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5 Myths about Microsoft

Microsoft is one of the best known companies in the IT field and being the highest. It became famous by creating the
Windows operating system, used by more than three quarters of PC users in the world. Over time it emerged, of
course, many myths about this company and its founder. Many of them are related to the appearance of the first
computers even.

1. Microsoft invented Windows

In 1968, when Bill Gates was 13 years old, Douglas Englebart, the Stanford Research Institute, to familiarize the
world with the device we know today as the mouse. He is also the one who invented the GUI, or graphical user
interface. In 1970, a team at Xerox Palo Alto Research Institute extended the concept and introduced Englebart
created the first personal computer, the Xerox Alto. In 1979, the young 24-year-old Steve Jobs (founder of Apple)
paid a million dollars in shares by Xerox to get a detailed tour of the production line. Jobs also got the technical
specifications of this computer. Thus it appeared the first commercial personal computer, Lisa, Apple, which run a
more popular Macintosh.

When Bill Gates, who worked at Apple, drew Windows 2.0 in 1987, Apple sued for stealing way they look and behave
Macintosh. Apple lost the case, then Microsoft became the market leader in terms of personal computers.

2. Microsoft does not emphasize security

Windows security gaps make this system one vulnerable to hacker attacks and viruses from the Internet. You will not
see ads for a major security Mac or Linux, because no one bothers to create a virus for these systems. Given that
more than 90% of personal computers worldwide have installed Windows system, they are more vulnerable, precisely
by their large number.

Although Microsoft has received much criticism about security, you can not say it does not exist. Many security
specialists such as Michael Howard and Crispin Cowan from Linux, worked on improving how the system can protect
against threats. Windows Vista, for example, was created with a plus about security.

3. Microsoft is a monopoly in the personal computer market

The US government has named Microsoft as a natural monopoly, simply because managed by legal means, and to
surpass all competitors. But the real definition of natural monopoly is a little different from the conventional. A natural
monopoly is a company that is allowed monopolization of the market simply because it represents the best alternative
for the state and the consumer interest.

Given that Microsoft holds 90% market share of operating systems, no other company does and allows you to spend
as much as Microsoft and marketing research.

4. Microsoft is not innovation

Microsoft has a reputation for being bought all the innovative ideas that lie at the root of Windows. This is not a lie.
For example, Microsoft did not write the code for MS-DOS, but a system called QDOS bought, improved and then
sold to IBM's license for huge profits. Also, no Internet Explorer is not created 100% Microsoft. Code was bought from
the company Spyglass.

Those who still defend Microsoft recognizes the fact that this company is not inclined towards innovation but argues
that it has the best business ideas in the field. Therefore it is recognized that Microsoft focuses on intellectual

5. Bill Gates is wicked

Adjectives such as stubborn, arrogant and ruthless, were used to characterize Bill Gates. But these things do not
identify him as clothes.
When Gates announced that the first plan of withdrawing from Microsoft, opened a window to comment. Microsoft's
mission was for each person on Earth to have a personal computer. Since 1981 until now, Microsoft has provided
over 1.7 billion computers worldwide.

Gates can be blamed for many ruthless tactics against competitors, but is now a philanthropist, in fact the greatest of
all time. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has invested over 10 billion dollars to eradicate poverty and disease in
developing countries and eventually will invest all his fortune Gates.

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