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Miss Hibbitts Class News

December 2017
Save the date!

December 6th Permission Slips

Announcement from the slip is required for students to
for Holiday Party participate at the holiday par-
teacher to the parents!
ty! Please write on the permis-
I hope all is well with my stu-
sion slip if your
dents families! I
December 22nd Holiday Party child has a food
am very excited
allergy, and if you
for this upcom-
as a parent would
ing last month
Dec 25th-Jan 8th Holiday Break like to volunteer!
of 2017! This
A list of materials
month we have a very exciting
is also going out with each stu-
holiday party planned for our
dent, if you cannot provide
students! Students will receive
what is on the list please let
a permission slip to be signed
me know, well take care of it!
and returned! The permission
Golden Doodle of the month!

Sarah Crumb!
Upcoming Curriculum
Excellent Kindness!
This month your students will be learn-
ing, Math: Fractions
Students will be learning Language Arts: contractions
how to add and subtract
History: holiday traditions all over the
fractions using M&Ms. In
language arts, students
will learn how to combine
words to create contrac-
tions using handmade
word flash cards! Stu- words to you! In social
dents will be able add studies we will be looking
words with their partner at holiday traditions all
to see if they create an around the world! We will
understandable word! look at what each tradi-
Hopefully your student tion wears, how the tradi-
will come home and ex- tion came to be, and the
plain their new found days each tradition cele-

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