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%%%%%%%% T H E U S U A L M A T H S Y M B O L S


\newcommand{\rationals}{\ensuremath{\mathbb Q}}
\newcommand{\reals}{\ensuremath{\mathbb R}}
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\newcommand{\integers}{\ensuremath{\mathbb Z}}






Ben Reiner\\
{Mathematics 324}\\
Spring 2017\\
Homework 1

\ \\First draft due in class 27 January 2017\\

Final version due in class 1 February 2017

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Look at the file HW01.tex to see the code that produces the answers to the first
couple of questions in \LaTeX, and then write out your own answers to questions 3
and 4. Remember to use the control sequences (the things that start with \verb&\&)
to produce fractions and fancy mathematical symbols. Mathematical stuff needs to
be enclosed in \verb&$&'s, like this: \verb&$2^2 + 5 = \frac{27}{3}$&, which
produces $2^2 + 5 = \frac{27}{3}$. Check out the internet resources. You will
probably want to write your solutions using {\tt} or {\tt}, but I would suggest that you begin by pasting {\tt HW01.tex} into
your document, as it is set up to control the line spacing in a way that I like.

Your first draft will be commented upon and returned at the next class period.
Then you'll have the chance to fix your mathematics, clean up your typing, and
resubmit a final copy.

You will submit your work in two formats. In class, I'd like a printed version of
your typeset solutions. But also please email me the {\tt .tex} file that produces
your solutions. The email that you send me with that file attached {\em must}\/
have the subject line

\centerline{{\tt Math 324 Homework}.}

If you don't have the right subject line, I do not guarantee that I will be able to
find your submission in and amongst the vast piles of spam email that I get every

Please make sure that the typeset version of your solution has your name at the top
of the first page!



A word about late homework. Above and beyond the penalties that will be assessed
for late work as outlined in the syllabus, if your first draft is late I cannot
guarantee that I can review it in a timely fashion for you. Thus, you may have to
submit your final version without my comments on your first draft. So, don't be

%I should make clear at this time my policy about late homework. Homework comes
with a date and a time at which it is due.
% Late homework will be charged a penalty at the following rate:
% \begin{itemize}
%\item Less than one hour late---no charge.
% \item Between 1 and 24 hours late---you are charged 20\% of your earned
% \item Between 24 and 48 hours late---you are charged 50\% of your earned
% points
% \item $>48$ hours late---you are charged 75\% of your earned points
% \end{itemize}
% Of course, if you are ill or have an emergency and notify me
% about it {\bf before} the assignment is due, the Imperial Potentate
% has the power, at his discretion,
% to lessen or waive the above penalties.


\item Prove that $\{3, 4, 5\}$ is a Pythagorean Triple.

We know that a triple of numbers $\{a, b, c\}$ is a Pythagorean Triple if and only
if the square of one of the numbers is the sum of the squares of the other two
numbers. Rapid mental calculation informs us that $3^2 + 4^2 = 5^2$. So we
conclude that $\{3,4,5\}$ is Pythagorean Triple.\qed

\item Show that if $k$ is an even number greater than two, then $k$ is not prime.

Certainly if $k$ is even, then by definition there is an integer $j$ such that $k =
2j$. So, as $k$ is divisible by a natural number that is neither $k$ nor 1
(namely 2), $k$ is not prime.\qed

\item \begin{singlespace}
In Abbott, do Exercise 1.3.9(a).

%%%% Insert your proof between this line and the next comment line.
We will prove that if sup$A$ $<$ sup$B$, there is an element $b \in B$ that is an
upper bound of $A$. Assume that sup$A$ $<$ sup$B$. Since sup$(A)$ $<$ sup$B$, by
definition of sup we know that sup$A$ is not an upper bound of $B$. This then
implies there is a $b \in B$ that is greater than the sup$A$. So then if we look at
any $a \in A$ by definition of sup$A$ we have $a<$ sup$A$ $< b$. Which is the
definition of an upper bound. \qed
% This is the next comment line...

\item \begin{singlespace}
Read Exercise 1.3.5. In a similar vein, consider the following: Suppose that $A$ is
a nonempty subset of the reals that is bounded above. Define
\[ \sqrt{A} = \{ \sqrt{a} \mid a \in A\}.\]
What can you state and prove about $\sup \sqrt{A}$?

%%%% Insert your proof between this line and the next comment line.
We can state that if sup($\sqrt[]{A})= $$\sqrt {sup A}$. Consider $\sqrt
{a}=$sup$\sqrt[]{A}$ if we then consider squaring $a$ we have that $a$=sup$A$ which
then shows that if we take the square root of sup$A$. We then have sup($\sqrt[]
{A})= $$\sqrt {sup A}$. \qed
% This is the next comment line...


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