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Professional Image

1. This definition is about the set of qualities and characteristics that represent perceptions of your
competence and character as judged by your key constituents. What do you call that?
a. Professional Frame c. Professional Quality
b. Professional Image d. Professional Develop

2. A style of business dress that gives an impression of confidence and efficiency.

a. Power Dressing c. Power OOTD
b. Power Formal d. Power Attire

3. One of the needs in the professional ethics that have feeling of trust in one's abilities, qualities,
and judgment.
a. Self-confidence c. Self-reliable
b. Industrious d. Good Moral

4. Professional Etiquette includes:

a. Conduct yourself in an ethical manner.

b. Remember that you are the message and the product.
c. Practice your introduction and handshake.
d. All of the above.

5. In professional ethics, low esteem defines:

a. Just be yourself c. Make a bad choices
b. You hate yourself d. b and c

6. The image you project

a. Professional and non professional. c. A and B
b. Skills and attitude. d. None of the above

7. Which of the following is not the best choice for WOMEN power dressing?
a. Avoid being a make up box. Nude make up does wonders.
b. Nails should be trimmed and prefer natural shades for nail paint.
c. Eyebrow, nasal and lip piercing must be avoided at the workplace.
d. Wear skiny shirts and short pants.
8. Which of the following is/are the best choice/s for MEN power dressing?
a. One must always smell good in public.
b. Wear leather belts to work preferably in black or brown shades
c. Socks must be well coordinated with the outfit.
d. All of the above.

9. Self Esteem defines

a. Confidence in one's own worth or abilities.
b. Confidence in others own worth or abilities.
c. Confidence in parents own worth or abilities.
d. Confidence in sibling's own worth or abilities.

10. What can you do to maintain your cool professionalism?

a. Use 5 minutes to call a good friend, just to say hello.

b. Take a deep breath and try to stay calm.
c. Remember in the scheme of life, this is only one work day.
d. All of the above.

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