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Anders Hellkvist, Västerås September 18, 2009

Smart Grid Overview

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Evolution of grid design
From traditional to future grids
 Centralized power generation
 One-directional power flow
 Generation follows load
 Operation based on historical experience
 Limited grid accessibility for new producers

traditional grids
 Centralized and distributed power generation
 Intermittent renewable power generation
 Consumers become also producers
 Multi-directional power flow
 Load adapted to production

future grids
 Operation based more on real-time data

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ABB’s view on Smart Grid
- more than IT and smart meters!

A SmartGrid is an electricity network that can intelligently

integrate the actions of all users connected to it – generators,
consumers and those that do both – in order to efficiently
deliver sustainable, economic and secure electricity supplies.
Source: European Technology Platform SmartGrids

A Smart Grid is self-healing, enables active participation of

consumers, operate resiliently against attack and natural
disasters, accommodate all generation and storage options,
enable introduction of new products, services and markets,
optimize asset utilization and operate efficiently, provide power
quality for the digital economy.
Source: US Department of Energy

• Smart Grid is the future evolution of the entire power network.

• Smart Grid includes both transmission and distribution, focuses on the
integration of renewable generation, reliability and efficiency of the grid.
• Smart Grid includes the demand response and the potential of new
technologies such as large scale integration of electric vehicles.
• Smart Grid includes both automation/IT and controllable power devices in the
whole value chain from production to consumption.
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But Smart Grid is also a political issue
Many players need to be informed consistently
Political leaders

Smart Grid as key to achieve

political targets

government departments,

legal & regulatory

framework utility CEOs, boards

investment plans to support

consumers / voters / NGOs*

business targets

technical solutions to achieve

political and business targets
© ABB * NGO, Non governmental organizations
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Smart Grid – summary
Integration from supply to demand

Production Smart Grid Consumption

Open for all types and sizes smart meters
power plants of generation

solar generation
Interaction between
smart house
demand side and operation

wind farms
Efficient, reliable and self-healing
transmission and distribution plug-in vehicles

Most cost efficient solution

to future requirements
generation industry

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Business drivers
Four main areas of emphasis

Future challenges for electricity supply Reliability of

 Increasing demand supply
CO2 reduction
 Environmental concerns – Demand  Ageing

 Security of supply – less sourcing from sensitive regions infra-

response structure
Integration Integration  Cyber
More renewable
ofpower Energy efficiency
of electric security
renewables Lower emissions
Reliability vehicles
Distributed and intermittent Customer pricing expected
generation to foster demand responses

Impact on grid stability and efficiency

Grids of the future will be different from those of the past

 Open for all types and sizes of generation technologies

 Integrating demand side in system operation

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Smart Grid – challenges

• Integration of renewables
• Availability of sufficient emission free balance power
• Sufficient grid capacity

• Integration of electric vehicles

• Sufficient grid capacity

• Demand response
• Business model

• Reliability and efficiency

• Increasing both grid capacity and power quality
• Peak-load shaving

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Smart Grid
Integration of renewables

efficient long

remote monitoring and control

increasing grid capacity
of wind farms
and stability

balance load to
balance load to supply
supply • demand response
• demand response remote grid
operation with
management of green
balance load to remote monitoring and house gases
supply control of solar farms • emission trading
• spinning reserve • emission monitoring &
• energy storage control

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Smart Grid
Integration of electric vehicles

plug-in vehicles

increasing grid capacity

increased stability load management

by energy storage  demand response
 stationary  real time pricing
 plug-in vehicles

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Smart Grid
Demand response

business model
• real time pricing
demand response • tariffs
plug-in vehicles
• charging
 energy storage

demand response
demand response • process automation
• energy storage
demand response
• home automation

demand response
• distributed generation

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Smart Grid
Reliability and efficiency

grid operation with

underground improved:
power cables • cyber security
 customer outage
increasing grid capacity
and reduced
transmission losses

reduced peak-load efficient outage management reduced peak-load

• house automation • local monitoring and control • process automation
• zone concept

energy storage
efficient outage grid operation with
stationary & mobile
management based distributed generation
 emergency power
on meter information • micro grids
 peak power

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Smart Grid requirements
Integration from supply to demand

Integration Integration
of of electric
renewables vehicles

 Smart Grid is more than only smart meters.

 Smart Grid includes both transmission and distribution.
 Smart Grid includes both automation/IT and power devices.
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Smart Grid solutions
Integration of renewables

 Network management
 remote control and monitoring of wind/solar farms
 reserve calculation and unit commitment to account for intermittent renewable production
 enhanced security applications to account for intermittent renewable generation and
training simulator
 Improved visualization of meteorological data relevant to the operation of wind and solar
 network applications of distributed generation.
 real time pricing to support demand response to compensate intermittent production
 Utility communication as enabler of advanced grid applications by real time and bi-
directional data transmission throughout the entire power grid.
 Stationary and mobile energy storage to compensate intermittent production
 Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) including SVC and STATCOM for increased
grid capacity, voltage control and comply with grid code
 High Voltage DC (HVDC) for efficient long distance transmission.
 Cost effective and environmentally friendly underground cable connection of wind/solar
 Provide transmission capacity to even out variations in renewable production

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Smart Grid solutions
Integration of plug-in electric vehicles

 Charging infrastructure
 Different charging time options
 Energy storage to offload grid
 Billing system for mobile customers
 Internet/mobile telecom
 Different business models under evaluation with different
impact on measuring and settlements
 Network Management
 Load management
 charge at times of overcapacity
 use vehicles as consumer storage
 provide voltage control for distribution grids
 Real time pricing to support demand response

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Smart Grid solutions
Demand response

 Gateways with bi-directional communication for consumer interaction

 Smart meters/AMI
 Internet/mobile telecom

 Customer service systems supporting demand response

 Network Management
 Extended interactive load management
 Real time pricing to support demand response
 Integration with smart house solutions
 Integration with industrial energy management solutions

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Smart Grid solutions
Reliability and efficiency
 Network Management
 Improved outage management based on meter data instead of trouble
calls for remote fault location, isolation, restoration and crew
 Increased stability and reduced losses by network control applications
incl. volt/VAR optimization and WAMS
 Optimal mix between local and regional production (Microgrids)
 Cyber security applications
 Utility Communications supporting decentralized, self-healing and efficient
grid operations with fast recovery from failures
 Secure integration of operational and cooperate communication
 Substation and Feeder Automation, to increase reliability and provide faster
switching and restoration, including support of islanding in case of emergency
(zone concept)
 Asset management for improved maintenance and asset utilization
 Underground power cables for increased reliability
 Energy storage, e.g. for peak, emergency and back up power
 FACTS and HVDC for increased stability and reduced losses.

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Smart Grid Solutions
Automation/IT configuration

enterprise computerized geographical

risk customer
resource maintenance information billing meter data
management information
planning management system systems management
system system (CIS)
(ERP) system (GIS)

customer service
power system network management providers

substation automation gateway

power plant

Generation Transmission Distribution Consumption

Enterprise integration bus Non-critical communication

Real time mission Real time operation systems
critical communication
Smart Grid
ABB portfolio

Production Smart Grid Consumption

 Network Manager for market operation system including real
time pricing and control centers including wide area monitoring,
outage management, power applications for wind/solar
integration, smart meters
power plants  Substation and feeder automation including IEC 61850
 Utility communication systems for power line carrier, optical
fibre and radio communication
 FACTS for increased grid stability and grid code compliance of
solar generation renewable production
 SVC Light® energy storage for stationary battery storage smart house
 HVDC Classic and HVDC Light® for efficient long distance
 Integration of
wind farms
 Wind and solar power production
 Electric vehicles including outlet boxes for charging, plug-in vehicles
demand response and communication
 Smart meters for demand response and improved outage
management, network planning, quality monitoring
 Industrial energy management systems for demand
generation  Smart house devices for demand response

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Smart Grid solutions with existing portfolio

Nord E.ON 1 – HVDC Light®

 400 MW HVDC Light® system, ±150 kV
 128 km sea cable, 75 km land cable
 Turnkey delivery including platform
 Only technology allowing connection of wind
farms with distances of more than 80 km to coast
 Full grid code compliance, even supporting
surrounding transmission grid with reactive

Karnataka, India – Network Manager

 One energy audit & energy billing integrated
solution using Network Manager
 Satellite & leased line communication for
complete Karnataka State covering more than
867 locations
 Integrated solution

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Smart Grids pilot projects
MEREGIO – Minimum Emission REGIOn

Addresses distribution customer segments

Status Aug. 2009
Network Manager
Concept is finished and was accepted by DLR
Develop and install a complete IT-system covering
(DLR: organization
automated reviewing
meter reading progress
(AMR), remote control MeRegio
of for
for German government)
decentralized generation (DG), communication
infrastructure, network control system and accounting
system in a distribution network area of EnBW in
For first version
Karlsruhe (Germany)of NM
 Specification how to store metering data finished
Optimize spinning
(SCADA, reserves
UDW, DE) with increased amount of
 Network Manager system is being set up now
Smart Grids contribution  Application for RTU developed
Reduce transmission losses
 Minimize CO2 emission in a  Pilot installation for test of distribution automation

specific distribution network solution

Demand response up at transformer
is set(regulatory Mannheim
demand) -inreal time price
(Wabenbau) – tests have started
area by simplifying
integration of dispersed Optimize electricity consumption
For second
– home version of NM
generation (DG), minimizing
 Specification of applications is work in progress
losses and optimizing
electricity consumption

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Smart Grids pilot projects
SVC Light® energy storage

Addresses transmission and distribution

Status Sep.
customer 2009
isEnergy, UK
manufactured, tested and to be
Martham project
11kV, 1Mvar,1 MW short time. Close to the Energy Storage,
Next step
two wind farms to get land
isconnected to permission for the site
11 kV distribution system.
Project duration: 2007-2009
Due date Dec. 2009
Smart Grids contribution
 Support grid with best mixture of active FACTS demonstrator of SVC Light® combined with extended
and reactive power dc capacitors or innovative batteries
 Higher security of supply
 Small-scale: industry, server/data
 Large-scale: black start
 Active damping of power oscilla-tions
using less converter rating
 Primary power (spinning reserve)
 Island operation
 Smooth out power fluctuation

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Possible urban prospect/pilot projects
Urban – solutions for efficient use of energy
System Integration Smart Primary Substations
Innovation Centre  Increased efficiency and reliability with higher automation level based on
ABB’s Substation Automation introducing IEC 61850-8-1
Simulation Analysis R&D

Energy Storage for Network Support and Wind power applications

 Increased stability and power quality, based on ABB’s SVC Light Energy
Harbor Control Solution
 Reduced CO2 emission based ABB High voltage shore connection

Demand Side Response

 Reduced peak load and increased energy efficiency by demand side
participation based on ABB’s Demand Response application including
PHEV’s infrastructure and home/building automation

10kV 10kV Distributed Intermittent Generation

 ABB’s EMS Wind Power applications for prognosis and control of wind farms
 Integration of production models for local generation PV and Wind in ABB
Home/Building Automation Solution

Integration and Use of PHEVs

 Integration of ABB’s Charging Infrastructure

Innovation Center
 Follow-up and analysis of project objectives
 Research, development, simulation and implementation of smart grid

System Integration for Smart Grid Applications

 Communication infrastructure
 Integration of system components and applications
 Electrical Engineering

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Rural grid prospect/pilot projects
Rural – solutions for efficient DER

Smart Primary Substations

 Based on ABB’s Substation Automation with Protection and
Control solution

Energy Storage for Network Support and Wind power

 Based on ABB’s SVC Light Energy Storage

Smart Rural Grids

 Based on ABB’s Zone Concept

LV Network Monitoring & Control

 Integration of ABB’s SCADA/DMS/OMS with AMR-system

Demand Side Participation

 ABB’s DMS incl. Demand Response application supporting
PHEV’s, House automation and Industrial EMS
 Integration of ABB’s House Automation solution

Distributed Intermittent Generation

 ABB’s EMS Wind Power applications for prognosis and control
of wind farms

System Integration for Smart Grid Applications

 ABB Utility Communication solutions
 Integration of system components and applications
 Electrical Engineering

Integration and Use of PHEVs

 Integration of ABB’s Charging Infrastructure

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 Smart Grids are prerequisite to fulfill political targets such as

environmental, efficient energy and secure supply.
 Implementation of Smart Grids is an evolution of the existing grids.
 ABB’s knowledge and technology in line with system and product needs for
Smart Grids.
 Many requirements, like increased efficiency and reliability can be
addressed by today’s products
 Outage management based on meter information instead of trouble calls
 FACTS and HVDC installations

 Some requirements, like full scale integration of renewables and electrical cars,
need new solutions based on pilot installations for test and demonstration:
 Electrical storage
 Demand response
 Charging infrastructure

 Industry standardization required.

 The Smart Grids challenges and technologies should attract many young
engineers to the power industry.
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