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Lesson Title/Focus Lesson 1: LOTF INTRO Course ENG 20-1

Time 8:00 - 10:50 (170mins)


1.2 Extend awareness

1.2.1 Consider new perspectives
a. select appropriate strategies to extend awareness and understanding of new perspectives, monitor their effectiveness,
and modify them as needed

5.1 Respect others and strengthen community

5.1.1 Use language and image to show respect and consideration
d. analyze behavioural expectations of a communication situation, explain how verbal and nonverbal communication
contributes to the inclusion or exclusion of individuals involved in a communication situation, and use verbal and
nonverbal communication that is inclusive of other individuals


At the end of the lesson students will be able to:

Compose personal opinions about the state of morals in relation to crime and punishment
View first hand how prevalent civilization is within our everyday lives and what role it plays in shaping oneself
Have a firm understanding where this novel study will go in response to assignments.


Articles Young Killers are Punished & A Chilling Crime (6 copies)

Large pieces of paper + markers + tape
Survivor activity (sheets printed)
Fakebook + Character assignments (class set)


Introduction Time

Welcome the students to class 10 min

Complete attendance
Morning prayer
Daily pun/joke

Explain that today we will be starting our novel study - Lord of the Flies 5 min
Ask if any students have heard of the novel before - thoughts/opinions/predictions

Body Time
TOPIC 1 Split the students into small groups 30 min
Hand out the article Young Killers are Punished (or online)
Ask the students to read the article (different ways to split group
in OneNote from Marians Ed Pysc. class 16)

Write the word MORAL on the board 20 min

Ask the students to write their own definition
What influences morals
Ask how morals are prevalent in the article they just read
What internal/external factors may have influenced

Read Article A Chilling Crime (Guage for time, possible eliminate this ~30 min
Conduct a fishbowl activity (choose depending on class)

Graffiti Walk 60 mins

Ask the students to join you in a walk through the halls to look for signs of
Once returned, split the students into small groups and assign each group
to a large pieces of paper (spread throughout the classroom)
Ask the to graffiti what forms of civilization they saw while
Give students several minutes to jot things down, then ask them
to move clockwise to the next paper; adding points & discussing
what others have written.
Once students have returned to the page they started
on, have them circle key points/cross out duplicates
Then choose 3 points that stick out the most
vividly to share with the class
Have a brief discussion about students findings/opinions

TOPIC 2 Have students partake in a Survivor game. 20-30min

In groups of four, students are given sheets with 30 items they can have
on the island.
As a group they must choose 15 of the items and list their order
of importance.
Next, they must make a plan of action.
As a class, the groups discuss and defend their decisions.

(following class) Students reflect on survival activity from last day.

Individually, write a list of 10 rules in order of importance for your island
inhabitants. Discuss as a class.

NOVEL/ Introduce William Golding 15 min

AUTHOR INTRO Ask the students why it is important to have background information?
Inform them that I hummed and hawed if I should bother going
over this
Then I remembered the importance of everyone having
a story and how that story helps shape who you are,
even William Golding
Go over Jens intro powerpoint (Google Drive)
Introduces the novel, briefly, too
Ask if anyone has seen/read The Hunger Games
any connection?
FEAR Introduce students to the pervasive and often irrational fear prevalent in the Cold War era of
Goldings Lord of the Flies.
Explain that in the post WWII decade of the 1950s, adults and children alike were
under constant reminder of the fear of atomic attack.
Posters, videos, and drills were commonplace at schools, businesses,
and even at home. Using still and video images, ask students to reflect on
the role of government and the media in shaping this atmosphere of fear.
Recall what Mrs. Gardner said during the fear circle, her fear of
the news. More specifically bad news.
Watch a portion of this video, discuss the purpose; to
inform/protect/scare? How would a small child feel after seeing this
Explain the duck & cover procedure modern day lockdown (?)

ASSIGNMENT Hand out the Fakebook 5-10min

Go through each as a class, and ask if clarification is needed anywhere
Inform the students that they should start thinking, within the first chapter,
who they would like to choose

EXTRA Begin reading the first chapter Cont...

This can be completed for homework


Formative assessment can be conducted to observe if students have a grasp on the topic of morals, and civilization
(through the graffiti walk), then put those concepts to use during the survivor game.

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