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Intensive Care Med (2002) 28:459465

DOI 10.1007/s00134-002-1233-6 ORIGINAL

Emily E. Wade H2 Antagonist-induced thrombocytopenia:

Jill A. Rebuck
Mark A. Healey is this a real phenomenon?
Frederick B. Rogers

Received: 7 May 2001 Abstract Critically ill patients rou- Keywords Thrombocytopenia
Accepted: 2 January 2002 tinely receive H2 antagonists for Histamine antagonist Critical care
Published online: 12 March 2002 stress ulcer prophylaxis while at risk Intensive care unit Cimetidine
Springer-Verlag 2002 for gastrointestinal bleeding. In these Ranitidine Famotidine Platelet
patients it is often difficult to assess count
No financial support was provided in any accurately the cause of adverse ef-
part for this paper fects such as thrombocytopenia. We
evaluate the literature to better de-
fine thrombocytopenia related to H2
antagonist administration and dis-
E.E. Wade cuss mechanism, potential as a risk
Department of Pharmacy, factor and case reports describing the
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center,
304 Scaife Hall, 200 Lothrop Street, severity and duration of thrombocy-
Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA topenia.
J.A. Rebuck () M.A. Healey
F.B. Rogers
Department of Surgery,
Division of Trauma/Critical Care,
University of Vermont College of Medicine,
Fletcher Allen Health Care,
111 Colchester Avenue, Burlington,
VT 05401, USA
Tel.: +1-802-8474711
Fax: +1-802-847-5908
Correspondence to:
J.A. Rebuck, Fletcher Allen Health Care,
Department of Pharmacotherapy,
111 Colchester Avenue, Burlington,
VT 05401, USA

Introduction care unit (ICU) patients who develop thrombocytopenia

demonstrate an increased length of stay of 417 days [1,
Thrombocytopenia occurs in both inpatient and outpa- 2, 3]. Furthermore, thrombocytopenia is a marker of dis-
tient settings, although the incidence is greatly increased ease severity and has been associated with a worsening
in critically ill patients, with reports ranging from 23 to prognosis [1, 2, 3, 4]. The mean direct medical cost per
63% [1]. Significant increases in length of stay and mor- patient for each event is substantial, as much as $5,600
tality have been reported in patients with documented per patient [5].
thrombocytopenia, defined as a platelet count less than In critically ill patients it is difficult to assess accu-
100,000/mm3 [1, 2, 3]. Medical and surgical intensive rately the cause of adverse effects such as thrombocyto-

penia. Multiple disease states such as sepsis and gastro- are associated with H2 antagonist administration. Platelet
intestinal bleeding experienced by ICU patients contrib- count decreased an average of 82% from baseline. The
ute to this problem. Decreased renal and hepatic function mean time to platelet recovery was 7 days after the dis-
result in drug accumulation leading to an increase in ad- continuation of therapy. More than 90% of patients who
verse effects. Critically ill patients require multiple med- developed thrombocytopenia while receiving an H2 an-
ications, many of which have the potential for substantial tagonist also had at least one documented independent
drug interactions. Moreover, multiple studies have asso- risk factor for thrombocytopenia.
ciated specific medications with the development of Of the 29 case reports, four patients were rechal-
thrombocytopenia [1, 2, 3, 6, 7]. lenged with the same medication and one patient with a
Critically ill patients routinely receive H2 antagonists different H2 antagonist. These patients had a similar
for stress ulcer prophylaxis while at risk for gastrointes- mean age to those in other case reports. All five patients
tinal bleeding [8, 9]. According to a 1999 survey of were being treated for gastrointestinal bleeding. Cirrho-
stress ulcer prophylaxis, 67% of critical care physicians sis and severe rejection of a renal transplant were present
identified an H2 antagonist as the most common agent in two separate patients. The three patients who received
for stress ulcer prophylaxis [10]. This frequently pre- the same medication upon rechallenge and whose plate-
scribed antisecretory class of medications is important in let counts were available for evaluation had a decrease in
the medical management of at risk patients in the ICU platelet count of 78% to a mean nadir of 28,000/mm3.
[11]. Health care providers presume H2 antagonists are a Platelet recovery was achieved by one of the three pa-
well-established cause of thrombocytopenia. Although tients. Of the other two patients, one died before platelet
other medications such as phenytoin and cephalosporins recovery and the other patient refused further laboratory
are also related to a drop in platelet count [12], the H2 evaluation. The platelet count of the patient rechallenged
antagonists are typically the first medication to be impli- with ranitidine rather than cimetidine remained within
cated and substituted with an alternative antisecretory normal limits for 3 months after rechallenge.
agent. Thus, it is important to distinguish between H2 an- It is important to note the large number of patients
tagonist-associated thrombocytopenia and H2 antagonist- who had at least one independent risk factor for throm-
induced thrombocytopenia in order to evaluate the risk- bocytopenia. At least 90% of the case reports include
to-benefit ratio of the continuation of H2 antagonist ad- documented risk factors associated with the development
ministration. Upon consulting the tertiary literature, the of thrombocytopenia, such as sepsis, gastrointestinal
reported incidence of H2 antagonist thrombocytopenia is bleeding, older age, renal and hepatic dysfunction. Four
unknown and, thus, is documented as rare [13, 14, 15]. of the 29 patients were determined to not have dissemi-
Better to define thrombocytopenia related to H2 antago- nated intravascular coagulation (DIC). No mention of the
nist administration, we review case reports describing presence or absence of DIC was included in the other 21
the severity and duration of thrombocytopenia caused by reports, including the two patients with sepsis. In addi-
all commercially available H2 antagonists. Secondly, the tion, the reports did not reveal if patients had central or
association with risk factors and mechanism are dis- arterial lines placed and rarely were additional medica-
cussed. tions mentioned, which would also be potential causes of
thrombocytopenia. Patients who develop thrombocyto-
penia while receiving H2 antagonists experience large
Case reports decreases in their platelet count, often to levels that
would leave a patient susceptible to a spontaneous bleed.
Cimetidine has been implicated as a cause of thrombocy- This is especially worrisome in the majority of patients
topenia, which is reversible upon discontinuation of the who were receiving the medication as treatment for a
medication [16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, gastrointestinal bleed.
28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33]. Similar cases have been reported The majority of case reports involved cimetidine, with
for a small number of patients receiving ranitidine [34, a smaller number concerning ranitidine or famotidine. Ni-
35, 36, 37, 38, 39] and famotidine [40, 41, 42, 43]. zatidine was not reported to be associated with the devel-
Twenty-nine case reports of patients who received H2 opment of thrombocytopenia in published case reports.
antagonists and developed thrombocytopenia have been This does not necessarily suggest nizatidine does not
published (Table 1). The mean age of the patients was have the same potential to cause thrombocytopenia as the
59 years (20 males; 9 females). The average duration of other agents or that cimetidine has the greatest potential.
therapy was 14 days (range of 175 days) before medi- We believe cimetidine is associated with the highest num-
cation discontinuation secondary to thrombocytopenia. ber of reports because it has been available for the longest
Patients may have developed thrombocytopenia prior to period of time and thus was prescribed exclusively prior
laboratory confirmation. The platelet count dropped to a to the development of other H2 antagonists. Consequent-
mean nadir of 39,000/mm3 (range of 1,000100,000/mm3), ly, fewer reports of other H2 antagonists associated with
demonstrating significant episodes of thrombocytopenia thrombocytopenia were documented due to the predomi-

Table 1 Summary of H2 antagonist case reports of thrombocytopenia (TDD total daily dose, i.v. intravenous, p.o. per oral, WNL within
normal limits, NR not reported, GIB gastrointestinal bleed, TMP/SMZ trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole)

Medication TDD Route Duration Baseline Nadir Time to Organ dysfunction Concurrent risk
(mg) (days) platelet count platelet count recovery factors
(per mm3) (per mm3) (days)

Cimetidine [18] 800 i.v. 10 150,000 30,000 NR NR Sepsis, GIB,

Cimetidine [19] 800 i.v. 7 WNL 19,000 7 NR GIB
Cimetidine [19] 800 i.v. 2 60,000 20,000 6 NR GIB, alcohol
Cimetidine [20] 1200 p.o. 6 176,000 24,000 2 NR GIB
Cimetidine [21] 900 p.o. 60 670,000 57,000 NR Cirrhosis GIB
Cimetidine [22] 600 p.o. 35 WNL 13,000 10 NR NR
Cimetidinea [23] 1200 i.v. 7 110,000 22,000 3 Cirrhosis Alcohol abuse,
Cimetidinea [24] 600 i.v. 5 110,000 40,000 3 Renal transplant NR
(mild rejection)
Cimetidine [25] 1000 p.o. 49 184,000 6,000 8 Hepatosplenomegaly Sarcoidosis
Cimetidine [26] 1200 i.v. 5 220,000 95,000 3 NR GIB, gentamicin
Cimetidine [16] 900 p.o. 7 WNL 2,000 7 NR Quinidine,
Cimetidinea [17] NR NR NR NR 1,000 Several NR Alcohol abuse,
Cimetidine [27] 1200 i.v. 5 >100,000 20,000 4 Hepatic GIB, splenomegaly-
insufficiency induced thrombo-
Cimetidinea [28] 1200 i.v. 4 270,000 35,000 8 NR GIB, cancer,
Cimetidine [29] 1200 NR 75 225,000 1,000 6 NR Phenytoin
Cimetidine [30] 800 i.v. 6 192,000 28,000 No NR Phenytoin
Cimetidine [30] 800 i.v. 4 125,000 35,000 14 NR Phenytoin
Cimetidine [31] 1200 i.v. 7 60,00073,000 5,000 14 Postnecrotic GIB, furosemide
Cimetidine [32] 900 i.v. 1 WNL 75,000 9 NR GIB
Cimetidineb [33] 800 p.o. NR WNL 50,000 NR NR GIB
Ranitidine [34] 300 p.o. 8 200,000 <50,000 14 NR Cyclosporine,
Ranitidine [35] 300 p.o. 18 404,000 31,000 4 NR GIB
Ranitidine [36] 300 p.o. 7 525,000 <100,000 14 NR Blood dyscrasia,
Ranitidine 300 p.o. 14 NR 70,000 2 Renal insufficiency Hydralazine,
[37, 38] aspirin
Ranitidine [39] 150 i.v. 3 249,000 39,000 16 Chronic liver disease NR
Famotidine [40] 40 i.v. 2 282,000 13,000 2 NR Diazepam
Famotidine [41] 20 i.v. 4 288,000 95,000 1 NR Sepsis
Famotidine [42] 40 p.o. 12 252,000 99,000 1 NR GIB, severe
Famotidine [43] 40 p.o. 7 NR 47,000 6 Chronic renal failure Concurrent
a Rechallenged with cimetidine
b Rechallenged with ranitidine

nance of this adverse effect already reported in the litera- Table 2 Non-pharmacological
risk factors for development of Central or arterial line [1, 6]
ture associated with the medication class. Sepsis [1, 2, 3, 6]
Renal insufficiency [2]
Hepatic insufficiency [2, 6]
Risk factor studies Hemodynamic instability [6]
Bleeding or transfusions [3, 7]
Older age [7]
Multiple studies have been conducted to identify risk APACHE II score > 15 [3]
factors associated with the development of thrombocyto-
penia in the ICU environment [1, 2, 3, 6, 7]. Cawley re-
cently published a chart review of 193 surgical-trauma
intensive care patients [1]. The use of H2 antagonists was Proposed mechanisms for H2 receptor
not considered to be a risk factor in the 25 patients who antagonist-associated thrombocytopenia
developed thrombocytopenia, as similar percentages of
patients with and without thrombocytopenia received H2 Case reports have yielded two potential mechanisms of
antagonists [1]. The patient population in this study ex- H2 antagonist-induced thrombocytopenia. The first of
perienced a low frequency of thrombocytopenia, which these is bone marrow suppression secondary to inhibi-
may have decreased the power of the study to detect a tion of DNA synthesis [16, 44, 45, 46]. The second
difference [1]. In a retrospective review of 162 medical mechanism, which occurs rarely, is the development of
ICU patients, 53% of non-thrombocytopenic, versus platelet antibodies during H2 antagonist administration
44% of thrombocytopenic, patients were administered [6, 17, 47].
H2 antagonist therapy [2]. The earliest proposed mechanism of thrombocytope-
Bonfiglio examined medical-surgical ICU patients nia was related to the thiourea side chain on metiamide,
and demonstrated a comparable change in mean platelet the first H2 antagonist available in the United States [16,
count for patients administered sucralfate (90,000/mm3) 44, 45]. It was demonstrated that radiolabeled metiamide
or H2 antagonists (89,000/mm3) [6]. Furthermore, of the and thiourea were readily accepted by bone marrow cells
factors identified to be associated with thrombocytope- [16]. The cells did not retain radiolabeled cimetidine,
nia, 1% were related to H2 antagonist therapy [6]. How- which does not contain the thiourea side chain [16].
ever, the authors defined thrombocytopenia as a platelet However, with widespread use of cimetidine, case re-
count of less than 200,000/mm3 rather than less than ports were published documenting patients who experi-
100,000/mm3 [6]. The most recent prospective study, enced thrombocytopenia and leukopenia. Byron demon-
which involved 147 surgical ICU patients, failed to dem- strated that activation of H2 receptors with 4-methylhis-
onstrate a correlation between H2 antagonist administra- tamine, a H2 receptor agonist, stimulated the bone mar-
tion and development of thrombocytopenia [3]. Forty row pluripotent stem cell to move from the G0 phase of
percent of the patients with thrombocytopenia also had the cell cycle to the DNA synthetic phase [46]. When
documented DIC [3]. A further prospective study of 63 metiamide was added with 4-methylhistamine, the shift
trauma ICU patients revealed an 18% increase in the in- to the DNA synthetic phase did not occur [46]. Byron re-
cidence of H2 antagonist administration in the group vealed a possible cause of bone marrow inhibition due to
which did not develop thrombocytopenia [7]. Patient da- lack of stem cell differentiation leading to thrombocyto-
ta was collected for 14 days, which may not have cap- penia and leukopenia [46]. Other studies have found the
tured all drug-induced thrombocytopenia events [7]. In same bone marrow response to other H2 agonist and an-
summary, all of the risk factor studies revealed a lack of tagonist combinations [47, 48, 49]. This mechanism
correlation between H2 antagonist administration and the would explain why other H2 antagonists are also report-
development of thrombocytopenia. ed to cause thrombocytopenia.
Although clinicians are able to assess the percentage Patients have demonstrated positive antibody tests
of patients who develop thrombocytopenia in the ICU, it while receiving H2 antagonists [16, 17, 50]. A positive re-
is extremely difficult to establish the incidence attribut- action has been found for platelet antibodies from serum
able to medications. Critically ill patients have multiple drawn at platelet nadir during cimetidine therapy and do-
medical conditions and other non-pharmacological is- nor platelets were lysed when combined with patient se-
sues, which are independent risk factors for thrombocy- rum [16]. Serum after platelet recovery was positive for
topenia (Table 2). Patients in the ICU are often receiving cimetidine antibodies [16]. Plasma combined with cimeti-
more than one agent implicated in the development of dine and donor-labeled platelets for a serotonin release
thrombocytopenia. A number of pharmacological agents assay revealed a high amount of serotonin release as
have been reported to be associated with this result, in- compared to control, which demonstrated platelet anti-
cluding antineoplastics, heparin, phenytoin, milrinone, body activity in the presence of cimetidine [17]. After ex-
inamrinone, quinidine, trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole posure to occasional ranitidine or nizatidine administra-
and H2 antagonists [12]. tion, patient serum has revealed anti-IgG antibodies

bound to platelets when ranitidine was added at pharma- nia. At a platelet count of less than 50,000/mm3, a patient
cological doses [50]. These experiments were performed is considered to have moderate to severe thrombocytope-
in vitro; therefore, the pathogenetic significance of the nia [9]. Further decreases in platelet count increase the
presence of antibodies is unclear. This does, however, risk of bleeding secondary to invasive procedures and pre-
provide a plausible explanation for the development of dispose the patient to a spontaneous bleeding episode. At
thrombocytopenia in patients receiving H2 antagonists. this level of thrombocytopenia, the risk-to-benefit ratio for
continuation of H2 antagonist argues shifting therapy to-
ward consideration of an alternative agent.
The risk of bleeding is particularly high in critically ill pa- Conclusion
tients due to a variety of contributing factors, including an
increased number of invasive procedures performed in the Upon review of the available case reports and risk factor
ICU. It is well documented that the concern about bleeding studies, H2 antagonist-induced thrombocytopenia does in
escalates as the platelet count declines [12, 51,52]. When fact occur, but the incidence is in all probability over-
the platelet count decreases to less than 100,000/mm3, the reported. Typically prescribed dosing regimens of these
patient is considered to have mild thrombocytopenia [1, 2, medications as well as the duration of administration do
3]. Typically, patients are not at significant risk of bleed- not appear to be related to the onset of thrombocytopenia.
ing, but the situation should be corrected if possible and In patients receiving H2 antagonists who develop thrombo-
the patient carefully monitored. At this point it is important cytopenia, the platelet count may decline as much as 80%,
to weigh the risk-to-benefit ratio of each therapy that may frequently placing the patient at a higher risk for bleeding.
be contributing to thrombocytopenia. The majority of patients described in the literature possess
Examining H2 antagonist therapy reveals that multiple at least one documented risk factor, such as sepsis or gas-
trials have studied this pharmacological class for its use trointestinal bleeding, prior to H2 antagonist administra-
in stress ulcer prophylaxis and the availability of both an tion. Furthermore, recent risk factor studies have revealed
oral and parenteral route of administration. Alternative H2 antagonist therapy was not associated with a higher in-
agents include sucralfate and proton pump inhibitors. cidence of thrombocytopenia in critically ill patients.
Ranitidine has demonstrated increased efficacy com- If presented with thrombocytopenia in the absence of
pared to sucralfate for prevention of clinically important a proven risk factor, the clinician should consider H2 an-
gastrointestinal bleeding in critically ill patients [9]. Pro- tagonist-related platelet decrease. Risk factor studies
ton pump inhibitors, both in the oral and parenteral form, have not revealed a correlation between H2 antagonist
have demonstrated efficacy in stress ulcer prophylaxis administration and thrombocytopenia; therefore, critical-
when compared to H2 antagonists, but the literature ly ill patients should not routinely be switched to an al-
available is limited by small patient numbers [53, 54]. ternative agent. In most cases other more frequent causes
However, proton pump inhibitors are not associated with of thrombocytopenia should be considered the source.
the development of thrombocytopenia [55]. Yet, switch- H2 antagonist administration has been associated with
ing from a H2 antagonist to a proton pump inhibitor may thrombocytopenia in multiple published case reports. If
increase the cost of therapy and, thus, should be reserved thrombocytopenia is determined to be related to H2 an-
for patients requiring acute acid suppression who are at tagonist administration, the clinician should consider an
risk for bleeding due to thrombocytopenia. alternative antisecretory agent, such as a proton pump in-
While case reports support the assumption that H2 an- hibitor, when significant thrombocytopenia (<50,000/mm3)
tagonist administration is associated with thrombocytope- develops due to the risk of spontaneous bleeding. In the
nia, case-control trials have not conclusively demonstrated future, a prospective multi-center trial is needed to enroll
a correlation [1, 2, 3, 6, 7]. Thus, H2 antagonist therapy patients to analyze further the relationship between H2
should be continued in patients with mild thrombocytope- antagonist administration and thrombocytopenia.

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