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LENGUA ADICIONAL AL ESPANOL IV COLEGIO DE BACHILLERES DEL ESTADO DE BAJA CALIFORNIA 7S) COLEGIO DE: 5 | BACHILLERES 1 @ | DEL ESTADO DE BAJA @) ean caurorwa Guia de Actividades del Alumno para él Desarrollo de Competencias CUARTO SEMESTRE COLEGIO DE BACHILLERES DEL ESTADO DE BAJA CALIFORNIA. FRANCISCO ARTURO VEGA DE LAMADRID Gobernador del Estado de Baja California MARIA DEL ROSARIO RODRIGUEZ RUBIO Secretaria de Educacién y Bienestar Social y Directora General del ISEP del Estado de Baja California MARCO ANTONIO ESPONDA GAXIOLA ‘Subsecretario de Educacién Media Superior, Superior, Formacién Docente y Evaluacién ARGELIA GALARZA VILLARINO Directora General del CBBC IVAN LOPEZ BAEZ Director de Planeacién Académica del CBBC LENGUA ADICIONAL AL ESPANOL IV Primera edici6n versién en espafol, abroro de do 2013, Disohiado por Lic, Elizabeth Rosas Mata Ue! Ofelia Yanez Navarra Lie Miriam Rodriguez Gareyzar Lic, Sara Le6n Soto va, Carito Chal Gonzalez ‘Segunda edicién versién en inglés, febrero de 2014 Traduccién a cargo de! Uc. Elizabeth Rosas Mata Revisade por Lic José Ange! Gurola Vargas Uc. J. Guadalupe Olmedo Vazquez ‘Mira, Zaida Yana Pelayo Aguire Edicion, fobroro de 2015, ‘Actualzado por Uc, Sara Lebn Soto Con el apoyo en la revision de la mesa técnica, integrada por: Lie. Eva Luz Vilavicencio Gallardo Ue. Melecia Avie Urias En |a realzacion del presente material, partciparon: \JEFA DEL DEPARTAMENTO DE ACTIVIDADES EDUCATIVAS Teresa Lépez Pérez EDICION, FEBRERO DE 2015 ‘Gerardo Enriquez Niobla Diana Castilo Cacena, La presente edicisn es propiedad et Colegio de Bachilres del Estado de Baja California Prohibida la roproduecisn foal 0 parcial de esta obra Este material ue elaborado bajo la coordinacin y supervision de la Direccién de Planeacisn Académica de! Colegio de Bachilores del Estado de Baja California, Blvd, Andhuac #936, Centro Civico, Mexcal, B.C, México wowcobachbe.edumx INDICE PRESENTACION COMPETENCIAS GENERICASQUE EXPRESAN EL PERFIL DEL EGRESADO COMPETENCIAS DISCIPLINARES BASICAS DEL CAMPO DE COMUNICACION BLOCK I: DESCRIBE YOUR BEHAVIOR IN HYPOTHETICAL SITUATIONS 2 BLOCK II: DESCRIBE EXPERIENCES. 44 BLOCK III: EXPRESS LIKES AND PREFERENCES, 96 BLOCK IV: DESCRIBE INFORMATION ABOUT OBJECTS, ACTIVITIES AND PEOPLE... PRESENTACION En el marco de la Reforma Integral de la Educacién Media Superior, Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Baja California (CBBC), se ha propuesto la meta de formar y consolidar el perfilde egreso en el bachiller, poniendo a disposicién del alumno los elementos necesarios que le permitan crecer y desarrollar conocimientos, habilidades, actitudes y valores para poder enfrentar los retos de un mundo globalizado, vertiginoso, competitive y complejo. Por tanto, es importante que el proceso educativo implemente estrategias que contemplen actividades de aprendizaje en diversos contextos y escenarios reales, donde el estudiante con creatividad, habilidad y destreza sepa desarrollar, movilizar y transferir las competencias adquiridas En virtud de lograr lo anterior y consciente de la dificultad para que el alumnado tenga acceso a una bibliografia adecuada, pertinente y eficaz con el entorno socio-econémico actual, el CBBC brinda la oportunidad a los estudiantes de contar con materiales didacticos para el éptimo desarrollo de los programas de estudio de las asignaturas que comprende el Plan de Estudios Vigente. Cabe subrayar que, dichos materiales son producto de la participacién de docentes de la Institucién, en los cuales han manifestado su experiencia, conocimientos y compromiso en pro de la formacién de los jévenes bachilleres. Los materiales didacticos se dividen en dos modalidades: Guia de Actividades del Alumno para el Desarrollo de Competencias, dirigida a las asignaturas de los Componentes de Formacién Basica y Propedéutica, y Guia de Aprendizaje; para las capacitaciones del Componente de Formacién para el Trabajo. Cabe sefialar que, los materiales se encuentran en un proceso permanente de revision y actualizacién por parte de los diferentes equipos docentes asi como del equipo editorial. Las guias se pueden consultar en la pagina Web del CBBC: en la seccién alumnos / material didactico. Esnecesario, hacer énfasis que la guiano debe ser tomada comola tinica herramienta de trabajo y fuente de investigacién, ya que es imprescindible que los estudiantes leven a cabo un trabajo de consulta en otras fuentes bibliogrdficas impresas y electrénicas, material audiovisual, paginas Web, bases de datos, entre otros recursos didacticos que apoyen su formacién y aprendizaje. COMPETENCIAS GENERICAS QUE EXPRESAN EL PERFIL DEL EGRESADO Las competencias genéricas son aquellas que todos los bachilleres deben estar en la capacidad de desempefiar, y les permitirén a los estudiantes comprender su entorno (local, regional, nacional o internacional e influir en él, contar con herramientas basicas para continuar aprendiendo a lo largo de la vida, y practicar una convivencia adecuada en sus ambitos social, profesional, familiar, etc. Estas competencias junto con las disciplinares basicas constituyen el Perfil del Egresado del Sistema Nacional de Bachillerato. Se autodeterminay cuida de si ‘Se conoce y valoraa si mismo y aborda problemas y retos teniendo en cuenta los objetivos que persigue. Es sensible al arte y participa en la apreciacién e interpretacién de sus expresiones en distintos géneros. Eligey practica estilos de vida saludables. ‘Se expresay se comunica 4. Escucha, interpreta y emite mensajes pertinentes en distintos contextos mediante la utilizacién de medios, cédigos y herramientas apropiados. Piensacriticay reflexivamente 5. Desarrolla innovaciones y propone soluciones a problemas a partir de métodos establecidos. 6. Sustenta una postura personal sobre temas de interés y relevancia general, considerando otros puntos de vista de manera critica yreflexiva. Aprende de forma auténoma 7. Aprende por iniciativa e interés propio alo largo de la vida, Trabajaen forma colaborativa 8. Participa y colabora de manera efectiva en equipos diversos Participa con responsabilidad en a sociedad 9. Participa con una conciencia civica y ética en la vida de su comunidad, regién, México y el mundo. 10. Mantiene una actitud respetuosa hacia la interculturalidad y la diversidad de creencias, valores, ideas y practicas sociales. 11. Contribuye al desarrollo sustentable de manera critica, con acciones responsables. COMPETENCIAS DISCIPLINARES BASICAS DEL CAMPO DE COMUNICACION Identifica, ordena e interpreta las ideas, datos y conceptos explicitos e implicitos en un texto, considerando el contexto en el que se generé y en el que se recibe. Evaltia un texto mediante la comparacién de su contenido con el de otros, en funcién de sus conocimientos previos y nuevos. Plantea supuestos sobre los fendmenos naturales y culturalesde su entorno con base en la consulta de diversas fuentes, Produce textos con base en el uso normativo de la lengua, considerando la intencion y situacién comunicativa. Expresa ideas y conceptos en composiciones coherentes y creativas, con introducciones, desarrollo y conclusiones claras. Argumenta un punto de vista en puiblico de manera precisa, coherente y creativa. Valora y describe el papel del arte, la literatura y los medios de comunicacién en la recreacién o la transformacién de una cultura, teniendo en cuenta los propésitos comunicativos de distintos géneros. \Valora el pensamiento légico en el proceso comunicativo en su vida cotidiana y acadér Analiza y compara el origen, desarrollo y diversidad de los sistemas y medios de comunicacién. Identifica e interpreta la idea general y posible desarrollo de un mensaje oral o escrito en una segunda lengua, recurriendo a conocimientos previos, elementos no verbales y contexto cultural . Se comunica en una lengua extranjera mediante un discurso logico, oral o escrito, congruente con la situacién comunicativa. Utiiza las Tecnologias de la Informacién y Comunicacién para investigar, resolver problemas, producir materiales y transmitir informacion. BLOCK I DESCRIBE YOUR BEHAVIOR IN HYPOTHETICAL SITUATIONS Formacién Basica / Semestre 4 + BLOCK |.- Describe your behaviour in hypothetical situations. Block Description The main aim in this first block is to give you the language, knowledge and basic skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) that are necessary to be able to identify and describe hypothetical situations interchanging information in an oral and written format about: physical, temper, ethnic and cultural characteristics using second conditional. This knowledge will allow you to describe yourself, other people and places in a communicative context. Performances to be demonstrated: Locates the main ideas of a written or oral text, about topics related to moral dilemmas. Describes in an oral and written form personal features and hypothetical situations. Uses the grammatical structures of ‘Second Conditional to describe imaginary or hypothetical situations. Competences to be developed: Identifies and interprets the general idea and possible development of a written or spoken message in a foreign language, about texts related to moral dilemmas. Expresses ideas and concepts in coherent and creative compositions, with clear introduction, body and conclusion. Communicates in a foreign language through a logical discourse, oral or written to express what he/she would do in hypothetical situations. Uses autonomous learning strategies through information and communication technologies, to obtain information about the use of the second conditional, in order to express hypothetical situations and use the adjectives that describe people's attitudes and moral values. Produces texts based on the proper use of language, according to the intention and communicative situation, as well as formal elements of language (punctuation, spelling, syntax, coherence and cohesion), Evaluates a text comparing its content with others, depending on student's previous and new knowledge. Learning objects: + Use adjectives to describe attitudes and moral values of people, such as: honest, loyal, fair, responsible, trustworthy. + Uses Second Conditional to express hypothetical situations, using if / even if / unless + simple past. ‘* Use of modal verbs with the second conditional: would, should, could, might. + Connectors: but, and, because, so. DESCRIBE YOUR BEHAVIOUR IN HYPOTHETICAL SITUATIONS Lengua Adicional al Espanol IV + ANEW SEMESTER. ACTIVITY 4 * Objective: Diagnostic Evaluation Opening activity: Do you think it is important to find out about how much you know aboutanewleaming? Why? NAME: GROUP; GRADE, WRITE THE CORRECT ANSWER IN THE PARENTHESES. | ADJECTIVES 1A momarman paren” someone who is giving or showing fm and constant support or allegiance to () A) ier B) loyal ©) lazy D)tal 2.4, person is someone who doesn't like to work or use energy. () A)smart B) brave C)lazy D) thin 3.A, is a person who is showing a readiness to give more of something, as money or time, than is strictly necessary or expected, () A) delayed B) punctual ©) lazy D) generous Il. SECOND CONTIDIONAL ale an eagle | over the mountains. () A)was / could fy B) were /would fly C) were/ can fly) could fly /was. 5. Where would you travel 2 () A) ifyouhave enough money 8) f you didn't had enough money ©) ifyou had enough money D) ifyou get enough money 6. If you could spend a day with any celebrity, _? (|) A)who would you choose —_B) who would you chose C) who would you choosen D) would who you choose 7. Ifyou anew motorcycle, __you buy it? (A) Wouldiliked B) Likeshwould ©) Liking/wit D) Liked/would 8 If pass the test, Irepeat the semester? (0) A)don’t / didn't B) not / pass C)doesn't/ have —_D) did't pass/ would Ill, CONNECTORS 9. My sister lost her dog, her wallet___a cell phone. () Ajbut B) and C) so D) because 10.-1 don't like concerts, ___I go because my girlfriend loves them. () A)because B)to C)and D) but BLOCK | =a Arn Formacién Basica / Semestre 4 + ANEW SEMESTER. aN * Objective: Personality Adjectives. Opening activity: Imagine that you have to do a team assignment, so, you have to chose your team members, what characteristics do you want on your team members? maybe a reliable and kind person?, and what characteristics do youhave? How honestare you? can people count on you fora specific work? [Write the opposites of the following adjectives. a) Reliable 2.Selfish ‘8.Negative b) Generous; 3.Lier 9. Unfriendly c) Honest: 4.Lazy 10.Untrustworthy d) Hard worker: 5.Undependable 11. Irresponsible e) Punetual: 6.Delayed 12. Unfriendly f) Dependable: 7Disloyal 4g) Loyal h) _ Friend Il, Read the following text and underline all of the adjectives. ‘Team Work, yes I love it... But... Mary is a real serious girl, she likes to work in class and participate. However, this week she is having a hard time with an assignment because she has to work in teams. She likes to work in teams, but she remembered the last time she had worked in teams: There were four people in the team; Susan who was a nice and dependable girl, Pamela, a nice girl but with too many conflicts at home, since her parents got divorced she was one day with her father and the other with her mother (so, this seemed to be affecting her concentration). Finally, there was Mario a smart boy who always arrived late to class, and every single time the excuse for not arriving on time was better. So, the appointment was at Mary's house, one hour later the only person who had arrived was Susan, so, Mary and Susan started and finished their part of the homework together. Pamela called and promised to bring part of the homework to class (which did not happen), and Mario didn't arrive, so, the team got a very low grade on this assignment. \With this experience on her mind, Mary wants to choose the right people to work with, What do you think? Has this ever happened to you? What would you do in a situation lke this? Write your options, IV. Team work: Describe the characteristics | V. Describe the characteristics of people you would prefer in a teammate. you would avoid or wouldn't like to work with... If had to work in teams, | would choose a | If had to work in teams, | would avoid, reliable person... or | wouldn't like to work with... T._Twould prefer _ T. Twould avoid a negative person 2 2 3. 3. 4. 4. 5 5. 1, Share your preferences with your classmates. DESCRIBE YOUR BEHAVIOUR IN HYPOTHETICAL SITUATIONS Lengua Adicional al Espanol IV + What would you do if..? Ea Ned + Objective: Reading comprehension. Opening activity: Imagine that you just saw your best friend's boyfriend coming out of a night club with another girl, what would you do? would you tell your friend? ‘ou look worried, what is going on? : I'm worried because | don't know what to do... last Saturday | went to a night club with some friends and | saw Betty's boyfriend with another girl... Marie: really? Are you sure, it was him? Joan: Yes, it was John, and he saw me too. Marie: So, what are you going to do? Joan: | don't know... Marie: | think you should tell her about it. Joan: Yes, | know itis the right thing to do, but I’ afraid of her reaction. Marie: | know, but you will feel better after you tell her. Joan: Definitely, | would tell her, that way | will feel better. 1. Why is Joan worried? 2. What did Joan see? '3. What is Marie's advice? 4 Why do you think Joan said that telling her friend is the right thing to do? ‘S.What do you think Betty's reaction would be? 6. What would you do in Joan’s situation? 7. if your best friend told you, that your boyiriendigiririend was cheating on you What do you think your reaction would be? Ti Share your answers with your classmates, IV. Practice the conversation with a partner. “Homework: Bring a list of Regular an Irregular verbs including Simple Past form. BLOCK | Formacién Basica / Semestre 4 +Doyou remember Bae + Objective: Simple Past review. Opening activity: Can you remember 3 activities you did yesterday? who did you see? What did you eat? Did you forget to do something? To talk about these activities you need to use Simple Past Verbs... look at the following exercises. | WRITE THE SIMPLE PAST FORM OF THE VERBS. ‘ACROSS: 27. SPEAK 15, SPEND 2. FEEL FELT 28. KNOW 17. BUY 4. FORGET 32. DRIVE 19. COME 7. DRINK 34. GIVE 21. WEAR 8. SING DOWN 22. TAKE, 8. RIDE 1. SEND - SENT 23. EAT 11. THROW 3. TELL 25, BREAK 13. MEET 4, FIND 27. SAY 16. TEACH 5. RUN 29. WAKE 18, READ. 6. MAKE 30. WIN 19, CATCH 8, SLEEP 31.60 20. SWIM 10. LEAVE 33. HAVE 24. THINK 12, HEAR, 26. WRITE. 14. PUT. ACTIVITIES 1 DID.. ll.Complete the Crossword using ‘Simple Past form of the verbs. Follow the example, IL. Compare your EF DESCRIBE YOUR BEHAVIOUR IN HYPOTHETICAL SITUATIONS Lengua Adicional al Espanol IV exe +Some fun acti : Esa + Objective: Simple Past Review. Opening activity: Why is it important to know the regular and irregular verbs in past? How can you lear verbs so that you never forget them? 1. See the video containing regular and irregular verbs: http:/ 2. Find the verbs in the following Word Search exercise. LPTKT HEOHDT SUV RPM TONTH DUH RPODONMAHTOH TA HeomMPZoozdacawopnm WHA PHHHAMUOAZDoOP ED FJrommamwssonanae Znmacm conomedowonoan wnsonwmmoawhzaazn UPHHOZHAIAKRYPONPHU PEM EGCHDPOHRUUNEA OUSCTMHOMH ENDWAR

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