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Table of Contents

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Ministry of Communications

Highway Materials Manual

Volume I
Part 2 Soils
Table of Contents

Major works of man since the beginning of time have depended on the use of soils. Not only does soil form the foundation,
or supporting surface for buildings, bridges, roadways and culverts, but it is the most common constituent, in the form of
aggregate, in the works themselves. Soils are the most basic abundant material in highway engineering and as such, are well
characterized by the expression "common as dirt." The steps taken to prepare foundations, manipulate and transport soils
and prepare them for use as aggregates accounts for well over 70 percent of the total cost of construction for a normal
highway project. It is easy to see then why knowledgeable consideration of every aspect of soils is very important to
successful highway engineering.

The tests included in the soils part are all concerned with either evaluating or describing soils and aggregates, or with
controlling the manner in which they are to be used. Many of the tests accomplish the same thing but require different
equipment or perhaps a slightly different procedure. For instance, there are two tests for determining in-place density and
three for determining moisture content. The selection of one test over another is often a matter of personal judgment. More
often than not the higher quality of test results is dependent on how carefully the test was performed rather than the
superiority of one piece of equipment or process over another.

There are four major groups of soils tests included: 1) grading or sieve analysis, 2) moisture content determinations, 3) basic
properties tests, and 4) density standards and density determination tests.

The most basic group of tests are the grading or sieve analysis tests. In each of these tests, a soil or an aggregate, is graded
on a number of sieves of selected sizes. Over the years, a certain series of sizes has come to be standard. Those most
commonly used to grade materials have openings varying from 125 mm down to 0.075 mm. Tests described in this manual
identify sieve sizes by their opening in millimeters followed by English aperture size: for example, 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve.
All sieves have square openings.

There is no question that the grading analysis is the most important of all the soil tests, more can be learned about a soil
from a grading analysis than from any other single test. Decisions regarding subsequent tests are made based on information
gained from the sieve analysis. Most other soils tests are performed on specific particle sizes which requires that the soil be
sized accordingly. It is easy to see how important it is to perform these basic tests carefully and strictly according to
standards. These same tests will be used, and are common to tests, in Parts 3, 4, and 5 of the Materials Manual.

The second most basic and universal soils tests are those to determine the moisture content. There is nothing that has more
influence on the engineering properties of a soil or aggregate than water. Too much or too little water can render some
otherwise desirable and stable material virtually useless. Knowledge of the in place moisture content is necessary for many
decisions regarding design and control of materials. There are several ways to determine the moisture content of soils, from
the carbide gas pressure method (MRDTM 217) to the more recently accepted nuclear method (MRDTM 218). By far, the
most common method involves weighing a given quantity of wet material, drying it to a constant mass, then measuring the
difference in mass which is the mass of water driven off during drying. The moisture content is expressed as a percentage
and is the mass of water divided by the dry mass of soil times one hundred. A moisture content determination is a part of
almost every test in Part 2 of the Materials Manual, and the calculations will become a familiar operation to those using this

Oven-drying at 110 5 C does not result in reliable moisture content values for soil containing gypsum or other minerals
having loosely bound water of hydration or for soil containing significant amounts of organic material. Reliable moisture
content values for these soils can be obtained by drying in an oven at approximately 60 C, or by vacuum desiccation at a
pressure of approximately 10 mm Hg and at a temperature not lower than 23 C.

The third category of tests are those which describe some basic property or physical state of a soil. The Liquid Limit, Plastic
Limit and Plasticity Index are all helpful properties to describe various transition states of soil-water mixtures. These
properties, together with the Sand Equivalent, provide information about the nature of the clay fractions of soils or
aggregates. A sieve analysis will quantitatively measure how much clay is present in a soil but not whether the clay is of a
type that would be detrimental; these tests are in a sense qualitative. A very small quantity of a highly reactive clay may
cause a large reduction in stability while a large quantity of another clay type may have little effect on overall stabililty.
Generally, high Liquid Limits, high Plasticity Indices, and low Sand Equivalents are indicative of potentially troublesome
soils. Some of these tests, in addition to being used in the preconstruction stages, are widely used as control tests during
construction and the production of aggregates.

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A basic understanding of specific gravity in its various forms is necessary for soils testing in addition to foundation design,
asphalt mix design, portland cement concrete mix design, and other physical and chemical tests.

In simplest terms, specific gravity is the ratio of the mass of a given volume of material to the mass of an equal volume of
water at the same temperature. The property applies to materials as both solids and liquids. A handy frame of reference is: if
the specific gravity is less than one, the particular material, solid or liquid, will float on water, if it is more than one, it will

Values of specific gravity are highly dependent upon temperature, therefore, specific gravity is not completely defined
unless the temperatures of both the material and the water are stated. However, for simplification, the statement of
temperature will be omitted in the specific gravity definitions, understanding that the temperatures of the material and the
water are the same and at approximately room temperature.

The terms "permeable voids" and "impermeable voids" used in the definitions of the different types of specific gravity are
defined as follows:

Permeable voids are those voids in the individual particles of a material which become filled with water when the
material is soaked or otherwise processed in accordance with a specified procedure. Impermeable voids are those
in the individual particles of a material which do not become filled with water when the material is soaked or
otherwise processed in accordance with a specified procedure.

The four basic measures of specific gravity are defined as:

1. Specific Gravity (liquids and solids)-The ratio of mass of a given volume of material to the volume of the solid
matter, including impermeable voids of the material, as illustrated in Fig. 2-1.

2. Apparent Specific Gravity (solids)-The ratio of the mass of a given volume of material to the mass of a volume of
water equal to the volume of the solid matter, including impermeable voids of the material, as illustrated in Fig. 2-2.

3. Bulk Specific Gravity (solids)-The ratio of mass of a given volume of material to the mass of a volume of water
equal to the total volume of the material. The total volume includes the combined volume of solid matter,
permeable voids, and impermeable voids, as illustrated in Fig. 2-3.

4. Bulk Specific Gravity, Saturated Surface Dry Basis (solids)-The ratio of the mass of a given volume of material
with its permeable voids filled with water to the mass of a volume of water equal to the total volume of the
material. The total volume includes the combined volume of solid matter, permeable voids, and impermeable voids
as illustrated in Fig. 2-4.

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The fourth major group of tests included in the soils part are those concerning density; both the determination of density in
the field; and establishment, through standard tests, of reference or standard densities to which the field tests are compared.
The results of a field density test, cannot be properly evaluated until compared to an appropriate reference density. The
establishment of density standards for each soil or surfacing aggregate is the roadway designer's means of assigning a fixed
strength to each of these materials or components of the roadway section. The density tests performed in the field that
measure the density achieved during the compaction process are the means by which the Field Engineer insures that the
design density is obtained, thus these tests are control tests-tests used to control compaction.

Tests used to establish density standards are those represented by MRDTM 212, and 214. MRDTM 213, the California
Bearing Ratio test (CBR), is a combination design and density standard test in that often the standard density used is that
determined from MRDTM 212 and is customarily called the "Modified Proctor Test."

As mentioned earlier, there are many different methods available for the determination of density on the grade. The Sand
Cone Test, MRDTM 215 is used extensively throughout the world. Nuclear methods, MRDTM 218 are also common where
the volume of work is sufficiently large. Nuclear methods are the generally preferred method of test. Among the many
features that make nuclear equipment desirable are the following: most devices are capable of making moisture content
determinations as well as density determinations; once an Inspector becomes familiar with the equipment and the project
materials, determinations can be made very rapidly; the testing is nondestructive and does not require test holes or cores;
test results are available immediately allowing corrective measures to be initiated sooner; through the statistical approach,
isolated "poor samples" are more readily detected; the equipment can be used on all courses in the pavement structure from
the subgrade up through the wearing course of the pavement; density determinations may be made on hot asphalt pavements
which permits additional rolling before the mat cools and becomes difficult or impossible to compact; and the total number
of density-moisture tests made economically feasible are greatly increased.

Each density test is described in detail in their respective MRDTM. There are two important points, common to all density
testing. The first concerns the special precautions inherent in each test method. Density tests are performed in the field and
generally under adverse conditions. A person performing a density test should be aware of all special precautions for that
type of test, for instance, the sand cone test is extremely sensitive to vibration, and the nuclear devices require very careful
and uniform surface preparation. Operators must familiarize themselves with all the features of their equipment and test

The second point concerns the correction in density occasioned by the presence of oversize materials. In the preceeding
discussion on grading, it was mentioned that it is always specified, for each test, what sizes of materials are to be tested. For
instance, the sand equivalent is performed on material passing the 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve, the "Proctor" is run on material
passing the 19 mm (3/4 in.) sieve, etc. In working with subgrade materials it is quite common to encounter materials which
contain a considerable amount of material with particles larger than can be tested in laboratory size equipment. Where this
situation occurs, recognition must be made of the oversize material and a correction made. A procedure for making this
correction is described in MRDTM 216.

Table of Contents
List of Each Materials and Research
Department Test Method for Soils

The following list provides a summary of test methods by numerical order, listing The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Ministry
of Communications, Materials and Research Department, Standard Method of Test (MRDTM) and the MRDTM name.

MRDTM Number MRDTM Test Name

201 ............... Dry Preparation of Disturbed Soil and Soil-Aggregate Samples

202 ............... Wet Preparation of Disturbed Soil Samples for Test
203 ............... Laboratory Determination of Moisture Content of Soils
204 ............... Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates
205 ............... Particle Size Analysis of Soils
206 ............... Amount of Material Finer than 0.075 mm Sieve in Aggregate
207 ............... Specific Gravity of Soils
208 ............... Determining the Plastic Limit and Plasticity Index of Soils
209 ............... Determining the Liquid Limit of Soils
210 ............... The Classification of Soils and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures for Highway Construction Purposes
211 ............... Vacant
212 ............... Moisture-Density Relations of Soils Using a 4.54 kg (10 lb) Rammer and a 45 7 mm (18 in.) Drop
213 ............... The California Bearing Ratio
214 ............... Relative Density of Cohesionless Soils
215 ............... Density of Soil In-Place by the Sand Cone Method
216 ............... Correction for Coarse Particles in the Soil Compaction Test
217 ............... Determination of Moisture in Soils by Means of a Calcium Carbide Gas Pressure Moisture Tester
218 ............... Density and Moisture Content of Soil and Soil-Aggregate In-Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow
219 to 222 .... Vacant
223 ............... Soil Investigation and Sampling by Auger Borings
224 ............... Penetration Test and Split-Barrel Sampling of Soils
225 ............... Thin-Walled Tube Sampling of Soils
226 ............... Diamond Core Drilling for Site Investigation
227 ............... Field Vane Shear Test in Cohesive Soils
228 ............... Determining Expansive Soils and Remedial Actions
229 ............... Unconfined Compressive Strength of Cohesive Soils
230 ............... One Dimensional Consolidation Properties of Soils
231 ................ Triaxial Compressive Strength of Undrained Rock Core Specimens Without Pore Pressure
232 ............... Strength Parameters of Soils by Triaxial Compression
233 ............... Direct Shear Test of Soils Under Consolidated Drained Conditions
234 ............... Bearing Capacity of Soil for Static Load on Spread Footings
235 ............... Measurements of Pore Pressure in Soils
236 ............... Installing, Monitoring, and Processing Data of the Travelling Type Slope Inclinometer
237 ............... Repetitive Static Plate Load Tests of Soils and Flexible Pavement Components for Use in Evaluation
and Design of Highway Pavements
238 ............... Pavement Deflection Measurements
239 ............... Permeability of Granular Soil (Constant Head)
240 ............... Deep, Quasi-Static, Cone and Friction Cone Penetration Tests of Soil

Table of Contents
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Dry Preparation of Disturbed Soil and Soil-Aggregate Samples

MRD Test Method 201

(Adaptation of AASHTO T 87-80)

1. Scope
1.1 This procedure describes a standardized method of preparing a bulk sample of soil or aggregate received from the
field for various laboratory tests. Careful adherence to these procedures will insure that an adequate quantity of material of
the correct size fraction is available for each subsequent test.

2. Apparatus
2.1 A balance sensitive to 0.1 g for samples weighing approximately 110 g or less; for larger samples, the balance shall
be sensitive to within 0.1 percent of the sample to be weighed.
2.2 Any suitable device capable of drying samples at a temperature not exceeding 60 C.
2.3 A series of sieves of the following sizes: 19.0 mm (3/4 in.), 4.75 mm (No. 4), 2.00 mm (No. 10), 0.425 mm (No. 40)
and others as required for preparing the sample for a specific test. The sieves shall conform to MRDTM 10 1, Sieves for
Testing Purposes (Note 1).

Note 1: A 50 mm (2 in.) sieve is required if the sample includes particles retained on the 19.0 mm (3/4 in.) sieve and it is
desired that the sample for moisture-density relations (MRDTM 210) contain material between 19.0 mm (3/4 in.) and 4.75
mm (No. 4) sieve size to represent the fraction between 50 and 19.0 mm (2 in. and 3/4 in.).
2.4 Pulverizing Apparatus-Either a mortar and rubber covered pestle or a mechanical device consisting of a power
driven rubber covered muller suitable for breaking up aggregations of soil particles without reducing the size of the
individual grains. Other types of apparatus, such as a revolving drum into which soil sample and rubber covered rollers are
placed and tumbled until soil aggregations are pulverized, are satisfactory if the aggregations of soil particles are broken up
without reducing the size of the individual grains.
2.5 Sample Splitter-A suitable riffle sampler or sample splitter for proportional splitting of the sample and capable of
obtaining representative portions of the sample without appreciable loss of fines. The width of the container used to feed the
riffle sample splitter should be equal to the total combined width of the riffle chutes. Proportional splitting of the sample on
a canvas cloth is also permitted (Note 2).

Note 2: The procedure for proportional splitting is described in MRDTM 302, Reducing Field Samples of Aggregate to
Testing Size.

3. Sample Size
3.1 The amounts of soil material required to perform the individual tests are as follows:
3.1.1 Particle Size Analysis of Soils (MRDTM 205)-For the particle size analysis material passing a 2.00 mm (No. 10)
sieve is required in amounts equal to approximately 110 g for sandy soils and approximately 60 g for silty or clayey soils. A
sufficient amount of material retained on either the 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve or 2.00 mm (No. 10) sieve is required (Note 3) to
obtain a representative gradation, and depending on the maximum particle size, shall not be less than the amount shown in
Table 1.

Table 1

Minimum Sample Size vs Largest Particle Size

Diameter of Largest Approximate Minimum

Particle, Mass of Portion,
Mm (in.) kg
9.5 (3/8) 0.5
25.0 (1) 2.0
50 (2) 4.0
75 (3) 5.0
Table of Contents
Note 3: The material for coarse sieve analysis may be separated as described in Sec 4.2.1 [2.00 mm (No. 10) sieve]. When
only a small percentage of the material will be retained on the 4.75 mm (No. 4) or 2.00 mm (No. 10) sieve, a total mass of
sample will be required to provide the minimum quantity shown in the above table; conversely, if the material represented
by the sample is not to be used in a base or subbase course, select borrow, or other item having a requirement for coarse
aggregate, adherence to the minimum mass requirements in Table I may not be necessary.
3.1.2 Specific Gravity of Soils (MRDTM 207)-For the specific gravity test performed in conjunction with MRDTM
205, Particle Size Analysis of Soils, material passing the 2.00 mm (No. 10) sieve is required in the amounts (oven dry) of at
least 25g when the volumetric flask is used and at least 10g when the stopper bottle is used.
3.1.3 Physical Tests-For the physical tests, material passing the 0.425 mm (No. 40) sieve is required in the total amount
of at least 220g, allocated approximately as follows:

Test (and MRDTM Appropriate

Designation) Mass,
Liquid Limit (209) 100
Plastic Limit (208) 20
Check and Referee Tests 100

4. Initial Preparation of Test Samples

4.1 The soil sample as received from the field shall be dried thoroughly in air or an oven or other drying apparatus at a
temperature not exceeding 60 C. A representative test sample of the amount required to perform the described tests (Sec 3)
shall then be obtained with the sampler, or by splitting or quartering. The aggregations of soil particles shall then be broken
up in the pulverizing apparatus in such a way as to avoid reducing the natural size of individual particles.
4.2 The portion of the dried sample selected for particle size analysis and physical tests (including specific gravity) shall
be weighed and that mass recorded as the mass of total sample uncorrected for hygroscopic moisture. This portion shall then
be separated into fractions by the following method:
4.2.1 The dried sample shall be separated into two fractions using a 2.00 mm (No.10) sieve. The fraction retained on the
sieve shall be ground with the pulverizing apparatus until the aggregations of soil particles are broken into separate grains.
The ground soil shall then be separated into two fractions using the 2.00 mm (No. 10) sieve size.

5. Test Sample for Particle Size Analysis and Specific Gravity

5.1 The fraction retained on the 2.00 mm (No. 10) sieve in Sec 4.2. 1, after the second sieving, shall be set aside for use
in sieve analysis of the coarse material.
5.2 The fraction passing the 2.00 mm (No. 10) sieve in the sieving operation in Sec 4.2.1 shall be thoroughly mixed
and, by the use of the sampler or by splitting or quartering, representative portions having approximate masses as follows
shall be obtained: (1) for the hydrometer analysis and sieve analysis of the fraction passing the 2.00 mm (No.10) sieve, 110
g for sandy soil and 60 g for silty or clayey soils; and (2) for specific gravity, 25 g when the volumetric flask is to be used
and 10 g when the stoppered bottle is to be used.

6. Test Sample for Physical Tests

6.1 The remaining portion of the material passing the 2.00 mm (No. 10) sieve shall be separated into two parts by
means of a 0.425 mm (No. 40) sieve. The fraction retained on the 0.425 mm (No. 40) sieve shall be ground with the
pulverizing apparatus in such a manner as to break up the aggregations without fracturing the individual grains. If the
sample contains brittle particles, such as flakes of mica, fragments of sea shells, etc., the pulverizing operation shall be done
carefully and with just enough pressure to free the finer material that adheres to the coarser particles. The ground soil shall
then be separated into two fractions by means of the 0.425 mm (No. 40) sieve and the material shall be reground as before.
When repeated grinding produces only a small quantity of soil passing the 0.425 mm (No. 40) sieve, the material retained
on the 0.425 mm (No. 40) sieve shall be discarded. The several fractions passing the 0.425 mm (No. 40) sieve obtained
from the grinding and sieving operations just described shall be thoroughly mixed together and set aside for use in
performing the physical tests.

7. Test Sample for the Moisture-Density Relations

7.1 The portion of dried soil selected for the moisture-density relations test shall be separated by means of the required
sieve as specified in Sec 3.1.3. If necessary, the pulverizing apparatus shall be used to break up the soil aggregations
retained on this sieve into separate grains. The ground soil shall then be separated into two fractions using the required
7.2 If required, the fraction retained on the sieve after the second sieving shall be saved. The fractions passing the
required sieve in both sieve operations shall be thoroughly mixed and used for the moisture-density test.
Table of Contents
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Wet Preparation of Disturbed Soil Samples for Test

MRD Test Method 202

(Adaptation of AASHTO T 146-79)

1. Scope
1.1 This test procedure describes a method of preparing soils for testing whereby the sample is kept moist rather than
oven dried at 110 C. It is used primarily for those soils which are sensitive to, and whose properties are altered on, drying at
110 C. All drying, except for the hygroscopic moisture content determination, is done at a much lower temperature, 60 C.
1.2 Method A provides for drying the field samples at a temperature not exceeding 60 C, making a wet separation on
the 0.425 mm (No. 40) sieve and drying at a temperature not exceeding 60 C. Method B provides that the field sample shall
be kept at a moisture content equal to or greater than the natural moisture content. Samples of such soil should be shipped to
the laboratory in sealed containers and not allowed to dry out before testing. If no procedure is specified, Method A shall

2. Size of Sample
2.1 Moist samples having the dry masses designated for physical tests described in MRDTM 201, Dry Preparation of
Disturbed Soil and Soil-Aggregate Samples for Test, shall be obtained.

3. Apparatus
3.1 The apparatus shall consist of that listed in Sec 2 of MRDTM 201, and the following:
3. 1.1 Oven-A thermostatically controlled drying oven for use at 110 C or below.
3.1.2 Filter Funnels or Candles-Buchner funnels 254 mm (10 in.) in diameter and filter paper or filter candles.
3.1.3 Miscellaneous Equipment-Pans 300 mm (or 12 in.) in diameter by 75 mm (or 3 in.) in depth; a suitable container
that will prevent loss of moisture during storage of the moist test sample.

Method A

4. Procedure
4.1 The soil sample as received from the field shall be dried thoroughly in air, in a warming oven whose temperature is
not above 60 C or by means of a device which will not raise the temperature of the samples above 60 C. The aggregations
shall then be thoroughly broken up in a mortar with a rubber-covered pestle or suitable mechanical device in such a way as
to avoid reducing the natural size of individual particles. A representative test sample of the amount required to perform the
desired tests shall then be selected by the method of quartering or by the use of a sample splitter.
4.2 The portion of the air-dried sample selected for the purpose of mechanical analysis and physical tests shall be
weighed and the mass recorded as the mass of the total sample uncorrected for hygroscopic moisture. The test sample shall
then be separated into two portions by means of a 0.425 mm (No. 40) sieve. The material passing the 0.425 mm (No. 40)
sieve shall be set aside for later recombination with additional material as described in Sec 4.3 to 4.7.
4.3 The material retained on the 0.425 mm (No. 40) sieve shall be placed in a pan, covered with water and allowed to
soak for a period of 2 to 24 h until the particle aggregations have become soft and broken down.
4.4 After soaking, the material shall be washed on a 0.425 mm (No. 40) sieve, in the following manner: The empty
0.425 mm (No. 40) sieve shall be set in the bottom of a pan and the liquid from the sample poured into it. Enough additional
water shall be added to bring the level of the water in the pan approximately 13 mm (or 1/2 in.) above the mesh of the sieve.
A portion of the soaked material not to exceed 450 g (or one pound) in mass shall be placed in the water on the 0.425 mm
(No. 40) sieve and stirred by hand at the same time the sieve is agitated up and down. If the material retained on the 0.425
mm (No. 40) sieve contains lumps that have not slaked or disintegrated, but which can be crumbled or mashed between the
thumb and finger so as to pass the 0.425 mm (No. 40) sieve, such lumps shall be broken and washed through the sieve into
the pan. After all lumps have been broken up, the sieve shall be held above the soil and water in the pan and the material
remaining on the sieve shall be washed with a small amount of clean water. The washed material retained on the 0.425 mm
(No. 40) sieve shall be transferred to a clean pan.
4.5 Another increment of the soaked material, not exceeding 450 g (or one pound) in mass, shall be placed on the 0.425
mm (No. 40) sieve and washed as described in Sec 4.4. This procedure shall be repeated until all of the soaked sample has
been washed.
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4.6 The material retained on the 0.425 mm (No. 40) sieve shall be dried and dry sieved on the 0.425 mm (No. 40) sieve.
The material passing the 0.425 mm (No. 40) sieve in this operation shall be added to the material passing the 0.425 mm
(No. 40) sieve obtained by the procedure described in Sec 4.2. The material retained on the 0.425 mm (No. 40) sieve shall
be set aside for use in the mechanical analysis of the coarse material.
4.7 After all the soaked material has been washed, the pan containing the wash water shall be set aside and not
disturbed for a period of several hours until all of the soil particles have settled to the bottom of the pan and the water above
the soil is clear. As much of the clear water as possible shall then be decanted or siphoned off. The soil remaining in the pan
shall be dried at a temperature not exceeding 60 C. The dried soil shall be ground in the mortar with a rubber-covered
pestle or suitable mechanical device and combined with the material passing the 0.425 mm (No. 40) sieve obtained by the
procedures described in Sec 4.2 and 4.6.

Note 1: In some instances, the wash water will not become clear in a reasonable length of time in which case, the entire
volume must be evaporated.
4.7.1 (Alternate to Sec 4.7) After all of the soaked material has been washed, the wash water and material passing the
0.425 mm (No. 40) sieve shall be filtered on one or more Buchner funnels which have previously been fitted with filter
paper. Vacuum shall be applied to the lower end of the Buchner funnels to speed up the filtering process. After filtering, the
soil shall be removed from the filter, the filter paper stripped from the damp soil and the soil dried at a temperature not
exceeding 60 C. The dried soil shall be ground in the mortar with a rubber-coated pestle or suitable mechanical device and
combined with the material passing the 0.425 mm (No. 40) sieve obtained by the procedures described in Sec 4.2 and 4.6.

5. Test Sample for Mechanical Analysis and Soil Constants

5.1 The fractions passing the 0.425 mm (No. 40) sieve obtained as described in Sec 4.2, 4.6 and 4.7 shall be thoroughly
mixed. A portion weighing approximately 60 g for silt and clay soils shall be selected for mechanical analysis. The
remaining portion of the material passing the 0.425 mm (No. 40) sieve shall be used for the determination of the soil

Method B

6. Procedure
6.1 Select a representative portion of the moist sample estimated to contain sufficient particles passing the 0.425 mm
(No. 40) sieve to make the required tests for determination of soil constants. Soak this selected portion of the moist sample
in water until the particle aggregation becomes soft (Note 2). Samples obviously containing only particles passing the 0.425
mm (No. 40) sieve may be used in the tests to determine soil constants without first washing on the 0.425 mm (No. 40)

Note 2: In some areas it is possible that the cations of salts present in the tap water may exchange with the natural cations in
the soil and alter significantly the values of the soil constants, should tap water be used in the soaking and washing
operations. Unless it is known that such cations are not present in the tap water, distilled or dernineralized water should be
used. The soaking and washing operation will remove soluble salts contained in the soil. When soluble salts are present in
the soil, the wash water should be saved and evaporated, and the salts returned to the soil sample.
6.2 After soaking, wash the material on a 0.425 mm (No. 40) sieve in the following manner: Place an empty 0.425 mm
(No. 40) sieve on the bottom of a clean pan and pour the water from the soaked sample (Note 3) onto the sieve. Add
sufficient water to bring the level approximately 13 mm (or 1/2 in.) above the mesh of the sieve. Transfer the soaked
material to the sieve in workable increments, stirring each increment with the fingers while agitating the sieve up and down.
Crumble or mash any lumps that have not slaked, using the thumb and fingers. Raise the sieve above the water in the pan
and complete the washing operation using a small amount of clean water. Discard the washed material retained on the sieve
before placing another increment of soaked material on the sieve.

Note 3: For heavy clays, it may be advantageous to use a mechanical stirrer to form a slurry which will more readily
pass the 0.425 mm (No. 40) sieve.
6.3 Set aside the pan containing the washings for a period of several hours or until the water above the particles is clear.
Decant, pipet, or siphon off as much of the clear water as possible (Note 4).
6.4 Alternatively, after all the soaked material has been washed, remove most of the water by filtering the wash water
on one or more Buchner funnels fitted with filter paper or by using filter candles. Remove the moist soil from the filter
paper or filter candles, and combine with the sediment remaining in the pan.

Note 4: In some instances the wash water will not become clear in a reasonable length of time. In this case the entire
volume must be evaporated.
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6.5 Reduce the moisture content of the material passing the 0.425 mm (No. 40) sieve until the mass reaches a putty-like
consistency (such as 30-35 drops of the cup in the liquid limit test) but never below the natural moisture content. Reduction
of moisture content may be accomplished by exposure to air at ordinary room temperature, by heating in an oven at a
temperature not exceeding 110 C, by boiling, by filtering on a Buchner funnel, or by use of filter candles. During
evaporation and cooling, stir the sample often enough to prevent overdrying of the fringes and soil pinnacles on the surface.
Cool the heated samples to normal room temperature before testing. For soil samples containing soluble salts, use a method
of water reduction that will not eliminate the soluble salts from the test sample. Protect the prepared sample, in a
moisture-tight container, from further drying until all required tests have been performed.
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Laboratory Determination of Moisture Content of Soils

MRD Test Method 203

(Adaptation of ASTM D 2216-7 1)*

1. Scope
1.1 This method of test describes a laboratory procedure for the determination of moisture content in either soils or
aggregates. The moisture or water content of a material is simply the amount or mass of moisture contained in that material
expressed as a percentage of the dry mass of the material. The mass of water is customarily determined by weighing the wet
material then weighing the dried material after drying to a constant mass in an oven. The difference in mass is the mass of
water and is divided by the dry mass of soil and multiplied by 100 to arrive at percent moisture content. This test method
may be used in the field if ovens are available. If not, drying may be accomplished in several other ways that will yield
equally valid results.

2. Apparatus
2.1 Drying oven, thermostatically controlled, preferably of the forced-draft type, capable of being heated continuously
at a temperature of 110 5 C.
2.2 Balances, sensitive to 0.01 g for samples weighing 100 g or less, sensitive to 0.1 g for samples weighing between
100 and 1000 g, or sensitive to 1 g for samples weighing over 1000 g.
2.3 Suitable containers made of material resistant to corrosion and not subject to change in mass or disintegration on
repeated heating and cooling. Containers shall have close-fitting lids to prevent loss of moisture from samples before initial
weighing and to prevent absorption of moisture from the atmosphere following drying and before final weighing. One
container is needed for each moisture content determination.

3. Test Sample
3.1 Select a representative quantity of moist soil in the amount indicated in the method of test. If no amount is indicated,
the minimum mass of the sample shall be in accordance with the following table:

Maximum Size of Particle Minimum Mass

of Sample,
mm (alternate) g
0.425 (No. 40) 10
4.75 (No. 4) 100
12.5 (1/2 in.) 300
25.0 (1 in.) 500
0.0 (2 in.) 1000

4. Procedure
4.1 Weigh a clean, dry container with its lid, and place the moisture content sample in the container. Replace the lid
immediately, and weigh the container, including the lid and the moist sample. Remove the lid and place the container with
the moist sample in the drying oven maintained at a temperature of 110 5 C and dry to a constant mass (Notes 1 and 2).
Immediately upon removal from the oven, replace the lid and allow the sample to cool to room temperature. Weigh the
container including the lid and the dried sample (Notes 3 and 4).

Note 1: Checking every moisture content sample to determine that it is dried to a constant mass is impractical. In most
cases, drying a moisture content sample overnight (15 or 16 h) is sufficient. In cases where there is doubt concerning the
adequacy of overnight drying, drying should be continued until the mass, after two successive periods of drying, indicate no
change in mass. Samples of sand may often be dried to constant mass in a period of several h. Since dry soil may absorb
moisture from wet samples, dried samples should be removed before placing wet samples in the oven.

* Reprinted with permission, from the ANNUAL BOOK OF ASTM STANDARDS. Copyright, The American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia,
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Note 2: Oven-drying at 110 5 C does not result in reliable moisture content values for soil containing gypsum or other
minerals having loosely bound water of hydration or for soil containing significant amounts of organic material. Reliable
moisture content values for these soils can be obtained by drying in an oven at approximately 60 C, or by vacuum
desiccation at a pressure of approximately 10 mm Hg and at a temperature not lower than 23 C.

Note 3: A container without a lid may be used provided the moist sample is weighed immediately after being taken and provided
the dried sample is weighed immediately after being removed from the oven or after cooling in a desiccator.

Note 4: Moisture content samples should be discarded and should not be used in any other tests.

5. Calculation
5.1 Calculate the moisture content of the soil as follows:

w1 w2
w= X 100
w2 w3
w = moisture content, percent,
W1 = mass of container and moist soil, g,
W2 = mass of container and oven-dried soil, g, and
W3 = mass of container, g.

6. Report
6.1 The calculations and results shall be reported on Form No. MRDWS 203.
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates

MRD Test Method 204

(Adaptation of AASHTO T 27-80)

1. Scope
1.1 The procedures described in this test method are those for determination of the particle size distribution of both
fine and coarse soils and aggregates. Careful handling and accurate work in this test are very important inasmuch as these
results form the basis for many subsequent tests as well as decisions regarding possible uses, design, etc.

2. Apparatus
2.1 The apparatus shall consist of the following:
2.1.1 The balance shall conform to MRDTM 102, Class D, for samples less than 2000 g, Class E for samples of at
least 2000 g, but less than 5000 g, and Class F for samples of 5000 g or more.
2.1.2 Sieves with square openings shall be mounted on substantial frames constructed in a manner that will prevent
loss of material during sieving. Suitable sieve sizes shall be selected to furnish the information required by the specifications
covering the material to be tested. The woven wire cloth and perforated plate sieves shall conform to MRDTM 101, Sieves
for Testing Purposes.
2.1.3 The oven shall be capable of maintaining a uniform temperature of 110 5 C.

3. Test Samples
3.1 Samples for sieve analysis shall be obtained in accordance with MRDTM 302, Reducing Field Samples of
Aggregate to Testing Size. The size of sample for tests need be only approximately the mass desired; the selection of a
sample of an exact predetermined mass shall not be attempted because this practice could introduce bias into the test results.
3.2 Samples of fine aggregate for sieve analysis shall weigh, after drying, approximately the amount indicated in the

Soil 95% of - 2.36 mm (No. 8) sieve, 100 g.

Soil 90% of - 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve
and > 5% of + 2.36 mm (No. 8) sieve, 500 g.

In no case, however, shall the fraction retained on any sieve at the completion of the sieving operation weigh more than 0.6
g per cm 2 of sieving surface (Note 1).

Note 1: This amounts to 188 g for the usual 203.2 mm (8 in.) diameter sieve. The amount of material retained on the critical
sieve may be regulated by the introduction of an intermediate sieve having openings greater in size than the critical sieve,
but less than the next higher specified sieve.
3.3 Samples of coarse aggregate for sieve analysis shall weigh, after drying, not less than an amount indicated in Table
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Table 1

Size of Coarse Aggregate

Nominal Minimum
Maximum Size of Particle Mass
of Sample,
mm (in.) l
9.5 (3/8) 1
12.5 (1/2 ) 2
19.0 (3/4) 5
25.0 (1) 10
37.5 (11/2) 15
50 (2) 20
63 (21/2) 25
75 (3) 30
90 (31/2) 35
For samples weighing 5 kg or more it is recommended that sieves mounted in frames 406.4 mm (16 in.) in diameter or larger be used.

3.3.1 Nominal Maximum Size (of aggregate) - Specifications on aggregates stipulate a sieve opening through which
all of the aggregate may, but need not, pass so that a stated maximum proportion of the aggregate may be retained on that
sieve. A sieve opening so designated is the nominal maximum size of the aggregate.
3.4 In the case of samples containing substantial portions of material retained on and passing the 4.75 mm (No. 4)
sieve, the composite sample mass shall be determined in accordance with Sec 3.3. The material shall be separated into two
sizes, by the 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve and the portion passing the 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve shall be prepared in accordance with
paragraphs 3.1 and 3.2.
3.5 In the case of fine aggregate, the material finer than the 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve shall be determined in
accordance with MRDTM 206, Amount of Material Finer than 0.075 mm Sieve in Aggregate, and the sieve analysis made
on the material coarser than the 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve.

4. Preparation of Sample
4.1 Samples shall first be subjected to MRDTM 206. This procedure may be omitted provided the total amount of
material finer than the 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve is not required and provided the accuracy requirements for the sieve
analysis do not require washing of the particles. All samples of fine and coarse aggregate, where the percent of absorbed
moisture changes for different particle sizes shall be dried to substantially constant weight at a temperature of 110 5 C.
Samples of coarse aggregate, where the percent of absorbed moisture is essentially constant for the different particle sizes,
may be sieved surface dry.

5. Procedure
5.1 The sample shall be separated into a series of sizes using such sieves as are necessary to determine compliance
with the specification for the material under test. The sieving operation shall be conducted by means of a lateral and vertical
motion of the sieve, accompanied by jarring action so as to keep the sample moving continuously over the surface of the
sieve. The motion of the sieves may be accomplished by mechanical shaker or by hand. In no case shall fragments in the
sample be turned or manipulated through the sieve by hand. Sieving shall be continued until not more than 0.5 percent by
mass of the total sample passes any sieve during 1 minute of hand sieving. On the portion of the sample retained on the 4.75
mm (No. 4) sieve, the above described procedure for determining thoroughness of sieving shall be carried out with a single
layer of material. When mechanical sieving is used, the thoroughness of sieving shall be tested by using the hand method of
sieving as described above.
5.2 The mass of each size shall be determined on a scale or balance conforming to the requirements specified in Sec
2.1 to the nearest 0.1 percent of the mass of the total sample. If the total amount of material finer than 0.075 mm (No. 200)
sieve is desired, it shall be determined by adding the mass of material passing the 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve by dry sieving,
to that lost by washing as determined in accordance with MRDTM 206.

6. Calculation
6.1 Calculate percentages on the basis of the total mass of the sample, include any material finer than the 0.075 mm
(No. 200) sieve as determined in accordance with MRDTM 206.
6.2 Calculate the total percentage of material passing each sieve.
6.3 Percentages shall be calculated to the nearest whole number except for the amount of material finer than the 0.075
mm (No. 200) sieve, which shall be reported to the nearest 0.1 percent.
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7. Report
7.1 The results of the seive analysis shall be recorded on Form No. MRDWS 204 and plotted on Form No. MRDWS
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Particle Size Analysis of Soils

MRD Test Method 205

(Adaptation of AASHTO T 88-79)

1. Scope
1.1 This test is generally referred to as the Hydrometer Test or Hydrometer Analysis. It is a continuation of the grading
analysis begun in MRDTM 204. For obvious reasons it is not practical to construct or use sieves finer than 0.075 mm (No.
200) so division into sizes smaller than this requires another process. That process is the sedimentation process. It is based
on Stokes Law which relates rate of sedimentation with particle size. In the test a known quantity of soil fines are mixed
with a proportionately large volume of water and permitted to settle. A hydrometer, which measures specific gravity, is used
to determine indirectly the rate of settlement by measuring the amount of material still in suspension at regular time intervals
as the suspended particles settle. The more material in suspension the higher the specific gravity and as sedimentation
proceeds the specific gravity decreases. When all the soil has settled the specific gravity will be that of the water or solution
used for the test. The rate of sedimentation is quite sensitive to vibration and disturbance during the insertion and removal
of the hydrometer. Extreme care should be exercised in this operation.

2. Apparatus
2.1 The apparatus shall consist of the following:
2.1.1 A balance sensitive to 0.01 g for weighing the material passing a 2.00 mm (No. 10) sieve, or 0.425 mm (No. 40)
sieve for the hydrometer analysis sample; for larger samples, the balance should be sensitive to within 0.1 percent of the
sample to be weighed.
2.1.2 A mechanically operated stirring apparatus consisting of an electric motor suitably mounted to turn a vertical shaft
at a speed not less than 10,000 revolutions per minute without load, a replaceable stirring paddle made of metal, plastic or
hard rubber similar to one of the designs shown in Fig. 1, and a dispersion cup conforming to the design shown in Fig. 2.
2.1.3 A hydrometer of the exact size and shape shown in Fig. 3, the body of which has been blown in a mold to assure
duplication of all dimensions, and equipped with either Scale A or Scale B. Scale A shall be graduated from - 5 to + 60 g of
soil per liter, and hydrometers equipped with this scale shall be identified as 152 H. It shall be calibrated on the assumption
that distilled water has a specific gravity of 1.000 at 20 C and that the soil in suspension has a specific gravity of 2.65.
Scale B shall be graduated from 0.995 to 1.038 specific gravity and calibrated to read 1.000 in distilled water at 20 C.
Hydrometers equipped with this scale shall be identified as 151 H.
2.1.4 Sedimentation Cylinders-A cylinder, made of glass or other transparent material, approximately 460 mm (18 in.)
in height and 60 mm (2 1/2 in.) in diameter and marked for a volume of 1000 ml. The inside diameter shall be such that the
1000 ml mark is 360 20 mm from the bottom on the inside.
2.1.5 A thermometer accurate to 0.5 C.
2.1.6 A series of sieves of square mesh woven cloth, conforming to the requirements of MRDTM 101, Sieves for
Testing Purposes. The sieves normally required are as follows:

Sieve Designation

mm (alternate) Mm (alternate)
75 (3 in.) 4.75 (No. 4)
50 (2 in.) 2.00 (No. 10)
25.0 (1 in.) 0.425 (No. 40)
9.5 (3/8 in.) 0.075 (No. 200)

2.1.7 A water bath or constant temperature room for maintaining soil suspension at a constant temperature during the
hydrometer analysis. A satisfactory water bath is an insulated tank which maintains the suspension at a convenient constant
temperature as near 20 C as the room and faucet-water temperature will permit. In cases where the work is performed in a
room at an automatically controlled constant temperature, the water bath is not necessary and subsequent reference to a
constant temperature is not necessary. Bath shall be interpreted as meaning either a water bath or a constant temperature
2.1.8 A beaker of 250 ml capacity.
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2.1.9 Timing Device-A watch or clock that measures to the nearest second.

3. Dispersing Agent
3.1 A stock solution of dispersing agent shall be prepared from one of the four chemicals listed in Table 1. The
chemical shall be used in distilled or demineralized water at rate shown in Table 1.

Table 1

Dispersing Agents

Chemical salt (g) Formula

per Liter
of Solution
buffered with sodium
carbonate; marketed as
"Calgon": 45.7 NaPO3 or
Sodium polyphos 21.6 Nal2P10031
Sodium tripolyphosphate 18.8 Na5P3010
Sodium tetraphosphate;
marketed as
"Quadrofos": 35.1 Na6P4013

4. General Requirements for Weighing

4.1 The mass of subsamples and size fractions in the hydrometer analysis and hygroscopic moisture determination shall
be determined to the nearest 0.01 g. The mass for the coarse sieve analysis of the material retained on the 2.00 mm (No. 10)
sieve shall be determined within 0.1 percent of the mass of the subsample. For example, for a subsample weighing 1000 g,
the determinations of its size fractions shall be made to the nearest 1 g.

5. Samples
5.1 The test sample for mechanical analysis shall be prepared in accordance with either MRDTM 201, Dry Preparation
of Disturbed Soil Samples for Test or MRDTM 202, Wet Preparation of Disturbed Soil Samples for Test. The
representative portion of the original air dry sample selected for test shall be weighed and the mass of this sample shall be
sufficient to yield quantities for mechanical analysis as follows:
5.1.1 The minimum amount required of material retained on the 2.00 mm (No. 10) sieve depends on the maximum
particle size, but shall not be less than the amount shown in the Table 2.

Table 2

Sample Size Requirements

Nominal Size of Largest Particles

Minimum Mass
mm (in.) of Portion,
9.5 (3/8) 0.5
25.0 (1) 2
50 (2) 4
75 (3) 5

5.1.2 The size of the portion passing the 2.00 mm (No. 10) sieve shall be: (a) for the hydrometer test, approximately
100 g for sandy soil and approximately 50 g for silty or clayey soils, and (b) for hygroscopic moisture determination, at least
10 g.
5.2 The test sample selected in Sec 5.1 shall be processed by the following method.
5.2.1 The sample shall be separated on the 2.00 mm (No. 10) sieve as described in Sec 4.2.1 of MRDTM 201. The
portion retained on the 2.00 mm (No. 10) sieve shall be weighed and set aside for testing as described in Sec 6. From the
material passing the 2.00 mm (No. 10) sieve, subsamples for hydrometer analysis and hydroscopic moisture determination
Table of Contents
shall be obtained by use of a sample splitter and either weighed immediately or placed in airtight containers until tested as
described in Sec 6 through 10.

6. Sieve Analysis of Fraction Retained on 2.00 mm (No. 10) Sieve

6.1 The portion of the sample retained on the 2.00 mm (No. 10) sieve shall be separated into a series of sizes by the use
of the 75, 50, 25.0, 9.5, and 4.75 mm (3 in., 2 in., 1 in., 3/8 in., and the No. 4) sieves, and using other sieves as may be
needed depending on the sample or upon the specification for the material being tested. The 2.00 mm (No. 10) sieve shall
be used if the sample was prepared in accordance with MRDTM 202.
6.2 The sieving operation shall be conducted by means of a lateral and vertical motion of the sieve, accompanied by a
jarring action so as to keep the sample moving continuously over the surface of the sieve. In no case shall fragments in the
sample be turned or manipulated through the sieve by hand. Sieving shall be continued until not more than 1 percent by
mass of the residue passes any sieve during 1 minute. When sieving machines are used, their thoroughness of sieving shall
be tested by comparison with hand methods of sieving as described in this Section.
6.3 The portion of the sample retained on each sieve shall be weighed and the mass recorded. The percentage of each
size fraction shall be determined as described in Sec 10.2.

7. Hygroscopic Moisture
7.1 The sample for hygroscopic moisture determination shall be weighed, dried to constant mass at 110 5 C, weighed,
and the results recorded.
7.2 The hygroscopic moisture shall be expressed as a percentage of the mass of the oven-dried sample and shall be
calculated as follows:

w w1
Hygroscopic Moisture, % = 100

W = mass of air-dried soil, g and
W1 = mass of oven-dried soil, g.

7.3 The corrected oven-dried mass for the subsample used for the hydrometer analysis is obtained by multiplying the
air-dried mass by the following factor:

100 + percent of hygroscopic moisture

Hydrometer and Sieve Analysis of Fraction

Passing the 2.00 mm (No. 10) Sieve

8. Dispersion of Soil Sample

8.1 The approximately 100 or 50 g sample for hydrometer analysis shall be weighed, placed in a 250 ml beaker,
covered with 125 ml of stock solution made with one of the dispersing agents specified in Sec 3, stirred thoroughly with a
glass rod, and allowed to soak for a minimum of 12 h (Note 1). The contents of the beaker shall then be washed into the
dispersion cup shown in Fig. 2, distilled or demineralized water added until the cup is between one-half and two-thirds full,
and the contents dispersed for a period of 60 s in the mechanical stirring apparatus.

Note 1: Certain soils may require soaking for 24 to 48 h in order to obtain consistent results.

9. Hydrometer Test
9.1 After dispersion, the mixture shall be transferred to the glass graduate and distilled or demineralized water having
the same temperature as the constant temperature bath added until the mixture attains a volume of 1 liter. The graduate
containing the soil suspension shall then be placed in the constant temperature bath. When the soil suspension attains the
temperature of the bath, the graduate shall be removed and its contents thoroughly shaken for one minute, the palm of the
hand or other non-absorbent closure being used as a stopper over the mouth of the graduate.
9.2 At the conclusion of shaking, the time shall be recorded, the graduate placed in the bath, and readings taken with
the hydrometer at the end of 2 minutes. The hydrometer shall be read at the top of the meniscus formed by the suspension
around its stem. If the hydrometer with scale A is used, it shall be read to the nearest 0.5 g per liter. Scale B shall be read to
the nearest 0.0005 specific gravity. Subsequent readings shall be taken at intervals of 5, 15, 30, 60, 250, and 1440 minutes
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after the beginning of sedimentation. Readings of the thermometer placed in the soil suspension shall be made immediately
following each hydrometer reading and recorded.
9.3 After each reading, the hydrometer shall be very carefully removed from the soil suspension and placed with a
spinning motion in a graduate of clean water. About 25 or 30 s before the time for a reading, it shall be taken from the clear
water, and slowly immersed in the soil suspension to assure that it comes to rest before the appointed reading time.

10. Sieve Analysis

10.1 Material passing the 2.00 mm (No. 10) sieve.
10.1.1 At the conclusion of the final hydrometer reading, pour the contents from the graduate onto a 0.075 mm (No.
200) sieve and rinse with tap water until the wash water is clear. That fraction retained on the 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve
shall be dried and a sieve analysis made using the 0.425 mm (No. 40) and 0.075 mm (No. 200) and such other sieves as may
be required for the material under test.
10.2 Material retained on the 2.00 mm (No. 10) sieve.
10.2.1 The total mass of sample as selected and weighed in Sec 5.1 shall be corrected for hygroscopic moisture as
follows: (a) From the mass of air-dried sample obtained in Sec 5.1, subtract the mass for the fraction retained on the 2.00
mm (No. 10) sieve. The difference is assumed to equal the mass of air-dried fraction passing the 2.00 mm (No. 10) sieve
(Note 2). (b) Correct the mass of the fraction passing the 2.00 mm (No. 10) sieve for hygroscopic moisture using the factor
as determined in Sec 7. (c) Add the corrected mass of fraction passing the 2.00 mm (No. 10) sieve to the mass of the portion
retained on the 2.00 mm (No. 10) sieve to obtain the mass of the total sample corrected for hygroscopic moisture.
10.2.2 The fractions retained on the 2.00 mm (No. 10) and coarser sieves shall be expressed as percentages of the mass
as corrected for hygroscopic moisture.

Note 2: According to this assumption, no hygroscopic moisture is contained in the air-dried particles retained on the 2.00
mm (No. 10) sieve when as a matter of fact a small percentage of moisture may be present in this fraction. This amount of
moisture, compared with that held in the pores of the fractions passing the 2.00 mm (No. 10) sieve is relatively small.
Therefore, any error produced by the assumption as stated may be considered negligible in amount.

11. Percentage of Soil in Suspension

11.1 Hydrometer readings made at temperatures other than 20 C shall be corrected by applying the appropriate
composite correction from either Table 5 or 6. Tables 5 and 6 list composite corrections for hydrometers 151 H and 152 H
to account for the different dispersing agents, temperature variations from 20 C and height of the meniscus.
11.2 The percentage of the dispersed soil in suspension represented by different corrected hydrometer readings depends
upon both the amount and specific gravity of the soil dispersed. The percentage of dispersed soil remaining in suspension
shall be calculated as follows:

For hydrometer 152 H;

Pa = Ra X 100 and
For hydrometer 151 H;

Pa = 1606 (R- I)a X 100


Pa = percentage of originally dispersed soil remaining in suspension,
R = corrected hydrometer reading,
W1 = mass in g of soil originally dispersed minus the hygroscopic moisture, and
a = constant depending on the specific gravity of the suspension (Table 3).
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Table 3

Values of a, for Different Specific Gravities

Specific Gravity, G Constant, a

2.95 0.94
2.85 0.96
2.75 0.98
2.65 1.00
2.55 1.02
2.45 1.05
2.35 1.08

11.2.1 It is sufficiently accurate for ordinary tests to select the constant for the specific gravity nearest to that of the
particular soil tested.
11.3 To convert the percentages of soil in suspension (Pa) to percentages of the total test sample (P) including the
fraction retained on the 2.00 mm (No. 10) sieve, the percentage of originally dispersed soil remaining in suspension shall be
multiplied by the expression.

Z = 100 - % retained on 2. 00 mm sieve


12. Diameter of Soil Particles in Suspension

12.1 The maximum diameter, d, of the particles in suspension, corresponding to the percentage indicated by a given
hydrometer reading, shall be calculated by the use of Stokes Law.

According to Stokes Law: d =
980(G G1)T

d = maximum grain diameter, mm,
= coefficient of viscosity of the suspending medium (in this case water) in poises. Varies with changes in temperature of
the suspending medium,
L = distance, through which soil particles settle in a given period of time, cm,
T = time in minutes, period of sedimentation,
G = specific gravity of soil particles, and
G1= specific gravity of the suspending medium (approximately 1.0 for water).

12.2 The maximum grain diameter in suspension for assumed conditions and corresponding to the periods of
sedimentation specified in this procedure are given in Table 4. These grain diameters shall be corrected for the conditions of
test by applying the proper correction factors as described and explained below:
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Table 4

Maximum Grain Diameter in Suspension

Under Assumed Conditions

Time, Maximum Grain Diameter,

Minutes mm

2 .040
5 .026
15 .015
30 .010
60 .0074
250 .0036
1,440 .0015

12.3 The grain diameters given in Table 4 are calculated according to the following assumptions:

L, the distance through which the particles fall is constant and is equal to 17.5 cm.
, the coefficient of viscosity equals 0.01002 poise, that of water at 20 C.
G, the specific gravity of the soil is constant and equal to 2.65.

12.4 The grain diameters corrected for other than the assumed conditions shall be obtained by the formula:

d = d1 KL KG Kn

d = corrected grain diameter, mm,

d1= grain diameter obtained from Table 4,
KL= correction factor obtained from Fig. 4 when the hydrometer reading not adjusted for composite correction is used for
the ordinate reading,
KG= correction factor obtained from Fig. 5A, and
Kn = correction factor obtained from Fig. 5B.

12.5 The coefficient KG and Kn are independent of the shape and position of the hydrometer and are as shown in Fig.
5A and 5B.

13. Fine Sieve Analysis

13.1 The percentage of the dispersed soil sample retained on each of the sieves in the sieve analysis of the material
washed on the 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve shall be obtained by dividing the mass of fraction retained on each sieve by the
oven-dry mass of the dispersed soil and multiplying by 100.
13.2 The percentages of the total test sample, excluding the fraction retained on the 2.00 mm (No. 10) sieve, shall be
obtained by multiplying these values by the expression:

Z = 100 - % retained on 2.00 mm sieve


14. Plotting
14.1 The accumulated percentages of grains of different diameters shall be plotted on semilogarithmic paper to obtain a
"grain size accumulation curve," such as that shown in Fig. 6.

15. Report
15.1 For materials examined for any particular type of work or purpose, only such fractions shall be reported as are
included in the specifications or other requirements for the work or purpose. The calculations and results of complete
mechanical analysis furnished by the combined sieve and hydrometer analyses shall be recorded and reported on Form No.
MRDWS 205.
15.2 The test results shall be plotted on Form No. MRDWS 204/205.
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Amount of Material Finer than 0.075 mm Sieve in Aggregate

MRD Test Method 206

(Adaptation of AASHTO T 11 -80)

1. Scope
1. 1 This method of test outlines a procedure, involving soaking and washing, for determining the amount of material in
soils or aggregates finer than a standard 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve. Due to the nature of very fine soil particles soaking or
wetting and agitation are generally required to separate them into individual particles. In many laboratories this procedure is
routinely combined with the basic sieving operation, MRDTM 204, and the two tests are performed simultaneously.

Note 1: It should be recognized that this procedure may not determine the total amount of material finer than the 0.075 mm
(No. 200) sieve. Such a determination may be made by the combination of washing and dry sieving required by MRDTM

2. Apparatus
2.1 The apparatus shall consist of the following:
2.1.1 Sieves-A nest of two sieves, the lower being a 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve and the upper a 1.18 mm (No. 16) sieve,
both conforming to the requirements for Sieves for Testing Purposes (MRDTM 101).
2.1.2 Container-A pan or vessel of a size sufficient to permit vigorous agitation without inadvertent loss of material
when it contains a sample covered with water.
2.1.3 Balance-The balance shall conform to MRDTM 102, Class D for samples less than 2000 g, Class E for samples of
at least 2000 g, but less than 5000 g, and Class F for samples of 5000 g or more.
2.1.4 Oven-The oven shall be capable of maintaining a temperature of 110 5 C.
2.1.5 Wetting Agents-Any dispersing agent such as Calgon, Joy, or other detergent, or a soap, which will promote the
separation o fine material.

3. Sampling
3.1 The test sample shall be obtained in accordance with MRDTM 302, Reducing Field Samples of Aggregate to
Testing Size. A quantity, sufficient to yield not less than the approximate mass of dried material as shown in the following
table shall be selected.

Nominal Maximum Size Minimum
Mass of Sample,
mm (alternate) kg
2.36 (No. 8) 0.1
4.75 (No. 4) 0.5
9.5 (3/8 in.) 1.0
19.0 (3/4 in.) 2.5
37.5 (1 1/2 in. 5.0
(or over) or over)
4. Procedure
4.1 The test sample shall be dried to a constant mass (Note 2) at a temperature of 110 5 C and weighed to the nearest
0.1 percent.
4.2 The test sample, after being dried and weighed, shall be placed in the container and covered with water containing a
sufficient amount of wetting agent to assure a thorough separation of the material finer than the 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve
from the coarser particles. The contents of the container shall be agitated vigorously and the wash water poured immediately
over the nested sieves arranged with the coarser sieve on top. The use of a large spoon to stir and agitate the aggregate in
the wash water has been found helpful.
4.3 The agitation should be sufficiently vigorous to result in the complete separation from the coarse particles of all
particles finer than the 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve and bring the fine material into suspension in order that it will be removed
by decantation of the wash water. Care shall be taken to avoid, as much as possible, the decantation of the coarse particles
of the samples. The operation shall be repeated until the wash water is clear.
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4.4 All material retained on the nested sieves shall be returned to the washed sample. The washed aggregate shall be
dried to constant mass at a temperature of 110 5 C and weighed to the nearest 0.1 percent.

Note 2: Drying to constant mass is accomplished by alternately heating (for approximately 30 minutes) and weighing until
the loss in mass between heatings and weighings is less than 0.1 percent of the total sample mass.

5. Calculation
5.1 The results shall be calculated from the following formula:

P = W1 W2

P = percentage of material finer than 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve,
W1 = original dry mass, g,
W2 = dry mass after washing, g.

6. Check Determinations
6.1 When check determinations are desired, the wash water shall be either evaporated to dryness or filtered through tared filter
paper which shall subsequently be dried, the residue weighed and the percentage calculated from the following formula:

P = R 100

P = percentage of material finer than 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve,
R = mass of residue, g,
W1 = original dry mass, g.

7. Report
7.1 The amount of material finer than 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve shall be reported to the nearest 0.1 percent on Form No.
MRDWS 206.
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Form No. MRDWS 206

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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Specific Gravity of Soils

MRD Test Method 207

(Adaptation of AASHTO T 100-75)

1. Scope
1.1 This method of test is intended for determining the specific gravity of soils by means of a pycnometer or volumetric
flask. When the soil is composed of particles larger than the 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve, the method outlined in the Standard
Method of Test for Specific Gravity and Absorption of Coarse Aggregate (MRDTM 304), shall be followed. When the soil
is composed of particles both larger and smaller than the 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve, the sample shall be separated on the 4.75
mm (No. 4) sieve, and the appropriate method of test used on each portion. The specific gravity value for the soil shall be
the weighted average of the two values. When the specific gravity value is to be used in calculations in connection with the
hydrometer portion of the Standard Method of Test for Particle Size Analysis of Soils (MRDTM 205) it is intended that the
specific gravity test be made on that portion of the soil which passes the 2.00 mm (No. 10) or 0.425 mm (No. 40) sieve, as

2. Definition
2.1 Specific Gravity-Specific gravity is the ratio of the mass in air of a given volume of a material at a stated
temperature to the mass in air of an equal volume of distilled water at a stated temperature.

3. Apparatus
3.1 The apparatus shall consist of the following:
3.1.1 Pycnometer-Either a volumetric flask having a capacity between 100 ml and 500 ml or a stoppered bottle having a
capacity of at least 50 ml (Note 1). The stopper shall be of the same material as the bottle, and of such size that it can be
easily inserted to a fixed depth in the neck of the bottle, and shall have a small hole through its center to permit the emission
of air and surplus water as illustrated in Fig. 1.

Note 1: The use of either the volumetric flask or the stoppered bottle is a matter of individual preference, but in general, the
flask should be used when a larger sample than can be used in the stoppered bottle is needed due to maximum grain size of
the sample. In general, use of the stoppered bottle requires more experience and a greater degree of competence.
3.1.2 Balance-Either a balance sensitive to 0.01 g for use with the volumetric flask, or a balance sensitive to 0.001 g for
use with the stoppered bottle.
3.1.3 A desiccator, approximately 200 mm (8 in.) diameter containing an anhydrous silica gel or other suitable
3.1.4 Aspirator-Pressure not to exceed 100 mm of mercury.
3.1.5 A thermostatically controlled drying oven capable of maintaining a temperature of 110 5 C.
3.1.6 A thermometer covering the range of 0 to 50 C readable and accurate to 1 C.

4. General Requirements for Weighing

4.1 When the volumetric flask is used in the specific gravity determination, all masses shall be determined to the nearest
0.01 g. When the stoppered bottle is used in the specific gravity determination, all masses shall be determined to the nearest
0.001 g.

5. Calibration of Pycnometer
5.1 The pycnometer shall be cleaned, dried, weighed, and the mass recorded. The pycnometer shall be filled with
distilled water (Note 2) at room temperature. The mass of the pycnometer and water, Wa, shall be determined and recorded.
A thermometer shall be inserted in the water and its temperature, Ti, determined to the nearest whole degree.

Note 2: Kerosene is a better wetting agent than water for most soils and may be used in place of distilled water for
oven-dried samples. Volumetric flasks are considered full when the bottom of the meniscus of the water is at the etched line
on the neck of the flask. Stoppered bottles are full when the stopper is in place and the vent hole in the tap is full. Care must
be taken when wiping the bottle not to remove water from the vent hole.
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5.2 For a single determination, the mass Wa, at temperature Ti is sufficient; provided the subsequent determination of
Wb (formula Sec 8.1) is made at the exact same temperature. A more convenient procedure is to prepare an individual
calibration curve for each pycnometer where values of Wa are calculated for a range of temperatures likely to prevail during
future testing. A range of values similar to those used for the K correction (Sec 8.2), 18 to 30 C is generally sufficient.
Values of Wa shall be calculated as follows:

H 2O at Tx
Wa (at Tx ) = [Wa (at Ti) Wf ] + Wf
H 2O at Ti
Wa = mass of pycnometer and water, g,
Wf = mass of pycnometer, g,
Ti = observed temperature of water, C and
Tx = any other desired temperature, C.

5.2.1 Bringing the pycnometer and contents to some designated temperature when masses Wa and Wb are taken,
requires considerable time. It is much more convenient to prepare a table of masses Wa for various temperatures likely to
prevail when masses Wb are taken. It is important that masses Wa and Wb be based on water at the same temperature. Values
for the relative density of water at temperatures from 18 to 30 C are given in Table 1.

6. Sample
6.1 The soil to be used in the specific gravity test may contain its natural moisture or be oven-dried. The mass of the test
sample on an oven-dry basis shall be at least 25 g with the 100 ml volumetric flask, at least 125 g with the 500 ml
volumetric flask, a ratio of 1 g to 4 ml for flasks between 100 and 500 ml, and at least 10 g with the 50 ml stoppered bottle.
6.2 Samples Containing Natural Moisture-When the sample contains its natural moisture, the mass of the soil, Wo , on
an oven-dry basis shall be determined at the end of the test by evaporating the water in an oven maintained at 110 5 C.
Samples of clay soils containing their natural moisture content shall be dispersed in distilled water before placing in the
flask, using the dispersing equipment specified in MRDTM 205.
6.3 Oven-Dried Samples-When an oven-dried sample is to be used, the sample shall be dried for at least 12 h, or to
constant mass at 110 5 C, transferred to a pycnometer and weighed. The sample shall then be soaked in distilled water for
at least 12 h.

7. Procedure
7.1 The sample containing natural moisture shall be placed in the pycnometer with care being taken not to lose any of
the soil. Distilled water shall be added to fill the volumetric flask about three-fourths full or the stoppered bottle about half
7.2 Entrapped air shall be removed by either of the following methods: (1) by subjecting the contents to a partial
vacuum (air pressure not exceeding 100 mm of mercury) or (2) by boiling gently for at least 10 minutes while occasionally
rolling the pycnometer to assist in the removal of the air. Subjecting the contents to reduced air pressure may be done either
by connecting the pycnometer directly to an aspirator or vacuum pump, or by use of a bell jar. Some soils boil violently
when subjected to reduced air pressure. It will be necessary in those cases to reduce the air pressure at a slower rate or to
use a larger flask. Samples that are heated shall be cooled to room temperature.
7.3 The pycnometer shall then be filled with distilled water and the outside cleaned and dried with a clean, dry cloth.
The mass of the pycnometer and contents, Wb, and the temperature, Tx of the contents shall be determined, as described in
Sec 4 (Note 3).

Note 3: The minimum volume of slurry that can be prepared by dispersing equipment specified in MRDTM 205 is such that
a 500 ml flask is needed as the pycnometer.

8. Calculation and Report

8.1 The specific gravity of the soil, based on water at a temperature T, shall be calculated as follows:

Specific Gravity, Tx = Wo
Wo + (Wa-Wb)

Wo = mass of sample of oven-dry soil, g,
Wa = mass of pycnometer filled with water at temperature Tx (Note 4), g,
Table of Contents
Wb = mass of pycnometer filled with water and soil g, and
Tx = temperature of the contents of the pycnometer when mass Wb was determined, C.

Note 4: This value shall be taken from the table of values of Wa prepared in accordance with Sec 5.1 for the temperature
prevailing when mass Wb was taken.
8.2 For tests run at temperatures other than 20 C, the specific gravity at Tx shall be corrected to the specific gravity of
water at 20 C as follows:

Sp Gr, Tx at 20 C = K Sp Gr, Tx/Tx C

K = a number found by dividing the relative density of water at temperature Tx, by the relative density of water at 20 C.
Values for a range of temperatures are given in Table 1.
8.3 When it is desired to report the specific gravity value based on water at 4 C, such a specific gravity value may be
calculated by multiplying the specific gravity value at temperature Tx by the relative density of water at temperature Tx.
8.4 When any portion of the original sample of soil is eliminated in the preparation of the test sample, the portion on which the
test has been made shall be reported.
8.5 Test results and calculations shall be recorded on Form No. MRDWS 207.

Table I

Relative Density of Water and Conversion

Factor K for Various Temperatures

Temperature Relative Correction

C Density Factor K
of Water
18 0.9986244 1.0004
19 0.9984347 1.0002
20 0.9982343 1.0000
21 0.9980233 0.9998
22 0.9978019 0.9996
23 0.9975702 0.9993
24 0.9973286 0.9991
25 0.9970770 0.9989
26 0.9968156 0.9986
27 0.9965451 0.9983
28 0.9962652 0.9980
29 0.9959761 0.9977
30 0.9956780 0.9974
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Determining the Plastic Limit and Plasticity Index of Soils

MRD Test Method 208

(Adaptation of AASHTO T 90-80)

1. Definitions
1.1 The plastic limit of a soil is the lowest water content determined in accordance with the following procedure at
which the soil remains plastic. The plasticity index of a soil is the range in water content, expressed as a percentage of the
mass of the oven-dried soil, within which the material is in a plastic state. It is the numerical difference between the liquid
limit and plastic limit of the soil.

2. Apparatus
2.1 A porcelain evaporating dish, or similar mixing dish about 115 mm (4 1/2 in.) in diameter.
2.2 A spatula or pill knife having a blade about 75 mm (3 in.) in length and about 20 mm (3/4 in.) in width.
2.3 Surface for Rolling-A ground glass plate or piece of smooth, unglazed paper on which to roll the sample.
2.4 Suitable containers, such as metal cans with lids which will prevent loss of moisture during weighing.
2.5 A balance sensitive to 0.01 g.
2.6 A thermostatically controlled drying oven capable of maintaining temperatures of 110 5 C for drying samples.

3. Sample
3.1 If the plastic limit only is required, take a quantity of soil weighing about 20 g from the thoroughly mixed portion of
the material passing the 0.425 mm (No. 40) sieve, obtained in accordance with MRDTM 201, Dry Preparation of Disturbed
Soil-Aggregate Samples for Test. Place the air-dried soil in a mixing dish and thoroughly mix with distilled water or
demineralized water until the mass becomes plastic enough to be easily shaped into a ball. Take a portion of this ball
weighing about 8 g for the test sample.

Note 1: Tap water may be used for routine testing if comparative tests indicate no differences in results between using tap
water and distilled or demineralized water. However, referee or disputed tests shall be performed using distilled or
demineralized water.
3.2 If both the liquid and plastic limits are required, take a test sample weighing about 8 g from the thoroughly wet and
mixed portion of the soil prepared in accordance with the Test for Liquid Limit for Soils (MRDTM 209). Take the sample at
any stage of the mixing process at which the mass becomes plastic enough to be easily shaped into a ball without sticking to
the fingers excessively when squeezed. If the sample is taken before completion of the liquid limit test, set it aside and allow
to season in air until the liquid limit test has been completed. If the sample taken during the liquid limit test is too dry to
permit rolling to a 3.2 mm (1/8 in.) thread, add more water and remix.

4. Procedure
4.1 Squeeze and form the 8 g test sample taken in accordance with Sec 3.1 or 3.2 into an ellipsoidal-shaped mass. Roll
this mass between the fingers and the ground glass plate or a piece of paper laying on a smooth horizontal surface with just
sufficient pressure to roll the mass into a thread of uniform diameter throughout its length. The rate of rolling shall be
between 80 and 90 strokes per minute, counting a stroke as one complete motion of the hand forward and back to the
starting position again.
4.2 When the diameter of the thread becomes 3.2 mm (1/8 in.), break the thread into six or eight pieces. Squeeze the
pieces together between the thumbs and fingers of both hands into a uniform mass roughly ellipsoidal in shape and reroll.
Continue this alternate rolling to a thread 3.2 mm (1/8 in.) in diameter, gathering together, kneading, and rerolling, until the
thread crumbles under the pressure required for rolling and the soil can no longer be rolled into a thread. The crumbling
may occur when the thread has a diameter greater than 3.2 mm (1/8 in.). This shall be considered a satisfactory end point,
provided the soil has been previously rolled into a thread 3.2 mm (1/8 in.) in diameter. The crumbling will manifest itself
differently with the various types of soil. Some soils fall apart in numerous small aggregates or particles; others may form
an outside tubular layer that starts splitting at both ends. The splitting progresses toward the middle, and finally, the thread
falls apart in many small platy particles. Heavy clay soils require much pressure to deform the thread, particularly as they
approach the plastic limit, and finally, the thread breaks into a series of barrel-shaped segments each about 6.4 to 9.5 mm
(1/4 to 3/8 in.) in length. At no time shall the operator attempt to produce failure at exactly 3.2 mm (1/8 in.) diameter by
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allowing the thread to reach 3.2 mm (1/8 in.) then reducing the rate of rolling or the hand pressure, or both, and continuing
the rolling without further deformation until the thread falls apart. It is permissible, however, to reduce the total amount of
deformation for feebly plastic soils by making the initial diameter of the ellipsoidal-shaped mass nearer to the required 3.2
mm (1/8 in.) final diameter.
4.3 Gather the portions of the crumbled soil together and place in a suitable tared container. Weigh the container and
soil to the nearest 0.01 g and record the mass. Oven-dry the soil in the container to constant mass at 110 5 C and weigh to
the nearest 0.01 g. Record the loss in mass as the mass of water.
4.4 Repeat 4.1 through 4.3, and average test results.

5. Calculations
5.1 Calculate the plastic limit, expressed as the water content in percentage of the mass of the oven-dry soil as follows:

PL = Mass of water X 100

Mass of oven dry soil

Report the plastic limit as the average of the two tests to the nearest whole number.
5.2 Calculate the plasticity index of a soil as the difference between its liquid limit and its plastic limit, as follows:

Plasticity Index = liquid limit - plastic limit

5.3 Report the difference calculated as indicated in Sec 5.2 as the plasticity index, except under the following
5.3.1 When the liquid limit or plastic limit cannot be determined, or when the plastic limit is equal to or greater than the
liquid limit, report the plastic limit as NP (non plastic).
5.4 Calculations and test results shall be recorded on Form No. MRDWS 208/209.
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Determining the Liquid Limit of Soils

MRD Test Method 209

(Adaptation of AASHTO T 89-80)

1. Definition
1.1 The liquid limit of a soil is the water content, expressed as a percentage, and determined according to these
procedures, at which a soil-water mixture passes from a plastic to a liquid state. It is one of three consistency tests which
together define the four states of a soilwater mixture; solid, semisolid, plastic and liquid. These tests are used in classifying
soils, in quality control of aggregate production and to some extent in design.

2. Apparatus
2.1 A porcelain dish, or similar mixing dish, about 115 mm (4 1/2 in.) in diameter.
2.2 A spatula or pill knife having a blade about 75 mm (3 in.) in length and about 20 mm (3/4 in.) in width.
2.3 Liquid Limit Device:
2.3.1 Manually Operated-A device consisting of a brass dish and carriage, constructed according to the plan and
dimensions shown in Fig. 1.
2.3.2 Mechanically Operated-A motorized device equipped to produce the rise and rate of shocks to a brass cup as
described in Sec 4.2 and 5.3 of this MRDTM. The cup and the critical dimensions of the device shall conform to those
shown in Fig. 1 of this procedure. The device shall give the same liquid limit values as obtained with the manually operated
2.4 A grooving tool conforming to the critical dimensions shown in Fig. 1. The gauge need not be part of the tool.
2.5 A gauge, whether attached to the grooving tool or separate, conforming to the critical dimension "e" shown in Fig. I
and may be, if separate, a metal bar 10.00 0.02 mm (0.394 0.001 in.) thick and approximately 50 mm (2 in.) long.
2.6 Suitable containers, such as metal cans with lids, which will prevent loss of moisture prior to and during weighing.
2.7 A balance sensitive to 0.0 1 g.
2.8 A thermostatically controlled drying oven capable of maintaining temperatures of 110 5 C for drying moisture

Method A
3. Sample
3.1 A sample weighing about 100 g shall be taken from the thoroughly mixed portion of the material passing the 0.425
mm (No. 40) sieve which has been obtained in accordance with MRDTM 201, Preparing Disturbed Soil-Aggregate

4. Adjustment of Liquid Limit Device

4.1 The liquid limit device shall be inspected to determine that the device is in good working order; that the pin
connecting the cup is not worn sufficiently to permit side play; that the screws connecting the cup to the hanger arm are
tight; the points of contact on the cup and base are not excessively worn; that the lip of the cup is not excessively worn; and
that a groove has not been worn in the cup. The grooving tool shall be inspected to determine that the critical dimensions
are as shown in Fig. 1.

Note 1: Wear is considered excessive when the point of contact on the cup or base exceeds approximately 13 mm (0.5 in.)
in diameter, or when any point on the rim of the cup is worn to approximately 1/2 the original thickness. A slight groove in
the center of the cup need not be cause for replacement, however, if the groove becomes pronounced before other signs of
wear appear, the cup should be considered excessively worn. Excessively worn cups shall be replaced. A base which is
excessively worn may be refinished as long as the thickness does not exceed the tolerance shown in Fig. I by more than -2.5
mm (-0.1 in.) and the distance between the cup at the cam follower and the base is maintained within the tolerances
specified in Fig. 1.
4.2 By means of the gauge, and the adjustment plate H, of Fig. 1, the height to which the cup C is lifted shall be
adjusted so that the point on the cup which comes in contact with the base is 10 mm (0.394 in.) above the base. The
adjustment plate H shall then be secured by tightening the screws 1. With the gauge still in place, the adjustment shall be
checked by revolving the crank rapidly several times. If the adjustment is correct, a slight ringing sound will be heard when
the cam strikes the cam follower. If the cup is raised off the gauge or no sound is heard, further adjustment shall be made.
Table of Contents

5. Procedure
5.1 The soil sample shall be placed in the mixing dish and thoroughly mixed with 15 to 20 ml of distilled or
demineralized water by alternately and repeatedly stirring, kneading, and chopping with a spatula. Further additions of
water shall be made in increments of 1 to 3 ml. Each increment of water shall be thoroughly mixed with the soil as
previously described before another increment of water is added. Once testing has begun, no additional dry soil should be
added to the moistened soil. The cup of the liquid limit device shall not be used for mixing soil and water.

Note 2: Some soils are slow to absorb water, therefore, it is possible to add the increments of water so fast that a false liquid
limit value is obtained. This can be avoided if more mixing and/or time is allowed. Tap water may be used for routine
testing if comparative tests indicate no differences in results between using tap water and distilled or demineralized water.
However, referee or disputed tests shall be performed using distilled or demineralized water.
5.2 When sufficient water has been thoroughly mixed with the soil to form a uniform mass of stiff consistency, a
sufficient quantity of this mixture shall be placed in the cup above the spot where the cup rests on the base and shall be
squeezed, spread and trimmed with the spatula to form a level specimen with a depth of 10 mm at the point of maximum
thickness (Fig. 2). As few strokes of the spatula as possible shall be used, care being taken to prevent the entrapment of air
bubbles within the mass. Excess soil from the leveling and trimming operation shall be returned to the mixing dish. The soil
in the cup and the device shall be divided by a firm stroke of the grooving tool along the diameter, through the centerline of
the cam follower so that a clean sharp groove of the proper dimensions will be formed as shown in Fig. 3. To avoid tearing
of the sides of the groove or slipping of the soil cake on the cup, up to six strokes from front to back or from back to front
counting as one stroke, shall be permitted. The depth of the groove should be increased with each stroke and only the last
stroke should scrape the bottom of the cup.
5.3 The cup containing the sample prepared as described in Sec 5.2 shall be lifted an dropped by turning the crank F at
the rate o approximately two revolutions per second until the two sides of the sample come in contact at the bottom of the
groove along a distance of about 13 mm (0.5 in.). The number of shocks required to close the groove this distance shall be
recorded. The base of the machine shall not be held with the free hand while the crank F is turned.

Note 3: Some soils tend to slide on the surface of the cup instead of flowing. If this occurs, more water should be added to
the sample and remixed, then the soil-water mixture placed in the cup, a groove cut with the grooving tool and Sec 5.2
repeated. If the soil continues to slide on the cup at a lesser number of blows than 25, the test is not applicable and a note
should be made that the liquid limit could not be determined.
5.4 A slice of soil approximately the width of the spatula, extending from edge to edge of the soil cake at right angles to
the groove and including that portion of the groove in which the soil flowed together, shall be removed and placed in a
suitable container. The container and soil shall then be weighed promptly and the mass recorded. The soil in the container
shall be oven dried to a constant mass at 110 5 C and weighed. This mass shall be recorded and the loss in mass, due to
drying shall be recorded as the mass of water.
5.5 The soil remaining in the cup shall be transferred to the mixing dish. The cup and grooving tool shall then be
washed and dried in preparation for the next trial.
5.6 The foregoing operations shall be repeated for at least three additional portions of the sample to which sufficient
water has been added to bring the soil to a more fluid condition. The object of this procedure is to obtain samples of such
consistency that at least one determination will be made in each of the following ranges of shocks: 25-35, 20-30, 15-25, so
the range in the four determinations is at least 10 shocks.

6. Calculation
6.1 The water content of the soil shall be expressed as the moisture content in percentage of the mass of the oven dried
soil and shall be calculated as follows:

Moisture, % = mass of water, g X 100

mass of oven dried soil, g

7. Preparation of Flow Curve

7.1 A "Flow Curve" representing the relation between moisture content and corresponding number of shocks shall be
plotted on a semi-logarithmic graph with the moisture contents as abscissa on the arithmetical scale, and the number of
shocks as ordinates on the logarithmic scale. The flow curve shall be a straight line drawn as nearly as possible through the
three or more plotted points.
Table of Contents

8. Liquid Limit
8.1 The percent moisture content corresponding to the intersection of the flow curve with the 25 shock ordinate shall be
taken as the liquid limit of the soil. Report this value to the nearest whole number.

Method B
9. Sample
9.1 A sample weighing about 50 g shall be taken as described in Sec 3. 1.

10. Procedure
10.1 The procedure shall be the same as prescribed in Sec 5.1 through 5.5 except that the initial amount of water to be
added in accordance with Sec 5.1 shall be approximately 8 to 10 ml and the moisture sample taken in accordance with Sec
5.4 shall be taken only for the accepted trial.
10.2 At least two groove closures shall be observed before one is accepted for the record, so as to insure the accepted
number of blows is truly characteristic of the soil under test.
10.3 For accuracy equal to that obtained by the standard three-point method, the accepted number of blows for groove
closure shall be restricted between 22 and 28 blows.
10.4 Groove closures between 15 and 40 blows may be accepted if variations of 5 percent of the true liquid limit are

11. Calculation
11.1 The water content of the soil at the time of the accepted closure shall be calculated in accordance with Sec 6.1.

Check or Referee Tests

12. Discussion and Special Procedure

12.1 Since the results of the liquid limit test are influenced by the time required to perform the test, the moisture content
and the seasoning of the sample, special procedures are required for referee testing. Therefore, in performing the liquid limit
test for check or referee purposes, the following schedule shall be used:
12.1.1 Mixing of soil with water 5 to 10 minutes, the longer period being used for the more plastic soils.
12.1.2 Seasoning in the humidifier 30 minutes
12.1.3 Remixing before placing in the brass cup add 1 ml of water and mix for 1 minute.
12.1.4 Placing in the brass cup and testing 3 minutes.
12.1.5 Adding water and remixing 3 minutes.
12.1.6 No trial requiring more than 35 blows or less than 15 blows shall be recorded. In no case shall dried soil be
added to the seasoned soil being tested.

13. Report
13.1 Calculations shall be made and test results recorded on Form No. MRDWS 208/209.
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

The Classification of Soils and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures for Highway
Construction Purposes

MRD Test Method 210

(Adaptation of AASHTO M 145-73)

1. Scope
1.1 This recommended practice describes a procedure for classifying soils into seven groups based on laboratory
determination of particle size distribution, liquid limit and pasticity index. Evaluation of soils within each group is made by
means of a "group index," which is a value calculated from an empirical formula. The group classification including group
index, should be useful in determining the relative quality of the soil material for use in earthwork structures, particularly
embankments, subgrades, subbases and bases.

2. Test Procedures
2.1 The classification is based on the results of tests made in accordance with the following MRDTM standard
MRDTM 201, Dry Preparation of Disturbed Soil and Soil-Aggregate Samples
MRDTM 202, Wet Preparation of Disturbed Soil Samples for Test
MRDTM 204, Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates
MRDTM 205, Particle Size Analysis of Soils
MRDTM 206, Amount of Material Finer than 0.075 mm (No. 200) Sieve in Aggregate,
MRDTM 208, Determining the Plastic Limit and Plasticity Index of Soils, and
MRDTM 209, Determining the Liquid Limit of Soils

Note 1: Either MRDTM 204, MRDTM 205, or MRDTM 206 will be used to determine the particle size distribution as a
basis for classification.

3. Classification
3.1 The classification is made by using the test limits and group index values shown in Table 1. If a more detailed
classification is desired, a further subdivision of the groups shown in Table 2 may be made. The liquid limit and the
plasticity index ranges for the A-4, A-5, A-6, and A-7 soil groups are shown graphically in Fig. 2.
3.2 Classification Procedure-With required test data available, proceed from left to right in Table 1 or Table 2 and the
correct group will be found by process of elimination. The first group from the left into which the test data will fit is the
correct classification. All limiting test values are shown as whole numbers. If fractional numbers appear on test reports,
convert to nearest whole number for purposes of classification. Group index values should always be shown in parentheses
after group symbol as A-2-6(3), A-4(5), A-6(12), A-7-5(17), etc.

4. Definitions of Gravel, Sand, and Silt-Clay

4.1 The terms "gravel," "coarse sand," and "silt-clay," as determined from the minimum test data required in this
classification arrangement and as used in subsequent work descriptions, are defined as follows:
4.1.1 Gravel-Material passing the 75 mm (3 in.) sieve and retained on the 2.00 mm (No. 10) sieve.
4.1.2 Coarse Sand-Material passing the 2.00 mm (No. 10) sieve and retained on the 0.425 mm (No. 40) sieve.
4.1.3 Fine Sand-Material passing the 0.425 mm (No. 40) sieve and retained on the 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve.
4.1.4 Silt-Clay (Combined silt and clay) -Material passing the 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve.
4.1.5 Boulders (retained on 75 mm (3 in.) sieve) should be excluded from the portion of the sample to which the
classification is applied, but the percentage of such material, if any, in the sample should be recorded.
4.1.6 The term "silty" is applied to fine material having plasticity index of 10 or less and the term "clayey" is applied to
fine material having plasticity index of 11 or greater.
Table of Contents
5. Description of Classification Groups
5.1 Granular Materials-Those containing 35 percent or less passing 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve (Note 2).
5.1.1 Group A- I -The typical material of this group is a well-graded mixture of stone fragments or gravel, coarse sand,
fine sand, and a nonplastic or feebly plastic soil binder. However, this group also includes stone fragments, gravel, coarse
sand, volcanic cinders, etc., without soil binder. Subgroup A-l-a includes those materials consisting predominantly of stone fragments or gravel, either with or
without a well-graded binder of fine material. Subgroup A-l-b includes those materials consisting predominantly of coarse sand either with or without a
well-graded soil binder.
5.1.2 Group A-3-The typical material of this group is fine beach sand or fine desert blow sand without silty or clay fines
or with a very small amount of nonplastic silt. The group includes also stream-deposited mixtures of poorly-graded fine
sand and limited amounts of coarse sand and gravel.
5.1.3 Group A-2-This group includes a wide variety of "granular" materials which are border line between the materials
falling in Groups A-1 and A-3 and silt-clay materials of Groups A-4, A-5, A-6, and A-7. It includes all materials containing
35 percent or less passing the 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve which cannot be classified as A- 1 or A-3, due to fines content or
plasticity or both, in excess of the limitation for those groups. Subgroups A-2-4 and A-2-5 include various granular materials containing 35 percent or less passing the 0.075
mm (No. 200) sieve and with a minus 0.425 mm (No. 40) portion having the characteristics of the A-4 and A-5 groups.
These groups include such materials as gravel and coarse sand with silt contents or plasticity indexes in excess of the
limitations of Group A-1, and fine sand with nonplastic silt content in excess of the limitations of Group A-3. Subgroups A-2-6 and A-2-7 include materials similar to those described under Subgroups A-2-4 and A-2-5
except that the fine portion contains plastic clay having the characteristics of the A-6 or A-7 group.

Note 2: Classification of materials in the vanous groups applies only to the fraction passing the 75 mm (3 in.) sieve.
Therefore, any specification regarding the use of A- 1, A-2, or A-3 materials in construction should state whether boulders
retained on 75 mm (3 in.) sieve are permitted.
5.2 Silt-Clay Materials-Containing more than 35 percent passing the 0.075 mm sieve.
5.2.1 Group A-4-The typical material of this group is a nonplastic or moderately plastic silty soil usually having 75
percent or more passing the 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve. The group includes also mixtures of fine silty soil and up to 64
percent of sand and gravel retained on 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve.
5.2.2 Group A-5-The typical material of this group is similar to that described under Group A-4, except that it is usually
of diatomaceous or micaceous character and may be highly elastic as indicated by the high liquid limit.
5.2.3 Group A-6-The typical material of t is group is a plastic clay soil usually having 75 percent or more passing the
0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve. The group includes also mixtures of fine clayey soil and up to 64 percent of sand and gravel
retained on the 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve. Materials of this group usually have high volume change between wet and dry
5.2.4 Group A-7-The typical material of this group is similar to that described under Group A-6, except that it has the
high liquid limits characteristics of the A-5 group and may be elastic as well as subject to high volume change. Subgroup A-7-5 includes those materials with moderate plasticity indexes in relation to liquid limit and which
may be highly elastic as well as subject to considerable volume change. Subgroup A-7-6 includes those materials with high plasticity indexes in relation to liquid limit and which are
subject to extremely high volume change.

Note 3: Highly organic soils (peat or muck) may be classified in an A-8 group. Classification of these materials is based on
visual inspection, and is not dependent on percentage passing the 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve, liquid limit or plasticity index.
The material is composed primarily of partially decayed organic matter, generally has a fibrous texture, dark brown or black
color and an odor of decay. These organic materials are unsuitable for use in embankments and subgrades. They are highly
compressible and have low strength.

6. Group Index
6.1 The group index is calculated from the following formula:

Group index = (F-35) [0.2 + 0.005 (LL-40) ] + 0.01 (F-15) (PI-10)

F = percentage passing 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve, expressed as a whole number. This percentage is based only on the
material passing the 75 mm (3 in.) sieve,
LL = Liquid limit, and
Table of Contents
PI = Plasticity index.

6.1.1 When the calculated group index is negative, the group index shall be reported as zero (0).
6.1.2 The group index should be reported to the nearest whole number.
6.2 Fig. 1 may be used in estimating the group index, by determining the partial group index due to liquid limit and that
due to plasticity index, then obtaining the total of the two partial group indexes.
6.3 When calculating the group index of A-2-6 and A-2-7 subgroups, only the PI portion of the formula (or of Fig. 1)
shall be used.
6.4 The following are examples of calculations of the group index:
6.4.1 Assume that an A-6 material has 55 percent passing the 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve, liquid limit of 40, and
plasticity index of 25. Then;
Group Index = (55-35) [0.2 + 0.005 (40-40)] + 0.01 (55-15) (25- 10) = 4.0 + 6.0 = 10.0 Report as 10.
6.4.2 Assume that an A-7 material has 80 percent passing the 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve, liquid limit of 90, and
plasticity index of 10. Then;
Group Index = (80-35) [0.2 + 0.005 (90-40)] + 0.01 (80-15) (50- 10) = 20.3 + 26.0 = 46.3 Report as 46.
6.4.3 Assume that an A-4 material has 60 percent passing the 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve, liquid limit of 25, and
plasticity index of 1. Then;
Group Index = (60-35) [0.2 + 0.005 (25-40)] + 0.01 (60-15) (1-10) = 3.1 4.1 = 1.0 Report as 0.
6.4.4 Assume that an A-2-7 material has 30 percent passing the 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve, liquid limit of 50, and
plasticity index of 30. Then;
Group Index = (30-35) [0.2 + 0.005 (50-40)]+ 0.01 (30-15) (30-10) = 3.0 Report as 3.
Note that only the PI portion of formula was used.

7. Basis for Group Index Formula

7.1 The empirical group index formula devised for approximately within group evaluation of the "clayey granular
materials" and the "silt-clay materials" is based on the following assumptions:
7.1.1 Materials falling within Groups A-l-a, A-l-b, A-2-4, A-2-5, and A-3 are satisfactory as subgrade when, properly
drained and compacted under moderate thickness pavement (base and/or surface course) of a type suitable for the traffic to
be carried, or can be made satisfactory by additions of small amounts of natural or artificial binders.
7.1.2 Materials falling within the "clayey granular" Groups A-2-6 and A-2-7 and the silt-clay" Groups A-4, A-5, A-6,

and A-7 will range in quality as subgrade from the approximate equivalent of the good A-2-4 and A-2-5 subgrades to fair
and poor subgrades requiring a layer of subbase material or an increased thickness of base course over that required under
Sec 7. 1. 1, in order to furnish adequate support for traffic loads.
7.1.3 The assumed critical minimum percentage passing the 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve is 35, neglecting placticity, and
15 where the plasticity index is greater than 10.
7.1.4 Liquid limits of 40 and above are assumed to be critical.
7.1.5 Plasticity indexes of 10 and above are assumed to be critical.
7.1.6 For soils that are non-plastic and when the liquid limit cannot be determined, the group index shall be considered
zero (0).
7.2 There is no upper limit of group index value obtained by use of the formula. The adopted critical values of
percentage passing the 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve, liquid limit and plasticity index, are based on an evaluation of subgrade,
subbase and base course materials.
7.3 Under average conditions of good drainage and thorough compaction, the supporting value of a material as
subgrade may be assumed as an inverse ratio to its group index, that is, a group index of 0 indicates a "good" subgrade
material and group index of 20 or greater indicates a "very poor" subgrade material.

8. Report
8.1 The report and calculations shall be included on Form No. MRDWS 208/209.
Table of Contents

Table 1.
Classification of Soils and Soil-Aggregate

General Classification Granular Materials Silt-Clay Materials

(35% or less passing 0.075 mm) (More than 35% passing 0 07 5 mm)
Group Classification A-1 a A-2 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7
Sieve Analysis,
Percent Passing:
2.00 mm (No 10)
0.425mm(No.40). 50 max 51 min.
0.075mm (No 200) 25 max 10 max 35 max 36 min 36 Min 36 min 36 min
Characteristics of Fraction
Passing 0.425 mm
(No. 40)
Liquid Limit b 40 max. 41 min. 40 max. 41 min
Plasticity Index 6 max. N. P. b 10 max. 10 max. 11 min 11 min.
General Rating as
Subgrade Excellent to Good Fair to Poor
The Placing of A-3 Before A-2 is Necessary in the "Left to Right Elimination Process" and Does Not Indicate
Superiority of A-3 Over A-2.
See Table 2 for Values.

Table 2.
Classification of Soils and Soil-Aggregate

General Classification Granular Materials Silt-Clay Materials

(35% or less passing 0.075 mm) (More than 35% passing 0.075 mm)

A-1 A-2 A-7

Group Classification A-1-a A-1-b A-3 A-2-4 A-2-5 A-2-6 A-2-7 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7-5
Sieve Analysis,
Percent Passing.
2 00 mm (No 10) 50 max
0.425 mm (No 40) 30 max 50 max 51 min
0075mm (No 200) 15max 25max 10max 35max 35max 35max 35max 36 min 36 min 36 min 36 min
Characteristics of Fraction
Passing 0.425 mm
(No 40)
Liquid Limit 40 max 41 min 40 max 41 min 40 max 41 min 40 max 41 min
Plasticity Index 6 max NP 10max 10max 11 min 11min 10max 10max 11 min a
11 min
Usual Types of Significant
Constituent Materials Stone Fragments, Fine Silty or Clayey Gravel and Sand Silty Soils Clayey Sods
Gravel and Sand Sand
General Rating as
Subgrade Excellent to Good Fair to Poor
Plasticity Index of A-7-5 Subgroup is Equal to or Less Than LL Minus 30 Plasticity Index of A-7-6 Subgroup is Greater
Than LL Minus 30 (See Figure 2)
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Moisture-Density Relations of Soils Using a 4.54 kg
(10 lb) Rammer and a 457 mm (18 in.) Drop

MRD Test Method 212

(Adaptation of AASHTO T 180-74)

1. Scope
1.1 This method of test is intended for determining the relationship between moisture content and dry density of soils
when compacted according to the described procedures and equipment. For a given compactive effort, a 4.54 kg hammer
dropped 457.2 mm, 56 blows per layer, each soil has a moisture content at which the dry density reaches a maximum value.
This density and moisture content generally equates with maximum stability and is therefore used as a density standard to
which field determinations are compared. The compactive effort imparted in the test was established to yield densities
similar to those which could reasonably be achieved in the field with modern compacting equipment.

2. Apparatus
2.1 The mold shall be a solid wall, metal cylinder manufactured with dimensions and capacities shown in Sec 2.1.1. It
shall have a detachable collar assembly approximately 60 mm (or 23/8 in.) in height, to permit preparation of compacted
specimens of soil-water mixtures of the desired height and volume. The mold and collar assembly shall be so constructed
that it can be fastened firmly to a detachable base plate made of the same material (Fig. 1).
2.1.1 Mold Dimensions:
Volume: 2124 21 cm3 (1/ 13.3 3 0.00075 ft3)
Inside Diameter: 152.4 0.6604 mm (6.000 0.026 in.)
Height: 116.43 0.127 mm (4.584 0.005 in.)
2.1.2 A mold that fails to meet manufacturing tolerances after continued service may remain in use provided those
tolerances are not exceeded by more than 50 percent; and the volume of the mold, calibrated in accordance with Sec 6,
Calibration of Measure, of MRDTM 308, Unit Mass and Voids in Aggregates, is used in the calculations.
2.2 Rammer:
2.2.1 Manually Operated-Metal rammer having a flat circular face of 50.8 0.127 mm (2.000 0.005 in.) diameter, a
wear tolerance of 0. 13 mm (0.005 in.) and a mass of 4.5359 0.0081 kg (10.00 0.2 lb). The rammer shall be equipped
with a suitable guide sleeve to control the height of drop to a free fall of 457.2 1.524 mm (18.00 0.06 in.) above the
elevation of the soil. The guide sleeve shall have at least 4 vent holes, no smaller than 9.5 mm (3/8 in.) diameter, spaced
approximately 90 degrees apart and approximately 19 mm (3/4 in.) from each end; and shall provide sufficient clearance so
the free fall of the rammer shaft and head is unrestricted.
2.2.2 Mechanically Operated-A metal rammer which is equipped with a device to control the height of drop to a free
fall of 457.2 1.524 mm (18.00 0.06 in.) above the elevation of the soil, and uniformly distributes such drops to the soil
surface. The rammer shall have a flat circular face 50.8 0.127 mm (2.000 0.005 in.) diameter, a wear tolerance of 0. 13
mm (0.005 in.) and a mass of 4.5 3 59
0.0081 kg (10.00 0.02 lb) (Note 1).

Note 1: The mechanical rammer apparatus shall be calibrated with several soil types and the mass of the rammer adjusted, if
necessary, to give the same moisture-density results as with the manually operated rammer. It may be impractical to adjust
the mechanical apparatus so the free fall is 457.2 mm (18 in.) each time the rammer is dropped, as with the manually
operated rammer. To make the adjustment of free fall, the portion of loose soil to receive the initial blow should be slightly
compressed with the rammer to establish the point of impact from which the 457.2 mm (18 in.) drop is determined.
Subsequent blows on the layer of soil being compacted may all be applied by dropping the rammer from a height of 457.2
mm (18 in.) above the initial setting elevation; or when the mechanical apparatus is designed with a height adjustment for
each blow, all subsequent blows should have a rammer free fall of 457.2 mm (18 in.) measured from the elevation of the
soil as compacted by the previous blow.
2.2.3 Rammer Face-The circular face rammer shall be used but a sector face rammer may be used as an alternative
provided the report shall indicate type of face used other than the 50.8 mm (2 in.) circular face and it shall have an area
equal to that of the circular face rammer.
2.3 Sample Extruder-A jack, lever, frame or other device adapted for the purpose of extruding compacted specimen
from the mold.
Table of Contents
2.4 Balances and Scales-A balance or scale of at least 11.5 kg (25 lb) capacity and having a sensitivity and readability
to 5 g (0.01 lb). Also, a balance of at least 1 kg capacity with a sensitivity and readability of 0.1 g.
2.5 Drying Oven-A thermostatically controlled drying oven capable of maintaining a temperature of 110 5 C for
drying moisture samples.
2.6 Straightedge-A hardened steel straightedge at least 254 mm (10 in.) in length. It shall have one beveled edge, and at
least one longitudinal surface (used for final trimming) shall be plane within 0.1 percent of the length within the portion
used for trimming the soil.
2.7 Sieves-50, 19.0 and 4.75 mm (2 in., 3/4 in., and No. 4) sieves conforming to the requirements of MRDTM 101,
Sieves for Testing Purposes.
2.8 Mixing Tools-Miscellaneous tools such as mixing pan, spoon, trowel, spatula, etc., or a suitable mechanical device
for thoroughly mixing the sample of soil with water.
2.9 Containers for moisture content samples, made of metal or other suitable material, and with close fitting lids to
prevent loss of moisture prior to or during weighing.

3. Sample
3.1 If the soil sample is damp when received from the field, dry it until it becomes friable when troweled. Drying may
be in air or by use of drying apparatus such that the temperature of the samples does not exceed 60 C. Then, thoroughly
break up the aggregations in such a manner as to avoid reducing the natural size of individual particles.
3.2 Sieve an adequate quantity of the representative pulverized soil over the 19.0 mm (3/4 in.) sieve. Discard the coarse
material, if any, retained on the 19.0 mm (3/4 in.) sieve (Note 2).

Note 2: It is advisable to maintain the same percentage of coarse material passing a 50 mm (2 in.) sieve and retained on a
4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve in the moisture density sample as in the original field sample, the material retained on the 19.0 mm
(3/4 in.) sieve shall be replaced as follows: Sieve an adequate quantity of the representative pulverized soil over the 50 mm
(2 in.) and 19.0 mm (3/4 in.) sieves. Discard the coarse material retained on the 50 mm (2 in.) sieve. Remove the material
passing the 50 mm (2 in.) sieve and retained on the 19.0 mm (1/4 in.) sieve and replace it with an equal mass of material
passing the 19.0 mm (3/4 in.) sieve and retained on the 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve. Take the material for replacement from the
remaining portion of the sample.
3.3 Select a representative sample, weighing approximately 11 kg (or 25 lb) or more, of the soil prepared as described
in Sec 3.1 and 3.2.

4. Procedure
4.1 Thoroughly mix the selected representative sample with sufficient water to dampen it to approximately four
percentage points below optimum moisture content.
4.2 Form a specimen by compacting the prepared soil in the 152 mm (or 6 in.) mold (with collar attached) in five
approximately equal layers to give a total compacted depth of about 127 mm (5 in.). Compact each layer by 56 uniformly
distributed blows from a rammer dropping free from a height of 457.2 mm (18 in.) above the elevation of the soil when a
sleeve-type rammer is used, or from a height of 457.2 mm (18 in.) above the approximate elevation of each finally
compacted layer when a stationary mounted type of rammer is used. During compaction, the mold shall rest firmly on a
dense, uniform, rigid and stable foundation. A block of concrete weighing not less than 90 kg (or 200 lb) and supported by a
relatively stable foundation or a sound concrete floor have been found to be satisfactory.
4.2.1 Following compaction, remove the extension collar, carefully trim the compacted soil even with the top of the
mold by means of the straightedge, remove mold from base and weigh the mold and moist soil to the nearest 5 g (0.01 lb).
For molds conforming to the dimensions given in Sec 2. 1. 1, multiply the mass in g of the compacted specimen and mold,
minus the mass of the mold, by 0.0004708 and record the result as the wet density, W1, in g/cm3, of compacted soil. If
weighings are done in pounds, multiply the mass of soil by 13.33 and record as wet density, W1, in lb/ft3 of compacted soil.
For used molds out of tolerance by not more than 50 percent (Sec 2. 1), use the factor for the mold as determined in ac-
cordance with Sec 6, Calibration of Measure, (MRDTM 308).
4.3 Remove the material from the mold and slice vertically through the center. Take a representative sample of the
material from one of the cut faces, weigh immediately, and dry in an oven at 110 5 C for at least 12 h or to constant mass,
to determine the moisture content. The moisture content sample shall weigh not less than 500 g.
4.4 Thoroughly break up the remainder of the material until it will pass a 19.0 mm (3/4 in.) sieve and 90 percent of the
soil aggregations will pass a 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve as judged by eye, and add to the remaining portion of the sample being
tested. Add water in sufficient amounts to increase the moisture content of the soil sample by one or two percentage points,
and repeat the above procedure for each increment of water added. Continue this series of determinations until there is ei-
ther a decrease or no change in the wet unit mass, W1, per cm3 (or ft3) of the compacted soil (Note 3).
Table of Contents
Note 3: This procedure has been found satisfactory in most cases. However, in instances where the soil material is fragile in
character and will reduce significantly in grain size due to repeated compaction, and in cases where the soil is heavy
textured clayey material into which it is difficult to incorporate water, a separate and new sample shall be used in each
compaction test. In these cases, separate samples shall be thoroughly mixed with amounts of water sufficient to cause the
moisture contents of the samples to vary by approximately two percentage points. The moisture contents selected shall
bracket the optimum moisture content, thus providing samples which, when compacted, will increase in mass to the maxi-
mum density and then decrease in mass. The samples of soil-water mixtures shall be placed in covered containers and
allowed to stand for not less than 12 h before making the moisture density test.

5. Calculations
5.1 Calculate the moisture content, w and the dry mass of soil, W as compacted for each trial as follows:
w= 100


W = 100
w + 100
w = percentage of moisture in the specimen,
A = mass of the container and wet soil, g, (or lbs),
B = mass of the container and dry soil, g, (or lbs),
C = mass of the container, g, (or lbs)
W=dry density, g/cm3 (or pcf) of compacted soil, and
W1=wet density, g/cm3(or pcf) of compacted soil.

6. Moisture-Density Relationship
6.1 The calculations in Sec 5.1 shall be made to determine the moisture content and corresponding oven-dry density
(unit mass) in grams per cubic centimeter or pounds per cubic foot for each of the compacted samples. The oven dry
densities of the soil shall be plotted as ordinates and corresponding moisture contents as abscissas.
6.2 Optimum Moisture Content-When the densities and corresponding moisture contents for the soil have been
determined and plotted as indicated in Sec 6.1, it will be found that by connecting the plotted points with a smooth line, a
curve is produced. The moisture content corresponding to the peak of the curve shall be termed the "optimum moisture con-
tent" of the soil under the above compaction.
6.3 Maximum Density-The oven dry density in grams per cubic centimeter (or pounds per cubic foot) of the soil at
optimum moisture content shall be termed "maximum density" using the above compaction procedure.

7. Report
7.1 The calculations and results shall be reported on Form No. MRDWS 212.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Table ofMinistry
Contents of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

The California Bearing Ratio

MRD Test Method 213

(Adaptation of ASTM D 1883)*

1. Scope
1.1 This test is intended to provide a number (CBR) indicative of the relative load bearing capacity of a given soil. In
general it is a measure of punching shear resistance. The test values have been correlated over the years with bearing
capacity and the resultant values are used extensively for pavement design purposes. Specifically the CBR is the load in
kg/cm2 (or psi) required to force a standard piston into a soil specimen at a specified rate expressed as a percentage of the
load required to force the same piston into a standard crushed stone to the same depth. The test value reported as the CBR is
often that value that correlates with a certain percentage of a standard "Proctor" density; i.e. the CBR at 100 percent of
maximum density, MRDTM 212.

2. Apparatus
2.1 Molds-The molds shall be cylindrical in shape, made of metal, with an internal diameter of 152.4 0.66 mm (6.0
0.026 in.) and a height of 177.8 0.40 mm (7.0 0.016 in.) provided with an extension collar approximately 50 mm (or 2.0
in.) in height and a perforated base plate that can be fitted to either end of the mold (Fig. 1). It is desirable to have at least 3
molds for each soil to be tested.
2.2 Spacer Disk-A circular spacer disk, made of metal 150.8 0.8 mm (5.937 0.031 in.) in diameter and 61.4 0.13
mm (2.416 0.005 in.) in height (Fig. 1).
2.3 Rammer.
2.3.1 Manually Operated-A rammer with a mass of 4.54 kg (10 lb) and having a 50.8 mm (2 in.) diameter circular
striking face or sector face of the same area. Rammer to be provided with a device which permits control of the height of
drop to a free fall of 457.2 mm (18 in.) above the elevation of the soil. This is the metal rammer specified in MRDTM 212.
2.3.2 Mechanically Operated-A metal rammer which is equipped with a device to control the height of drop to a free
fall of 457.2 mm (18 in.) above the elevation of the soil, and uniformly distributes such drops to the soil surface. The
rammer shall have a flat circular face 50.8 mm (2 in.) in diameter or a sector face of the same area. (Note 1).

Note 1: The mechanical rammer apparatus shall be calibrated with several soil types and the mass of the rammer adjusted, if
necessary, to give the same moisture-density results as with the manually operated rammer. It may be impractical to adjust
the mechanical apparatus so the free fall is 457.2 mm (18 in.) each time the rammer is dropped as with the manually
operated rammer. To make the adjustment of free fall, the portion of loose soil to receive the initial blow should be slightly
compressed with the rammer to establish the point of impact from which the 457.2 mm (18 in.) drop is determined.
Subsequent blows on the layer of soil being compacted may all be applied by dropping the rammer from a height of 457.2
mm (18 in.) above the initial setting elevation; or when the mechanical apparatus is designed with a height adjustment for
each blow, all subsequent blows should have a rammer free fall of 457.2 mm (18 in.) measured from the elevation of the
soil as compacted by the previous blow.
2.4 Apparatus for Measuring Expansion -This consists of a swell plate with adjustable stem (Fig. 1) and a tripod
support for a dial indicator (Fig. 1). The swell plate is made of metal 149.2 mm (5 7/8 in.) in diameter and is perforated with
1.6 mm(1/16 in.) diameter holes. The tripod used to support the dial indicator is arranged to fit the mold extension collar.
2.5 Indicators-Two dial indicators; each indicator shall have a 25 mm (1 in.) throw and read to 0.02 mm (0.001 in.).
2.6 Surcharge Weights-One annular metal weight with a center hole 54.0 mm (2 1/8 in.) in diameter and several slotted
or split metal weights, all 149.2 mm (5 7/8 in.) in diameter and each weighing 2.27 0.04 kg (5 0. 10 lb) (Fig. 1) (Note 2).

* Reprinted, with permission, from the ANNUAL BOOK OF ASTM STANDARDS. Copyright, The American Society for Testing and Materials,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Note 2: When using split weights, the mass of the pair shall be 2.27 0.04 kg (5 0.10 lb).
2.7 Penetration Piston-A metal piston of circular cross section having a diameter of 49.63 0.13 mm (1.954 0.005
in.) [area = 1935 mm2 (3 in.2)] and not less than 102 mm (4 in.) long (Fig. 1).
2.8 Loading Device-A compression type apparatus capable of applying a uniformly increasing load of up to 4546 kg
(10,000 lb) at a rate of 1.27 mm (0.05 in.) per minute, to force the penetration piston into the specimen.
2.9 Soaking Tank-A soaking tank for maintaining the water level 25 mm (or 1 in.) above the top of the specimens.
2.10 Drying Oven-A thermostatically controlled drying oven capable of maintaining a temperature of 110 5 C for
Table of Contentsmoisture samples.
2.11 Miscellaneous-Miscellaneous tools such as mixing pans, spoons, straightedge, filter paper, balances, etc.

3. Sample
3.1 Prepare a sample in accordance with MRDTM 212 except that it shall weigh 35 kg (or 75 lb) or more. Material
passing the 50.0 mm (2 in.) sieve and retained on the 19.0 mm (3/4 in.) sieve shall be replaced with material passing the 19.0
mm (3/4 in.) sieve and retained on the 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve as explained in the above MRD test method. Select a repre-
sentative portion weighing approximately 11 kg (25 lb) for a moisture density test and divide the remainder of the sample to
obtain 3 representative portions weighing approximately 7 kg (or 15 lb) each.

4. Moisture-Density Relation
4.1 Using the 11 kg (25 lb) portion, determine the optimum moisture content and maximum dry density in accordance
with MRDTM 212.

5. Procedure
5.1 Normally, 3 specimens must be compacted so that their compacted densities range from 95 percent (or lower) to
100 percent (or higher) of the maximum dry density determined in Sec 4.

Note 3: Generally, about 10, 30, and 65 blows per layer are suitable for compacting specimens 1, 2, and 3 respectively.
More than 56 blows per layer are generally required to mold a CBR specimen to 100 percent of the maximum dry density
determined by MRDTM 212. This is due to the sample for the moisture-density test being reused, while the sample for the
CBR specimen is mixed and compacted only once.
5.2 Clamp the mold to the base plate, attach the extension collar and weigh to the nearest 5g (0.01 lb). Insert the spacer
disk into the mold and place a coarse filter paper on top of the disk.
5.3 Mix each of the three 7 kg (15 lb) portions prepared in Sec 3.1 with sufficient water to obtain the optimum moisture
content determined in Sec 4.
5.4 Compact one of the portions of soilwater mixture into the mold in 5 equal layers to give a total compacted depth of
about 125 mm (or 5 in.), compacting each layer with the lowest selected number of blows in order to give a compacted
density of 95 percent or less of the maximum density.
5.5 Determine the moisture content of the material being compacted at the beginning and end of the compaction
procedure (2 samples). Each moisture sample shall weigh at least 100 g for fine-grained soils and 500 g for coarse-grained
5.6 Remove the extension collar, and using a straightedge, trim the compacted soil even with the top of the mold.
Surface irregularities should be patched with small sized material. Remove the spacer disk, place a coarse filter paper on the
perforated base plate, invert the mold and compacted soil and place the filter paper so the compacted soil is in contact with
the filter paper. Clamp the perforated base plate to the mold and attach the collar. Weigh the mold and specimen to the
nearest 5 g (0.01 lb).
5.7 Compact the other two 7 kg (15 lb) portions in accordance with the procedure in Sec 5.4 through 5.6, except that an
intermediate number of blows per layer should be used to compact the second specimen and the highest number of blows
per layer shall be used to compact the third specimen.

6. Soaking
6.1 Place the swell plate with an adjustable stem on the soil sample in the mold and apply a sufficient number of
annular weights to produce an intensity of loading equal to the mass of the subbase and base courses and surfacing above
the tested material; but in no case shall the mass be less than 4.54 kg (10 lb).
6.2 Place the tripod with dial indicator on top of the mold and make an initial dial reading.
6.3 Immerse the mold in water to allow free access of water to top and bottom of the specimen. During soaking,
maintain the water level in the mold and the soaking tank approximately 25 mm (or 1 in.) above the top of the specimen.
Soak the specimen 96 h (4 days).

Note 4: A shorter immersion period, not less than 24 h, may be used for soil-aggregate materials that drain readily if tests
show that the shorter period does not affect the test results. For some clay soils, a soaking period greater than 4 days may be

6.4 At the end of 96 h, make a final dial reading on the soaked specimens and calculate the swell as a percentage of the
initial sample length:
Table of Contents % = L in mm during soaking X 100
116.43 mm
L = change in length

6.5 Remove the specimens from the soaking tank, pour the water off the top and allow to drain downward for 15
minutes. Care shall be taken not to disturb the surface of the specimens during removal of the water. After draining, remove
the surcharge weights and perforated plates.

Note 5: The specimens may be weighed after draining when it is desired to determine the average wet density of the soaked
and drained material.

7. Penetration Test
7.1 Application of Surcharge-Place a surcharge of annular and slotted weights on the specimens equal to that used
during soaking. To prevent displacement of soft materials into the hole of the surcharge weights, seat the penetration piston
after one surcharge weight has been placed on the specimen. After seating the penetration piston the remainder of the
surcharge weights shall then be placed around the piston.
7.2 Seating Piston-Seat the penetration piston with a 4.54 kg (10 lb) load, then set both the penetration dial indicator
and the load indicator to zero.
7.3 Application of Load-Apply the loads to the penetration piston so the rate of penetration is uniform at 1.27 mm (0.05
in.) per minute. Record the load when the penetration is 0.64, 1.27, 1.90, 2.54, 3.81, 5.08, and 7.62 mm (0.025, 0.050,
0.075, 0.100, 0.150, 0.200, and 0.300 in.).

8. Calculations
8.1 Stress-Strain Curve-Plot the stress-strain (resistance to penetration-depth of penetration) curve for each specimen as
shown in Fig. 2. In some instances, the initial penetration takes place without a proportional increase in the resistance to
penetration and the curve may be concave upward. To obtain the true stress-strain relationships, correct the curve having
concave upward shape near the origin by adjusting the location of the origin by extending the straightline portion of the
stressstrain curve downward until it intersects the abscissa. Resistance readings are corrected by an amount equal to the
change in resistance for the difference in penetration between the original and corrected curves at the origin.

8.2 California Bearing Ratio-The corrected load values shall be determined for each specimen at 2.54 and 5.08 mm
(0.10 and 0.20 in.) penetration. California Bearing Ratio values are obtained in percent by dividing the corrected load values
at 2.54 and 5.08 mm (0.10 and 0.20 in.) by the standard loads of 70.3 kg/cm2 (1,000 psi) and 105.5 kg/cm2 (1,500 psi) and
multiplying these ratios by 100.

CBR = Corrected Load Value X 100

Standard Load

8.2.1 The CBR is generally selected at 2.54 mm (0.10 in.) penetration. If the ratio at 5.08 mm (0.20 in.) penetration is
greater, the test shall be rerun. If the check test gives a similar result, the ratio at 5.08 mm (0.20 in.) penetration shall be
8.3 Using the data obtained from the 3 specimens, plot the CBR dry density as molded relation as shown in Fig. 3. The
design CBR may then be determined at the desired percentage of the maximum dry density.

9. Report
9.1 The report shall include the following information for each specimen, and shall be recorded on Form No. MRDWS
Compaction effort (Number of blows per layer),
Dry density as molded,
Moisture content as molded,
Swell (percent of original length), and
California Bearing Ratio.
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Relative Density of Collesionless Soils

MRD Test Method 214

(Adaptation of ASTM D 2049-69)*

1. Scope
1.1 This method covers the determination of the relative density of cohesionless free-draining soils for which impact
compaction will not produce a well defined moisture density relationship curve. Soils for which this method is applicable
may contain up to 12 percent by mass of soil particles passing a 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve, depending upon the distribution
of particle sizes which will cause them to have free-draining characteristics. This method utilizes vibratory compaction to
obtain maximum density and pouring to obtain minimum density.

2. Definition
2.1 Relative Density-The state of compactness of a soil with respect to the loosest and densest states at which it can be
placed by the laboratory procedures described in this method. It is expressed as the ratio of (1) the difference between the
void ratio of a cohesionless soil in the loosest state and any given void ratio, to (2) the difference between its void ratios in
the loosest and densest states. Mathematical expressions for this definition are presented in Sec 8.

3. Apparatus
3.1 The assembly of the apparatus is shown in Fig. 1. Individual components and accessories shall be as follows:
3. 1. 1 Vibratory Table-A steel table with a cushioned steel vibrating deck 762 by 762 mm (30 by 30 in.) actuated by an
electromagnetic vibrator. The vibrator should be a semi-noiseless type with a net mass over 45.4 kg (100 lb). The vibrator
shall have a frequency of 3600 vibrations per minute, a vibrator amplitude variable between 0.05 and 0.64 mm (0.002 and
0.025 in.) under a 1112 N (113.39 kgf) load, and shall be suitable for use with 230-V ac.
3.1.2 Molds-Cylindrical metal molds of 2830 cm3 and 14160 cm3 (0. 1 and 0. 5 ft3) capacity, conforming to the
dimensional requirements as shown in Fig. 2.
3.1.3 Guide Sleeves-One guide sleeve with clamp assembly Fig. 3(a), for each size mold. Two of the three set screws
on the clamp assembly should be provided with lock nuts.
3.1.4 Surcharge Base Plates-One surcharge base plate 12.7 mm (1/2 in.) in thickness for each size mold.
3.1.5 Surcharge Mass-One surcharge mass (Fig. 4) for each size mold. The total mass of surcharge base plate and
surcharge mass shall be equivalent to 140.6 g/cm2 (2 psi) for the mold being used.
3.1.6 Surcharge Base Plate Handle-One for each surcharge base plate (Fig. 3(b) ).
3.1.7 Dial indicator gauge holder, as shown in Fig. 3(c).
3.1.8 Dial indicator, 50.8 mm (2 in.) travel with 0.025 mm (0.001 in.) graduations.
3.1.9 Calibration bar, metal, 76.2 by 304.8 by 3.2 mm (3 by 12 by 1/8 in.).
3.1.10 Pouring Devices-Pouring devices consisting of funnels 12.7 mm (1/2 in.) and 25.4 mm (1 in.) in diameter by
152.4 mm (6 in.) in length, with cylindrical spouts and lipped brims for attaching to 152.4 mm (6 in.) diameter by 304.8 mm
(12 in.) high metal cans.
3.1.11 Mixing Pans-Two sizes of metal pans, one approximately 0.6 by 0.9 m by 102 mm (2 by 3 ft by 4 in.) deep and
the other approximately 406 by 406 by 51 mm (16 by 16 by 2 in.) deep.
3.1.12 Scale-One portable platform scale, 115 kg (or 250 lb) capacity, with 5 g (or 0.01 lb) graduations.
3.1.13 Hoist-A rope, chain, or cable hoist of at least 135 kg (300 lb) capacity.
3.1.14 Other equipment, including a large metal spoon, a hair-bristled dusting brush, a timing device, indicating in
minutes and seconds, a 381 mm (15 in.) metal straightedge, and a 0 to 25 mm (0 to 1 in.) micrometer accurate to 0.025 mm
(0.001 in.).

* Reprinted, with permission, from the ANNUAL BOOK OF ASTM STANDARDS, Copyright, The American Society for Testing and Materials,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Table of Contents
4. Calibration
4.1 Determine the volume of the mold by direct measurement and check the volume by filling with water as provided in
4.1.1 or 4.1.2. Determine the initial dial reading for computing the volumes of the specimen as provided in 4.1.3.
4.1.1 Volume by Direct MeasurementDetermine the average inside diameter and height of the mold to 0.025 mm (0.001
in.). Calculate the volume of the 2830 cm3 (0.1 ft3) mold to the nearest 2.83 cm3 (0.0001 ft3 ) and the 14,160 cm3 (0.5 ft3)
mold to the nearest 28.3 cm3 (0.001 ft3). Calculate also the average inside cross-sectional area of the mold in square
centimeters or (square feet).
4.1.2 Volume by Filling with Water-Determine the mass of the water, in grams, required to fill the mold. Slide a glass
plate carefully over the top surface of the mold in such a manner as to ensure that the mold is completely filled with water.
Determine the temperature of the water in the mold. A thin film of cup grease on the top surface of the mold will make a
watertight joint between the glass plate and top of the mold. Calculate the volume of the mold, by multiplying the mass of
water, in grams, used to fill the mold by the unit volume of water, in milliliters per gram at the observed temperature taken
from Table 1. To obtain the volume in cubic feet divide by 28317 ml/ft3.
4.1.3 Initial Dial Reading-Determine the thickness of the surcharge base plate and the calibration bar to 0.025 mm
(0.001 in.) using a micrometer. Place the calibration bar across a diameter of the mold along the axis of the guide brackets.
Insert the dial indicator gauge holder in each of the guide brackets on the measure with the dial gauge stem on top of the
calibration bar and on the axis of the guide brackets. The dial gauge holder should be placed in the same position in the
guide brackets each time by means of matchmarks on the guide brackets and the holder. Obtain six dial indicator readings,
three on the left side and three on the right side, and average these six readings. Compute the initial dial reading by adding
together the surcharge base plate thickness and the average of the six dial indicator readings and subtract the thickness of
the calibration bar. The initial dial reading is constant for a particular measure and surcharge base plate combination.

5. Sample
5.1 Select a representative sample of soil. The mass of sample required is determined by the maximum size of particle
as prescribed in Table 2.
5.2 Dry the soil sample in an oven at a temperature of 110 5 C. Process the soil through a sieve with openings
sufficiently small to break up all weakly cemented soil particles.

6. Minimum Density Procedure

6.1 Determine the minimum density (zero relative density), (maximum void ratio) as follows:
6. 1.1 Select the pouring device and mold according to the maximum size of particles as indicated in Sec 5. Weigh the
mold and record the mass. Use oven-dried soil.
6.1.2 Place soil containing particles smaller than 9.5 mm (3/8 in.) as loosely as possible in the mold by pouring the soil
from the spout in a steady stream while at the same time adjusting the height of the spout so that the free fall of the soil is
25.4 mm (1 in.). At the same time, move the pouring device in a spiral motion from the outside toward the center to form a
soil layer of uniform thickness without segregation. Fill the mold approximately 25.4 mm (1 in.) above the top and screed
off the excess soil level with the top by making one continuous pass with the steel straightedge. If all excess material is not
removed, an additional continuous pass shall be made but great care must be exercised during the entire pouring and
trimming operation to avoid jarring the mold.
6.1.3 Place soil containing particles larger than 9.5 mm (1/8 in.) by means of a large scoop (or shovel) held as close as
possible to and just above the soil surface to cause the material to slide rather than fall onto the previously placed soil. If
necessary, hold large particles back by hand to prevent them from rolling off the scoop. Fill the mold to overflowing but not
more than 25.4 mm (1 in.) above the top. With the use of the steel straightedge (and the fingers when needed), level the
surface of the soil with the top of the measure in such a way that any slight projections of the larger particles above the top
of the mold shall approximately balance the larger voids in the surface below the top of the mold.
6.1.4 Weigh the mold and soil and record the mass.

7. Maximum Density Determined by Dry or Wet Methods

7.1 Dry Method.
7.1.1. Mix the sample of oven-dried soil to provide an even distribution of particle sizes with as little segregation as
7.1.2 Assemble the guide sleeve on top of the mold and tighten the clamp assemblies so that the inner wall of the sleeve
is in line with the inner wall of the mold. Tighten the lock nuts on the two set screws equipped with lock nuts. Loosen the
clamp assembly having no lock nuts, remove the guide sleeve. Weigh the empty mold and record the mass.
7.1.3 Fill the mold with soil by the procedure specified in Sec 6.1.2 or 6.1.3.

Note 1: Normally, the mold filled with soil for the minimum density determination may be used for the maximum density
determination without refilling the mold.
Table of Contents
7.1.4 Attach the guide sleeve to the mold and place the surcharge base plate on the soil surface. Lower the surcharge
weight onto the surcharge base plate, using the hoist in the case of the 14,160 cm3 (0. 5 ft3) mold.
7.1.5 Set the vibrator control at maximum amplitude and vibrate the loaded specimen for 8 minutes. Remove the
surcharge weight and guide sleeve from the mold. Obtain and record dial indicator gauge readings on two opposite sides of
the surcharge base plate, average, and record the average. Weigh the mold and soil if this has not been done in the minimum
density determination or if an appreciable amount of fines has been lost during vibration. Record the mass.

7.2 Wet Method

Note 2: While the dry method is preferred from the standpoint of securing results in a shorter period of time, the highest
maximum density is obtained for many soils in a saturated state. At the beginning of a laboratory testing program, or when a
radical change of materials occurs, the maximum density test should be performed on both wet and dry soil to determine
which method results in the higher maximum density. If the wet method produces higher maximum densities, (in excess of
one percent) it shall be followed in succeeding tests.
7.2.1 The wet method may be conducted on oven-dried soil to which sufficient water is added or, if preferred, on wet
soil from the field. If water is added to dry soil, allow a minimum soaking period of half an hour.
7.2.2 Fill the mold with wet soil by means of a scoop or shovel. Add sufficient water to the soil to allow a small amount
of free water to accumulate on the surface of the soil during filling. The correct amount of water can be estimated by a
computation of the void ratio at expected maximum density or by experimentation with the soil. During and just after filling
the mold, vibrate the soil for a total of 6 minutes. During this period, reduce the amplitude of the vibrator as much as
necessary to avoid excessive boiling and fluffing of the soil, which may occur in some soils. During the final minutes of
vibration, remove any water appearing above the surface of the soil. Strike off the mold in a manner similar to that de-
scribed in Sec 6.1.2 or 6.1.3 above.
7.2.3 Assemble the guide sleeve, surcharge base plate, and surcharge weight as described in Sec 7.1.4.
7.2.4 Vibrate the specimen and surcharge weight for 8 minutes. After the vibration period, remove the surcharge weight
and guide sleeve from the mold. Obtain and record dial indicator gauge readings on two opposite sides of the surcharge
base plate. Carefully remove the entire wet specimen from the mold and dry to constant mass. Weigh the dry specimen and

8. Calculations
8.1 Minimum Density-Calculate minimum density, min., in g/cm3 as follows:

min = Ws

8.2 Maximum Density-Calculate maximum density, max, in g/cm3 as follows:

max = Ws

Ws = mass of dry soil, g,
VC = calibrated volume of mold, cm

Ri R f
V = volume of soil, cm3 = Vc A
Rf = final dial gauge reading on the surcharge base plate after completion of the vibration period, mm,
Ri = initial dial gauge reading, mm,
A = cross-sectional area of mold, cm2

8.3 Density of Soil in Place-Determine the density of the soil "in place", d, in the compacted fill or subgrade in
accordance with either MRDTM 215, Density of Soil In-Place by the Sand Cone Method, or MRDTM 218, Density and
Moisture Content of Soil and Soil Aggregate In-Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth).

8.4 Relative Density-Calculate relative density, Dd, expressed as a percentage, as follows:

Dd = max. (d - min.) X 100

Table of Contents
d (max - min.)

d =In-place density of soil, g/cm3.

9. Report
9.1 The calculations and results should be recorded on Form No. MRDWS 214.
Table of Contents

Table 1
Volume of Water per Gram Based on

Temperature Volume of Water,

(C) 3
(cm /g)
12 1.00048
14 1.00073
16 1.00103
18 1.00138
20 1.00177
22 1.00221
24 1.00268
26 1.00320
28 1.00375
30 1.00435
32 1.00497
Values other than those shown may be obtained by refer-
ring to a Handbook of Chemistry and Physics.

Table 2
Required Mass of Sample

Maximum Mass of Device Size of
Size Sample for Mold to
of Soil Required Minimum be Used
Particle Density
mm (alter- kg (lb) cm3 ft3
76.0 (3 in.) 45.4 (100) Shovel 14,160 (0.5)
or large
38.0 (11/2 in.) 11.3 (25) Scoop 2,830 (0.1)
19.0 (3/4 in.) 11.3 (25) Scoop 2,830 (0.1)
9.5 (3/8 in.) 11.3 (25) Pouring 2,830 (0.1)
(1 in.)
4.75 (No. 4) 11.3 (25) Pouring 2,830 (0.1)
(1/2 in.)
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Density of Soil In-Place by the Sand Cone Method

MRD Test Method 215

(Adaptation of AASHTO T 191-74)

1. Scope
1.1 This method of test is intended for determining the in-place density of soils. The apparatus described herein is
restricted to tests in soils containing particles not larger than 50 mm (or 2 in.) in diameter. The principle involved is to
remove a sample of soil from the area for which the in-place density value is desired, measure the volume of the hole pro-
duced and determine the mass and moisture content of the sample removed.

2. Apparatus
2.1 Density Apparatus-The density apparatus shall consist of a 4 liter (1 gal.) jar and a detachable appliance consisting
of a cylindrical valve with an orifice 12.7 mm (1/2 in.) in diameter and having a small funnel connected to a standard G
mason jar top on one end and a large funnel on the other end. The valve shall have stops to prevent rotating the valve past
the completely open or completely closed positions. The apparatus shall conform to the requirements shown in Fig. 1.

Note 1: The apparatus described here represents a design that has proven satisfactory. Other apparatus of similar
proportions will perform equally well so long as the basic principles of the sand-volume determination are observed. This
apparatus, when full, can be used with test holes having a volume of approximately 2800 cm3 (0.1 ft3). The base plate
shown in the drawing is optional; its use may make leveling more difficult but permits test holes of larger diameter and may
reduce loss in transferring soil from test hole to container as well as afford a more constant base for tests in soft soils. When
the base plate is used it shall be considered a part of the funnel in the procedures of this test method.
2.2 Sand-Any clean, dry, free-flowing, uncemented sand having few, if any, particles passing the 0.075 mm (No. 200)
sieve or retained on the 2.00 mm (No. 10) sieve. In selecting a sand for use several bulk density determinations should be
made using the same representative sample for each determination. To be acceptable the sand shall not have a variation in
bulk density greater than 1 percent.

Note 2: This sand must be cleaned occasionally by resieving to remove dirt particles. The sand should be rechecked for its
unit mass (bulk density) after it has been used for several tests and should be checked after any large variance in humidity to
compensate for any bulking.
2.3 Balances-A balance or scale of 10 kg capacity accurate to 1.0 g and a balance of 500 g capacity accurate to 0. 1 g.
2.4 Calibrated Measure-A 15 cm in diameter container with a top flange and a volume of 2800 cm3 (or 0.1 ft3).
2.5 Steel Straightedge.
2.6 Drying Equipment-Stove or oven or other suitable equipment for drying moisture content samples.
2.7 Miscellaneous Equipment-Small pick, chisels, or spoons for digging test hole; 254 mm (10 in.) frying pan or any
suitable container for drying moisture samples; buckets with lids, seamless tin cans with lids, canvas sacks or other suitable
containers for retaining the density sample, moisture sample or density sand respectively; small paint type brush, calculator,
notebook, etc.

3. Preliminary Procedure
3.1 Determine the volume of the calibrated measure by filling with water and weighing. The temperature of the water
shall be determined. The net mass of the water used to fill the measure divided by the density of the water at the test
temperature equals the volume of the measure. Table 2 lists the volume of water per gram based on temperature.
3.2 Determine the bulk density (unit mass) of the standard sand to be used as follows.
3.2.1 Fill the sand cone apparatus with the standardized sand and invert the cone on the calibrated measure, open the
valve at the neck of the cone and allow the sand to run freely into the measure. When the sand ceases to move in the jar,
close the valve and raise the sand cone and jar vertically away from the measure. Using the straightedge, strike the sand off
level with the top of the measure with as few strokes as possible. Use extreme care not to jar or shake any of the apparatus
during this operation as this would tend to rearrange sand particles and provide wrong unit mass. Weigh the calibrated
measure and the sand. The unit mass (bulk density) of the sand equals the mass of the sand and measure minus the mass of
the measure divided by volume of measure. Repeat this process two or three times or until consistent results are obtained.
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4. Field Procedures
4.1 Determine the mass of the jar and attachment up to and including the volume of the valve orifice as follows (Note
4.1.1 Place the empty apparatus upright on a firm level surface, close the valve and fill the funnel with sand.
4.1.2 Open valve and, keeping funnel at least half full of sand, fill the apparatus. Close valve sharply and empty excess
sand from funnel.
4.1.3 Weigh the apparatus and sand, and record as mass of initial sand plus' apparatus.

Note 3: The mass determined in this procedure is constant as long as the jar and attachment are in the same relative
position. If the two are to be separated match marks should be made to permit reassembly to this position.
4.2 Determine the mass of sand required to fill the funnel as follows (Notes 4 and 5).
4.2.1 Put sand in the apparatus and determine the mass of apparatus and sand as in Sec 4.1.
4.2.2 Seat the inverted apparatus on a clean, level, plane surface.
4.2.3 Open the valve and keep open until after the sand stops running.
4.2.4 Close the valve sharply, weigh the apparatus with remaining sand and determine the loss of sand. This loss
represents the mass of sand required to fill the funnel.
4.2.5 Replace the sand removed from the jar in the funnel determination and close the valve.

Note 4: This determination may be omitted if the procedure given in Note 5 is followed. When the base plate is used it shall
be considered a part of the funnel.
4.3 Determine the density of the soil in place as follows:
4.3.1 Prepare the surface of the location to be tested so that it is a level plane. It is important to perform this step very
carefully and to approximate as nearly as possible the flat surface used in the calibration of the funnel.
4.3.2 Seat the inverted apparatus on the prepared plane surface and mark the outline of the funnel (Note 5).

Note 5: Where satisfactory leveling of in-place soil cannot be achieved a preliminary test shall be run at this point
measuring the volume bounded by the funnel and ground surface. This is a measure of the roughness of the surface. This
step requires balances at the test site or emptying and refilling the apparatus. After this measurement is completed, carefully
brush the sand from the prepared surface.
4.3.3 Dig the test hole inside the funnel mark being very careful to avoid disturbing the soil that will bound the hole.
Soils that are essentially granular require extreme care. Place all loosened soil in a container being careful to avoid losing
any material. The container should be sealable to prevent loss of moisture.
4.3.4 Seat the apparatus in the previously marked position, open the valve and after the sand has stopped flowing, close
the valve (Note 6).

Note 6: Vibration of the sand, such as may be caused by construction traffic, during any mass-volume determination may
increase the bulk density of the sand and decrease the accuracy of the determination. Appreciable time intervals between the
bulk density determination of the sand and its use in the field may result in change in the bulk density caused by a change in
the moisture content or effective gradation. Continued use of a sand may cause a change in bulk density; the bulk density
should be checked frequently during the course of a project.
4.3.5 Weigh the apparatus with remaining sand and determine the mass of sand used in the test.
4.3.6 Weigh the material that was removed from the test hole.
4.3.7 Mix the material from the test hole thoroughly and obtain and weigh a representative sample for moisture
4.3.8 Dry and weigh the moisture sample.
4.4 The minimum test hole volumes suggested in determining the in-place density of soil mixtures are given in Table 1.
This table shows the suggested minimum mass of the moisture content sample in relation to the maximum particle size in
soil mixtures.
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Table 1

Minimum Test Hole Volumes and Minimum

Moisture Content Samples Based on
Maximum Size of Particle

Maximum Minimum Minimum

Particle Size Test Hole Moisture
Volume Content

mm (alternate) 3 Ft3 g
4.75 (No. 4) 700 0.025 100
12.5 (1/2 in.) 1400 0.050 250
25.0 (1 in.) 2100 0.075 500
50.0 (2 in.) 2800 0.100 1000

5. Calculations
5.1 Calculate the volume of the calibrated measure as follows:

V1 = dt

V1 = volume of the calibrated measure, cm3,
M = mass of water required to fill calibrated measure, g, and
dt = density of water at temperature of filling, g/cm3.
5.2 Calculate the bulk density of the sand as follows:

W1 = W2

W1= bulk density of the sand, g/cm3,
W2 = mass of sand required to fill the calibrated measure (Sec 3.2. 1), g, and
V1 = volume of calculated measure, (Sec 3. 1), cm3.

5.3 Calculate the moisture content and the dry mass of material removed from the test hole as follows:

W3 W4
w= 100

W6 =
w + 100
w = percentage of moisture, in material from test hole,
W3 = moist mass of moisture sample, g.
W4, = dry mass of moisture sample, g
W5 = moist mass of the material from the test hole, g, and,
W6, = dry mass of material from test hole, g.

5.4 Calculate the in-place dry density of the material tested as follows:

9% 9& 9$
8= 9=
9 8
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V = volume of test hole, cm3,
W7 = mass of sand used (Sec 4.3.5), g,
W8 = mass of sand in funnel (Sec 4.2.4), g, and
W = dry density of the tested material, g/cm3.

Note 7: It may be desirable to express the in-place density as a percentage of some reference density. For example, the
laboratory maximum density determined in accordance with the Moisture-Density Relations of Soils (MRDTM 212). This
relationship can be determined by dividing the in-place density by the reference density and multiplying by 100.
5.5 The sand cone worksheet MRDWS 215 should be used for recording test data as it is developed and is helpful in
making the above calculations.

Table 2

Volume of Water per Gram Based

on Temperature

Temperature Volume of Water,

C 3
cm per g
12 1.00048
14 1.00073
16 1.00103
18 1.00138
20 1.00177
22 1.00221
24 1.00268
26 1.00320
28 1.00375
30 1.00435
32 1.00497
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Correction for Coarse Particles in the Soil Compaction Test

MRD Test Method 216

(Adaptation of AASHTO T 224-74)

1. Scope
1.1 This method describes a procedure whereby the maximum soil density determined by MRDTM 212 may be
adjusted to compensate for differing percentages of coarse particles retained on the 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve in the in-place
density test.

2. Outline of Method
2.1 The maximum density shall be determined on the soil fraction passing the 19.0 (3/4 in.) sieve. However, the
percentage of coarse particles retained on the 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve in the original sample, as well as the percentage of
coarse particles passing the 19.0 mm (3/4 in.) sieve and retained on the 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve contained in the compacted
sample, shall be determined.
2.2 The value determined above will determine one point on the Density Correction Chart (Fig. 1), from which adjusted
values may be obtained for the maximum density, to compensate for differing percentages of coarse particles found when
performing in-place density tests on material compacted by field equipment. An example of a density correction is shown on
Fig. 1 wherein the method is explained.
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Determination of Moisture in Soils by Means of a Calcium Carbide Gas
Pressure Moisture Tester

MRD Test Method 217

(Adaptation of AASHTO T 217-74)

1. Scope
1.1 This test method describes a means of determining the moisture content of a soil or fine aggregate by means of a
device which measures the gas pressure resulting from the mixture of calcium carbide and water. The test is performed by
placing a small amount of wet soil with a quantity of calcium carbide powder in a closed pressure vessel. On agitation the
calcium carbide combines with the free water in the soil and a gas, (acetylene), is formed. The volume of gas produced is
proportional to the amount of water and the resulting pressure is indicated on an attached gauge as percent moisture content
by wet mass. This value is converted to percent of dry mass through use of a conversion chart. This equipment is rec-
ommended for construction control testing. Frequent checks on the accuracy of the determinations are suggested. This
equipment will not be used for moisture determinations for acceptance purposes. In which case the oven dry method will be

Note 1: This method shall not be used on granular materials having particles large enough to affect the accuracy of the test,
in general, any appreciable amount retained on a 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve. If a six-gram sample is used, the sample should not
contain any particles that will be retained on the 2.00 mm (No. 10) sieve.

2. Apparatus
2.1 Calcium carbide pressure moisture tester (Fig. 1).
2.2 Tared scale.
2.3 Two 31.75 mm (1 1/4 in.) steel balls.
2.4 Cleaning brush and cloth.
2.5 Scoop for measuring calcium carbide reagent.

3. Material
3.1 Calcium carbide reagent.

Note2: The calcium carbide must be finely pulverized and should be of a grade capable of producing acetylene gas in the
amount of at least 0. 14 ml/kg (or 2.25 ft3/lb) of carbide. The calcium carbide must be kept in tight, moisture proof,
containers until used.

4. Procedure
4.1 When using the 26 g size tester, place three scoops (approximately 24 g) of calcium carbide and two 30 mm (11/4 in.)
steel balls in the larger chamber of the moisture tester. When using a six-gram size tester, place one level scoopful
(approximately 8 g) of calcium carbide in the larger chamber of the tester.
4.2 Weigh a 26 g sample (or a 6 g sample, if the small tester is being used) on the tared scale.

Note 3: If the moisture content of the sample exceeds the limit of the pressure gauge (20 percent moisture), a one-half size
sample must be used and the dial reading must be doubled. Larger samples may be used for low moisture contents (5
percent or less).
4.3 Place the soil sample in the cap of the tester and, with the pressure vessel in an approximately horizontal position,
insert the cap in the pressure vessel and seal the unit by tightening the clamp, taking care that no carbide comes in contact
with the soil until a complete seal is achieved.
4.4 Raise the moisture tester to a vertical position so that the soil in the cap will fall into the pressure vessel.
4.5 Shake the instrument vigorously so that all lumps will be broken up to permit the calcium carbide to react with all
available free moisture. When steel balls are being used in the tester, the instrument should be shaken with a rotating motion
so that the steel balls will not damage the instrument or cause soil particles to become embedded in the orifice leading to the
pressure diaphragm.
Table of Contents
Note 4: Shaking should continue for at least 1 minute with granular soils and for up to 3 minutes for other soils so as to
permit complete reaction between the calcium carbide and the free moisture. Time should be permitted to allow dissipation
of the heat generated by the chemical reaction.
4.6 When the needle stops moving, read the dial while holding the instrument in a horizontal position at eye level.
4.7 Record the sample mass and the dial reading.
4.8 With the cap of the instrument pointed away from the operator, slowly release the gas pressure. Empty the pressure
vessel and examine the material for lumps. If the sample is not completely pulverized, the test should be repeated using a
new sample.
4.9 The dial reading is the percent of moisture by wet mass and must be converted to dry mass.

5. Calculation
5.1 The percentage of moisture by dry mass of the soil may be determined from the conversion curve (Fig. 2).

Note 5: A conversion curve similar to Fig. 2 is normally supplied with the moisture tester. However, each moisture tester
should be checked for accuracy of its gauge, or for the accuracy of the conversion curve. Accuracy of the tester gauge may
be checked by using a calibration kit (obtainable from the tester manufacturer), equipped with standard gauge; in case of
discrepancy, the gauge on the tester should be adjusted to conform with the standard gauge. For checking the accuracy of
the conversion curve, a calibration should be made for meter readings versus oven-dry moisture contents, using local soils.

Note 6: It may be more convenient for field use of the apparatus to prepare a table of moisture tester readings versus
oven-dry moisture content for the moisture tester.
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Density and Moisture Content of Soil and Soil-Aggregate In-Place by
Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth)

MRD Test Method 218

(Adaptation of AASHTO T 238-79 and T 239-76)


These methods describe determination of the density and moisture content of soil and soil-aggregate in-place through
the use of nuclear equipment. In general, the total or wet density of the material under test is determined by placing a
gamma source and a gamma detector either on, into, or adjacent to the material under test. These variations in test geometry
are presented as the backscatter, direct transmission, or air gap approaches. The intensity of radiation detected is dependent
in part upon the density of the material under test. The radiation intensity reading is converted to measured wet density by a
suitable calibration curve. Moisture content as normally used is defined as the ratio, expressed as a percentage of the mass
of water in a given soil mass to the mass of solid particles. It is determined with this procedure by dividing the moisture
content by the dry density of soil. Therefore, computation of moisture content using the nuclear equipment also requires the
determination of the dry density of the material under test.
Most available nuclear equipment has provision for measuring both moisture content, and wet density. The difference
between these two measurements is the dry density.
Principles of the nuclear test are discussed in the Appendix as are some of its advantages and disadvantages. It should
be noted that measurements resulting from these methods are not necessarily the average density within the volume
involved in the measurement. Use of these methods and this equipment is highly recommended for construction control. It
should be understood, however, that the density determinations made in connection with the acceptance procedures will be
with the sand cone (MRDTM 215) apparatus, and that the moisture content determinations made in connection with the
acceptance procedures will be made by the oven-dry method (MRDTM 203).

1. Scope
1.1 This method covers the determination of the total or wet density of soil and soilaggregate in-place by the attenuation
of gamma rays where the gamma source and/or gamma detector, remain at or near the surface, and the determination of the
moisture content of soil and soil-aggregate in-place by moderation or slowing of fast neutrons where the neutron source and
the thermal neutron detector both remain at or near the surface.

1.2 Three methods are described as follows:

Wet Density
Method A-Backscatter 5 through 7
Method B Direct Transmission 8 through 10
Method C -Air Gap 11 through 14
Moisture Content
Method D-Moisture Content 15 through 19

2. Significance
2.1 Methods A, B, and C are useful as rapid, nondestructive techniques for the inplace determination of wet density of
soil and soil-aggregate. The fundamental assumptions inherent in the methods are that Compton scattering is the dominant
interaction and that the material under test is homogeneous.
2.2 Method D is useful as a rapid, nondestructive technique for the in-place determination of moisture content of soil
and soilaggregate. The fundamental assumptions inherent in the method are that the hydrogen present is in the form of water
as defined by MRDTM 203, and that the material under test is homogeneous.
2.3 The methods are suitable for control testing of soils and soil-aggregate for construction. Test results may be affected
by chemical composition, sample heterogeneity, and the surface texture of the material being tested. The techniques also
exhibit spatial bias in that the apparatus is more sensitive to certain regions of the material under test.
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3. Calibration
3.1 Calibration curves are established by determining the nuclear count rate of each of several materials at different and
known densities, or moisture contents, plotting the count rate (or count ratio) versus each known density, or moisture
content and placing a curve through the resulting points. The method and test procedure used in establishing the curve must
be the same as used for determining the density or moisture content of the material tested. The nuclear count rate should be
determined by averaging a minimum of four measurement-counting periods of at least 1 minute each. The density and
moisture content of materials used to establish the calibration curve must vary over a range that includes the density and
moisture content of materials that will be tested. The materials used for calibration must be of uniform density and moisture
3.1.1 Calibration curves can be established using the following: Blocks of Known Density-Materials considered satisfactory for use in blocks include granite, aluminum, magne-
sium/aluminum laminate, limestone, and magnesium. For direct transmission tests, a hole may be drilled in the blocks to the
dimensional tolerances given in Sec 8.1.4. Blocks of Known Moisture Content-Permanent calibration blocks or standards containing chemically bound
hydrogen which will produce nuclear gauge responses equivalent to known moisture content. A nonhydrogen material, such
as magnesium, may be used for zero water content. If the hydrogen density of a material can be calculated from its specific
gravity and chemical formula, provided these are accurately known, a much more reliable calibration point can be obtained
in comparison to oven drying methods.

Note 1: Due to the effect of differing chemical compositions, some calibration curves may not be applicable to materials
under test. Metallic blocks are satisfactory only for determining the proper shape and slope of the calibration curve. The
correct location of the curve must be determined by tests upon blocks or materials of composition similar to that encoun-
tered in field testing. Prepared containers of soilaggregate compacted to known densities and moisture contents.

Note 2: Use of blocks is advantageous because they are durable and provide stable density references. Blocks and prepared
containers must be large enough to not change the observed count rate (or count ratio) if made larger in any dimension.
Minimum dimensions of blocks shall be 600 mm wide, by 400 mm deep, by 600 mm long (or 24 in. by 15 in. by 24 in.).
Prepared containers must be large enough to allow rotation of the gauge 90 degrees. For calibration of backscatter only, a
depth of not less than 150 mm (6 in.) is adequate.
3.2 Checking Calibration Curves-The calibration curves for newly acquired instruments should be checked. Calibration
curves should also be checked if for any reason routine test results are believed to be inaccurate. For the backscatter method,
calibration curves should also be checked for tests in materials which are distinctly different from material types previously
tested, and which may have different chemical compositions.
3.2.1 Calibration curves may be checked either on blocks or prepared containers (Sec 3.1).
3.3 Adjusting Calibration Curve-When blocks or prepared containers of materials of known density or moisture content
are being used to adjust the calibration, plot the count rate (or count ratio) versus each known density or moisture content
described in Sec 3.1. If the points do not fall on the previously established calibration curve, replace the original calibration
curve with a parallel curve through the plotted check points.
3.3.1 When the sand cone, or specific gravity method is being used to adjust the density calibration and the oven-dry
method is used to adjust the moisture content calibration, compare the average of at least ten locations with one nuclear test
and one sand cone, specific gravity or oven-dry moisture test at exactly the same location in each area, and proceed as
follows to adjust the calibration curves. If the density of each of the comparison tests determined by the sand cone, or specific gravity method varies by
less than 0.080 g/cm3 (5 pcf) from the density determined by the nuclear method and if the average of all sand cone, or
specific gravity density tests is within 0.032 g/cm3 (2 pcf) of the average of all corresponding nuclear tests, no adjustment of
the density calibration curve is necessary. If a curve drawn through the plotted checkpoints indicates moisture contents
within 0.016 g/cm3 (1 pcf) of those shown by the regular calibration curve for identical count rates, no adjustment of the
moisture content calibration curve is necessary. If the average of all density determinations by the sand cone, or specific gravity method is more than 0.032
g/cm3 (2 pcf) above or below the average of all corresponding nuclear tests, or if the average of all computed or oven-dried
moisture determinations is more than 0.016 g/cm3 (1 pcf), subsequent nuclear tests shall be adjusted by the amount of the
difference in averages. This difference shall be added to nuclear determinations if the nuclear average is lower, subtracted if
the nuclear average is higher. The average difference obtained by Sec may be used to plot a corrected calibration curve which shall be
parallel to the original calibration curve and offset by the amount and direction as determined in Sec A corrected
calibration curve may also be determined by plotting the count rate (or ratio) versus each known moisture content or density
value as described in Sec 3. 1, and drawing a curve through these plotted checkpoints.
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4. Precision
4.1 Any equipment that is used under the requirements of this method shall satisfy these requirements for system
4.2 Precision of the system is determined from the slope of the calibration curve (S) and the standard deviation, or of
the signals (detected gamma rays for density and detected neutrons for moisture content) in counts per minute (cpm), as

P = S (1)

P = precision, g/cm3 (pcf),
= standard deviation, cpm, and
S = slope, cpm/g/cm3(cpm/pcf).

4.3 For density, determine the slope of the calibration curve at the 1.762 g/cm3 (110 pcf) point in counts per minute per
gram per cubic centimeter (counts per minute per pound per cubic foot). Determine the standard deviation of ten repetitive
readings of 1 minute each (gauge not moved after seating for first count) taken on material having density of 1.762 0.008
g/cm3 (110 5 pcf). The value of P shall be less than 0.020 g/cm3 (1.25 pcf).
4.4 For moisture content, determine the slope of the calibration curve at the 0. 160 g/cm3 (10 pcf) point and the standard
deviation is determined from ten repetitive readings of 1 minute each (gauge not moved after first seating) taken on material
having a moisture content of 0.160 0.01 g/cm3 (10 0.6 pcf). The value of P shall be less than 0.0048 g/cm3 (0.3 pcf).

Method A-Backscatter
5. Apparatus
5.1 Gamma source, shall be an encapsulated and sealed radioisotopic source for density determination. For moisture
contents use a fast neutron source sealed isotope material such as americium beryllium, radiumberyllium, or an electronic
device such as a neutron generator.
5.2 Gamma detector, may be any suitable type for density. Any type of slow neutron detector such as boron triflouride,
a scintillator crystal, or a fission chamber.
5.3 Readout device, shall be a suitable scaler. Usually the readout device will contain the high voltage supply necessary
to operate the device, and a low voltage power supply to operate the readout and accessory devices.
5.4 Housing-The source, detector, readout device, and power supply shall be in housings of rugged construction that are
moisture and dust proof.

Note 4: The gamma and neutron source, detector, readout device, and power supply may be housed separately or combined
and integrated into one measuring system.
5.5 Reference standard, for density and/or moisture, for checking equipment and operation and background count, and
to establish conditions for a reproducible count rate.
5.6 Site Preparation Device-A steel plate, straightedge, or other suitable leveling tools may be used to plane the test site
to the required smoothness.

6. Standardization
6.1 Standardization of equipment on a reference standard is required as follows, at the start of each day's use and when
test measurements are suspect:
6.2 Warm up the equipment in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations.
6.3 Take at least four repetitive readings of at least 1 minute each with the gauge on the reference standard. This
constitutes one standardization check.
6.4 If the mean of the four repetitive readings is outside the limits set by equation 2, repeat the standardization check. If
either the first or the second standardization check satisfies equation 2, the equipment is considered to be in satisfactory
operating condition. If the second standardization check does not satisfy equation 2, the calibration should be checked (Sec
3.2). If the calibration check shows that there is no significant change in the calibration curve, a new reference standard
count, N0, should be established. If the calibration checks show that there is a significant difference in the calibration curve,
repair and recalibrate the instrument.

N s = N 0 1.96 N 0 (2)
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Ns = mean of repetitive readings measured in checking the instrument operation on the reference standard (Sec 6.3), and
N0 = count previously established on the reference standard (mean of ten repetitive readings).

7. Procedure
7.1 Select a test location where the gauge in test position will be at least 150 mm (or 6 in.) away from any vertical
7.2 Prepare the test site in the following manner:
7.2.1 Remove all loose and disturbed material and additional material as necessary to expose the top of the material to
be tested.

Note 5: The spatial bias should be considered in determining the depth at which the gauge is to be seated.
7.2.2 Prepare a horizontal area sufficient in size to accommodate the gauge, by planing the area to a smooth condition
so as to obtain maximum contact between the gauge and material being tested.
7.2.3 The maximum void beneath the gauge shall not exceed 3 mm (or 1/8 in.). Use native fines or fine sand to fill these
voids and smooth the surface with a rigid plate or other suitable tool.

Note 6: The placement of the gauge on the surface of the material to be tested is critical to the successful determination of
density. The optimum condition is total contact between the bottom surface of the gauge and the surface of the material
being tested. This is not possible in all cases and to correct surface irregularities use of sand or similar material as a filler is
necessary. The depth of the filler should not exceed 3 mm (or 1/8 in.) and the total area filled should not exceed 10 percent
of the bottom area of the gauge. Several trial seatings may be required to achieve these conditions.
7.3 Proceed with the test in the following manner:
7.3.1 Seat the gauge firmly.
7.3.2 Keep all other radioactive sources away from the gauge to avoid affecting the measurement.
7.3.3 Warm up the equipment in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation.
7.3.4 Secure and record one or more I minute readings.
7.3.5 Determine the in-place wet density by use of the calibration curve previously established.

Method B-Direct Transmission

8. Apparatus
8.1 The direct transmission system shall consist of the following units. The exact details of construction of the
apparatus may vary, however, the general requirements of Sec 5.1 through 5.6 shall apply in addition to the following:
8.1.1 Probe-Either the gamma source or the detector shall be housed in a probe for inserting in a preformed hole in the
material to be tested. The probe shall be marked in increments of 50 mm (or 2 in.) for tests with probe depths from 50 to
300 mm (or 2 to 12 in.) The probe shall be so made mechanically that when moved manually to the marked depth desired, it
will be held securely in position at that depth.
8.1.2 Housing-The source, detector, readout device, probe, and power supply shall be in housings of rugged
construction that are moisture and dust proof.
8.1.3 Guide, for forming a hole normal to the prepared surface.
8.1.4 Hole-forming device, such as an auger or pin, having a nominal diameter equal to or slightly larger than the
probe but not to exceed the diameter of the probe by more than 3 mm (or 1/8 in.) for forming a hole in the material to be
tested to accommodate the probe.

9. Standardization
9.1 Standardization of equipment on a reference standard is required at the start of each day's use and when test
measurements are suspect.
9.2 Warm up the equipment in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
9.3 With the gauge on the reference standard provided by the manufacturer and with the probe in the position
prescribed by the manufacturer for measuring standard count, take at least four repetitive readings of at least 1 minute each.
This constitutes one standardization check.
9.4 If the mean of the four repetitive readings is outside the limits set by equation 2, repeat the standardization check.
If the second standardization check satisfies equation 2, the equipment is considered to be in satisfactory operating
condition. If the second standardization check does not satisfy equation 2, the calibration should be checked (Sec 3.2). If the
calibration check shows that there is no significant change in the calibration curve, a new reference standard count, N0,
should be established. If the calibration check shows that there is a significant difference in the calibration curve, the
instrument should be repaired and recalibrated.
Table of Contents

10. Procedure
10. 1 Select a test location where the gauge in test position will be at least 150 mm (or 6 in.) away from any vertical
10.2 Prepare the test site in the following manner:
10.2.1 Remove all loose and disturbed material, and remove additional material as necessary to expose the top of the
material to be tested.
10.2.2 Prepare a horizontal area, sufficient in size to accommodate the gauge, by planing the area to a smooth
condition so as to obtain maximum contact between the gauge and material being tested.
10.2.3 The maximum void beneath the gauge shall not exceed 3 mm (or 1/8 in.). Use native fines or fine sand to fill
these voids and smooth the surface with a rigid plate or other suitable tool. The depth of the filler should not exceed
approximately 3 mm (or 1/8 in.).
10.2.4 Make a hole perpendicular to the prepared surface using the guide (Sec 8.1.3), and the hole-forming device
(Sec 8.1.4). The hole shall be of such depth and alignment that insertion of the probe will not cause the gauge to tilt from
the plane of the prepared area.
10.3 Proceed with testing in the following manner:
10.3.1 Tilt the gauge and extend the probe in the position required for the desired depth of the test.
10.3.2 Insert the probe in the hole.
10.3.3 Seat the gauge firmly by rotating it about the probe with a back and forth motion.
10.3.4 Pull gently on the gauge in the direction that will bring the side of the probe facing the center of the gauge in
intimate contact with the side of the hole.
10.3.5 Keep all other radioactive sources away from the gauge to avoid affecting the measurement.
10.3.6 Warm up the equipment in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation.
10.3.7 Secure and record one or more I minute readings.
10.3.8 Determine the in-place wet density by use of the calibration curve previously established.

Method C-Air Gap

11. Apparatus
11. 1 All apparatus described in Sec 5 and 8.
11.2 Cradle or spacers, to support the gauge at the optimum air gap above the material being tested. The cradles or
spacers shall be so designed as to support the gauge at optimum height without shielding the base of the gauge. Fig. 1 shows
a typical air gap cradle that demonstrates the principle. Other methods which support the gauge at the optimum air gap
without shielding the base are satisfactory.

Note 7: Air gap calibration curves and optimum air gap may be furnished for each gauge by the manufacturer and can be
readily checked by the user.

12. Determination of Optimum Air Gap

12.1 To determine the optimum air gap for use in the air gap method, proceed as follows:
12.1.1 Use three or more different areas on which to make determinations. These areas may be either blocks (Sec or prepared containers (Sec used for calibration. The density of materials at the selected areas should vary
through a range including the densities of the materials which will be tested.
12.1.2 Place the density gauge over the test area. Support the gauge by blocks placed at the extreme edges of the
gauge so as not to obstruct the space between the bottom of the gauge and the surface of the test area.
12.1.3 Take and record two 1 minute readings in counts per minute and determine the average of the readings.
12.1.4 By adding additional blocks or spacers, increase the air gap by 6.0 mm (or 1/4 in.). Take, record and average
two additional 1 minute readings.
12.1.5 Continue increasing the air gap by increments of 6.0 mm (or 1/4 in.) securing average readings for each air gap
(Sec 12.1.3) until there is a decrease in the counts per minute readings with an increase of air gap.
12.1.6 On an arithmetic scale plot counts per minute as the ordinate versus each air gap (in millimeters or inches) and
draw a smooth curve through the resulting points. Record the peak air gap determined at the peak of the curve.
12.1.7 Repeat the procedures in Sec 12.1.2 through 12.1.6 over two or more additional areas of materials of different
density, and record the peak air gap for each area.
12.1.8 Determine the average of the peak air gaps determined on all areas. This is the optimum air gap. Use this
optimum air gap for establishing the calibration curve for the air gap method, and for all determinations of density by the air
gap method.
Table of Contents
13. Standardization
13.1 Standardization of equipment on a reference standard is required at the start of each day's use and when test
measurements are suspect.
13.2 Warm up the equipment in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
13.3 Take at least four repetitive readings of at least 1 minute each with the gauge on the reference standard. This
constitutes one standardization check.

Note 8: The standard count determined in Sec 13.3 is not used in the determination of density by the air gap method. The
purpose of checking the standard count as required by Sec 13.3 is to check that the equipment is in satisfactory operating
13.4 If the mean of the four readings is outside the limits set by equation 2, repeat the standardization check. If the
second standardization check satisfies equation 2, the equipment is considered to be in satisfactory operating condition. If
the second standardization check does not satisfy equation 2, the calibration should be checked (Sec 3.2). If the calibration
checks show that there is no significant change in the calibration curve, a new reference standard count, N0, should be
established. If the calibration check shows that there is a signficant difference in the calibration curve, the instrument should
be repaired and recalibrated.

14. Procedure
14.1 Select a test location where the gauge in test position will be at least 150 mm (or 6 in.) away from any vertical
14.2 Prepare the test site in the following manner:
14.2.1 Remove all loose and disturbed material, and additional material as necessary to expose the top of the material
to be tested (Note 6).
14.2.2 Prepare a horizontal area, sufficient in size to accommodate the gauge and cradle, by planing the area to a
smooth condition so as to obtain maximum contact between the gauge and the material being tested.
14.2.3 The maximum void beneath the gauge shall not exceed 3 mm (or 1/8 in.). Use native fines or fine sand to fill
these voids and smooth the surface with a rigid plate or other suitable tool.

Note 9: The air gap method requires taking one or more readings in both the backscatter position and the air gap position.
The placement of the gauge on the surface of the material to be tested is critical to the successful determination of density.
The optimum condition is total contact between the bottom surface of the gauge and the surface of the material being tested.
This is not possible in all cases and to correct surface irregularities use of sand or similar material as filler is necessary. The
depth of the filler should not exceed 3 mm (or 1/8 in.) and the total area filled should not exceed 10 percent of the bottom
area of the gauge. Several trial seatings may be required to achieve these conditions.
14.3 Proceed with the test in the following manner:
14.3.1 Seat the gauge firmly.
14.3.2 Keep all other radioactive sources away from the gauge to avoid affecting the measurement.
14.3.3 Warm up the equipment in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation.
14.3.4 Secure and record one or more I minute readings in the backscatter position.
14.3.5 Place the cradle, set at optimum air gap, on the test site, and place the gauge on the cradle so that the gauge is
directly over the same site used for backscatter reading. When a direct transmission type gauge is used, set the probe in the
retracted or backscatter position for this reading.
14.3.6 Take the same number of 1 minute readings in the air gap position as in the backscatter position (Sec 14.3.4).
14.3.7 Determine the air gap ratio by dividing counts per minute obtained in the air gap position (Sec 14.3.6) by
counts per minute obtained in backscatter position (Sec 14.3.4).
14.3.8 Determine the in-place wet density by use of the applicable calibration curve previously established.

Note 10: The air gap ratio may be determined by dividing counts per minute obtained in backscatter position by counts per
minute obtained in the air gap position or vice versa. Whichever ratio is used, a calibration curve using the same ratio must
also be used.
Method D-Moisture Content

15. Apparatus
15.1 The fast neutron source and detector devices described for moisture content in Sec 5 shall be used.

16. Calibration
16.1 Calibration as described in Sec 3 for moisture content determination shall be used.
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17. Standardization
17.1 Standardization and calibration of testing device as described in Sec 6 shall be used.

18. Procedure
18.1 Test Site Preparation-Select a location for test where the gauge in test position will be at least 150 mm (or 6 in.)
away from any vertical projection.
18.1.1 Prepare the test site in the following manner: Remove all loose and disturbed material and additional material as necessary to expose the top of the material
to be tested (Note 5). Prepare a horizontal area sufficient in size to accommodate the gauge, by planing the area to a smooth
condition so as to obtain maximum contact between the gauge and material being tested. The maximum depressions beneath the gauge shall not exceed 3 mm (or 1/8 in.). Use native fines or fine sand
to fill these voids and smooth the surface with a rigid plate or other suitable tool.

Note 11: The placement of the gauge on the surface of the material to be tested is critical to the successful determination of
moisture. The optimum condition is total contact between the bottom surface of the gauge and the surface of the material
being tested. This is not possible in all cases and to correct surface irregularities use of sand or similar material as a filler is
necessary. The depth of the filler should not exceed 3 mm (or 1/8 in.) and the total area filled should not exceed 10 percent
of the bottom area of the gauge. Several trial seatings may be required to achieve these conditions.
18.2 Testing-Proceed with the test in the following manner:
18.2.1 Seat the gauge firmly.
18.2.2 Keep all other radioactive sources away from the gauge (as recommended by the manufacturer) so as not to
affect the readings.
18.2.3 Use sufficient warm-up time as in standardization (Sec 6.2).
18.2.4 Place the source in the use position and take one, or more, 1 minute readings.

19. Calculations
19.1 Average the readings obtained in Sec 18.2.4.
19.2 Determine the moisture content by use of an applicable calibration curve.
19.3 Calculate the moisture content, w, in mass percent of the dry soil as follows:

w= 100 (3)

Wm = moisture content Of Soil g/CM3 or (pcf), and
W 3
d = dry density of soil g/cm or (pcf).
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Appendix A
Notes on the Nuclear Test

A.1 The equipment used in this method is of the surface type as opposed to that designed for use in deep borings. In
general, and neglecting the associated electronics, this equipment consists of three principal elements: 1) a suitable nuclear
source emitting gamma rays, (density determination) or fast neutrons (moisture content determination); 2) a detector
sensitive to these rays as they are modified by passing through the material being tested, and; 3) a counter or scaler with
provisions for automatic and precise timing, for determining the rate at which the modified gamma or fast neutron rays
arrive at the detector. While rate meters are suitable, in principle, counters or scalers are commonly used. In general, any
source which produces rays that are sufficiently numerous and properly energetic can be used in measuring the density or
moisture content of soil and soil-aggregate.
A.2 Measurements are made using gamma rays that largely reflect at reduced energy by scattering in, or by, direct
transmission through the material under test. In backscatter, the rays are emitted into the material from near its surface and
some are deflected at reduced energy back to the detector, largely by Compton scattering. In direct transmission, the source
or detector is inserted in the test materials and, in contrast to the backscatter method, some of the emitted and unshielded
rays can presumably follow a straight line path to the detector. In either source-detector arrangement, the number of rays
reaching the detector is, over-all, a nonlinear function of the density of the material being tested. For the usual range of soil
and soil-aggregate densities, the relationship is such that the higher the density of a given material, the lower the count rate.
A.3 Measurements are made using fast neutrons that reflect modification by backscattering through the material under
test. When high-energy neutrons are scattered into the soil a loss in velocity of each neutron occurs as it collides with the
nuclei of the atoms of the soil. The rate at which this slowing down process occurs depends upon: 1) the mass of the nucleus
in collision with the neutron, and; 2) the probability that the two will collide.
A.4 The determination of density and moisture content by nuclear means is indirect. To date, no theoretical approach
has been developed that predicts the count rate for given equipment, geometry, material, and density or moisture content. As
a result, the relationship between material density and nuclear-count rate or moisture content and count rate, is determined
by correlation tests of materials at known average densities and moisture contents. Individual equipment manufacturers
supply a calibration curve with each set of their equipment. It has been found that these curves do not necessarily hold for
all soils and soil-aggregates because of differences in chemical composition. Apparent variations in calibration curves may
also be induced by differences in chemical composition. Apparent variations in calibration curves may also be induced by
differences in seating, in background count, and other test variations. Because of these considerations, provisions are
included in this method for checking for variations or changes. Different approaches may be used in checking calibration
curves and those in more general use are given. For good practice these calibration procedures should be followed with
newly purchased equipment and with major component replacements of inservice equipment.
A.5 The density determined by this method is the wet or total density. The moisture content determined by this method
is the amount of moisture that is contained in a given volume of soil. It should be noted that the volume of soil or
soil-aggregate represented in the measurements is indeterminate and will vary with the source-detector geometry of the
equipment used and with the characteristics of the material tested. In general, and with all other conditions constant, the
more dense or moist the material, the smaller the volume involved in the measurement. The density or moisture content as
determined is not necessarily the average value of the volume involved in the measurement. For the usual conditions the
total count is largely determined by the upper 75 to 100 mm (or 3 to 4 in.) of soils and soil-aggregates. Where these
materials are of uniform moisture and density, this characteristic of this method is of no effect. With the air gap method the
penetration of the backscatter rays is relatively shallow. With direct-transmission gauges, the effect of vertical density
variations may be eliminated. Other problems however, can be introduced in the mechanics of inserting the source or the
A.6 The number of rays emitted from a given source over a given time period are statistically random and follow a
Gaussian distribution. Because of this, the actual number of modified rays that are detected and counted in the measuring
process should be sufficiently large to minimize the probability that the observed count reflects unacceptable variations. This is
reflected in the standard deviation which is the square root of the total count. The overall system accuracy in determining densities
and moisture is also statistical in nature and appears to vary with the equipment used, the test conditions of laboratory versus field,
as well as with materials and operators.
A.7 The in-place nuclear tests of this method offer several advantages over conventional methods of test, particularly in tests
performed for the continuing control of construction. Among these, perhaps the principle advantage is the relative ease and speed
with which the test can be performed. Many more tests can be performed per day than by other methods. In addition, apparently
erratic measurements can be immediately detected and checked since the nuclear tests are more nearly nondestructive. These
advantages accrue to organizations that are engaged in moisture density measurements on a more or less continuous basis.
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Soil Investigation and Sampling by Auger Borings

MRD Test Method 223

(Adaptation of AASHTO T 203-64)

1. Scope
1.1 This method covers procedures for the use of augers in soil investigations and sampling for any purpose within the
limits imposed by the equipment and the soil conditions.
1.2 Auger borings often provide the simplest method of soil investigation and sampling. They may be used for any
purpose where disturbed samples can be used and are valuable in connection with ground water level determination and
indication of changes in strata and advancement of hole for spoon and tube sampling. Equipment required is simple and
readily available. Depths of auger investigations are, however, limited by ground water conditions, soil characteristics, and
the equipment used.

2. Apparatus
2.1 Hand-Operated Augers:
2.1.1 Helical Augers-Small hand-operated helical augers of 38 mm (or 11/2 in.) minimum diameter.
2.1.2 Posthole Augers-Hand-operated posthole augers 50.8 to 305 mm (2 to 12 in.) in diameter.
2.2 Machine-driven Augers:
2.2.1 Helical augers 76.2 to 406 mm (3 to 16 in.) in diameter.
2.2.2 Disk augers up to 1.07 mm (42 in.) in diameter.
2.2.3 Bucket augers, up to 1.22 mm (48 in.) in diameter.
2.3 Casing (when needed), consisting of pipe of slightly larger diameter than the auger used.
2.4 Accessory Equipment-Labels, field log sheets, sample jars, sealing wax, sample bags, and other necessary tools and

3. Procedure
3.1 Make the auger boring by turning the auger the desired distance into the soil, withdrawing the auger, and removing
the soil for examination and tests. Insert the auger into the hole again and repeat the process.
3.2 Casing is required in unstable soil in which the bore hole fails to stay open and especially when the boring is
extended below the groundwater level. The inside diameter of the casing must be slightly larger than the diameter of the
auger used. The casing shall be driven to a depth not greater than the top of the next sample and shall be cleaned out by
means of the auger. The auger can then be inserted into the bore hole and turned below the bottom of the casing to obtain a
3.3 The soil auger can be used both for boring the hole and for bringing up disturbed samples of the soil encountered.
The structure of a cohesive soil is completely destroyed and the moisture may be changed by the auger. Seal all samples in a
jar or other airtight container and label appropriately. If more than one type of soil is picked up in the sampler prepare a
separate container for each type of soil.
3.4 Field Observations-Record complete ground water information in the field logs. Where casing is used, measure
ground water levels both before and after the casing is pulled. In sands, determine the water level at least 30 minutes after
the boring is completed; in silts at least 24 h. In clays, no accurate water level determination is possible unless previous
seams are present. As a precaution, however, water levels in clays shall be taken after at least 24 h.

4. Report
4.1 The data obtained from boring shall be recorded in the field logs and shall include the following:
4.1.1 Date of start and completion of boring,
4.1.2 Identifying number of boring,
4.1.3 Reference datum including direction and distance of boring relative to reference line of project or other suitable
reference points,
4.1.4 Depths of changes in strata,
4.1.5 Diameter and method of advancing bore hole,
4.1.6 Description of soil in each major stratum,
4.1.7 Ground water elevation and location of seepage zones when found, and
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4.1.8 Condition of augered hole upon removal of auger, whether or not the hole remains open or the sides cave, when
such can be observed.
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Penetration Test and Split-Barrel Sampling of Soils

MRD Test Method 224

(Adaptation of AASHTO T 206-74)

1. Scope
1.1 This method describes a procedure for using a split-barrel sampler to obtain representative samples of soil for
identification purposes and other laboratory tests, and to obtain a measure of the resistance of the soil to penetration of the

2. Apparatus
2.1 Drilling Equipment-Any drilling equipment shall be acceptable that provides a reasonably clean hole before
insertion of the sampler to insure that the penetration test is performed on undisturbed soil, and that will permit the driving
of the sampler to obtain the sample and penetration record in accordance with the procedure described in Sec 3. To avoid
whips under the blows of the hammer it is recommended that the drill rod have a stiffness equal to or greater than the "A"
rod. An "A" rod is a hollow drill rod having an outside diameter of 41.3 mm (1.625 in.) and an inside diameter of 28.6 mm
(1.125 in.) through which the rotary motion of drilling is transferred from the drilling motor to the cutting bit. A stiffer drill
rod is suggested for holes deeper than 15.0 m (or 50 ft). The hole diameter shall be at least 6.35 mm (0.25 in.) larger than
the OD of the sampler.
2.2 Split-Barrel Sampler-The sampler shall be constructed with the dimensions indicated in Fig. 1. The drive shoe shall
be of hardened steel and shall be replaced or repaired when it becomes dented or distorted. The coupling head shall have
four 12.7 mm (0.5 in.) minimum diameter vent ports and shall contain a ball check valve.
2.3 Drive Mass Assembly-The assembly shall consist of a 63.5 kg (140 lb) mass, a driving head, and a guide permitting
a free fall of 762 50.8 mm (30 2 in.). Special precautions should be taken to insure that the energy of the falling mass is
not reduced by friction between the drive mass and the guides.
2.4 Accessory Equipment-Labels, data sheets, sample jars, paraffin, and other necessary supplies for identification and
shipment of the samples.

3. Procedure
3.1 Clean out the hole to the sampling elevation with equipment that will minimize disturbance of the material to be
sampled. Measure to the nearest 30.5 mm (0.1 ft) and record the depth to the sampling elevation of the hole, and then
withdraw the drilling tools.
3.1.1 In saturated sands and silt withdraw the drilling tools slowly to minimize loosening of the soil around the hole.
The water level should be maintained in the hole at or above ground water level to aid in avoiding a quick condition
(running sand). The density of the drilling fluid can also be increased to control "blowouts".
3.2 In no case shall a bottom-discharge bit be permitted. Side-discharge bits are permissible. The process of jetting
through an open-tube sampler and then sampling when the desired depth is reached shall not be permitted. When casing is
used, it may not be driven below the top of the sampling elevation. During drilling or clean out, record any loss of drilling
fluid or artesian flow.
3.3 Insert the sampler in the hole and measure the depth to which it comes to rest under the mass of the string of tools.
If the sampler is within 150 mm (or 6 in.) of the drilled depth recorded in Sec 3.1 above, the sample may be obtained. If the
sampler is not within 150 mm (or 6 in.) of the bottom of the hole, reclean and/or case the hole as necessary to seat the
sampler within the 150 mm (or 6 in.) limit. The sampler shall not be driven more than the length of the split barrel in order
to prevent false blow counts and compaction of the material below the driving shoe.
3.4 With the sampler resting on the bottom of the hole, drive the sampler with blows from the 63.5 kg (140 lb) hammer
falling 762 50.8 mm (30 2 in.). Care shall be exercised to maintain the guide stem in a plumb position (Notes 1, 2, and
3.5 The interval between tests, when testing is applicable, should generally be no greater than 1.07 m (or 3.5 ft) in
homogeneous strata and/or at every change of strata unless otherwise approved by the Engineer.
3.6 Record the number of blows and the beginning elevation required for each 150 mm (or 6 in.) of penetration or
fractions thereof. The first 150 mm (or 6 in.) is considered to be a seating drive. The penetration resistance N, the number of
blows per foot is the sum of second 150 mm (or 6 in.) and the third 150 mm (or 6 in.) of penetration. The sampler shall be
driven the full length of the split barrel or until 100 blows per 305 mm (1 ft) have been achieved. If the 100 blows occurs
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prior to penetrating a full 305 mm (1 ft) beyond or including the seating drive, the log shall state the number of blows in the
150 mm (or 6 in.) or fractions thereof where the accumulated blow count of 100 for 305 mm (1 ft) or less occurred.
3.7 Bring the sampler to the surface and open. Describe carefully typical samples of soils recovered as to composition,
structure, consistency, color and condition; then put the desired amount into ajar. Seal the jar with wax or hermetically seal
to prevent evaporation of the soil moisture when applicable. Affix labels to the jar or make notations on the covers (or both)
bearing job designation, boring number, sample number, depth penetration record. Protect samples against extreme
temperature changes.

Note 1: A mechanical release device to control the hammer drop is permitted. The drop shall not exceed the tolerance
specified in Sec 2.3.

Note 2: When a cat-head assembly is employed care should be taken in wrapping a limited number of turns of the pull rope
around the cat-head drum so that when the mass is released, the rope does not impair free fall. All sheaves that the pull rope
passes over should be inspected and lubricated daily to insure as friction free operation as practical.

Note 3: One method of maintaining a consistent drop is to mark the guide stem with two 25.4 mm (1 in.) wide white bands
painted on the stem 102 mm (4 in.) apart and centered on the 762 mm (30 in.) mark. The operator should raise the bottom of
the hammer past the lower band but not allow the upper band to show.

4. Report
4.1 Data obtained from borings shall be recorded in the field and shall include the following:
4.1.1 Name and location of job,
4.1.2 Start and finish dates of boring,
4.1.3 Boring number and/or coordinate, if available,
4.1.4 Surface elevation, if available,
4.1.5 Sample number and depth,
4.1.6 Method of advancing sampler,
4.1.7 Type, diameter and length of sampler,
4.1.8 Description of soil,
4.1.9 Thickness of layer,
4.1.10 Depth to water surface; to loss of water; to artesian head; time at which reading was made,
4.1.11 Size of casing, depth of cased hole, and
4.1.12 Number of blows per 150 mm (or 6 in.) and/or number of blows and driving length at refusal.
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Thin Walled Tube Sampling of Soils

MRD Test Method 225

(Adaptation of AASHTO T 207-75)

1. Scope
1.1 This method describes a procedure for using a thin-walled metal tube to recover relatively undisturbed soil samples
suitable for laboratory tests. It is intended as a guide to more complete specifications to meet the needs of a particular job.
1.2 There are, in general, two types of samplers that use thin-walled tubes for sampling, namely, open-tube samplers,
and piston samplers.

2. Apparatus
2.1 Drilling Equipment-Any drilling equipment may be used that provides a reasonably clean hole before insertion of
the thin-walled tube, that does not disturb the soil to be sampled, and that can effect continuous and rapid penetration of the
tube into the sampled soil.
2.2 Thin-walled Tubes-Thin-walled tubes 50.8 to 127 mm (2 to 5 in.) in outside diameter and made of any materials
having adequate strength and resistance to corrosion will be satisfactory (Fig. 1). Adequate resistance to corrosion can be
provided by a suitable coating. Sizes other than these may be used, if specified (Note 1).

Note 1: Minimum of 2 mounting holes on opposite sides for 51 to 89 mm (2 to 3 1/2 in.) sampler. Minimum of 4 mounting
holes spaced at 90 degrees for samplers 102 mm (4 in.) and larger. Tube held with hardened screws.
2.2.1 Tubes shall be of such a length that a minimum of 610 mm (or 24 in.) or five times the diameters, whichever is
greater, is available for penetration. Tubes may be of greater length, however, so a maximum of ten times the diameter is
available for penetration into sand and a maximum of fifteen diameters is available for penetration into clay. Tubes shall be
round and smooth, without bumps, dents or scrapes. They shall be clean and free from rust and dirt. Seamless or welded
tubes are permissible, but welds must not project at the seam. The cutting edge shall be machined as shown in Fig. 1 and
shall be free of nicks. The inside clearance ratio shall be 0.5 to 3 percent.
2.2.2 Two mounting holes 9.52 mm (3/8 in.) minimum shall be provided in the sampler head. A minimum venting area
of 3.9 cm2 (0.6 in.2) above check valve shall be used. Table 1 shows the dimensions of suitable thin-walled sample tubes.

Table 1

Suitable Thin-Walled Steel Sample Tubesa

Outside diameter:
Mm 50.8 76.2 127
in. 2 3 5
Wall Thickness:
Bwg 18 16 11
Mm 1.24 1.65 3.05
In. 0.049 0.065 0.12
Tube Length:
M 0.91 0.91 0.91
in. 36 36 36
Clearance ratio,
Percent 1 1 1
The three diameters recommended in Table I are indicated for purposes of standardization, and are not intended to indicate that sampling tubes of
intermediate or larger diameters are not acceptable. Lengths of tubes shown are illustrative. Proper lengths to be determined as suited to field

2.3 Sealing Materials-Any wax shall be permitted for sealing that does not have appreciable shrinkage, or does not
permit evaporation from the sample. Microcrystalline waxes are preferable to paraffin. Other acceptable apparatus for
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sealing tubes include suitable expanding packers and caps made of acceptable materials fitting over the end of the tube,
taped with waterproofing tape or waxed.

3. Procedure
3.1 Clean out the hole to sampling elevation using whatever method is preferred that will ensure that the material to be
sampled is not disturbed. In saturated sands and silts withdraw the drill bit slowly to prevent loosening of the soil around the
hole. Maintain the water level in the hole at or above ground water level.
3.2 The use of bottom discharge bits shall not be allowed, but any side discharge bit is permitted. The procedure of
jetting through an open-tube sampler to clean out the hole shall not be allowed.
3.3 With the sampling tube resting on the bottom of the hole and the water level in the boring at the ground water level
or above, push the tube into the soil by a continuous and rapid motion, without impact or twisting. In no case shall the tube
be pushed further than the length provided for the soil sample. Allow about 75 mm (3 in.) in the tube for cuttings and
3.4 When the soils are so hard that a pushing motion will not penetrate the sampler sufficiently for recovery, and where
recovery by pushing in sands is poor, use a driving hammer to drive the sampler. In such a case, record the mass, height,
and number of blows. Before pulling the tube turn it at least two revolutions to shear the sample off at the bottom.

4. Preparation for Shipment

4.1 Upon removal of the sampler tube, measure and record the length of sample in tube along with the length
4.2 If the sample is to be extruded in the field, extreme care should be taken to minimize disturbance. When the sample
container or liner is to be removed from the sample, the relative movement should be the same as during the sampling in
order to avoid a reversal of the stresses induced by the inside wall friction. The sample should be extruded onto a smooth,
clean surface, cut to desired size and immediately wrapped with an impermeable wrapping (wax paper), placed in a
container (preferably cardboard) then sealed completely with wax.
4.3 If the sample is to be shipped or stored in the tube, care should be exercised to remove all cuttings and disturbed
material before sealing the tubes. When insert disks and wax are used to seal the tube, at least 25.4 mm (I in.) of soil should
be removed from the lower end, the impervious disk inserted and both ends of the tube sealed with wax applied in a way
that will prevent wax from entering the sample. Where the tubes are to be shipped some distance, tape the ends to prevent
breakage of the seals. It Is advisable to place cheesecloth around the ends after sealing and dip the ends several times in the
melted wax. When caps are used to seal the tube, they should be wrapped with waterproof tape or postively sealed by the
application of wax.
4.4 Affix labels to the containers or tubes giving job designation, sample location, boring number, sample number,
depth, penetration, and recovery length. Record a careful description of the soil, noting composition, structure, consistency,
color, and degree of moisture. Mark the tube and boring numbers in duplicate.
4.5 Do not allow tubes of sample containers to freeze, and store in a cool place out of the sun at all times. Ship samples
protected with suitable resilient packing material to reduce shock, vibration, and disturbance. When possible the tubes
should be shipped or stored in the relative position as the in situ position of the sample.
4.6 Using part of the extruded sample or the soil removed from the ends of the tube, make a careful description giving
composition, condition, color, and, if possible, structure and consistency.

5. Report
5.1 Data obtained from borings shall be recorded in the field and shall include the following:
5.1.1 Name and location of job,
5.1.2 Date of boring-start, finish,
5.1.3 Boring number and coordinate, if available,
5.1.4 Surface elevation, if available,
5.1.5 Sample number and depth,
5.1.6 Method of advancing sampler, penetration and recovery lengths,
5.1.7 Type and size of sampler,
5.1.8 Description of soil,
5.1.9 Thickness of layer, and
5.1.10 Depth to water surface; to loss of water; to artesian head; time at which reading was made.
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Table of Contents
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Diamond Core Drilling for Site Investigation

MRD Test Method 226

(Adaptation of AASHTO T 225-75)

1. Scope
1.1 This method covers a procedure for diamond core drilling designed for securing intact samples of rock and some
soils which are too hard to sample by soil sampling methods. This method is primarily for obtaining data for foundation and
slope design and similar civil engineering purposes..

2. Equipment
2.1 Rotary drilling machine, capable of providing a rotary motion and hydraulically, or mechanically an actuated feed
or thrust.
2.2 A water or drilling mud pump, or air compressor capable of delivering sufficient volume and pressure of drilling
fluid for the size of the hole to be drilled.
2.3 Core Barrels as Required.
2.3.1 Single or double tube, X-design, consisting of a hollow tube, with a head at the upper end threaded for drill rod.
When a swivel inner barrel is contained in the core barrel it shall be suspended on a bearing hanger and the drilling fluid
routed between the inner and outer barrels. The lower end of the outer barrel is fitted with a blank or set reaming shell, a
core lifter, and a core bit.
2.3.2 Double tube, swivel-type, M-design, or equivalent, similar to the double tube X-design with the important
difference that the inner tube extends into the core bit and the core lifter is mounted inside the inner tube to protect cores of
soft or friable formation.
2.4 Core Bits-The core bits shall be set with diamonds, tungsten carbide, or similar hard materials appropriate to the
hardness of the materials being drilled and shall be furnished in X- or M-design or equivalent as required. The sizes of the
core barrels and bits shall be as given in Table 1.
2.5 Drive Pipe or Casing-Standard weight or extra heavy pipe, as required by the nature of overburden or the drilling
method, shall be furnished where necessary for driving through soils to bedrock. The casing or pipe shall have an inside
diameter of sufficient size to accommodate the largest size core barrel to be employed. The inside of the casing or pipe shall
be free of burrs and obstructions.
2.6 Auxiliary Casing-When it is necessary to case through formations already penetrated by the drill or when no drive
casing has been employed, casing shall be provided with an outside diameter that will fit inside the hole and an inside
diameter that will permit the use of the next smaller bit and core barrel. Standard sizes of casing are given in Table 2.
2.7 Drill Rods-The drill rods shall have an inside diameter that will permit the flow of drilling fluid through the rods in
a quantity sufficient to provide an upward velocity of the fluid between the rod and the hole wall that will remove the
cuttings effectively.
2.8 Auxiliary Equipment-Auxiliary equipment shall be furnished as required by the work including roller bits, fishtail
bits, wrenches, equipment for mixing the drilling mud, hand tools, safety equipment, etc.
2.9 Core Boxes-Core boxes of wood or other durable material shall be provided for protection and storage of the cores.
The boxes shall be provided with hinged covers and with longitudinal spacers that will separate the core into compartments.
Small blocks which fit between the spacers shall be provided to mark the beginning and end of each run or pull of core. The
upper left corner of the core box shall be as indicated in Fig. 1. The upper left will be next to the hinged side of the box
when the box is opened, similar to page one of a book.

3. Procedure
3.1 When formations are encountered which are too hard to be sampled by soil sampling methods, the core drilling
procedure shall be used. A penetration of 25 mm (or 0.08 ft) or less for 50 blows (Note 1) according to MRDTM 224,
Method for Penetration Test and Split-Barrel Sampling of Soils, shall be considered as indicating that soil sampling
methods are not applicable (Note 1).

Note 1: The limit of 50 blows per 25 mm (or 1 in.) may be increased if the core recoveries prove to be small and samples
can be secured by the soil sampling method.
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3.2 Firmly seat the casing on bedrock or hard material to prevent loose materials from entering the hole, and to prevent
the loss of drilling fluid. Level the surface of the rock or hard material when necessary by the use of a fishtail or other bits.
If an open drill hole can be maintained without casing, the casing may be omitted. Bentonite mud is often effective in
maintaining an open hole without the use of casing.
3.3 Begin the core drilling using the NWX or NWM double tube swivel-core barrel. The first core run will usually be
1.5 m (or 5 ft) because of nonuniform conditions at the soil rock contact (Note 2). The NWM barrel should be inspected
prior to lowering into the hole to insure that the swivel is in good working order and rotating freely. The clearance between
the inner barrel, when incorporated in the barrel, and the bit should be checked and adjusted if necessary to insure that the
space between the bit and the inner barrel is sufficient so as not to restrict the flow of drilling fluid. Either type barrel should
be inspected for dents or bends which impair rock recovery. The barrel should also be checked for material left in the barrel
from previous drilling, to insure the barrel is clean and unobstructed. The core retainer should be inspected and if worn
excessively or damaged it should be replaced. The choice of bit setting shall be consistent with the type material to be
drilled. Use extreme caution not to drop foreign material into the hole. Should an object be dropped into the hole and not be
recoverable, abandon the hole and start a new one. Inspect all drill rods to be used for straightness. If any rods display bends
when rolled over a flat surface they should not be used.

Note 2: In soft materials a larger starting size may be specified; where local experience indicates satisfactory core recovery
or where hard ' sound materials are anticipated, a smaller size or the single-tube type may be specified in place of the NWX
or NWM tube, and longer runs may be drilled.
3.4 Lower the barrel into the hole using care to set the barrel gently on the formation to be drilled, to prevent damage
to the bit or buckling of the barrel. Measurement of barrel and rods to be used is essential, measurement shall be to the
nearest 3 cm (or 0.1 ft). Log the depth when the barrel makes contact with the bottom of the hole. If the depth is more than 3
cm (or 0.1 ft) less than the depth logged from the previous run there is probably loose material or a core in the hole. Connect
the drill chuck to the string of tools and connect the drilling fluid supply line. Prior to rotating, lift the string of tools slightly
and start the circulation of the drilling fluid. Allow the fluid to circulate until a full flow condition is reached. Lower the
tools slowly to the bottom and seat the bit by slowly starting the rotation and slowly increasing the vertical pressure, main-
taining full flow of the drilling fluid. When the bit is seated adjust the vertical pressure and the rotation to achieve proper
penetration in accordance with the formation being drilled (Note 3). Log the depth where the coring began to the nearest 3
cm (0.1 ft). If the flow of the drilling fluid is blocked during drilling, raise the bit slightly to allow the fluid flow to return. If
the flow does not return remove the drilling tools and correct the problem as necessary to maintain adequate flow of the
drilling fluid. A judgment may be required when different types of material are encountered in a given run and recovery is
less than 100 percent of the actual thickness of a given formation. To aid in making this judgement the rate of penetration
and the drilling fluid color and texture shall be monitored as drilling proceeds. The depth where changes are noted in the
penetration rate and/or the color and/or texture of the cuttings in the return fluid are to be recorded for reference when this
judgement is required. It may be desirable to retain samples of the cuttings contained in the return fluid at changes of color
or texture or at set intervals.

Note 3: The life expectancy of the bit and the rate of penetration are dependent upon proper force on the bit and the
peripheral velocity of the bit. The peripheral velocity should be as high as possible without causing undue strain on the drill
rig or excessive vibration of the drilling tools. The force on the bit should be adjusted to match the formation and the design
of the bit. For a given bit design a softer formation would require less force than harder formation. It may be necessary to
anchor the drill rig to obtain sufficient force on the bit.
3.5 After drilling a depth equivalent to the length of the barrel (not to exceed 3 m (or 10 ft) and minus any loose
material noted during the seating of the barrel) remove the core barrel from the hole, and remove the core from the barrel.
Place the core in the core box in such a manner that the top of the rock stratum will be located at the upper left hand end of
the left compartment as shown in Fig. 1. When the run is greater than the length of the first compartment, the next
compartment to the right is measured and temporarily marked at a point which will be equivalent to the difference between
the length of the compartment and the length of the run measured from upper left to lower left. The first segment of rock
removed from the core barrel (bottom of core run) shall be placed in the box so that the bottom of the core is either at the
lower left end of the left compartment or at the temporary mark in the next compartment to the right. Each additional piece
removed from the barrel shall be placed in the box one after another orienting each piece of core with the direction of the
box so that the upper stratum is to the upper end/or left of the box in respect to lower stratum. Proceed to place the core in
the box from the lower end to the upper end as the core is removed from the barrel in such a manner that the top of the
stratum falls in the upper left end of the left compartment as described in Sec 2.9. When all the core has apparently been re-
moved from the barrel, check the barrel by inserting a rule into the core barrel and check the length to insure that all of the
material has been removed. After all the material has been removed from the barrel, adjust the core in the box so that the
pieces are consolidated together to represent as nearly as practical their in situ length, taking care to fit the broken pieces to-
gether in such a manner that will not cause a false measure of the recovered core. Measure the recovered core to the nearest
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3 cm (or 0.1 ft) and record the recovery. After performing the measurement for core recovery, mark the depths of the top
and bottom of the core and each noticeable gap in the formation by a spacer block clearly labeled. Wrap delicate cores or
those which change materially upon drying in plastic film or seal in wax or both, when such treatment is considered
necessary by the Engineer. Subsequent core runs from the same project and hole shall continue this procedure with the top
of the next run beginning at the bottom of the last proceeding run. Measure the length of the run from the end of the last run
from upper to lower in the compartment utilizing the next compartment to the right when the compartment will not accom-
modate the entire run, and mark the bottom of the run with a temporary marker. Place the first segment of rock removed
from the core barrel (bottom of core run) at the newly established temporary mark. Place the core in the box as described
3.6 When soft materials are encountered from a core run which produce less than 50 percent recovery, changes in the
type of barrel, drilling procedure, or a change to soil sampling procedures should be considered. If soil samples are desired,
secure such samples in accordance with the procedures described in MRDTM 224, Penetration Test and SplitBarrel
Sampling of Soils, or by MRDTM 225, Thin-Walled Tube Sampling of Soils. Resume diamond core drilling when refusal
materials are again encountered.
3.7 Since rock structure and the occurrence of seams, fissures, cavities, and broken areas are among the most
important items to be detected and described, take special care to observe and record these features. If broken rock or
cavities prevent the advance of the boring, 1) cement the hole, or 2) ream and case, or 3) case and advance with the next
smaller size core barrel, as the conditions warrant. Follow the same procedure where fissures are encountered which cause
the loss of drilling fluid return (Notes 4 and 5).

Note 4: Whenever the drilling water loss indicates conditions of engineering or geologic importance the procedure for
advancing the boring will be as determined by the Engineer.

Note 5: Other optional procedures are as follows: 1) In soft, seamy, or otherwise unsound rock, where core recovery may be
difficult, the M-design core barrels may be specified; 2) and in hard sound rock where a high percentage of core recovery is
anticipated, the single tube core barrel may be used.

4. Report
4.1 The report shall include the following:
4.1.1 Project identification, boring number, location, and driller,
4.1.2 Elevation of the ground surface,
4.1.3 Elevation of ground water, including dates and times measured,
4.1.4 Elevations (or depths) at which drilling water return was lost,
4.1.5 Size and design of core barrel used. Size and length of all casing and any movements of the casing,
4.1.6 Length of each core run and the length, or percentage, or both, of the core recovered,
4.1.7 Description of the rock in each run,
4.1.8 Structure including stratification, angle of dip, cavities, fissures, and any other observations which could give
information on these features,
4.1.9 Depth, thickness and apparent nature of the filling in each cavity or soft seam in the rock,
4. 1. 10 Depth of sample cuttings retained from the drilling fluid,
4.1.11 Any changes in the character of the drilling fluid, and
4.1.12 Date of beginning and end of boring.
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Table 1
Sizes of Core Barrels

Size Hole Core

Diameter Diameter
mm (in.) mm (in.)
EWX, EWM 38.1 (1.5) 20.6 (0.812)
AWX, AWM 49.2 (1.957) 30.2 (1.375)
BWX, BWM 60.3 (2.375) 41.3 (1.625)
NWX, NWIVI 76.2 (3) 54.0 (2.125)
69.9 x 98.4mm (23/4 x 37/8) 98.4 (3.875) 68.3 (2.687)
102 x 140mm (4 x 51/2) 140 (5.5) 100 (3.937)
152 x 197mm (6 x 73/4) 197 (7.75) 151 (5.937)

Table 2
Standard Sizes of Casing

Outside Inside Will Fit Hole

Size Diameter Diameter Drilled By:
mm (in.) mm (in.)
EX 46 (1.812) 38.1 (1.5) AWX, AWM
AX 57.2 (2.25) 48.4 (1.906) BWX, BWM
BX 73.0 (2.875) 60.3 (2.187) NWX, NWM
NX 88.9 (3.5) 76.2 (3.0) 69.9 x 98.4mm
(23/4 x 37/8)
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Field Vane Shear Test in Cohesive Soil

MRD Test Method 227

(Adaptation of AASHTO T 223-76)

1. Scope
1.1 This method covers the field vane test in soft, saturated, cohesive soils. Knowledge of the nature of the soil in which
each vane test is to be made is necessary for assessment of the applicability and interpretation of the test.

2. Summary of Method
2.1 The vane shear test basically consists of placing a four-bladed vane in the undisturbed soil and rotating it from the
surface to determine the torsional force required to cause a cylindrical surface to be sheared by the vane; this force is then
converted to a unit shearing resistance of the cylindrical surface. It is of basic importance that the friction of the vane rod
and instrument be accounted for; otherwise, the friction would be improperly recorded as soil strength. Friction
measurements under no-load conditions (such as the use of a blank stem in place of the vanes, or a vane that allows some
free rotation of the rod prior to loading) are satisfactory only provided that the torque is applied by a balanced moment that
does not result in a side thrust. As torsional forces become greater during a test, a side thrust in the instrument will result in
an increase in friction that is not accounted for by initial no-load readings. Instruments involving side thrust are not
recommended. The vane rod may be of sufficient rigidity that it does not twist under full load conditions; otherwise a
correction must be made for plotting torque-rotation curves.

3. Apparatus
3.1 The vane shall consist of a four-bladed vane as illustrated in Fig. 1. The height of the vane shall be twice the
diameter. Vane dimensions shall be as specified in Table 1. Sizes other than those specified in Table 1 shall be used only
with the permission of the Engineer in charge of the boring program. The ends of the vane may be tapered (Fig. 1). The
penetrating edge of the vane blade shall be sharpened having an included angle of 90 degrees.

Table 1

Recommended Dimensions of Field Vanes

Casing Size Diameter Height Thickness of Diameter of

Blade Vane Rod
mm (in.) mm (in.) mm (in.) mm (in.)
Ax 38.1 (1.5) 76.2 (3) 1.59 (0.0625) 12.7 (0.5)
Bx 50.8 (2) 102 (4) 1.59 (0.0625) 12.7 (0.5)
Nx 63.5 (2.5) 127 (5) 3.18 (0.125) 12.7 (0.5)
102 mm
(4 in.) (ID) 92.1 (3.625) 184 (7.25) 3.18 (0.125) 12.7 (0.5)

3.2 The vanes shall be connected to the surface by means of steel torque rods. These rods shall have sufficient
diameter such that their elastic limit is not exceeded when the vane is stressed to its capacity (Note 1). They shall be so
coupled that the shoulders of the male and female ends shall meet to prevent any possibility of the coupling tightening when
the torque is applied during the test. If a vane housing is used, the torque rods shall be equipped with well lubricated
bearings where they pass through the housing. These bearings shall be provided with seals to prevent soil from entering
them. The torque rods shall be guided so as to prevent friction from developing between the torque rods and the walls of
casing or boring.

Note 1: If torque versus rotation curves are to be determined, it is essential that the torque rods be calibrated, prior to use in
the field. The amount of rod twist (if any) must be established in degrees per meter (or foot per unit torque). This correction
becomes progressively more important as the depth of the test increases and the calibration must be made at least to the
maximum depth of testing anticipated.
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3.3 Torque shall be applied to the torque rods, thence to the vane. The accuracy of the torque reading should be such
that it will produce a variation not to exceed 12.3 g/CM2 ( 25 lb/ft2) shear strength.
3.4 It is preferable to apply torque to the vane with a geared drive. In the absence of a geared drive, it is acceptable to
apply the torque directly by hand with a torque wrench or equivalent. The duration of the test should be controlled by the
requirements of Sec 4.3.

4. Procedure
4.1 In the case where a vane housing is used, advance the housing to a depth which is at least five vane housing
diameters less than the desired depth of the vane tip. Where no vane housing is used, stop the hole in which the vane is
lowered at a depth such that the vane tip may penetrate undisturbed soil for a depth of at least five times the diameter of the
4.2 Advance the vane from the bottom of the hole or the vane housing in a single thrust to the depth at which the test is
to be conducted. Take precautions to make sure no torque is applied to the torque rods during the thrust.
4.3 With the vane in position, apply the torque to the vane at a rate which should not exceed 0. 1 deg/s. This generally
requires a time to failure of from 2 to 5 minutes, except in very soft clays where the time to failure may be as much as 10 to
15 minutes. In stiffer materials, which reach failure at small deformations, it may be desirable to reduce the rate of angular
displacement so that a reasonable determination of the stress-strain properties can be obtained. During the rotation of the
vane, hold it at a fixed elevation. Record the maximum torque. With apparatus with geared drives it is desirable to record
intermediate values of torque at intervals of 15 s or at lesser frequency if conditions require.
4.4 Following the determination of the maximum torque, rotate the vane rapidly through a minimum of 10 revolutions;
the determination of the remolded strength should be started immediately after completion of rapid rotation and in all cases
within I minute after the remolding process.
4.5 In the case where soil is in contact with the torque rods, determine the friction between the soil and the rod by
means of torque tests conducted on similar rods at similar depths with no vane attached. Conduct the rod friction test at least
once on each site; this shall consist of a series of torque tests at varying depths.
4.6 In apparatus in which the torque rod is completely isolated from the soil, conduct a friction test with a blank rod at
least once on each site to determine the magnitude of the friction of the bearings. In a properly functioning vane apparatus,
this friction should be negligible (Note 2).

Note 2: In some cases it is not necessary to remove the vane for the friction test. As long as the vane is not in contact with
the soil, that is, where it is retracted into a casing, the friction measurements are not affected.
4.7 Conduct undisturbed and remolded vane tests in cohesive soils only. Do not conduct the vane test in any soil that
will permit drainage or dilates during the test period, such as sands or silts or in soils where stones or shells are encountered
by the vane in such a manner as to influence the results.

5. Calculation
5.1 Calculate the shear strength of the soil in the following manner: The turning moment required to shear the soil is as

T = torque, N in (lbf ft),
s = shear strength, of the clay, kgf/cm2 (lbf/ft2) , and
K = constant, depending upon the dimensions and shape of vane, m2 (ft2).

5.2 Assuming the distribution of the shear strength is uniform across the ends of a cylinder and around the perimeter,
calculate the value of K as follows:

D 2 H D
K= (1 + )
2 10 6
D = measured diameter of vane, cm and,
H = measured height of vane, cm.

It is important that these dimensions are checked periodically to ensure the vane is not distorted or worn.

5.3 As the ratio of length to breadth of the vane is 2: 1, the value of K may be simplified in terms of the diameter so
that it becomes the following:
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K = 0.00000366D3
5.4 Since the value of s is required, it is more useful to write the equation as follows:

s =T k



and T, the torque, is measured so that s can be calculated.

5.5 For the tapered vane of Fig. 1, the following modified equation may be used for the vane constant using metric

10 6
[ (
D 3 + 0.37 2 D 3 d 3 )]
d = rod diameter in cm.

6. Report
6.1 For each vane test record the following observations:
6.1.1 Date of the test,
6.1.2 Boring number,
6.1.3 Size and shape of the vane (tapered or rectangular),
6.1.4 Depth of the vane tip,
6.1.5 Depth of the vane tip below the housing or bottom of the hole,
6.1.6 Maximum torque reading, and intermediate readings if required for the undisturbed test,
6.1.7 Time to failure of the test,
6.1.8 Rate of remolding,
6.1.9 Maximum torque reading for the remolded test, and
6.1.10 Notes on any deviations from standard test procedure.
6.2 In addition, record the following observations for the boring:
6.2.1 Boring number,
6.2.2 Location,
6.2.3 Location of the soil conditions,
6.2.4 Reference elevation,
6.2.5 Method of making the hole,
6.2.6 Description of the vane, that is, housed or not,
6.2.7 Description of the method of applying and measuring the torque,
6.2.8 Notes on the driving resistance,
6.2.9 Name of the drilling foreman, and
6.2.10 Name of the supervising Engineer.
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Determining Expansive Soils and Remedial Actions

MRD Test Method 228

(Adaptation of AASHTO T 258-78)

1. Scope
1.1 This standard covers a method to determine if a soil is expansive and methods to predict the amount of swell. Also
presented are present methods used to control the amount of swell in an expansive soil.

2. Applicable Documents
2.1 MRDTM Standards
MRDTM 201, Dry Preparation of Disturbed Soil and Soil-Aggregate Samples for Test.
MRDTM 207, Specific Gravity of Soils.
MRDTM 208, Determining the Plastic Limit and Plasticity Index of Soils.
MRDTM 209, Determining the Liquid Limit of Soils.
MRDTM 230, One Dimensional Consolidation Properties of Soils.

3. Detecting Expansive Soils

3.1 The potential expansiveness of a soil may be determined by the Index Properties Method. This method is based on
the Atterberg Limits of the soil.
3.2 Using MRD Test Methods, the Liquid Limit, and Plasticity Index are determined on a soil. From the table below
determine how potentially expansive the soil is using the Liquid Limit (LL), and Plasticity Index (PI).

Degree of Expansion PI LL
Low < 12 20-35
Medium 12-23 35-50
High 23-32 50-70
Very High > 32 70-90
Extra High > 32 > 90

4. Determining the Amount of Swell

4.1 Determine the amount of swell to be expected in a stratum by the following method(s):
4.2 Method I-Prepare an undisturbed sample for consolidation testing according to the procedure in MRDTM 230.
Extreme care should be taken to prevent moisture loss during the preparation stage. From the sample trimmings, determine
the field moisture content and the specific gravity of the soil. The field moisture is determined as a percentage of the mass
of oven-dried soil and shall be calculated as follows:

Mass of Water
Mosture % = 100
Mass of Oven Dried Soil

The specific gravity of the soil is determined as outlined in MRDTM 207. After the sample has been placed in the
consolidometer, a load equal to the existing over-burden pressure is applied on the sample. This load shall be maintained
until the dial gauge of the extensometer indicates that all adjustment to the applied load has ceased. During the application
of this load and adjustment period, extreme care must be exercised to prevent desiccation. It is extremely important not to
lose any moisture from this sample. This may be accomplished by covering the consolidometer with moist cotton. This
loading procedure returns the sample, as closely as possible, to the actual field void ratio and field condition since extrusion
subjects undisturbed samples to immediate elastic rebound. Actual field conditions are defined as Point One (1) in Fig. 1.
The sample is then inundated and allowed to reach an equilibrium as indicated by the dial gauge of the extensometer. This
condition then is defined as Point Two (2) in Fig. 1. The sample is then unloaded in decrements of load that a laboratory
normally uses to the desired pressure, thus producing a swell curve from Point Two (2) to Point Three (3) in Fig. 1. From
this point (Point 3, Fig. 1), a normal consolidation-rebound test is conducted as outlined in MRDTM 230. Since the swell
curves form approximately straight lines on a semi-log plot, by extrapolating the swell curves between Points 2 and 3 until it
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intersects the Field Void Ratio at Point Four (4), the No Volume Pressure is determined. The Field Void Ratio (ef) is
determined as follows:

Percent Field Moisture Specific Gravity

ef =
Percent Saturation

4.3 Method II-This method is presented because there may be a need to expedite the work and the existing overburden
load may be so small that obtaining swell curves directly may be meaningless. This method may be used only after running
several tests by Method I and finding that the slope of the rebound curve, Points Five (5) and Six (6), is substantially the
same as the slope of the swell curve, Points Two (2) and Three (3). Method II is the same as Method I to the point where the
sample is inundated and the total swell is recorded. At this point, a normal consolidation-rebound load sequence is followed
to produce the desired curves. Since the slope of the rebound and swell curves are substantially the same, the swell curve
can be produced by passing a curve through Point Two (2), Fig. 1, that is parallel to the rebound curve. The intersection of
this curve with the Field Void Ratio gives the point of No Volume Change or maximum swell pressure potential.

5. Calculations
5.1 Calculation for the amount of swell to be expected in a stratum can be made as follows:
1+ ef

S = amount of swell, mm,
e = difference in void ratio at overburden pressure (No Volume Change Load) and the desired overburden pressure,
H = thickness of stratum, mm, and
ef = void ratio at field stress conditions.

6. Preventive (or Remedial) Methods

6.1 All preventive methods are directed to keeping the moisture content of swelling soils constant. Without moisture
change, these soils are generally stable. Four possible methods are as follows:
6.2 Membranes-The most widely used membrane is a catalytically blown asphalt that is generally placed completely
across the subgrade to the bottom of side ditches and up the back slope to a vertical distance of 45 cm (or 18 in.). There are
other waterproof membranes that have been used in the same mode as the asphalts. The most popular of these is a plastic
sheet with joints sealed by some means such as liquid asphalts.
6.3 Ponding-Ponding has been used successfully in soils that had fissures and cracks. The idea is to obtain all the swell
possible before paving. Generally, lime stabilization is used in conjunction with ponding to provide a work platform and an
impermeable barrier to prevent desiccation.
6.4 Lime Treatment-It appears that lime continues to be the most effective and widely used additive for reducing
swelling characteristics of expansive clays. In addition to conventional shallow mix-in-place or batch mix surface treatment
drill-hole lime, LSPI, deep-plow techniques have been used successfully. The benefits from drill-hole lime is the increase in
moisture content of the surrounding subgrade and stress relief of lateral expansive pressures. The benefits obtained from
Lime Slurry Pressure Injection (LSPI) are attributed to prewetting, development of soil-lime moisture barriers, and the
formation of limited quantities of soil-lime reaction products.
6.5 Mix and Compact-The mixing and compaction of the subgrade to various depths with moisture-compaction control
has been effective.
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Table of Contents
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Unconfined Compressive Strength of Cohesive Soil

MRD Test Method 229

(Adaptation of AASHTO T 208-70)

1. Scope
1.1 This method covers the determination of the unconfined compressive strength of cohesive soil in the undisturbed
and remolded conditions, using either strain-controlled or stress-controlled application of the test load. The primary purpose
of the unconfined compression test is to obtain quickly approximate quantitative values of the compressive strength of soil
possessing sufficient coherence to permit testing in the unconfined state.

2. Definition
2.1 Unconfined Compressive Strength-The load per unit area at which an unconfined prismatic or cylindrical specimen
of soil will fail in a simple compression test. In this method unconfined compressive strength is taken as the minimum load
attained per unit area or the load per unit area at 20 percent axial strain, whichever occurs first during the performance of a

3. Apparatus
3.1 Compression Device-The compression device may be a platform weighing scale equipped with a
screw-jack-activated load yoke, a dead-weight load apparatus, a hydraulic loading device, or any other compression device
with sufficient capacity and control to provide the rate of loading prescribed in Sec 5 and 6. For soil with an unconfined
compressive strength of less than 1 kg/cm2 (or 14 psi) the compression device shall be capable of measuring the unit load to
within 10 g/cm2 (or 0.14 psi). For soil with an unconfined compressive strength of 1 kg/cm2 (or 14 psi) or greater, the
compression device shall be capable of measuring the unit load to the nearest 50 g/cm2 (or 0.7 psi).
3.2 Sample Ejector-The sample ejector shall be capable of ejecting the soil core from the sampling tube in the same
direction of travel as the sample entered the tube and with negligible disturbance of the sample. Conditions at the time of
sample removal may dictate the direction of removal, but the principal concern is to keep the degree of disturbing neg-
3.3 Deformation Indicator-The deformation indicator shall be a dial indicator graduated to 0.025 mm (0.001 in.) and
having a travel range of at least 20 percent of the length of the test specimen or other measuring device meeting these
3.4 Vernier Caliper-The caliper shall be suitable for measuring the physical dimensions of the specimen to the nearest
0.25 mm (0.01 in.).
3.5 Timer-A timing device indicating the elapsed testing time to the nearest s shall be used for establishing the rate of
stress or strain application prescribed in Sec 5 and 6.
3.6 Drying Oven-A thermostatically controlled drying oven capable of maintaining a temperature of 110 5 C for
drying moisture content samples.
3.7 Balances-The balances shall be suitable for weighing soil specimens. Specimens of less than 100 g shall be weighed
to the nearest 0.01 g, whereas specimens of 100 g or larger shall be weighed to the nearest 0.1 g.
3.8 Miscellaneous Apparatus-Specimen trimming and carving tools, remolding apparatus, moisture content cans, and
data sheets, as required.

4. Preparation of Test Specimens

4.1 Specimen Size-Specimens should have a minimum diameter of 33 mm (or 1.3 in.) and the largest particle contained
within the test specimen shall be smaller than one-tenth of the specimen diameter. For specimens having a diameter of 71
mm (2.8 in.) or larger, the largest particle size shall be smaller than one-sixth of the specimen diameter. If, after completion
of a test on an undisturbed specimen, it is found that larger particles than permitted are present, indicate this information in
the report of test data under remarks. The height-to-diameter ratio shall be between 2 and 3. Measure the height and
diameter of the specimen to the nearest 0.25 mm (0.01 in.) using a vernier caliper or other suitable device.
4.2 Undisturbed Specimens-Prepare undisturbed specimens from large undisturbed samples or from samples secured in
accordance with the Method for Thin-Walled Tube Sampling of Soils (MRDTM 225). Tube specimens may be tested
without trimming except for the squaring of ends if conditions of the sample justify this procedure. Handle specimens care-
fully to prevent disturbance changes in cross-section, or loss of moisture content. If compression or any type of noticeable
Table of Contents
disturbance would be caused by the ejection device, split the sample tube lengthwise or cut it off in small sections to
facilitate removal of the specimen without disturbance. Prepare carved specimens, whenever possible, in a humidity-
controlled room. Make every effort to prevent any change in moisture content of the soil. Specimens shall be of uniform
circular or square cross-section with ends perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the specimen. Where pebbles or
crumbling result in excessive irregularity at the ends, cap the specimen with a minimum thickness of plaster of paris,
hydrostone, or similar material. Where sample condition permits, a vertical lathe that will accommodate the total sample
may be used as an aid in carving the specimen to the required diameter. Where prevention of the development of
appreciable capillary forces is deemed important, seal the specimen with a rubber membrane, thin plastic coatings, or with a
coating of grease or sprayed plastic immediately after preparation and during the entire testing cycle. Determine the mass of
the test specimen. If the entire test specimen is not to be used for determination of moisture content, secure a representative
sample of cuttings for this purpose, placing them immediately in a covered container.
4.3 Remolded Specimens-Specimens may be prepared either from a failed undisturbed specimen or from a disturbed
sample. In the case of failed undisturbed specimens, wrap the material in a thin rubber membrane and work the material
thoroughly with the fingers to assure complete remolding. Exercise care to avoid entrapping air in the specimen to obtain a
uniform density, to remold to the same void ratio as the undisturbed specimen, and to preserve the natural moisture content
of the soil. Compact the disturbed material into a mold of circular cross-section having dimensions meeting the
requirements enumerated in Sec 4.1. Compacted specimens may be prepared at any predetermined moisture content and
density and, if required, may be saturated prior to testing. Notation that saturation was performed should be made in the
report of the test data. After a specimen is formed, trim the ends perpendicular to the longitudinal axis, remove from the
mold, and determine the mass of the test specimen.

5. Procedure Using Controlled Strain

5.1 Place the specimen in the loading device so that it is centered on the bottom platen.
Adjust the loading device carefully so that the upper platen just makes contact with the specimen. Zero the deformation
indicator. Apply the load so as to produce axial strain at a rate of 1/2 to 2 percent per minute and record load and
deformation values every 30 s. Regulate the rate of strain so that the approximate time to failure for unsealed specimens
never exceeds 10 minutes (Note 1). Continue loading until the load values decrease with increasing strain, or until 20
percent strain is reached. The rate of strain used for testing sealed specimens may be decreased if deemed desirable for
better test results and should be indicated in the report of the test data as required in Sec 8.1.7. Determine the moisture
content of the test specimen using the entire specimen unless representative cuttings are obtained for this purpose as in the
case of undisturbed specimens.

Note 1: This means that softer materials which will exhibit larger deformations at failure should be tested at a higher rate of
strain. Conversely, stiff or brittle materials which will exhibit small deformation at failure should be tested at a lower rate of
5.2 Make a sketch of the test specimen at failure showing the slope angle of the failure surface if the angle is

6. Procedure Using Controlled Stress

6.1 Prior to testing, estimate the failure load for the specimen (Note 2). Place the specimen in the loading device so that
it is centered on the bottom platen. Adjust the loading device carefully so that the upper platen just makes contact with the
specimen. Zero the deformation indicator. Place an initial load on the specimen equal to one-tenth to one-fifteenth the
estimated failure load. After 1/2 minute read the deformation and place another load on the specimen equal to the first load.
Repeat this process to failure or to 20 percent strain. Allow 1/2 minute between each increase in load. Read and record
deformation prior to each load increase. If it becomes obvious during the progress of the test that more than fifteen or less
than ten load increments will be required to fail the specimen, adjust the incremental loads accordingly. Determine the
moisture content of the test specimen, using the entire specimen unless representative cuttings are obtained for this purpose
as in the case of undisturbed specimens.
6.2 Make a sketch of the test specimen at failure showing the slope angle of the failure surface if the angle is

Note 2: This estimate may be made on the basis of experience with similar material, or, where this is lacking, some type of
penetration device may be used on an unused portion of the sample.

7. Calculations
7.1 Calculate the axial strain, , for a given applied load, as follows:
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L= change in length of specimen as read from deformation indicator, and
L0 = initial length of test specimen.

7.2 Calculate the average cross-sectional area, A, for a given applied load, as follows:
A0= initial average cross-sectional area of the specimen, and
= axial strain for the given load.

The area, A, may alternately be calculated from dimensions obtained by direct measurement when the surfaces of the
specimen are measurable.
7.3 Calculate the load per unit area, o-, for a given applied load, as follows:

c =
P = given applied load, and
A = corresponding average cross-sectional area.

7.4 Graph-Prepare a graph showing the relationship between unit load and unit strain, plotting unit-load values as the
ordinate and unit-strain values as the abscissa. Select the maximum value of load per unit area or the load per unit area at 20
percent strain, whichever occurs first, to report as the unconfined compressive strength. Whenever it is considered necessary
for proper interpretation, include the graph of the stress-strain data as part of the data reported in Sec 8.1.8.

8. Report
8.1 The report shall include the following:
8. 1. 1 Unconfined compressive strength,
8.1.2 Type and shape of specimen; undisturbed, compacted, remolded, cylindrical, or prismatic,
8.1.3 Height to diameter ratio,
8.1.4 Visual description including soil name, symbol, etc,
8.1.5 Initial density, moisture, and degree of saturation (if laboratory saturated, note degree attained),
8.1.6 Average strain at failure, percent,
8.1.7 Average rate of strain to failure, percent, and
8.1.8 Note any unusual conditions or other data that would be considered necessary to properly interpret the results
Table of Contents
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

One Dimensional Consolidation Properties of Soils

MRD Test Method 230

(Adaptation of AASHTO T 216-80)

1. Scope
1.1 This method covers the determination of the rate and magnitude of consolidation of soil when it is restrained
laterally and loaded and drained axially.

2. Apparatus
2.1 Load Device-A suitable device for applying vertical loads to the specimen. The device should be capable of
maintaining specified loads for long periods of time with an accuracy of 1 percent of the applied load, and should permit
application of a given increment within a period of 2 s without impact.
2.2 Consolidometer-A device to hold the sample in a ring which is either fixed to base of consolidometer or floating
(supported by friction on periphery of sample) with porous stones on each face of the sample. The consolidometer shall also
provide means for submerging the sample, for applying a vertical load, and for measuring the change in thickness of
sample. The consolidometer shall conform to the following requirements:
2.2.1 The minimum sample diameter shall be 50.8 mm (2.00 in.), and shall be at least 6.4 mm (1/4 in.) less than the
diameter of the sample tube if using undisturbed samples.
2.2.2 The minimum sample thickness shall be 12.5 mm (or 0.5 in.) but shall be not less than 10 times the maximum
grain diameter.
2.2.3 The minimum sample diameter to thickness ratio shall be 2.5.
2.2.4 The thickness of the ring shall be such that, under assumed hydrostatic stress conditions in the sample, the change
in diameter of the ring will not exceed 0.03 percent under the greatest load applied.
2.2.5 The ring shall be made of a material that is noncorrosive in relation to the soil tested. The inner surface shall be
highly polished or shall be coated with a low-friction material.
2.3 Porous Stone-The porous stones shall be of silicon carbide, aluminum oxide, or metal which is not attacked by the
soil or soil moisture and of medium grade. For soft fine-grain soils, a fine grade stone shall be used. The stone shall be
sufficiently fine that the soil will not extrude into the pores.
2.3.1 The diameter of the top stone shall be 0.2 to 0.5 mm (or 0.01 to 0.02 in.) less than that of the ring.
2.3.2 The stone thickness shall be sufficient to prevent breaking. The top stone shall be loaded through a corrosion
resistant plate of sufficient rigidity to prevent breakage of the stone.
2.4 Moisture room for storing samples, as well as for preparing samples in climates where moisture loss during
preparation exceeds 0.1 percent.
2.5 Trimmer, or cylindrical cutter, for trimming sample down to the inside diameter of the consolidometer ring with a
minimum of disturbance.
2.6 Balance sensitive to 0. 1 g or to 0.1 percent of the sample mass.
2.7 Drying Oven-A drying oven that can be maintained at 110 5 C.
2.8 Extensometer, to measure change in thickness of the sample with a sensitivity to 0.0025 mm (or 0.0001 in.).
2.9 Miscellaneous Equipment-Spatulas, knives, wire saws, etc., used in preparing the sample, and damp cloth, visqueen,
or rubber membrane to protect the sample from loss of moisture due to evaporation.
2.10 Moisture content containers.

3. Calibration
3.1 Assemble the consolidometer with a copper disk 10 mm (or more, depending on the consolidometer) thick and 1
mm smaller in diameter than the ring in place of the sample. The porous stones shall be moistened.
3.2 Load and unload the consolidometer as in the test and measure the deformation for each load applied.
3.3 Plot the correction to be applied to the deformation at 100 percent consolidation versus load.

4. Sample Preparation
4.1 Prepare the sample so moisture loss is less than 0.1 percent; if necessary, prepare the sample in a moist room. Trim
the sample to the inside diameter of the consolidometer ring, place the sample in the ring and trim it flush with the plane
Table of Contents
surface of the ring. The surface must be smooth. A sample ring with the cutting edge attached provides the most accurate fit
in moist soils (Note 1).

Note 1: Precautions should be taken to minimize disturbance of the soil or changes in moisture and density during sample
preparation; particularly vibration, distortion, and compression must be avoided.
4.2 Organic soils, such as peat, and those soils that are easily damaged, may be transferred directly from the sampling
tube to the ring where the ring and tube sizes have been selected for this purpose, and provided that the cutting edge of the
ring has the same diameter as the sample.
4.3 Weigh the sample in the consolidometer ring.

5. Natural Moisture Content, Mass, Volume, and Specific Gravity Determinations

5.1 Use the material trimmed adjacent to the sample (See 4) to determine the natural moisture content (based on dry
mass) and the specific gravity in accordance with MRDTM 207, Test for Specific Gravity of Soils. Determine initial wet
mass of the sample and its volume from the mass, diameter, and height of the sample ring. A more accurate determination of
the sample dry mass and moisture is found by drying the sample at the end of the test (See 6.9). The value determined from
the trimmings is approximate but permits determining the void ratio before the test is complete. The specific gravity can be
estimated where an accurate void ratio is not needed.
5.2 The liquid limit, as determined by MRDTM 209, Test for Liquid Limit of Soils, and the plastic limit, as determined
in accordance with MRDTM 208, Test for Plastic Limit and Plasticity Index of Soils, are useful in identifying the soil and
in correlating the results of tests on different soils. These tests may also be performed on the trimmings.

6. Procedure
6.1 The porous stones should be dampened so as not to absorb water from the sample or to contribute water to the
sample. All surfaces of the consolidometer which are to be enclosed should be moistened. Assemble with ring, sample and
porous stones. With the consolidometer assembled, enclose the sample, ring and porous stones in such a manner as to
prevent evaporation or movement of air around the sample. Wetting of the apparatus should be avoided when testing
swelling soils.
6.2 Place the consolidometer in the loading device and apply a seating pressure of 49 g/cm2 (or 100 lb/ft2). Adjust the
micrometer dial gauge for the initial or zero reading. For very soft soils a seating pressure of 24.5 g/cm2 (or 50 lb/ft2) or less
is desirable.
6.3 Place pressures of 0.05, 0.12, 0.24, 0.49, 0.98, 1.96, etc., kg/cm2 (or 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, etc., lb/ft2) on
the soil, with each pressure maintained constant as required in See 6.4. Smaller increments may be desirable on very soft
samples. Alternatively, apply 6, 12, 25, 50, 100, and 200 percent of the maximum field load. Loading of the sample should
increase until a linear plot of thickness versus log pressure becomes a straight line or at least until twice the anticipated
stress due to overburden and structure combined is reached.
6.4 Record the thickness or change in thickness of the sample before each pressure increment is applied and at the time
intervals of 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 15, and 30 minutes, 1, 2, 4, 8, etc. h, measured from the time of each incremental
pressure application. Readings should continue at least until the slope of the characteristic linear secondary portion of the
thickness versus log of time plot is apparent (See 7.1). For soils which have slow primary consolidation, pressures should
act for at least 24 h. In extreme cases, or where secondary consolidation must be evaluated, they should act much longer.
Then apply the next pressure increment.
6.5 If thickness versus time plots are to be made, the time intervals may be adjusted to times which have easily obtained
square roots, that is, 0.09, 0.25, 0.49, 1, 4, and 9 minutes, etc.
6.6 Rebound-Where rebound or unloading characteristics are desired, unload soil by pressure increments in reverse
order. Record at time intervals as suggested in See 6.4.
6.7 An alternative loading, unloading, or reloading schedule may be employed that reproduces the construction stress
changes, or obtains better definition of some part of the stress-void ratio curve, or aids in interpreting the field behavior of
the soil. This should be clearly indicated on the test results.
6.8 If the test is performed on an undisturbed sample that was either saturated under field conditions or obtained from
below the water table, it should be inundated after the load reaches the field over-burdened load. Samples also may be
inundated at loads that simulate future inundation under field conditions. In such cases, the load at inundation and any
resulting effects, such as expansion or increased settlement, should be noted in the test results. Back pressure saturation can
be applied if desired and if the consolidometer is capable of that application. Back pressure shall be estimated as follows:

P, g/cm2 = (Depth of sample below water table, cm) 1g/cm3

Apply back pressure in increments every 30 minutes such that total application takes six hours and full back pressure should
be left on while saturation of sample has taken place (approximately three days).
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6.9 At the completion of the test, remove the entire sample from the consolidometer, weigh, oven-dry, and reweigh to
obtain the mass of solids.

7. Calculations
7.1 Plot the deformation readings versus the log of time (in minutes) for each increment of load or pressure as the test
7.2 Find the deformation representing 100 percent consolidation for each load increment by drawing a straight line
through the points representing the final readings and which exhibit a straight line trend and a flat slope. Draw a second
straight line tangent to the steepest part of the deformation (log time curve). The intersection represents the deformation
corresponding to 100 percent hydrodynamic or primary consolidation. Connect the deformation at 100 percent
consolidation in accordance with the results of the calibration (Sec 3).
7.3 Find the deformation representing 0 percent consolidation by selecting the deformations at any two times that have
a ratio of 1 to 4 so that the approximate change in deformation from the starting time of that load increment to the longer
time is less than half of the total change in deformation for the load increment. The deformation corresponding to a zero
percent hydrodynamic consolidation is equal to the deformation corresponding to the shorter time interval less the
difference in the deformations for the two selected times.
7.4 The deformation corresponding to 50 percent hydrodynamic consolidation for each load increment is equal to the
average of the deformations corresponding to the zero and 100 percent deformations. The time required for 50 percent
consolidation of that load increment is found graphically from the time-deformation curve for that load increment.
7.5 For each load increment compute the coefficient of consolidation Cv, in square centimeters (or square ft) per day,
as follows:

0.05 H 2
cv =
H = sample thickness, cm (ft), and
t = time for 50 percent consolidation, days.

If H is in cm and t in s or minutes, Cv will be expressed in cm2/s or cm2/minute respectively.

7.6 An alternative procedure requiring a plot of deformation versus the square root of time in minutes may be used to
determine the points of zero and 100 percent consolidation as well as the coefficient of consolidation for each load
increment. The initial part of the curve is approximated by a straight line. The line is extrapolated back to t = 0. The
corresponding deformation represents 0 percent primary or hydrodynamic consolidation. A second straight line is drawn
through this point so that the abscissa of this line is 1.15 times the abscissa of the straight line approximation of the initial
part of the curve. The intersection of the new line with the deformation-square root of time curve corresponds to 90 percent
primary or hydrodynamic consolidation. The deformation at 100 percent primary consolidation is 1/9, more than the
difference in deformations between 0 and 90 percent consolidation. Similarly the deformation at 50 percent consolidation is
5/9 of the difference between that at 0 and 90 percent. The coefficient of consolidation, in square centimeters (or square ft)
per day, can be found from the time of 90 percent consolidation by the formula:

0.212 H 2
cv =

H = sample thickness, cm (ft), and
t = time for 90 percent consolidation, days.

If H is in cm and t in s or minutes, the units of Cv will be cm2/s or cm2/minute respectively.

7.7 For each load increment, the amount of initial consolidation is the difference between the deformation
corresponding to 100 percent consolidation of the previous load and the deformation corresponding to zero percent
consolidation of the increment in question. The total initial and primary deformation for each load increment is the
difference between the 100 percent deformation of the previous load and that for the increment in question. The percentage
of initial consolidation is the ratio of the initial deformation to the total initial and primary deformation for each load
increment, expressed as a percentage.
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7.8 Compute initial void ratio, water content, density, and degree of saturation, based on the dry mass of the total
sample. Specimen volume is computed from measurements of the container height and diameter. Volume of solids is
computed by dividing the dry mass of specimen by the specific gravity of the solids. Volume of voids is assumed to be the
difference between the specimen volume and the volume of the solids.
7.9 Compute void ratio corresponding to 100 percent primary consolidation for each load. As an alternative, compute
percent settlement at 100 percent primary consolidation from the initial sample thickness for each load. As a second
alternative, compute void ratios using the deformation values obtained after a selected time interval which shall include
some portion of secondary compression, and such time interval shall be the same for each load increment.

8. Report
8.1 The report shall include the following information:
8.1.1 Identification and description of sample, including whether soil is undisturbed, remolded, compacted, or
otherwise prepared,
8.1.2 Initial moisture content,
8.1.3 Initial wet density,
8.1.4 Initial percentage saturation,
8.1.5 Specific gravity of solids,
8.1.6 Condition of test (natural moisture or inundated, load at inundation),
8.1.7 Plot of log of time versus deformation (optional, but desirable for organic and highly micaceous soil with
appreciable secondary consolidation): as an alternative include square root of time versus deformation plot.
8.1.8 Plot of void ratio versus log of pressure curve or percent settlement versus log of pressure curve,
8.1.9 Plot of coefficient of consolidation versus log of pressure (Note 2),
8. 1. 10 Plot of percentage of initial consolidation versus log of pressure curve (Note 2), and
8.1.11 Departures from the procedure outlines, including special loading sequences.

Note 2: Items in Sec 8.1.9 and 8. 1. 10 may be omitted if log of time versus pressure curves are included.
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Triaxial Compressive Strength of Undrained Rock Core Specimens
Without Pore Pressure Measurements

MRD Test Method 231

(Adaptation of AASHTO T 226-68)

1. Scope
1.1 This method covers the determination of the strength of cylindrical rock specimens in an undrained state under
triaxial loading. The test provides data useful in determining the strength and elastic properties of rock, namely: shear
strengths at various lateral pressures, angle of shearing resistance, cohesion intercept, and deformation modulus. It should
be observed that this method makes no provision for pore pressure measurements. Thus the strength values determined are
in terms of total stress; that is, not corrected for pore pressures.

2. Apparatus
2.1 Loading Device-A suitable device for applying axial load to the specimen. It shall be of sufficient capacity to apply
load at a rate conforming to the requirements set forth in Sec 4.2. It shall be verified at suitable time intervals in accordance
with the procedures given in MRDTM 104, Verification of Testing Machines, and comply with the requirements prescribed
2.2 Pressure Maintaining Device-A hydraulic pump, pressure intensifier, or other system of sufficient capacity to
maintain constant the desired lateral pressure, .
2.3 Triaxial Compression Chamber-An apparatus in which the test specimen may be enclosed in an impermeable
flexible membrane; placed between two hardened platens, one of which shall be spherically seated; subjected to a constant
lateral fluid pressure; and then loaded axially to failure. The platens shall be made of tool steel hardened to a minimum of
Rockwell C 58, the bearing faces of which shall not depart from plane surfaces by more than 0.013 mm (0.0005 in.) when
the platens are new and which shall be maintained within a permissible variation of 0.025 mm (0.001 in.). In addition to the
platens and membrane, the apparatus shall consist of a high-pressure cylinder with overflow valve, a base, suitable entry
ports for filling the cylinder with hydraulic fluid and applying the lateral pressure, and hoses, gauges, and valves as needed.
2.4 Deformation Measuring Device-High-grade dial micrometers or other measuring devices graduated to read to
0.0025 mm (0.0001 in.); and accurate within 0.0025 mm (0.0001 in.); in any 0.025 mm (0.0010 in.) range, and within 0.005
mm (0.0002 in.) in any 0.25 mm (0.0100 in.) range shall be provided for measuring axial deformation due to loading. These
may consist of micrometer screws, dial micrometers, or linear variable differential transformers securely attached to the high
pressure cylinder (Note 1).

Note 1: Electrical resistance strain gauges applied directly to the rock specimen in the axial direction may also be used. In
addition, the use of circumferentially applied strain gauges will permit the observation of data necessary in the calculation
of Poisson's ratio. In this case three axial (vertical) gauges should be equally spaced around the specimen at mid-height and
three circumferential (horizontal) gauges similarly located around the circumference.
2.5 Flexible Membrane-A flexible membrane of suitable material to exclude the confining fluid from the specimen, and
which shall not significantly intrude into abrupt surface pores. It should be sufficiently long to extend well onto the platens
and when slightly stretched be of the same diameter as the rock specimen.

3. Test Specimens
3.1 Test specimens shall be right circular cylinders within the tolerances herein specified. The sides of the specimen
shall be generally smooth and free of abrupt irregularities with all elements straight to within 0. 127 mm (0.005 in.) over the
full length of specimen. The ends of the specimen shall be cut parallel to each other and at right angles to the longitudinal
axis. They shall be ground and lapped until flat to 0.0254 mm (0.001 in.). The ends shall not depart from perpendicularity to
the axis of the specimen by more than 0.25 deg., approximately 5 mm/m (or 0.01 in./2.0 in.). These requirements will be
considered to have been met when five equally distributed measurements of the height of the specimen taken by means of a
dial comparameter agree within 0.05 mm (0.002 in.). The specimen shall have a length-to-diameter ratio (L/D) of 2.0 to 2.5
and a diameter of not less than NX core size, approximately 54 mm (or 2.125 in.) (Note 2).

Note 2: It is desirable that the diameter of rock compression specimens be at least 10 times greater than the diameter of the
largest mineral grain. It is considered that the specified minimum specimen diameter of approximately 54 mm (or 21/8 in.)
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will satisfy this criterion in the majority of cases. Since specimens larger than the specified minimum may require
excessively large loading devices to cause failure, it may be necessary in some instances to test specimens that do not
comply with this criterion. In this case, or when cores of diameter smaller than the specified minimum must be tested
because of the unavailability of larger size specimens, suitable notation of these facts shall be made in the test report.
3.2 The diameter of the test specimen shall be determined to the nearest 0.25 mm (0.01 in.) by averaging two diameters
measured at right angles to each other at about mid-height of the specimen. This average diameter shall be used for
calculating the cross sectional area. The height of the test specimen shall be that determined by means of the comparameter
in accordance with Sec 3. 1.
3.3 Moisture condition of the specimen at time of test can have a significant effect upon the indicated strength of the
rock. Good practice generally dictates that laboratory tests, be made upon specimens representative of field conditions. Thus
it follows that the field moisture condition of the specimen should be preserved until time of test. On the other hand, there
may be reasons for testing specimens at other moisture contents including zero. In any case the moisture content of the test
specimen should be tailored to the problem at hand and reported in accordance with Sec 6.1.4.

4. Procedure
4.1 Place the lower platen on the base. Wipe clean the bearing faces of the upper and lower platens and of the test
specimen, and place the test specimen on the lower platen. Place the upper platen on the specimen and properly align. Fit
the flexible membrane over the specimen and platens and install rubber or neoprene O-rings to seal the specimen from the
confining fluid. Place the cylinder over the specimen, ensuring proper seal with the base, and connect hydraulic pressure
lines. Position the deformation measuring device and fill the chamber with hydraulic fluid. Apply a slight axial load,
approximately 11. 3 kg (or 2 5 lbs), to the triaxial compression chamber by means of the loading device in order to properly
seat the bearing parts of the apparatus. Take an initial reading on the deformation device. Slowly raise the lateral fluid
pressure to the predetermined test level and at the same time apply sufficient axial load to prevent the deformation
measuring device from deviating from the initial reading. When the predetermined test level of fluid pressure is reached,
note and record the axial load registered by the loading device. Consider this load to be the zero or starting load for the test.
4.2 Apply the axial load continuously and without shock until the load becomes constant, or reduces, or a
predetermined amount of strain is achieved. Apply the load in such a manner as to produce a strain rate as constant as
feasible throughout the test. Do not permit the strain rate at any given time to deviate by more than 10 percent from that
selected. The strain rate selected should be that which will produce failure of a similar test specimen in unconfined
compression, in a test time of between 2 and 15 minutes. The selected strain rate for a given rock type shall be adhered to
for all tests in a given series or investigation (Note 3). Maintain constant the predetermined confining pressure throughout
the test and observe and record readings of deformation as required.

Note 3: Results of tests by other investigators have shown that strain rates within this range will provide strength values that
are reasonably free from rapid loading effects and reproducible within acceptable tolerances.

5. Calculations
5.1 The following calculations and graphical plots shall be made:
5.1.1 A stress difference versus axial strain curve shall be constructed (Note 4). Stress difference is defined as the
principal axial stress (the maximum stress), 1 minus the lateral pressure. The value of the lateral pressure, 3 shall be
indicated on the curve.

Note 4: Since total deformation is recorded during the test, suitable calibration for apparatus deformation must be made.
This may be accomplished by inserting into the apparatus a steel cylinder throughout the loading range. The apparatus
deformation is then substracted from the total deformation at each increment of load in order to arrive at specimen deforma-
tion from which the axial strain of the specimen is computed.
5.1.2 Mohr stress circles shall be constructed on an arithmetic plot with shear stresses as ordinates and normal stresses
as abscissas. At least three triaxial compression tests, each at a different confining pressure, shall be made on the same
material to define the envelope to the Mohr stress circles (Note 5).
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Note 5: Because of the heterogeneous nature of rock and the scatter in results often encountered, it is considered good
practice to make at least three tests of essentially identical specimens at each confining pressure or single tests at nine
different confining pressures covering the range investigated. Individual stress circles shall be plotted and considered in
drawing the envelope.
5.1.3 A best fit, smooth curve (the Mohr envelope) shall then be drawn approximately tangent to the Mohr circles as in
Fig. 1. The figure shall also include a brief note indicating whether a pronounced failure plane was or was not developed
during the test and the inclination of this plane with reference to the plane of major principal stress (Note 6).

Note 6: If the envelope is a straight line, the angle the line makes with the horizontal shall be reported as the angle of
shearing resistance , (or the slope of the line as tan and the intercept of this line at the vertical axis reported as the
cohesion intercept, C. If the envelope is not a straight line, values of (or tan ) should be determined by constructing a
tangent to the Mohr circle for each confining stress at the point of contact with the envelope and the corresponding cohesion
intercept noted.

6. Report
6.1 In addition to the plots discussed in Sec 5, the report should include the following:
6.1.1 Lithologic description of the rock.
6.1.2 Source of sample including: depth and orientation, dates of sampling and testing, and storage environment,
6.1.3 Specimen diameter and height,
6.1.4 Moisture content and degree of saturation at time of test,
6.1.5 Strain rate,
6.1.6 Type of failure, and
6.1.7 Other physical data such as specific gravity, absorption, porosity, and permeability, citing the method of
determination for each.
Table of Contents
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Strength Parameters of Soils by Triaxial Compression

MRD Test Method 232

(Adaptation of AASHTO T 234-74)

1. Scope
1.1 These methods cover the determination of the strength parameters of soils by triaxial compression testing. The
methods described are the consolidated undrained triaxial compression test (CU), with or without pore pressure
measurements, the drained test (D), and the unconsolidated undrained test (UU) with or without pore pressure
measurements. The parameters obtained are the angle of internal friction () and the cohesion (c), and when pore pressures
are measured, the effective values of internal friction and cohesion, () and (c), can be calculated. The values to be obtained
may be used in various stability analyses where the strength of the soil is of significant concern. Each of these methods shall
require the testing of a minimum of three specimens.

2. Apparatus
2.1 Loading Device-The loading device (Fig. 1) may consist of a platform weighing scale equipped with a screw jack
activated load yoke, a deadweight load apparatus, a hydraulic loading device, a variable-speed motor driven screw or other
compression systems (either strain-controlled or stress-controlled) having sufficient capacity and sensitivity.
2.2 The load measuring device may consist of a proving ring capable of measuring axial loads to the nearest 0.11 kg (or
0.25 lb) or to within 1.0 percent of the anticipated load, whichever is greater. When a proving ring is used, it is normally
mounted on the outside of the test chamber. An electronic load cell may also be used to measure the axial loads applied to
the test specimen as shown in Fig. 2. The load cell may be mounted inside the test chamber. When a load cell is used, the
following accessory electronic equipment is needed to indicate the loads:
2.2.1 Amplifier-The electrical signals from the load cell are increased by this device so that they are sufficiently large to
be detected by a digital voltmeter or strip chart recorder.
2.2.2 Power Source-A constant voltage power source to excite the load cell or pressure transducer.
2.2.3 DC Bridge Balance-This device is used to balance the electrical circuits of the measuring system.
2.2.4 Digital voltmeter or strip chart recorder used to indicate the load or pressure.
2.3 Deformation Indicator-The deformation indicator shall be a dial extensometer graduated to 0.02 mm or (0.001 in.)
and having a travel of about 20 percent of the length of the test specimen or other measuring devices meeting these general
2.4 Trimming Equipment-This equipment (Fig. 3) includes a frame, appropriate trimming and carving tools, vernier
calipers capable of measuring the dimensions of the specimen to the nearest 0.25 mm (or 0.01 in.), a sample cutter, end
trimming device, and a sample extruder.
2.5 Pore Pressure Device-This device may consist of a closed manometer, a null indicator, or a pressure transducer.
When a pressure transducer is used, the same electronic equipment used to monitor loads may be used.
2.6 Drying Oven-A thermostatically controlled drying oven capable of maintaining a temperature of 1105 C for drying
moisture content specimens.
2.7 Balances-The balances shall be suitable for weighing soil specimens. Specimens shall be weighed and reported as

Sample Weighing
Size, Tolerence,
g g
0-100 0.01
100-1,000 0.1
1,000-5,000 1
5,000-10,000 5
10,000-50,000 50
over 50,000 100

2.8 Pressure Chamber-The pressure chamber is used to contain the test specimen and the confining fluid during the test.
Accessory parts associated with the test chamber include: Sample base plate, porous stone, two lubricated base plates,
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O-rings or other seals, stopcock valve, sample header, saran tubing for drainage, top cap, load piston, rubber membrane,
filter paper, dial rest, and dial holder.
2.9 Miscellaneous Apparatus-This includes a vacuum pump and pressure device with associated regulators and gauges,
a membrane expander, moisture content cans, and data sheets, as required.

3. Preparation of Test Specimens

3.1 Specimen Size-Specimens should have a minimum diameter of 33 mm (1.3 in.) and the largest particle contained
within the test specimen should be smaller than one-tenth of the specimen diameter. For specimens having a diameter of 70
mm (or 2.8 in.) or larger, the largest particle size should be smaller than one-sixth of the specimen. If, after completion of a
test of an undisturbed specimen, it is found that larger particles are present, appropriate notations should be made in the
report of the test data. The height to diameter (H/D) ratio shall be between 2.0 and 3.0 with a recommended value of 2.0,
except when lubricated end plates are used the (H/D) ratio may be lowered to 1.25. The height and diameter of the specimen
shall be measured to the nearest 0.25 mm (0.01 in.) using a vernier caliper or other suitable device.
3.2 Undisturbed Specimens-Undisturbed specimens may be prepared from large undisturbed samples or from samples
secured in accordance with MRDTM 225, Thin-Walled Tube Sampling of Soils.
3.2.1 When tubes are received in the laboratory, the samples are extruded using a jack, or other methods that will not
disturb the sample.
3.2.2 Moisture content samples are taken and the sample is cut into specimens of the desired length. The soil is
identified by ASTM D 2488, Tentative Recommended Practice for Description of Soils (Visual Manual Procedure), and is
dipped in wax and stored in a cool, humid place until ready for testing.
3.2.3 Trimming: Tube specimens may be tested without trimming, except for the squaring of ends, if conditions of the sample
justify this procedure. If trimming is necessary, the specimen should be handled carefully to prevent disturbance, changes in
cross section, or loss of moisture content. The trimming of specimens, whenever possible, should be done in a humidity
controlled room with every effort made to prevent any change in moisture content of the soil. The frame of the sample trimmer is constructed so that the cylindrical cutter is moved vertically without any
horizontal movement. The inside diameter of the cutter is about 0.13 mm (or 0.005 in.) larger than the desired diameter of
the test specimen, except for a 3.2 mm (0.125 in.) length at the cutting end, where the diameter is equal to the specimen
diameter. Center the sample under the cutter, and lower to the desired portion by loosening wing nuts. After positioning, push the cutter slowly down into the sample. Concurrently, trim the excess soil away by using
carving knives, etc. When the frame is lowered to its final position and the cutter is filled with the specimen, remove the
cutter and extrude the specimen with the extrusion block. To insure the least possible disturbance, the cutter should have a
low friction lining. If the surface of the extruded specimen is not smooth, bits of the soil trimmings are used to fill any
voids. After this, gently push the cutter over the specimen to once again insure a proper size specimen. Any other method of
trimming shall be acceptable which, for the material being tested, produces minimum disturbance to the sample. Place the specimen in the end-trimming device and trim so that the ends are perpendicular to the longitudinal
axis of the uniform circular specimen.
3.2.4 Make several measurements of the diameter and height of the specimen and determine the mass of the test
specimen. If the entire test specimen is not to be used for determination of moisture content, secure and place a
representative sample of cuttings for this purpose immediately in a covered container.
3.3 Remolded Specimens.
3.3.1 Specimens may be prepared from a failed undisturbed sample or from a disturbed sample. The disturbed material
may be formed in a mold of any size. The method of molding and compaction may be varied to produce the desired density,
moisture content, and soil structure. If the specimens are not molded to the desired size, the soil trimming equipment used to
trim undisturbed samples can also be used to trim specimens from the remolded material. Any method used to remold
material that shows reproducibility of test results is satisfactory.

Consolidated Undrained (CU) Method

4. Procedure
4.1 The following procedure refers to equipment shown in Fig. 4 and 4A.
4.1.1 Prepare the pedestal as follows: Place a saturated porous stone on the pedestal Place strips of saturated filter paper over the porous stone, and, Place a polished plexiglass or teflon disk, slightly larger in diameter than the specimen, over the porous stone on
the pedestal. Coat the disk with a thin film of silicone grease. The coated disk is used to reduce end friction between the
specimen and end cap and thus allow for more uniform deformation. Place the specimen on the coated disk and fold strips
Table of Contents
of filter paper up along the sides of the specimen in such manner as to provide for the desired drainage path system. If an
H/D ratio of 2.0 or greater is used, the polished disks are not required.
4.1.2 Using a vacuum membrane expander, place a thin, leak proof membrane over the specimen. Place O-rings or
other pressure seals around the membrane at the elevation of the pedestal to provide a positive seal. Place a coated polished
disk, additional filter strips, porous stone, and header or top cap on the top of the specimen. Place O-rings or other pressure
seals around the membrane at the header to provide a positive seal at the top of the specimen. Place the hollow cylinder on
the base, and secure. Place the loading piston into the chamber through the bushings and lower until it enters, but does not
touch, the recess in the top cap.
4.1.3 Place the test chamber containing the specimen in the loading frame and fill with fluid. Saturate the drainage line
prior to beginning the test, by applying a vacuum to one drainage line while the end of the other is submerged in a beaker of
water. This removes air from between the sample and membrane and draws water from the beaker into the drainage lines.
Saturate the header caps. Apply a small back pressure and chamber pressure with the chamber pressure approximately 70 to 140 g/cm2 (or
1 to 2 psi) greater than the back pressure to cause water to flow slowly from the pore pressure line. Connect the pore
pressure line to the pore pressure measuring device. Increase the back pressure and chamber pressure in increments
whenever the pore pressure readout indicates pressure equalization has been achieved throughout the sample. Maintain the
chamber pressure approximately 350 g/cm2 (or 5 psi) greater than the back pressure to prevent flow between the sample and
membrane. Continue to increase back pressure and confining pressure until pore pressure response indicates saturation. If
pore pressure measurements are not required, this step may be eliminated.
4.1.4 Increase the chamber pressure until the difference between the chamber pressure and back pressure equals the
desired consolidation pressure. A minimum of three different consolidation pressures shall be required to define a failure
envelope. Permit the consolidation pressure to remain overnight or until the pore pressure reading indicates the consolida-
tion phase is completed. Check the degree of saturation before the axial load is applied by closing the drainage valve and
increasing the confining pressure 350 g/cm2 (or 5 psi) or more. The ratio of the pore pressure change to the change in
confining pressure is calculated.
For saturated sample, = 1.0
4.1.5 Before the axial load is increased close the valve between the chamber and the burette so that the specimen is
sheared in an undrained condition. Any volume change that occurs during consolidation is measured.
4.1.6 Start the loading device and allow it to run a few minutes at the desired testing speed in order to compensate for
any piston friction or upward thrust on the piston due to chamber pressure or both. Record the zero reading of the load and
deformation measuring devices when the piston makes contact with the top header.
4.1.7 In the triaxial test, the rate of strain should be such as to allow for equalization of pore pressures (if measured) in
the test specimen and, as a possible guide, Table I may be used. Record load and deformation readings at sufficiently small
intervals to accurately define the stress-strain curve.
4.1.8 The criterion of failure shall be the maximum value of the deviator stress provided a maximum does occur. In the
event no definite maximum occurs and the deviator stress continues to increase with strain, failure will be taken as the
deviator stress at 20 percent strain. If pore pressures are measured, the maximum effective principal stress ratio may be used
as the failure criterion.
4.1.9 After failure, release all pressures and drain the confining fluid from the test chamber. Disassemble the testing
apparatus, examine the specimen, and sketch the mode of failure. Weigh the specimen and place in an oven to dry, in order
to determine the moisture content and density.

5. Calculations
5.1 Assuming that the specimen strains equally in all directions during consolidation, the length of the specimen after
consolidation may be determined by using the following equation:

1 =
1 = axial strain, A L/L, mm/mm (in./in.),
v = volume strain, A V/V, mm3/mm3 (in.3/in.3),
L = length of specimen as determined by physical measurements, mm (in.),
L = change in length of specimen during consolidation, mm (in.),
V = original volume of specimen, mm3 (in.3), and
V = volume change as measured by burette, mm3 (in.3).
5. 1. 1 Alternately, the change in length of a specimen due to consolidation may be measured directly.
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5.2 Calculate the axial strain, for a given applied load as follows:

L = change in length of specimen as determined from the deformation indicator, mm (in.), and
L0 = length of specimen after consolidation, inm (in.)

5.3 Calculate the average cross-sectional area, A, for a given applied load, as follows:

A0= initial average cross sectional area of the specimen, mm2 (in.2), and
= axial strain for the given load, mm/mm (in./in.).

5.3.1 The area, A, may alternatively be

calculated from dimensions obtained by direct measurement by means of a cathetometer when the surfaces of the specimen
are measurable.
5.4 The deviator load per unit area, (d ) for a given applied load is:

d =

P = the applied deviator load, kg (d), and
A = the corresponding average cross sectional area cm2 (in.2).

5.5 Graphs:
5.5.1 Prepare a graph to show the relationship between the pore pressure and the unit strain, if pore pressures were
5.5.2 Draw a graph to show the relationship between the unit deviator stress and unit strain, plotting the unit deviator
as the ordinate and the unit strain values as the abscissa.
5.5.3 The maximum value of the deviator stress(d=1-3), or the maximum effective principal stress ratio 1/3, is
selected and used to construct Mohr's circles (Note 1). If pore pressure, U, was measured, subtract U from principal stresses.
When all Mohr's circles have been plotted, draw a line which is most nearly tangent to all the circles. The intersection of
this line with the ordinate axis is the cohesion (effective if U measured) value, c(c') and the angle between this line and the
horizontal is the angle of internal friction, (effective if U measured) (').

Note 1: 1 = maximum stress, 3 = confining chamber pressure.

6. Report
6.1 The report shall include the following:
6. 1.1 The cohesion and the angle of internal friction,
6.1.2 Type of test performed; that is, consolidated undrained triaxial test with pore pressure measurements, or
consolidated undrained triaxial test without pore pressure measurements,
6.1.3 Type and shape of specimen; that is, undisturbed, remolded, cylindrical, or prismatic,
6.1.4 Height to diameter ratio,
6.1.5 Visual description,
6.1.6 Initial density, moisture content, and degree of saturation,
6.1.7 Average rate of strain to failure, in percent,
6.1.8 Remarks; note any unusual conditions or other data that would be considered necessary to properly interpret the
results obtained,
6.1.9 Plot of Mohr circles and envelope, and
6. 1. 10 Sketch of failure.
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Unconsolidated Undrained (UU)

Total Stress Method
7. Procedure
7.1 The following procedures refer to equipment shown in Fig. 4 and 4A.
7. 1.1 Prepare the pedestal as follows: Place a saturated porous stone on the pedestal. Place a polished plexiglass or teflon disk, slightly larger in diameter than the specimen, over the porous stone
on the pedestal. Coat the disk with a thin film of silicone grease. The coated disk is used to reduce end friction between the
specimen and the end cap and thus allow for more uniform deformation. Place the specimen on the coated disk. If an H/D
ratio of 2.0 or greater is used, the polished disks are not required. Using a vacuum membrane expander, place a thin, leak proof membrane over the specimen. Place O-rings or
other pressure seals around the membrane, at the elevation of the pedestal to provide a positive seal. Place a coated polished
disk, porous stone and header or top cap on the top of the specimen. Place O-rings or other pressure seals around the
membrane at the header to provide a positive seal at the top of the specimen. Place the hollow cylinder on the base, and
secure. Place the loading piston into the chamber through the bushing and lower until it enters, but does not touch, the
recess in the top cap. Place the test chamber containing the specimen in the loading frame and fill with fluid. Apply lateral pressure
approximately equal to the over-burden pressure at the depth from which the specimen was taken, to the specimen by the
pressure regulator. Start the loading device and allow to run a few minutes at the desired testing speed in order to compensate for
any piston friction or upward thrust on the piston due to chamber pressure or both. Record the zero reading of the load and
deformation measuring devices when the piston makes contact with the top header. Record load and deformation readings at sufficiently small intervals to accurately define the stress-strain curve.
The strain rate should be within the range of 0.3 to 1.0 percent per minute with a rate of 0.5 percent per minute as a
suggested value. The criterion of failure shall be the maximum value of the deviator stress provided a maximum does occur.
In the event no definite maximum occurs and the deviator stress continues to increase with strain, failure will be taken as the
deviator stress at 20 percent strain. If pore pressures are measured, the maximum effective principal stress ratio may be used
as the failure criterion. After failure, release all pressures and drain the confining fluid from the test chamber. Disassemble the testing
apparatus, examine the specimen, and sketch the mode of failure. Weigh the specimen and place in an oven to dry, in order
to determine the moisture content and density.

8. Calculations
8.1 Calculate the axial strain E, for a given applied load as follows:

L = change in length of specimen as determined from the deformation indicator, and
L0 = length of specimen after consolidation.

8.2 Calculate the average cross section area, A, for a given applied load, as follows:


A = initial average cross section area of the specimen, and
= axial strain for the given load.

8.3 The deviator load per unit area, d for a given applied load is:

d =
Table of Contents
P = the applied deviator load, and
A = the corresponding average cross sectional area.

8.4 Plot the stress-strain curve with the deviator stress as ordinates against deviator strain as abscissa.
8.5 Enter the value of (1-3) at the point of failure on the test data sheet and plot as the diameter of the Mohr circle.
Locate the center of the Mohr circle at a point having the value of 3+ (1-3) along the axis of total stress.
8.6 Test at least three specimens of similar material at different lateral pressures, (3). Plot the Mohr circle for each
specimen and extend a line tangent to the circles to intersect the line of shearing stress.

9. Report
9.1 The report shall include the following:
9.1.1 The cohesion and the angle of internal friction,
9.1.2 Type of test performed,
9.1.3 Type and shape of specimen; that is, undisturbed, remolded, cylindrical, or prismatic,
9.1.4 Height to diameter ratio,
9.1.5 Visual description,
9.1.6 Initial density, moisture content, and degree of saturation,
9.1.7 Average rate of strain to failure, in percent,
9.1.8 Remarks; note any unusual conditions or other data that would be considered necessary to properly interpret the
results obtained,
9.1.9 Plot of Mohr circles and envelope, and
9.1.10 Sketch of failure.

Unconsolidated Undrained (UU) Effective

Stress Method
10. Introduction
10. 1 This method is the same as the consolidated undrained (CU) method except the specimen is not allowed to
consolidate. This eliminates Sec 5.1 also.

Drained Test (D) Method

11. Procedure
11.1 The following procedure refers to equipment shown in Fig. 4 and 4A.
11.1.1 Prepare the pedestal as follows:
11.1.2 Place a saturated porous stone on the pedestal.
11.1.3 Place strips of saturated filter paper over the porous stone.
11.1.4 Place a polished plexiglass or teflon disk, slightly larger in diameter than the specimen, over the porous stone
on the pedestal. Coat the disk with a thick film of silicone grease. The coated disk is used to reduce end friction between the
specimen and the end cap and thus allow for more deformation. Place the specimen on the coated disk and fold strips of
filter paper up along the sides of the specimen in such manner as to provide for the desired drainage path system. If an H/D
ratio of 2.0 or greater is used, the polished disks are not required. Using a vacuum membrane expander, place a thin leak-proof membrane over the specimen. Place O-rings or
other pressure seals around the membrane at the elevation of the pedestal to provide a positive seal. Place a coated polished
disk, additional filter strips, porous stone, and header or top cap on the top of the specimen. Place O-rings or other pressure
seals around the membrane at the header to provide a positive seal at the top of the specimen. Place the hollow cylinder on
the base and secure. Place the loading piston into the chamber through the bushings and lower until it enters, but does not
touch, the recess in the top cap. Place the test chamber containing the specimen in the loading frame and fill with fluid. Saturate the specimen
as described in Sec 4.1.3. Connect the pore pressure line to the burette which will indicate the amount of drainage during
the test. Apply the desired confining pressure by means of a pressure regulator. Before the load is applied open the valve between the chamber and the burette so that the specimen is sheared
in a drained condition. The drained test must be performed slowly to prevent pore pressure build up. In some soils this may take an
excessive amount of time. When this occurs it may be desirable to perform the test by stress controlled methods. It is
suggested that pore pressure at one end of the specimen be monitored periodically during the test to assure there is no pore
pressure build up.
Table of Contents Start the loading device and allow to run a few minutes at the desired testing speed in order to compensate for
any piston friction or upward thrust on the piston due to chamber pressure or both. Record the zero reading of the load and
deformation measuring devices when the piston makes contact with the top header. Record load and deformation readings at sufficiently small intervals to accurately define the stress-strain
curve. The criterion of failure shall be the maximum value of the deviator stress provided a maximum does occur. In the
event no definite maximum occurs and the deviator stress continues to increase with strain, failure will be taken as the
deviator stress at 20 percent strain. If pore pressures are measured, the maximum effective principal stress ratio may be used
as the failure criterion. After failure, release all pressures and drain the confining fluid from the test chamber. Disassemble the testing
apparatus, examine the specimen, and sketch the mode of failure. Weigh the specimen and place in an oven to dry, in order
to determine the moisture content and density.

12. Calculations

12.1 Calculate the axial strain E, for a given applied load as follows:

L = change in length of specimen as determined from the deformation indicator, and
L0 = length of specimen after consolidation.

12.2 Calculate the average cross sectional area, A, for a given applied load, as follows:

A0 = initial average cross sectional area of the specimen, and
= axial strain for the given load

12.3 The deviator load per unit area, d, for a given applied load is:

d =
P = the applied deviator load, and
A = the corresponding average cross sectional area.

12.4 Graphs-Plot the stress-strain curve and the strain-burette reading curve.
12.5 Enter the value of (1-3) at the point of failure on the test data sheet and plot as the diameter of the Mohr circle.
Locate the center of the Mohr circle at a point having a value of 3+ (1-3) along the axis of total stress.
12.6 Test at least three specimens of similar material at different lateral pressures, (3). Plot the Mohr circle for each
specimen and extend a line tangent to the circles to intersect the line of shearing stress.

13. Report
13.1 The report shall include the following:
13.1.1 The cohesion and the angle of internal friction,
13.1.2 Type of test performed,
13.1.3 Type and shape of specimen, that is, undisturbed, remolded, cylindrical, or prismatic,
13.1.4 Height to diameter ratio,
13.1.5 Visual description,
13.1.6 Initial density, moisture content, and degree of saturation,
13.1.7 Average rate of strain to failure, percent,
13.1.8 Remarks; note any unusual conditions or other data that would be considered necessary to properly interpret the
results obtained,
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13.1.9 Plot the Mohr circles and envelope, and
13. 1. 10 Sketch of failure.

Table 1

Typical Testing Rates1

Permeability Coefficient of Rate of

Consolidation Axial Strain
cm/s Cm2/s % per Minute
1 X 10-4 to 1 X 10-6 2 X 10-1 to 2 x 10-2 0.08
1 X 10-6 to 1 X 10-7 2 x 10-2 to 2 X 10-3 0.08
(with filter strips)
1 X 10-7 to 1 X 10-8 2 X 10-3 to 2 X 10-4 0.08-0.04
(with filter strips)

Typical testing rates for undrained tests with measurements of pore pressure on compacted soils.
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Direct Shear Test of Soils Under Consolidated Drained Conditions

MRD Test Method 233

(Adaptation of AASHTO T 236-72)

1. Scope
1.1 This method describes procedures for determining the consolidated drained shear strength of a soil material in direct
shear. The test may be conducted in either a single shear or in a double shear, as shown in Fig. 1. The direct shear test is
well suited to a consolidated drained test because the drainage paths through the test specimen are short, thereby allowing
excess pore pressures to be dissipated fairly rapidly. The test can be made on all soil material, and on undisturbed or
remolded samples (Note 1).
1.2 The test results are applicable to field situations where complete consolidation has occurred under the existing
overburden and failure is reached slowly so that excess pore pressures are dissipated. The test is also useful in determining
the shearing resistance along recognizable weak planes within the soil material.
1.3 The test is not suited to the development of exact stress-strain relationships within the test specimen because of
non-uniform distribution of shearing stresses and displacements. The slow rate of displacement provides for dissipation of
excess pore pressures, but it also permits plastic flow of soft cohesive soils. Care should be taken that the testing conditions
represent those being investigated.

Note 1: See Sec 5.4 for specimen/particle size relationship.

2. Summary of Method
2.1 The method consists of a) placing the test specimen in the direct shear device, b) applying a predetermined normal
stress, c) providing for drainage or wetting of the test specimen, d) consolidating the specimen under the normal stress, e)
unlocking the frames that hold the test specimen, and f) applying a shearing force to shear the specimen (Figs. I and 2).
Generally three or more specimens are tested, each under a different normal stress to determine the effects upon shear
resistance and displacement. The range in normal stresses should be appropriate for the soil conditions being investigated.

3. Apparatus
3.1 Shear Device-A device to hold the specimen securely between two porous stones in such a way that torque cannot
be applied to the specimen. The shear device shall provide means for applying a normal stress to the faces of the specimen
for measuring change in thickness of the specimen, for permitting drainage of water through the porous stones, and for
submerging the specimen in water. The device shall be capable of applying a shearing force to shear the specimen along a
predetermined shear plane (single shear) or shear planes (double shear) parallel to the faces of the specimen. The frames
that hold the specimen shall be sufficiently rigid to prevent their distortion during shearing. The various parts of the shear
device shall be made of material not subject to corrosion by substances within the soil or soil moisture.
3.2 Porous Stones-The porous stones shall consist of silicon carbide, aluminum oxide, or metal which is not susceptible
to corrosion by soil substances or soil moisture. The proper grade of stone depends upon the soil being tested. The stone
should be coarse enough to develop adequate interlock with the specimen and fine enough to prevent excessive intrusion of
the soil into the pores. For normal soil testing, medium grade stones with a permeability of about 0.5 to I mm/s are appropri-
3.3 Loading Devices:
3.3.1 Device for applying the normal force shall be capable of applying the specified force quickly, without exceeding
it, and capable of maintaining it with an accuracy of 1 percent for the duration of the test.
3.3.2 Device for applying the shear force. The capabilities will depend on whether a controlled-displacement test or
controlled-stress test is used. The former is generally preferred because the ultimate stress as well as the maximum stress
can be determined. Controlled displacement equipment shall be capable of shearing the specimen at a uniform rate of
displacement, with less than 10 percent deviation, and should permit adjustment of the rate of displacement, over a
relatively wide range. The rate depends upon the consolidation characteristics of the soils (Note 2). The rate is usually
maintained with a motor and gear box arrangement and the shear force is determined by a force indicating device such as a
proving ring. Controlled-stress equipment, if used should be capable of applying the shear force in increments to the
specimen in the same manner and to the same degree of accuracy as that described under Sec 3.3.1.
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3.4 Moisture room, for storing samples as well as for preparing samples where moisture loss during preparation does
not exceed 0.5 percent.
3.5 Trimmer or cutting ring for trimming oversize samples to the inside dimensions of the shear box with a minimum of
disturbance. An exterior jig may be needed to maintain the succession of rings-two or three-in axial alignment.
3.6 Balance sensitive to 0.1 g or to 0.1 percent of the specimen mass.
3.7 Displacement indicators to measure change in thickness of the test specimen, with a sensitivity to 0.002 mm (or
0.0001 in.) and to measure displacement with a sensitivity of 0.02 mm (or 0.001 in.).
3.8 Drying oven that can be maintained at 110 5 C.
3.9 Moisture sample containers.
3.10 Equipment for remolding or compacting specimens.
3.11 Miscellaneous equipment, including timing device with a second hand, distilled or dernineralized water, spatulas,
knives, straight edge, wire saws, etc., used in preparing the sample.

Note 2: Sec 6.3 includes guides for determining rate.

4. Calibration
4.1 Assemble the single shear direct shear device with a metal calibration disk of a thickness equal to the desired test
specimen and about 5 mm smaller in diameter (Note 3).

Note 3: The double shear device will require two calibration disks.
4.2 Apply the normal force equal to that intended for use in the test and position the normal displacement indicator.
Adjust this indicator so that it can be used to measure either consolidation or swell from the calibration disk reading.
4.3 Record the normal displacement indicator reading for future reference in determining the thickness of the test
specimen and compression within the test apparatus itself.
4.4 Remove the calibration disk.

5. Sample Preparation
5.1 If an undisturbed sample is used, it should be large enough to provide a minimum of three identical specimens.
Prepare the specimens so that moisture loss is negligible. Trim oversize specimens to the inside diameter of the direct shear
device and to the length of the trimmer. Extreme care shall be taken in preparing undisturbed specimens of sensitive soils to
prevent disturbance of their natural structure. Determine the initial mass of the specimen for subsequent use in determining
initial moisture content.
5.2 If specimens of compacted soil are used, they shall be compacted to the desired moisture density conditions. They
may be compacted directly in the shear device, in a mold of equal dimensions and extruded into the shear device, or in a
larger mold and trimmed as in Sec 5.1.
5.3 Minimum specimen diameter for circular specimens, or width of rectangular specimens, shall be about 50 mm (or
2.00 in.) (Note 4).

Note 4: The diameter of undisturbed test specimens cut from tube samples should be at least 5 mm (or 0.25 in.) less than the
diameter of the sampling tube to minimize disturbance caused by sampling.
5.4 Minimum specimen thickness shall be about 13 mm (or 0.5 in.), but not less than 6 times the maximum grain
5.5 Minimum specimen diameter to thickness ratio shall be 2:1. For square or rectangular specimens, the minimum
width to thickness ratio shall also be 2:1.

6. Procedure
6.1 Assemble the shear box with the frames aligned and locked in position. A light coating of grease between the
frames will insure watertightness during consolidation and will reduce friction during shear. Teflon spacers or teflon-coated
surfaces may also be used to reduce friction during shear. Carefully insert the test specimen. Connect the loading devices.
Position and/or activate the displacement indicators for measuring shear deformation and changes in specimen thickness.
Determine the initial thickness of the specimen (Note 5).

Note 5: The decision to dampen the porous stones before insertion of the specimen and before application of the normal
force depends upon the problem under study. For undisturbed samples from below the water table, the porous stones are
usually dampened. For swelling soils, wetting should probably follow application of the normal force to prevent swell, not
representative of field conditions.
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6.2 Consolidate each test specimen under the appropriate normal force. As soon as possible after applying the initial
normal force, fill the water reservoir to a point above the top of the specimen. Maintain this water level during the
consolidation and subsequent shear phases so that the specimen is at all times effectively submerged. Allow the specimen to
drain and consolidate under the desired normal force or increments thereof prior to shearing.
During the consolidation process, record the normal displacement readings before each increment of normal force is
applied and at appropriate times (Note 6). Plot the normal displacement readings against elapsed time. Allow each
increment of normal force to remain until primary consolidation is complete. The final increment should equal the previous
normal force developed and should produce the specified normal stress.

Note 6: See MRDTM 230, One Dimensional Consolidation Properties of Soils.

Note 7: The normal force used for each of the three or more specimens will depend upon the information required.
Application of the normal force in one increment may be appropriate for relatively firm soils. For relatively soft soils,
however, several increments may be necessary to prevent damage to the specimen. The initial increment will depend upon
the strength and sensitivity of the soil. This force should not be so large as to squeeze the soil out of the device.
6.3 Shear the Specimen-After consolidation is complete, unlock the frames and separate them slightly (approximately
0.25 mm (or 0.01 in.)) so the specimen can be sheared. Apply the shearing force and shear the specimen slowly to insure
complete dissipation of excess pore pressure. The following guide for total elapsed time to failure may be useful in
determining rate of loading.

time to failure = 50 t50

t50 = time required for the specimen to achieve 50 percent consolidation under the normal force.

6.3.1 A controlled displacement test, the rate of displacement may be determined approximately by dividing the
estimated shear deformation at maximum shear stress by the computed time to failure. Continue the test until the shear
stress becomes essentially constant or until a shear deformation of 10 percent of original diameter has been reached. In a
controlled stress test begin with shearing force increments equal to about 10 percent of the estimated maximum. Permit at
least 95 percent consolidation before applying the next increment. When 50 to 70 percent of the estimated failure force has
been applied to the specimen, reduce the increment to one-half the initial size or 5 percent of the estimated maximum shear
stress. As failure is approached, use a series of increments equal to one-fourth the initial increment. Record the applied
shear force and the shear and normal deformations at convenient intervals. A continuous build-up of shearing force would
be preferable.
6.4 At the completion of the test, remove the entire specimen from the shear box, oven dry and weigh it to determine
the mass of solids.

7. Calculations
7.1 Initial water content.
7.2 Initial wet and dry densities.
7.3 Shear stress data.
7.4 Void ratio before and after consolidation and after the shear test.
7.5 Initial and final degrees of saturation.

8. Report
8.1 Description of type of shear device used in the test.
8.2 Identification and description of sample, including whether soil is undisturbed, remolded, compacted or otherwise
prepared, and noting any unusual features like stratification.
8.3 Initial water content.
8.4 Initial wet density.
8.5 Initial dry density.
8.6 Initial thickness.
8.7 All basic test data including normal stress, shear displacements and corresponding shear resistance values and
specimen thickness changes.
8.8 Plot of maximum shear stress versus normal stress. For each test specimen, a plot of shear stress and specimen
thickness change versus shear displacement.
8.9 Departure from the procedure outlined, such as special loading sequences or special wetting requirements.
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Bearing Capacity of Soil for Static Load on Spread Footings

MRD Test Method 234

(Adaptation of AASHTO T 235-74)

1. Scope
1.1 This method covers estimation of the bearing capacity of soil in place by means of field loading tests. This test is
only a part of the necessary procedure for soil investigation for foundation design. It gives information on the soil only to a
depth equal to about two diameters of the bearing plate, and takes into account only part of the effect of time.

2. Apparatus (Note 1)
2.1 Loading platforms or bins of sufficient size and strength to supply the estimated total load required or equivalent
means of supplying the total load reaction anticipated.
2.2 Hydraulic or mechanical jack assembly of sufficient capacity to provide and maintain the maximum estimated load
for the specific soil conditions involved, but not less than 50 tons in any case, and at least one device, such as a pressure
gauge, electronic load cell, or proving ring, for measuring the force exerted by the jack. The force measuring devices should
be capable of recording the load with an error not exceeding 2 percent of the load increment used.
2.3 Bearing Plates-Three circular steel bearing plates, not less than 25 mm (or 1 in.) in thickness and varying in
diameter from 305 to 762 mm (or 12 to 30 in.), including the minimum and maximum diameter specified or square steel
bearing plates of equivalent area. As an alternative, three small concrete footings of the size mentioned or larger can be cast
in situ. Such footings must have a depth of not less than two-thirds of their width.
2.4 Settlement recording devices, such as dial gauges, capable of measuring settlement of the test plates to an accuracy
of at least 0.25 mm (or 0.01 in.).
2.5 Miscellaneous apparatus, including loading columns, steel shims, and other construction tools and equipment
required for preparation of the test pits and loading apparatus.

Note 1: Testing assemblies may vary widely, depending on job conditions, testing requirements, and equipment available.
The testing assembly and program should be planned in advance and approved by the Engineer, and in general can permit
considerable latitude in details within the specific requirements noted above and outlined in the following test procedure. A
typical assembly for conducting load tests is illustrated in Fig. 1.

3. Procedure
3.1 Selection of Test Areas-Base the selection of representative test areas for bearing tests on the results of exploratory
borings and on the design requirements of the structure. Unless otherwise specified, make the load test at the elevation of
the proposed footings and under the same conditions to which the proposed footings will be subjected. At the selected
elevation place the bearing plates at the same relative depths (depths expressed in plate diameters) as the actual footing
(Notes 2 and 3).

Note 2: For footings placed under permanently excavated basements the depth of the actual footing is construed as the
depth from the basement level or depth over which the surcharge is permanently acting, rather than the depth from the
ground surface.

Note 3: If the mentioned condition of equal relative depth cannot be met for practical reasons, the test results must be
interpreted by using an appropriate theory of bearing capacity. Also make corrections for the effects of the shape and size of
the footing and the effects of the water table as appropriate.
3.2 Test Pits-At least three test locations are required, and the distance between test locations shall not be less than five
times the diameter of the largest plate used in the tests. Carefully level and clean the areas to be loaded by the test plates or
footings so that the loads are transmitted over the entire contact areas on undisturbed soil. Prior to loading, protect test pits
and areas against moisture changes in the soil unless it is expected that wetting of the soil will occur at some future time, as
in the case of hydraulic structures. In this case, prewet the soil in the area to be tested to a depth not less than twice the
diameter of the largest bearing plate.
Table of Contents
3.3 Loading Platforms-Support the loading platforms or bins by cribbing or other suitable means, at points as far
removed from the test area as practicable, and preferably not less than 2.4 m (8 ft). The total load required for the test shall
be available at the site before the test is started.
3.4 Dead Load-Weigh and record as dead mass all equipment used, such as steel plates, loading column and jack, etc.,
that are to be placed on the test area prior to the application of the load increments.
3.5 Reference Beam-Independently support the beam supporting dial gauges or other settlement-recording devices as
far as practicable, but not less than 2.4 m (8 ft) from the center of the loaded area.
3.6 Load Increments-Apply the load to the soil in cumulative equal increments of not more than 95 kPa (1.0 ton/ft2) or
of not more than one tenth of the estimated bearing capacity of the area being tested. Accurately measure each load, and
apply it in such a manner that all of the load reaches the soil as a static load, without impact, fluctuation, or eccentricity.
3.7 Time Interval of Loading-After the application of each load increment, maintain the cumulative load for a selected
time interval of not less than 15 minutes (Note 4).

Note 4: Longer time intervals may be determined by maintaining the load until the settlement has ceased or the rate of
settlement becomes uniform. However, maintain any type of time interval so selected for each load increment in all tests of
any series.
3.8 Measurement of Settlement-Keep a continuous record of all settlements. Make settlement measurements as soon as
possible before and after the application of each load increment, and at such equal time intervals i while the load is being
held constant, as will provide not less than six settlement measurements between load applications.
3.9 Termination of Tests-Continue each test until a peak load is reached or until the ratio of load increment to
settlement increment reaches a minimum, steady magnitude. If sufficient load is available, continue the test until the total
settlement reaches at least 10 percent of the plate diameter, unless a well-defined failure load is observed. After completion
of observations for the last load increment, release this applied load in three approximately equal decrements. Continue
recording rebound deflections until the deformation ceases or for a period not smaller than the time interval of loading
(Note 5).

Note 5: The following alternative loading procedure is also permissible: Apply the load to the soil in increments
corresponding to settlement increments of approximately 0.5 percent of the plate diameter. After the application of each
settlement increment, measure the load at some fixed time intervals, for example, 1/2, 1, 2, 4, 8, and 15 minutes after load
application, until the variation of the load ceases or until the rate of variation of the load, on a load versus logarithm-of-time
scale becomes linear. Continue loading in selected settlement increments. Termination of tests and unloading are made in
the same manner as in Sec 3.9.

4. Report
4.1 In addition to the continuous listing of all time, load, and settlement data for each test, as prescribed in Sec 3, report
all associated conditions and observations pertaining to the test, including the following:
4.1.1 Date,
4.1.2 List of personnel,
4.1.3 Weather conditions,
4.1.4 Air temperature at time of load increments, and
4.1.5 Irregularity in routine procedure.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Measurements of Pore Pressures in Soils

MRD Test Method 235

(Adaptation of AASHTO T 252-76)

The principal reasons for measuring pore pressures in highway construction are:
1. to monitor strength increases during construction,
2. to estimate remaining settlements after construction, and
3. to determine existing pore pressures in landslides.
This method consists of installing the pore water pressure measuring device in a soil layer at a point determined by
detailed knowledge of the field conditions and theoretical evaluation of the need required. Pore pressure measurement may
be made by determining the total pore pressure at the point, or determining the differential pore pressure at that point
relative to the surrounding normal ground water table. The data is usually reduced to "excess" pore pressure which is the
difference between the measured pore pressure and the "normal" pore pressure under the general ground water table for the
area at the time of reading.
Interpretation of pore pressure measurements in the field are complicated by the variability both vertically and
horizontally in the soils. Therefore, interpretation of any pore pressure measurement can be misleading if the complete soil
profile, loading history, and detailed soil parameters are not adequately known.

1. Scope
1.1 This method covers procedures for determining field pore pressure measurements in the natural soils.
1.1.1 This does not include methods of pore pressure measurement in the laboratory or field installation in dams.

2. Apparatus-Open Well
2.1 Open System-The following equipment may be used to obtain pore pressure in soils of relatively high permeability
(Note 1):

Note 1: This equipment is also satisfactory for low permeability soils.

2.1.1 A simple open observation well consisting of an open hole supported by plastic or metal casing if necessary.
2.1.2 A standard well point installation which consists of a screened well point on the end of standard pipe. Various
screen lengths and openings are available for use in different situations.
2.1.3 The open well "Casagrande" type (hydraulic) piezometer which consists of a porous tip connected to a small
diameter riser tube surrounded by filter (Ottawa sand, 100 percent passing 0.850 mm (No. 20) sieve, 100 percent retained
on 0.425 mm (No. 40) sieve) and sealed in the bottom of a drilled hole. The tips are available in various sizes and porosities
and may be made of ceramic filter stone, porous plastic or porous metals. The riser tube may be plastic and for convenience
in reading should have an inside diameter no smaller than 6.35 mm (0.25 in.).
2.2 Closed Systems-The following equipment may be used to obtain pore pressure in soils of low permeability (Note 2):

Note 2: This equipment is also satisfactory for high permeability soils.

2.2.1 Closed Casagrande type piezometer. This consists of a porous tip (as in Sec 2.1.3) sealed into a soil layer and
connected to the ground surface by a fluid filled tube (or tubes) connected to a gauge. The porous tip is installed at the
bottom of a drilled hole and surrounded by filter (Ottawa sand 100 percent passing 0.850 mm (No. 20) sieve, 100 percent
retained on 0.425 mm (No. 40) sieve). The tubing may be 6.55, 12.5 mm (or 0.25, 0.5 in.) or larger diameter plastic or
flexible metal. Clean water should be used to fill the tube unless subjected to freezing. Kerosene, or a similar fluid which
will not readily mix with water, should be used to fill the part of the tube exposed to freezing conditions. A Bourdon tube-
type compound gauge, of sufficient capacity to accommodate the expected pore pressure change, should be used. The gauge
should be calibrated for the conditions under which it will be used, such as position, temperature, etc. This type system
measures the differential water pressure between the surrounding ground water table and the pressure within the soils
2.2.2 Pneumatic Piezometer-This consists of a pneumatic pressure transducer in a plastic or stainless steel case with a
porous (ceramic, plastic or metal) opening to allow the pore water to reach the transducer diaphragm. Two small diameter
plastic air leads are connected to the transducer. A supply of compressed air, bottled/compressed or liquified gas, (clean and
Table of Contents
without moisture) is required to operate the transducer. An air pressure gauge of sufficient capacity to record the existing
pressure at the bottom of the piezometer tip plus the expected pore pressure is needed.
2.2.3 Electrically Powered PiezometerThis consists of a calibrated diaphragm with a strain gauge attached, sealed in a
plastic or stainless steel case, with one side open to the pore water through a porous filter. The strain gauge attached to the
diaphragm may be resistance type or vibrating wire type. Pore pressure is obtained by use of an electrical readout system
compatible with the type of strain gauge used.

3. Installation Procedures
3.1 Driven or Drilled-in Type Installations.
3.1.1 Open well piezometers: Open Hole-Drive standard pipe, with disposable point of suitable size and strength to reach the soil layer in
which pore pressure is to be obtained. Pull back the pipe a sufficient distance to obtain pore pressure response and cap the
pipe with a vented cap. Wellpoint-Drive standard pipe, with suitable wellpoint attached of suitable size and strength to reach the soil
layer in which the pore pressure is obtained. The wellpoint may be of any size, length and screen opening suitable for the
soil in which it is installed. However, the largest diameter of the wellpoint shall not be greater than the diameter of the pipe
coupling above it. Insert a suitable flexible hose through the pipe and into the wellpoint. Pump clean water through the hose
to clean the wellpoint and screen. Flushing should continue for about five minutes after the water flows clean out of the top
of the pipe. Remove the hose and install a vented cap on the pipe. Low Volume Change Wellpoint-A small diameter 10 to 13 mm (or 0.375 to 0.5 in.) plastic tube is firmly sealed,
by mechanical coupling or suitable glue to a suitable wellpoint. The seal must be strong enough to withstand the total pore
pressure without allowing leakage into the drive pipe. The wellpoint is attached to standard pipe of sufficient size and
strength to reach the soil layer in which pore pressures are to be measured. The pipe threads for the first 6 in (or 20 ft) of
pipe shall be sealed with a suitable pipe sealing compound to prevent leakage through the pipe joints. The plastic tube is
threaded through the pipe sections during driving. After driving, the tube is suspended (with sufficient tension to keep the
tube straight) from the top of the pipe, and the pipe capped with a vented cap.
3.1.2 Closed system piezometers: Closed system piezometers may be driven into the proper soil layer in a manner similar to that in See
Special filters and points may be used for special situations. Connections to standard pipe or standard drill rods are
acceptable provided the seals are watertight for the pore pressures used and the diameter of the point does not exceed the di-
ameter of the drill rod or the drive pipe. For Casagrande-type piezometers, the point and enough tubing to reach the ground
surface shall be completely filled with clean water before start of driving. The upper end of the tube shall be sealed to
prevent entrance or loss of water from the system during driving. No tubing connectors should be used in the vertical (riser)
tube. Surface Connections-Closed system piezometers which are to be extended vertically through the embankment
fill may be extended in any manner suitable for the type of piezometer being installed provided that: 1) adequate protection
is provided; and 2) there is a method of recalibrating the pore pressure with each extension. Closed system piezometers with remote readout shall be installed in the following manner: Excavate a trench 61 cm (or 2 ft) deep by 30 cm (or 1 ft) wide from the piezometer location to the readout
protection box. The bottom of the trench shall be 61 cm (or 2 ft) minimum below future construction such as ditches, pipes,
etc. The top of the drive pipe shall be removed to a point at least 1.5 in (or 5 ft) below ground surface. The tube
(or leads) shall be centered over the pipe for at least 30 cm (or 1 ft) as sand is placed in the hole. The tube (or leads) shall
then be coiled in a spiral approximately 61 cm (or 2 ft) diameter upwards to the bottom of a trench approximately 61 cm (or
2 ft) below ground surface as sand is placed loosely around it. The horizontal leads shall be layed in a zig zag pattern in a trench on a bed of 15 cm (or 6 in.) of clean sand
(Note 3).

Note 3: When more than one tube or lead is used in a trench the lines shall not cross.
Table of Contents All horizontal tubes or wires shall be checked for continuity, leakage, etc., before final connections are made
to the vertical piezometer leads. If possible, the leads or tubes should be in one continual length with no connections, from
the piezometer tip to the readout protection box. All electrical leads shall be immersed in clear water and the resistance checked. If there is any change in
resistance upon immersion the leads shall be discarded and replaced. The air leads for pneumatic piezometers shall be immersed in clear water and checked for leaks under
pressures exceeding the expected pore pressure. Also the air leads shall be flushed with high pressure air to clear any dust or
moisture from the leads before final connections are made. The air used for flushing should come from a tank which holds
only filtered air and which has been bled for excess moisture. The horizontal tubes for hydraulic piezometers shall be vacuum tested to 50 cm (or 20 in.) of mercury
vacuum prior to filling the tubes with colored water, or kerosene or a similar fluid for areas which will be below freezing
temperatures. There shall be two horizontal tubes with a T connection to the vertical riser from the piezometer tip. The tubes
shall be completely filled with colored fluid with the tubes in a configuration such that any air bubbles which occur during
filling can be seen and removed. The preferable way of filling is to immerse one end in the colored fluid, seal the T at the
riser with a plug and apply a vacuum to the free end of the horizontal tube. Care must be taken to prevent the formation of
air bubbles during filling operations. Once the tube is completely filled with fluid the connections should be made at the
readout box. The vertical riser from the piezometer tip shall then be filled with water and the plug removed from the
horizontal tube T and the connection made between the vertical riser and the horizontal tubes shall be made under water.
The elevation of the T and of the readout gauge must be determined prior to backfilling the trench.
3.2 Piezometers Installed in Drill Holes:
3.2.1 The following additional equipment is required for installation of drilled-in piezometers: A tamping hammer, made of a 61 m (or 2 ft) length of seamless steel tubing, 40 mm (or 1.6 in.) OD and 16 mm
(or 0.625 in.) ID or cast bronze of the same dimensions and weighing at least 12 kg (or 25 lb). These dimensions are for a
51 mm (or 2 in.) ID casing.
Larger hammer dimensions are required for larger casing sizes. At the upper end, a loop of 3 mm (or 1/8 in.) diameter
galvanized airplane cable should be firmly attached to the hammer and to a grooved ring. The inside surface of the hammer
should be smooth and all edges that touch the tubing should be rounded. This hammer should be supplied with a 41.3 mm
(or 1.625 in.) diameter disc 13 mm (or 0.5 in.) thick which can be firmly attached to the bottom. This disc shall have a slot
in the center, of suitable size to accommodate the size tubing or leads used, with rounded edges. This hammer-cable
assembly is used for the following purposes: To tamp the bentonite layers and thereby assure a watertight seal between the casing and the risers. To center the risers while the bentonite seal is being tamped into place. To measure depths at various stages of the installation. Galvanized preformed airplane cable 6 mm (or 0.25 in.) diameter of sufficient length to permit installation on
the deepest piezometers. This should be securely fastened to one end of a snap-type swivel hook. Mark the cable at 1.5 in
(or 5 ft) intervals, starting at the bottom face of the hammer. A tripod and sheave for operating the tamping hammer. Drive sample drilling equipment. Ottawa sand or a thoroughly washed sand passing the 0.850 mm (No. 20) sieve and retained on 0.425 mm (No.
40) sieve. Bentonite balls about 12 mm (or 0.5 in.) in diameter, which are formed at a water content somewhat above the
plastic limit but below the sticky limit (i.e., at a putty-like consistency) rolled in talcum powder to prevent sticking, and
stored in glass jars to protect them from drying, or the commercial pellets. Rounded pebbles approximately 12 mm (or 0.5 in.) in diameter.
3.2.2 Drive casing, 50 mm (or 2 in.) ID or larger, to the approximate elevation of the bottom of the piezometer cell. The
bottom 3 m (or 10 ft) long section must be in one piece, without joints or couplings, and it is not to have a drive shoe on the
lower end. The casing may be advanced by any means, except for the final 6 m (or 20 ft) of penetration. It shall then be
advanced in 1.5 m (or 5 ft) increments, and the casing must be washed out after each 1.5 m (or 5 ft) advance. The casing
shall be kept filled with water at all times and no washing below the casing will be permitted. Obtain a spoon sample of the material for 30 cm (or 12 in.) below the bottom of the casing and deliver the
samples in sealed jars to the Engineer. Drive the casing 30 cm (or 12 in.) below the piezometer cell elevation and clean out
the remaining soil to the bottom of the casing. Replace the water in the casing with clear water by reversing the flow of the
pump and using the jet pipe as the intake, with the lower end of the pipe held a few mm (in.) above the bottom of the casing.
Keep the casing filled with clean water and continue the operation until the return water becomes clear. Pull the casing up 30 cm (or 1 ft) and pour clean sand into the casing to fill up the 30 cm (or 1 ft) hole. The top
of the sand should be measured by a sounding device. Lower the assembly into the casing until the piezometer cell rests on
the sands, and center the cell by lowering the tamping hammer to the top of the cell.
Table of Contents For pneumatic piezometers: Connect the air leads (in one continuous unspliced length, to extend 3 m (or 10 ft)
above the ground surface) to the piezometer cell. The system should be checked for leaks and the air leads labeled or coded
before installation. The cell and readout gauge should be checked for accuracy by measuring the pore pressure (equal to the
head of water in the casing) at several depths between the top of the casing and the installation depth. The leads should then
be plugged to prevent entrance of dirt during the remainder of the installation. For electric piezometers connect the electric leads in one continuous unspliced length to extend to 3 m (or 10 ft)
above the ground surface to the piezometer cell with watertight connections. The leads should be color coded or labeled
before installation. The accuracy of the piezometer cell shall be checked as in Sec For hydraulic piezometers, saturate the porous tip and fill the riser tube in one continuous unspliced length to
extend to 3 m (or 10 ft) above the ground surface with clean water by immersing the porous tip in clean water and applying
a vacuum to the tube. The tube should be checked for air bubbles and the top plugged. The porous tip shall only be removed
from the clean water while being transferred to the filled casing.
3.2.3 Pull the casing up so that the bottom of the casing is 30 cm (or 1 ft) above the bottom of the cell (Note 4), and at
the same time, slowly pour a measured volume of clean sand into the casing so that the sand fills the space around the
piezometer tip and to approximately 76 cm (or 2.5 ft) above the bottom of the casing (Note 5). Maintain tension on the
tubing but do not permit any vertical movements of the piezometer tip.

Note 4: In areas where large foundation settlements are expected over 90 cm (or 3 ft) the casing is not pulled above the
piezometer tip or the bottom of the casing can be perforated.

Note 5: If sand is poured too fast it could fill the pipe such that when the pipe is pulled back the tip would also move.
3.2.4 Form a 25 mm (or 1 in.) thick layer of 12 mm (or 0.5 in.) diameter pebbles on top of the sand in the casing and
apply 20 blows to the pebble layer with a 15 cm (or 6 in.) drop of the hammer per blow.
3.2.5 Form a bentonite seal of 5 layers of bentonite balls, each 75 mm (or 3 in.) thick layer placed and compacted as
follows while maintaining a constant tension on the tubing or leads. Lower the water 75 mm (or 3 in.) below the top of the casing. Drop bentonite balls individually into the casing until the water rises to the top of the casing and allow
sufficient time for the balls to reach the bottom (about I minute for each 3 m (or 10 ft) of depth). Drop enough 12 mm (or 0.5 in.) diameter pebbles into the casing to form a layer 25 mm (or 1 in.) thick and
allow sufficient time for the pebbles to reach the bottom. Slip the tamping hammer over the plastic tubing and, keeping tension on the tubing apply 20 blows to the
pebble layer with a 15 cm (or 6 in.) drop of the hammer per blow. Repeat this procedure until a five-layer seal is formed. Whenever the tamper does not move freely, it should be
immediately withdrawn and cleaned.
3.2.6 Pour enough sand into the casing to form a 60 cm (or 2 ft) layer of sand. Cover with pebbles and compact with
20 blows of the hammer.
3.2.7 Repeat the step in Sec 3.2.5, to form another bentonite seal.
3.2.8 Disconnect the top section of the casing, so that the top of the casing is at least 1.5 m (or 5 ft) below the ground
surface. This can be done by having the upper sections of casing tightened to a lesser degree than the lower sections of
casing. Fill at least 3 m (or 10 ft) of the remainder of the casing with sand.
3.2.9 Surface connections are made identical to those used for the driven installations for closed system piezometers
under Sec
3.3 Pressed or Pushed-in Type Installation:
3.3.1 Drill through any granular soil or very stiff clay overlying the clay layer in which the tip is to be installed with a
casing or auger of a larger diameter than the drill rod or pipe to which the tip will be attached.
3.3.2 Fill the piezometer and enough tubing to extend from the tip elevation to above the ground surface with water.
3.3.3 Slowly press (use two pipe wrenches, hydraulic jack, etc.) the piezometer tip attached to drill rod or flush joint
pipe into the clay maintaining a slight flow of water through the tip with a small pump until within 6 m (or 20 ft) of tip
elevation. At this point disconnect the pump and continue pressing piezometer to desired tip elevation. Each time a section
of drill rod must be added, the pump is disconnected and the end of the tubing plugged while tubing is threaded through
next section of drill rod. This should be done as expeditiously as possible.

4. Interpretation of Data
4.1 Corrections to Pore Pressure Readings:
4.1.1 Open well piezometers, water filled: The excess pore pressure is the difference between the elevation of the water in the well and the general water
table elevation.
4.1.2 Open well piezometers with kerosene as anti-freeze:
Table of Contents The column of kerosene (hk) in the open well must be converted to an equivalent column of water (hw) by the
following approximate conversion factor:

hw = 0.83 hk

The pore pressure is then obtained using the corrected water elevation in the well and the average ground water

4.1.3 Closed system hydraulic Casagrande type piezometers: The excess pore pressure is determined using the gauge reading and adding the differential water pressure
between the elevation of the gauge and the elevation of the surrounding ground water table. If kerosene is used in this
system, it would be further corrected in a manner similar to that in Sec 4.1.2.
4.1.4 Pneumatic and electrical piezometers: Most of these devices measure the total water pressure at a point and,
therefore, the excess pore pressure in the soil is determined by subtracting the difference in elevation between the
piezometer tip and the surrounding ground water table from the gauge reading.
4.2 Data Interpretation:
4.2.1 Pore pressure measurements in soils are usually used to estimate the gain in shear strength or the settlement
remaining under known conditions of loading. Since pore pressures are only an indirect measure of these characteristics
much care is needed to interpret the results with accuracy. The following information should be considered when
interpreting pore pressures.
4.2.2 The total applied load and the rate of loading.
4.2.3 The seasonal fluctuations of the surrounding ground water table. Observation wells (shallow and open well
piezometers) are required in an open area. This is necessary where tidal waters are encountered. The number and location
depend upon the surrounding terrain.
4.2.4 The actual distribution of pore pressures in the soil deposit being monitoredboth vertical and horizontal. This
usually requires three or more piezometers at different levels and three or more at different distances from the center of
4.2.5 The soil parameters for the deposit being monitored. This is usually obtained from extensive laboratory testing of
undisturbed soil samples.

5. Special Problems
5.1 The following special problems occur with sufficient frequency to warrant discussion.
5.2 Gas Lock:
5.2.1 In many organic soils, the gas generated around the piezometer tip is sufficient to block entrance of the pore
water through the filter into the measuring device. Where this is expected to be a problem special piezometers are available
with flushing devices to remove the gas from the piezometer tip.
5.3 Large Settlements:
5.3.1 In areas where large foundation settlements occur, numerous problems have developed. Crimping of the riser tubes below the end of a permanent casing installation. This is eliminated by installing
the piezometer inside the casing. Crimping of the riser at the top of the permanent casing. This is eliminated by removing the top section of
casing to about 1.5 m (or 5 ft) below ground surface and backfilling with sand. Stretching of the horizontal leads. This is acceptable for most installations provided that no connections are
made in the horizontal leads and the leads are made of materials having yield before rupture. Stretching of electrical
leads may adversely effect the calibration of the circuits giving erroneous readings.
5.4 Electronic Variations:
5.4.1 The accuracy of electrical pore pressure measuring units may depend on the changes in temperature, elongation
of the lead wires, and changes in diaphram characteristics. Maintaining calibration is very difficult over long periods of
time. Some special piezometer cells are available which reduce these problems.
5.5 Closed System:
5.5.1 Hydraulic piezometers often lose accuracy because of leaks in the tubing, gas generation (dissolved air) or
kerosene breakdown. These conditions can be reduced by using "deaired" water or kerosene. Once air is in the system, it
must be removed before accurate readings can be obtained. To remove the air, the two horizontal leads must be flushed with
a different colored fluid (water or kerosene) by applying a vacuum to one lead and providing a continuous fluid supply to
the other lead. Air leaks on the readout device can be repaired, but air leaks underground can generally not be located or
5.6 Open System with Kerosene:
Table of Contents
5.6.1 The temperature of the soil around an open system piezometer will affect the volume change of the fluid to some
extent. This is especially true in areas of extreme temperature changes. These changes can be accounted for with proper
calibration. Evaporation from an open tube system can and will affect volumetric changes. A closed system, in between
readings, is desirable.
Table of Contents
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Installing, Monitoring and Processing Data of the Traveling Type
Slope Inclinometer

MRD Test Method 236

(Adaptation of AASHTO T 254-78)

1. Scope
1.1 This method provides instructions for installation, monitoring, and data reduction for the traveling type slope
inclinometer for use with guide casing. A slope inclinometer is a precision instrument which measures lateral displacement
of a guide casing resulting from the movement of earth, concrete, or other masses. This type of instrument can be used to
detect and monitor movements in earth and rock fill dams, highway embankments and foundations, excavation slopes, sheet
pile bulkheads, concrete retaining walls, and other structures. Since the instrument is waterproof, it can be used on projects
where normal measurements would not be feasible, such as the displacement of the lower portion of a pipe pile. The data,
which are well suited for computer reduction, can be used to interpret shear zones in landslide areas and as a basis for pre-
dicting impending shear failures or structural failures based on the amount and rate of lateral deformation occuring.

1.2 The method is divided into the following parts:

1.2.1 Part 1, Method of Installing Slope Inclinometer Guide Casing,
1.2.2 Part 11, Method of Monitoring Slope Inclinometer Guide Casing, and,
1.2.3 Part 111, Method of Data Computations and Analysis.

Part I
Method of Installing Slope Inclinometer
Guide Casing
2. Apparatus
2.1. Drill rig capable of drilling a hole with diameter large enough to accommodate the particular size slope
inclinometer casing used and allow for adequate backfilling. The depth of the hole needed varies with the particular
installation, locale, and/or at the discretion of the Engineer. Normally, a drill rig capable of drilling a 200 mm (or 8 in.)
diameter hole approximately 60 m (or 200 ft) deep may be used. A smaller drill rig may be used for shallow depth
2.2 Guide casing, usually round extruded plastic or aluminum, with four equispaced longitudinal grooves on the inside
of the casing compatible with the particular torpedo sensor used. However, some casing may not be grooved because the
torpedo sensor maintains proper orientation by use of locking metal orientation rods. Some inclinometers may be used in
square steel casing with the torpedo sensor guide wheels tracking in opposite corners of the casing. The casing comes in
assorted diameters and may come in any convenient length, such as 1.5 to 3 m (or 5 to 10 ft) sections.
2.3 The couplings may be extruded aluminum with four equispaced grooves or round plastic and usually come in 150
mm (or 6 in.) lengths. In cases where settlement is expected, longer couplings may be used to join the sections of casing.
The resulting gap between casing sections allows the casing to telescope together as compression of the surrounding
materials occurs.
2.4 Inclinometer guide casing installation tools specified by the manufacturer, normally consisting of a pop-rivet gun,
pop rivets, casing, clamps, hacksaw, hand or electric drill, drill bits, tape measure, and a device for marking casing grooves
such as a felt tip marker or file. A special wheel groove alignment tool, duct or masking tape, and solvent cement may be
needed for plastic casing. A vibrator may be used for backfill compaction if necessary.
2.5 Plugs compatible with the particular guide casing used for protecting the top and bottom of the casing from mud
and debris. A conical plug may be used to ease insertion of the casing into a rough sided hole.
2.6 Hole cover or other protective device to minimize vandalism and large enough to allow the cable clamp-guide
wheel assembly to be installed on the top of the casing. A metal pipe with either a threaded cap or hinged lid, with hasp and
lock may be used.

3. Drilling and Hole Preparation

3.1 The size of the drill hole should be large enough to accommodate the particular size casing used and depends on the
particular installation, locale, materials encountered, the depth of the hole, or available backfill materials. Larger holes
facilitate backfilling. Minimum diameter may be only sufficient to accommodate the casing used. This is applicable in cases
Table of Contents
where the material may close rather quickly. Normally, the drill hole may be approximately two times the outside diameter
of the casing or a minimum of 125 to 150 mm (or 5 to 6 in.). The hole should be as vertical as possible and drilled
approximately I in into stable material below or beyond the anticipated zone of movement.
3.2 The hole usually should be cleaned by flushing with water or blowing compressed air before attempting to install
the inclinometer casing. Depending on the installation, sometimes it is necessary to leave drilling mud (if it is used) in the
borehole to control caving and thereby allowing proper backfill.
3.3 Any means of accomplishing a boring is satisfactory as long as it is suitable to the Engineer and conditions at the
site. If the ground is firm and the hole will remain open without steel casing, then either a dry hole, drilled with a continuous
flight auger; or a water filled hole, drilled with a chopping bit or a rotary bit and using water to flush out the cuttings, is
3.3.1 Hollow stem augers may be used with success because the augers can be pulled after installation of the slope
inclinometer casing. If the hole is likely to squeeze in because of soft soils or cave because of sand, drilling mud may be
used and left in the hole upon completion of the boring.
3.3.2 If drilling mud is used, some difficulty may be encountered in making the inclinometer casing go down
completely in the hole, but this may be remedied by filling the casing with water or other physical means.
3.4 Steel or any other type of casing may be used if justified to prevent the hole from caving. Usually, steel flush joint
drill casing may be used. The steel casing should be a diameter large enough to allow backfill material to be placed between
the annular space between the steel casing and outside of the slope inclinometer casing. The backfill material then can be
shoveled or poured in small amounts while at the same time pulling the steel casing in small increments. Care should be
taken so that the backfill material does not lock the steel casing to the slope inclinometer casing. In extremely difficult
cases, steel casing may be left in place upon completion of the boring. However, steel casing tends to thicken any zones of
movement. Care should be taken to maintain proper orientation of the slope inclinometer casing while backfilling.

4. Inclinometer Casing Installation

4.1 Any type of soil inclinometer casing may be used as long as it meets the slope inclinometer manufacturer's
requirements and is compatible with the particular sensor torpedo used. Usually, aluminum or plastic casing is used in most
installations, however, steel or other types of casing may be used under certain conditions.
The following is a brief explanation of the installation techniques for typical aluminum and plastic casing; reference
should be made to the manufacturer's instruction manual for a more detailed explanation. Refer to Fig. 1.
4.2 Aluminum Casing:
4.2.1 Attach a plug to the bottom section of casing by normally drilling and using pop rivets. Enough pop rivets should
be used to secure the plug to the casing, usually two to four rivets.
4.2.2 Attach an aluminum coupling onto the outer end of the casing with pop rivets. If four rivets are used they should
be placed approximately 90 degrees apart. Extreme care should be used not to place a rivet in the instrument tracking
grooves, or wheel paths.
4.2.3 Lower the first section of casing into the boring, with the plug on the lower end and the coupling attached to the
top. A casing clamp should be attached approximately 0.5 in from the top of the casing.
4.2.4 Some type of "catch" arrangement should be set up to ensure the clamp rests securely at the top of the hole and
will not allow the casing to fall into the hole.
4.2.5 Orientation of the tracking grooves should be properly maintained throughout installation. Usually the grooves
may be oriented parallel and perpendicular to the anticipated direction of movement or at the discretion of the Engineer.
However, groove orientation of the casings in different holes should be consistent to avoid confusion. The installation may
be expedited if the casing is preassembled and coupled together in units of 3 to 7.5 m (or 10 to 25 ft) each. Insert the next
section of casing into the top coupling, align the grooves and secure to the bottom section of the casing with pop rivets. The
casing ends are butted together before drilling and pop riveting. A casing clamp may be attached to the upper end of the top
section of casing. The lower clamp may be removed and the casing lowered into the hole. Add more sections of casing as
described until the casing rests on the bottom of the boring. Flush the casing with water if necessary. The stick up portion of
the casing, if any, should be cut off at a suitable height with a hacksaw. Installation procedures are the same for telescoping
couplings, except that special pop rivets or screws are used and a gap is maintained between the ends of the couplings to
allow for settlement measurements.
4.3 Plastic Casing:
4.3.1 The plastic casing may be installed in the same manner as the aluminum casing. Usually plastic or aluminum
couplings may be used.
4.3.2 Each end of the plastic may be marked with a scribe line or felt tip marker to prevent rivets being placed in the
instrument tracking grooves. Either solvent cement compatible with the plastic casing and/or pop rivets may be used to join
the casing and couplings. Both may be used for extremely deep installations.
4.3.3 A special tracking groove alignment tool is used with the plastic casing. The tool is usually inserted half way in
the top of the first section of casing in the hole. The loose end of a rope which has been inserted through the next casing is
Table of Contents
attached to the alignment tool to pull it through that casing for alignment of the next casing placed. This is to be done until
all casings are placed.
4.3.4 The two sections are carefully attached together thus lining up the tracking grooves. The casing ends should be
butted together. The two sections may be attached with pop rivets and/or solvent cement. Casing clamps may be used to
prevent the casing from falling into the hole. Lower and attach another section of casing down on the one-half extended
alignment tool which has been pulled up. Continue the procedure until the casing rests on the bottom of the hole. Cut off
any excess casing with a hacksaw. The predetermined orientation of the instrument tracking grooves should be properly
maintained. Installation procedures are the same for telescoping couplings except special fasteners are usually used to
automatically align the grooves. If telescoping couplings are used, the casing should not be allowed to rest on the bottom of
the borehole, where the weight of the casing would cause the sections to telescope together.
4.4 The couplings of the casing may or may not be watertight. If the boring is filled with drilling mud, the mud may
enter the casing as it is installed. Likewise, the injection of grout to fill the annular space around the casing may result in
grout entering the casing.
4.4.1 In such instances, the aluminum or plastic casing should be flushed with clean water before the grout has
hardened. A stiff brush may also be lowered down the casing during washing to ensure that the longitudinal grooves are
clean. Inflow of mud or grout may be lessened by waxing, gluing, or taping all joints.
4.5 If sand or gravel is used as the backfill material and groundwater measurements are desired from the installation,
small holes or slots may be drilled into the bottom section of inclinometer casing.

5. Backfilling the Inclinometer Casing

5.1 The quality and extent of backfilling the slope inclinometer casing depends on the particular installation,
groundwater conditions, type of backfill materials, or at the discretion of the Engineer. Usually best results are obtained if
care is taken in backfilling to eliminate any voids, bridging or settlement in the backfill material. An air impelled or other
type vibrator may be used to alleviate bridging.
5.2 A cap may be placed over the top end of the casing prior to backfilling to prevent any backfill materials from
falling into the casing.
5.3 Dry Sand:
5.3.1 Dry sand may be used when the boring is dry, relatively shallow and of a fairly small diameter, 125 mm to 200
mm (or 5 to 8 in.). The sand should be clean, dry, and of uniform size, if possible. Standard Ottawa sand is ideal; washed
concrete sand is acceptable. The sand may be densified by vibrations, shoveled or poured slowly through a wire screen to
eliminate bridging. Sometimes, sand may settle later and produce both vertical and horizontal deformations of the casing
which are not the result of ground movements.
5.4 Pea Gravel:
5.4.1 Any gravel suitable to the Engineer may be used. Number 9 crushed limestone chips or 9.5 mm (or 3/8 in.) pea
gravel are examples. The gravel may be shoveled slowly in small increments to eliminate any bridging that might occur.
Gravel may be used in deeper boreholes where groundwater measurements would be desirable.
5.5 Cement Grout Backfill:
5.5.1 A very desirable backfill material is cement grout. This may consist of a lean cement grout, a clay cement grout,
or a thixiotropic drill mud. A mixture of 80 kg hydrated lime to one bag (50 kg) portland cement or a mixture of portland
cement with 15 percent Bentonite by volume may be considered good grout mixes. Another simple economical mix is to use
ready mixed "mortar mix" with sufficient water to allow it to be poured into the borehole. The grout may be poured around
the casing from the ground surface or it may be injected through a small diameter pipe that is taped to the bottom section of
casing and lowered in the annular space between the casing and the boring. The grout also may be injected into the hole
through a small diameter plastic pipe which is inserted inside the casing and threaded into a check-valve assembly located in
the bottom of the casing.
5.5.2 If outer steel casing was installed in the hole, it should be pulled before the grout sets. Cement grout backfill is
not desirable when groundwater measurements are required.
5.6 If needed, install the hole cover or other protective device over the top of the casing prior to completion of
backfilling. Then backfill around and inside the hole cover leaving enough casing exposed to allow room for the clamp
guide wheel assembly.
5.7 Pertinent identification information, including hole location and depth may be permanently marked on the inside of
the hole cover lid. Depending on the situation, the initial readings should be deferred at least 24 h to allow the backfill to
settle and the casing to stabilize. After the casing and hole cover have been installed and backfilled, it may be desirable to
reference the casing guide grooves to magnetic north so that subsequent readings are made on the same grooves.
Table of Contents
Part II
Method of Monitoring Slope Inclinometer
Guide Casing
6. Apparatus
6.1 Slope inclinometer instrument:
6.1.1 Read-out unit, sensor torpedo, interconnecting cable and/or jointed metal orientation rods.
6.2 Guide wheel clamp assembly.
6.3 Optional casing extension with coupling attached.
6.4 Occasionally, problems are encountered in twisting of the casing after installation. This twist is due either to
irregularities in the manufacturing processes of the casing or by rotation of the joints during placement. Several types of
instruments are commercially available to measure the spiral which can be compensated for during displacement

7. Instruments
7.1 Various types of instruments are commercially available. The inclinometer torpedo sensor generally has two wheel
assemblies consisting of a rigid wheel for guidance and a spring-loaded wheel for orientation. These wheel assemblies are
located near each end of the inclinometer. Different arrangements are used to determine angle of inclination or deflection
with torpedo sensor, i.e., precision resistance elements and a pendulum, strain gauges on a pendulum, pendulum and vibrat-
ing wire, pendulum with differential transformer, and servo-accelerometers, etc. Each configuration produces a voltage
output which is measured at the ground surface with a readout unit. Some units are capable of producing tape compatible
with modern computers, thereby speeding data reduction (Note 1).

Note 1: Because of their reliability and popularity, only brief descriptions and explanations will be given for the
pendulum-type and accelerometer type torpedo sensor slope inclinometers. Most manufacturers recommend obtaining
readings from the bottom progressing to the top for each complete survey. Refer to Fig. 2.

8. Monitoring with the Pendulum-Type Sensor

8.1 Description:
8.1.1 Most pendulum type sensors have the long, cylindrical shape typical of most of these types of instruments. The
sets of tracking wheels (fixed and spring loaded) are set a certain distance apart (or gauge length) and guide the instrument
into its grooved casings. Contained within the housing are a pendulum and a precision wire-wound resistance element
which through circuitry forms one-half of a conventional Wheatstone bridge. The other half of the circuit is in the control
unit at the ground surface. The swing of the pendulum changes the resistance in the circuit and a reading is obtained by
balancing the Wheatstone bridge.
A detailed description of the device can be found in the manufacturer's literature.
8.2 Operation:
8.2.1 The following is a brief explanation of the operating techniques; reference should be made to the instruction
manual for a more detailed explanation. A laboratory check calibration should be performed before each field use to
determine if the system is working properly. A mean of the sum of opposite readings (one reading each in opposite
directions, i.e., rotated 180 degrees computed at each of three or four tilt angle settings is sufficient to determine its working
condition. Upon assembly, the inclinometer is lowered to the bottom of the borehole from where readings (up the hole) are
collected for specified increments. This procedure is repeated using each of four grooves and the fixed wheels of the sets to
orient the probe. An on-the-site comparison is made between the value of the sum of each set of readings (opposite grooves)
and the mean of all the sets of readings for the length of the borehole. If there is a variation of more than 10 dial units from
the mean, the inclinometer is relocated at the depth in question and an additional reading is taken. To ensure repeatability,
measurements must be made at exactly the same depths each time. A system should also be established to ensure that each
operator can identify and record the position of the instrument in relation to the grooves in which it is tracking. This can be
accomplished by drilling a different number of small holes in each groove near the top of the casing, i.e., 1, 2, 3, or 4, or any
other marking system.
8.3 Maintenance:
8.3.1 Problems can develop if certain precautions and maintenance procedures are not followed during field operation.
At the field site, a visual check of the condition of an O-ring at the cable connection must be made; a restraint holding the
pendulum must be removed; and the connectors must be cleaned of moisture and dust. The instrument is designed to operate
under severe field conditions, but jolting can damage the pendulum bearings, thereby resulting in erroneous data. This can
happen if the probe is allowed to strike the bottom of the hole or if the pendulum is not secured. Care should be exercised in
removing the cable connection from the probe after operation in a water filled casing to avoid moisture. The control unit
and cable reeler should be protected during storage, transport and use. Power is usually supplied from internal batteries that
may require replacement periodically.
Table of Contents

9. Monitoring with the Accelerometer-Type Sensor

9.1 Description:
9.1.1 The accelerometer type inclinometer sensor differs somewhat from the typical instrument in that it usually has a
smaller outside diameter between the two wheel assemblies. Separated by a distance of usually 610 mm (or 24 in.) each
assembly may consist of two fixed wheels, 90 degrees apart, and a springloaded wheel on the opposite side of the probe
(135 degrees from either of the fixed wheels). Sometimes only one fixed wheel and one springloaded wheel mounted 180
degrees apart are used in each assembly. The lower wheel assembly is free to rotate approximately 5 degrees to
accommodate irregularities in the casing. The angle of inclination is determined from a readout unit which may relate a geo-
metric function of the angle of inclination to a current obtained from one or two servoaccelerometers in the probe. Options
are available to provide the data on dual image paper tape or magnetic tape suitable for use by a computer. More details can
be obtained from the manufacturer's literature.
9.2 Operation:
9.2.1 The operating technique starts with a visual check of the O-ring seal to ensure watertightness in the cable
connector after the components are assembled. Calibration to ensure that the unit is functional is completed by placing the
probe into the borehole in a specified groove, taking a reading, and then placing the probe in the opposite groove and taking
a reading. Disregarding the sign, the two readings should be within 20 dial units of each other. After this check, the probe
is lowered to the bottom of the borehole to begin incremental readings. Through the use of a switch on the readout unit,
readings can be taken both in the plane through the spring-loaded wheel and perpendicular to it, thus reducing the number
of times the inclinometer must traverse the casing. To reduce irregularities, a second series of readings is taken with the
probe rotated 180 degrees from the first position.
9.3 Maintenance:
9.3.1 Certain maintenance must be performed to keep the unit operable. The connector between the inclinometer and
the electrical cable should be kept free of water and dirt (as for all electrical contacts). The condition of the 0-ring in the
connector should be checked regularly since water-filled casings create large pressure heads acting against it. Three power
sources are usually permitted: 1) internal battery, 2) external battery, and 3) a-c power. The internal battery is usually a
rechargeable type that must be replaced periodically.

Part III
Method of Data Computation and Analysis

10. Procedures
10.1 The casing is usually assumed to be vertical for the first set of readings. All subsequent readings are compared to
this initial or index set of readings.
10.2 All readings taken with the pendulum type instrument are assumed to be positive since polarity signs are not
indicated on the readout unit. The polarity signs on the accelerometer type instrument are recorded and the readings are
subtracted algebraically. Refer to the individual manufacturer's operating manual for recording data, and data reduction. The
procedure of data reduction recommended by most manufacturers involves a summation of readings in opposite direction
and then multiplication by a calibration factor to obtain the deflection of the casing from vertical. Subsequent readings are
compared to initial readings to obtain change of inclination at any depth.

11. Example Data Sheet

11.1 The typical example data sheet usually contains columns for the individual readings, the initial difference, the
subsequent reading difference, the change and accumulated change. Refer to the manufacturer's operation manual.

12. Computer Program

12.1 Refer to Fig. 3 for a flow chart for a typical slope inclinometer data reduction program.

13. Plotting Data

13.1 The slope inclinometer movement is usually plotted as a time plot of the accumulated deflection versus depth.
The computer program can be used efficiently to plot the rate, magnitude, depth, and direction of movement, although the
data is easily plotted by hand. Follow the manufacturer's operating manual for instructions.
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Repetitive Static Plate Load Tests of Soils and Flexible Pavement
Components, for Use in Evaluation and Design of Highway Pavements

MRD Test Method 237

(Adaptation of AASHTO T 221-74)

1. Scope
1.1 This method of test covers a procedure for making repetitive static plate load tests on subgrade soils and flexible
pavement components, in either the compacted condition or the natural state, and is intended to provide data for use in the
evaluation and design of rigid and flexible-type highway pavements.

2. Definitions
2.1 Deflection-The amount of downward vertical movement of a surface due to the application of a load to the surface.
2.2 Residual Deflection-The difference between original and final elevations for a surface resulting from the application
and removal of one or more loads to and from the surface.
2.3 Rebound Deflection-The amount of vertical rebound of a surface that occurs when a load is removed from the

3. Apparatus
3.1 Loading Device-A truck or trailer or a combination of both, a tractor-trailer, an anchored frame, or other structure
loaded with sufficient mass to produce the desired reaction on the surface under test. The supporting points (wheels in the
case of a truck or trailer) shall be at least 2.5 m (or 8 ft) from the circumference of the largest diameter plate being used.
3.2 Hydraulic jack assembly, with a spherical bearing attachment, capable of applying and releasing the load in
increments. The jack shall have sufficient capacity for applying the maximum load required, and shall be equipped with an
accurately calibrated gauge that will indicate the magnitude of the applied load.
3.3 Bearing Plates-A set of circular steel bearing plates not less than 25 mm (or q in.) in thickness, machined so that
they can be arranged in pyramid fashion to ensure rigidity' and having diameters ranging from 150 to 760 mm (or 6 to 30
in.). The diameters of adjacent plates in the pyramid arrangement shall not differ by more than 152 mm (or 6 in.) (Note 1).

Note 1: A minimum of four different plate sizes is recommended for pavement design or evaluation purposes. For
evaluation purposes alone, a single plate may be used, provided that its area is equal to the tire-contact area corresponding
to what may be considered as the most critical combination of conditions of wheel load and tire pressure. For the purpose of
providing data indicative of bearing index (for example, the determination of relative subgrade support throughout a period
of a year), a single plate of any selected size may be used.
3.4 Dial gauges, two or more, graduated in units of 0.025 mm (0.001 in.) and capable of recording a maximum
deflection of 25.4 mm (or 1 in.) or other equivalent deflection-measuring devices.
3.5 Beam for Mounting Dial Gauges-A beam upon which the dial gauges shall be mounted. The beam shall be a 63.5
mm (or 21/2 in.) standard black pipe or a 76.2 x 76.2 x 6.35 mm (3 by 3 by 1/4 in.) steel angle, or equivalent.
3.5.1 It shall be at least 5.5 m (or 18 ft) long and shall rest on supports located at least 2.44 m (or 8 ft) from the
circumference of the bearing plate or nearest wheel or supporting leg. The entire deflection measuring system shall be
adequately shaded from direct, rays of the sun.
3.6 Miscellaneous tools, including a spirit level, for preparation of the surface to be tested and for operation of the

4. Procedure
4.1 Carefully center a bearing plate, of the selected diameter, under the jack assembly. Set the remaining plates of
smaller diameter concentric with, and on top of, the bearing plate. Set the bearing plate level in a thin bed of a mixture of
sand and plaster of paris, or plaster of paris alone, or of fine sand, using the least quantity of materials required for uniform
bearing. To prevent loss of moisture from the subgrade during the load test, cover the exposed subgrade to a distance of 1.8
m (or 6 ft) from the circumference of the bearing plate with a tarpaulin or waterproof paper.
4.2 Where unconfined load tests are to be made at a depth below the surface, remove the surrounding material to
provide a clearance equal to one and one-half plate diameters from the edge of the bearing plate. For confined tests, the
diameter of the excavated circular area shall be just sufficient to accommodate the selected bearing plate.
Table of Contents
4.3 Use a sufficient number of dial gauges, so located and fixed in position as to indicate the average vertical movement
of the bearing plate. When using two dial gauges, they shall be set near each extremity of a diameter of the bearing plate,
25.4 mm (or 1 in.) from the circumference. When three gauges are used, they shall be set at an angle of 120 deg. from each
other, and equidistant from the circumference of the bearing plate. Each individual set of readings shall be averaged, and
this value is recorded as the average settlement reading.
4.4 After the equipment has been properly arranged, and with all of the dead load (Jack, plates, etc.) acting, seat the
bearing plate and assembly by the quick application and release of a load sufficient to produce a deflection of not less than
0.25 mm (0.01 in.) nor more than 0.51 mm (0.02 in.) as indicated by the dial gauges. When the dial needles come to rest
following the release of this load, reseat the plate by applying one half of the recorded load producing the 0.25 to 0.51 mm
(0.01 to 0.02 in.) deflection. When the dial needles have again come to rest, set each dial accurately at its zero mark.

Note 2: The use of additional dial gauges, placed on the surface of the material being tested at one-half, one, one and
one-half, etc., bearing plate diameters from the edge of the bearing plate, is optional.

4.5 Apply a load giving a deflection of about 1.0 mm (or 0.04 in.) start a stop watch, and maintain the same load
constantly until the rate of deflection is 0.025 mm (0.001 in.) per minute or less for three successive minutes. Then
completely release the load, and observe the rebound until the rate of recovery is 0.025 mm (0.001 in.) per minute or less,
for three successive minutes. Apply and release the same load in this manner six times. Record the reading of the dial
gauges resting on the bearing plate just before the application, and just before the release of load, for each repetition. To
ensure good contact between the gauges and the bearing plate or other surface on which they are resting, briefly buzz an
electric bell attached to the deflection beam, 10 s before the dial gauges are to be read.
4.6 Increase the load to give a deflection of about 5.0 mm (or 0.2 in.) and proceed as directed in Sec 4.5.
4.7 Increase the load to give a deflection of about 10.0 mm (or 0.4 in.), and proceed as directed in Sec 4.5.
4.8 In all cases the standard end point shall be at a rate of 0.025 mm (0.001 in.) per minute or less for three successive
4.9 From a thermometer suspended near the bearing plate, read and record the air temperature at half-hour intervals.

5. Record of Tests
5.1 In addition to the continuous listing of all load, deflection and temperature data, as prescribed in Sec 3, a record
shall also be made of all associated conditions and observations pertaining to the test, including the following:
5.1.1 Date,
5.1.2 Time of beginning and completion of test,
5.1.3 List of personnel,
5.1.4 Weather conditions,
5.1.5 Any irregularity in routine procedure,
5.1.6 Any unusual conditions observed at the test site, and
5.1.7 Any unusual observations made during the test.

6. Calculation and Plotting of Load Deflection Relationships

6.1 For each repetition of each load, determine the deflection at which the rate of deflection is exactly 0.025 mm (0.001
in.) per minute. This is termed end point deflection and can be determined with sufficient accuracy from visual inspection of
the deflection data for each repetition of load recorded.
6.2 Correct the recorded loads, as read from the pressure gauge of each hydraulic jack employed, by means of the
calibration curve for each jack and pressure gauge used.
6.3 Determine graphically the zero point corrections for both applied load and deflection. This requires taking into
account the mass of the hydraulic jack, that of the pyramid of bearing plates, etc., and that of the corrected jack loads at
which the dial gauges were set to zero at the beginning of the test.
6.4 Plot the corrected deflection at which the rate of deflection is exactly 0.025 mm (or 0.001 in.) per minute versus the
number of repetitions of each corrected load. Similar graphs may be prepared in which corrected residual deflection and
rebound deflection are plotted versus the number of repetitions of each corrected load.
Table of Contents
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Pavement Deflection Measurements

MRD Test Method 238

(Adaptation of AASHTO T 256-77)

1. Scope
1.1 Four pavement deflection measuring devices and the procedures used for determining the deflection of existing
flexible roadways are described in this test method.

2. Summary
2.1 The method consists of measuring total pavement deflection resulting from the application of a known transient
loading or fixed vibratory loading. The deflection measurements are evaluated statistically and then converted to a
deflection measurement as would be obtained with one EAL (one application of an 8,200 kg (18,000 lb) axle load in the
form of a 4,100 kg (9,000 lb) dual wheel load).

3. Apparatus
3.1 Nature of Apparatus-The four deflection measuring devices consist of some type of probe or sensor that measures
pavement movements when subjected to some loading. The apparatus used in this test method shall be one of the following
as described in Sec 3.2 and 3.5 inclusive of this MRDTM.
3.2 Benkelman Beam-This instrument (Fig. 1) operates on a simple lever arm principle. It has a 2.44 m (8 ft) long probe
which measures the pavement deflection. The probe arm is supported by a reference beam which rests on the pavement
behind the area of influence. The back 1.22 m (4 ft) extension of the probe depresses an Ames dial which measures
maximum deflections to within 0.025 mm (0.001 in.).
3.2.1 The vehicles used for loading the measurement sites should be a 4,500 kg (or 10,000 lb) truck which carries an
8,200 kg (18,000 lb) single axle test load. The tires shall be dual 279 x 572 mm (11.00 x 22.5 in.) 12 ply and inflated to
4.921 kg/cm2 (70 psi).
3.3 Traveling Deflectometer-This instrument is an electromechanical measuring device based upon the Benkelman
beam principle. It is essentially a mechanized Benkelman Beam which is capable of obtaining the same deflection data as a
Benkelman Beam but at a much faster rate. It is a tractor-trailer unit which carries an 8,200 kg (18,000 lb) single axle test
load on the rear tires [279 x 572 mm (11.00 x 22.5 in.), 12-ply and 4.921 kg/cm2 (70 psi) pressure] and probes for
automatically measuring pavement deflection under both dual wheels simultaneously. The deflections are automatically
measured at 6.1 m (20 ft) intervals to the nearest 0.025 mm (0.001 in.) by means of a probe arm resting on the pavement and
are permanently recorded on chart paper.
3.4 Dynaflect-This device is an electromechanical system for measuring the dynamic deflection of a roadway surface
produced by an oscillatory load. This device consists of a dynamic force generator together with a motion measuring
instrument, a calibration unit and a series of five motion sensing geophones mounted on a small trailer. The trailer in a
stopped position exerts a 454 kg (1,000 lb) peak to peak oscillatory load onto the pavement surface through two rubber
covered steel test wheels. The resulting amplitude of deflection is picked up by the geophones and is read as a deflection
measurement on a meter located in the tow vehicle.
3.5 Road Rater-This device is similar to the Dynaflect. When operated at 25 cps with a 3.8 MPa (550 psi) hydraulic
system pressure and 1.47 mm (0.058 in.) mass displacement, the Road Rater exerts a 272 kg (600 lb) peak to peak
oscillatory load onto the pavement surface through two steel pads. Motion induced to the pavement is measured by two
transducers. One is located at the center of loading and the other is out a distance of 0.305 in (12 in.). Pavement deflections
are read from a meter on the control panel located in the cab of the vehicle.

4. Reconnaissance of Project Area

4.1 Technical data, such as, but not limited to, existing structural section, design Traffic Index information, foundation
and drainage condition, vertical control limitations, and problems in original construction should be obtained for roads to be
4.2 Preliminary field work should be performed prior to actual accumulation of deflection data. This could include
recording the nature, extent and limits of distressed areas on the project, locating test sections for deflection testing and
obtaining photographs of each test section. Each lane of 1.6 kilometers (1 mile) in length should be divided into five
Table of Contents
approximately equal sections. One or more sections for each lane of 1.6 kilometers (1 mile) in length are randomly chosen
for deflection testing.
4.3 To determine the interval for measurements within a test section the section shall be divided into 20 equal
subsections. The location of each measurement site within the subsection shall be located randomly so that the
measurements will provide an unbiased estimate of the pavement deflections. Other numbers of subsections may be
selected; however, there shall be no less than five per test section.
4.3.1 The traveling deflectometer which has the frequency of measurement site locations preset shall be set for 6.1 m
(20 ft) intervals throughout each test section.

5. Procedure
5.1 The procedure to be followed is dependent upon which apparatus is used. Regardless of apparatus, all deflection
measurements obtained are converted to equivalent transient deflections as would be measured under an 8200 kg (18 kip)
single axle load. Deflection measurements are not corrected for structural section moisture content. In areas where moisture
content of the structural sections can vary substantially, the deflection study should be made during the spring when
moisture content in the roadbed is high and the temperature moderate 10-29 C. In dry regions where the largest variable is
temperature, deflection studies should be avoided during temperature extremes (ambient below 10 C or above 29 Q.
Temperature corrections for Benkelman Beam testing within the 4 to 50 C range may be applied by the user for asphalt
concrete sections of 15 cm (or 6 in.) in thickness or less as indicated by Fig 4.
5.1.1 To determine the temperature of the pavement, drill a 12 mm (or 0.5 in.) diameter by 38 to 44 mm (or 1.5 to 1.75
in.) deep hole and fill with a suitable fluid such as water and determine the temperature to the nearest degree after the
temperature has stabilized (Note 1).
5.2 Benkelman Beam:
5.2.1 Bring test vehicle to stopped position at beginning of test section.
5.2.2 Position the beam between the duals so that the probe is 1.37 m (4.5 ft) forward of and perpendicular to the rear
axle as shown in Fig. 1.
5.2.3 Activate the vibrator and adjust the Ames dial to read zero.
5.2.4 Drive the test vehicle approximately 8 m (or 25 ft) forward at creep speed and record the maximum dial reading
(Di) to the nearest 0.025 mm (or 0.001 in.).
5.2.5 After the dial needle has stabilized, record the final dial reading (Df) to the nearest 0.025 mm (0.001 in.). Record
the location and pavement deflections on an appropriate data sheet.
5.2.6 Pavement deflections:

Pavement Deflections = 2 (Di - Df)

Di = maximum dial reading, mm (in.); and
Df = final dial reading, mm (in.).

5.2.7 Repeat this process at the measurement intervals specified in Sec 4.3. Normally both wheel tracks are measured
using two instruments, however, when testing with only one instrument, the testing can be alternated between wheel tracks,
obtaining two measurements in the outer wheel track for every one measurement in the inner wheel track throughout the test
sections, (Note 2).
5.2.8 Report the average (mean) and evaluated 80th percentile (20 percent higher than and 80 percent lower than)
deflection level of each wheel track (Note 3).
5.3 Traveling Deflectometer:
5.3.1 Prepare unit for deflection testing and calibrate to nearest 0.025 mm (0.001 in.).
5.3.2 Obtain pavement deflection traces (measurements) for both wheel tracks as specified in Sec 4.3.1 on a continuous
chart (Note 2).
5.3.3 By use of an event marker and by handwritten notations, indicate on the deflection chart the beginning and ending
of each test section, location of cut and fill, road connection, post mile markers, culvert locations, bridges and other vertical
control features, and limits and the extent of surface distress.
5.3.4 Read the deflection measurements from the deflection traces to the nearest 0.025 mm (0.001 in.) and tabulate on
deflection data sheets along with any accompanied notes.
5.3.5 Calculate and report the average (mean) and the evaluated 80th percentile (20 percent higher than and 80 percent
lower than) deflection levels for both wheel loads (Note 3).
5.4 Dynaflect:
5.4.1 Set up and prepare unit for deflection testing.
5.4.2 Calibrate unit.
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5.4.3 Obtain one deflection measurement at each measurement interval as specified in Sec 4.3 (Note 2). The single No.
1 geophone is sufficient for most work.
5.4.4 Record measurements and location on appropriate data sheets with appropriate multiplier.
5.4.5 Calculate average (mean) and evaluated 80th percentile dynaflect deflection levels for the No. 1 geophone (Note
3). Convert to equivalent Benkelman Beam deflection using Fig. 2.
5.5 Road Rater:
5.5.1 Prepare unit for deflection testing.
5.5.2 Calibrate unit.
5.5.3 Obtain one deflection measurement at each measurement interval as specified in Sec 4.3 (Note 2). The No. 1
transducer at center of loading is sufficient for most work.
5.5.4 Record pavement deflections and location measurements on appropriate data sheets.
5.5.5 Calculate average (mean) and evaluated 80th percentile Road Rater deflection levels and convert to equivalent
Benkelman Beam deflection using Fig. 3 (Note 3).

Note 1: Temperature determinations by other methods can be used if the temperature measurements obtained can be
correlated with the temperatures determined by the drilled hole method.

Note 2: The measurement locations transverse to the roadway centerline are normally taken either in both wheel paths or
the wheel path which exhibits the most distress. For distress conditions occurring in transverse locations other than the
wheel paths specific transverse locations should be designated.

Note 3: Other consistent percentiles may be used for evaluation.

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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Permeability of Granular Soils (Constant Head)

MRD Test Method 239

(Adaptation of AASHTO T 215-70)

1. Scope
1.1 This method of test covers a procedure for determining the coefficient of permeability by a constant-head method
for the laminar flow of water through granular soils. The procedure is intended to establish representative values of the
coefficient of permeability of granular soils that may occur in natural deposits or as placed in embankments, or when used
as base courses under pavements. In order to limit consolidation influences during testing, this procedure is limited to
disturbed granular soils containing not more than 10 percent fines of non-plastic character passing the 0.075 mm (No. 200)

2. Fundamental Test Conditions

2.1 The following ideal test conditions are prerequisites for the laminar flow of water through granular soils under
constant-head conditions:
2.1.1 Continuity of flow with no soil volume changes during a test.
2.1.2 Flow with the soil voids saturated with water and no air bubbles in the soil voids,
2.1.3 Flow in the steady state with no changes in hydraulic gradient, and
2.1.4 Direct proportionality of velocity of flow with hvdraulic gradients below certain critical values, where turbulent
flow starts.
2.2 All other types of flow involving partial saturation of soil voids, turbulent flow, and unsteady state of flow are
transient in character and yield variable and time-dependent coefficients of permeability; therefore, they require special test
conditions and procedures.

3. Apparatus
3.1 Permeameters, as shown in Fig. 1, shall have specimen cylinders with minimum diameters approximately 8 or 12
times the maximum particle size in accordance with Table 1. The permeameter should be fitted with: 1) a porous disk or
suitable reinforced screen at the bottom with a permeability greater than that of the soil specimen, but with openings
sufficiently small (not larger than 10 percent finer size) to prevent movement of particles; 2) manometer outlets for
measuring the loss of head, It, over a length, L, equivalent to at least the diameter of the cylinder; 3) a porous disk or
suitable reinforced screen with a spring attached to the top, or any other device, for applying a light spring pressure of 22 to
44 N (5 to 10 lbf) total load, when the top plate is attached in place. This will hold the placement density and volume of soil
without change during the saturation of the specimen and the permeability testing to satisfy the requirement prescribed in 2.
Table 1

Cylinder Diameter

Minimum Cylinder Diameter

Maximum More than Less than
Particle 35 percent 35 percent
Size Lies of Total Soil of Total Soil
Between Retained on Retained on
Sieve Sieve Opening Sieve pening
Openings 2.00 mm 9.5 mm 2.00 mm 9.5 mm
(No. 10) (3/8 in.) (No. 10) (3/8 in.)
2.00 mm
No. 10) and 75 mm - 115 mm -
9.5 mm
(3/8) in . (3 in) (4.5 in)

9.5 mm
(3/8 in.) and - 150 mm - 230 mm
19 mm
(3/4 in.) (6in) (9 in)
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3.2 Constant Head Filter Tank, as shown in Fig. 1, to supply water and to remove most of the air from tap water, fitted
with suitable control valves to maintain conditions described in 2.1.2.

Note 1: De-aired water may be used if preferred.

3.3 Large Funnels, fitted with special cylindrical spouts 25 mm (1 in.) in diameter for 9.5 mm (-3/8 in.) maximum size
particles and 12.7 (1/2 in.) in diameter for 2.00 mm (No. 10) maximum size particles. The length of the spout should be
greater than the full length of the permeability chamber, at least 150 mm (6 in.).
3.4 Specimen Compaction Equipment-Compaction equipment as deemed desirable may be used. The following are
suggested: a vibrating tamper fitted with a tamping foot 50 mm (or 2 in.) in diameter; a sliding-weight tamper foot 50 mm
(or 2 in.) in diameter, and a rod for sliding weights of 100 g (0.22 lb) (for sands) to I kg (2.25 lb) (for soils with a large
gravel content), having an adjustable height of drop to 100 mm (or 4 in.) for sands and 200 mm (or 8 in.) for soils with large
gravel contents.
3.5 Vacuum Pump or Water Faucet Aspirator, for evacuating and for saturating soil specimens under full vacuum (see
Fig. 2).
3.6 Manometer Tubes, with metric scales for measuring head of water.
3.7 Balance, of 2 kg (4.4 lb) capacity, sensitive to 1 g (0.002 lb).
3.8 Scoop, with a capacity of about 100 g (0.22 lb) of soil.
3.9 Miscellaneous Apparatus-Thermometers, clock with sweep second hand, 250 ml graduate, 1 liter jar, mixing pan,
scoop, etc.

4. Sample
4.1 A representative sample of air-dried granular soil, containing less than 10 percent nonplastic soil passing the 0.075
mm sieve and equal to an amount sufficient to satisfy the requirements prescribed in 4.2 and 4.3 shall be selected by the
method of quartering.
4.2 A sieve analysis MRDTM 205, Test for Particle Size Analysis of Soils, shall be made on a representative sample of
the complete soil prior to the permeability test. Any particles larger than 19.0 mm (3/4 in.) shall be separated out by sieving.
This oversize material shall not be used for the permeability test, but the percentage of the oversize material shall be

Note 2: In order to establish representative values of coefficients of permeabilities for the range that may exist in the
situation being investigated, samples of the finer, average, and coarser soils should be obtained for testing.
4.3 From the material from which the oversize has been removed (see 4.2), select by the method of quartering, a sample
for testing equal to an amount approximately twice that required for filling the permeameter chamber.

5. Preparation of Specimens
5.1 The size of permeameter to be used be as prescribed in Table 1.
5.2 Make the following initial measurements in millimeters or square millimeters and record on the test data sheet
MRDWS 239; the inside diameter, D, of the permeameter; the length, L, between manometer outlets; the depth, H,
measured at four symmetrically spaced points from the upper surface of the top plate of permeability cylinder to the top of
the upper porous stone or screen temporarily placed on the lower porous plate or screen. This automatically deducts the
thickness of the upper porous plate or screen from the height measurements used to determine the volume of soil placed in
the permeability cylinder. A duplicate top plate containing four large symmetrically spaced openings through which the
necessary measurements can be made shall be employed to determine the average value for H, Calculate the cross sectional
area, A, of the specimen.
5.3 A small portion of the sample selected as prescribed in 4.3 shall be taken for water content determinations. Record
the mass of the remaining air-dried sample (Sec 4.3), W, for density determinations.
5.4 Place the prepared soil by one of the following procedures in uniform thin layers approximately equal in thickness
after compaction to the maximum size of particle, but not less than approximately 15 mm (0.60 in.).
5.4.1 For soils have a maximum size of 9.5 mm (3/8 in.) or less, place the appropriate size of funnel, as prescribed in
Sec 3.3, in the permeability device with the spout in contact with the lower porous plate or screen, or previously formed
layer, and fill the funnel with sufficient soil to form a layer, taking soil from different areas of the sample in the pan. Lift the
funnel 15 mm (0.60 in.), or approximately the unconsolidated layer thickness to be be formed, and spread the soil with slow
spiral motion, working from the perimeter of the device toward the center, so that a uniform layer is formed. Remix the soil
in the pan for each successive layer to reduce segregation caused by taking soil from the pan.
5.4.2 For soils with a maximum size of 9.5 mm (3/8 in.) or less, spread the soil from a scoop. Uniform spreading can be
obtained by sliding a scoopful of soil in a nearly horizontal position down along the inside surface of the device to the
bottom or to the formed layer, then tilting the scoop and drawing it toward the center with a single slow motion; this allows
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the soil to run smoothly from the scoop in a windrow without segregation. Turn the permeability cylinder sufficiently for the
next scoopful, thus progressing around the inside perimeter to form a uniform, compacted layer of a thickness equal to the
maximum particle size.
5.5 Compact successive layers of soil to the desired relative density by appropriate procedures, as follows, to a height of
about 20 mm (0.8 in.) above the upper manometer outlet.
5.5.1 Minimum Density (0 percent Relative Density)-Continue placing layers of soil in succession by one of the
procedures described in 5.4.1 or 5.4.2 until the device is filled to the proper level.
5.5.2 Maximum Density (100 percent Relative Density): Compacting by Vibrating Tamper-Compact each layer of soil thoroughly with the vibrating tamper, distributing
the light tamping action uniformly over the surface of the layer in a regular pattern. The pressure of contact and the length
of time of the vibrating action at each spot should not cause soil to escape from beneath the edges of the tamping foot, thus
tending to loosen the layer. Make a sufficient number of coverages to produce maximum density, as evidenced by
practically no visible motion of surface particles adjacent to the edges of the tamping foot. Compaction by Sliding Weight Tamper-Compact each layer of soil thoroughly by tamping blows uniformly
distributed over the surface of the layer. Adjust the height of drop and give sufficient coverages to produce maximum
density, depending on the coarseness and gravel content of the soil. Compaction by Other Methods-Compaction may be accomplished by other approved methods, such as by
vibratory packer equipment, where care is taken to obtain a uniform specimen without segregation of particles sizes.
5.5.3 Relative Density (Intermediate Between 0 and 100 percent)-By trial in a separate container of the same diameter
as the permeability cylinder, adjust the compaction to obtain reproducible values of relative density. Compact the soil in the
permeability cylinder by these procedures in thin layers to a height about 20 mm (0.80 in.) above the upper manometer

Note 3: In order to bracket, systematically and representatively, the relative density conditions that may govern in natural
deposits or in compacted embankments, a series of permeability tests should be made to bracket the range of field relative
5.6 Preparation of Specimen for Permeability Test:
5.6.1 Level the upper surface of the soil by placing the upper porous plate or screen in position and by rotating it gently
back and forth.
5.6.2 Measure and record: the final height of specimen, H1-H2, by measuring the depth, H2, from the upper surface of
the perforated top plate employed to measure H1, to the top of the upper porous plate or screen at four symmetrically spaced
points after compressing the spring lightly to seat the porous plate or screen during the measurements; the final mass of air-
dried soil used in the test (W1-W2) by weighing the remainder of soil, W2, left in the pan. Compute and record the densities,
void ratio, and relative density of the test specimen.
5.6.3 With its gasket in place, press down the top plate against the spring and attach it securely to the top of the
permeameter cylinder, making an airtight seal. This satisfies the condition described in 2.1.1 of holding the initial density
without significant volume change during the test.
5.6.4 Using a vacuum pump or suitable aspirator, evacuate the specimen under 500 mm (20 in.) mercury minimum for
15 min to remove air adhering to soil particles and from the voids. Follow the evacuation by a slow saturation of the
specimen from the bottom upward (Fig. 2) under full vacuum in order to free any remaining air in the specimen. Continued
saturaton of the specimen can be maintained more adequately by the use of (1) deaired water, or (2) water maintained at an
in-flow temperature sufficiently high to cause a decreasing temperature gradient in the specimen during the test. Native
water or water of low mineral content should be used for the test, but in any case the fluid should be described on Form No.
MRDWS 239. This satisfies the condition described in 2.1.2 for saturation of soil voids.

Note 4: Native water is the water occurring in the rock or soil in situ. It should be used if possible, but it (as well as de-aired
water) may be a refinement not ordinarily feasible for large-scale production testing.
5.6.5 After the specimen has been saturated and the permeameter is full of water, close the bottom valve on the outlet
tube (Fig. 2) and disconnect the vacuum. Care should be taken to ensure that the permeability flow system and the
manometer system are free of air and are working satisfactorily. Fill the inlet tube with water from the constant-head tank by
slightly opening the filter tank valve. Then connect the inlet tube to the top of the permeameter, open the inlet valve slightly
and open the manometer outlet cocks, slightly, to allow water to flow, thus freeing them of air. Connect the water
manometer tubes to the manometer outlets and fill with water to remove the air. Close the inlet valve and open the outlet
valve to allow the water in the manometer tubes to reach their stable water level under zero head.

6. Procedure
6.1 Open the inlet valve from the filter tank slightly for the first run to conditions described in 2.1.3, delay
measurements of quantity of flow and head until a stable head condition without appreciable drift in water manometer levels
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is attained. Measure and record the time, t, head, h, (the difference in level in the manometers), quantity of flow, Q, and wa-
ter temperature, T.
6.2 Repeat test runs at heads increasing by 5 mm in order to establish accurately the region of laminar flow with
velocity, v, (where v = Q/At) directly proportional to hydraulic gradient, i (where i = h/L1). When departures from the linear
relation become apparent, indicating the initiation of turbulent flow conditions, 10 mm intervals of head may be used to
carry the test run sufficiently along in the region of turbulent flow to define this region if it is significant for field conditions.

Note 5: Much lower values of hydraulic gradient, h/L1 are required than generally recognized, in order to insure laminar
flow conditions. The following values are suggested: loose compactness ratings h/L1 from 0.2 to 0.3, and dense
compactness ratings h/L1 from 0.3 to 0.5, the lower values of h/L1 applying to coarser soils and the higher values to finer
6.3 At the completion of the permeability test, drain the specimen and inspect it to establish whether it was essentially
homogeneous and isotropic in character. Any light and dark alternating horizontal streaks or layers are evidence of
segregation of fines.

7. Calculations
7.1 Calculate the coefficient of permeability, k, as follows:


k =coefficient of permeability,
Q = quantity of water discharged,
L = distance between manomenters,
A = cross-sectional area of specimen,
t = total time of discharge,
h = difference in head on manometers.

7.2 Correct the permeability to that for 20 C by multiplying k (7.1) by the ratio of the viscosity of water at test
temperature to the viscosity of water at 20 C.

8. Report
8.1 The report of permeability test shall include the following information:
8.1.1 Project, dates, sample number, location, depth, and any other pertinent information,
8.1.2 Grain size analysis, classification, maximum particle size, and percentage of any oversize material not used.
8.1.3 Dry density, void ratio, relative density as placed, and maximum and minimum densities,
8.1.4 A statement of any departures from these test conditions, so the results can be evaluated and used.
8.1.5 Complete test data, as indicated in the laboratory form for test data, and
8.1.6 Test curves plotting velocity, Q/At, versus hydraulic gradient, h/L, covering the ranges of soil identifications and
of relative densities.
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Deep, Quasi-Static, Cone and Friction-Cone Penetration Test of Soil

MRD Test Method 240

(Adaptation of ASTM D3441)*

1. Scope
1.1 This method covers the determination of end bearing and side friction, the components of penetration resistance
which are developed during the steady, slow penetration of a pointed rod into soil. This method supplies data on the
engineering properties of soil intended to help with the design and construction of earthworks and foundations for struc-
tures. This method is sometimes referred to as the "Dutch Cone Test."
1.2 This method includes the use of both cone and friction-cone penetrometers, of both the mechanical and electric

Note 1: This method does not include hydraulic penetrometers. Such penetrometers use a hydraulic system to extend the
penetrometer tip, or to transmit the penetration resistance(s) from the tip to the recording unit, or both. However, many of
the requirements herein could also apply to hydraulic penetrometers.
1.3 Mechanical penetrometers of the type described in this method operate incrementally, using a telescoping
penetrometer tip, resulting in no movement of the push rods during the measurement of the resistance components. Design
constraints for mechanical penetrometers preclude a complete separation of the end-bearing and side-friction components.
Electric penetrometers are advanced continuously and permit separate measurement of both components. Differences in
shape and method of advance between cone penetrometer tips may result in significant differences in one or both resistance

2. Definitions
2.1 Cone penetrometer-An instrument in the form of a cylindrical rod with a conical point designed for penetrating soil
and soft rock and for measuring the end-bearing component of penetration resistance.
2.2 Friction-Cone Penetrometer-A cone penetrometer with the additional capability of measuring the local side friction
component of penetration resistance.
2.3 Mechanical penetrometer-A penetrometer that uses a set of inner rods to operate a telescoping penetrometer tip and
and to transmit the component(s) of penetration resistance to the surface for measurement.
2.4 Electric Penetrometer-A penetrometer that uses electric-force transducers built into a nontelescoping penetrometer
tip for measuring, within the tip, the component(s) of penetration resistance.
2.5 Penetrometer Tip-The end section of the penetrometer, which comprises the active elements that sense the soil
resistance, the cone, and in the case of the friction-cone penetrometer, the friction sleeve.
2.6 Cone-The cone-shaped point of the penetrometer tip, upon which the end-bearing resistance develops.
2.7 Friction Sleeve-A section of the penetrometer tip upon which the local side-friction resistance develops.
2.8 Push Rods-The thick-walled tubes, or other suitable rods, used for advancing the penetrometer tip to the required
test depth.
2.9 Inner Rods-Rods that slide inside the push rods to extend the tip of a mechanical penetrometer.
2.10 Cone Resistance or End-Bearing Resistance, q,-The resistance to penetration developed by the cone, equal to the
vertical force applied to the cone divided by its horizontally projected area.
2.11 Friction Resistance, fs-The resistance to penetration developed by the friction sleeve, equal to the vertical force
applied to the sleeve divided by its surface area. This resistance consists of the sum of friction and adhesion.
2.12 Friction Ratio, Rf-The ratio of friction resistance to cone resistance, fs/qc, expressed in percent.
2.13 Cone Sounding-The entire series of penetration tests performed at one location when using a cone penetrometer.
2.14 Friction-Cone Sounding-The entire series of penetration tests performed at one location when using a friction-cone

* Reprinted, with permission. from the ANNUAL BOOK OF ASTM STANDARDS, Copyright. The American Society for Testing and Materials,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
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3. Apparatus
3.1 General:
3.1.1 Cone-The cone shall have a 60degree ( 5-degrees) point angle and a base diameter of 35.7 0.4 mm (1.406
0.016 in.) resulting in a projected area of 10 cm2 (1.55 in.2).

Note 2: In soft soils, the total soil-resistance force on the cone may be insufficient to support the accumulated weight of the
cone and inner rods of the mechanical penetrometer. In this case, tips with a larger projected area may be used if their
geometry remains similar to that for the 10 cm2 tip (1.55 in.2).
3.1.2 Friction Sleeve, having the same outside diameter +0.5 to -0.0 mm (+0.024 to -0.000 in.) as the base diameter of
the cone (Sec 3.1.1). No other part of the penetrometer tip shall project outside the sleeve diameter. The surface area of the
sleeve shall be 100 or 150 cm2 (15.5 or 23.2 in.2) 2%.
3.1.3 Steel-The cone and friction sleeve shall be made from steel of a type and hardness suitable to resist wear due to
abrasion by soil. The friction sleeve shall have, and maintain with use, a roughness of 0.5 m (20 in.) AA, 5 0 %.
3.1.4 Push Rods-Made of suitable steel, these rods must have a section adequate to sustain, without buckling, the thrust
required to advance the penetrometer tip. They must have an outside diameter not greater than the diameter of the base of
the cone for a length of at least 0.4 m (1.3 ft.) above the base, or, in the case of the friction-cone penetrometer, at least 0.3 m
(1.0 ft.) above the top of the friction sleeve. Each push rod must have the same, constant inside diameter. They must screw
or attach together to bear against each other and form a rigid-jointed string of rods with a continuous, straight axis.
3.1.5 Inner Rods-Mechanical penetrometers require a separate set of steel, or other metal alloy, inner rods within the
steel push rods. The inner rods must have a constant outside diameter with a roughness, excluding waviness, less than 0.25
m (10 in.) AA. They must have the same length as the push rods 0.l mm (or 0.004 in.) and a cross section adequate
to transmit the cone resistance without buckling or other damage. Clearance between inner rods and push rods shall be
between 0.5 and 1.0 mm (0.020 and 0.040 in.) (Sec 5.8.1).
3.1.6 Measurement Accuracy-Maintain the thrust-measuring instrumentation to obtain thrust measurements within 5%
of the correct values.
3.2 Mechanical Penetrometers:
3.2.1 The sliding mechanism necessary in a mechanical penetrometer tip must allow a downward movement of the cone
in relation to the push rods of at least 30.5 mm (1.2 in.).

Note 3: At certain combinations of depth and tip resistance(s), the elastic compression of the inner rods may exceed the
downward stroke that the thrust machine can apply to the inner rods relative to the push rods. In this case, the tip will not
extend and the thrust readings will rise elastically to the end of the machine stroke and then jump abruptly when the thrust
machine makes contact with the push rods.
3.2.2 Mechanical penetrometer tip design shall include protection against soil entering the sliding mechanism and
affecting the resistance component(s) (Sec 3.2.3 and Note 4).
3.2.3 Cone Penetrometer-Fig.1 shows the design and action of one mechanical cone penetrometer tip. A mantle of
reduced diameter is attached above the cone to minimize possible soil contamination of the sliding mechanism.

Note 4: An unknown amount of side friction may develop along this mantle and be included in the cone resistance.
3.2.4 Friction-Cone Penetrometer-Fig. 2 shows the design and action of one telescoping mechanical friction-cone
penetrometer tip. The lower part of the tip, including a mantle to which the cone attaches, advances first until the flange
engages the friction sleeve and then both advance.

Note 5: The shoulder at the lower end of the friction sleeve encounters end-bearing resistance. In sands as much as
two-thirds of the sleeve resistance may consist of bearing on this shoulder. Ignore this effect in soft to medium clays.
3.2.5 Measuring Equipment-Measure the penetration resistance(s) at the surface by a suitable device such as a hydraulic
or electric load cell or proving ring.
3.3 Electric Penetrometers:
3.3.1 Cone Penetrometer-Fig. 3 shows one design for an electric-cone penetrometer tip. The cone resistance is
measured by means of a force transducer attached to the cone. An electric cable or other suitable system transmits the
transducer signals to a data recording system. Electric-cone penetrometer shall permit continuous advance and recording
over each push rod-length interval.
3.3.2 Friction-Cone Penetrometer-The bottom of the friction sleeve shall not be more than 10 mm (0.4 in.) above the
base of the cone. The same requirements as 3.3.1 apply. Fig. 4 shows one design for an electric friction-cone penetrometer
3.4 Thrust Machine-This machine shall provide a continuous stroke, preferably over a distance greater than one push
rod length. The machine must advance the penetrometer tip at a constant rate while the magnitude of the thrust required
fluctuates (Sec 4.1.2).
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Note 6: Deep penetration soundings usually require a thrust capability of at least 45 kN (5 tons). Most modern machines
uses hydraulic pistons with 90 to 180 kN (10 to 20 tons) thrust capability.

3.5 Reaction Equipment-The proper performance of the static-thrust machine requires a stable, static reaction.

Note 7: The type of reaction provided may affect the penetrometer resistance(s) measured, particularly in the surface or
near-surface layers.

4. Procedure
4.1 General:
4.1.1 Set up the thrust machine for a thrust direction as near vertical as practical.
4.1.2 Rate of Penetration-Maintain a rate of depth penetration of 10 to 20 mm/s (2 to 4 ft/min) 25% when obtaining
resistance data. Other rates of penetration may be used between tests.

Note 8: The rate of 10 mm/s (2 ft/min) provides the time the operator needs to read properly the resistance values when
using the mechanical friction-cone penetrometer. The rate of 20 mm/s (4 ft/min) is suitable for the single resistance reading
required when using the mechanical cone penetrometer and provides for the efficient operation of electric penetrometers.

Note 9: The Engineer may wish to test at reduced rates of penetration to study possible pore pressure and other effects on
the resistance component(s) obtained using the standard rate.
4.2 Mechanical Penetrometers:
4.2.1 Cone Penetrometer-(1) Advance penetrometer tip to the required test depth by applying sufficient thrust on the
push rods; and (2) Apply sufficient thrust on the inner rods to extend the penetrometer tip (Fig. 1). Obtain the cone
resistance at a specific point (Sec 4.2.3) during the downward movement of the inner rods. Repeat step (1). Apply sufficient
thrust on the push rods to collapse the extended tip and advance it to a new test depth. By continually repeating this
two-step cycle, obtain cone resistance data at increments of depth. This increment shall not ordinarily exceed 203 mm (8
4.2.2 Friction-Cone Penetrometer - Use this penetrometer as described in 4.2.1 but obtain two resistances during the
step (2) extension of the tip (Figs. 2 and 5). First obtain the cone resistance during the initial phase of the extension. When
the lower part of the tip engages and pulls down the friction sleeve, obtain a second measurement of the total resistance of
the cone plus the sleeve. Subtraction gives the sleeve resistance.

Note 10: Because of soil layering, the cone resistance may change during the additional downward movement of the tip
required to obtain the friction measurement (Note 11).

Note 11: The soil friction along the sleeve puts an additional overburden load on the soil above the cone and may increase
cone resistance above that measured during the initial phase of the tip extension by an unknown, but probably small
amount. Ignore this effect.
4.2.3 Recording Data-To obtain reproducible cone-resistance data, or cone and friction -resistance test data when using
a friction-cone tip, record only those thrust readings that occur at a well-defined point during the downward movement of
the top of the inner rods in relation to the top of the push rods. Because of the elastic compression of inner rods (Note 3),
this point ordinarily should be at not less than 25 mm (1.0 in.) apparent relative movement of the inner rods. When using the
friction-cone penetrometer, this point shall be just before the cone engages the friction sleeve.

Note 12: Fig. 5 shows one example of how the thrust in the hydraulic load cell can vary during the extension of the
friction-cone tip. Note the jump in gage pressure when the cone engages the sleeve. Obtain the cone plus friction-resistance reading as soon as possible after the jump so as to minimize the error
described in Fig. 5. Unless using continuous recording as in Fig. 5, the operator should not record a cone plus friction
resistance if he suspects the cone resistance is changing abruptly or erratically.
4.3 Electric Penetrometers:
4.3.1 If using continuous electric cable, prethread it through the push rods.
4.3.2 Record the initial reading(s) with the penetrometer tip hanging freely in air or in water, out of direct sunlight, and
after an initial, short penetration in the test hole so that the tip temperature is at soil temperature.
4.3.3 Record the cone resistance, or cone resistance and friction resistance, continuously with depth or note them at
intervals of depth not exceeding 203 mm (8 in.).
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4.3.4 At the end of a sounding, obtain a final set of readings as in 4.3.2 and check them against the initial set. Discard
the sounding, and repair or replace the tip if this check is not satisfactory for the accuracy desired for the resistance

5. Special Techniques and Precautions

5.1 Reduction of Friction Along Push Rods-The purpose of this friction reduction is to increase the penetrometer depth
capability, and not to reduce any differences between resistance components determined by mechanical and electric tips as
noted in 1.3. To accomplish the friction reduction, introduce a special rod with an enlarged diameter or special projections,
called a "friction reducer," into the string of push rods or between the push rods and the tip. Another allowable method to
reduce friction is to use push rods with a diameter less than that of the tip.
5.2 Prevention of Rod Bending Above Surface-Use a tubular rod guide, at the base of the thrust machine, of sufficient
length to prevent significant bending of the push rods between the machine and the ground surface.

Note 13: Special situations, such as when working through water, will require a special system of casing support to restrict
adequately the buckling of the push rods.
5.3 Drift of Tip-For penetration depths exceeding about 12 m (40 ft) the tip will probably drift away from a vertical
alignment. Occasionally, serious drifting occurs, even at less depth. Reduce drifting by using push rods that are initially
straight and by making sure that the initial cone penetration into soil does not involve unwanted, initial lateral thrust.
Passing through or alongside an obstruction such as boulders, soil concretions, thin rock layers' or inclined dense layers may
deflect the tip and induce drifting. Note any indications of encountering such obstructions and be alert for possible
subsequent improper tip operation as a sign of serious drifting.

Note 14: Electric penetrometer tips may also incorporate an inclinometer to monitor drift and provide a warning when it
becomes excessive.

5.4 Wear of Tip-Penetration into abrasive soils eventually wears down or scours the penetrometer tip. Discard tips, or
parts thereof, whose wear changes their geometry or surface roughness so they no longer meet the requirements of 3.1.
Permit minor scratches.
5.5 Distance Between Cone and Friction Sleeve-The friction resistance of the sleeve applies to the soil at some distance
above the soil in which the cone resistance was obtained at the same time. When comparing these resistances for the soil at
a specified depth, for example when computing friction ratios or when plotting these data on graphs, take proper account of
the vertical distance between the base of the cone and the mid-height of the friction sleeve.
5.6 Interruptions-The Engineer may have to interrupt the normal advance of a static penetration test for purposes such
as removing the penetrometer and drilling through layers or obstructions too strong to penetrate statically. If the
penetrometer is designed to be driven dynamically without damage to its subsequent static performance (those illustrated
herein in Figs. 1 to 4 are not so designed), the Engineer may drive past such layers or obstructions. Delays of over 10
minutes due to personnel or equipment problems shall be considered an interruption. Continuing the static penetration test
after an interruption is permitted provided this additional testing remains in conformance with this standard. Obtain further
resistance component data only after the tip passes through the Engineer's estimate of the disturbed zone resulting from the
nature and depth of the interruption. As an alternative, readings may be continued without first making the additional tip
penetration and the disturbed zone evaluated from these data. Then disregard data within the disturbed zone.
5.7 Below or Adjacent to Borings-A cone or friction-cone sounding shall not be performed any closer than 25 boring
diameters from an existing, unbackfilled, uncased boring hole. When performed at the bottom of a boring, the Engineer
should estimate the depth below the boring of the disturbed zone and disregard penetration test data in this zone. This depth
shall be at least three boring diameters.
5.8 Mechanical Penetrometers:
5.8.1 Inner Rod Friction-Soil particles and corrosion can increase the friction between inner rods and push rods,
possibly resulting in significant errors in the measurement of the resistance component(s). Clean and lubricate the inner
5.8.2 Weight of Inner Rods-For improved accuracy at low values of cone resistance, correct the thrust data to include
the accumulated weight of the inner rods from the tip to the topmost rod.
5.8.3 Jamming-Soil particles between sliding surfaces or bending of the tip may jam the mechanism during the many
extensions and collapses of the telescoping mechanical tip. Stop the sounding as soon as uncorrectable jamming occurs.
5.9 Electric Penetrometers:
5.9.1 Water Seal-Provide adequate waterproofing for the electric transducer. Make periodic checks to assure that no
water has passed the seals.

6. Report
Table of Contents
6.1 Graph of Cone Resistance, qc-Every report of a cone or friction-cone sounding shall include a graph of the variation
of cone resistance in units of 100 kPa (tons/ft2) with depth in meters (or feet). Successive cone-resistance test values from
the mechanical cone and friction-cone penetrometers, usually determined at equal increments of depth and plotted at the
depth corresponding to the depth of the measurement, may be connected with straight lines as an approximation for a
continuous graph.
6.2 Friction-Cone Penetrometer:
6.2.1 Graph of Friction Resistance, f,-In addition to the graph of cone resistance (6.1) the report may include an
adjacent or superposed graph of friction resistance or friction ratio, or both, with depth. Use the same depth scale as in 6.1
(See 5.5).
6.2.2 Graph of Friction Ratio, Rf-If the report includes soil descriptions estimated from the friction-cone penetrometer
data, include a graph of the variation of friction ratio with depth. Place this graph adjacent to the graph for cone resistance,
using the same depth scale (See 5.5).
6.3 General-The operator shall record his name, the name and location of the job, date of sounding, sounding number,
location of coordinates, and soil and water surface elevations (if available). The report shall also include a note as to the
type of penetrometer tip used, the type of thrust machine, the method used to provide the reaction force, if a friction reducer
was used, the method of tip advancement, the method of record, the condition of the rods and tip after withdrawal, and any
special difficulties or other observations concerning the performance of the equipment.
6.4 Deviations from Standard-The report shall state that the test procedures where in accordance with this MRDTM.
Describe completely any deviations from this method.

7. Precision and Accuracy

7.1 Because of the many variables involved and the lack of a superior standard, Engineers have no direct data to
determine the accuracy of this method. Judging from its observed reproducibility in approximately uniform soil deposits,
plus the q, and f, measurement effects of special equipment and operator care, persons familiar with this method estimate its
precision as follows:
7.1.1 Mechanical Tips-Standard deviation of 10% in qc and 20% in fs.
7.1.2 Electric Tips-Standard deviation of 5% in qc and 10% in fs.

Note 15: These data may not match similar data from mechanical tips (See 1.3).
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