai puin de 45 de minute. Guvernul federal ofer subvenii pentru

charging staii, care acoper jumtate din costul sistemului de tarifare acas.

4.3.3 A costat de proprietate

Dac baterie ambalaj costs reduce ca proiectele DOE, consumatorii vor avea stimula n continuare

Aun BEV i PHEV, deoarece costurile sunt $ 0.02 - $ 0.04 / mile s funcioneze n timp ce o benzina de
25 mph

vehicul costs $ 0,12- $ 0,15 / mile pentru a opera. n plus, costurile de ntreinere vor fi probabil mai mici

BEVi PHEV. Combustibil i energie costul pe mil de model S este prevzut n apendicele12.3.

4.4 Provocri cu care se confrunt industria

Tel Industria de automobile se schimb ntr-un ritm rapid, n special n ceea ce privete tehnologia n
main i

the efect de baterii de ultim generaie, tehnologii verzi i complexitatea componentelor.

Cuplu de the probleme comune cu care se confrunt n prezent industria auto sunt discutate mai jos.

Strategic Marketing
4.4.1 component complexitate

Tel modern-zi de automobile este o main extrem de complex, cu mii de componente toate

lucrun sincronism. Numrul de combinaii de caracteristici pot fi n mii. dar productorii de echipament
i furnizorii trebuie s dezvolte un proces care ncorporeaz de fabricaie inteligente i design

deciziile in timp ce nu overcomplicating opiunile de cumprare ale consumatorilor.

4.4.2 Generational cercetare

Consumator are nevoie de o schimbare pe msur ce mbtrnesc, iar automobilul este una dintre cele
mai personale cumprare

deciziile ei voiface. Punct de vedere istoric muli OEM au fabricat la un consumator general

public indiferent de vrst, dar care se schimb.

4.4.3 Powertrain tehnologie

Governments n jurul ara sunt introducerea cerinelor privind productorii de echipamente originale

(OEM) s adere la standarde stricte de mediu, n timp ce solicitndu-le s produc maini, care sunt

mminereula preuri accesibile pentru a conduce. Consumatorii doresc vehicule mai eficiente din punct
de combustibil pentru un pre accesibil. Noi

munc wilea clienii pentru a determina n cazul n care furnizarea de tehnologie de consum se
ntlnete de consum


5. Concurent Analiz

5.1 TEsla MOTOR lui avantaje competitive

A csunt cruciale avantaj competitiv este costul redus al acumulatorului Tesla, care ar trebui s le
permit s

scot Tel Model S (2012 lansa) la un pre rezonabil, dar cu un aproape normal (pn la) 300 mile

gam, Acombinaie alte BEV nu au fost nc s livreze. Tesla Model de S costurile acumulatorul va fi

la / de mai jos ~ $ 300 / kWh, cu mult sub ceea ce am auzit de la ali factori de OEM / baterie ($ 500-600
/ kWh

fsau2011-2012 interval de timp, i / kWh int la mijlocul deceniului $ 375-500). O surs cheie de cost cu
o schimbare Tesla

avantaj este capacitatea sa de a aplica celule mici cilindrice litiu bunuri de larg consum (utilizat n

Electronic) la o masina prin intermediul management termic / putere de proprietate.

5.2 Direct Analiza competitor

Strategic Marketing
GM,Toyota Motors, BMW sunt cateva competitori mai cunoscute de Tesla Motors. Direct

competitor analiz este prezentat n tabelul de mai jos.

GM = General Motors Company, Pvt1 = Pininfarina SpA, TM = Toyota Motor Corporation,

Industrie = Auto Productorii - maior, 1 = Din 2011

Surs: Yahoo FFinanelor.

5.2.1 General motoare

GM reprezint un viitor ameninare semnificativ la Tesla, n cazul n care, aa cum a fost planificat,
Tesla decide s

introduce captul inferior al pieei n apropierea punctului de pre $ 30.000.

Tel dezvoltarea actual a modelului Volt, cu toate c nu este o main electric adevrat,

indic Tplrie GM rmne interesat de piaa auto electric / hibrid, i va

continue s urmreasc pe pia n viitorul apropiat

A virtual ateptare list a depit 20.000 la data de 04 mai 2008, indicnd faptul c exist

exist A pia semnificativ pentru Volt.

Proiectat pentru aproximativ 40 de mile de baterie alimentat de conducere nainte de 1.0L

turbosuflant gaz engine Automatically ncepe s se reincarca bateria, astfel

extindere the rangeVolt pn la 640 de mile de autostrad. Acest

deviere de la o masina electrica strict rezolva problema gama de vehicule rula

pur on baterii, dar progresele n tehnologia bateriilor ar putea duce la

Strategic Marketing
ndeprtare de acest sistem n viitor.

Tel motor poate fi configurat pentru a rula pe benzin, E85 sau biodiesel.

Tel Sistem de propulsie E-Flex fiind proiectat pentru Volt reprezint o ncercare de

standardize multe componente, ceea ce ar permite GM s profite de mare

economiide scar pentru posibile viitoare vehicule electrice. n cazul semnificative

baterie tehnologie Suntprovement i creterea cererii, GM ar putea

repede euncrease este producia de maini electrice i de a introduce noi modele cu

significantly Mai puin dezvoltare.

Tel Volt, cu patru pasageri de edere i un pre relativ atractiv

aproximativ $35.000, cile de atac la o baz larg de client, n contrast cu

crbai pia de ni de Tesla.

Dac Tesla urmau s intre pe piaa de capt inferior, ar fr ndoial, se confrunt cu puternice

competiiede la GM. Potrivit CEO Tesla,Elon Mosc, Tel mod numai pentru Tesla

comPete n mod eficient ar fi prin difereniere, care s-ar concentra n principal pe


5.2.2 ToyoTA motoare

TEsla rspunsul motorului la tehnologia hibrid de lung durat Toyota Motor Company

i posibil intrarea n hibrid plug-in i piaa auto complet electric:

JucrieOta Prius Primul a luat drumul n Japonia n 1997, a sosit n America n 2000,

MAKING aceasta the most masina hibrid predominante.

La fel de din septembrie 2007, 430.000 au fost vndute numai n SUA

JucrieOta Tehnologia hibrid a fost aplicat la o gama larga de autoturisme, variind

fROM the $ 21.000 de Prius la LS600h pilot Lexus, cu un pre de pornire de

$ Care 104,000.

Tel LS600h, care este o mare masina de lux executiv, se ncadreaz n aceeai gam de pre

la fel de Tesla Roadster, dei ele servesc unor scopuri foarte diferite.

Strategic Marketing
Tel LS600h este menit a fi un sedan de lux confortabil i folosete nc 20 de mile pe

galon deoarece trenul de rulare hibrid este cuplat la un motor V8 de 5 litri, care este departe

fROM fUELeficient. Ca rezultat, LS600h este direcionat la un complet diferit

market decat Tesla Roadster.

TEslaar trebui s fie precaut de Toyota, oferind un pachet de baterie mai mare i o cas

charging station as options for the Prius, as this could eventually lead to Toyota

offering a full electric version of the Prius.

This would cut into Teslas plans to offer fully electric sedans at different price

points, the WhiteStar, priced at around $50,000-$70,000, and a more affordable

BlueStar at around $30,000 down the line.

At those price points, Toyota can offer a fully electric sedan under Lexus to

compete with the WhiteStar, and another fully electric version of the Toyota

Camry, their bread and butter car for many years, to compete with the BlueStar.

As a response, Tesla should focus on improving their technological advantage in

fully electric cars so that by the time Toyota enters the electric car market, Tesla

has a technological advantage. (Tesla Motors CTO, JB Straubel)

Also, Tesla with their first mover advantage should build their brand name to

become as prevalent a name in the electric car market, as Toyota Prius, is in the

hybrid car market.

5.2.3 BMW

Teslas one of the potential competitor is BMW, which continues to put effort into

entering the luxury, high-performance, low-emissions, low-consumption auto market.

Efficient Dynamics

- Mild hybrid" technology

- Uses many of the energy-saving elements of hybrid technology without

electric motor assist - Small 4-cylinder gas and diesel engines,

Strategic Marketing
Regenerative braking, "Start-stop" system, shuts the engine off when not


- BMW avoids marketing as "hybrid" since there is no electric motor

- Used on the 1 and 3 series, which are BMW's lower-cost, small


- Lower cost, easily integrated into existing cars

Hydrogen technology

- A dual hydrogen/gasoline powered version of their luxury 7 series sedan

- Only 125 miles on hydrogen, 300 miles on gasoline

- "World's first hydrogen-drive luxury performance automobile"

Hybrid technology

- BMW demoed an X5 Diesel Hybrid SUV at Geneva Motor Show in 2008

- BMW Vision Efficient Dynamics A prototype 36 mpg SUV, utilizing a

solar panel roof and hybrid technology

- 5 & 7 series hybrids on the horizon

5.3 Critical Success Factor Matrix

Critical Success Factors Matrix
General Toyota
Critical Success Factors Weight BMW Tesla Motor
Motors Motor
Price 0.10 3 3 3 5
Quality 0.15 2 3 4 5
Customer Service 0.10 3 3 3 2
Branding awareness 0.10 3 5 4 2
Variety 0.10 5 2 2 2
Distribution 0.10 2 3 3 3
Loyalty 0.10 5 2 3 3
Segmentation 0.10 2 3 4 5
Global Expansion 0.05 2 4 3 2
Advertising 0.05 2 4 4 3
Warranty 0.05 2 4 4 5
TOTAL 1.00 2.9 3.15 3.35 3.55

Strategic Marketing
Note: 1 being the worst and 5 being the best.

Based on the above critical success factor matrix we can see Tesla Motor has an opportunity to

improve brand awareness and Global expansion. It will bring total score better couple of years

down the line.

6. Company and Management Background

Tesla Motors, Inc. is a Silicon Valley-based company that designs, manufactures and sells

electric cars and electric vehicle powertrain components. Tesla Motors, founded by Elon Musk,

Marc Tarpenning and Martin Eberhard in 2003, is a company that produces a high-performance

electric car and is backed by a number of high-profile investors.

6.1 History

la was founded in 2003 with the idea that the same lithium-ion technology used in laptops would

be used to create a fully electric vehicle that is not only eco-friendly but also attractive and fun to

drive. The company began raising venture capital in the spring of 2004 and by the end of that

year had designed its first vehicle. Tesla produced the first Roadster in 2008 and has sold

approximately 1,350 of these vehicles as of September 30, 2010. In January 2010, Tesla secured

a long-term Department of Energy (DOE) Loan Facility to finance development of EVs,

powertrains, and manufacturing facilities. The DOE loan facility, along with cash generated from

the IPO has allowed for the continuing development of the Model S, the purchase and retooling of

a manufacturing facility in Fremont, CA, and the expansion of the powertrain facility in Palo Alto,


6.2 Strategic Partnership

In March 2008 Tesla entered into a relationship with Daimler AG to develop battery

packs and chargers for Daimlers Smart Fortwo EV program. Subsequently, Tesla entered into an

additional TESLA MOTORS development agreement with Daimler for the Class-A EVs, as well

as agreements with Toyota to develop a powertrain system for an electric RAV4 prototype. Tesla

also maintains a relationship with Panasonic for joint development of battery packs. Panasonic,

Strategic Marketing
Toyota, and Blackstar Investco (an affiliate of Daimler) all have stock ownership in Tesla.

(Appendix 12.5)

6.3 Management

Teslas management team is led by Chairman, Product Architect, and CEO Elon Musk and an

upper management team selected from top automotive and technology firms. Musk is a visible

champion for the company and is almost a symbol of the brand, as well as being a primary

shareholder. Teslas strategic partnerships and their DOE Loan Facility are dependent on Musk

remaining in his role at Tesla and retaining a percentage of ownership in the company until at

least a year after the conclusion of the Model S Facility Project.(Appendix 12.9)

7. SWOT Analysis
7.1 SWOT Analysis of Tesla Model S

Strengths Weaknesses
First-to-market: Teslas Roadster was the first Model S will not launch until 2012: There is

federally-compliant highway-capable electric vehicle currently a lot of hype surrounding EVs, and

launched in both the U.S. and Europe, setting Tesla other than Roadster sales and the Model S

up to be known as the electric vehicle company. waiting list, Tesla is unable to turn this hype into

sales. Additionally, the delay of the Model S

allows competitors to launch more affordable

EVs before Tesla.

Partnerships: Teslas partnerships with Toyota, Lack of Brand Name Recognition: Compared

Daimler AG, and Panasonic have allowed the to most of its competitors, Tesla is a not a well-

company the opportunity to support their battery known brand in the auto industry. As Tesla

technology research and development. Additionally, attempts to sell EVs to a more mainstream target

Tesla believes that cooperation with other car market, name recognition will become more

manufacturers advances the electric vehicle cause. important.

Strategic Marketing
Focus on design, performance, and efficiency: Consumer behavior changes required for EV

Tesla is the only automaker that places equal purchase: EVs require greater consumer

emphasis on zero emissions and the performance behavior changes than hybrid or plug-in hybrid

and aesthetics of the car. This allows Teslas cars to vehicles. For instance, it can take several hours

appeal to a large segment of consumers. to recharge an EV battery, whereas it only takes

a few minutes to fill a car with gas.

Battery Technology: Tesla has superior battery

technology to other manufacturers in the industry.

Opportunities Threats

Sales outside of the U.S., particularly Europe, Continued economic downturn: If the

Asia, and Canada: Tesla has been very successful economy does not improve, Tesla will have

in European markets, particularly Germany, and the difficulty selling the Model S which could severely

company sees great potential in Asian and Canadian impact the success of the entire company.


Strategic Marketing
Government regulations and economic Delays in the launch of the Model S: Any

incentives: Since 2008, the DOE has invested $5B further delay of the Model S could erode

in EV/PHEV technologies. The DOE objectives consumer confidence and allow more

include reducing battery pack costs 70% by 2015 competitors to enter the market before Tesla.

(this estimate assumes average battery pack cost of

$600 - $700/kWh around 2008/2009), improving the

public charging infrastructure from 550 level 2 or

level 3 charging stations (of which 426 are in

California) to 20,550 nationwide by December 2011,

and reducing the retail price to consumers by offering

a $7,500 subsidy to consumers purchasing EV/PHEV

s. The government intends to accelerate consumer

adoption of EVs/PHEVs by reducing prices and

making owning EVs/PHEVs more convenient to


Source: United States Department of Energy.

The Recovery Act: Transforming Americas

Transportation Sector Batteries and Electric

Vehicles. July 14, 2010 TESLA MOTORS 14

The Tesla Brand Community: Tesla has a strong Consumer preference for hybrids and plug-in

and established brand community of owners and hybrids: Tesla only sells electric vehicles. If

hopeful owners who are very enthusiastic about the consumers prefer hybrid technology rather than

brand. Tesla should manage and leverage this EV technology, Tesla is likely to fail.

community to drive sales of the Model S.

Strategic Marketing
Innovative Sales Channel Model: If implemented Termination of strategic partnerships or

properly Teslas Apple store model will provide a inability to establish new partnerships:

unique Teslas R&D has depended on revenue provided

by strategic partnerships. Without this revenue,

Tesla may not be able to fund future R&D.

Source: (Tesla Tomorrow, University of Wisconsin)

7.2 SWOT Analysis of Tesla Model S Manufacturing Model

Tesla Model S SWOT Analysis of Manufacturing Model

Suppliers Production & Information Finance
Manufacturing Management
1.Less reliant on 1.Easy to control Easy access to 1.Cuts the shipping
the quality reliable inventory, cost of ordering most
performance of and enhance product demand, and components from
suppliers 2.Relatively easy to other around the world
2.Reduces the enlarge manufacturing important 2.Reduce the risk of
cost of capacity by further loss from foreign
managing investments 3.Improve currency exchanges
supplier production efficiency 3.Will be able to
by allowing engineers reduce the cost of
and the manufacturing Model S when
team to reaching economies

work closely of scale

Lose 1.The production of the Merger of two 1.Have to hold more
relationships with Model S will be different ERP inventory and
suppliers who dramatically impacted system will require present it on the
may be by NUMMIs tremendous balance sheet
needed if New manufacturing ability investments of 2.Have to bear more
United Motor 2.May lose capable time, labor and inevitable
Manufacturing, engineers who now are obsolescence of
Inc. (NUMMI) working in the Lotus
capacity cant facility located in
meet demand

Strategic Marketing
Being able to Largely improve quality Largely improve 1.Reduce cost of
focus on and manufacturing inventory Model S
building close management to 2.Make Model S
relationship with more
reduce cost
price appealing
Harder to find The loss knowledge 1.Failure to merge Possible tremendous
capable from talented the two ERP future investments
suppliers when employees who are systems are needed to
facing a working for suppliers - successfully develop NUMMI
shortage of Fail to complete 2.Ability to
internally necessary training for complete
manufactured employees without the ERP merger
delaying the launch of without delaying
the launch of the
Model S
Model S
Source: (Tesla Tomorrow, University of Wisconsin)

8. Market Segmentation
The process of marketing segmentation involves the identifying of variations in customer needs

and the determining of how these needs can be fulfilled. Customers may differ in many ways;

wants, purchasing power, geographical location, attitudes, personality, knowledge, benefits

sought, and/or habits. Hence, by identifying specific groups within a market, a market campaign

for a product or service can be more fine-tuned to fit specific segments. Besides usual socio-

demographic variables psycho-graphic and behavioral variables were included to identify specific

market segments.

According to recent research in EV sector below figure it is expected that consumer traits as well

as demographic and background variables might influence the attitude towards an innovation

both directly and indirectly, the indirect effects being mediated through attribute perceptions.

Strategic Marketing
Source: EV Market Segmentation by Anita Garling - Direct and indirect determinants of the

attitude towards electric vehicles

8.1 Demographics, Psychographics, Technographics Based Research

To study perceptions of electric vehicles, and to find volunteers for the experimental

studies, mail-back questionnaires were administered to a random sample of current car owners

in the greater Gothenburg area, Sweden ( Below Table ). Wave 1 was administered in

September 1998 to 300 car-owners and their spouses and wave 2 in December 2008 through

January 1999 to 1,600. A total of 165 fully completed questionnaires were returned in wave 1,

787 in wave 2. The response rate of targeted car-owners was 38.0 % and 34.3 %, respectively.

Strategic Marketing
Source: EV Market Segmentation by Anita Garling.

Separate analyses of variance were performed including the between subject factors age,

marriage, number of children, education, income, number of cars, driving range to work,

driving cost to work, driving range per week, and interest in further participation. The results

indicate that the subjects differed significantly on number of children and on estimated

driving range per week. More subjects in wave 2 had children while subjects in wave 1 estimated

their driving range per week as longer.

8.2 EV Measurement Scales

8.2.1 Innovativeness

GM Goldsmith and Hofacker (1991) define domain specific innovativeness as a trait reflecting

"the tendency to learn about and adopt innovations/new products within a specific domain of

interest." Furthermore, they also thoroughly develop and test an instrument for measuring domain

specific innovativeness and demonstrate empirically that the instrument is adaptable to different

Strategic Marketing
domains (rock music, designer fashions, household electronic product area than others was

removed from the original instrument and another was added, Of my acquaintances I am one of

the least interested in TV programs like "Motor Journal" to better go with the domain of

alternative-fuelled vehicles. The instrument was adapted to the domain of "alternative fuels

vehicles" and translated to Swedish (Below Table). A five-point agree disagree scale was used.

Item Innovative Items

1 I am among the last in my circle of acquaintances that would use a car fuelled by
an alternative fuel.
2 When I hear about cars fuelled by alternative fuels I become interested in using
3 I would not like to use a car fuelled by alternative fuel.
4 Of my acquaintances I am one of the least interested in TV programs like "Motor
5 If a friend of mine has a car fuelled by alternative fuel I am interested in trying it.
6 I am among the last in my circle of acquaintances that would know about new
alternative fuelled cars.
7 I would prefer to use a car fuelled by alternative fuel.
8 I can imagine buying a car fuelled by alternative fuel without test-driving it first.
9 If I should buy a car fuelled by alternative fuel it had to be of a well-known brand.
10 I know the terms of cars fuelled by alternative fuels before others do.
11 I like to drive cars with new and unusual technique.

8.2.2 Knowledge
It has been argued that a consumers confidence in own knowledge about a risky new product

may influence the persons attitude towards the product, its strength, and its ability to influence

behavior. If knowledge has such effects, the practical implications for marketing are important. In

this study knowledge about the state-of the- art in electric vehicles is measured by means of a

battery of five multiple-choice questions allowing calculations of two knowledge measures;

objective knowledge (e.g. number of correct answers reflecting how much a person actually

knows about electric vehicles) and subjective knowledge. The knowledge items were; maximum

speed, driving range, external and internal noise, electro-magnetic radiation, price, fuel costs, and

Strategic Marketing
insurance costs.

8.2.3 Environmental Concern

Environmental concern is in this study defined as a disposition to do the (environmentally) right

thing even when it conflicts with ones own interests. Hence, we follow the tradition of

emphasizing its moral, altruistic nature. In measuring environmental concern the point of

departure is taken in an instrument developed by Biel & Dahlstrand, 1997. A nine-point agree-

disagree scale was used.

8.2.4 Relative Advantage

The relative advantage of the electric vehicles is measured by means of speed, acceleration,

driving range, recharge time, loading capacity, operating costs, price, ease of maintenance, and

environment-friendliness. A nine-point important-unimportant scale was used.

8.2.5 Compatibility

Compatibility with one's lifestyle is measured by means of five items rating describing electric

vehicles usability for work trips, shopping, chauffeuring, vacation trips, and irregular short trips

(e.g., to the doctor, to sport). A five-point agree-disagree scale was used.

8.2.6 Complexity and Perceived risk

A number of items were included in the questionnaire in order to measure the perceived

complexity and some aspects of the perceived risk of driving an EV. These items were ease of

maintenance, ease of driving, traffic safety, noise level, risk when recharging, and risk of radiation

from the batteries. Again, a five-point agree-disagree scale was used.

8.2.7 Attitude towards Electric Vehicle

The attitude towards electric vehicles is measured by means of attractiveness, feelings of luxury,

and intention to buy an electric vehicle rather than a conventional vehicle of the same make and

model. Again, a five-point agree-disagree scale was used. In wave 1 buying intention a simple

yes-no scale was used.

Strategic Marketing
8.3 EV Segmentation Research Results

It is obvious from the presented analyses that not all will respond equally favorably to

attempts to the marketing of an electric vehicle. Presented with the characteristics described in

this study, some consumers respond with a positive attitude towards the electric vehicle and

interest in buying, while others do not. The most likely early adopters of electric vehicles are

those responding most favorably in terms of attitudes and buying intention. Below Table presents

a summary of a cross-tabulation of the responses to the summed attitude items and to the

intention to buy item. As shown, attitude responses can be used to divide the consumers into

groups with widely differing buying intention. Particularly, it shows that among the 16% that hold

the most favorable attitudes towards electric vehicles, 88% express buying intentions, compared

to 58% of the total sample. It seems reasonable to expect that this is the group where the

innovative and early adopters should be recruited.

Source: EV Market Segmentation by Anita Garling.

The ability of consumer traits and perceived product attributes to predict the attitude

towards electric vehicles is analyzed by means of structural equation modeling. Because of

computational problems when the number of items and variables grow big, the full structural

analysis was preceded by exploratory steps checking the ability of groups of demographic and

background characteristics, of consumer traits, and of attribute perception variables to predict the

attitude. Only variables showing a significant path to the attitude in the exploratory steps were

Strategic Marketing
included in the final structural analysis. It is expected that consumer traits as well as demographic

and background variables might influence the attitude towards an innovation both directly and

indirectly, the indirect effects being mediated through attribute perceptions. Since no hypotheses

existed about which traits or background variables would influence which attribute perceptions, all

possibilities have been checked. The ability of demographic and background variables to predict

consumer traits is also included in the structural analysis as is hierarchical relationships among

trait variables (from the point of view of predicting the attitude towards EVs). However, According

to Anita Garling published in her research report, in order not to clutter the picture and to free

some degrees of freedom in the structural analysis, all non-significant paths have been removed

in the analysis reported in Appendix 12.5. Hence, the table reports the hierarchical structural

model for predicting the attitude towards EVs that maximizes the dual criteria of fit and


The attitude towards electric vehicles and its antecedents.

9. Positioning

9.1 Positioning Strategy

Knowing details such as demographics, psychographics, and the lifestyles of a brands

target market is a huge key to the success of any retail product. These vital statistics about

populations such as age, sex, and income can then be placed into segments, which will allow

this automotive business to research is customers and find the best means by which to draw in

their customers (Weitz, 635). Because Teslas main product is a sports car, their target market

consist mainly of the male sex. Due to their currently high price point these males must be

businessmen who have yearly disposable incomes of possibly $100,000 and higher. Teslas

Roadster is marketed to consumers who enjoy traveling via their vehicles. Its numerous claims of

being an all weather vehicle clearly illustrate this lifestyle of its consumers. The males included in

this target market live stylish lives, are car enthusiast, and follow trends, such as going green.

Strategic Marketing
Teslas main form of communications with its consumers is through its extensive website. includes everything from all of Teslas vehicle specs to each of its appearances

in the press and magazines. Magazine articles have also been a successful form of

communication globally for Tesla. Many of the surveys showed that Magazine articles were the

most popular way in which consumers have heard of Tesla Motors.

10. Marketing Mix

10.1 Product Elements

10.1.1 T angible Product Elements Dimensions

Overall Length: 196.0

Weelbase: 116.5

Ground Clearance: 6.0

Height: 56.5

Width (Mirrors Extended): 86.2

Width (Mirrors Folded): 77.3

Track: 65.4Front, 66.9 Rear Body

Lightweight aluminum body reinforced with high strength, boron steel elements

UV and infrared blocking safety glass windshield

Rain sensing, adjustable speed windshield wipers

Frameless, tempered safety glass front windows

Solar absorbing, laminated safety glass rear window with defroster

Strategic Marketing
Flush mounted door handles

Manual folding side mirrors

19" aluminum alloy wheels with all-season tires (Goodyear Eagle RS-A2

245/45R19). Note: optional 21" wheels come with Continental Extreme Contact DW

245/35R21 high-performance tires

Aluminum roof

Halogen headlights with automatic on/off and LED daytime running lights

Backlit side turn signals, front side marker lights and rear reflex lights

LED rear taillights and high-mounted LED stop lamp Additional Dimensions

40, 60, and 85 kWh battery options

Head room (front/rear): 38.8/35.3"

Leg room (front/rear): 42.7/35.4"

Shoulder room (front/rear): 57.7/55.0"

Hip room (front/rear): 55.0/54.7"

Seating capacity: 5 adults

Total cargo volume: 31.6 cu ft

Rear cargo volume (seats up/down): 26.3/58.1 cu ft

Frunk cargo volume: 5.3 cu ft

Turning circle: 37 ft

Curb weight: 4,647.3 lbs

Weight distribution (%, front/rear): approx. 48/52

Strategic Marketing Powertrain

Model S is a rear wheel drive electric vehicle. The liquid-cooled powertrain includes

the battery, motor, drive inverter, and gear box.

40 kWh microprocessor controlled, lithium-ion battery

Three phase, four pole AC induction motor with copper rotor

Drive inverter with variable frequency drive and regenerative braking system

Single speed fixed gear with 9.73:1 reduction ratio Suspension, Steering, and Brakes

Double wishbone, virtual steer axis coil spring front suspension and independent

multi-link coil spring rear suspension

Variable ratio, speed sensitive, rack and pinion electronic power steering

Electronic Stability Control

Traction Control

Anti-Lock disc brakes (ABS) with ventilated rotors and electronically actuated

parking brake; front: 355 mm x 32 mm; rear: 365 mm x 28 mm Charging

10 kW capable on-board charger with the following input compatibility: 85-265 V,

45-65 Hz, 1-40 A (Optional 20 kW capable Twin Chargers increases input

compatibility to 80 A)

Peak charger efficiency of 92%

10 kW capable Universal Mobile Connector with 110 V, 240 V, and J1772 adapters Interior

Eight way, power adjustable front seats

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Hand wrapped microfiber and synthetic leather interior surfaces in black

Piano black dcor accents

Center armrest with two cup holders

Open center console storage area

Metal interior door handles

60/40 split fold-down second row seats

200 watt, seven speaker stereo system with AM/FM/HD radio. Supports MP3,

AAC, and MP4 music formats. System includes four speakers, two tweeters and one

center channel speaker. Flash memory storage for up to 500 songs. Instrumentation

17" capacitive touchscreen with media, communication, cabin, and vehicle controls

Bluetooth wireless technology for hands-free calling and streaming music

Three spoke, multi-function steering wheel with tactile controls

Tire pressure monitoring system Warranty

4 year or 50,000 mile, whichever comes first, new vehicle limited warranty

40 kWh battery has a 8 year or 100,000 mile, whichever comes first, warranty Convenience

Keyless entry

Driver seat detection sensor for start/stop functionality

Cruise Control

Standard definition backup camera

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Manual rear liftgate

Power tilt and telescopic steering column

Power windows featuring one-touch up and down with resistance reversing to

protect against pinched fingers

Micro-filter ventilation system with replaceable filters

Front LED map lights and rear LED reading lights

Front sun visors

Fully trimmed frunk and rear cargo area with keyless open

12 V power outlet

Automatic climate control with dual zone temperature settings, air distribution

controls and recirculation

Glove compartment

Wi-Fi ready

Dual front USB ports for media and power Safety

Eight airbags: head, knee and pelvis airbags in the front plus two side curtain


Driver and front passenger seat sensors

Driver seat position sensor

Three point driver and front passenger safety belts with retractor pretensioners and

secondary lap anchor pretensioners and load limiters

Three point second row safety belts for all three seats

Strategic Marketing
Acoustic front row safety belt warning

Rollover crash sensor

Crash sensor for high voltage disconnect

Three second row LATCH attachments for child seat installations (accommodates

three child seats simultaneously: two with LATCH and one with top tether and belt)

Rear door child safety locks

Interior, manual release mechanism for all doors, frunk, and rear cargo area

Anti-theft alarm and immobilizer system

Horn. Beep. Beep.

Addition Product features with diagrams are mentioned in Appendix 13.9

10.1.2 Intangible Product Elements EV Charger Installation

Model S plugs into any standard outlet. 240 volt outlets, similar to the ones used to

power a dryer, charge Model S more quickly than a standard 110 volt outlet.

The Charge Port is hidden in the driver side taillight.

The cord used to plug Model S into a power source is called a Connector, not a

Charger. The Charger is on-board the car. We may opt for Twin Chargers if we plan

to take a lot of road trips and want to charge as fast as possible.

Model S can be equipped with a Single Charger (10 kW) or Twin Chargers (20


The Mobile Connector comes standard with two outlet adapters: one for a standard

110 volt outlet and one for a 240 volt. We may purchase additional adapters at any

time. If were not sure which 240 volt outlet to select, we recommend a NEMA 14-50;

Strategic Marketing
it provides more power than other 240 volt outlets. Model S also comes with a J1772

Adapter for use at public charging stations.

We recommend outfitting garage with a 240 volt outlet or a High Power Wall

Connector before Model S arrives. We will need the help of an electrician. Download

a summary sheet: 240 Volt Outlet Summary Sheet orHigh Power Wall Connector

Summary Sheet

Tesla recommends plugging Model S in each night or when convenient to maintain

optimum driving range and battery health. If we go on an extended vacation, plug in

Model S and set it to Storage Mode before we leave.

If we leave Tesla off charge for a significant period of time it will slowly lose its

charge. If left at a 0% state of charge for period of time, we may need a battery


We do not need to run battery to a 0% state of charge to maintain its health. This is

an antiquated practice for a different kind of battery.

Many utilities offer low rates for off-peak energy usage. If we plan to charge at

night, we recommend speaking with we utility company about options.

if were interested in installing a home solar system to charge Tesla, we

recommend working with a local solar installer to develop and install a system that

supports total daily energy demand. Assume average energy usage per mile is

approximately 300Wh/mile (188Wh/km). Learn more about residential solar

installations from our friends at SolarCity. Instruction

Specification and owners manual of Model S will be available in over download Brochure section. Hard copy of the brochure

would also be available with the vehicle. Image library and FAQ section also will

Strategic Marketing
include sufficient information about the product specification and instructions. Few

quick facts about the brochure are provided below.

It will be hardbound and printed on recycled paper.

It will in be a CDROM to be downloaded on our computers.

It will be a DVD in which videos explain the operation and functioning of the

model S.

It can be downloaded as a PDF file from TM's

It can be installed on the model S hard-drive. It would be accessible via the

APPS "button" on the infotainment screen.

Source: Product Line Membership

Tesla Motors Model S Club is a comprehensive platform that will provide customers

an open forum to address any questions, issues, reviews, news of the product and

also events. It will have FAQ which provides fundamental knowledge about the

product features, information about Grid Capacity, Engine noise, battery life,

replacement cost, performance, range, solar panel and credibility. Product line

membership will help customer to address issues/doubts in Wiki.

Tesla Motor also provides an online membership that can be accessed This area is reserved exclusively for Tesla owners and

reservation holders. It's a private place to keep tabs on your car, connect with other

owners, and ultimately manage maintenance. (Tesla Motors,

10.1.3 Brand

Tesla Motors has been successfully enhancing its brand positioning with its innovative

approach to vehicle engineering and battery technology, superior aerodynamics, stability and

handling, unique refusal to compromise beauty or efficiency, and sustainability. Tesla has also

Strategic Marketing
been recognized as an innovative, all-weather super car, with more than fifteen hundred

Roadsters sold in more than thirty-one countries, making Teslas brand an important source of

equity. In Teslas case, equity is contributed by the functional features and benefits provided to

the user such as instant torque, superior handling, elite construction, and zero emissions. As an

additional source of equity, its innovative high-voltage car, sleek design, as well as the emotional

benefits, are important attributes of owning and driving a Tesla.

Tesla Motors is on the fourth version of its pioneering Roadster and currently competing with a

host of other EVs brands already being sold in the United States. Nissan LEAF and Chevrolet

VOLT, for example, are offering a much lower price compared to Tesla for its electric cars. Prices

range from $32,700 $41,000 after the federal EV tax credit. The design and some of the

features such as horsepower and mile range make these automobiles better for commuting than

for road trips.

On the other hand, Tesla Motors refuses to compromise its efficiency and beauty. It offers a sleek

front end, fancy wheels, an elegant interior, incredible range and high performance. Price ranges

from $109,000 - $159,195 after the EV tax credit, depending on the models.

Originality Innovative, Creative

Sustainable Environmentally Friendly, Fully Electric

Efficiency Electric Technology, Energy Efficient

Personality Cool, Modern, Stylish

Forward-looking Constantly Evolving

Strategic Marketing
Source: T esla Motors Positioning:

10.1.4 Package
Packaging is not applicable for Tesla Model S cars.
10.1.5 W a rranty
Model S will come with a 4 year or 50,000 mile, whichever comes first, new vehicle limited

warranty. An additional warranty covers the battery and varies by kilowatt hour capacity. Battery

warranty for 40 kWh will be 8 years or 100,000 miles, for 60 kWh 8 years or 125,000 miles, for 85 kWh/85

kWh performance will be 8 years, unlimited miles.

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