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Español 1 y 2 Spanish 1 & 2-

Syllabus 2010-2011 Profesora Guevara

Booker T. Washington PCS

Welcome to Spanish class!

Spanish is a fun language that you can have fun while learning. In this class,
we will have many opportunities to improve our speaking, reading, writing and
listening skills in meaningful situations meaning we will be prepared to
communicate with native speakers, travel in a foreign country, etc. We will also be
learning about Latino/a culture including, but not limited to: food, music, art, etc.

People who are proficient in a second language are more likely to get into
college, more competitive in the job market, and less likely to lose their job
during a recession! In addition, we have a growing Spanish population in our
community, so Spanish opens up many opportunities to engage with the
community, including service opportunities!


By the end of class 100% of students will be able to…

1) Have a class average of (minimum) overall 80% mastery on the final exam.

WHY? Because 80% indicates mastery which means that you are on your way
to being proficient in Spanish – proficient means you can carry on a
conversation & communicate with native speakers – THAT’s what gets you
jobs, into college, money

2) Write a 100 word paragraph in Spanish (1) / 150 word paragraph in Spanish

3) Engage in a 1-2 minute conversation in Spanish (1)/ 3-5 minute conversation

in Spanish (2)

Ways to succeed/ Class expectations


PROMPT: Be on time (3 tardies = 1 absence and 10 absences per advisory = fail

for the class), follow entering the classroom procedures, begin the ¡Vamos!

PRESENT: This means more than just showing up to class. It means coming to class
on time every day and paying full attention. NO sleeping, cell phones, or music
devices (they will be taken and given to the Dean of Students ). OWN YOUR
EDUCATION: Participate and ask questions when you don’t understand.

PREPARED: Come to class on time with all necessary supplies. Bring notebook, pen
or pencil, textbook (as needed), and any materials notified by teacher.

POLITE: Use appropriate academic language: no put downs, teasing, or swear

words. We are here to take ownership of our own learning, as well as create an
environment where we help each other learn. Respect the classroom – throw away
trash, return any borrowed material, leave the room as you found it.

PRODUCTIVE: Follow all directions the first time they are given. Keep hands and
objects to yourself. You may only get out of your seat at the direction of the
teacher. Please do not get up in the middle of class to throw away trash. Do so
when you are walking in or as you exit the classroom.

Bathroom Policy:
You have 5 minutes in between class to use the bathroom. Bathroom breaks
should be used in the case of emergencies. You will be given 3 bathroom passes for
each advisory period. You are responsible for keeping your bathroom passes. The
teacher is not responsible for any lost/misplaced passes. At the end of each
advisory you may turn in your bathroom pass for extra credit.

If you need to use the restroom take out a pass and raise it in the air silently
and I will come to you to sign it. You will need to bring it back and I will sign it and
keep the pass. No bathroom passes will be given during the first 10 and last 10
minutes of class.

Class Materials/ Textbook:

All students need to have:

1. Three ring binder (1.5 inch) to bring to class every day (your cuaderno)

2. Dividers (set of 5)

3. Writing utensil (pencil or blue/black ink pen)

4. Loose leaf paper

5. Textbook: ¡Realidades!

***You will need to have all materials in class by Monday, August 30th 2010.
There will be weekly binder checks that will be incorporated into your class work

***If there is any reason that you cannot get any or all of these materials please
talk to me one-on-one.

Missing work:
If you miss class there will be a MISSING WORK binder that will have all class work
in it. You are responsible for making up any missed work.


This includes note taking, worksheets, and exit tickets. We will be creating a
Spanish cuaderno (notebook) in class with a 3 ring binder and our own notes.
Students MUST bring it to class everyday and keep notes organized. This is a
huge key in passing this class. We will be having notebook checks.


This means taking ownership of your learning: coming on time, bringing the
necessary materials to class, being actively engaged by being attentive,
participating in class activities, conversations, and any class work.


Homework will be given every night & turned in the next class! I do not
accept late homework. Homework is labeled “Tarea”. Homework
assignments are to help you retain information and review. Daily homework
assignments should take no more than 10 minutes.

45% - ASSESSMENTS (quizzes, unit tests, final exam)

Because tests are a large part of the grade we will engage in study strategies
beforehand. Before each exam I will be holding tutoring hours. Students may
also request tutoring through out the year by contacting the teacher on a
one-on-one basis.

90-100% A
80-89% B
70-79% C
60-69% D
Below 60% F

**Cheating will not be tolerated. If you are caught cheating on any assignment the
person copying answers and the person allowing the copying will receive a zero for
the assignment followed by a meeting with the teacher. In serious cases it could
lead to failure of the class. Remember take ownership of your education. I want
to see and hear what you know and have to say!

Please feel free to come to me during school or afterschool with any

questions at any point during the year. The best way to contact me on a
face-to-face basis during or after school (I will most likely be in my
classroom afterschool everyday). My contact information is as follows:

Cell: 443-293-2585 – Call with any class and academic related questions/concerns anytime
before 9:00pm



My signature indicates that I have read, understand, and agree to these policies,
procedures, and expectations necessary to be successful in the Spanish class for
the 2010-2011 school year! I pledge to put forth my best effort in Spanish class in
order to achieve our class goals and the individual goals I set for my own
success throughout the year.

Student name: __________________________

Student signature: _______________________ Date: ____________

Parent/Guardian sign= 1st homework (10pts)
My child showed me the Spanish 1 syllabus with all course and contact
information for the Spanish class. I (the parent/guardian) have read, understand,
and agree to these policies, procedures, and expectations necessary for my child
to be successful in the Spanish class for the 2010-2011 school year!

Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________ Date: ______________

Parent/Guardian Names: ____________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Phone #s: __________________________________________________


Parent/Guardian Emails (if applicable):



Best times to call: ____________________________________________________

Bad times to call: _____________________________________________________

Thank you!!! I look forward to speaking with you soon!


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