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TLED 430 Module 3 Collaborative

Web 2.0 Tools to Support Collaborative learning

Read the directions in Blackboard on how to complete this sheet.

Name of the tool Stoodle Online White Board

Where to access
this tool (web
Brief instructions 1. Go to
of how to use the 2. Click on the green button that says, Launch a classroom!
tool 3. Type in your name
4. Some of your classmates may have already started a white board, if
they have you will just use the link they sent you, but if not create one.
5. After you have created it, you must share the link with your
6. This was mine:
7. They will click on the link and be placed in the same white board.
8. Students can also use the chat option to communicate with one
another inside the white board.
9. The teacher can also use this tool in the classroom especially if
students are hesitant to speak out loud, they can type their questions or
comments and get them answered.

Ideas for how the -With SOL 3.1 in mathematics, the student will read and write six-digit
tool can be used numerals and identify the place value and value of each digit. They will
in PK-12 round whole numbers, 9,999 or less, to the nearest ten, hundred, and
thousand; and compare two whole numbers between 0 and 9,999, using
symbols (>, <, or =) and words (greater than, less than, or equal to).
The students can work together on writing out six digit numerals and
create a number line. As they write the number line, they will be using
six digit numerals and putting them in order from least to greatest or
vice versa.
-With SOL 4.7 in science, the student will investigate and understand the
organization of the solar system. Key concepts include: the planets in the
solar system, the order of the planets in the solar system, and the
relative size of the planets. The students can work together in naming
each of the planets in the solar system, then stating their size, and
finally they can place them in the correct order based on the solar
Positives and -Positives: *No sign up is necessary all you have to do is share the link
challenges of and its free. *There is a chat option so that the students can
using the tool communicate with the teacher and with one another when they have
questions or want to give feedback. *Each student can use a different
pen color so that they will know who is who. *You can also upload
pictures and different medias into the white board.
-Challenges: *There is no save option, but you can email or upload the
white board to Facebook or Twitter. *You can erase anyones work who
has written on the board. This could cause students to become
discouraged because if someone else erases their work, they may feel
theyre input isnt important. *If too many students create a white
board, they will each have a different link and that could cause confusion
among the student.
TLED 430 Module 3 Collaborative

Name of the tool Google Docs

Where to access
this tool (web
Brief instructions -Go to
of how to use the - In the middle of the screen, it will say in a blue box Go to Google
tool Docs, click that and it will take you to a new page
-You will sign in using a username and password that the teacher will
provide you
-Next on the left top under the Start a new document, you can click
Blank and then you may begin adding anyone to the document or by
beginning your assignment however you want!
Ideas for how the *With 3.11 in English, the student will write a short report. a) Construct
tool can be used questions about the topic. b) Identify appropriate resources. c) Collect
in PK-12 and organize information about the topic into a short report. d)
Understand the difference between plagiarism and using own words. The
students can access Google Docs to collaborate ideas on a topic at the
same time. They can work together to collect certain information that
they find important that they want to share with their group. * With 3.9
in English also, the student will write for a variety of purposes. a) Identify
the intended audience. b) Use a variety of prewriting strategies. c) Write
a clear topic sentence focusing on the main idea. d) Write a paragraph
on the same topic. e) Use strategies for organization of information and
elaboration according to the type of writing. f) Include details that
elaborate the main idea. g) Revise writing for clarity of content using
specific vocabulary and information. The students can write in the
Google Docs and anyone can revise it at any time if there is anything
that needs to be fixed. Anyone can also further explain someones point
on the Google Doc if they feel that they left something out or did not
explain something that well. Using this tool is a good way to organize
with your group what is going where in your writing. This way, the
teacher can also edit the students works through Google Doc to keep
them on the right track before they hand it in.
Positives and Positives- A teacher or student can access it at any time. Teachers can
challenges of check whenever they want to see if their students are being productive,
using the tool working, and making sure that they are on the right track. It is easy to
collaborate with other students so instead of meeting up in person when
some students have different schedules and cannot figure out the same
time to meet, they can all meet online whenever they have the time and
write their own information in the document.
Negatives- Since everyone has access to it, work can be deleted or
changed by other students using it. This is not good because if people
have different opinions on their topic, someone will try to erase someone
elses work because they think they are correct. This is not working
together and sharing ideas equally and accepted everyones ideas and

Name of the tool Twiddla

Where to access
this tool (web
Brief instructions The tool is self-explanatory, they have options for both teachers and
of how to use the students.
tool 1)you go onto the website and if you have an account you can log in,
TLED 430 Module 3 Collaborative
and if you do not have an account you can either click a button that says
GO and go straight to using the whiteboard in a group setting or start a
public meeting
2)If you are in a meeting you should send the link to everyone that is in
your group for you guys to collaborate
3)For the whiteboard portion, they have several different tools at the top
for you and your students/classmates to try out.
Ideas for how the For standard K.11in Mathematics a) identify, describe, and trace plane
tool can be used geometric figures (circle, triangle, square, and rectangle); and b)
in PK-12 compare the size (larger, smaller) and shape of plane geometric figures
(circle, triangle, square, and rectangle). I feel that the students can use
the whiteboard for an activity that involves the teacher drawing the
shapes and asking students to identify or the teacher my as their
students to draw out the shapes that they know and identify which is
which with their peers. Because of the many different colors and tools at
the top I feel like will be helpful for the students. For standard K.13, The
student will gather data by counting and tallying. I think the teacher can
allow for a student to tally up how many people are in the class and
when they are counting they can put the tallies up on the whiteboard or
allowing for students to count how many tallies the teacher has drawn
Positives and The positive parts of using this tool I believe is the interaction, and how
challenges of involved both the teacher and students can be. having students this age
using the tool can use the whiteboard that features many tools at the top to see and
get better visuals on how to understand the context. Also, being allowed
to explore and see examples can give the students a better
understanding. It is a great collaborative tool because students get to
interact with both the teacher and their peers when it comes to solving
problems and learning new information just by group texting, exploring
the webpage, viewing images, etc.//// The challenges of the tool I feel
are the disorganizing of how to gain access to the webpage, and how the
30-day trial automatically ends when you sign up but if you do want
membership you must pay. The Ether pad does not save the notes you
take is also a flaw, and that when you have a guest membership you
may not save your written information

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