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Plant and Animal Cell Lab:

This lab has some safety concerns. We are using scalpels and slide stain
that can both cause harm. Any students who are fooling around will be
excluded from the lab and will do a textbook assignment instead.

1) Get into your groups.

2) Prepare your materials:

a. Person #1 & 2 Make animal cell slide MUST WEAR GLOVES

i. Bring the slide to the front and place 1 drop of stain on it.
ii. Take a toothpick and GENTLY scrape the inside of your cheek.
Smear these cells onto a slide, mixing into the stain. Do not
splash it will stain your clothes
iii. Place a cover slip over the sample.

b. Person #3 & 4 make plant cell wet mount

i. Using a scalpel, CAREFULLY scrape the bottom layer off of a
leaf. This must be done very gently or you will get large pieces
that will not work under the microscope.
ii. Scrape the plant cells onto a slide.
iii. Add 1 drop of water
iv. Place a cover slip over the sample.

3) Observe the slides. Draw what you see in the space provided. Everyone
should have a chance to look at each sample.

4) Clean up your area. Dry your slides. WASH YOUR HANDS

5) Work on the lab questions, hand them in once finished.

Each group will submit one lab report. Make sure everyones name is on it!


Plant and Animal Lab Report:

Each student must hand in own lab report. Make sure all names are on
it. I will photocopy it after marking it so that each of you can keep a

Follow the lab procedure on the previous page.

Adhere to all lab safety rules.
Animal Cells: Draw and describe what you see.

Plant Cells: Draw and describe what you see.

Clean up: WHILE WEARING GLOVES, wash off the plant and animal cell
slides and cover slips. Dry them with a paper towel and leave them on
the counter by your microscope.
Lab Questions:
1) The cells that line our cheeks are similar to skin cells. They protect our tissues
from damage. Make a hypothesis about how the arrangement of these cells
provide protection.

2) Using the Venn Diagram below, list any similarities and differences you
noticed between the human and leaf cells.

Animal Cell Plant Cell

3) Provide the function for each of the following organelles. Then, place a
checkmark in the boxes if it can be found in plant cells, animal cells, or both.
Function P/A

Cell Wall:



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