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John Rosemond

Coming to Cedar Rapids Sept. 17th-18th, 2010

About the Speaker:
John Rosemond is one of a handful of parenting experts who promote a truly traditional
approach to raising children. John is a family psychologist with more than 35 years
experience working with parents to improve the quality of life in their families. His
nationally-syndicated newspaper column appears in more than 200 newspapers and has
more than 10 million readers. In 1989, John’s Six-Point Plan for Raising Happy, Healthy
Children was published by Andrews McMeel. It rapidly became a best-seller. Since then, he
has written twelve more parenting classics

Friday, Sept. 17th

Location: The Crowne Plaza Hotel, Downtown Cedar Rapids

Morning Session- $10/family

The Keys to Effective Discipline
More parents have problems with discipline than with any other single child rearing issue. For many parents, these
problems begin during toddlerhood with tantrums, toilet training resistance, and defiance, and only get worse. This
presentation provides parents with the information and skills they need to begin making significant positive
changes in their discipline style and therefore, their children’s behavior.
The “Keys” to Effective Discipline are Commanding Communication, Compelling Consequences, and Confirming
Consistency. John describes these as three legs of the disciplinary tripod and emphasizes that weakness in one of
the legs will cause the entire structure to “wobble” if not collapse altogether. He shows parents, through example,
how to communicate so as to “nip” misbehavior in the proverbial bud and/or “lower the boom” on misbehavior that
has already grown to mammoth proportion. Finally, he provides parents with a concrete definition of consistency
that makes practical sense.
As usual, John laces this talk with humor, and plenty of it! Parents are sure to leave feeling not only relieved of
significant guilt and anxiety, but also inspired, informed, and ready to go home and become calm, self-confident
leaders of children.
Afternoon Session- $10/family
Parenting the Strong-Willed Child—Part One
In the 1960s and ‘70s, American parents embraced a new, psychological vision of children and child rearing. This
new paradigm, which John calls “Postmodern Psychological Parenting,” is the antithesis of the viewpoint that had
guided American parents for hundreds of years. This 180 degree turn has proven enormously problematic to child,
marriage, family, school, and culture. John asserts that many—nearly all, in fact—of today’s parenting struggles are
the result of parents who unwittingly adopt a parenting paradigm that does not work.
After clearly illustrating the difference between the traditional and modern points of view and demonstrating the
failures of the latter, John outlines an equally clear solution: Parents need only to conform their behavior to each of
the “Three Seasons of Child Rearing” as they naturally and logically unfold over the term of a child’s dependency.
Attendees regularly use such terms as “uplifting,” “liberating,” and “empowering” to describe this powerful yet
immensely entertaining presentation.
Parenting the Strong-Willed Child—Part Two
The so-called “strong-willed child”—oppositional, argumentative, assertively demanding—presents a unique
challenge to his or her parents. The adjective is synonymous, after all, with “hard to discipline.” In this enlightening
and entertaining presentation, John outlines a virtually fail-safe formula for successful discipline of not only the
child who is strong-willed, but any child.
The strong-willed child’s parents ask, “How can we get our child to stop arguing with us?” John answers that
question, giving a prescription he absolutely, positively guarantees will stop arguments forever.
The strong-willed child’s parents ask, “How does one discipline a child who does not want to do what he is told?”
John answers that question too, explaining that the secret to effective discipline is found in mastering each of
discipline’s “Three C’s”—communication, consequences, and consistency—and John never fails to impart that
mastery to his audience.
The strong-willed child’s parents ask, “How can we put an end to discipline problems that have been hounding us
for years?” Believe it or not, John answers that question too, and the prescription is practical, not pie-in-the-sky.
See reverse side for Saturday’s presentation

Saturday, Sept. 18th

Location: The Crowne Plaza Hotel, Downtown Cedar Rapids

Morning Session- $10/family

Teen-Proofing: Understanding and Managing Your Teenager
Today’s parents approach the teen years with great anxiety and trepidation. These are the peer pressure years, the
years during which the child begins to declare his or her independence and move toward emancipation. The
problems that develop in the parent-teen relationship, says John, are usually due to parents who don’t want to give
the teen enough freedom and a teen who wants more freedom than he or she can handle. Is there a middle
ground? Yes, there is, and John describes it in terms of a macro-management style that focuses on the “Six C’s of
Teen-Proofing”: curfew, cash, car, conflict, consequences, and colleagues (a.k.a. co-conspirators). The parenting
style that John provides all but insures that teens will take responsible control of their own destinies during the
most significant years of their childhoods and approach emancipation with confidence and purpose.

John will be offering his books for sale and visiting with parents between sessions.

For additional information on John Rosemond visit his website at:


Register with Emily at (319) 373-9209 or,
or Janelle at (319) 373-9209 or
Registration is confirmed when payment is received.
Checks may be made payable to MHSAP.
Payment may be mailed to: MHSAP, 440 S. 15th St., Marion, IA 52302

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