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i) £400 K STREET NW, 7" FLoOR BOe®REN | tists soss Powe 1-0. S3ENSEP 2326767 AWARDS | tcroicore LANGUAGE |cuLrURE| service | November 30, 2017 Dear Collegue, ‘The applications forthe 2018-19 Boren Scholarships and Fellowships are row avaiable. As you may know, the Beren Awards provide funding to US. students who are pursuing Intemational and language study in word regons critical to US. interests, such a8 Afric, Asi, Cetraland Eastem Europe, Eurasia, Latin America, and the Middle East. Asa foreign language profesor, you ae in deat contact with students whe have the skis and interests to succeed in these rewarding experiences abroad Boren Fellowships for graduate students provide upto $30,000 fo language study and international ‘esearch. Boren Scholarships for undergraduate students provide upto $2,000 for study abroad. Boren Scholars and Fellows representa variety of academic backgrounds, but alla interested in

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