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How to learn penetration testing at home?


Free options are few, but there are tons of videos and tutorials on specific attack
vectors or products/tools. They will NOT make you a Penetration Tester, but they
are free learning resources.

Some decent options to start you off:

MetaSploit Unleashed: Learn an exploitation framework

SecurityTube: various videos covering a multitude of topics
NMap: The standard network enumeration tool
Web Application Hacker's Handbook: It's not free, but it is the bible on Web
App Security

For practice, there are a number of resources:

Metasploitable VM (and other purposely vulnerable VMs)


Do some searching on this site for other people offering opinions on free learning
resources. But, the only way to learn is to get your hands dirty.

Keep working at it, and keep asking questions!

- Redes TCP/IP (certificaciones CISCO, nivel

universitario) ....................................... 3
- Anlisis
forense ...........................................................................
..... 1
- Hacking tico / Pentesting y sus
herramientas ................................................... 6
- Ingeniera inversa
Linux .............................................................................
.............. 5
- Windows
Server ............................................................................
...... 2
- Hardware y software de dispositivos mviles
- Capacidad de configuracin de dispositivos (FW,
IDS/IPS) ........................................ 4
- Seguridad
perimetral ........................................................................
.... 3
- Principios de seguridad (autenticacin, privacidad, confidencialidad)
- Librera ITIL y proyecto OWASP
- Anlisis de riesgos de seguridad (vulnerabilidades y ataques
potenciales) ....................... 3
- Sistemas SIEM (sentinel) o HIDPS
(ossec) ........................................................ 4
- Criptografa y algoritmos (AES, DES, RSA, Diffie-Hellman, curvas
elpticas) ..................... 3
- Certificaciones (CEH, SANS,
CISSP) .............................................................. 3
- Soluciones
(Fortinet) ........................................................................
... 2
- Soluciones
(Arcsight) ........................................................................
... 2
- Programacin y scripting (Bash, Python, Java, .Net, C, C++, C#, Perl, PHP, Awk,
Ruby, AJAX) ..... 5
- Bases de datos (MySQL)

- Perfil personal: persona proactiva, con capacidad analtica y resolutiva,

ordenada y metdica, con buena presencia y saber estar, excelencia tcnica y
personal, pasin por la tecnologa.

- Incorporacin inmediata
- Nivel alto de ingls
- Proyectos demostrables / visibles

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