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Issue #13

Grade One
December 1, 2017

Please welcome Ms. Candice

Bauman, who comes to us
from Sandowne PS. She has
taught Grade 3 for two years
and Grade 2/3 for over one
year. She is excited to What weve done this week:
continue our program, and to We used the part-part-whole strategy to complete some word
have a great year with your problems. Many students are remembering to use pictures, numbers
and words in their solutions. Encouragement is needed to get some of
the children to use class manipulatives to find several possible
solutions rather than giving up with one or 2 answers.

Our second oral French

presentation is taking place We worked to find numbers plus grand-bigger and plus petit-
before the Christmas break. A smaller than a given number. We ordered numbers biggest to
copy is in the Friday pouch smallest and smallest to biggest. We played Autour du monde to
this week Please practise now improve recall of numbers to 59.

and again, as they children We read the story La Fte. We used our oral French to retell the
will also practise in class. story. Some students are reluctant to try this task. We sequenced
story pictures and added text cards.

Have your child bring his/her

stuffed animal on presentation We added these words to the French word wall: un enfant, une
day. Presentation dates will rgle, une classe, jaime, il/elle aime, jadore, il/elle adore..

be decided by Ms. Bauman.

In Social Studies, we continue to work on rules, responsibilities and
consequences of actions.

Pizza orders are coming

In Art, the children have been studying perspective while creating a
home today and will be due
fall picture.

Dec. 15th.
This week for English Language Arts, we had a review of all the
letter sounds we have covered and created a class alphabet book.

Thank you for your support

Students also had a review of the November sight word list with
word wall games and at learning centres.

This weeks read alouds focused on Text-to-World connections.

In writing, we have added to our Year-at-a-Glance book with

completing the November page by writing about events and new
things we learned this past month.

In Drama, students have finished our Nursery Rhyme theme where

they worked in groups to read and present a different Nursery
Rhyme using voice and actions in different ways.

In Science, we compared all 4 seasons energy uses and discussed

Website: http://
which types of energy use are renewable and non-renewable.

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