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ECEU60 1001 Metode Penelitian S1 FEUI Semester Genap 2016-17

Kementerian Riset, Teknologi dan

Pendidikan Tinggi
Universitas Indonesia
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Program Studi Ilmu Ekonomi S1
Mata Kuliah : ECEU601001 Metodologi Penelitian (3 SKS)
Semester dan Tahun Akademik : Semester Genap 2016-2017

Kelas Nama Dosen Jam Hari
A Prof. Mayling Oey-Gardiner, Ph.D. 14.00 : 16.30 Kamis PGN
B Dr. Uka Wikarya/ Dr. Chotib 14.00 : 16.30 Kamis A.206
C Dr. Riyanto 14.00 : 16.30 Kamis A.207

Tujuan: Matakuliah ECON 11001 Metodologi Penelitian in i bertujuan membekali

mahasiswa/i dengan pengertian dan pengalaman empiris tentang proses dan prosedur
melakukan penelitian ilmiah secara umum pada ilmu sosial dan juga khusus diterapkan pada
penelitian ilmu ekonomi. Mata kuliah ini dirancang untuk membekali mahasiswa kompetensi
dalam menghasilkan rancangan penelitian. Hal ini akan dapat dicapai apabila mahasiswa
menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumah yaitu dengan menjawab pertanyaan hasil bacaan dari buku
teks dan terkait dengan artikel pilihan oleh mahasiswa. Latihan tersebut menjadi dasar
pembuatan Rancangan Penelitian sebagai hasil karya mahasiswa yang diajukan dalam dua
tahap: (1) karya awal: Rancangan atau Disain Penelitian (konseptual) yang diajukan sebagai
pengganti UTS (Ujian Tengah Semester); (2) karya akhir: Laporan Penelitian dengan Metode
Unobstrusive Research atau Big Data (misal menggunakan data dari Twiter, Facebook,
BBM, WA, Aplikasi Gojek dll ) sebagai pengganti UAS (Ujian Akhir Semester). Laporan
merupakan hasil karya perorangan.

Dalam pelaksanaannya, mahasiswa akan diperkenalkan pada cara kerja perorangan dan
kelompok, yang makin dipercaya lebih mungkin menghasilkan prestasi terbaik perorangan
karena keseluruhan lebih besar dari jumlah bagiannya (the whole is greater than the sum of
its parts). Minat makro dan mikro akan terakomodasi, serta mahasiswa juga diperkenalkan
pada cara kerjasama dan kerja perorangan, dan juga cara mengumpulkan data kuantitatif dan
kualitatif, serta hasil pengalaman mengamati kegiatan/usaha empiris. Secara singkat
matakuliah ini bertujuan memberi mahasiswa pengalaman empiris membangun pengetahuan
yang dibutuhkan untuk melaksanakan penelitian ilmiah.

Sementara diingatkan bahwa sivitas akademika Universitas Indonesia dilarang melakukan
plagiat, yang pada intinya tidak berbeda dari mencuri. Karenanya kegiatan ini akan dikenakan
sanksi yang ketat, diberi nilai gagal dan bahkan gelar kesarjanaan tidak diperoleh, dan bahkan
dikemudian hari bisa dicabut. Yang dimaksud dengan plagiat adalah: (1) hasil kerja orang

ECEU60 1001 Metode Penelitian S1 FEUI Semester Genap 2016-17

lain yang diklaim sebagai hasil usahanya sendiri karena tidak memberi referensi pada
peneliti/penulis yang dijadikan sumber informasi; (2) menyalin (termasuk cut and paste) dari
hasil tulisan orang lain, termasuk dari mengunduh dari dunia maya, tanpa memberi tahukan
sumbernya; (3) menempelkan nama sendiri pada hasil usaha orang lain; dan terlebih lagi jika
(4) menghapus/menghilangkan nama penulis/peneliti aslinya dan menggantinya dengan nama
Aturan Penulisan Tugas dan PR
Kertas A4, Font Ariel 12, Spasi 1.5, margin 1 inci.
Nama, No. Mahasiswa, Tanggal Penyerahan: ditempatkan di Kanan Atas
Referensi sesuai aturan akademis, abjad menurut nama keluarga, tahun terbitan, Judul,
wadah terbitan (nama jurnal dan/atau buku) italik, penerbit, internet, kalau blog beri
tanggal dan penulis blog.

Tahun ini ditetapkan menggunakan hanya 1 buku teks saja:

Babbie, Earl. 2014. The Practice of Social Research, Canada: Cengage Learning
Dalam matakuliah ini akan dibahas 12 dari 17 Bab atau 1 bab per sesi.
Pekerjaan rumah terdiri dari Membaca Bab yang sesuai dan menjawab pertanyaan/tugas
yang dipilih dari buku Babbie, sebagaimana dirinci dalam ringkasan buku tersebut sebagai
pegangan mahasiswa.

Bobot Penilaian:
Nilai akhir untuk matakuliah ini diperoleh dari 3 komponen:
- Pekerjaan rumah bernilai 30%,
- UTS 30%
- UAS 40%

Jadwal Bacaan dan Pekerjaan Rumah dari Babbie

Ses Chap Title Homework
2 1 Human Inquiry and 1. Review the common errors of human inquiry discussed in
Science this chapter. Find a newspaper article that illustrates one
of these errors. Discuss how a scientist would avoid it.
2. List five social variables and the attributes they comprise.
3. Go to the website for the following organizations and find
examples of both qualitative and quantitative data.
a. UN High Commissioner for Refugees
b. US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
c. WB Database

3 2 Paradigms, Theory, 1. Consider the possible relationships between education

and Social Research and prejudice that was metioned in Chapter 1. Describe
how you might examine that relationship through (a)
deductive and (b) inductive methods
2. Review the relationships between theory and research
discussed in this chapter. Select a research article from an
academic journal and classify the relationship between
theory and research you find there.

ECEU60 1001 Metode Penelitian S1 FEUI Semester Genap 2016-17

Ses Chap Title Homework

3. Using one of the many search engines (such as Google,
Bing, Yahoo, Chrome, or another of your choosing), find
information on the web concerning at least three of the
following paradigms: functionalism, symbolic
interactionism, conflict paradigm, ethnomethodology,
feminist paradigms, critical race theory, rational
objectivity. Give the web locations and report on the
theorists discussed in connection with the information
you found.
4. See if you can locate Judith A. Howard (2000), Social
Psychological of Identities, Annual Review of Sociology
26:367 -93 .doi: 10.1146. What paradigm does Howard
find most useful for the study of social identities ? Explain
why she feels that it is the appropriate paradigm. Do you
agree? Why or why not?

4 3 The Ethics and Politics 1. Consider the following real and hypothetical research
of Social Research situations. What is the ethical component in each
example? How do you feel about it? Do you think the
procedures described are ultimately acceptable or
unacceptable? Might find discussing some of these
situasions with classmates useful:
a. A psychology instructor asks students in an
introductory psychology class to complete
questionnaires that the instructor will analyze and
use in preparing a journal article for publication.
b. After a field study of deviant behavior during a riot,
law enforcement officials demand that the
researcher identify those people who were observed
looting. Rather than risk arrest as an accomplice
after the fact, the researcher complies.
c. After completing the final draft of a book reporting a
research project, the researcher-author discover
that 25 of the 2000 survey interviewers were
falsified by interviewers. To protect the bulk of the
research, the author leaves out this information and
publishes the book.
d. A researcher studying dorm life on campus discovers
that 60 percent of the residents regularly violate
restriction on alcohol consumption. Publication on
this finding would probably create a furor in the
campus community. Because no extensive analysis
of alcohon use is planned, the resercher decides to
keep this finding quiet.
e. A researcher pretends to join a radical political group
in order to study it and is successfully accepted as a
member of the inner planning circle. What should
the researcher do if the group makesplans for the
following: (1) a peaceful, though illegal,
demonstration; (2) The bombing of a public building

ECEU60 1001 Metode Penelitian S1 FEUI Semester Genap 2016-17

Ses Chap Title Homework

during a time it is sure to be unoccupied; (3) The
assassination of public official.
2. Suppose a researcher who is personally in favor of small
families - as response to the problem of overpopulation -
- wants to conduct a survey to determine why some
people want many children and other don't. What
personal-involvement problems would the researcher
face, and how could she or she aviod them? What ethical
issues should the researcher take into account in
designing the survey?

5 4 Research Design 1. One example in this chapter suggested that political

orientations cause attitudes toward legalizing marijuana.
Can you make an argument that the time order is just
the opposite of what was assumed?
3. Review the logic of spuriousness. Can you think up an
example where an observed relationship between two
variables could actually be explained away by a third
4. Using online journals or printed journals in the library,
locate a research project involving a panel study.
Describe the nature of the study design and its primary

6 5 Conceptualization, 1. Pick a social science concept such as liberalism or

Operationalization, alienation, then specify that concept so that it could be
and Measurement studied in research project. Be sure to specify the
indicators youll use as well as the dimensions you wish
to include in and exclude from your conceptualization.
2. What level of measurement nominal, ordinal, interval,
or ratio - describes each of the following variables :
a. Ethnic group (Betawi, Jawa, Tionghoa)
b. Order of finish in a race (first , second, third, and so
c. Number of children in families
d. Populations of nations
e. GRDP, and GRDP/cap
f. PPP
g. HDI
3. To conceptualize the variable prejudice, use your favorite
web browser to search for this term. After reviewing
several of the websites resulting from your search, make
a list of some different forms of prejudice that might be
studied in a omnibus project dealing with that topic
4. In a dictionary, look up truth and true, then copy out the
definitions. Note the key terms use in those definitions
(such as reality), look up the definitions of those terms,
and copy out these definitions as well. Continue this
process until no new terms appear. Comment on what
you have learned from this exercise. Did you discover

ECEU60 1001 Metode Penelitian S1 FEUI Semester Genap 2016-17

Ses Chap Title Homework


7 6 Indexes, Scales, and 1. In your own words, describe the difference between an
Typologies index and a scale
2. Suppose you wanted to create an index for rating the
quality of colleges and universities. Name three data items
that might be included in such an index.
3. Make up three questionnaire items that measure attitudes
toward nuclear power and that would probably form a
Guttman scale.
Pengganti UTS: Awal Rancangan Penelitian
Rancangan Penelitian yang berisi:
PENDAHULUAN / LATAR BELAKANG isu/permasalahan yang akan diteliti, termasuk
Diserahkan pada hari dan jam UTS di Departemen Ilmu Ekonomi
8 7 The Logic of Sampling 2. Using Appendix B of this book, select a simple random
sample of 10 numbers in the range of 1 to 9876. What is
each step in the process?
3. What are the steps involved in selecting a multistage
cluster sample of students taking first-year Micro-
Economics in Indonesian Universities?
4. In Chapter 9 we'll discuss surveys conducted on the
Internet. Can you anticipate possible problems concerning
sampling frame, representativeness, and the like? Do you
see any solutions?

9 9 Survey Research 1. For each of the following open-ended questions,

construct a closed-ended question that colud be used a
a. What was your familys income last year?
b. How do you feel about the space shuttle program?
c. How important is religion in your life?
d. If the respondent is looking for work, how long has
he or she been looking?
2. Find questionaire printed in a magazine, newspaper, or
on a website (for a reader survey, for example). Consider
at least five of the questions in it and critique each one.
3. Locate a survey being conducted on the web. Briefly
describe the survey and discuss its strengths and

10 10 Qualitative Field 1. Think of some group or activity you participate in or are

Research very familiar with. In two or three paragraphs, describe
how an outsider might effectively go about studying that
group or activity. What should he or she read, what
contacts should be made, and so on?
3. To explore the the strengths and weaknesses of
experiments, surveys, and field research, choose a general
research area (such as inequality, profit seeking behavior,
comparative advantage) and write brief descriptions of

ECEU60 1001 Metode Penelitian S1 FEUI Semester Genap 2016-17

Ses Chap Title Homework

studies in that area that could be conducted using each of
these three methods. In each case, explain why the
chosen method is the most appropriate for the study you
4. Return to the example you devised in response to
Exercise 1 and list five ethical issues that you can imagine
having to confront if you were to undertake your study.
11 11 Unobstrusive Research 1. Outline a contents analysis design to determine wether
the Republican or the Democratic Party is the more
supportive of a basic constitutional right such as free
speech, freedom of religion, or protection against self
incrimination. Be sure to specify units of analysis and
sampling methods. Describe a coding scheme that you
could use for the contents analysis.
2. Identify an international news story involving a conflict
between two nations or cultural groups, such as clashes
between Israelis and Palestinians. On the internet, locate
a newspaper report of the event from within each of the
countries or cultures involved. Note difference in the way
the events is reported. Now, find a report of the event in
a newspaper in a third, distant country. (For example,
compare reports from the Jerusalem Post, the Palestina
Chronicle, and the New York Times). Does the third
report seem to favor one of the two original reports? If,
so, would you conclude the the third report is biased
toward one side or that one of the original reports was
simply inaccurate? Explain how and why you reached
that conclusion.
3. Using the web, find out how many countries have a
higher expected life expectancy than Indonesia does?
4. Max Weber undertook extensive studies of some of the
worlds major religions. Create an annotated bibliography
of his work in this area.
5. On the web, locate the American Economic Associations
section called Comparative and Historical Economics.
Summarize an article in the sections newsletter.

Perumusan Variable
Penelitian untuk
Menjawab Pertanyaan Dilaksanakan diluar jam kuliah
Penelitian serta
Metode Pengukuran
yang Digunakan
12 Penelitian dengan Kuliah dengan Menggudang Narasumber Praktisi dan Ahli Big
Menggunakan Big Data dari Telkom . Tiga kelas Paralel akan digabung dalam
Data satu kelas. Topik yang akan dibahas meliputi :
1. Pengertian Big Data
2. Mengapa menggunakan Biga Data
3. Karakteristik Big Data
4. Penyimpanan, Seleksi dan Processing terhadap

ECEU60 1001 Metode Penelitian S1 FEUI Semester Genap 2016-17

Ses Chap Title Homework

Big Data
5. Sumber Big Data
6. Tools dan Aplikasi dalam Menggunakan Big Data
7. Manfaat dan Risiko Menggunakan Big Data
8. Masa Depan Big Data

Identifikasi dan Seleksi 1. Dilaksanakan di luar Jam Kuliah

serta Pemrosesan Big 2. Mengidentifikasi dan Memilih sumber Big Data
Data yang digunakan yang sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian
3. Processing Big Data sehingga diperoleh nilai-nilai
dari variables Penelitian

13 8 Experiments 1. In the library or on the web, locate a research report of an

experiment. Identify the dependent variable and the
2. Pick 4 of the 8 sources of internal invalidity discussed in
this chapter and make up examples (not discussed in the
chapter) to illustrate each.
3. Create a hypothetical experimental design that illustrates
one of the problems of external invalidity.
4. Think of a recent natural disaster youve witnessed or
read about. Frame a research question that might be
studied by treating that disaster as a natural experiment.
In two or three paragraphs, outline how the study might
be done.
5. In this chapter, we looked briefly at the problem of
placebo effects. On the web, find a study in which the
placebo effects figured importantly. Write a brief report
on the study, including the source of your information.
(Hint: You might want to do a search on placebo.

Pengolahan dan 1. Dilaksanakan di luar jam kuliah

Analisis data 2. Pengolahan data dan informasi dari Big Data
3. Analisis Data dan Penyajiannya
14 12 Evaluation Research 1. Suppose a community establishes an alcohol and drug
free teen centers as a way of reducing the use of drugs by
teenagers. Deecribe how you migth go about evaluating
the effectiveness of the center. Indicate whether your
design would be experimental, quasi-esperimental, or
qualitative (or some combination of these)
2. Take a minute to think of the many ways your society has
changed during your own lifetime. Specify three or four
social indicators that could be used in monitoring the
effects of at leat one of those changes on the quality of
life in your society.
3. Review the evaluation of the Navy Low-performer
program discussed in the chapter. Redesign the program
and the evaluation to handle the problems that appeared
in the actual study.
4. Discuss some of the potential political and ethical issues

ECEU60 1001 Metode Penelitian S1 FEUI Semester Genap 2016-17

Ses Chap Title Homework

that might be involved in the study you describe in
Exercise 1.
Pengganti UAS: Laporan Hasil Penelitian

Selamat belajar
Jakarta, Februari 2017

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