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Northern State University

Student Teaching Experience

Teacher Work Sample
Fall 2017

Candidate Name: Kathryn (Katie) Uittenbogaard

Candidate Website Address:

Candidate ID Number: 7269341

Name of School where data Simmons Middle School

was collected:

Subject/Content Area: Math

Grade Level: 7th Grade

Date Submitted:

I understand that obtaining, or attempting to obtain, a passing grade on a TWS by falsification or

misrepresentation may result in a failing grade in a course or expulsion from the teacher education

I grant permission for the School of Education to use my Teacher Work Sample as an exemplary
(outstanding) model for teacher candidate and university supervisor training purposes in the future. I
understand my name will remain on the document for proper credit.

Signature of Candidate Submitting the TWS: Kathryn Uittenbogaard electronic submission)

A Teacher Work Sample (TWS) is designed to assess the impact of teacher candidates instruction
on students learning as well as provide evidence of candidates teaching performance during the
Student Teaching Experience. The TWS assignment includes the following tasks:

I. Professional Goal Setting and Reflection

II. Contextual Information
III. Instructional Design and Implementation

Ownership: Complete the cover page verifying the TWS to be your own authentic work.

References and Credits: If you refer to another persons ideas or material (such as theorists), cite
these in a separate section at the end of the TWS under References and Credits. (APA is

Font and Spacing: Use Arial size 12 font, double space all narrative portions, and print on both

Anonymity: Do not include the names of individual students, teachers, or staff as well as
participating schools in any part of the work sample in order to insure the anonymity of all involved.

An electronic copy of your completed TWS must be submitted to:


Your electronic portfolio/professional website (please remember to remove the cover page
with identifying information before posting).
Your university supervisor (please check with your university supervisor to determine which
format (print copy or electronic) he/she prefers.

Task I: Professional Goal Setting

Objective: Candidates set a professional goal, identify the action strategies they will use to achieve
that goal, and reflect on their learning and growth (as it relates to that goal) near the end of their
student teaching experience.

Resources: Candidates will use the NSU Conceptual Framework (see table below) as a guide for
determining their professional goal.

NSU Conceptual Potential Category Outcomes Description

Framework Categories (You will choose one of these outcomes
as the basis for your goal)
Knowledge of Self as an Respect and Concern for Students Knowledge of Self as an Individual
Individual recognizes the educators influence in the
Commitment to Health and Safety lives of students and emphasizes the
importance of building trust relationships,
and setting positive examples.

Knowledge of the Learner Developmental Needs Knowledge of the learner focuses on an

understanding of growth and development
Student Diversity of learners in the contexts in which
development takes place and an
understanding of how student diversity
interacts with the learning process.

Knowledge of Content Understanding Subject Matter Knowledge of Content implies a broad

understanding of the centrality of content
knowledge for teaching, and ability to
organize central concepts and principles of
a subject matter, and a responsibility for
acquiring new knowledge.

Knowledge of Pedagogy Planning Pedagogical Knowledge includes those

Implementation principles and strategies necessary for
Assessment effective teaching, including the planning,
Classroom Management and implementation, and assessment of
Organization instruction, classroom management and
Instructional Materials and Technology organization, knowledge of curriculum and
instructional materials, and integration of

Knowledge of Self as a Parent and Community Involvement Knowledge of Self as a Teacher and
Teacher and Member of a Commitment to Teaching Member of a Learning Community calls for
Learning Community Interpersonal Relations a collaboration among teachers, students
Professional Growth and Development and their families and communities that
embraces diversity, promotes a positive
sense of personal identify, and enhances
the possibilities for academic success.

1. Conceptual Framework Goal Statement, Action Plan, and Reflection:

a. Identify the Framework Category to which your goal aligns:

Knowledge of Learners

b. Identify the specific Category Outcome you will use to determine your goal:
Developmental needs

c. Based on the outcome you selected, write a specific goal for this experience. After your goal
statement, provide a brief narrative explaining the reasons as to why you chose this goal.

My goal is to gain knowledge of the developmental needs of students, to teach to their

strengths, and gain concepts and strategies in order to teach diversely.

d. Describe the action plan (steps/strategies and resources) required to accomplish this goal:
Step one: Get to know my students in each block and understand what types of learners I have
in each class.
Step two: Learn the material so that I know what the students need to learn and be successful.
Step three: Talk with my cooperating teacher about different strategies she likes to use to help
students succeed and set them up for success.
Step four: Work with students individually to help the ones that struggle get the attention they
need in order to increase their math knowledge.
Step five: Utilize the second 7th grade math teacher to gain strategies that she may use that my
CT does not.
Step six: Learn to be flexible throughout the lesson by observing my CT transition and tweak
lesson plans to go back and reteach when necessary.

e. Reflect on your progress/growth toward achieving this goal:

I have created meaningful relationships with my students allowing me to understand the
different instruction that my students need to be successful. It did not take me long to
successfully learn the material/content needed for 7th grade math. The biggest strategies that I
learned from my cooperating teacher on setting students up for success is to consistently move
around the classroom while teaching to talk with the students that may not be comfortable with
asking questions in the large class setting. By walking around the classroom is gives students
the ability to ask questions to the teacher in a one on one and not be afraid that their question
may be stupid. By working with students in my first weeks during student teaching it showed
me the positives to think-pair-share and small group activities that I utilized later in my
experience when creating my own lesson plans. When it was my time to take over the
classroom I was very fortunate that at the middle school I was placed at there is a second 7th
grade math teacher and I got to lesson plan a lot with her. I enjoyed having a partner in creating
lesson plans because we can bounce ideas off each other and come up with different instruction
techniques/strategies that will help our students learn. The last part of my goal was to gain
differentiated instruction that I can use to be flexible with during a lesson if I need to change the
lesson plan on the fly to in cooperate the students needs. Once again I used the strategy of
walking around the classroom so that I could see how my students are following along with the
material, another strategy that I used a lot more than I thought I was going to was think-pair-

share. I thought this strategy was more of an elementary strategy but it is very helpful for
students to discuss their thoughts and to get another perspective or strategy that their peer uses
to be successful.

Task II: Contextual Information (see rubric for scoring details)

Objective: Candidates gather contextual information and discuss factors that may influence the
teaching and learning process.

Resources: Use a variety of resources to gather contextual information including Census data for the
community, School Improvement Plan, cooperating teacher, Title I/SPED teachers, principal, school
counselor, Infinite Campus, student files (with administrative approval), school data available online.

**The below information and resource is taken from Educational Testing Service Praxis Performance
Assessment for Teachers (PPAT) Candidate and Educator Handbook, copyright 2015. All rights reserved.

Contextual Information: This chart is designed to help you understand the many factors that affect teaching
and learning. Such factors include the community, classroom procedures, student demographics, and the
physical environment in which teaching takes place. Understanding these factors as they relate to your
teaching will help you determine the instructional strategies and approaches that will support your students
learning. In this chart, address any factors listed as they pertain to your teaching assignment. The
subcategories listed under each category are just suggestions; there may be other subcategories that you
would like to address, or there may be a subcategory listed that does not apply to your situation.

Categories of Contextual Factors Description of the Contextual Factors

General Context of Your Students Students grade: 7th

(All subcategories listed in this box are required.) Age range: 12-14
Students grade and developmental levels; the age range
Content being taught: Math
of students; the content area being taught; any other
factors that are pertinent to understanding your class

Community Area: Urban-Aberdeen, SD

(e.g., whether the area is urban, suburban, or rural; Population: 28,102
socioeconomic information; census data for the
Median household income: $47,290
Persons in poverty: 12%
District Enrollment: 3,700
(e.g., enrollment; percent of students receiving free or Students on free or reduced lunch: 56%
reduced-priced lunches; graduation rates; ethnicities;
percent of students with IEPs; percent of students who are
Graduation rates: 91.2%
ELLs; per-pupil expenditures) Ethnicities:
White: 91.8%
Black: 07.%
Native American: 3.6%
Asian: 1.3%
Hispanic: 1.6%
Other: 1%
Students with IEPs: 35%

School Enrollment (7th Grade Math Classroom): 84

(e.g., enrollment; percent of students receiving free or Students on free or reduced lunch: 67%
reduced-priced lunches; ethnicities; percent of students
with IEPs; percent of students who are ELLs; teacher-to-
student ratio) White: 83%
Native American: 9.5%
Hispanic: 2.8%
Asian: 4.7%
Students with IEPs: 11.8%
Classroom Demographics Block 1:
(e.g., ethnicities; gender ratios; special needs, including Ethnicities:
those of gifted students, those of students physical needs,
and those due to cultural characteristics).
White: 25
Native American: 3
Asian: 2
Male: 11
Female: 19
On IEPs: 0
Block 2:
White: 20
Hispanic: 2
Asian: 1
Male: 14
Female: 12
On IEPs: 0
Block 3:
White: 25
Native American: 3
Asian: 1
Male: 15
Female: 14
On IEPs: 8
Knowledge of Students Block 1: Advanced math class, all students
(in terms of the whole class and individual students) scored a 4 on their sixth grade smarter balanced
(e.g., language needs; approaches to learning; prior
learning and experiences; academic Block 2: Mixed level class, some students
proficiencies/behavioral differences; areas of interest). scored 3s and 4s while others scored 2s on their
smarter balanced test.
Block 3: Lower level math class, majority of the
class scored 1s and 2s. Yet, there are some
students that scored3s. This class also has 8
students on IEPs.

Task III: Instructional Design and Implementation

Objective: Candidates design, implement, and assess a minimum of five lessons from multiple
subject and/or content areas. (see rubric for scoring on each component)
Complete this task using the Common Lesson Plan Template (below) for 5 different lessons.
3 of the lessons must have been observed by your university supervisor
Remaining two lessons should be lessons you have taught
Lesson #1

Millicent Atkins School of Education: Common Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Candidate Name: Katie Uittenbogaard
Grade Level: 7th Grade
Subject: Math: Stations
Date: 9/20/17
List the Common Core/State Standard(s) to be addressed in this lesson.
7.NS.2b: Understand that integers can be divided, provided that the divisor is not zero, and every quotient
of integers (with non-zero divisor) is a rational number. If p and q are integers, then -(p/ q) = (-p)/q = p/(-
q). Interpret quotients of rational numbers by describing real world contexts.

7.NS.2d: Convert a rational number to a decimal using long division; know that the decimal form of a
rational number terminates in 0s or eventually repeats.

Rationale (cite theories or theorists):

Working in small groups builds on the theories of Piaget

List the learning objective(s) to be addressed in this lesson (specific, measurable, attainable, time bound).
Use the following format: Students will be able to
Students will be able to order rational numbers including repeating decimals by playing rational war.
Students will be able to convert decimals to fractions and vice versa by solving finding the error
Students will be able to understand that a number cannot be divided by zero by demonstrating this with
finding the errors on tests and quizzes

Describe how the learning objective(s) and the learning outcomes is/are appropriate for the
age/developmental level of the students.

7th grade students are in the pre-algebra phase of their math education. These students need to master
rational numbers before they can move on to algebra in 8th grade.

List the materials/resources you will need to teach the lesson.

Smart board, pentagrams, find the error worksheet, rational war cards, math textbook, multiplication
squares, and test corrections.

Describe the instructional and/or assistive technology that you plan to incorporate into the lesson and explain how it
will enhance instruction and student learning.
Smart Board

Describe the accommodations/differentiation/modifications you will use to meet the needs of all learners
and accommodate differences in students learning, culture, language, etc. *
I will verbally explain each station as well as have written directions at each station for students who are
audio and visual learners.
I will create the groups to ensure total participation by putting them with other students in which they can

Pre-Assessment: Describe the instrument or process you will use to measure students level of
understanding toward the learning objective(s) prior to teaching the lesson.

Bell work from class on Tuesday where students demonstrate that they know how to convert a decimal to
a fraction; students also comprehend that no number can be divided by zero.

Pre-Assessment: Describe how the results of the pre-assessment (what the students have demonstrated
they know) will be used to design the lesson objectives, instruction, and post-assessment. (Include charts,
graphs if applicable)
The results will help decide what students should be in groups with each other so that there is not a group
of students that are struggling.

Classroom Management
Identify the management and motivational strategies you will use to meet student behavioral/developmental needs
in order to keep students on task and actively engaged throughout the lesson.

I will create the groups to ensure total participation by putting them with other students where they can
succeed. I will give instructions for the stations that the students will be participating in and will also have
written directions so that all students understand what is being asked of them at the stations.

I Do
(Teacher introduces lesson and models expected outcome(s) of learning objectives)
Describe what instructional strategies you will use to model/explain/demonstrate the knowledge and skills
required of the objective.
I will start the lesson by having the students do a guided number talk: Choose a fraction and a percent. Tell
which is greater and how you know. This will allow for the students to come up with several different
responses and good classroom discussion. Before students share with the group, I will have them think-
pair-share with their elbow buddy. I will use direct teaching when explaining to the students what each
station entails. Each station will have 4-5 students at each so that they travel in small groups. I will also
have the directions for each station at that station to give the students a reminder of what they will be
expected to do at that station. I will be walking around the classroom helping when needed as well as
suggesting different ways to solve different equations.

We Do
(Teacher engages students in guided practice)
Describe the learning activities you will use to provide students multiple opportunities to practice the skills and
content needed to meet the learning objective(s).
At the beginning of the lesson the students will be given the prompt: Choose a fraction and a percent. Tell
which is greater and how you know. After they complete this by themselves and then share with a classmate, we will
share with the class. I will have the students share based on picking their name out of popsicle sticks. After we have
discussed several different examples, we will move on to the stations. The students will be in small groups of 4-5 to
complete these stations. The students will be given 8-10 minutes at each station to do the activity, at the end of the
time they will switch to the next station even if they are not done. After they have completed all stations we will
come back together as a class and have work time where students will get to complete stations they need more time
with. Some of them involve the students being paired off and others involve the students to do work independently
which they can check their answers with each other. The stations are timed and the groups will move together from
one to the next helping each other when needed and working independently during other times. Stations: 1.
Quiz/Test Corrections: Students will be given their past quiz and test to make corrections on Chapter 1 material to
review what we have already discussed. Students will work independently on their work and may ask their group for
assistance if needed. 2. Pentagrams: Students will be given different shapes (similar to those in tetris) and a bigger
shape that they have to create using the pieces. 3. Find the error: students will be given worksheets with a math
problems involving fractions and decimals written on it. However, the problem has an error in it that they have to
find and explain why the error makes the problem false. 4. Rational war: the students will cut out war cards from
their workbooks, and the rules are simple; they will play against another student and will have to know which
number is bigger (and beats) the smaller number played by the other opponent. 5. Homework: students will have a
homework station (pg. 48 in their textbooks) to give them extra time in class to complete the assignment. 6.
Multiplication squares: this is the final station where students will face one another in a dice game involving

You Do
(Students engage in independent practice)
Describe what the students will do to independently practice the knowledge and skills required by the lesson
Station 5 is their homework station and is their formal post-assessment for the day. However, I will be
formatively assessing the students throughout the day and students will be expected to finish different
worksheets at other stations. Once the station rotations are over there will be time at the end of the
lesson for students to go back to stations they need more time at as well as finish homework that they did

not get to finish at that station.

Lesson Closing
Describe how you will reemphasize the lesson objective(s) and any skills/content that were taught in an
interactive manner (whole/small group, etc.).
When stations are over I will emphasize that pg.48 will be due Thursday and is their homework. I will also
announce that they will get the rest of the class period to do independent homework or finish any station
they did not get to complete.

Post-Assessment: APPENDIX: Include a blank copy of the lesson post-assessment you will use to measure
students level of understanding toward the learning objectives after teaching the lesson.

pg. 48 in the students textbook

Post Assessment: Based on the results of the Pre and Post-Assessment, to what extent did students achieve the
learning goals/objective of the lesson? Cite examples from the lesson plan, assessments, and/or video.
If applicable, insert a table/chart/graph before your explanation.

For this homework assignment the next day in class we did self-correction and then took participation
point for the students completing the homework.

Reflect on your instructional strategies, interactions with students, and classroom management strategies. Describe
what went well and what areas you need to revise in the future. Cite examples (from video) that support your
Describe revisions that you could make if you were to teach this lesson again. Why would you make each revision?
Cite examples from the lesson plan, video and/or student work that would prompt revisions.
Overall the lesson went very well. My classroom management strategy was successful by putting students in groups
where they can be successful. There were lots of stations, which gave the students lots of opportunities for practice.
The stations also helped with keeping the students on task and therefore we had good behavior class wide. When I
was explaining the stations I went through them very quickly and could have modeled some of them better. In the
future I should slow down my instruction and over explain to ensure the students understand what is expected of

Lesson #2

Millicent Atkins School of Education: Common Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Candidate Name: Katie Uittenbogaard
Grade Level: 7th Grade
Subject: Math: Algebra Tiles
Date: 10/16/17

10 | P a g e
List the Common Core/State Standard(s) to be addressed in this lesson.
7.EE.1 Apply properties of operations as strategies to add, subtract, factor, and expand linear expressions
with rational coefficients.
Rationale (cite theories or theorists):

List the learning objective(s) to be addressed in this lesson (specific, measurable, attainable, timebound).
Use the following format: Students will be able to
Students will be able to apply properties of linear expressions with rational coefficients by using algebra tiles to
show each linear expressions and how to simplify the equations.

Describe how the learning objective(s) and the learning outcomes is/are appropriate for the
age/developmental level of the students.

Students need to be able to understand the different properties of an equation (x^2, x, xy, y, and constants) and
how they cannot be combined without like terms. Linear expressions are the first step in introducing how algebra
equations will be formatted.

List the materials/resources you will need to teach the lesson.

Algebra tiles, algebra tiles worksheet, homework worksheet, notecards with expressions simplified and not
simplified, and smartobard.

Describe the instructional and/or assistive technology that you plan to incorporate into the lesson and explain how it
will enhance instruction and student learning.

Describe the accommodations/differentiation/modifications you will use to meet the needs of all learners
and accommodate differences in students learning, culture, language, etc. *
I have created the seating chart so that students are placed next to an elbow buddy that will help them succeed. I
will verbally explain the algebra tiles and I will also demonstrate how to use them effectively.

Pre-Assessment: Describe the instrument or process you will use to measure students level of
understanding toward the learning objective(s) prior to teaching the lesson.

As the students walk into the classroom they will receive a notecard with an algebraic expression on it, they will be
instructed to hold onto this but start by doing the bellwork question on the white board. Bellwork question example:
7x + 2 2y + 9xy + 3y 9 14x The students will be instructed to simplify the equation on the board and then list the
terms, like terms, coefficients, and constants. After the students are done I will draw popsicle sticks for students to
write their answers on the whiteboard. Following this the students will take out their notecards and be instructed to
silently (they will not be allowed to talk) find the other expression(s) that are equivalent to theirs. Once they have
gotten into their pairs or groups of three they will each solve their respective expressions by using the corresponding
variables on the board. They will check their answers with their partner(s) since they should have gotten the same
answer if their expressions are equivalent.

11 | P a g e
Pre-Assessment: Describe how the results of the pre-assessment (what the students have demonstrated
they know) will be used to design the lesson objectives, instruction, and post-assessment. (Include charts,
graphs if applicable)
This pre-assessment will tell if the students have retained the previous lesson(s) materials, as well as
reinforce the vocabulary they have learned in pervious lessons within this chapter.

Classroom Management
Identify the management and motivational strategies you will use to meet student behavioral/developmental needs
in order to keep students on task and actively engaged throughout the lesson.

I will be walking around the classroom throughout the lesson to be available for any questions about the assigned
tasks as well as to monitor the behavior by al students. I purposely have made it so that students will either be in
partners or groups of three for the bellwork so that I get total participation.

I Do
(Teacher introduces lesson and models expected outcome(s) of learning objectives)
Describe what instructional strategies you will use to model/explain/demonstrate the knowledge and skills
required of the objective.
The lesson will start after the bellwork question and activity and the students will be instructed to head
back to their desks. The students will be instructed to take out a sheet of paper to give themselves a key
for the algebraic tiles. When we give the students the algebraic tiles they will be given time to play with
tiles so they sit quietly and listen when I explain what the tiles will be used for. Each size shape
corresponds with a variable. The largest quadrilateral is y^2, the next largest shape is x^2, next largest is
xy, following is y, then x, and lastly the smallest are constants. As well with the algebraic tiles there are red
and blue tiles. The blue are positive and the red are negative. The sheet of paper is so that the students
remember what each tile is representing. After I have gone through all of the tiles I will demonstrate with
the tiles how I want them to use the tiles to show the linear expressions. They will be using positive and
negative tiles and needing to simplify the expressions by showing the change in linear expression with the

We Do
(Teacher engages students in guided practice)
Describe the learning activities you will use to provide students multiple opportunities to practice the skills and
content needed to meet the learning objective(s).
Once the students know what each tile is worth and how I want them to show the expressions we will go
through prompted expressions as a class to ensure that the students understand what is being asked of
them and so that they can be successful with the assignment at hand. Some prompted expressions may
include: 3y^2 6xy + 8 x^2 + 2 8y^2 6 + 2x^2 the students will then break the expression into the
terms: 3y^2, 6xy, 8, x^2, 2, 8y^2, 6, 2x^2 they will then show these terms by using the algebraic tiles
and simplify the expression from there. They will notice that when they have negatives and positives how
they cancel each other out through the visual representation.

You Do
(Students engage in independent practice)
Describe what the students will do to independently practice the knowledge and skills required by the lesson

12 | P a g e
After we have done the prompted expressions as a class they will be given time to create their own
expressions and have their partner solve them with the algebraic tiles. The students will then be given a
worksheet with expressions on them represented by the algebraic tiles that they have to identify what the
tiles represent and create the corresponding expressions.

Lesson Closing
Describe how you will reemphasize the lesson objective(s) and any skills/content that were taught in an
interactive manner (whole/small group, etc.).
The lesson will come to a close after they do their partner work and I pass out the final worksheet that is
homework and will remind the students that they need to simplify the expressions and the homework is
due tomorrow. As well I will walk around the classroom to be available for any questions the students may
have during their work time.

Post-Assessment: APPENDIX: Include a blank copy of the lesson post-assessment you will use to measure
students level of understanding toward the learning objectives after teaching the lesson.


Post Assessment: Based on the results of the Pre and Post-Assessment, to what extent did students achieve the
learning goals/objective of the lesson? Cite examples from the lesson plan, assessments, and/or video.
If applicable, insert a table/chart/graph before your explanation.

The assignment was collected the next day and took for completion points as long as they got 75% of the
questions correct when we did in class correcting.

Reflect on your instructional strategies, interactions with students, and classroom management strategies. Describe
what went well and what areas you need to revise in the future. Cite examples (from video) that support your
Describe revisions that you could make if you were to teach this lesson again. Why would you make each revision?
Cite examples from the lesson plan, video and/or student work that would prompt revisions.
I need to be more energetic and show more enthusiasms for what I am teaching. The students have been showing
enjoyment in what we are learning and I need to not let other things affect the way I teach them. They deserve the
best out of me and if that means I need to go to sleep earlier then I need to be more accountable for that so I can be
100% for my students. The lesson did go well with the material, the students enjoyed the lesson and did very well on
the worksheet showing me that they know what is being taught and we can move on to the next topic.

Lesson #3

Millicent Atkins School of Education: Common Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Candidate Name: Katie Uittenbogaard
Grade Level: 7th Grade
13 | P a g e
Subject: Math (Factoring)
Date: 10/24/17
List the Common Core/State Standard(s) to be addressed in this lesson.
7.EE.1. Apply properties of operations as strategies to add, subtract, factor, and expand linear expressions with
rational coefficients.

Rationale (cite theories or theorists):

Vygotsky talks about social learning and that is why I will be using think-pair-share.
List the learning objective(s) to be addressed in this lesson (specific, measurable, attainable, timebound).
Use the following format: Students will be able to
Students will be able to apply strategies from distributing to factoring linear expressions with integers and rational

Describe how the learning objective(s) and the learning outcomes is/are appropriate for the
age/developmental level of the students.

This is another step in pre-algebra to set up a foundation for algebra, which the students will start learning more in-
depth next year.

List the materials/resources you will need to teach the lesson.

Smartboard, worksheet

Describe the instructional and/or assistive technology that you plan to incorporate into the lesson and explain how it
will enhance instruction and student learning.

Describe the accommodations/differentiation/modifications you will use to meet the needs of all learners
and accommodate differences in students learning, culture, language, etc. *
I will verbally give instructions and I will also use the smart board to visually show the students strategies so that
students can hear and see what is expected of them.
Pre-Assessment: Describe the instrument or process you will use to measure students level of
understanding toward the learning objective(s) prior to teaching the lesson.

Bellwork: The first thing the students will do is bellwork where they will be given distributing expressions and solve
them as well as discuss with their elbow buddy the strategy and steps they used to simplify the expression.

Pre-Assessment: Describe how the results of the pre-assessment (what the students have demonstrated
they know) will be used to design the lesson objectives, instruction, and post-assessment. (Include charts,
graphs if applicable)
We will discuss the strategies and steps used as a class and I will determine from the level of
conversation if the students comprehend distributing and if they are ready to move on to factoring or if
we need to reteach parts of distributing because distributing and factoring go hand in hand.

14 | P a g e
Classroom Management
Identify the management and motivational strategies you will use to meet student behavioral/developmental needs
in order to keep students on task and actively engaged throughout the lesson.

Throughout the lesson I will be moving around the classroom to ensure total class participation and I also want to
be available to provide additional support or instruction to those students who may need more.
I Do
(Teacher introduces lesson and models expected outcome(s) of learning objectives)
Describe what instructional strategies you will use to model/explain/demonstrate the knowledge and skills
required of the objective.
Starting with touching on distributing and the steps in which we distribute, I will talk about GCF (which
they have learned in 6th grade). I will ask if anyone has heard of GCF and if anyone can explain to the class
what GCF stands for and why we use it. I will have the students talk with their elbow buddy to discuss what
they think it is and why we use it. I will then have the students share with the class what they discussed
with their partner and ask if anyone has anything to add or has questions about. Once we have established
that GCF stands for greatest common factor I will ask the class if they know what operation we use when
we are factoring? The correct answer is dividing and we use multiplication to find the possible factors. The
next step is to provide the first an example for practice.
We Do
(Teacher engages students in guided practice)
Describe the learning activities you will use to provide students multiple opportunities to practice the skills and
content needed to meet the learning objective(s).
I will put on the board the numbers 12 and 24 and ask the students to just write the factors possible for
each number. There are three methods the students may use and I will ask for students to show how they
found factors, the t-chart method, tree method, and horizontal list. No way is better than the other they all
will allow you to get the same answers. Once all of the students have one method they use and has the
factors for 12 and 24 I will as them to circle all of the numbers that the two have in common. For example:
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12. After they have circled these I will ask which one should we use if we are trying to find
the GCF? The answer is 12 because it is the number that is the greatest out of all of the choices. What we
then do to make sure we know what numbers we are working with is to square the number 12 and the
number that it is multiplied with to get 12 or 24. This will give us the number we are dividing out (12) and
the answer after we divide out the 12. For example, when the linear expression looks like 12x + 24 we can
use the GCF to factor out 12 and get out answer to be 12(x + 2) which looks like the distributing
expressions we talked about at the beginning of the lesson.
You Do
(Students engage in independent practice)
Describe what the students will do to independently practice the knowledge and skills required by the lesson
If the students are struggling with the concept of factoring we will go over more examples of how to find
the GCF and simply finding the GCF and then simplifying the expression. If the class comprehends the
material we will move on to independent practice and they will be given the following expressions to
simplify through finding the GCF and factoring. 35x + 20, 64x + 24, 100x + 80, and 63x + 42. I will have
students come up to the smart board and explain their answers and different strategies they used to
simplify the expression.
Lesson Closing

15 | P a g e
Describe how you will reemphasize the lesson objective(s) and any skills/content that were taught in an
interactive manner (whole/small group, etc.).
The lesson will close by giving instructions on their homework. They will be given a worksheet in which
they need to find the GCF and use that to factor out the expression, they will do both sides of the
Post-Assessment: APPENDIX: Include a blank copy of the lesson post-assessment you will use to measure
students level of understanding toward the learning objectives after teaching the lesson.


Post Assessment: Based on the results of the Pre and Post-Assessment, to what extent did students achieve the
learning goals/objective of the lesson? Cite examples from the lesson plan, assessments, and/or video.
If applicable, insert a table/chart/graph before your explanation.
The post assessment showed that the students need more practice with factoring and most of the students can
successfully find the GCF and can factor out successfully but struggle with showing the answer as 12(x + 2) most of
them find the GCF: 12, and then have their answer as x + 2. The following day we discussed how to successfully
display your answer after finding the GCF and simplifying the expression.

Reflect on your instructional strategies, interactions with students, and classroom management strategies. Describe
what went well and what areas you need to revise in the future. Cite examples (from video) that support your
Describe revisions that you could make if you were to teach this lesson again. Why would you make each revision?
Cite examples from the lesson plan, video and/or student work that would prompt revisions.
There should have been more time spent on the independent practice and I should have utilized the think-pair-share
so that students could use another person to verify and discuss strategies that work better for them. The last block
of the day struggled a lot with finding the GCF and choosing the greatest number that they share. The last block of
the day do not comprehend math as quickly and need more opportunities for practice in the future when presenting
new material. The higher level math class (block 1) did very well with this topic and I think that is why I may have
rushed the material for the other classes when I need to remember that the other two classes I teach need more
practice and instruction time.

Lesson #4

16 | P a g e
Millicent Atkins School of Education: Common Lesson Plan Template
Teacher Candidate Name: Katie Uittenbogaard
Grade Level: 7th Grade
Subject: Math (Inequalities)
Date: 11/8/17
List the Common Core/State Standard(s) to be addressed in this lesson.
7.EE.4.B. Solve word problems leading to inequalities of the form px + q > r or px + q < r, where p, q, and r
are specific rational numbers. Graph the solution set of the inequality and interpret it in the context of the
problem. For example: As a salesperson, you are paid $50 per week plus $3 per sale. This week you want
your pay to be at least $100. Write an inequality for the number of sales you need to make, and describe the
Rationale (cite theories or theorists):
Vygotsky talks about social learning and that is why I will be using small groups in my lesson.
List the learning objective(s) to be addressed in this lesson (specific, measurable, attainable, timebound).
Use the following format: Students will be able to

Students will be able to solve word problems that involve inequalities by working in small groups to solve word
Students will be able to solve inequalities with variables on both sides by working by themselves and in small groups.

Describe how the learning objective(s) and the learning outcomes is/are appropriate for the
age/developmental level of the students.

Students need to be able to understand how to solve the problems before they can start the process of graphing the

List the materials/resources you will need to teach the lesson.

Jeopardy game, smart board

Describe the instructional and/or assistive technology that you plan to incorporate into the lesson and explain how it
will enhance instruction and student learning.

Describe the accommodations/differentiation/modifications you will use to meet the needs of all learners
and accommodate differences in students learning, culture, language, etc. *
I will put students into small groups based on their levels and based on the behaviors of the students to ensure total

17 | P a g e
Pre-Assessment: Describe the instrument or process you will use to measure students level of
understanding toward the learning objective(s) prior to teaching the lesson.

The day before the students will start inequalities and will have a exit ticket in order to leave class that day, so that I
can see how the students are doing with inequalities and what areas I need to retouch on before starting the game.
The exit ticket will be a one step inequality, a two step inequality, and a three step inequality.

Pre-Assessment: Describe how the results of the pre-assessment (what the students have demonstrated
they know) will be used to design the lesson objectives, instruction, and post-assessment. (Include charts,
graphs if applicable)
The results will help with how many inequalities we need to go over before we start the game. The pre-
assessment will also help with deciding how to split up the groups.

Classroom Management
Identify the management and motivational strategies you will use to meet student behavioral/developmental needs
in order to keep students on task and actively engaged throughout the lesson.

During the start of teaching I will be walking around the classroom to ensure all of the students are on task and I
will also place the students in specific groups to make sure all students will work together well and there are
minimal behavior problems.

I Do
(Teacher introduces lesson and models expected outcome(s) of learning objectives)
Describe what instructional strategies you will use to model/explain/demonstrate the knowledge and skills
required of the objective.
To start the lesson I plan on using the smart board to put up one step, two step, and three step inequalities
and discussing with the class what the first, second, and third steps of the equations are. This part of the
lesson will be minimal as a majority of the lesson is about the we do.

We Do
(Teacher engages students in guided practice)
Describe the learning activities you will use to provide students multiple opportunities to practice the skills and
content needed to meet the learning objective(s).
Moving to the we do portion of the lesson as a class we will go through and solve the inequalities. The
students will be given an inequality to solve and do it independently. Next, the students will talk with their
elbow buddies discussing what they got for answer and talking about the strategies they use. Lastly, the
students will share with the class how they solved the inequality an if students used different strategies
than one another they will come up to the board and show how they solved the problems.

You Do
(Students engage in independent practice)
Describe what the students will do to independently practice the knowledge and skills required by the lesson
After we are done with group solving I will split the students up into 6 groups of 5 students. They will be in
these groups to play a review game of jeopardy. I will be using a website that created an inequalities
jeopardy game with one step, two step, three step, and word problems for my students. They will be

18 | P a g e
instructed that they must say what is before they give the answer or it will be marked wrong, if they
correct themselves the points will be awarded. Furthermore, the students will all be instructed to solve
each inequality because if the group that is up does not get the problem correctly another team can steal
the points by solving it correctly. The order for this game will be group 1, 2, 3, 4 ,5, and 6. They will be
awarded points for correct answers and they will also be given negative points for incorrect answers.
Lesson Closing
Describe how you will reemphasize the lesson objective(s) and any skills/content that were taught in an
interactive manner (whole/small group, etc.).
The lesson will close once all of the jeopardy questions are answered and we have a winner! The students
will then be given the book assignment and have the remainder of class to finish the homework.
Post-Assessment: APPENDIX: Include a blank copy of the lesson post-assessment you will use to measure
students level of understanding toward the learning objectives after teaching the lesson.

Textbook assignment: pg.137 #1-33 odd

Post Assessment: Based on the results of the Pre and Post-Assessment, to what extent did students achieve the
learning goals/objective of the lesson? Cite examples from the lesson plan, assessments, and/or video.
If applicable, insert a table/chart/graph before your explanation.

The post-assessment was corrected in class as a whole and the points were taken as participation
points/completion points.

Reflect on your instructional strategies, interactions with students, and classroom management strategies. Describe
what went well and what areas you need to revise in the future. Cite examples (from video) that support your
Describe revisions that you could make if you were to teach this lesson again. Why would you make each revision?
Cite examples from the lesson plan, video and/or student work that would prompt revisions.
This lesson went very well. I really enjoyed creating this lesson and teaching it as well. I feel very comfortable in the
classroom now and I think that shows when I teach. I was always confident in the content knowledge that I have but
I have learned a lot of strategies from my cooperating teacher for successful differentiated instruction and I
implemented that very well. The one thing that I would change about my lesson is that I should have previewed the
jeopardy game before we played as a class because the game is from a external online source and the game did have
a wrong answer. Overall it was very successful.

Lesson #5

Millicent Atkins School of Education: Common Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Candidate Name: Katie Uittenbogaard
Grade Level: 7th Grade
Subject: Math (Review/Math Dice Game)
Date: 11/17/17
19 | P a g e
List the Common Core/State Standard(s) to be addressed in this lesson.
7.NS. 1. Apply and extend previous understandings of addition and subtraction to add and subtract rational
numbers; represent addition and subtraction on a horizontal or vertical number line diagram.

Rationale (cite theories or theorists):

Students will be working in groups because Vygotsky discusses social learning.
List the learning objective(s) to be addressed in this lesson (specific, measurable, attainable, timebound).
Use the following format: Students will be able to
Students will be able to apply and extend previous understandings of addition and subtraction to add and subtract
rational numbers by demonstrating these skills through a math dice game.

Describe how the learning objective(s) and the learning outcomes is/are appropriate for the
age/developmental level of the students.

Students will further their knowledge of adding and subtracting integers and rational numbers which will help the
students when they start to learn more about algebra.

List the materials/resources you will need to teach the lesson.

Math dice game: three regular dice, two special game dice, player sheet for each student, station sheets, and

Describe the instructional and/or assistive technology that you plan to incorporate into the lesson and explain how it
will enhance instruction and student learning.
No technology is needed

Describe the accommodations/differentiation/modifications you will use to meet the needs of all learners
and accommodate differences in students learning, culture, language, etc. *
I will make the groups so that students are matched with students that are at the same mathematical level as they

Pre-Assessment: Describe the instrument or process you will use to measure students level of
understanding toward the learning objective(s) prior to teaching the lesson.

The day before the lesson I will have the students write down 4 + -5 and tell me what is wrong with this expression,
and simplify the expression.

Pre-Assessment: Describe how the results of the pre-assessment (what the students have demonstrated
they know) will be used to design the lesson objectives, instruction, and post-assessment. (Include charts,
graphs if applicable)
The expression is messy there should only be one sign, it should look like 4 5 which simplified is -1.

20 | P a g e
Classroom Management
Identify the management and motivational strategies you will use to meet student behavioral/developmental needs
in order to keep students on task and actively engaged throughout the lesson.

Throughout the lesson I will be walking around the classroom to ensure that students are understanding and I will
also ensure that the students that are acting as mediators are being fair and doing their job correctly.

I Do
(Teacher introduces lesson and models expected outcome(s) of learning objectives)
Describe what instructional strategies you will use to model/explain/demonstrate the knowledge and skills
required of the objective.
To start the lesson the students will do bellwork: simplifying 8 23, -2 (-5), -4 + 9. After the students
finish the bellwork I will use popsicle sticks to draw names for which student will complete on the board
how to simplify. The students will then put a thumbs up if they agree and a thumbs down if they disagree.
Following the bellwork I will introduce to the class the math dice game and I will explain how the game
works. The students will all be given a game sheet that they will record their games on. The game consists
of students rolling the two game dice and they will then multiple those two numbers together to get the
game goal number. On the worksheet there is a spot where they will write this number down to remember
what they are striving for. Students will then roll the three dice and will use the numbers on the dice to
add, subtract, multiply, or divide them together to get as close as possible to the goal number. The
students will start mentally or on a sheet of paper putting the three numbers together to get as close as
possible to the goal number. Once one student has a number that is close they other students have 30
seconds to find another solution that is closer to the goal number. Each round will last 5 minutes and the
student who has the most wins in that round will record that on their sheet. There will be only three
students in a group and there are six stations. The students will also have one station that will have two
groups at it where they will be mediators for the other games. It is important to have mediators so that if
there is a dispute there is a third party that can settle the tie or disagreement.

We Do
(Teacher engages students in guided practice)
Describe the learning activities you will use to provide students multiple opportunities to practice the skills and
content needed to meet the learning objective(s).
Together as a class we will walk through one round of play where I will play with two students to
demonstrate how the game is to be played. After the demonstration I will ask for any questions that the
students have. I will then put the students into their groups and I will assign each group a station to start at
and tell them what way we are rotating.

You Do
(Students engage in independent practice)
Describe what the students will do to independently practice the knowledge and skills required by the lesson
The students will then go through the stations playing the game and recording if they won, got second, or
Lesson Closing
Describe how you will reemphasize the lesson objective(s) and any skills/content that were taught in an
interactive manner (whole/small group, etc.).
21 | P a g e
The lesson will close by putting the game away and the desks back to their original spot and I will have give
the students their homework: On the back of their game sheet they will put down the number 67 and they
must get as close as possible to this number by using the numbers 8, 3, 5 by the same method used in the
Post-Assessment: APPENDIX: Include a blank copy of the lesson post-assessment you will use to measure
students level of understanding toward the learning objectives after teaching the lesson.

Game worksheet

Post Assessment: Based on the results of the Pre and Post-Assessment, to what extent did students achieve the
learning goals/objective of the lesson? Cite examples from the lesson plan, assessments, and/or video.
If applicable, insert a table/chart/graph before your explanation.

The students understand the game and they understood the way of using order or operations to get
different answers.

Reflect on your instructional strategies, interactions with students, and classroom management strategies. Describe
what went well and what areas you need to revise in the future. Cite examples (from video) that support your
Describe revisions that you could make if you were to teach this lesson again. Why would you make each revision?
Cite examples from the lesson plan, video and/or student work that would prompt revisions.
Overall I thought that this lesson went very well and the students liked the game very much. The students were
confused at first on how to play the game but when I demonstrated how to play with two students they understood
what was expected of them. If I could redo the lesson I would demonstrate while I explained the game because the
class was a little scrunched on time. I have learned that when this class plays new games they need to see visually
how to play along with the rules, simply telling the rules and the goal will not suffice for this group. The classroom
management went well and the groups were as fair as they could have been based on the level each student is at.

Teacher Work Sample Scoring Rubric

Student Teaching Experience

Teacher Candidate Name:_________________________________________________________________

Semester: Spring Fall Year 20____
Grade/Subject Area______________________________________________________________________

Task I: Professional Goal Setting

Components Advanced/Excellent Proficient/Competent Basic/Developing Below Basic/
4 3 2 Needs Work
Candidate identifies one Candidate identifies one goal Candidates identifies one Candidate does not
Professional Goal well-planned goal and and communicates goal but does not identify a well-planned
Setting and Reflection effectively communicates reasons/justifications for why adequately provide goal nor provide a reason

22 | P a g e
reasons/justifications for why s/he chose the goal. reasons/justifications for for the selection of the
s/he chose the goal. the selection of the goal. goal.
Candidate provides an
Candidate provides a action plan for the Candidate provides an Candidate does not
detailed action plan for the achievement of the goal and action plan for the provide an action plan for
achievement of the goal and cites resources s/he will use achievement of the goal the achievement of the
cites any specific resources to enhance goal
but needs to work to goal.
s/he will use to enhance goal achievement efforts.
develop a more specific
achievement efforts.
Candidate effectively list of resources to be Candidate is not clearly
Candidate is highly effective communicates any used for achievement of able to reflect on his/her
at communicating any progress/growth made that goal. performance in the area
progress/growth made toward the goal in the of goal
toward the goal in the reflection. Candidates reflection on setting/achievement.
reflection. goal achievement is
minimal and needs
Task II: Contextual Information
Components Advanced/Excellent Proficient/Competent Basic/Developing Below Basic/
4 3 2 Needs Work
Candidate clearly identifies Candidate identifies several Candidate identifies very Candidate does not
numerous contextual factors contextual factors contextual few contextual factors identify the contextual
which may impact the factors which may impact the which prohibits his/her factors.
instructional strategies, strategies, approaches, and ability to fully recognize
approaches, and assessments used to any impact those factors
Contextual Factors assessments used to support support their students would have had on
their students learning. learning. potential strategies,
approaches, and
assessments used to
support their students
Task III: Instructional Design and Implementation
Components Advanced/Excellent Proficient/Competent Basic/Developing Below Basic/
4 3 2 Needs Work
All lessons contains Most lessons contains Lessons contain minimal Lessons contain no
evidence of setting evidence of setting evidence of setting evidence of setting
measurable objectives that measurable objectives that measurable objectives measurable objectives
are clearly aligned with are aligned with specific that are only somewhat and are not aligned with
specific state and/or national state and/or national aligned with specific specific state and/or
standard(s). standard(s). state and/or national national standard(s).
Lessons allow for numerous Lessons allow for Lessons allow for no
Standards/Objectives connections across the connections across the Lessons allow for very apparent connections
curriculum which serve to curriculum which serve to few connections across across the curriculum;
build understanding, and build understanding, and the curriculum which do students are not able to
encourage application to real encourage application to real not build understanding, build an understanding or
world issues. world issues. nor encourage apply to real world issues.
application to real world

Incorporates a well-aligned Incorporates a pre- Incorporates a pre- Does not incorporate

pre-assessment to measure assessment to measure assessment which evidence of a pre-
students prior knowledge of students prior knowledge of partially measures assessment to measure
the learning objective and the learning objective and students prior students prior knowledge
purposefully utilizes the somewhat utilizes the results knowledge of the of the learning objective.
results to inform to inform planning/instruction learning objective but
planning/instruction for the for the lesson and post fails to adequately utilize Does not include copies
Assessment lesson and post assessment. assessment. the results to inform of the Pre- and Post-
planning/instruction for Assessments used.
Includes copies of the Pre- Includes copies of the Pre- the lesson and post
and Post-Assessments used. and Post-Assessments assessment. Does not include a copy
used. of a key/product to show
Includes a copy of a high Includes copies of the desired outcome.
quality key/product to show Includes a copy of a Pre- and Post-

23 | P a g e
desired outcome. key/product to show desired Assessments used.
Includes a copy of a
key/product to show
desired outcome.

Purposefully and consistently Incorporates the use of Is still developing the Does not incorporate the
incorporates the use of available technology to ability to incorporate the use of available
available technology to somewhat enhance use of available technology to enhance
further enhance instruction in instruction in ways that technology to enhance instruction nor provide an
ways that authentically engage most of the students instruction in ways that explanation for why
engage all students in the in the learning experience. engage the students in technology is not utilized.
learning experience. For For cases where technology the learning experience.
cases where technology is is not utilized, candidate For cases where
not utilized, candidate provides an explanation. technology is not utilized,
provides a logical candidate provides an
explanation. explanation.

Purposefully adjusts Adjusts instruction during Attempts to adjust Does not adjust
instruction during lesson lesson planning and instruction during lesson instruction during lesson
planning and implementation implementation in order to planning and planning and
in order to significantly meet meet some of the identified implementation but the implementation in order to
Differentiation, all of the identified needs of needs of individuals, small differentiated instruction, meet the identified needs
individuals, small groups or groups or the class by accommodations and of individuals, small
Accommodations, the class by including including general methods of modifications used do groups or the class. No
and Modifications specific methods of differentiation, not fully meet the differentiation,
differentiation, accommodations and identified needs of accommodations and
accommodations and modifications. individuals, small groups modifications present.
modifications. or the class.

Numerous Management and Management and Management and

management/motivational motivational strategies are motivational strategies motivational strategies to
strategies are clearly identified and rationale is are not clearly identified enhance student
identified and rationale provided for how these and rational is lacking engagement and learning
provided for how these strategies enhance student evidence of how these are not identified.
Management strategies serve to engagement and learning. strategies fully serve to
significantly enhance both enhance student
student engagement and engagement and/or
learning. learning.

Purposefully activates Activates student interest by Attempts to activate There are no clear
student interest by including an student interest but attempts to activate
consistently including a effective/engaging needs to work to develop student interest.
highly-effective/engaging introduction and closing. a more effective lesson Candidate does not
introduction and closing. opening and closing. include evidence of an
Introduces and reinforces effective opening and/or
Effectively introduces and the learning objective(s) so Needs to be more closing.
repeatedly reinforces the that students are cognizant purposeful about
Lesson learning objective(s) so that of expected outcomes. introducing and Learning objective is not
Implementation students are cognizant of reinforcing the learning reinforced throughout the
expected outcomes. Presents all content in a objective so that the lesson.
sequential manner and students are cognizant of Content is not presented
(I Do/We Do/You Do) Presents all content in a provides opportunities for expected outcomes. in a sequential manner
sequential manner and modeling and practicing the and candidate does not
provides numerous skills and content needed to Content is not always provide evidence of
opportunities for modeling meet the learning presented in a sequential allowing opportunities for
and practicing the skills and objective(s). manner and candidate modeling and practicing
content needed to meet the needs to provide more the skills and content
learning objective(s). Checks for student opportunities for needed to meet the
understanding throughout modeling and practicing learning objective(s).
Consistently checks for most of the lesson cycle and the skills and content
student understanding provides evidence of re- needed to meet the Candidate does not check
throughout the entire lesson teaching/remediation where learning objective(s). for student understanding
cycle and provides detailed necessary. throughout the lesson

24 | P a g e
evidence of re- Checks for student cycle and there is no
teaching/remediation where understanding evidence of re-teaching
necessary. Includes reasons for why the throughout most of the /remediation.
instructional strategies and lesson cycle and
Includes numerous detailed provides little evidence of Does not includes
learning activities chosen for
reasons for why the re-teaching/remediation reasons for why the
instructional strategies and the lessons are where necessary. instructional strategies
learning activities chosen for developmentally appropriate and learning activities
the lessons are (claims are somewhat chosen for the lessons
developmentally appropriate supported by relevant Includes reasons for why are developmentally
(claims are supported by theory/research that is cited). the instructional appropriate (claims are
relevant theory/research that not at all supported by
strategies and learning
is clearly cited). relevant theory/research
activities chosen for the nor sufficiently cited).
lessons are
appropriate (claims are
not sufficiently supported
by relevant
theory/research nor
sufficiently cited).

Includes professional-quality Includes average-quality Includes poor-quality No quality

table/charts/graphs which table/charts/graphs which table/charts/graphs table/charts/graphs which
clearly show post show post assessment which do not clearly show post assessment
assessment results (and pre- results (and pre-post show post assessment (and/or pre) results.
post comparison if comparison if applicable) results (or pre-post
applicable) comparison if applicable) Does not provide a
Provides a description of the description of the post
assessment results is
Provides detailed description post assessment results Provides a weak
weak and illogical and
of the post assessment which somewhat addresses description of the post
does not address all of
results which thoroughly most of the following items: assessment results
the following items:
addresses all of the following which does not
items : students progress toward adequately address the students progress toward
mastery of the objectives following items: mastery of the objectives
students progress toward from pre-to-post from pre-to-post
Analyzes mastery of the objectives students progress
from pre-to-post factors that may have toward mastery of the factors that may have
affected the post objectives from pre-to- affected the post
factors that may have assessment results post assessment results
affected the post assessment
results how the results of the post factors that may have how the results of the
assessment highlight what affected the post post assessment highlight
how the results of the post areas of the lesson will assessment results what areas of the lesson
assessment highlight what require re-teaching (if any) will require re-
areas of the lesson will how the results of the
require re-teaching (if any) post assessment
highlight what areas of
the lesson will require re-
teaching (if any)

Identifies, describes, and Identifies, describes, and Identifies, describes, and Fails to adequately
explains more than two explains two successful explains only one identify, describe, or
Lesson Reflection: relevant successful teaching teaching strategies and/or successful teaching explain successful
strategies and provides provides supporting strategy and/or provides teaching strategies and
Successes detailed supporting evidence evidence for why they were only minimal supporting provides no supporting
for why they were effective. effective. evidence for why it was evidence.
Identifies and describes more Identifies and describes two Identifies and describes Fails to adequately
than two challenges challenges encountered only one challenge identify, describe, or
Lesson Reflection: encountered throughout throughout the lesson. encountered throughout explain challenges
lesson. the lesson. encountered throughout

25 | P a g e
Identifies and describes more Identifies and describes two Identifies and describes Fails to identify and
than two significant ideas for ideas for redesigning the one idea for redesigning describe an idea for
Lesson Reflection: redesigning the lesson and lesson and provides details the lesson and provides redesigning the lesson
Improvements provides full details to to support the redesign. very minimal details to and/or provides no details
support the redesign. support the redesign. to support the redesign.

Overall Professional Quality of Teacher Work Sample

Components Advanced/Excellent Proficient/Competent Basic/Developing Below Basic/
4 3 2 Needs Work
Content Organization: Content Organization: Content Organization: Content Organization:

All formatting requirements All formatting requirements Most formatting Few formatting
followed: (Cover page, followed: (Cover page, requirements followed: requirements were
references/credits, font and references/credits, font and (Cover page, followed: (Cover page,
spacing, anonymity) spacing, anonymity) references/credits, font references/credits, font
and spacing, anonymity) and spacing, anonymity)
Paper is well organized with Paper is organized.
clarity of thought and Paper is somewhat Paper requires much
purpose. organized but candidate better organization of
needs to continue to content and candidate
develop communicating needs to significantly
thought and purpose. develop in the area of
communicating thought
and purpose.
Writing Skills Conventions: Conventions: Conventions: Conventions:

Writing has very few errors in Writing has only occasional Writing has frequent Writing has numerous
spelling, grammar, errors in spelling, grammar, errors in spelling, errors in spelling,
punctuation, and/or sentence punctuation, and/or sentence grammar, punctuation, grammar, punctuation,
structure. structure, but does not and/or sentence and/or sentence
significantly detract from structure, and this structure, errors which
overall quality. somewhat detracts from significantly detract from
overall quality. overall quality.
Overall Quality: Overall Quality: Overall Quality: Overall Quality:

Professionally written, high- Adequately written, average Writing and quality of Poorly written, low-quality
quality paper. quality paper. paper are in paper. Resubmission
development but required.
resubmission is not

26 | P a g e

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