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Kamla-Raj 2010 J Communication, 1(2): 101-105 (2010)

The Impact of Communication on Community Development

Mary Olufunke Adedokun*#, Comfort Wuraola Adeyemo* and
Edith Oluwafunmilola Olorunsola**
Department of Educational Foundations and Management, Faculty of Education,
Institute of Education, University of Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria
Telephone: +234 803 480 6200, #E-mail:

KEYWORDS Participation. Mobilization. Information Dissemination.Interaction. Change

ABSTRACT This research work examined the impact of communication on community development. It examined why
effective communication is needed for rural community development to be sustained. The study made use of descriptive
survey research. The population consisted of both men and women in the rural community of Akinyele local government
area of Oyo State. A sample of 133 men and women were used for the study. Data collected were subjected to percentage
analysis. The study revealed that effective communication would lead to active participation of members in community
development. It was also revealed that when community groups are closely involved in communication strategy, it helps
them take ownership of the initiative of development rather than seeing themselves as beneficiaries of development.
Based on the findings, it was recommended that community leaders as well as community development agents should
engage in clear communication so as to enlist the participation of community members in development issues.

INTRODUCTION relation to community/rural development, it

means an interactive process in which informa-
Community development is the process of tion, knowledge and skills relevant for develop-
helping a community to strengthen itself and ment are exchanged between community mem-
develop towards its full potential. Communica- bers and information providers either personally
tion is a key component of sustainable develop- or through media such as radio, print, telephones
ment. Mobilizing community members for com- and cybernetics. The aim of effective rural com-
munity development purpose is important but munication is to put rural people in a position to
members of communities can only be mobilized have the necessary information for decision mak-
when communication is effective. Adequate com- ing and the relevant skills to improve their live-
munity communication leads to effective collabo- lihood.
rative efforts in issue of development. Commu- In communication for development, rural
nication will help engage citizens in develop- people are at the centre of any given develop-
ment. To bring about social change among the ment initiative and so communication is used in
marginalized and vulnerable population groups, this sense for peoples participation and commu-
participation must be fostered through commu- nity mobilization, decision making and action,
nication; as such will lead to the transformation confidence building for raising awareness, shar-
of the community. This is to say that communi- ing knowledge and changing attitudes, behaviour
cation is a central or the mediating factor facili- and lifestyles (FAO 2006).
tating and contributing to collective change pro- Communication for development is defined
cess (Sarvaes and Liu 2007). Effective commu- as the planned and systematic use of communi-
nication will help in the move of people from cation through inter-personal channels, ICTs,
individual centered deficit model of learning, audio-visuals and mass media.
behaviour development and change to a collec- - Communication is to be used to collect and
tive and community-focused model of participa- exchange information among all those con-
tion, appreciation and equity. cerned in planning a development initiative
Community is precipitated on the fact that with the aim of reaching an agreement on
daily interaction of citizens is essential to col- the problems facing development issue and
lective action and that effective communication seeking options for their solutions.
serves to stimulate and direct such interactions - To mobilize people for development action
(Communication and Community Development and to assist in solving problems and mis--
in http://www.communicationforsocialchange understandings that may arise during deve-
.org/maziarticles.php7id=272.) lopment plan.
When mention is made of communication in - To enhance the pedagogical and commu-

nication skills of development agents so development as the process of enhancing mans

as to have effective dialogue with their au- knowledge, skills, attitudes, boosting his self
dience (http://www/newchalinitiative. net). confidence, self-reliance, and self-pride to face
From the rural development perspective, com- the world. For all these to come about, there is
munication is seen as a social process designed need for effective communication.
to bring together every community member in a Community development involves the com-
two-way process where people are both senders ing together of a group of people in a commu-
and receivers of information and creators of nity planning and acting together to bring about
knowledge. the satisfaction of their needs with a view to
Communication for development focuses on bringing about desirable change in the lives of
two areas namely: information dissemination and the people through their cooperative efforts and
motivation training of field workers and rural by actively taking part in measures designed to
members. Full potential for development can only improve their conditions of living (Adedokun
be realized if knowledge and technologies are 2008).
shared effectively and rural people involved in The coming together of these people in a co-
the process are motivated to achieve success. operative way presupposes that there must be
Communication is important for rural develop- effective communication between and among the
ment in the face of various challenges facing ru- people. Without effective communication, there
ral development. Such challenges are character- would be misgiving and misunderstanding and
ized by this would always result in conflict, lack of co-
(a) A dearth of information, operation and subsequently lead to underdevel-
(b) Conflicting messages (difficulty in knowing opment.
what is relevant/correct information), To Braimoh (1988), effective communication
(c) A lack of well-developed Information and is an essential tool for the establishment and
communication technologies (ICT) infra- maintenance of a good social and working rela-
structure and low levels of ICT skills. tionship. It involves constant change of ideas and
( interactions among people for the solution of their
When talking of communication for rural de- problems and they see effective communication
velopment, it should be noted that in reality, the as essential prerequisite for every aspect of group
electronic media are largely available in institu- functioning. With all these facts, effective com-
tions and companies, the contents of which are munication cannot be brushed aside if rural de-
in languages that rural populace do not use or velopment is to be accomplished because to
communicate in, such have little relevance to Anyanwu (1999), community development de-
their needs and their use require training. How- pends on the effectiveness of communication as
ever, it is assumed that the availability of new it helps in sharing of ideas and opinions and dif-
information technologies and media like the fusion of good ideas while irrelevant ideas are
internet, rural radio, mobile phones and TV open thrown out. Effective communication enhances
more channels for communication and give the participation of every community member to-
chance for wide access to information and to lim- wards the achievement of the goals of commu-
ited extent to interactive communication. For nity/rural development. It makes people partici-
electronic communication to be effectively used pate actively in matters of development. Com-
in rural development, the issue of connectivity, munication is a powerful trend to facilitate par-
content and context must be addressed and as- ticipating development. It is about encouraging
sured to realize the potential of information tech- community participation with development ini-
nologies (Thussu 2000). tiatives through a strategic utilization of various
Adedokun (2008) sees development as the communication strategies.
power of people to solve their own problems with Community development involves strength-
their own wisdom, experience and resources with ening the capacity of individuals within the com-
a view to eliminating poverty, pestilence and star- munity to accomplish the communitys set goals.
vation. Akinpelu (2002) sees the target of devel- Communication process brings together all stake-
opment as being human beings and not the ma- holders in community development in a dialogue
terial accumulation surrounding them or of the of ideas on development needs, objectives and
economic growth of the nation. Akinpelu sees actions (Manyozo 2006). This is to say that as

an agent with a community or as a development ing one another and being influenced, informing
practitioner or as a leader in the community, you one another and being informed, teaching and
are first a communication actor and so the way being taught, loving and being loved, entertain-
you approach the local community, the attitude ing and being entertained (Adepoju 2000). Com-
you adopt in interacting with community mem- munication from the above summary of what
bers, the way you understand and discuss issues, communication is about can be said to be an edu-
the way you collect and share information, all cative process and one which leads to effective
involve ways of establishing communication with community development process.
people. The way communication is established
and nurtured will affect how involved people will Research Questions
feel about the issues raised and how they will
participate or not in the development initiative 1. Is there any significant relationship between
(Quebral 1973). communication and effective community
Effective communication is a two-way com- development?
munication, it should not be a one way dissemi- 2. Will effective communication lead to citizen
nation of information, nor should it consist of participation in community development?
telling people what they should or should not do.
It should not be viewed as a way to motivate
people to participate in activities in which they The study used descriptive survey research
did not have input. Communication is expected method. The population for the study consisted
to be used to facilitate community participation of all men and women in Akinyele local govern-
in a development initiative. When communica- ment area of Oyo state. Random sampling tech-
tion is used for community development purpose, nique was used to choose 133 men and women
it is based on the one hand on participating pro- for the study.
cess and on the other hand on media and inter- A carefully prepared 10-item questionnaire
personal communication which facilitates a dia- was administered to the respondents to examine
logue among different stakeholders around a the impact of communication on community de-
common development goal, with the objective velopment.
of developing and implementing a set of activi- To validate the questionnaire, experts in the
ties to contribute to its solution, or its realization area of communication were consulted while the
and which supports and accompanies this initia- questionnaire items were test retested on 40 men
tive. and women in Onidundu and Sango Bon com-
Communication for community development munities in Akinyele local government two weeks
means moving from a focus of informing and before the actual administration of the instru-
persuading people to changing their behaviour ments and a Crombach alpha of 0.68 was ob-
or attitudes to a focus of facilitating exchanges tained which is an indication of good reliability.
to solve a common indentified problem. This in
essence would lead to a common development RESULTS
initiative to experiment with people and to iden-
tify what is needed to support the initiative in Hypothesis: Is there any relationship between
terms of partnerships, knowledge and material effective communication and community devel-
conditions. opment?
The above can be linked to communication Table 1 showed that people were aware of
as described by Udoakah (1998). To him, com- what community development is all about.
munication is a process through which needs, Hence, there is 75.93% positive response to state-
emotions, desires, goals and sentiments are ex- ment 1 as opposed to the negative response of
pressed among human beings using codes, sym- 24.61%. From the table it was affirmed that with
bols and languages understood by the parties in- good communication, there would be collabora-
volved in the process. tive efforts on issues of development; hence 121
In the process of community development subjects responded positively to that statement
therefore, communication is important as it in- while only 10 subjects responded negatively.
volves the study of people relating to themselves It is observed from table 2 that 130 subjects
and to one another in groups, societies, influenc- believed that when communication is effective,

Table 1: Relationship between effective communication The importance of communication in commu-

and community development
nity development was also emphasized by
S. Items Responses Manyozo (2006) that when community groups
No. Agreed Disagreed are more closely involved in communication
No. % No. % strategy, it helps them take ownership of the ini-
1. Community development 101 75.93 32 24.06 tiative of development rather than seeing them-
is a way of helping a selves as beneficiaries of development. The study
community to strengthen
itself and develop towards also revealed that communication tools such as
its full potentials video, posters and radio would aid in the pro-
2. Communication leads to 121 90.97 10 7.51 cess of community development. Planning of
effective collaborative
efforts in issues of community development involves preparing and
development transmitting messages and this could only be
made effective and suitably adapted to targeted
group with effective communication. This is be-
participation is enhanced while only 3 subjects cause community development is a social action
believed otherwise. 131 subjects also believed process in which people of a community organise
that daily interaction of community members is themselves for planning and action.
essential for collective action while only 2 sub- Communication is also an essential ingredi-
jects believed otherwise. ent, which would go a long way in fostering com-
munity participation through the process of self-
Table 2: Effect of communication on effective
participation in community development help.
Community development process provides the
S. Items Responses
No. opportunity of involving and motivating people
Agreed Disagreed of the community to define, identify, analyze and
No. % No. %
solve problems that they feel are important. This
1. Effective communication 130 97.74 3 2.25 is predicated on good communication. Alamgir
leads to good participation
in community development (1989) is of the view that participation facilitates
2. Daily interaction of com- 131 98.49 2 1.50 shared decision-making to find sound and fea-
munity members is essen- sible solutions to local problems and so there is
tial for collective action need for effective communication in the com-
munity and among community members to bring
DISCUSSION the needed development to their community.
The study revealed that daily interaction
The tables above revealed that communica- among community members is a factor for de-
tion is of great importance in community devel- velopment and this means in all the community
opment. It was also revealed that effective com- members do to exchange ideas and opinions,
munication has a great impact on members there is need for use of words and so words must
participation in community development and the be put to use in such a way that everybody in the
effect of communication in the development of community would come to a proper understand-
communities cannot be underestimated when one ing of what to do to bring about community de-
realizes that there is need for collaborative ac- velopment. Adepoju (2000) supporting the ap-
tions among community members. For this col- propriate use of words in communication-be-
laboration to be effective, there is need for ef- lieves that words are the instruments and the tools
fective communication. Because there is bound of trade in community development hence the
to be social interactions among community mem- importance of choosing and arranging words in
bers and this calls for effective communication. such a way as to bring out the idea being ex-
This view is supported by Adepoju (2000) that pressed as exactly as possible out of one mind
an organized society exists only as the flux of and into another.
understanding maintained by communication On the whole the study examined the impact
between individuals and groups. He reiterates that of communication on community development.
every single act of social behaviour involves The study was carried out in Akinyele Local
communication of ideas and emotions in either Government Area of Oyo state and the data col-
an explicit or an implicit manner. lected were subjected to percentage analysis. The

study revealed that for communities to be devel- Community leaders should endeavour to
oped, there is need for effective communication. engage in clear communication so as to
With effective communication, people will have enlist the participation of every body in the
the power to solve their own problems .The study process of community development.
also revealed that with effective communication, Community leaders or community deve-
mobilization of community members would be lopment agents should ensure effective
easy as they would have been made to under- circulation of information among different
stand the reasons for their being mobilized and participants by using communication tools
this will subsequently lead to active citizen par- and channels appropriate to the groups
ticipation in the programmes of community de- involved.
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RECOMMENDATIONS Communication, Technology and Social Change in
Communities. Penang, Malaysia: Southbound.
To this end, the following recommendations Alamgir M 1989. Participatory Development: The IFAD
are made: Experience. In: WP Lineberry (Ed.): Assessing
Participatory Development: Rhetoric versus Reality.
Members of each community should be Boulder: West View Press, pp. 115-125.
made to realize the importance of commu- Manyozo Y 2006. Manifesto for development comm-
nication in the process of community devel- unication: Nora C. Quebral and the Los Banos School
opment. In realization of this, community of Development Communication. Asian Journal of
Communication, 16(1): 77-79.
members should be made to see the impor- Quebral N C 1973. What do we mean by development
tance of choosing the right words for use in communication. International Development Review,
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