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I am surrounded with foolish men

Foolish men who believe in me

Foolish men who absolutely place their trust in me

Cowards who cant take their own lives into their own hands.

Those ugly, grotesque hands.

The worst thing?

Such foolishness began with me.

The old me.

The younger me.

I who wanted to be the only one.

I who wanted to be worshipped.

I, who wanted to be the only one in the world.

I who wanted to be benevolent.

I who wanted no more bloodshed

Its for the greater good I said

So I killed everyone. My cousins. My brothers. My sisters. My wife.

I cant kill my son, but I might as well have.

Thats when the nightmare begin.

Hes the highest they said.

Hes the most glorious they proclaim

He will fulfill your wishes They promise.

Hes lord of all They lied.

My word. My proclamation. My promise. My lies.

All that I said in the name of greater good.

Even when I told them to stop, they just go again and again. Striking people far from home, forcing
me to kill countless others like me.

Just when you think theyre done. They surprise me.

They start killing each other, despite my wishes. Making war in my name. Sacrificing others blood to
satisfy me. Destroying the world.

The irony.
The bloodshed I tried to stop. The sacrifice ancient people made in the name of the impotent. The
ideal world I tried to create.

They happened all over again.

Am I incompetent, or am I a hypocrite?

You tell me.

After all, you created me.

Gave me my purpose




Gave me my names




Tell me.

When will you stop being a coward?

When will you let me die?

Before our current secular government, rulers are appointed by the will of the gods.

Divine right to rule

Mandate of heaven


And other bullshit like that.

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