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4, JULY 1999 437

Application of Wiener Model Predictive Control

(WMPC) to a pH Neutralization Experiment
Sandra J. Norquay, Ahmet Palazoglu, and Jose Alberto Romagnoli

Abstract pH control is recognized as an industrially impor- encountered in industrial processes such as distillation, pH
tant, yet notoriously difficult control problem. Wiener models, neutralization and heat exchange. Alduwaish et al. [1] showed
consisting of a linear dynamic element followed in series by that multilayer feedforward neural networks can be used in
a static nonlinear element, are considered to be ideal for rep-
resenting this and several other nonlinear processes. Wiener the identification and control of Wiener models. In the case
models require little more effort in development than a standard of pH neutralization, as is considered here, the suitability
linear step-response model, yet offer superior characterization of the Wiener model for representing the process has been
of systems with highly nonlinear gains. These models may be recognized by several researchers. Pajunen [15] investigated
incorporated into model predictive control (MPC) schemes in several different techniques for fitting a Wiener model to the
a unique way which effectively removes the nonlinearity from
the control problem, preserving many of the favorable properties pH process. Kalafatis et al. [12] noted that a pH process
of linear MPC. In this paper, Wiener model predictive control can be accurately modeled by a Wiener model if the process
(WMPC) is evaluated experimentally, and also compared with stream is significantly larger than the titrating flowrate yet
benchmark proportional integral derivative (PID) and linear also recognized that good results may be obtained even when
MPC strategies, considering the effects of output constraints and the titrating flowrate is a significant fraction of the process
modeling error.
For the control of pH, many researchers suggested a variety
I. INTRODUCTION of control strategies and algorithms. Gupta and Coughanowr
[10] developed a controller based on a first-order linear model,
M ODEL predictive control (MPC) allows us to use the
detailed knowledge of a process, in the form of a
dynamic model, as an aid to controlling that process within
but which adapted the parameters such that the a constant
closed-loop gain was maintained, while Shinskey [17] com-
the required constraints [9]. Typically, linear models are used pensated for the nonlinear process gain using a piecewise
for this, despite the fact that essentially all industrial processes linear gain. Wright and Kravaris [18] developed an adaptive
exhibit some degree of nonlinear behavior. This is due to the controller which dealt with the nonlinearity of the titration
significant increase in complexity of the predictive control curve by means of strong acid equivalents. More recently,
problem resulting from the use of a nonlinear model [2]. Proll and Karim [16] demonstrated the use of nonlinear
Linear MPC employs models which are linearized about ARX models for real-time model-predictive control of pH
the operating point as an aid to predicting the response of the neutralization. Fruzzetti et al. [7] presented an MPC of pH
controlled process. This strategy proves to be quite successful neutralization using Hammerstein models, thus motivating this
even in controlling mildly nonlinear processes. The higher study.
the degree of nonlinearity, however, the greater the level of The work presented here includes the development of a
mismatch between actual process and the representative model, Wiener model, consisting of a cubic spline to represent the
hence resulting in a deterioration of controller performance. nonlinearity and a step-response model describing the dynam-
For extending linear MPC to the control of nonlinear ics, with the subsequent incorporation of this model into a
processes, a model is required that can represent the salient MPC scheme. Experimental results dealing with both uncon-
nonlinearities but possibly without the complications associ- strained and constrained control as well as the performance
ated with general nonlinear models. It is in fulfilling this need in the face of significant model mismatch are presented. This
that Wiener models are particularly useful. Wiener models paper significantly extends the work previously presented on
consist of a linear dynamic element followed in series by a the unconstrained control of pH neutralization [13] using
static nonlinear element [3], which translates to a process with WMPC by considering constrained control, the issue of model
linear dynamics but a nonlinear gain. This is a structure that mismatch and the advantages of filtering the feedback signal.
can adequately represent many of the nonlinearities commonly
Manuscript received April 3, 1997. Recommended by Associate Editor, T. In its most general form, a Wiener model consists of a
S. J. Norquay is with Orica Ltd., Matraville, NSW 2036, Australia. linear dynamic element followed in series by a static nonlinear
A. Palazoglu is with the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials element as shown in Fig. 1. Provided it is memoryless, the
Science, University of California, Davis, CA 95616 USA. nonlinear element can be chosen from a virtually unlimited
J. A. Romagnoli is with the Department of Chemical Engineering, The
University of Sydney, Sydney NSW 2006, Australia. number of structures, ranging from simple algebraic functions
Publisher Item Identifier S 1063-6536(99)05855-8. to complex neural networks. An important factor governing
10636536/99$10.00 1999 IEEE

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Fig. 1. General Wiener model.

the choice of nonlinearity, however, is that when the model

is to be used for control purposes, the function must have Fig. 2. Block diagram for linear MPC.
an inverse. Typically, a polynomial is chosen here because it
is simple and satisfies the condition for control by means of
its roots. Again in the choice of linear elements, a range of
possibilities are available, but a simple Auto-Regressive with
eXogeneous inputs (ARX) model is often selected.
Although the Wiener model described by an ARX model
followed by a polynomial transformation is possibly the sim-
plest form of Wiener model to implement, it does suffer from
definite limitations. Often the dynamics of the true process
model possess an order which is too high to be useful for
control system design. In this case, a step-response model
is an attractive alternative as it has the advantage that no
assumptions are required regarding the number of poles and
zeros present in the system. Use of a simple polynomial for
the static nonlinearity can also be very limiting, particularly Fig. 3. Block diagram for Wiener MPC.
in the case of processes with highly nonlinear gains. A high-
order polynomial can be impractical to work with in a control Billings and Voon [4] and Billings and Fakhouri [3] detail a
framework due to the large number of resulting roots from set of model validity tests based on covariance calculations
which the solution must be selected. It is often preferable which have been used extensively in the present work as well
to use a piecewise polynomial approximation such as cubic [13]. In the interest of brevity, the reader is directed to the
splines. This not only leads to a superior fit of nonlinearity, cited papers for a detailed explanation and derivation.
but eliminates the error due to the selection of a spurious root.
In the case of the pH neutralization process examined III. WMPC FORMULATION
later, the cubic-spline/step-response model form of the Wiener The block diagram for the general linear unconstrained MPC
model was preferred as it was difficult to obtain a set of formulation is as shown in Fig. 2, where represents the
inputoutput data which gave an adequate representation of actual process, and and represent the controller and
the system. In order to fit the ARX/polynomial model, a process model blocks, respectively. The model and process
random input sequence which varies in both its amplitude and outputs are represented by and and and denote
frequency is required, however, when this was applied to the the setpoint and the disturbance signals, respectively. Wiener
system in question, the tank pH tended to remain at each end models have the advantage that they have a static nonlinearity
of the pH range. This resulted in little information and hence a which can be effectively removed from the control problem.
poorly fitting model around the region which is most important Obviously, this nonlinearity cannot be ignored, but, structuring
for the control: pH levels between around pH 6 and pH 8. the control problem as shown in Fig. 3, greatly simplifies not
Once the structure, size and sampling interval of the model only the optimization, but also the stability analysis [14].
have been chosen, the next step is parameter estimation. For As can be seen from Fig. 3, the nonlinearity is treated
a Wiener model, this may be done in a two-stage procedure as a simple static mapping, the inverse being performed on
where the nonlinear model is fitted first to steady-state data the model and process outputs, and , respectively, to
followed by estimation of the linear model coefficients or as produce a linear control problem between the input and the
a single stage process where both the linear and nonlinear co- intermediate variable It should be noted since the model
efficients are fitted simultaneously using prediction-error tech- actually consists of two blocks, the linear element followed by
niques. The former method tends to be superior as the latter the static nonlinearity, the latter of these will actually cancel
requires a large number of parameters to be fitted at once which with the inverse nonlinearity performed on its output, leaving
may affect the performance of the identification strategy. only the linear element of the model in this path.
The final step in parameter estimation is the validation of the For MPC applications, one seeks to minimize a performance
resulting model, to detect whether there are unmodeled terms function, which is basically a sum of the squared error between
in the residuals which will cause bias in the model output. the desired output and the predicted output over a number of

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time intervals, called the prediction horizon. A performance Using the equations above, we may now represent the vector
function consisting of only a least-squares error, however, can of (1) by
result in excessively large changes in the input variable so this
is rectified by the addition of a term which penalizes large (7)
changes in input. A penalty on the absolute value can also be
added which results in a performance function of
where .. ..
. .

and is a column vector of length , where the th element

is given by
Here, is the error between the desired and predicted outputs
intervals into the future, and is the change in input
intervals into the future is the change input at the present (8)
time). Vector is of length and vectors and are both
of length where is termed the prediction horizon and where
the control horizon, respectively. Although it is possible
to set quality of control is generally improved when (9)
For the case of , it is assumed that is zero
between and and are diagonal matrices
of weighting factors which are also design parameters.
In order to find the set of input changes which minimize the
performance function, (1) must be expressed in terms of these (10)
input changes. First, it is assumed that the linear element of the
Wiener model may be represented by a step-response model It is now possible to express the performance function, (1), in
the standard quadratic programming form
(2) (11)
where are the step-response coefficients of the model which
may vary from the true step-response coefficients , and which has the optimal solution of
is termed the model horizon. Equation (2) can also be written
in the recursive form [11] (12)

where are the impulse-response coefficients and are related (14)
to the step-response coefficients as and
It is also assumed that and for with
When the step-response and impulse-response models are
used to predict the output, a correction is also added to ..
account for unmeasured disturbances and model mismatch. To .. .. ..
. . .
determine this term, we calculate the present model output
value from past inputs then compare it with the actual process
output, thus defining For the case of constrained control, the optimization prob-
(4) lem is expressed as a standard quadratic programming prob-
lem, as in the unconstrained case
and assume that this value remains constant over the entire pre-
diction horizon. Now, the first-order filter output is represented (15)
but now subject to
Here, the corrected predicted value of the intermediate variable
is given by where

(6) (17)

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Fig. 4. Experimental pH control setup.

Fig. 5. Titration curve for the pH neutralization system.

This leads to an optimum solution [6] of

(18) implemented to maintain the required flowrates of the acid

and base streams in a cascade manner. The master loop had a
sampling time of 10 s to accommodate the slave loop response.
where and correspond to the constraints which are active The acid solution used was 1 mM HCl and the base
at the optimum and is the vector of Lagrange multipliers solution was 2 mM NaOH. A buffer of potassium phosphate
corresponding to these constraints. If we define monobasic/sodium hydroxide (pH 7) was also added to both
solutions to a concentration 0.2 mM. Additional buffering was
and also caused by the presence of dissolved CO (pKa 6.35
and pKa 10.33) and another unknown buffer (pKa 9.8).
then, we have a solution in the same form as that of the The titration curve for the system is shown in Fig. 5.
unconstrained case A deterministic model of this system was constructed with
the primary assumptions of perfect mixing, constant density,
(19) complete dissociation of the acid and base, and that valve and
pH probe dynamics have negligible time constants compared
IV. pH NEUTRALIZATION PROCESS to the process. The reaction model is based on that given
Control of pH is a particularly challenging problem due by Hall and Seborg [11]. The chemical reactions for the
to the inherent nonlinearity in the titration curve. The slope neutralization are
of this curve corresponds to the gain in control loop and
can vary several orders of magnitude across only a relatively
small range of pH. Since pH is simply a static transformation H CO HCO H
performed at the process output HCO CO H
HBu Bu H
pH (20)
HBu Bu H
where is the hydrogen ion concentration, a Wiener model
appears to be a natural choice to represent the system. The where the buffer reactions are defined as simply the final two
experimental system, located at the University of California, equations for convenience. Note that the second and third
Davis, is illustrated in Fig. 4 and was used to test the perfor- reactions describe the buffering effect caused by the dissolved
mance of MPC using both linear and Wiener models as well as CO The following four reaction invariants are now defined:
proportional integral derivative (PID) control as a benchmark
test. H OH HCO CO
Acid and base solutions were supplied to a (21)
continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) where the liquid level H CO HCO CO
was maintained constant by means of an overflow tube, thus
maintaining a volume of 2 l. A pH probe with very fast
dynamics was submerged in the CSTR and measurements from HBu Bu (23)
this, as well as the flowrates were sent to a PC where all control HBu Bu (24)
calculations are performed. The primary loop of interest in
this study manipulated the base flowrate in order to control It is assumed that the above reactions occur at rapid rate,
the pH. In addition to this control loop, slave controllers were and therefore, the system is at equilibrium described by the

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following equations:

Bu H
Bu H
H OH (28)

The invariant and equilibrium equations can be combined to

give the following expression:
Fig. 6. Comparison of the outputs of the Wiener model (solid line), linear
model (dashed line) and deterministic model (dotted line) for a base flowrate
H H input sequence with uniform random frequency and amplitude.
H H model and a linear model is illustrated in Fig. 6. From this
comparison, it can be seen that the Wiener model provides an
H H excellent representation of the data whereas the linear model
follows the dynamics of the process well but provides a poor
H H estimate of the gain. The model validation tests for the Wiener
model and linear model were also performed, although the
which can be solved for the hydrogen ion concentration if results are not included here for brevity. We have observed that
and are known. both the Wiener model and linear model accurately represent
The dynamic behavior of the process is described by the the dynamics of the system. This is not unexpected since a
following differential equation: Wiener model was chosen to be used because the dynamics
of the process were almost linear and the nonlinearity was
(30) contained within the gain.
Both the linear and Wiener model were incorporated into
where MPC schemes and tuned using the simulation. No filtering
A titration curve can be constructed from the equilibrium was used in either controller. A PID controller was also tuned
equations and is fitted to the experimental curve by adjusting using CohenCoon tuning rules, however, the gain had to be
the values of the concentration of HCl in the acid solution, the decreased significantly as the standard tuning tended to be
concentration of NaOH in the base solution, the concentration very oscillatory and even unstable due to the wide range of
of CO and both buffers in the water. The simulation was process gains encountered. First, the gain was decreased using
then carried out, using these fitted values to provide data for recognized detuning rules [11], but this proved inadequate so it
creating linear and Wiener models to be used in MPC. In this was reduced further. The tuning parameters for each controller
way, a range of data can be produced more simply and in less were as follows:
time than if the actual experiment was run in order to collect
data in such a range. Wiener MPC
Two small perturbations, one positive and one negative,
were implemented in the base flowrate to produce step re- Linear MPC
sponse curves about the chosen operating point, pH 7. For
the linear dynamic model, these curves were simply divided PID l/min/pH s
by the size of their corresponding input then an average was s
taken at each sampling point to produce the step response
coefficients. Constructing a Wiener model involved an extra
These controllers were then implemented on the experimental
step to fit the nonlinear element. Cubic splines were fitted to
produce a relation between the base flowrate and the resulting
steady-state pH. All points on all of the step response curves
were transformed using the inverse of these cubic splines so
that ideally, these intermediate variable values should vary V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
linearly with input. The intermediate variable values were then The experimental results from the implementation of the
divided by the size of the input and averaged as in the linear controllers are presented here for a range of different condi-
case. The comparison of the predicted output using a Wiener tions and control strategies.

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! !
Fig. 7. Plots (a), (c), and (e) show the system response to a step change in
! !
Fig. 9. (a), (c), and (e) show the unconstrained system response to a
the setpoint from pH7.0 pH8.5 pH7.0 for Wiener MPC, linear MPC and step change in the acid stream flowrate from 1.0 0.5 1.01/min for
PID, respectively. Plots (b), (d), and (f) show the corresponding manipulated Wiener MPC, linear MPC and PID, respectively. (b), (d), and (f) show the
variable moves in l/min. Time is in seconds. corresponding manipulated variable moves in l/min.

! !
Fig. 8. (a), (c), and (e) show the unconstrained system response to a step

change in the setpoint from pH7.0 pH5.5 pH7.0 for Wiener MPC, Fig. 10. (a) and (c) show the system response to a step change in the setpoint
linear MPC and PID, respectively. (b), (d), and (f) show the corresponding from pH7.0 pH8.5 for Wiener MPC and linear MPC, respectively, when
manipulated variable moves in l/min. a hard output constraint of pH8.6 is imposed on the first predicted output. (b)
and (d) show the corresponding manipulated variable moves in l/min.

Unconstrained Control
Figs. 79, show the results produced for setpoint changes output and placed on the second sampled predicted output
and unmeasured disturbances in the unconstrained case. It instead, and the results are shown in Fig. 11. These results
can be seen from these results that the WMPC algorithm demonstrate that placement of the constraint on the second
offers marked improvement over the linear MPC and PID by sampled predicted output is clearly a more effective method
reducing the offset and the oscillatory behavior. of constraint handling for this system as the WMPC does
constrain the system within the pH 8.6 bound and the
linear MPC allows only a small violation. This violation of the
Constrained Control
constraint by the linear MPC is probably a direct consequence
To investigate the effect of hard constraints on the system, of the linear model not being as accurate in this region as the
the setpoint was once again changed from pH 7 to pH Wiener model.
8.5, but this time with a hard constraint of pH 8.6 on the first The effects of constraining the control in an attempt to
sampled predicted output. The results of this implementation decrease the effects of a disturbance were also considered and
are shown in Fig. 10, where it can be seen that both the no significant change was observed in the performance of the
Wiener and linear MPC failed to constrain the process within WMPC algorithm.
the pH 8.6 bound. One can argue that this is due to the
controller allowing a manipulation of the base flowrate which
did not violate the constraint after one time interval, but set the Unconstrained Control with Model Mismatch
process on a trajectory which made violation of this constraint A difficulty often experienced when attempting to control
unavoidable by the second time interval. In response to this, pH is variation in the composition of the process stream
the constraint was removed from the first sampled predicted being neutralized. Different levels of buffering about different

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! !
Fig. 13. (a), (c), and (e) show the unconstrained system response to a step
Fig. 11. (a) and (c) show the system response to a step change in the setpoint
from pH7.0 pH8.5 for Wiener MPC and linear MPC, respectively, when change in the setpoint from pH7.0 pH8.5 pH7.0 for Wiener MPC, linear
a hard output constraint of pH8.6 is imposed on the second predicted output. MPC and PID, respectively, when there is no pH7 buffer added to the acid
(b) and (d) show the corresponding manipulated variable moves in l/min. stream. (b), (d), and (f) show the corresponding manipulated variable moves
in l/min.

! !
Fig. 12. Titration curve for the pH neutralization system without pH7 buffer Fig. 14. (a), (c), and (e) show the unconstrained system response to a step
in the acid stream (solid line) and with pH7 buffer in the acid stream (dotted change in the acid stream flowrate from 1.0 0.5 1.0 l/min for Wienr
line). MPC, linear MPC and PID, respectively, when there is no pH7 buffer added to
the acid stream. (b), (d), and (f) show the corresponding manipulated variable
moves in l/min.
pH levels can play havoc with even the most accurately
designed predictive control system. It was therefore considered results for the unconstrained case are shown in Figs. 13 and 14.
important to include the effects of such a mismatch. For These results show that while there is definitely a deterioration
truly severe changes in composition where the titration curve in the performance of each of the controllers, all three remain
is drastically changed, no nonadaptive, empirically based stable and are able to maintain the required setpoint. Despite
controller will perform well, but that is not the situation the increase in oscillation within the closed loop, the WMPC
considered here. Here, we consider mismatch but not the type still performs better compared to both the linear MPC and the
of radical buffering mismatch which results in a system bearing PID control.
little resemblance to the original. In this case, the mismatch is
a reduction of buffering about the operating point. This is often
a difficult disturbance for a controller to deal with as it may Constrained Control with Model Mismatch
cause significant increase in the process gain, a modeling error While the performance of the controllers was shown to be
which can result in instability or at least impractical levels good for the unconstrained case, we wished to examine the
of oscillation in many a controller. To investigate this, no effect that this modeling error had on the constraint handling
potassium phosphate monobasic/sodium hydroxide buffering of the model predictive controllers. The same setpoint change
was used in the acid solution, resulting in the titration curve was performed as for the fully buffered case, with a constraint
shown in Fig. 12. The increase in gain about the operating on the second sampled predicted output. The results are shown
point is clearly visible from this graph. in Fig. 15, where it is observed that the mismatch does have a
First, the same setpoint and acid flowrate changes were significant effect on the ability of the controllers to work within
performed previously for the fully buffered system and the the constraints. The system violates the constraint when under

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! !
Fig. 16. (a), (c), and (e) show the unconstrained system response to a step
Fig. 15. (a) and (c) show the system response to a step change in the setpoint
change in the setpoint from pH7.0 pH8.5 pH7.0 for Wiener MPC with
from pH7.0 pH8.5 for Wiener MPC and linear MPC, respectively, when
there is no pH7 buffer added to the acid stream and a hard output constraint
= 0:5; = 0:6; and = 0:8; respectively, when there is no pH7 buffer
added to the acid stream. (b), (d), and (f) show the corresponding manipulated
of pH8.6 is imposed on the second predicted output. (b) and (d) show the
variable moves in l/min.
corresponding manipulated variable moves in l/min.

either WMPC or linear MPC, though the overshoot is smaller

than for the unconstrained case.

Filtering Added to Unconstrained Control

with Model Mismatch
It was at this point that the effects of a filter were in-
vestigated. While the filter plays no role in improving the
Fig. 17. (a) shows the system response to a step change in the setpoint from
performance or stability of the system when there is no pH7.0 pH8.5 for Wiener MPC with = 0:6 when there is no pH7 buffer
added to the acid stream and a hard output constraint of pH8.6 is imposed
mismatch or unmodeled disturbances, it may be used to on the second predicted output. (b) shows the corresponding manipulated
improve the robustness of a controller. Using unconstrained variable moves in l/min.
WMPC, step changes in the setpoint were performed with three
different values of filter constant, 0.5, 0.6, and 0.8. As can be
is its ability to handle constraints so the performance of each of
seen from Fig. 16, the filter constant of 0.5 produces little
the MPC schemes operating under output constraints was also
improvement in the closed-loop performance, as it remains
examined. Modeling error, an issue which any implementable
quite oscillatory. An increase to 0.6, however, has significant
controller must deal with, and its effect on the controller
results. Much of the oscillation about pH 7 is removed and
performance was investigated by reducing the amount of
the overall performance is improved. A further increase to 0.8
buffering in the system. In each of these areas, the WMPC
removes even more of the oscillations present in the unfiltered
was found to perform at least as well and often significantly
case, yet causes deterioration in the performance as the process
better than either of its linear counterparts, yet required little
response tends to be sluggish.
extra effort than linear MPC in the model development stage,
and in control implementation. The effect of adding a filter
Filtering Added to Constrained Control with Model Mismatch
to improve the robustness was also examined for the case
In light of the improvement in the overall performance of Wiener MPC. It was found that through correct choice of
resulting from the introduction of filtering, constraints were filter constant, oscillations in the system resulting from the
added to the second predicted output, to determine if there destabilizing effect of the modeling error could be decreased
was any improvement in the constraint handling compared significantly without loss of performance. It was also found
with that in Fig. 15. The response resulting from a setpoint that the filtering enabled the controller to maintain the system
change using a constrained Wiener model predictive controller within hard output constraints.
is shown in Fig. 17, where it can be observed that the process
no longer violates the constraint at pH 8.6. REFERENCES
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[14] S. J. Norquay, A. Palazoglu, and J. A. Romagnoli, Nonlinear model received the Bachelor degree and the Ph.D. degree in chemical engineering
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dissertation, University of Sydney, Australia, 1997. of Minnesota, Mineapolis, in 1980, respectively.
[15] G. A. Pajunen, Identification of a pH process represented by a nonlinear Since 1980, he has been a Researcher for the CONICET (National Council
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1983. Control in the Department of Chemical Engineering, Universidad del Sur.
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NARX approach, AIChE J., vol. 40, pp. 269282, 1994. at University of Minnesota while on sabatical leave from the Universidad del
[17] F. G. Shinskey, Adaptive pH controller monitors nonlinear process, Sur. He was also a Visiting Associate Professor at University of California
Control Eng., Feb. Issue, pp. 5759, 1974. at Davis during the academic year 1988 to 1989. He holds now the Joint
[18] R. A. Wright and C. Kravaris, C., On-line identification and nonlinear Orica-University of Sydney Chair of Process Systems Engineering at Sydney
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CA, 1993, pp. 11671171. linear and nonlinear control.

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