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Simply Support Span, L = 17 m .

Overhang Span, Lo = 1.5 m
Member Size = 450x200
Yield strength, Fy = 355.0 N/mm

A. SECTIONAL PROPERTIES: Properties of Rolled Setion H 450x200

Self weight, w = 76.00 kg/m

= 0.76 kN/m
Area, A = 96.80 cm
Depth of section, d = 45.0 cm
Width of flange, bf = 20.0 cm
Thickness of flange, tf = 1.4 cm
Thickness of web, tw = 0.9 cm
Moment of inertia about major axis, Iyy = 33500.0 cm4
Moment of inertia about minor axis, Izz = 1870.0 cm4
Section modulus about major axis, Zyy = 1490.0 cm
Section modulus about minor axis, Zzz = 187.0 cm
Plastic Section Modulus abt major axis W ply = 1621.49 cm
Plastic Section Modulus abt minor axis W plz = 560.0 cm
Radius of gyration, rx = 18.60 cm
Radius of gyration, ry = 4.40 cm
Radius of fillet, r = 1.80 cm


= (235/fy) = 0.81

a. Class Identification For Web:

= 0.7
= -2
For Class 1;
If; <= 0.5: c/t<= 36/
>0.5: c/t<= 396/(13-1) ; Hence c/t = 39.78
For Class 2;
If; <= 0.5: c/t<= 41.5/
>0.5: c/t<= 456/(13-1) ; Hence c/t = 45.80
For Class 3;
If; <= -1 ; c/t<= 62(1-) (-)
> -1 ; c/t<= 42/(0.67+0.33) ; Hence c/t = 214.02

Web Property: c = (h-2tf-2r) = 38.60 cm

c/tw = 42.89
Hence; Web is in CLASS 2

b. Class Identification For Flange:

Stree type in flange = 1.0
Stress Ratio, = 0.6
= 1.0
k = 0.615
For Class 1;
Tip is in compression; c/t<=9/;
Tip is in tension; c/t<=9/(); Hence c/t = 7.32
For Class 2;
Tip is in compression; c/t<=10/;
Tip is in tension; c/t<=10/(); Hence c/t = 8.14
For Class 3;
Tip is in compression or tension; c/t<=21k ; Hence c/t = 13.40

Flange Property: c = (b-tw-2r)/2 = c 7.75 cm

c/tf = c/tf 5.54
Hence; Flange is in CLASS 1

Therefore overall Cross-Section is in Class 2

Monorail 2 Tonne - 17M Length ( Demag Project ) RJT - Crane Engineering 1 of 9



17 1.5



21.4 kN

Capacity, P = 19.9 kN 2 Ton

Hoist Weight, Wh = 1.5 kN (Assumed) 0.15 Ton
Dynamic Load Factor,Df = 1.5 %
Lateral Load,Hh = 10 %
Load Factor,DL = 1.0
Axial Load, Va = 10 %
Wheel Spacing = 0.11 m (Assumed)
Wheels, Nw = 4 Pairs
Material factor; = 1.15 Ref: EC-3

Vertical Point Load; Pv = (P*Df+Wh)*DL
= (19.928 * 1.5 + 1.4946) * 1 = 31.3866 kN
Vertical Point Load per Trolley Axle = 31.3866 / 4 = 7.84665 kN
TotalAxial Load = (19.928+1.4946)*1*10% = 2.14 kN
Total Horizontal Load = (19.928+1.4946)*1*10% = 2.14 kN

1.0 Loading Condition - Trolley placed at Simply Supported Span :

Acceleration Values:

Accelerations 1yr Factor

ax = 1.1538 1.3
ay = 2.0812 1.3
az = 2.8941 1.3

Note: Max bending moment occurs when centre line of trolley and first wheel consides with centre line of member.

Longitudinal Load acceleration coefficient, Aa = 2.0812*1.3 / 9.81 = 0.2758 Considering the maximum of ax &
Lateral Load acceleration coefficient, Ah = 2.0812*1.3 / 9.81 = 0.2758 ay for different oriantation of
Runway Beam.
Vertical Load acceleration coefficient, Av = 2.8941*1.3 / 9.81 = 0.3835
Inertia for acceleration load per axle, Pwa = (P+Wh)/Nw = 5.4 kN

Total Longitudinal Load, Pa + Aa*2Pwa = 5.10 kN

Total Lateral Point Load per axle, Ph + Ah*Pwa = 3.62 kN
Total Vertical Point Load per axle, Pw + Av*Pwa = 9.90 kN

Reactions & Moments due to Vertical Loads:

cL of trolley
9.90 9.90 1.05

cL of beam

8.4175 0.11 8.4725
e f g
17 1.5

Self Weight of Beam (UDL) = 0.76 kN/m

Total Vertical UDL (Selfweight of Beam), (DL + Av)* Self wt. = 1.05 kN/m
Lateral UDL due to selfweight of beam, Av* Self wt. = 0.21 kN

Reaction at A = 18.87 kN
Reaction at B = 18.81 kN
Moment at D = Pg(f+2e)/L+wL2/8 = 121.60 kNm
Moment at C = Pe(f+2g)/L+wL2/8 = 121.59 kNm

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Reactions & Moments due to Lateral Loads:

cL of trolley

3.62 3.62 0.21


cL of beam

8.4175 0.11 8.4725
e f g
17 1.5

Reaction at A = 5.413 kN
Reaction at B = 5.389 kN
Moment at D = Pg(f+2e)/L+wL2/8 = 131.29 kNm
Moment at C = Pe(f+2g)/L+wL /8 = 131.28 kNm

1.0 A Stress Check 1 :- Capacity check

Check for Combine Stresses :

For Axial Force:

Axial Force, Af.Ed = 5.10 kN
Axial stress, f.Ed = 0.53 N/mm
Axial Resistance of Section, Af.Rd = 2988.17 kN
Unity Check Ratio = 0.002 < 1 hence OK

For Bending Moment about Minor axis:

Maximum Moment abt Minor axis,Mz.Ed = 131.29 kNm
Bending stresses (minor axis), z.Ed 2
= 702.08 N/mm
Moment Resistance of Section(Minor Axis), Mz.Rd = 172.87 kNm
Unity Check Ratio = 0.76

For Bending Moment about Major axis:

Unity Check Ratio Moment abt Major axis,My.Ed = 121.60 kNm
Bending Stresses (major axis), y.Ed = 81.61 N/mm2
Moment Resistance of Section(Major Axis), My.Rd = Calculated below

The designed buckling resistance moment for laterally unrestrained beam is given as:

Mb.Rd = XLTW ply fy/

Where; W ply = Plastic Section Modulas abt major axis (For Class 1 & 2 Sections)
Elastic Section Modulas abt major axis (For Class 3 Section)
= 1621.49 cm3
XLT = Reduction Factor for lateral-torsional buckling
2 2
= 1/(LT+(LT -LT )) = 0.19
LT = 0.5(1+LT(LT-0.2)+LT2) = 3.07
Imperpection factor; LT = 0.21 (Table 6.1 EC-3)

Non-dimensional slenderness LT, for rolled section;

LT = (Wplyfy/Mcr) = 2.17
L= Length between unsupported points = 17 m
Iz = Moment of inertia abt minor axis = 1870.00 cm4
Iw = Warping Constant, Iyy (d-tf) /4 = 14914535.0 cm6
It = Torsional Constant = 46.84 cm4
C1 = 1.88-1.4+0.522 (but C1<=2.7) = 1.000
= Correction factor for the effects of any change
of moment along the length L
For constant moment b/t points C1 may be taken as 1.000
Mcr C1pi()2EIz/Lcr2(Iw/Iz+Lcr2GIt/pi()2EIz) = 121.87 kNm

Moment resistance of section about major axis;

My.Rd = 95.61 kNm
Unity Check Ratio = 1.27

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Combine U/C Ratio:

Af.Ed/Af.Rd+My.Ed/My.Rd+Mz.Ed/Mz.Rd For Class 1 & Class 2 Sections
2 2 2
((f.Ed/(Fy/)) +(y.Ed/(Fy/)) +(z.Ed/(Fy/)) -(f.Ed/(Fy/))(y.Ed/(Fy/))-
For Class 3 Sections
Combined Unity Check Ratio = 2.03
Check for Vertical Shear Force :
Maximum shear forces,Ed = 18.87 kN
shear stresses, s.Ed = 4.97 N/mm2
Shear resistance of section , Rd = (Fy/3)/*Aw = 676.90 kN
Unity Check Ratio = 0.03 < 1 hence OK

Slenderness Check:
KL/r = 386.36
Allowable Value of Slenderness Ratio = 400 > KL/r hence OK

Deflection Check:
3 3
Deflection due to Point Loads P1 at Centre = PL (3e/L-4(e/L) )/48EI = 14.40 mm
Deflection due to UDL = 5wl /384EI = 16.25 mm

Total Deflection = 30.66 mm

Allowable Deflection = L/500
= 34 mm Actual def. < Allowable, hence OK

1.0 B Stress Check 2 :- Beam stress check @ Bottom flange Ref:EC-3, part 6

The design resistance of bottom flange,

Ff.Rd = leff tf2 fy//4m [1-(f.Ed/fy/)2] = 58.88 kN

tf = Flange Thickness = 1.4 cm
f.Ed = Stress at the flange due to moment = 81.61 N/mm2
e = 0.000 M
m = 0.081 M
xw = wheel spacing = 0.11 M
Effective length: =
if the wheel spacing xw=> 42 (m+e)
leff = 42 (m+e) = 458.77 mm
if the wheel spacing xw< 42 (m+e)
leff = 22 (m+e)+0.5xw = 339.39 mm
Total wheel load = 4.95 kN
U/C ratio = 0.08 < 1 hence OK

2.0 Loading Condition Trolley placed at Overhang :

Reactions & Moments due to Vertical Loads:

1.05 9.90 9.90

17 1.5

Reaction at B = 21.38 kN
Moment at B = P1L1+P2(L1-xw)+wL2/2 = 29.80 kNm

Reactions & Moments due to Lateral Loads:

0.21 3.62 3.62

Monorail 2 Tonne - 17M Length ( Demag Project ) RJT - Crane Engineering 4 of 9


17 1.5

Reaction at B = 7.55 kN
Moment at B P1L1+P2(L1-xw)+wL2/2 = 10.70 kNm

2.0 A Stress Check 1 :- Beam stress check @ Top flange

Check for Combine Stresses :

For Axial Force:

Axial Force, Af.Ed = 5.10 kN
Axial stress, f.Ed = 0.53 N/mm2
Axial Resistance of Section, Af.Rd = 2988.17 kN
Unity Check Ratio = 0.002 0.00170552

For Bending Moment about Minor axis:

Maximum Moment abt Minor axis,Mz.Ed = 10.70 kNm
Bending stresses (minor axis), z.Ed = 57.20 N/mm2
Moment Resistance of Section(Minor Axis), Mz.Rd = 172.87 kNm
Unity Check Ratio = 0.06 0.18528299

For Bending Moment about Major axis:

Maximum Moment abt Major axis,My.Ed = 29.80 kNm
Bending Stresses (major axis), y.Ed 2
= 20.00 N/mm
Moment Resistance of Section(Major Axis), My.Rd = Calculated below

The designed buckling resistance moment for laterally unrestrained beam is given as: Ref:EC-3

My.Rd = XLT W ply fy/

Where; W ply = Plastic Section Modulas abt major axis (For Class 1 & 2 Sections)
Elastic Section Modulas abt major axis (For Class 3 Section)
= 1621.49 cm3
XLT = Reduction Factor for lateral-torsional buckling
2 2
= 1/(LT+(LT -LT )) = 0.96
LT = 0.5(1+LT(LT-0.2)+LT ) = 0.59
Imperfection factor; LT = 0.21 (Table 6.1 EC-3)

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Non-dimensional slenderness LT, for rolled section;

LT = (Wplyfy/Mcr) = 0.39
L= Length between unsupported points. = 3.0 m
Iz = Moment of inertia abt minor axis = 1870.00 cm4
Iw = Warping Constant, Iyy (d-tf)2/4 = 14914535 cm

It = Torsional Constant = 46.84 cm4

C1 = 1.88-1.4+0.522 (but C1<=2.7) = 1.0
= Correction factor for the effects of any change
of moment along the length L
For constant moment b/t points C1 may be taken as 1.0
Mcr = C1pi()2EIz/Lcr2(Iw/Iz+Lcr2GIt/pi()2EIz) = 3848.06 kNm

Moment resistance of section about major axis;

My.Rd = 478.64 kNm
Unity Check Ratio = 0.06 0.064779564
Combine U/C Ratio:
Af.Ed/Af.Rd+My.Ed/My.Rd+Mz.Ed/Mz.Rd For Class 1 & Class 2 Sections
2 2 2
((f.Ed/(Fy/)) +(y.Ed/(Fy/)) +(z.Ed/(Fy/)) -(f.Ed/(Fy/))(y.Ed/(Fy/))-
For Class 3 Sections
Combined Unity Check Ratio = 0.13 OK

Check for Vertical Shear Force :

Maximum shear forces,Ed = 21.379 kN
shear stresses, s.Ed = 5.629 N/mm2
Shear resistance of section , Rd = (Fy/3)/*Aw = 676.90 kN
Unity Check Ratio = 0.03 OK

Deflection Check:
Deflection due to Point Loads P1 at Centre = PL3(3e/L-4(e/L)3)/48EI = 0.16 mm
Deflection due to Point Loads P2 at Centre = PL3(3g/L-4(g/L)3)/48EI = 0.01 mm
Deflection due to UDL = 5wl4/384EI = 0.01 mm

Total Deflection = 0.18 mm

Allowable Deflection = L/500
= 3.0 mm OK

2.0 B Stress Check 2 :- Beam stress check @ Bottom flange Ref:EC-3, part 6

The design resistance of bottom flange,

Ff.Rd = leff tf2 fy//4m [1-(f.Ed/fy/)2] = 76.31 kN

tf = Flange Thickness = 1.4 cm
f.Ed 2
= Stress at the flange due to moment = 7.18 N/mm
e = 0.000 M
m = 0.081 M
xw = wheel spacing = 0.11 M
xe = Distance from end stoper = 0.25 M
Effective length for a wheel adjacent to an end stop;
if the wheel spacing xw=>22 (m+e)+xe
leff = 2(m+e)( xe/m+(1+(xe/m) ) = 1025.65 mm
but leff = 22 (m+e)+xe = 479.39 mm

if the wheel spacing xw<22 (m+e)+xe

leff = 2(m+e)( xe/m+(1+(xe/m)2) = 1025.65 mm
but leff = 22 (m+e)+(xe+xw)/2 = 409.39 mm
Total wheel load = 4.95 kN

U/C ratio = 0.06 OK

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Check for Web Bending


At mid span
La = d - 2*tf - r = 404.00 mm
Y = X + 2*Tan60*(La+Bf) = 2202.32 mm
Section Modulus Y*tf2/6 = 29731.28 mm

Plastic Modulus Y*tf2/4 = 44596.93 mm


Moment = 1462.21 kNm

Bending Stress = 32.79 N/mm
U/C ratio = 0.11 < 1 hence OK
At the end
Y = X + Tan60*(La+Bf) = 1156.16 mm
Section Modulus Y*tf2/6 = 15608.14 mm

Plastic Modulus Y*tf2/4 = 23412.21 mm


Bending Stress = 62.45 N/mm

U/C ratio = 0.20 < 1 hence OK

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Section Properties H 250x125

Height 1 m
fy 355 N/mm2
Weight 29.60 kg/m
Area 37.66 cm2
Iyy 4050.00 cm4
Izz 294.00 cm4
Zyy 324.00 cm3
Zzz 47.00 cm3
ryy 10.37 cm
rzz 2.79 cm
Design Load

Vertical Load Qv = 21.379 kN

Horizontal Load
Perpendicular to Monorail Qh1 = 7.55 kN
Along Monorail Axis Qh2 = 5.10 kN

Bending Moment
Due to horizontal load perpebndicular to monorail = 7.55 kNm
Due to horizontal load along the axis of monorail = 5.10 kNm

Section Resistance

Axial resistance of Section = 1162.55 kN

Moment Resistance of Section abt Major axis = 100.02 kNm

Moment Resistance of Section abt Minor axis = 14.51 kNm

U/C Ratio = 0.59 OK

Monorail 2 Tonne - 17M Length ( Demag Project ) RJT - Crane Engineering 8 of 9


DESIGN OF BOLTS Ref: EC-3 part 1-8

Bolt Class = 8.8

Material factor, m2 = 1.25 Ref: EC-3
Yield Strength fyb = 640 N/mm2
Ultimate Tensile Strength fub = 800 N/mm2
BOLT Classification = M16
Diameter of Bolt, d = 16.00 mm
Diameter of Hole, do = 18.00 mm
Edge distance from centre of a fastner hole to the adjacent edge of any part in line of load,e1 =
100 mm
Edge distance from centre of a fastner hole to the adjacent edge of any part at right angle to load,e2 =
100 mm
Spacing between centres of fastners in line of load, P1 = 100 mm
Spacing between centres of fastners perpendicular to load, P2 100 mm
Area of Bolt, A = 201.06 mm2
No of Bolts per connection = 6 nos

Axial Load for Bolt Design,Ft.Ed = 21.379 kN

Shear Force perpendicular to monorail , Fv.Ed = 7.553 kN
Shear Force along the monorail,Fv.Ed = 5.096 kN

Shear Resistance per shear plane:

FvRd = avfub A/ m2 = 77.21 kN
av Constant = 0.6

Tension Resistance of bolt:

Ft,Rd = k2fubAs/ m2 = 115.81 kN
k2 Constant = 0.63 for countersunk bolt
0.9 otherwise

Combine U/C ratio FvEd/ FvRd + FtEd/(1.4FtRd) = 0.04 OK

Bearing Resistance:
Ultimate Strength of Steel = 800 N/mm2

Fb,Rd = k1abfudt/ m2 = 358.40 kN end Bolts

k1abfudt/ m2 = 358.40 kN inner bolts
ab is smallest of ad ; fub/fu; 1

ad = e1/3d0 1.85 for end bolts

p1/3do-1/4 1.60 for inner bolts
fub/fu = 1
k1 = 2.8*e2/do-1.7 13.86 for end bolts
1.4p2/do-1.7 6.08 for inner bolts
or 2.5 Smaller Value

Unity Check FvEd/FbRd = 0.03 OK

Punching Shear Resistance:

Bp.Rd = 0.6dmtpfu/ m2 = 439.12 kN

dm bolt head dimension = 26 mm
tp Thikness of plate under bolt = 14 mm

Unity check Ft.Ed/Bp.Rd = 0.05 OK

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