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1029/2003WR002852, 2004

Formal and informal water markets:

Drivers of sustainable rural communities?
Henning Bjornlund
Centre for Land Economics and Real Estate Research, School of International Business, University of South Australia,
Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

Received 5 November 2003; revised 20 February 2004; accepted 29 March 2004; published 29 July 2004.
[1] This paper analyzes irrigator behavior in formal and informal water markets within an
irrigation region of southeastern Australia to identify the extent to which these markets
have facilitated the development of sustainable rural communities. The analyses show
clear evidence that both the formal and informal markets have assisted irrigators in
managing the significant adjustment pressure within the irrigation industry and the
increased risk management burden placed on them by changing allocation policies. There
is also evidence that many irrigators are active as both buyers and sellers and within both
the formal and informal market, shifting their risk position within and between seasons
and adjusting the allocation of their capital assets. All of these functions are essential to
develop sustainable rural communities and retain community cohesion. INDEX TERMS:
1842 Hydrology: Irrigation; 1812 Hydrology: Drought; 6309 Policy Sciences: Decision making under
uncertainty; 9330 Information Related to Geographic Region: Australia; 6399 Policy Sciences: General or
miscellaneous; KEYWORDS: water markets, water transfers, Australia, sustainable rural communities
Citation: Bjornlund, H. (2004), Formal and informal water markets: Drivers of sustainable rural communities?, Water Resour. Res.,
40, W09S07, doi:10.1029/2003WR002852.

1. Introduction paradigm, treating water as an economic, rather than a

[2] Many rural communities are under stress. Their social, good. This new paradigm was promoted by the
natural resource base is threatened by agricultural practices United Nations at the Rio Convention on Environment
driven by short-term economic objectives rather than long- and Development in 1992 [Sitarz, 1993] and by the World
term sustainability. This is the case not least in areas Bank in its Water Policy Document [World Bank, 1993].
dependent on irrigation. The construction of large dams Within this paradigm, great importance is placed on water
and water delivery systems, extensive tree clearing, and markets and pricing policies as tools to facilitate the
modern intensive farming methods have all had a detrimen- necessary reallocation of water in an era where no new
tal impact on the natural environment and its ability to supply is forthcoming.
produce and, consequently, a detrimental socioeconomic [4] Two different water markets have emerged. In the
impact within affected rural communities [Postel, 1999; international literature they are often referred to as formal
Sharma, 2000]. The pressure to expand production in order and informal markets [Easter et al., 1999]. In the formal
to pay for the cost of these developments has exacerbated market the long-term entitlement to the water is traded,
this impact because new crop varieties have been introduced while in the informal market, only the right to use a given
to increase yields, but they require a high level of input of volume of water, for a given period of time, is traded.
water, fertilizer, and chemicals. Informal markets have been widely implemented in many
[3] Rural communities and policy makers are therefore at countries such as India, Pakistan, and Mexico [Saleth, 1998;
a crossroads, where a new path forward has to be defined Meinzen-Dick, 1998; Rosegrant and Binswanger, 1994].
that can reverse this degradation process and restore the They often take place as simple agreements between irri-
health and vitality of the natural resource base to allow for gators and require little administrative input. Formal mar-
future prosperity [Wolff and Gleick, 2002]. More water kets, however, have been far less implemented because the
needs to be dedicated to the environment to restore ecosys- underlying entitlement to the water is transferred, which
tems and improve water quality. Water needs to be applied requires that rights are registered and defined and their use
more efficiently, so that less water augments the underlying monitored and measured [Bjornlund and McKay, 2002].
water table and less water drains back into natural water- This requires far more complex institutional and adminis-
ways, bringing with it residual fertilizers and chemicals as trative arrangements, which are not available in many
well as salt. As less water is available for consumptive uses, developing countries [Appelgren and Klohn, 1999].
irrigators need to use what is left more efficiently, on higher- [5] Unregulated markets based on neoclassical econom-
valued crops and more productive soils. To facilitate this ics, in which private interests, represented by willing buyers
process, the 1990s saw the emergence of a new water policy and sellers, are deciding the allocation of water, are not
going to ensure water for vital social, cultural, and ecolog-
ical purposes [Gleick et al., 2002]. In order to ensure this
Copyright 2004 by the American Geophysical Union. outcome, transparent markets guided by strong regulatory
0043-1397/04/2003WR002852 instruments are needed [Bjornlund, 2000; Bjornlund and
W09S07 1 of 12

Figure 1. The Murray-Darling Basin.

McKay, 2003]. It has also been argued that pure economic of total gross value of agricultural production, with a
and market-based approaches fall short of social and non- significant flow-on effect, supporting more than 1.5 million
economic aspirations of many developing countries jobs, most of them in the major cities outside the basin. It
[Appelgren and Klohn, 1999]. Likewise, research in the also supports significant tourism, with 15 million visitors a
United States and Australia has shown that irrigation year in its national parks and forests, and it also has
communities are not comfortable with water markets as important cultural, social, and environmental values. The
the sole instrument for allocating and reallocating water basin thus has significant importance for all facets of
[Syme et al., 1999; Keenan et al., 1999; Tisdell and Ward, Australian life [MDBMC, 2001].
2003; Bjornlund, 2002a]. [8] Jurisdictions within the basin have followed very
[6] Australia has in many ways been at the forefront of different policy paths with respect to water allocation and
implementing the new policy paradigm and probably has management, which reflects the differences in agricultural
the most active water markets in the world, almost entirely productions. For the three southern states along the Murray
facilitating transfers between competing agricultural users. River this is illustrated by the following facts.
Markets are being relied on as a major instrument in [9] 1. In South Australia (SA), irrigation almost entirely
reversing the trend of environmental degradation within consists of horticulture and viticulture, which are dependent
the Murray-Darling Basin (MDB) [Murray-Darling Basin on a reliable water supply. The emphasis of water policies
Ministerial Council (MDBMC), 2002]. This paper analyzes has therefore always been on security of supply rather than
the early outcomes of an Australian water market and on maximizing the volume of water use every year. Entitle-
discusses the potential benefits and pitfalls of formal and ments in SA are therefore considered 100% secure.
informal water markets as drivers of sustainable rural [10] 2. In New South Wales (NSW) most water is applied
communities. Given the significant and increasing interna- to annual crops with the ability to expand and contract
tional interests in water markets as instruments for allocat- production depending on water availability. Allocation
ing scarce water resources among competing users, the policies have therefore aimed at maximizing annual access
Australian experiences should be of interest to water man- to water. This policy leaves little water in the storages at the
agers and academics as well as irrigators throughout the end of each season; as a result, the security of seasonal
world who are considering introducing water markets. supply is low with highly variable seasonal allocations
Section 2 describes the study area and the data sources that have a long-term average of 70%. To accommodate
and methodologies used. Section 3 briefly defines sustain- the horticultural industry, particularly in the downstream
ability in the context of rural communities, while sections 4 reaches, high-security licenses are available.
and 5 discuss the results for the formal and informal [11] 3. In Victoria the largest water user is the dairy
markets, respectively. Section 6 describes how the two industry, which is heavily dependent on the security of
markets interact, and section 7 outlines the pitfalls associ- supply because of investments in permanent pastures, herds,
ated with the introduction of water markets. and dairy equipment. At the same time, they have the ability
to benefit from a variable supply of extra water to produce
2. Study Area, Data Sources, and Methodologies additional feed. The allocation policy is therefore twofold.
Irrigators have a water right, which is 96% secure, plus
2.1. Murray-Darling Basin sales water that is announced each season as a percentage
[7] The MDB is Australias largest and most important of water right (see section 2.2).
river system (Figure 1). It covers most of the inland part of [12] The MDB came under stress during the 1970s,
southeastern Australia, makes up 14% of the countrys total 1980s, and 1990s, with large blue-green algae blooms in
area, supports 75% of irrigation, and provides just over 41% the early 1990s bringing the issue to the fore. An audit of
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Figure 2. The Goulburn-Murray irrigation district.

water use was therefore initiated in 1995 [MDBMC, 1995], Figure 1) [Young et al., 2000] and is working on finding
and it concluded that the level of extraction for consumptive ways of expanding the program.
use was far in excess of what was ecologically sustainable
and that use continued to increase. The basin spans four 2.2. Goulburn Murray Irrigation District (GMID) in
states, and all these jurisdictions have in the past issued Victoria
large volumes of water entitlements, which have not been [15] The GMID is Australias largest irrigation district
used or only partly used. As water markets take hold, this with a total permanent entitlement of 1940 GL. More than
water is likely to be activated, further escalating the increase 80% of the water is used within a number of gravity-fed
in use. The audit predicted significant environmental and irrigation areas, while private diverters, pumping their own
economic impacts, if the estimated development continued. water directly from the river, use the remaining water. The
It was therefore decided to cap water extraction for con- GMID consists of two main systems: the Goulburn System
sumptive use to the volume that would have been used at and the Murray System (Figure 2). The study area is
the 1993/1994 level of development [MDBMC, 1996]. It located within the western part of the GMID and includes
was recommended to accept existing entitlements, whether two sections: (1) the Torrumbarry irrigation district in the
they had been developed or not, but it was left to the states north, supplied from the Murray system and (2) the
to decide how they were going to implement the cap. Pyramid Hill-Boort area (PHB) in the south, supplied by
[13] It is generally accepted that the present cap will have the Goulburn system (Figure 2). Trade is possible through-
to be revised and that the volume of water for consumptive out the GMID, but a number of spatial restrictions exist so
uses will have to be further reduced [Department or Natural that trade can only take place if the water can be moved
Resources and Environment (DNRE), 2001a], the question is from the seller to the buyer. The major limitation is the
by how much. The Murray Darling Basin Commission restriction on trade between the Goulburn and the Murray
(MDBC) has just started a community process The Living Systems. Trade can take place from the Goulburn to the
Murray [MDBMC, 2002] to determine how much more Murray System but not in the opposite direction. Initially,
water should be set aside for environmental purposes, to little trade took place in that direction because most of the
secure continued prosperity within the basin, and to deter- high-value dairy producers are located in the Goulburn
mine how such reduction should be paid for and imple- system, and allocations in the Murray system generally
mented. These processes have generated policy uncertainty are higher (Table 1), which has eased demand and
within the irrigation industry and have been a major imped- reduced prices [Bjornlund, 2002b]. In December 1994,
iment to the adoption of formal markets [Bjornlund, 2002a]. the trading regulations were amended to allow trade from
[14] Water markets have been an important instrument upstream to downstream of Nyah (Figure 1). From 1997
enabling irrigators to manage the impact of the cap and are to 2000, 25,000 ML were traded from the Goulburn
anticipated to play an even more important role in facilitat- system to downstream of Nyah mainly to develop new
ing the process of further reductions [MDBMC, 2002]. The vineyards [Bjornlund, 2003a]. Following this develop-
MDBC has therefore established an Inter-state Permanent ment, Goulburn-Murray Water (GMW) was given the
Water Trading Pilot Project within a part of the basin (see authority to allow upstream trade into the Goulburn
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Table 1. Relationship Between Seasonal Allocations and Extent year to year, depending on availability, and is announced as a
of Tradea percentage of water right; irrigators only pay for this water if
Goulburn System Murray System
they use it. The high level of reliability of water rights is
maintained by only announcing sales once the next seasons
Allocation, Percent Allocation,b Percent water rights are secure in the reservoirs. Historically, sales
Season % Tradedc % Tradedc have been very high, exceeding 100% of water right in most
1995/1996 150 7 200 3 years. Dairy farmers have therefore developed their proper-
1996/1997 200 4 200 3 ties with infrastructure depending on sales of 60%, giving
1997/1998 120 9 130 13 them access to a volume of water equivalent to 160% of water
1998/1999 100 13 200 5 right. However, in recent years, sales have been declining
1999/2000 100 14 190 8
2000/2001 100 16 200 2 (Table 1) because of (1) general resource constraints, caused
2001/2002 100 18 200 5 by a long period of drought; (2) water trading, which has
2002/2003 57 24 129 16 activated previously unused water and thereby increased use;
This table is based on the work of DNRE [2001a] and updated on the
and (3) the impact of the MDB cap. To stay within the cap
basis of Goulburn-Murray Waters records. while maintaining a high level of supply certainty of water
Allocations are announced as a percent of water right at the beginning of rights, sales have been reduced [MDBMC, 1996], and access
the season and then adjusted monthly during the season. These are the to sales has been limited to 30% if the irrigator sells any water
maximum allocation level reached for each season. during a season [DNRE, 2001a].
This is the total temporary trade as percentage of total water use for each
season. [18] The water allocation is announced at the beginning of
the season and is then revised on the 1st and 15th of each
system in substitution for downstream trade. This rule has month as additional water enters the reservoirs. This repre-
been invoked twice in 2001/2002 and 2002/2003. sents a significant change in policy. Traditionally, the author-
[16] Both sections have large areas with very high soil ities made one allocation at the beginning of the season on the
salinity levels caused by the impact of inefficient irrigation basis of what was available in the reservoirs and expected
and high saline water tables. This has had a significant inflows. This has significantly shifted the risk management
impact on the productivity of the area and the ability of burden from the authorities to the individual irrigators.
farmers to stay in business and prosper. Land uses in the
area have traditionally been low-value mixed farming, with 2.3. Trade Within the GMID
broad acre cropping and annual pastures for cattle and [19] Informal markets were first introduced by a legisla-
sheep production, with pockets of high-value dairy produc- tive amendment in 1987. Formal markets were introduced
tion, especially around Cohuna in the Torrumbarry section with the Water Act 1989 and made effective by regulations
[Bjornlund, 1999]. Irrigators within the study region have late in 1991. Trade on the informal market started at about
therefore been under constant adjustment pressure. 25,000 ML per year during the first 7 years and then
[17] To understand the outcome of trade, it is important to increased markedly in 1994/1995 and has, since 1997/
discuss the structure of water entitlements. All irrigators have 1998, stayed above 200,000 ML or around 10% of total
a water right with a high level of reliability of supply with full entitlement (Figure 3). Trade on the formal market was also
delivery in 96 out of 100 years; irrigators pay for this water subdued during the first years, then surged in 1997/1998, and
every year, whether they use it or not. In addition, irrigators has since been at a level between 17,000 and 24,000 ML or
have access to sales water. The level of sales varies from just around 1% of total entitlements. The low volume of

Figure 3. Temporary and permanent trade within the Goulburn Murray irrigation district.
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trade in the formal market should be taken into account when follow the discussions and the record that was being kept.
reading the discussions in section 4. The high volume of trade Focus group transcripts were analyzed using Nudist N6
in the informal market indicates that this market has a far software. The third source is telephone interviews with
more profound impact within the irrigation industry, which (1) 100 buyers (49%) and 100 sellers (63%) using the
places increased importance on the discussions in section 5. informal market during 1998/1999, (2) 100 irrigators who
A water exchange was introduced in 1998/1999 to facilitate have never participated in water trading as of July 1999
fast, easy, secure, and cheap trading in the informal market. (26%), and (3) 100 sellers (41%) and 100 buyers (35%)
This exchange has been very successful, and it has extended using the formal market during 1994 1996. The samples
its market share from 15% during the first year to a level interviewed represent a significant proportion of the respec-
around one third of all informal trade [Bjornlund, 2003b]. tive populations (as indicated above 26 63%); the findings
[20] The surge in trade has been caused by a number of of the analyses should therefore reflect the outcome of trade
factors: (1) a 5 year drought with no sales within the within the study region. These quantitative data were
Goulburn system, (2) the impact of the cap, (3) the entered into SPSS and analyzed using descriptive statistics
relaxation of trading rules in 1994/1995 [Bjornlund, and significance tests. These analyses are used to support
2002b], (4) the fact that irrigators have increasingly become the discussions in sections 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 5.1, 5.2, and
familiar with water trading and aware of the potential 6. Factor and cluster analyses were used to support
benefits [Bjornlund, 2003a, 2003b], and (5) the initial the discussions in section 5.3; these methodologies were
success of water markets activating large volumes of unused described by Bjornlund [2002c]. Next is the trading and
water, augmenting resource constraints. water rights registers of GMW (used to produce Table 1
2.4. Data Sources and Methodologies and the statistics in section 6). Last is the records of the
Northern Victorian Water Exchange during the first 5 years
[21] The discussions in sections 4, 5, and 6 will be of operation 1998/1999 to 2002/2003 (used to create
supported by empirical and anecdotal evidence based on Figures 4 and 5).
both quantitative and qualitative data and gathered over a [23] Among many other questions the irrigators were
10 year period. As is apparent from the text a number of asked to rate how important a number of reasons for buying
papers have been published based on the quantitative part of and selling were in their decision making process to use the
this material to illustrate various aspects of water markets informal or formal market. A 1 to 5 scale was used, with
and their operations. The strength of this paper is that it, for 1 being not important and 5 being very important. In the
the first time, tries to consolidate all of these findings to discussions in sections 5 and 6, when reference is made to
explore the extent to which the operations of existing irrigators finding a certain reason important, they gave that
markets have facilitated the development of more sustain- reason a rating of 4 or 5.
able rural communities. It does this by supporting the
previous quantitative data with new qualitative data gathered
during 2002 and 2003. As a consequence of this history a 3. Sustainable Rural Communities
number of methodologies have been used to support the [24] The issue of sustainable rural communities has been
discussion in each section of the paper. The use of these widely debated in recent times [e.g., Lockie and Bourke,
methods has been justified and explained in the paper in 2001; Gray and Lawrence, 2001; Beer et al., 2003;
which they were first published as referenced in the text. Cheers, 1998; Martinez-Brawley, 2000]. Rural sociologists
[22] The material on which this paper is based is as do not normally define sustainable development as some
follows: first is full day workshop with 14 key stakeholders well-defined end-point; rather, they consider it as a
in the irrigation industry including irrigators, water brokers, multidimensional process toward socially, economically,
senior staff from the relevant government department, and environmentally strong communities, with a flexible
Goulburn-Murray Water (GMW, the authority managing economy not totally dependent on the seasonal price for
the GMID), Victorian Farmers Federation, and one of the specific commodities [Gray and Lawrence, 2001]. Lockie
largest milk-processing factories in the region as well as a [2001, p.229] provided a good definition of sustainability
representative from the environmental movement held in when he stated that . . .in very general terms, sustainabil-
Tatura, Victoria in March 2002. Second is 12 focus groups ity is defined as the ability of current generations to meet
held during April 2003 with irrigators within the study their needs and aspirations without compromising the
region with different experiences in the water market. The ability of future generations to do the same thing.
objectives of the focus groups were to get a more detailed Following these definitions, policies that promote devel-
understanding of how irrigators used the formal and infor- opment of farming practices that reduce the negative
mal markets, what they expected to achieve, what triggered environmental impact of farming and the abandonment
their decisions to buy and sell water in both markets, and of old damaging practices must be said to drive the
how they perceived the two most contemporary and con- process toward more environmentally sustainable commu-
tentious issues: the separation of land and water rights and nities; those that promote more efficient use of water as
environmental flows. The focus groups followed a set well as production of higher-valued commodities must be
structure to ensure that all the issues were covered in each said to drive the process toward environmentally, socially,
group. The discussions in the focus groups were conducted and economically stronger communities. These outcomes
by a professional facilitator with extensive experience in will increase the value of output per unit of water used and
facilitating community meetings and focus groups with will reduce saline return flows to the river and reduce
respect to natural resource issues. A summarized transcript leaching of water into the aquifers. High-value commod-
of the discussions was entered directly into a computer and ities are often more labor intensive both on farm and off
displayed by a data projector so that the participants could farm since they are often associated with processing,
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Figure 4. Prices on the northern Victorian water exchange 1998 2002.

packaging, and transport industries. Such commodities also to fully or partly exit farming, while remaining within the
depend on more sophisticated service industries such as local community. This will facilitate the process of maintain-
consultants, technicians, accountants, lawyers, etc. These ing community cohesion and thereby drive the process
professions offer alternative opportunities for the young toward socially stronger communities. The discussions in
generation and thereby make it more attractive for them to section 4, 5, and 6 will analyze how water markets in
stay in the community. Policies that promote more flexible Australia has assisted farmers and thereby their communities
use of the farmers resources must also be said to drive the in the above processes and thereby have driven the process
process toward socially and economically stronger commu- toward more sustainable rural communities.
nities. More flexible resource management will enable the
farmers to better manage their farm businesses on an ongoing
basis and therefore make them less dependent on fluctuating 4. Formal Markets
annual commodity prices and climatic conditions. Such [25] It has been argued that irrigators are unlikely to make
policies might also allow unviable farmers better avenues the significant financial commitments associated with a

Figure 5. Prices and volumes traded on the exchange 2001/2002 and 2002/2003.
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change to more efficient and higher-value use unless they depending on water use efficiency. To be allowed to apply
have the long-term control of adequate water resources to the maximum volume of water of 10,000 ML/ha, the
protect the investment [Crase et al., 2000; Bjornlund and irrigator must have access to off-farm drainage and have a
McKay, 2001]. It has therefore been of some concern that reuse system [DNRE, 2001b]. For new developments the
formal markets have not been more widely adopted, and it developer must produce a whole farm plan demonstrating
has been argued that economic benefits have been foregone best practice irrigation and drainage methods.
or postponed as a result [Marsden Jacob and Associates, [29] The interviews of buyers and sellers in the formal
1999]. The major benefits of the formal market are associ- market showed that (1) 82.6% of the water bought moved
ated with a reallocation of water to (1) more productive soils onto farms with a reuse system, while 63.5% of the water
in more suitable locations, (2) more efficient water users, sold moved out of farms without it; (2) 90.7% of the water
(3) higher-valued uses, and (4) new developments and the bought moved onto properties with laser grading, while
consolidation of water into larger more viable units. The net 45.6% of the water sold moved out of farms without it; and
effect of such reallocations is structural change and an (3) 89.4% of the water bought moved onto farms with
increase in the volume of output as well as the gross margin surface drainage, while 29.8% of the water sold moved out
per unit of water used. Such developments will increase of farms without it [Bjornlund and McKay, 2000]. Since
employment and economic activity and improve the social 1996, there has been a trend toward water going to new
and economic prospects of the affected communities. The greenfield developments such as vineyards, olives, and
reallocation to more suitable soils and more efficient irri- vegetable production [DNRE, 2001a]. These operators all
gators will also produce environmental benefits [Cullen et have relatively high tech efficient irrigation. These results
al., 2000]. In other words, it will reduce the negative indicate that the combination of appropriate regulation and
environmental impacts of irrigation. These developments, trade has driven the process toward environmentally,
if achieved, will drive the process toward more sustainable socially, and economically sustainable rural communities.
rural communities.
4.3. Reallocation to Higher-Value Uses
4.1. A Reallocation of Water Into More Productive [30] The potential social gains from this reallocation are
Soils in More Suitable Locations linked to the heterogeneity of water values across commod-
[26] This outcome of trade is partly secured by regulation. ities. In Australia, if water moves out of grazing for sheep or
Trade will only be allowed to move additional water onto a cattle, which has a gross margin at about A$50/ML, or grain
property if it has soils with a low salinity level. Further, growing at about A$100/ML and into wine grapes at about
some areas along the Murray River have been zoned into A$2800/ML, various vegetable productions at A$400
low- and high-impact zones. Trade will not be allowed into 1800/ML, or dairying at around A$500/ML, the economic
a high-impact zone, while trading out of these zones is benefit to the farm economy is evident. In addition, it has
encouraged by a government subsidy of A$50/ML. Trade been estimated that for each 1000 ML traded into horticul-
into low-impact zones is allowed, but developers are ture, 30 new jobs will be created on farm and within
required to pay a levy of A$130/ML to cover the capital processing and support industries, while for dairying the
cost of salt interception schemes to offset the impacts that job creation is about 15 per 1000 ML [DNRE, 2001a].
might be caused by the increase in water use in that location [31] Interviews with buyers and sellers in the formal
[Government of Victoria, 1993]. Early markets showed a market showed that most of the water traded had no impact
shift of water away from highly saline to low saline soils on the production of the buyers and sellers: 58.3% of the
within the PHB and Torrumbarry areas and from saline water sold did not cause a reduction in the sellers irrigated
areas in PHB into better soils in the eastern part of the area, while 56.8% of the water bought did not cause any
Goulburn System [Bjornlund, 1999; DNRE, 2001a]. expansion of the buyers irrigated area. Sellers disposed of
[27] To encourage the reallocation of water into more unused water or expected to increase their reliance on the
suitable soils, the Victorian government has promoted the informal market to maintain production, while buyers
development of salinity plans for some of the worst affected purchased water to maintain existing production because
areas. One of the purposes of these plans is to identify the sales had declined. However, 75.4% of the water was sold
saline areas and the areas most suitable for development. out of cattle, sheep, and grain-producing properties, and
Detailed farm analysis by Barr [1999] showed that half the 8.6% was sold out of properties with no irrigated production
saline soils irrigated in 1989 were no longer irrigated 5 years at all. Of the 41.7% of the water sold causing a reduction in
later. Water had been reallocated to better areas on the same the irrigated area, 63.3% of the reduction took place in cattle
farm or had been sold to other farms with better soils. These and cropping production. Likewise, 69.0% of the water was
results indicate that the combination of appropriate regula- purchased by dairy farmers, which is the group that has
tion and trade has driven the process toward environmen- traditionally developed their properties to depend on 60%
tally sustainable rural communities. sales and, as a consequence, is suffering most from reduced
sales. Of the 43.2% of water purchased for expansion most
4.2. Reallocation to More Efficient Water Users of it, 67.4%, was used to expand dairy production. As
[28] Within the study area most water is supplied by mentioned above, since 1996, large volumes of water have
gravity and applied by flood irrigation. Water use efficiency gone into horticulture and vegetable production, which are
is therefore determined by the extent and quality of laser higher-value uses than dairying.
grading, reuse systems, surface drains, and access to off- [32] It also has to be acknowledged that not only water
farm drainage. Again, the water-trading regulations, to some used for expanding production has this effect. If the dairy
extent, ensure that the buyers are efficient users. The industry had not been able to purchase this water, it
regulations set maximum water use limits for properties could not have maintained production, which would have
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resulted in loss of farm income and associated loss of would drive the process toward socially and economically
employment and economic flow-on effects within the com- sustainable communities.
munity. These results indicate that water markets have 5.1. Allow Irrigators to Respond to Annual
driven the process toward socially and economically sus- Fluctuations in Commodity Prices
tainable rural communities.
[36] When buyers and sellers were asked why they
4.4. New Developments and a Consolidation of bought and sold water during 1998/1999, the impact of
Properties Into Larger More Viable Businesses fluctuating commodity prices was apparent: 26% of the
[33] Analyzing the property and entitlement sizes of the buyers quoted good commodity prices and 16% cited a one-
buying and selling properties as well as the farm expan- off opportunity to sell more of a certain crop as important
sion or reduction caused by trade, it is apparent that the reasons for buying, while among the sellers, 36% referred to
buying properties have become larger and the selling low commodity prices as an important reason for selling.
properties have become smaller [Bjornlund and McKay, During the workshop in March 2002 and the focus groups
1999]. There is, however, no evidence to suggest that as in 2003, the ability to respond to fluctuating commodity
of 1996, trade has resulted in a movement of water from prices was also mentioned as an important function of
small family farms to large corporate farms. There is, informal markets. Commodity prices have two potential
however, evidence to suggest that trade has generated a impacts: (1) irrigators react to the prices of the commodities
polarization of the farming community into a group of they are growing and decide to sell when the price of water
larger more viable family farms, dependent on a nonfam- on the informal market exceeds their gross margin per
ily workforce, and a group of smaller unviable family megaliter, while they decide to buy when the price drops
farms, dependent on off-farm work. There is also evidence below that amount; and (2) dairy farmers react to the prices
to suggest that the polarization is between larger water- of substitute feed, such as feeding grain, silage, or hay.
rich farms, which can better sustain periods of resource Extension officers had advised that at A$90/ML, dairy
scarcity, and smaller water-poor farms, which are depen- farmers would be better off buying feed; hence prices
dent on annual purchases of water and therefore more at during 1998/1999 and 1999/2000 flattened out at A$90/
risk during periods of resource constraints and associated ML (see Figure 4).
high water prices (during most of the season 2002/2003 [37] Traditionally, grain, cattle and lamb producers are the
prices on the exchange were between A$350/ML and major sellers of water. However, during 2000/2001, prices
A$500/ML, Figure 5). for cattle, lamb, and grain were high, causing these pro-
[34] Among water buyers there is, however, also evidence ducers to be reluctant to sell. As a consequence, supply was
of growth in the number of properties with an unviable size low, forcing prices up. Not until prices reached A$130/ML
of <20 ha [Bjornlund and McKay, 1999]. This growth in early January did sellers in significant numbers appear in
expresses an increase in the demand for life style farms the market. For several reasons, prices reached A$200/ML
coming from people working within the growing support later that season, one of which was that prices of substitute
industries for the irrigation sector. This in its own right has feed were very high since supply was low because of the
an important function in the process toward more sustain- drought. This increased the comparable price of water to
able rural communities. This demand for smaller properties produce grass; at the same time, prices for dairy products
has allowed exiting farmers to sell properties for which were high, which increased dairy farmers willingness to
there would have been no demand from expanding com- pay. In conclusion, informal markets have significantly
mercial farmers, for whom additional improvements have improved irrigators ability to respond to changing com-
little or no value. It has also allowed such farmers more modity prices, which has driven the process toward socially
flexibility in their exit strategy by selling their dwelling to and economically sustainable rural communities.
life style farmers and the best agricultural land and the water
to neighboring farmers, thereby maximizing the return on 5.2. Allow Irrigators to Respond to Fluctuations in
their asset and putting them in a better position when Supply and Demand
relocating. These results indicate that water markets have [38] The workshop and focus groups emphasized that one
driven the process toward socially and economically sus- of the most important functions of informal markets during
tainable rural communities but also indicate that there might the last 5 years has been to assist farmers managing the
be some less favorable outcomes with long-term socioeco- drought. When allocations are relatively high, trade
nomic impacts on some farmers selling water. accounts for around 5% of total water use, but during the
last 6 years, when there have been no sales, trading has
slowly increased its contribution to total water use to 24%
5. Informal Markets (Table 1). Reflecting this, 82% of the buyers in the informal
[35] Seasonal transfers should be able to assist farmers in market during 1998/1999 said that an important reason for
managing fluctuations in commodity prices and water doing so was that sales were very low that year. At the
supply from year to year and managing periods of personal beginning of 1998/1999 the allocation was at record low
hardship such as illness. It should also assist many farm levels. As a result, horticultural growers bought in panic to
families to remain on the land and within the community by secure their permanent plantings, which forced up prices.
generating an income from water sales, off-farm work, and Once allocation levels increased, prices dropped back to
possibly some farming, while assisting other expanding or A$90/ML (Figure 4). Horticultural growers again reacted to
new irrigators in the development phase by giving them low allocations during 2002/2003 when opening allocations
access to water without having to invest their available were very low and GMW gave a very low probability of
capital in expensive long-term entitlements. Such outcomes allocations getting much higher. Most horticultural growers
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Figure 6. Socioeconomic structure of irrigation communities (source: Bjornlund [2002c]).

anticipated an allocation of 60 70% and entered the market adjustment pressures [Bjornlund, 2002c]. Three main
to buy water based on that assumption. This demand caused groups emerged representing the socioeconomic structure
prices to increase to record levels of A$500/ML, forcing of the community: the nonadjusters or strugglers (57%), the
most other irrigators out of the market (Figure 5). As adjusters or defenders (35%), and the comfortable farmers
the horticultural growers satisfied their demand, prices (8%) (Figure 6).
decreased. However, it soon became apparent that alloca- [41] The nonadjusters or strugglers make up 57% of all
tions would not reach 60%, and horticultural growers again farm businesses. They have given up developing their
entered the market to protect their permanent plantings, properties to be viable in the long term; they are simply
forcing prices back up to A$500/ML. When that demand trying to maintain the farming life style and postpone exit
was satisfied, prices again dropped but not down to the adjustment to the time of intergenerational change and stay
levels of the first 4 years. within the community. The existence of this group is clearly
[39] Resource constraint is not only caused by the allo- illustrated by the fact that only 39% of the sellers, 48% of
cation level but also by natural precipitation during the the buyers, and 26% of the nontraders expected family
season. If rainfall is low or evaporation is high, demand for continuity of the property, while 15% expressed uncer-
water will increase. Trade on the exchange over the first tainty. The buyers in this category use the informal market
5 years shows evidence of this (Figure 4). At the opening of to replace what they used to get as sales, that is, to maintain
2000/2001, spring rain was good, reducing the need to their production. They have low farm incomes and a high
irrigate, and prices therefore remained low, whereas at the dependence on off-farm work. The sellers are in two
opening of 2001/2002, the spring season was very dry. subgroups: (1) The first is professional water sellers;
Water use was up by around 15%, compared with normal 15% of all sellers on the informal market are selling all their
years, and this resulted in increased demand for water on the water every year. They are selling to generate an income,
exchange. This was one of several coinciding factors which combined with off-farm work and possibly some dry-
causing prices to be exceptionally high during that year land farming, secures their annual income and makes it
[Bjornlund, 2003b]. Also in that year, opening winter rains possible for them to stay in the community. (2) The second
were late, contributing to prices remaining high toward the group is struggling farmers, who are selling a large propor-
end of the season. When good rains finally arrived in May, tion of their water every year. They have given up devel-
prices dropped. In conclusion, informal markets have sig- oping their properties to be viable in the long term but have
nificantly improved irrigators ability to respond to chang- not given up irrigated farming all together. They are able to
ing resource availability and have driven the process toward stay on the property by some low-value production, annual
socially and economically sustainable rural communities. water sales, and a large dependence on off-farm work.
[42] The adjusting irrigators are using the informal mar-
5.3. Maintain Community Cohesion ket to assist them in the adjustment process and are
[40] The use of multivariate techniques to analyze the generally higher-value users. The buyers do not have
responses from buyers and sellers using the informal enough water for this process, and they cannot afford to
market during 1998/1999 and from irrigators who have buy water in the formal market because all their available
never participated in any kind of water trading provided finance is tied up in other parts of the adjustment process.
some interesting insight into how different sectors of the This group was clearly reflected when the buyers during
irrigation community use water markets to cope with 1998/1999 were interviewed: 62% said that they actually
9 of 12

need the water every year but could not afford to buy it. The the fact that they needed the water every year. (4) Some
sellers have water enough for the development of their 53.2% within Torrumbarry and 60.9% within PHB of those
property and are able to use the informal market to generate buying in the formal market also sold water in the informal
some income to assist them in the adjustment process. market. These irrigators have, in effect, bought full drought
[43] The comfortable irrigators generally have larger insurance and now sell water annually when they do not
properties with higher farm incomes and low off-farm work need it. The above clearly shows that irrigators use both
dependence. They are opportunistic traders, buying water in formal and informal markets to shift their risk position
the informal market if commodity prices relative to the price during individual seasons, between seasons, and on a
of water are good and selling if prices are low. This long-term basis, which has driven the process toward
discussion indicates that the informal market has several socially and economically sustainable rural communities.
important ways in which it drives the process toward
economically and socially sustainable rural communities 7. What are the Pitfalls?
and maintain community cohesion.
[46] Sections 4, 5, and 6 have illustrated how water
markets have helped irrigators in managing changes in
6. Working Together policy, economic, and climatic conditions and, consequently,
[44] Analyses of water rights and water trading registers have assisted communities in the process toward economic,
indicate that farm businesses cannot simply be classified as social, and environmental sustainability. However, the intro-
buyers or sellers of water. In total, 23% of all farm duction of water markets is not without risk to the sustain-
businesses have both bought and sold water in the informal able future of irrigation communities. The focus groups and
market. This reflects the findings that farmers respond to workshops showed a very high level of concern with the
annual fluctuations in prices and supply as discussed above. potential negative impacts of the formal market. The prob-
Looking at the informal market during 1998/1999, it was lem is not that irrigators fail to see the benefits from this trade
found that 16% both bought and sold water during that but, rather, that they can see some potentially serious
season, with half of them net trading nothing, that is, ending negative community impacts as well. The following are
the season with the same volume as they started. They some of the identified concerns, which provide important
shifted their risk position during the season, buying early lessons for policy makers, researchers, irrigators, and water
when allocations were low, and selling again as allocations managers to consider before introducing water markets in
increased or they speculated in price developments during other regions.
the season. [47] 1. If large volumes of unused entitlements exist at the
[45] The analysis also indicated that a large section of time trade is introduced and use is not capped, then trade
farm businesses trade both in the formal and informal will activate unused water, resulting in environmental
market: 26.2% within the PHB and 17.4% within the degradation.
Torrumbarry area. These farmers are changing their risk [48] 2. If large volumes of unused entitlements exist at the
position and adjusting the capital assets that they have tied time trade is introduced and use is capped, then trade is
up in water rights. Cross tabulating the activities in the likely to activate such unused entitlements, which will
formal and informal markets revealed the following: reduce water availability for existing users. This has been
(1) Some 39.3% within Torrumbarry and 65.6% within the case within the MDB and has caused hardship and
PHB selling water in the formal market also buy water in resentment within irrigation communities [Bjornlund,
the informal market. This indicates that there is a group of 2002a]. Many farmers see it as wealth transfer when they
irrigators shifting their risk position to rely more heavily on have to pay their neighbors for water they have traditionally
annual purchases in exchange for a cash injection. This received via the allocation process.
clearly was more predominant within PHB. This reflects [49] 3. If trading moves large volumes of water out of an
that 61% of the sellers in the formal market said that an irrigation area, it will have significant community implica-
important reason for selling was that they needed the tions: (1) Economic activity in the area will be reduced as
money. (2) Some 74.7% within Torrumbarry and 88.5% farm output declines, which in turn results in fewer jobs both
within PHB of those selling water in the formal market also on and off farm and a loss of local businesses services as
sold water in the informal market. This indicates that there well as a decline in the population base. (2) Farms will be
is a group of irrigators who have sold some of the water that left dry, which can have a negative impact on neighboring
they traditionally have not used and who sell the remaining farms as weeds and pests infest the abandoned land and
excess in the informal market; in effect, they have not spread to other farms. (3) Property values decline when
shifted their risk position but cashed in on an unused asset. water is sold off; this will reduce the revenue from rates and
This reflects that 69% of the sellers in the formal market taxes for local councils, resulting either in a reduction in
said that an important reason for selling was that they did services or an increase in the rate burden for other farmers.
not need the water. (3) Some 84.8% within Torrumbarry and Such developments will result in unsustainable communities
79.7% within PHB of those buying water in the formal and could eventually result in community disintegration.
market also bought water in the informal market. These [50] 4. If trading moves large volumes of water out of an
irrigators have shifted their risk position to rely less on the irrigation area, the volume of water used within the system
informal market. They have, in effect, bought some drought will be reduced and thereby increase the burden of main-
insurance but could not afford full coverage. This reflects taining the infrastructure for the remaining irrigators. Even-
that 60% of the buyers in the informal market said that an tually, the supply channels may become unviable, and the
important reason for using the informal market was that authority will be forced to stop supply; this will leave
they could not afford the prices in the formal market, despite remaining properties dry. This is a major impediment to
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formal markets in Australia and has been dealt with differ- other regions of the world. However, it should be noted that
ently in each state [Bjornlund, 2002d]. It is also one of the several of these positive outcomes are contingent on proper
main problems with the wider implementation of interstate regulatory instruments.
trading [DNRE, 2001a]. [58] The introduction of markets therefore holds signifi-
[51] 5. If trading moves water into certain channels, the cant promises for regions of the world with a semiarid
supply pressure will increase, with the result that supply climate like that of Australias. However, the Australian
reliability is reduced for existing irrigators. Within the study experiences also show that water markets can have a
region, channel capacity is one of the assessment criteria negative impact on the sustainable future of rural commu-
that the authority uses when approving trade. Trade will not nities if regulatory instruments and policies do not properly
be allowed into a channel if the supply reliability of existing guide trade and that several pitfalls exist during the process
irrigators will be affected. However, many irrigators now of introducing water trading. These experiences and pitfalls
relying on purchases on the informal market are concerned should be taken into account by water managers and policy
that other irrigators on their channel will buy water on the makers planning to introduce water markets: the water
formal market and thereby commit the full supply capacity market can be a very good servant to move water around
of the channel. This would effectively prevent them from between competing uses and drive the process toward
buying water on the informal market in the future. sustainable rural communities, but if left to its own forces,
[52] 6. If the point of extraction is moved, it can have it could prove a very unforgiving master.
third-party effects. If water has to be transported longer in
the river, more evaporation losses or seepage may occur [59] Acknowledgments. This research project is funded by the Aus-
before it reaches the new user. The question is, who is going tralian Research Council and 10 industry partners: Department of Water
to carry that loss? If water is traded upriver, sources of Land and Biodiversity Conservation, Department of Primary Industries,
supply can be cut off, which reduces supply options and SA Water, Central Irrigation Trust and River Murray Catchment Water
Management Board in SA, Goulburn Murray Water, and Department of
thereby the supply reliability of existing irrigators. Natural Resources and Environment in Victoria, Murray Irrigation Limited,
[53] 7. If water is traded upstream, dilution flow from the and Department of Land and Water Conservation in NSW, and the
new point to the old point of extraction will be reduced, Australian National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage. The interviews
were conducted as part of a project funded by Land and Water Australia
with potential impact on river salinity. Further, some loca- held jointly with Jennifer McKay. I would also like to acknowledge the
tions produce more saline drainage back into the river advice provided by Brian Cheers, associate professor or Rural Sociology.
because of higher natural salinity levels of the groundwater.
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markets play separate but equally important roles in this erations, World Bank, Agadir, Morroco, June.
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