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Biogeochemistry (2007) 86:319329

DOI 10.1007/s10533-007-9163-6

Biogeochemical Xuxes of iron from rainwater, rivers

and sewage to a Galician Ria (NW Iberian Peninsula).
Natural versus anthropogenic contributions
Ana V. Filgueiras Ricardo Prego

Received: 1 February 2007 / Accepted: 3 October 2007 / Published online: 26 October 2007
Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2007

Abstract The total iron (TFe) concentrations in Wve Introduction

rivers to a Galician Ria (averages 1.04.5 M) was
within the pristine range, but in rainwater it was Iron is an essential nutrient for the growth and metab-
higher (17 M). TFe values of small sewage treat- olism of aquatic organisms (Falkowski et al. 1998;
ment plants (STP) ranged between 3 and 4 M, Morel and Price 2003) and its bioavailability has a
whereas in the largest was 11 M. Particulate iron in profound inXuence on the productivity, composition
rivers was Wve times more abundant than dissolved and trophic structure of marine planktonic communi-
iron, except in the Lagares where it was 20 times ties (Martin et al. 1991; Sunda 2001). The most
higher, but in the STDs the dissolved/particulate important pathway through which iron is transported
coeYcients varied from 0.1 to 1.1 and in the rainwater towards the landsea margins is the riverine input. It
it was lower than 0.4. Equations of water Xow versus has been mass-balanced in the landsea boundaries
iron Xux were obtained to quantify the iron contribu- by Martin and Maybeck (1979) in seven of the largest
tion from the freshwater sources to the Vigo Ria. It rivers in the world. Recently, the interest in this mat-
receives annually 490 tons of iron (6% in dissolved ter has been reconsidered and extended to small rivers
form) and 90% of this comes from industries focused and tributaries (i.e. Neal and Robson 2000; Turner
on metal processes. The contaminated Lagares River and Williamson 2005).
accounts for the main input of TFe (327 t a1), fol- In the Iberian Peninsula the Xuvial iron and its
lowed by rainwater (78 t a1), the Oitavn River Xuxes were mainly quantiWed in the Tinto River (Ferris
(28 t a1) and Vigo STP (33 t a1). Anthropogenic et al. 2004). In the northwest corner of this peninsula
activities have increased the amount of iron Xowing information about the iron cycle is very scarce (Prego
into the Ria by roughly ten times and this could upset and Cobelo-Garca 2003). There is only some recent
the biogeochemical cycle in similar coastal systems. but very limited iron analyses in freshwater systems for
particulate (Evans et al. 2003; Cobelo-Garca et al.
Keywords Dissolved Freshwater Iron NW 2004) and dissolved iron (DFe) (Prego et al. 2006).
Spain Particulate This lack of information about the iron levels and
Xuxes from catchments to a ria system in this geo-
graphical region is one of the reasons of this paper.
Moreover, in the global iron Xuxes to the coast particu-
A. V. Filgueiras (&) R. Prego
Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas (CSIC), C/Eduardo
late iron (PFe) seem to be two orders of magnitude
Cabello, 6, 36208 Vigo, Spain higher than the dissolved (Poulton and Raiswell 2002).
e-mail: Therefore, it is necessary to provide new information

320 Biogeochemistry (2007) 86:319329

for this question to add it to current studies across Study site

Europe and the Iberian Peninsula, in particular.
In addition to the Xuvial contribution, the research It is located in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula,
on iron output on the landsea boundary must take in and is the southernmost ria on the Galician Coast
account two other sources: sewage inputs and rainwa- (Fig. 1). It is an incised valley where the estuarine
ter inXow. In the coastal systems, iron does not zone moves according to climate changes (Evans and
usually limit phytoplankton growth (Moore et al. Prego 2003).
2002). This may be the reason why its cycle is Direct rainwater on the Ria seawater ranges from
unknown in the rias and there is no information on 1,400 to 1,700 mm, according to the annual isohyets
rainwater iron content and its Xux to the rias. The range (Gmez-Vias et al. 1996). The Xuvial basin of
same may be said for the sewage iron Xux and its con- the Ria has an area of 490 km2 and 1,950 330 mm
centrations are not commonly measured in the resid- of annual average runoV (station n.495 of INM mete-
ual waters (Karvelas et al. 2003), except for health orological net). It receives the continental supplies of
controls (Chino et al. 1991). Consequently, this work seven water-streams and one river (Fig. 1), the
was also undertaken to assess natural and anthropo- Oitavn-Verdugo (334 km2), which is the main Xow
genic inputs of iron from the land to a marine coastal to the Ria with a discharge of 17 m3 s1. Moreover, it
area of environmental signiWcance, the Vigo Ria. The also receives the output of six sewage pre-treatment
research has international relevance within the con- plants (STP) from the banks of the Ria (Fig. 1).
text of biogeochemical iron Xuxes and budget from Vigos STP treats the residual waters of 300,000 of
rivers, atmosphere and sewage treatment plants (STP) the 420,000 residents living on this coast and empties
in the shoreline boundary of a ria coastal system, 1.9 0.2 m3 s1 into the Ria. Industrial activities are
where, at present, there is a lack of information. focused on metals, i.e. a car factory and shipyard,

Vigo Ria 42 25
Riv er

Frag a

R e do n d e l a Oita vn
STP Riv er
M o aa Teis STP
42 1 5 N
C a n g a s B o u z as Alvedosa
STP MS Ri ver
Vigo STP 10 km

8 50 8 40 8 30 W

Fig. 1 Basin area of the Vigo Ria displaying the rivers, sewage pre-treatment plants (STP) and meteorological station (MS) sampled

Biogeochemistry (2007) 86:319329 321

fresh and frozen seafood and harbor goods works basin surfaces due to the good relationships (r2 > 0.9)
(4,000,000 tons per year). obtained by comparing the measurements of their
The geology of the area is dominated by igneous Xows (Alvarez-Eijo 2000). STP Xows corresponding
and metamorphic rocks dating from the Precambrian- to the sampling dates and the monthly average dis-
Paleozoic age, which form a series of hills (400 charge during 2004 were provided by the Sewage
500 m) bordering the Ria and the hinterland. The only Plant Companies.
younger rocks comprise Miocene-Quaternary conti- Samples were taken to the IIM and refrigerated at
nental sediments, which inWll a series of NS graben 4C and on the same day, they were vacuum Wltered,
structures inland, and Quaternary Xuvial and coastal using Pall hydrophilic polypropylene membranes
sediments (Nombela et al. 1995). The iron concentra- mounted in a polycarbonate Wlter holder, inside an
tion in this area oscillates between 10 and 30 mg g1 ultra-clean laboratory (class 1000) to avoid contami-
(Guitian 1992). nation. The Wltration was using 0.45 m Wlter circles
and this was used to operationally deWne the separa-
tion between dissolved and particulate components
Materials and methods (Chapman 1992; Loring and Rantala 1992). Note that
this Wltration is operationally deWned (Neal et al.
Rainwater samples were collected at the weather sta- 1996) and that the dissolved phase can include sig-
tion of the Spanish Institute of Meteorology (INM) in niWcant microparticulate material (GrasshoV 1983).
the Marine Research Institute (IIM), located in the Funnels, bottles, plastic Wlter holders, tweezers, petri
middle of the southern coast of the Vigo Ria (Fig. 1). dishes and other materials were washed with deter-
Forty-four rainwater samples were gathered from this gent, rinsed with distilled water, pre-cleaned with
station during 2004, from 30th December 2003 to 3th 10% (w/w) sub-boiled nitric acid solution for two
January 2005, generally, at intervals of 15 days (twin weeks, rinsed several times with Milli-Q water and
samples each interval). Polyethylene funnels of 12 cm dried before use. The Wltered water were stored prior
diameter Wtted into 1 L low-density polyethylene to analysis at room temperature in 1-L LDPE acid-
(LDPE) bottles were used. Daily rainfall data for Vigo washed bottles and acidiWed to pH 2 by adding 1 L
were provided by the INM, which coincided with per mL reagent-grade HNO3 to prevent adsorption of
the precipitation volumes collected in the sampling the metal by the surface of the polyethylene bottles.
bottles. For Wltration pre-weighed Wlters, acid-washed just
Samples from the rivers and STPs were collected before Wltration, were used. The Wrst 50 mL of the
(pH was previously measured in situ with a WTW sample was discarded. Wet Wlters containing the sus-
MultiLine P4 Set) and placed in new 1-L LDPE bot- pended particulate matter (SPM) were then taken
tles previously acid-washed and rinsed with Milli-Q using acid-washed polypropylene tweezers and put
water. Sampling Xuvial points (salinity <0.2 mea- into a laminar Xow chamber (class 100) until dry. The
sured with a WTW MultiLine P4) were situated in the Wlters were then weighed (SPM concentration calcu-
Oitavn River and the water streams of Alvedosa, lated) and placed in cleaned air-tight plastic petri
Lagares, Fraga, Maior and Ullo and sewage points at dishes inside zip-lock plastic bags and stored at -20C
the Vigo, Teis, Arcade, Redondela, Cangas and in the freezer until digestion. Blanks (one Wlter each
Moaa STP (Fig. 1). Each point was sampled 12 samples) of analysis were treated with the same
monthly during 2004, except for the Oitavn River procedure than the samples.
which was sampled twice a month. The Oitavn River The analysis of iron, both in SPM and water sam-
discharge was measured daily at the Sotomaior ples, was carried out by Varian 220 ElectroThermal
gauging station. It was calibrated in 2004 by in situ Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy equipped with
measurements with current-meters as the method Zeeman background correction. Prior to analysis, Wlters
area-speed (WMO 1994) and the river Xow cor- containing SPM were microwave-digested (Milestone
rected to all its basin surface according to the rainfall 1200 Mega) in TeXon bombs using a mixture of HNO3
and land used by a hydrological model (Alvarez-Eijo and HF according to EPA guideline 3052. The accuracy
2000). The decennial Xows of the water streams were of the analytical procedure was checked using the refer-
calculated from the Oitavn discharge and the stream ence materials PACS-2 (marine sediment reference

322 Biogeochemistry (2007) 86:319329

material, NRCC) and SLRS-4 (river water reference 4

material, NRCC), obtaining values of 42.9
1.7 g g1, certiWed 40.9 0.6 g g1 and 101

dissolved iron (M)

4 g L1, certiWed 103 5 g L1, respectively. The
detection limits of the analytical procedure, deWned as
three times the standard deviation of the blanks, were
0.17 g L1. The precision of the analysis depended
on the concentrations of the sample and were, like the
relative standard deviation, generally below 10% for all

particulate iron (M)

Iron concentration in waters
The highest concentrations of DFe were measured in
STP, particularly in Vigo STP showing a mean value of
2.5 M, followed by Teis (1.8 M) and Arcade 10
(1.3 M), Fig. 2. Slightly lower values were obtained
for the rivers in the area (pH was 6.81 0.35): the high-
est concentrations were for the Lagares River (1.1 M), 0

while the others had concentrations lower than 0.7 M.



La g a r e s
Bo u za s

Ar cad e

Mo a a
Fr ag a


In rainwater, the mean iron content was 0.8 M.


Iron associated with SPM, PFe, was more abun- Rain River STP

dant in the Teis STP, rainwater and in the Lagares Fig. 2 Box-and-whisker plots of the iron levels in its water
River with their mean values being 15, 16 and 29 M, sources to the Vigo Ria. The length of the box represents the
respectively (Fig. 2). Similar to what occurred with interquartile range, which contains 50% of the values, and the
DFe, PFe in the pluvial data was, again, the most var- thin horizontal line inside the box indicates the median whereas
heavy horizontal line represent mean. The whiskers are lines
iable, ranging from 1 to 61 M. In contrast, the that extend from the box to the highest and lowest values exclud-
Arcade and Cangas STPs, and the Oitavn and Maior ing outliers and extremes. Outliers are deWned as cases in which
rivers presented the lowest PFe values, which never the values are between 1.5 and 3 times larger than the length of
surpassed 8.8 M. the box from its upper or lower border; those greater than three
times are extremes
The partition coeYcients (K, Table 1) were deter-
mined as the quotient between dissolved and PFe,
both in M units. The prevailing phase in all of the Freshwater iron Xuxes
rivers Xowing into the Vigo Ria is the PFe, which var-
ied between 0.17 and 0.26. It is more pronounced in The contributions of iron Xowing towards the Ria
the Lagares case, where K is 0.05. The opposite can be evaluated from the relations between the Xux
occurred with the Oitavn River (K is 0.83) where of iron versus the water Xow of the rivers, STP and
iron is distributed almost equally between both phases rain. The results are shown for the three principal
during the whole year, although in July, August and contributions in Fig. 3 and for all the iron sources
September it is more abundant in DFe (K values of under consideration in Table 1 on the basis of expo-
1.77, 1.98 and 1.60, respectively). In the case of sew- nential equations (Thomas and Meybeck 1992).
age, partition coeYcients vary from 0.13 for the Teis Most of the mathematical expressions obtained
to 0.48 for the Moaa STPs. It involves a major pres- presented high correlation coeYcients and levels of
ence of iron in SPM, but iron is distributed equally signiWcance. They allowed us to calculate the iron Xux
between both phases in Arcade (K of 1.1) and Cangas -dissolved, particulate or total- simply by knowing
(1.0) STPs. the water Xow.

Biogeochemistry (2007) 86:319329 323

Table 1 Iron contribution to the Vigo Ria from the diVerent freshwater sources according to the equation F = aQb
Source aaf* Dissolved iron Particulate iron [Fe]d/[Fe]p
m3 s1 a b r (p) a b r (p) K

River Oitavn 16.33 21.9 0.82 0.82 (<0.001) 17.2 1.24 0.95 (<0.001) 0.83 0.63
Alvedosa 1.63 29.2 1.11 0.93 (<0.001) 186 1.05 0.91 (<0.001) 0.17 0.08
Lagares 3.68 51.1 1.04 0.92 (<0.001) 1314 1.35 0.90 (<0.001) 0.05 0.03
Fraga 0.40 36.5 1.13 0.93 (<0.001) 344 1.48 0.94 (<0.001) 0.26 0.13
Maior 0.40 5.06 0.67 0.71 (<0.01) 130 1.33 0.94 (<0.001) 0.18 0.09
Ullo 0.74 9.25 0.95 0.81 (<0.01) 64.2 0.84 0.69 (<0.02) 0.17 0.10
Rain Bouzas 8.12** 0.018 1.25 0.72 (<0.001) 0.95 0.09 0.14 0.15 0.26
STP Arcade 0.017 11.3 0.59 0.43 23.5 0.80 0.54 (<0.1) 1.13 0.74
Redondela 0.073 85.7 1.27 0.72 (<0.01) 1098 1.84 0.62 (<0.05) 0.39 0.19
Teis 0.072 93.7 0.97 0.87 (<0.001) 233 0.53 0.57 (<0.05) 0.13 0.05
Vigo 1.960 57.4 2.10 0.73 (<0.01) 140 2.60 0.78 (<0.01) 0.31 0.11
Cangas 0.061 39.4 0.93 0.41 54.5 1.14 0.74 (<0.01) 1.02 0.63
Moaa 0.087 8.24 0.66 0.40 5.18 0.09 0.02 0.48 0.41
F is the iron Xux in mg s , Q the water Xow in m s , a and b the constants of equation; r is the regression coeYcient and p the level
1 3 1

of signiWcance; K is the ratio of the dissolved to particulate iron concentration in water

* aaf is the annual average Xow in 2004
** to the 156 km2 of Ria surface during 2004
The quantiWcation of the annual iron contribution within the range of the World Rivers average
from each source could be based in the annual average (Table 2) and they are also characteristic of unpol-
Xow and the annual average concentration of iron but luted rivers (Meybeck 1988), having similar total iron
it suppose a rough estimation because the iron Xux is (TFe) levels to quasi-pristine rivers (Martin and Win-
not a lineal in relation to the Xow. Consequently, the dom 1991). The partition coeYcients (K, Table 1)
information on the daily Xow during 2004 for the indicated a predominance of the particulate phase.
Oitavn and the decennial data for other rivers, in Neal et al. (1996) observed that iron in rivers consti-
addition to the equations given in Table 1, have tutes an element that is especially associated with
enabled us to quantify the annual iron contributions to silicate and oxide phases.
the Ria. Similar to the STPs and their monthly aver- According to a seasonal observations of these Xuvial
age Xows, iron outputs can be estimated. This estima- sources, the highest DFe concentrations in the Oitavn
tion was carried out on rainwater by considering the River (Fig. 5) took place at the end of summer (August,
sampling periods, rainfall, iron content and the Ria September and October), which may be related to the
surface and assuming that the rain is homogeneous organic matter mineralization and the wash of the basin
throughout its marine basin. In Fig. 4 the contribu- with the Wrst autumnal rains. Afterwards, DFe
tions to the Ria from the diVerent iron sources consid- decreased by dilution during the rainy season, a process
ered are summarized on a map. previously observed in the freshwater runoV (Poikne
et al. 2005). Thus, there is a clear PFe pattern in the
Oitavn River, with a peak in April that may be inter-
Discussion preted as being the result of the spring phytoplankton
bloom (Jickells et al. 1991) and another one in October,
Natural sources of iron in the freshwater Xowing into probably owing to the mudslides from the heavy rains
the Ria at the beginning of the rainy season (Neal and Robson
2000; Poikne et al. 2005). The other tributaries of the
The dissolved and PFe content measured in the rivers Ria presented similar behaviour patterns.
under study, except for the Lagares River, may be Seasonal variation can also be studied by means of
considered naturally occurring. These values fall QC representations, i.e. river Xow versus iron concen-

324 Biogeochemistry (2007) 86:319329


20 140
3 120
total iron (M)

total iron (M)

15 [Fe] = 0.0006Q2 0.037Q + 0.863

total iron (M)

r2 = 0.91 [Fe] = 18.6 Q-0.82
2 80

5 [Fe] = -6.77Q2 + 37.39Q - 36.26 1 40

r2 = 0.59 20
0 0 0
1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
flow (m3 s1) flow (m3 s1) rain water flow (L m2 d1)

log (iron flux, mg m2 d1)

log (iron flux, mg s1)

4.0 5 1.0

log (iron flux, mg s1)

4 0.6
3 0.2
2 -0.2
[Fe] = 2.42Q + 2.32 [Fe] = 1.07Q + 1.59
2.5 [Fe] = 0.19Q + 0.008
r2 = 0.71 1 r2 = 0.86 -0.6
r2 = 0.074
2.0 0 -1.0
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5
log flow log flow log flow

Fig. 3 Concentration of total iron versus water Xow for three types of sources (Vigo STP, Oitavn River and Bouzas MS), and loga-
rithm relation of the total iron Xux versus water Xow at the same sources

tration (Fig. 3), because in temperate climates, the U l lo Ri ve r

Maior River 1.6 (13%)
variation in rainy/dry seasons usually follows a 1.7 (4%)
Oitavn River
sequence similar to the seasonal one for rainfalls and 27.9 (22%)

Xuvial Xows. As is the case of rivers, in the Oitavn Arcade STP

0.1 (50%)
there is a good relationship between both parameters,
Q and C, for iron and, consequently, the iron Xux F rag a Ri ver
Moaa STP
0.4 (14%)
increases with Xow (Neal et al. 1997). The natural 4.7 (9%) Redondela STP
0.4 (26%)
Alvedosa River
contribution of TFe from rivers (save Lagares) to the Cangas STP
11.7 (15%)
0.2 (59%)
Vigo Ria can be estimated at 47.6 t a1, which 18% of Rain Water
Teis STP
2.0 (11%)
which corresponds to DFe (Fig. 4). The TFe Xux, 78.4 (9%)

ranging from 80 to 210 kg km2 a1, is in the order of VIGO RIA

those described for agricultural-urban rivers (Webb Vigo STP 5 km
33.2 (23%)
et al. 2000; Neal and Davies 2003).
Lagares River
327 (2%)
Low anthropogenic enriched sources of iron
in the freshwater Xowing into the Ria

Total iron contents in rainwater were higher than Fig. 4 Total iron Xuxes (tons per year) from the considered fresh-
water sources to the Vigo Ria during 2004. Between brackets is
those reported in the Atlantic Ocean area (Table 2) the Xow percentage of dissolved iron
and they were similar in range to those found in popu-
lated and industrial coastal areas (Manoj et al. 2000),
which would suggest that part of rainwater iron in the collector. The concentration of dissolved and PFe in
Vigo Ria may be of anthropogenic origin. The rain- the rain was dry/wet season dependent (Fig. 5). In the
water had a K coeYcient of 0.15, indicating that iron months having the greatest rainfall in 2004 (October
is predominantly associated with particulate matter, and November, Fig. 5), the iron particulate levels
as has already been reported (Halstead et al. 2000). decreased (K was 0.92) suggesting a lower particle
However, in keeping with the observations of Neal content in the atmosphere associated with lengthy
et al. (2004), it may be the inXuence of atmospheric rainy periods. High PFe maximums have been seen to
particles being removed by rain and the dry deposi- occur in periods of drought, as reported previously by
tion of matter which accumulates on the rainfall Kanellopoulou (2001) and Neal et al. (2004). So, high

Table 2 Iron concentrations average (range between brackets) in the freshwater of diVerent locations
Location (g kg1) Particulate iron (M) Dissolved iron (M) Total iron (M) Reference

Rain Atlantic Ocean (0.031.14) Helmers and Schrems 1995

Bermuda Atlantic Station (0.080.12) (0.110.23) (0.230.31) Willey et al. 2004
Wilmington Coast (USA) 0.16 0.05 0.06 0.02 0.21 0.05 Kieber et al. 2001
Plynlimon (U.K.) 0.17 (0.002.45) Neal et al. 1997
Frilsham Meadow (U.K.) 0.24 (0.051.77) Neal et al. 2004
Warren Farm (U.K.) 0.44 (0.038.95)
Black Wood, Hampshire (U.K.) 0.32 (0.001.74) Neal et al. 1994
Biogeochemistry (2007) 86:319329

Vigo Ria (Spain) 16.0 (0.961.3) 0.77 (0.052.81) 16.8 (1.661.5) This study
River World average 48.0 0.72 Martin and Meybeck 1979
US EPA guideline 17.9 EPA 1986
Beaulieu (U.K.) 9.47 0.07 Turner and Williamson 2005
Carnon (U.K.) 168 (0877) Neal et al. 2005a
Odiel River (Spain) 420 (14704) Olas et al. 2004
Tinto River (Spain) <1.0 (23305780) Ferris et al. 2004
St Lawrence mouth (Canada) 53.1 7.3 0.36 0.16 Rondeau et al. 2005
Humber basin(U.K.) (0.1120.0) Neal et al. 1996
Afon Hafren (U.K.) 1.53 (0.415.30) Neal et al. 1997
Upper Afon Hore (U.K.) 1.50 (0.555.18)
LOIS river programme (U.K) 15.0 Robson and Neal 1997
LOIS river programme (U.K.) (0.00228) (0.0019.0) Neal and Robson 2000
Pang (U.K.) 0.37 (0.073.53) Neal et al. 2004
Lambourg (U.K.) 0.18 (0.070.55)
Dun (U.K.) 0.41 0.30 (0.100.96) Neal et al. 2005b
Oitavn (main river) 61.9 (8185) 0.65 (0.22.7) 0.34 (0.021.34) 1.0 (0.42.9) This study
Lagares (contaminated) 44.5 (771.) 29.0 (7.288.0) 1.08 (0.592.15) 30.0 (889)
Other water streams 28.455.4 (8100) 1.44.0 (0.410.9) 0.210.58 (0.020.93) 1.674.51 (0.411.8)
STP TSE Southwest England 0.81 0.02 Turner and Williamson 2005
Montreal (Canada) 47.3 46.0 5.70 5.20 Gobeil et al. 2005
Thessaloniki (Greece) 6.80 0.84 Karvelas et al. 2003
Rural Kennet/Dun (U.K.) 0.63 0.44 (0.051.71) Neal et al. 2005b
Vigo Ria (big plant: Vigo) 8.8 (2.514.5) 2.45 (0.763.90) 11.3 (4.516.9) This study
Vigo Ria (small plants*) 1.22.9 (0.28.7) 0.361.33 (0.153.10) 2.634.20 (0.423.0)

*Save Teis

326 Biogeochemistry (2007) 86:319329



L m-2



0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350

dissolved iron (M)

11.1 particulate iron (M)

2.5 120

Bouzas MS

0.5 20

0.0 0

Oitavn River

0.8 1.5
0.0 0.0


3 10
Vigo STP

0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
day number (Day 1 = 1/1/2004) day number (Day 1 = 1/1/2004)

Fig. 5 Annual time-series of dissolved and particulate concentrations of iron from three types of sources to the Vigo Ria: river water
(Oitavn), sewage (Vigo STP) and rainwater (Bouzas MS)

concentrations of iron in the Vigo area were measured similar to what Neal et al. (1997) observed in another
during rainfalls after dry periods, similar to other temperate zone (mid Wales). Therefore, the QF rela-
systems (Al-Khashman 2005), whereas top DFe con- tion showed, in general, that iron Xux increased with
centrations occurred with the Wrst intense rains of the rain precipitation volume for DFe, but it was not
autumn. possible to predict the iron Xux to the PFe because a
In rainwater, QC equations varied as an exponen- good QF correspondence was not obtained. The
tial negative (Fig. 3), i.e. iron concentration increased annual iron contribution in the rainwater to the Vigo
with a decreasing volume of rainfall and vice versa, area was 457 kg km2 a1 of PFe and 45 kg km2 a1

Biogeochemistry (2007) 86:319329 327

of DFe, higher than the contribution measured to and 0.227 g day1 per population equivalent of TFe;
some British rural areas (Neal et al. 2004). It repre- of these 0.0040.051 g day1 corresponds to DFe,
sents a Xux of 77.3 t a1 to the Vigo Ria surface. which is similar to the value measured by Neal et al.
(2005) using the same type of Wlters. The TFe Xux
High anthropogenic enriched sources of iron of STPs was around ten times lower than in the
in the freshwater Xowing into the Ria Lagares River. Moreover, this River has discharged
3,565 kg km2 a1, i.e. 20 times higher than the other
The Lagares River water as well as the sewage of the tributaries to the Vigo Ria. Therefore it can be consid-
STPs are subject to anthropogenic inXuence. The ered heavily iron-enriched and is the main iron
Lagares River represents the most extreme Ria river contributor of iron to the Ria (327 t a1, Fig. 4).
case with concentrations ten times higher in PFe and
two times higher in DFe than the rivers in the Ria area
(Table 2). Hence, in the Lagares, the levels of TFe Conclusion
were twice as high as those recommended by the EPA
(1986) for freshwater. This increase could be due to The biogeochemical cycle of iron in oceanic environ-
the local lithology or to industrial activity (Robson ments is once again being given special attention,
and Neal 1997; Yuce et al. 2006). The latter reason is since it has been discovered that this element is a lim-
the most probable, as this situation occurs in other iting nutrient for primary production. Meanwhile, in
contaminated rivers (Rondeau et al. 2005; Poikne coastal areas where nitrogen and not iron is the limit-
et al. 2005), since an important part of industrial ing element of the productivity, this metal Xux has
wastewaters from Vigo spill into the Lagares River. It received little or no attention (for example, the Gali-
presented high DFe values in January and February. cian Rias). The iron contribution in its diVerent Xuxes
This behaviour has also been observed in contami- has now been quantiWed in one of these systems: 490
nated rivers where DFe increased during the Wrst tons of iron is being spilled annually into the Vigo
months of the winter (Olas et al. 2004; Morillo et al. Ria with a dissolved-particulate relationship of 1:15.
2005). In this coastal system the natural Xuvial contributions
On the other hand, STP may also be an important are not the most important iron pathway to the land
source of metals in the environment. However, iron is sea transport. It was estimated to be only 10% of the
not considered to be a toxic element, and is some- TFe. The freshwater iron arriving to the oceans from
times even used as a reagent in the treatment plants the coastal zone may play an ever more important
themselves. When TFe was measured (Chino et al. role if its Xux is increasing, as is happening in the
1991; Karvelas et al. 2003), the concentrations were Vigo Ria where 36 t a1 from the STP and 327 t a1
found to be of the same order as those measured in the from the contaminated Lagares River are discharged.
plants of Arcade, Redondela, Cangas and Moaa, but Thus, in a temperate coastal system such as the Vigo
lower than in the Teis and Vigo STP, in particular Ria, anthropogenic activities have increased the input
(Table 2). This may be attributed to the type of treat- of iron to the Ria approximately tenfold. Therefore,
ment used on the residual waters or to an insuYcient the sole quantiWcation of the main wide river iron
capacity to treat the volume of residues rather than to Xux to a ria or an estuary, as is common in the case of
changes in the pH (STPs were 6.92 0.29). Gener- the biogeochemical cycle of nutrient salts, may be not
ally, STPs involve a major presence of iron in SPM, enough to make an appropriate estimation of the iron
similar to what occurred in other treatment plants freshwater contributions.
(Karvelas et al. 2003; Gobeil et al. 2005). High DFe
Acknowledgements The authors would like to express their
values were found in the STPs during the summer and gratitude to the sewage plant companies Pridesa, Aqualia,
at the beginning of the autumn, but they were also Espina y Delfn and Ferg Galicia for their kindness in coop-
high in the Vigo STD during January (Fig. 5). When erating in the sampling and providing sewage Xow and popula-
the STP Xow increased, the concentration tended to tion equivalent data; to Mr Portela for the gauging station
measurements in the Oitavn River; to Dr Alvarez Eijo (USC)
be constant and the iron Xux of STPs increased with for the gauging station calibration and river Xow quantiWcation;
the sewage spilled volume. The TFe Xux can be esti- to the Centro Meteorolgico Territorial de Galicia (INM) for
mated at 36.2 t a1 (Fig. 4), ranging between 0.015 the meteorological information; to METRIA project participants

328 Biogeochemistry (2007) 86:319329

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Spanish Education and Science Ministry for their Wnancial sup- ron 29:24752484
port (I3P researcher contract). This work is a contribution to the Jickells TD, Blackburn TH, Blanton JO, Eisma D, Fowler SW,
Spanish LOICZ program and was supported by CICYT under Mantoura RFC, Martens CS, Moll A, Scharek R, Suzuki Y,
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