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Part 1

The Ebola outbreak in West Africa was first reported in March 2014, and rapidly
became the deadliest occurrence of the disease since its discovery in 1976.( The
wabah Ebola di Afrika Barat pertama kali dilaporkan pada Maret 2014 dan
dengan cepat menjadi terjadinya mematikan penyakit sejak penemuannya
pada tahun 1976.)

In fact, the epidemic killed five times more than all other known Ebola outbreaks
combined.( Bahkan, epidemi menewaskan lima kali lebih banyak daripada
semua wabah Ebola dikenal lainnya digabungkan)

More than 21 months on from the first confirmed case recorded on 23 March 2014,
11,315 people have been reported as having died from the disease in six countries;
Liberia, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, the US and Mali.( Lebih dari 21 bulan dari
kasus dikonfirmasi pertama yang tercatat pada tanggal 23 Maret 2014, 11.315
orang telah dilaporkan sebagai telah meninggal akibat penyakit ini di enam
negara; Liberia, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Amerika Serikat dan Mali.)

The total number of reported cases is about 28,637.( Jumlah kasus yang
dilaporkan adalah tentang 28.637.)

But on 13 January, 2016, the World Health Organisation declared the last of the
countries affected, Liberia, to be Ebola-free.( Tapi pada tanggal 13 Januari, 2016,
Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia menyatakan terakhir dari negara-negara yang
terkena dampak, Liberia, untuk Ebola bebas.)

The World Health Organization (WHO) admits the figures are underestimates,
given the difficulty collecting the data.( Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO)
mengakui angka yang meremehkan, mengingat kesulitan mengumpulkan

There needs to be 42 days without any new cases for a country to be declared
Ebola-free.( Perlu ada 42 hari tanpa kasus baru bagi suatu negara untuk
dinyatakan Ebola bebas.)

The outbreaks in Nigeria and Senegal were declared officially over by the WHO in
October 2014. Sierra Leone and Guinea both had much larger outbreaks and it took
a little longer. Sierra Leone was declared Ebola-free on 7 November 2015, Guinea
followed in December.( Wabah di Nigeria dan Senegal dinyatakan resmi alih oleh
WHO pada bulan Oktober 2014. Sierra Leone dan Guinea keduanya memiliki
wabah jauh lebih besar dan butuh waktu sedikit lebih lama. Sierra Leone
dinyatakan Ebola bebas pada tanggal 7 November 2015, Guinea diikuti pada
bulan Desember.)

Liberia has been the worst-hit, with more than 4,800 dead and 10,672 becoming
infected. The WHO said that at the peak of transmission, during August and
September 2014, Liberia was reporting between 300 and 400 new cases every
week(Liberia telah menjadi terburuk-hit, dengan lebih dari 4.800 orang tewas
dan 10.672 terinfeksi. WHO mengatakan bahwa di puncak transmisi, selama
bulan Agustus dan September 2014, Liberia itu melaporkan antara 300 dan 400
kasus baru setiap minggu.).

The epidemic seemed to abate and the outbreak in Liberia was declared over on 9
May 2015 - only to re-emerge seven weeks later when a 17-year-old man died from
the disease and more cases were reported. The same happened in September,
which is why the latest declaration of Liberia being Ebola-free, while welcome,
should be treated with caution, say correspondents.( Epidemi tampaknya mereda
dan wabah di Liberia dinyatakan lebih pada tanggal 9 Mei 2015 - hanya muncul
kembali tujuh minggu kemudian ketika seorang pria 17-tahun meninggal akibat
penyakit ini dan lebih banyak kasus yang dilaporkan. Hal yang sama terjadi
pada bulan September, yang mengapa deklarasi terbaru dari Liberia menjadi
Ebola bebas, sementara diterima, harus diperlakukan dengan hati-hati,
mengatakan wartawan.)

The WHO has warned that West Africa may see flare-ups of the virus.( WHO telah
memperingatkan bahwa Afrika Barat mungkin melihat suar-up dari virus.)

How the virus spread (bagaimana penyebaran virus)

Researchers from the New England Journal of Medicine traced the outbreak to a
two-year-old toddler, who died in December 2013 in Meliandou, a small village in
south-eastern Guinea.( Para peneliti dari New England Journal of Medicine
ditelusuri wabah untuk balita dua tahun, yang meninggal pada Desember 2013
di Meliandou, sebuah desa kecil di Guinea selatan-timur)

In March, hospital staff alerted Guinea's Ministry of Health and then medical charity
Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF). They reported a mysterious disease in the south-
eastern regions of Gueckedou, Macenta, Nzerekore, and Kissidougou.( Pada bulan
Maret, staf rumah sakit disiagakan Guinea Departemen Kesehatan dan
kemudian amal medis Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF). Mereka melaporkan
penyakit misterius di daerah tenggara Gueckedou, Macenta, Nzerekore, dan

It caused fever, diarrhoea and vomiting. It also had a high death rate. Of the first 86
cases, 59 people died.( ni menyebabkan demam, diare dan muntah. Hal ini juga
memiliki tingkat kematian yang tinggi. Dari pertama 86 kasus, 59 orang

The WHO later confirmed the disease as Ebola.( WHO kemudian dikonfirmasi
penyakit seperti Ebola.)
Part 2

The Vaccine Alliance, Gavi, has signed a $5m (3.5m) deal for an Ebola vaccine, to
protect against future outbreaks of the deadly disease.( Vaksin Alliance, Gavi, telah
menandatangani $ 5 juta ( 3.5m) kesepakatan untuk vaksin Ebola, untuk
melindungi terhadap wabah masa depan penyakit mematikan.)

The deal commits pharmaceutical company Merck to keeping 300,000 vaccines

ready for emergency use or further clinical trials.( Kesepakatan itu melakukan
perusahaan farmasi Merck untuk menjaga 300.000 vaksin siap untuk
penggunaan darurat atau uji klinis lebih lanjut.)

It will also submit an application to license the vaccine by the end of 2017, which
would the next step towards enabling Gavi to prepare a global stockpile.( Ini juga
akan mengajukan permohonan untuk lisensi vaksin pada akhir 2017, yang
akan langkah berikutnya menuju memungkinkan Gavi untuk mempersiapkan
persediaan global.)

More than 11,000 people have died in the latest outbreak in West Africa.( Lebih dari
11.000 orang tewas dalam wabah terbaru di Afrika Barat)

The sheer scale of the outbreak - the largest in history - led to an unprecedented
push on vaccines, which condensed a decade's work into less than a
year.( Besarnya skala wabah - yang terbesar dalam sejarah - menyebabkan
dorongan belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya pada vaksin, yang menyingkat
pekerjaan satu dekade ke kurang dari satu tahun.)

Merck has led trials of the VSV-EBOV vaccine - which combines a fragment of the
Ebola virus with another safer virus in order to train the immune system to beat
Ebola.( Merck telah memimpin uji coba vaksin VSV-EBOV - yang
menggabungkan fragmen dari virus Ebola virus lain yang lebih aman untuk
melatih sistem kekebalan tubuh untuk mengalahkan Ebola)

Early evidence from studies in West Africa suggest it may give 100% protection,
although more data is still being collected.( Bukti awal dari studi di Afrika Barat
menunjukkan hal itu mungkin memberikan perlindungan 100%, meskipun lebih
banyak data masih dikumpulkan.)

'Wake-up call'
Dr Seth Berkley, the chief executive of Gavi, said: "The suffering caused by the
Ebola crisis was a wake-up call to many in the global health community.( Dr Seth
Berkley, kepala eksekutif Gavi, mengatakan: "Penderitaan yang disebabkan
oleh krisis Ebola adalah panggilan bangun bagi banyak orang di komunitas
kesehatan global.)
"New threats require smart solutions, and our innovative financing agreement with
Merck will ensure that we are ahead of the curve for future Ebola outbreaks."

Gavi, an alliance of public bodies and companies committed to saving lives through
vaccination, announced the advanced-purchase commitment at the World Economic
Forum held at Davos in the Swiss Alps.( "Ancaman Baru membutuhkan solusi
cerdas, dan perjanjian pembiayaan inovatif dengan Merck akan memastikan
bahwa kita di depan kurva untuk wabah Ebola masa depan."

Gavi, sebuah aliansi badan-badan publik dan perusahaan berkomitmen untuk

menyelamatkan nyawa melalui vaksinasi, mengumumkan komitmen maju-
pembelian di Forum Ekonomi Dunia yang diselenggarakan di Davos di Swiss

The $5m paid to Merck will be offset against any vaccines Gavi orders once the shot
is licensed.( The $ 5 juta yang dibayarkan kepada Merck akan diperhitungkan
dengan vaksin setiap Gavi perintah setelah tembakan berlisensi.)

The World Health Organization declared West Africa Ebola-free last week, after all of
the affected countries had gone 42 days without a case.( Organisasi Kesehatan
Dunia menyatakan Afrika Barat Ebola bebas pekan lalu, setelah semua negara
yang terkena dampak sudah 42 hari tanpa kasus)

But then, just hours later, a death in Sierra Leone was confirmed to be from Ebola.

(Tapi kemudian, hanya beberapa jam setelah, kematian di Sierra Leone

dikonfirmasi berasal dari Ebola.)

The WHO has warned more flare-ups are expected.( WHO telah menerima lebih
flare-up diharapkan)

Dr Jeremy Farrar, the director of the Wellcome Trust medical research charity, said
VSV-EBOV had shown "remarkable results" and was one of the "few positive
outcomes" to emerge from the epidemic.( Dr Jeremy Farrar, direktur Wellcome
Trust penelitian medis amal, kata VSV-EBOV telah menunjukkan "hasil yang
luar biasa" dan merupakan salah satu dari "beberapa hasil positif" untuk
keluar dari epidemi.)

He said: "As we saw with the new confirmed case just last week, the Ebola epidemic
is likely to have a long tail and it's possible that several more isolated cases will
emerge in the coming weeks and months.( Dia mengatakan: "Seperti yang kita
lihat dengan kasus dikonfirmasi baru minggu lalu, epidemi Ebola cenderung
memiliki ekor panjang dan itu mungkin bahwa beberapa kasus lebih terisolasi
akan muncul dalam beberapa minggu mendatang dan bulan.)

"This vaccine, therefore, could still play an important role in containing any additional
flare-ups of this outbreak, as well as being available to help prevent future
(Vaksin ini, oleh karena itu, masih bisa memainkan peran penting dalam yang mengandung
tambahan suar-up dari wabah ini, serta menjadi tersedia untuk membantu mencegah epidemi di
masa depan.")

Part 3

The UK government should have paid more attention to warnings about Ebola before
a formal emergency was declared, a group of MPs has said in a report.( Pemerintah
Inggris harus membayar lebih memperhatikan peringatan tentang Ebola
sebelum darurat resmi dinyatakan, sekelompok anggota parlemen telah
mengatakan dalam sebuah laporan.)

A Commons committee said the government had been "too reliant" on the World
Health Organisation (WHO) system, which declared an emergency in August
2014.( Sebuah komite Commons mengatakan pemerintah telah "terlalu
bergantung" pada Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) sistem, yang
menyatakan keadaan darurat di Agustus 2014.)

Instead it should have listened to other groups that were warning about Ebola
months earlier, the report said.( Sebaliknya ia harus mendengarkan kelompok
lain yang memperingatkan tentang Ebola bulan sebelumnya, kata laporan itu.)

But the government said its "swift and effective action" saved thousands.

The WHO has since set out plans to reform after health experts said its response to
the outbreak was too slow.( Namun pemerintah mengatakan yang "cepat dan
efektif tindakan" menyelamatkan ribuan.

WHO sejak ditetapkan rencana untuk mereformasi setelah ahli kesehatan

mengatakan tanggapannya terhadap wabah itu terlalu lambat.)

The Ebola outbreak in West Africa was first reported in March 2014.( The wabah
Ebola di Afrika Barat ini pertama kali dilaporkan Maret 2014.)

Some 11,315 people are reported to have died from the disease in six countries:
Liberia, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, the US and Mali.( Beberapa 11.315 orang
dilaporkan telah meninggal akibat penyakit ini di enam negara: Liberia, Guinea,
Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Amerika Serikat dan Mali.)

'Pick up on warnings'
The Commons' international development committee said groups like Medecins
Sans Frontieres had raised the alarm about Ebola months before the WHO did.

The committee said the Department for International Development (DfID) "must
ensure it has the ability to listen and react to information and warnings from a range
of sources".
Instead it was "still relying too much on improvements on the international system
without improving its own ability to independently assess international public health
risks", the MPs concluded.

Committee chairman Stephen Twigg said: "The international community relied on

WHO to sound the alarm for an international emergency on the scale of Ebola. The
organisation's failure to respond quickly enough is now well documented.

"DfID operated effectively once the international response began in earnest.

"However, the department should have been able to pick up on warnings from
sources beyond the established international system."

'Reform a priority'
The committee also said it should be made easier for small sums of aid funding to be
allocated after hearing from a doctor who was refused 7,500 in the early stages of
the outbreak.

An inability to deal with small sums "may have hampered" the response, the report
said, cautioning that "playing catch-up" usually proved more expensive.

Mr Twigg added: "It is vital that these lessons are learned as every delay counts. We
urge DfID to lead efforts and make this reform a priority."

A DfID spokeswoman said the UK was "at the forefront of tackling this
unprecedented epidemic" and this was "months before the first cases of Ebola were
confirmed in Sierra Leone.

"We simultaneously pushed the international system to respond more quickly," she

"From rapidly deploying NHS medics and military personnel to building treatment
centres, our swift and effective action helped save thousands of lives and contain the
spread of the disease.

"Our flexible response is now ensuring Sierra Leone can isolate and treat new cases
of Ebola before they spread."

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