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SPE 36105


F. Frashad, J. L. LeBlanc and J. D. Garber, SPE, University of Southwestern Louisiana and,

J. G. Osorio, University National de Colombia

cwmwfm.wd~ EI@IW81Y to their applicability to all types of @oil mixtures with API
lhii PwwvMszforwcarWmI titi Fwth Lath AmaicMmmd CuL=aI gravities ranging between 18 to 44.9 (single stage separation),
Polmhwn E~ Ca#awca W in Pml-al-SIMh, TM ~ Tc&wJ, 2M6 A@
14.3 to 29.0 (two stage separation) and 40.3 to 44.1 (three stage
Thiipapwwss toMWfWfWSNIWM LVUNSPE P~C4f?ImkINfCUUWhJ*OI separation).
mfumak-mc=xtmedhmtib_81@Mki@d bytlwudtmf(s). Cadlh WWS9
pmsw-tcd, hmrKIIbe6n rwwmdbYWNScd@tY c4Pdrohm Ervhnrsmdmu@ocl Io
oarncknbylhaqt) Thlmluicl, up8utM9idanf cw t-alhluy
pOM. c4m8S0ciay c4P0smklnl Eng- or its mambsm PWUS pmndd al SPE INTRODUCITON
malings nsubjac410wblkAon _bYlho Ediil CWIITIilha c411m SocWfol
P61rohum Enginws. Pumiswon 10 COPYm rwdrka.d to m ~ C4nd IMM UWI 2#J
Wwds Ibtmtwu may rmi be cc@M Th9ab8u-aa IhOumcOnm@l cmaF4mls AIS acauate knowledge of Pressure-Volume-Tempemture
dnAu@md dW8t9NId Lvti UNWWW@$rm-ntad WHo LSruiu!SPE.
P O SS2SSS,Rk+urdwn, TX 7SOl?3-SL?36
USA fan 01 -214-ss2-94sE (PVT) properties is essential in reservoir and production
engineering calculations. Estimation of reserves, determiiation
of oil reservoir performance, recovery efficiency, production
optimization and design of production systems are some of the
ABSTRACT areas which require precise determination of a fluids physical
properties at different conditions of pressure and ternpemture.
Empirical PVT correlations are presented for estimating bubble- Ideally, the physical properties of the reservoir fluids are
point pressure, solution gas-oil ratio, oil formation volume determined experimentally in the laboratory. However, due to
factor, and isothermal compressibility. To develop the above economical anrVor technical reasons, quite otlen this
comelations, the data base consisted of ninety-eight PVT information cannot be obtained fkom laboratory measured
laboratory analyses for Colombian crude oils. llse gas-oil values. In this case, PVT propertks must be estimated iknn
ratios, gas gravities, oil gravities, and formation volume factors empirically derived correlations.
involved in the development of the correlations are the result of Several correlations have been proposed for determining
one, two and three-stage flash separation as recorded tim PVT the PVT properties of reservoir fluids. Some of the most widel
samples analyzed in the laboratory. 1
used correlations are: Standings, LiW5k#, c4dhOlU1S,
Tle effect of separator conditions on the predktion of the Trubesl*, Chew-Comallys5, Beals2, Glasos, Vszquez-
bubble-point pressure, solution gas+il ratio and oil formation Beggs9, Be~Robinsons3, Dokla-osman, Petrosky-
volume t%ctor is studied. A new correlation that corrects the Farshadll, and petrosky-Farshad12. These cmmekkms are M
separator solution giss-oil ratio for separator conditions is on reservoir fluid samples from certain specific regions of the
provided. Improved ccsmelationsfor estimating the bubble-point world.
pressure, hnsed on the corrected separator solution gas-oil ratio, Because of the varying compositions of cnr& oils from
are developed. In addition, total solution gas-oil ratio and oil different region$ predktion of PVT properties horn empirical
formation volume factor correlations based on separator data are correlations may not provide aatisfaetory results when they are
presented. Since the stock-tank gas-oil ratio and stock-tank gas applied to hydmxbons behaving differently 6orn the fluid
gravity are not usually measured in the fiel~ these correlations samples on which the correlations were baaed. previous studies
represent a rwdiatic form of Mtmladng
PVT properties. have shown that extrapolation of empirical PVT correlations
Although the correlations presented are based on should be umkrtaken with caution. Examples of such studies
Colombian crude oils and gases, consideration should be given are Oatermsumset al10 fix Alasksm crude Oik?and Sutton and

Famhada17for ~ of Mexico csude Oik. ~C madts ObtZid nhrogen~dhydmgen atdfk%carbon dioxide was~at
tibothatdk aahowtha
tthaema ybeconsidemble errors cmccntratmns less than one mole pcmcat. Wading pointed
inl@ve41 in.tryingto gemdize emprncal PVT Curelationa out that the cond- under which his cadatkm were
Wti.?!$@l@* :. developed are considered to approximate the avemge Califmia
*X* -;* with p~ Gfnprnd Carelations Opemting clmiitions.
exdudWy bak!dm FVfpropdes of Colombian csude oils. In 1957 Trubel* presated a graphii cxmelation fm
The propdea preamted are bubble-point presam, the solution determining compressibility of umk@uaM hydmabon
gas oil ratio, oil fotmatioO volume t%ctor,and the isothermal oil reservoir fluids. The pmdwdud CnnpreKdil&, (Mined
compresd%ility. Furthermore, several widely known as the oil compressibility times the paeudoaitid pmsaurG was
corrections am evaluated to detelmine their applicalilii for cOrmh@ graphically, as function of psewbmduced prcsure
predicting the PVT pperdes of Colombian crude oils. and tempwature. Trubels did not presmt stadadd ~
Dit%rent approaches were used for developing the concerning the data used fm developing this codadon.
Condationa. -fherefm several Co17elationsare presented for In 1958 bsaterg presented a caelation of the bubblo-
some PVT properties. The number of correlations provided per point presswe as function of thegasgmvity, tempaatureand
PVT propesty depends on the number of stages used for the gas mole tiaction. Since the gas mole &actkM is a fimction of
surfhce sepamtion of oil and gas, the variables correlated, and the oil mokcular weighg Lasate? also presemted a cormkkion
the range of variation of the database used. for determining the molecular weight of tank oil fkom the API
Most of the comelations am developed by applying gravity so that the bubble-pointpressure cxmdation could be
multiple nonliiear regression techniques. Linear regression applied when only field data is available. His correlations wem
~w~mw~edinaf~- iowhichthe based on 158 PVT sampks fiorn 137 independent systems
mathematical models utilized could & expmsed in linear form. produced in Cam+ Western and Mid-C0ntin4mtal United
Ihe data base used consisted of ninety+ight results of States, and South America
PVT laboratory anrdyam. lYIis data covers over thirty-two In 1973 Cronquist6 published a set of dimensionkss
reservoirs tiom diffixent Colombkm oil producing regions. graphical empiricat PVT correlations for Gulf Coast reservoir
They are the results of one, two and three-stage flash separation. oils. In the development of these cmdati~ Cronquist
defined dimensionless oressure. dimensionless cumulative
REVIEW OF CORRELATIONS gas evolution, and dimensionless shrinkage, which allows
one to determine the bubble-point pressure, the solution gas-oil
EmprncaI PVT correlations have been a subject of study since ratio, and the oil fommtion vohune fhctor, respectively. Ihe
tie begiiing of reservoir and production engineering. Several correlations were based on 80 oil samplesfkom31 fields.
correlations for determining propaties of reservoir fluids were In 1980 Glasos presented comelations for -ming the
publish~ among others, by Standrngi, Calhoun, TNLdg, bubble-point pressure and oil fmation volume fhc$or as a
hsate?, &tat, and (kw and -. For SeVGld y4XWSy function of solution gas-oil ratio, total gas gravity, reservoir
these conditions were the only source of information available Mnpemtm andtank-oil gravity. The PVTdatausedwerethe
to estimate the physical properdes of reservoir fluids from field result ofa2-stage tlaahsepamtion ata constant temperatumof
data. h recent )M13, however, there has been an increasing 125F. he wpamtor pressure was held constant at 414.7 psia
interest indeveloping new empirical PVT correlations for other fix the tlrst stage, and 14.7 psia fm the second stage. GIMo*
geognsphical areas. Some of the latter studies have been used data tl-om 45 oil sampl~ most of which came fi-om the
perfbnned by Glaso, A1-Marhoun, and V~uez and Beggs19, Nwth Sea re on.
Sutton and Farshad*7, Dolda and Osman, Wtrosky and GISSOS CQ~hthS were developed for oil with U(3P
Farshadil, and Petrosky and Farshad*2. &mtmhtion fbctom of 11.9 (oik with pamtlicinities
In 1947 standing presented empirical PVT Cor7ektions equivaknt to No* Sea Oik). A comection to the API ~ity
for determining bubble-point pmasuma and oil fbnnation Wassuggeated wheathe correlations are applied tocrudeoik
volume fhctm as fimctions of solution gas-oil ratio, gas gmvity, with parafficinities other than 11.9. Uhrmnntely, this
oil gravity and tempemture. standing used 105 corrccdonrcqubes osletousethegravity ofthe Ktidualoil6wm
experimentallydetermined data pints on 22 di&rent cnlde- adiffknntial sepamdqinfimnation which
oilhatuml-gas mixtures from C4difomia to develop his avaikbk fknn field data
cmdations. The PVT data used were the result of a 2-stage Gkso* provided a method for cormctm gtheprdcted
flash sepamtion at a cxmstant temperature of 100F. The first bubblepoint pressure fm the pmaence of carbon -
stage pressure varied between 250 psi imd 450 psi and the nitrogen and hydrogen sultlde. The cmedioo factors area
second stage pressure was maintained constant at atmospheric function of the mole fractions of the non-hydmcadmn

~. ~e-~t~~=m-w~ *of

components. fhii limits the appliiilhy of the method when indicated thatauniveraal eomelation doansxexist andthatd@a
field data is the only rnformabon
- avaikbk. f?omlocalfegioms sbouldbeusedtodevekp local cwrektk3ui.
In 1980 Vaquez and Beggal presented cmekrtiom for In 1993, PeUosky and Famhad presented ~phiC5d PVT
determining the solution ~il ratio and the oil formation COSTChti031Sfor estimating bubbk point ~, aoiutioo gas-
volume factor as a function of the bubble-point pressure, tank- oil ratio, bubble point fmation volume &tar and
oil gravity, ternpcmtum and gas gravity. A correlation was undmmmted isothermal and compraaibil~ fm Gulf of
provided for comecting the gas gmvity to sepamtor condtions of Mexico crude oils. Wtrosky and Farshad utihzed 81
100 psig. In order to improve the acu3racy of the correlations, laboratory PVT sample analyses to develop there mrrelations.
Vazquez and Beggs19divided the measured data into two groups Fluid samples were obtained tim resmvoirs located offshore
based on the oil API gravity. The divisiin was made at 30 Texas and Louisiana Petrosky and Farshad12 ako presented
API. Vazquez and Beggs19 used more than 6,000 empirical viscoshy congelations for Gulf of Mexico crude oils.
measurements of solution gas-oil ratios and oil formation Petrosky and Farshar+z pmented ViSCOSii congelations for
volume factors iiom fields all over the world. estimating dead oil, satwted oilj and undmatmmd oil
The correlation for comecting the gas g3avity to a separator ViSCOSitiC&A totfd of 126 hbomtmy PVT analyaa W~ used to
pressure of 100 psig was based on 124 data points tim 27 develop the oil viscosity correlations. The data base utilii
different reservoir fluids. was constructed horn diffkrentird liberadon data and two stage
Vazquez and Begga19 also presented a correlation for laboratory aepamtor tests conducted 0ssbubble-point oil.
detenninirrg undemtumted oil compressibilities. The
correlation for determining the compressibility of DESCRIPTION OF PVT DATA
undersaturated crude oils was developed as a function of the
solution gas-oil ratio, temperature, tank-oil API gravity, gas Results of PVT Iabomtory analyses for Colombian crude oils
gravity and the undersaturated oil pressure. A total of 4486 data constituted the bases of information needed for thii research. A
points were used for the development of this correlation. total of 98 reservoir tluid samples from more than 32 reservoirs
In 1988 A1-Marhounl derived empirical equations for were made available for this study.
calculating the bubble-point pressure and oil formation volume Most of the correlations are based on a di!%rent number of
factor for Middle East crude oils. Both correlations were experimentally determined data points. The factors determining
developed as functions of the gas-oil ratio, temperature, gas the data base of each correlation are the number of sepmtor
gravity and tank-oil gravity. A total of 160 data points from 69 stages and the simges of variation of the data for which the
oil reservoirs were used for this study. correlation is valid.
In 1983 Ostermann, et alio utilized laboratory PVT sample In order to study the effect of the number of sepamtor
arralyscs obtained from 4 fields in Alaska to analyze the stages on the amuracy of the correlations, the data has been
accuracy of existing correlations for bubble-point pressure, oil divided into three groups. The first group consists of 43 data
formation volume factor at the bubble-point ptessure, dead oil points obtained from single-stage sepmation. The second group
viscosity, and saturated oil viscosity. They concluded that is includes a total of 146 data points based on two-stage
necessary to evaluate the applicability of existing PVT separation. The third group is formed by 15 data points
correlations before using them with confidence. obtained horn three-stage sepamtion. lle nmgcs of values
In 1990 Sutton and Famhad7evaluated sevend well- covered by these data are presented in Tables 1,2 and 3.
knownempiricalPVT correladons for application in the Gulf of Only 49 of the 146 two-stage sepamtion data poiuts
Mexico. The fluid properties examined were bubble-point include information on the stock-tank gas gravity. lhe total gas
pressure, solution gas-oil ratio, formation volume factor, gravity comeaponding to these data points has been calculated.
isothermal compressibility, dead oil viscosity, gas saturated oil Most of the statistical models used m this study are
viscosity and undersaturated oil viscosity. ~ey concluded that intrinsically nonlinear models. Consequently, most of the
even the PVT correladons yieldrng the best results for thk comelations are developed by applying mukipk nonlrnear
region may present large errors. Sutton and Farshad17 also regression techniques. Linear regression procdms were only
showed that there are significant discrepancies in the magnitude applied m a few cases in which the mathematical models could
of the error obtained by applying different correlations fbr 1% expressed in linear form. For nonlrnear models, the
calculating PVT properties of crude oils from the Gulf of Nonlinear Regression (NUN) program fiorn the SAS13
Mexico. atatisdcal package was used. The RSQUARE and STEPWISE
In 1992, D&la and 0sman7 published a act of correlations regression program were used for the ~mearmorkls.
for UAE erudea. They presented corrdation equations for several modellrng altemadves were considered for some
bubble point pressure and oil formation vohune factor. A total oftbe PVTprop@ka. 033eexampk oftbeaeakmativa
of51 bottomhole samples tiom UAE reservoirs were used. He concerns the bubble-point pressure. All of the corrections

Studkdwere devdopedundadifkatumditiorw depding indic.ateatbatrnomrealiadc models can be formulated i~instead
onthermmbero ffleklw pamtoratagea artdkwthevariabka of total solution gas-oil ratio and total gas gravity, sepamtm gas-
conelated. Baeause of thelwge number ofmodcls uzedas oil ratioa and gas gravitiez are correlated.
q~ ~04 @ tboze models yielding the beat lhe corrected sepamtm gas gravity cmelation assumes
comelations m pmaellted here. the following general relationship].
Yac= flYupYmT#sp) (1)
CORRELATIONS FOR CORRECTING THE Numeamrs liiear and nonliiear models were eonaidared as
SEPARATOR GAS GRAVITY AND SOLUTION GAS- ~~i~ eq@kmz. lle model yielding beat results is a8
Yp= 7- + 15.5727(YJ-QIog@Jl 14.7) (2)
Charlges inprmaure and ~~-fhe Wbctw
produchofre-servoir fluid scauzmsohltior lgastobelii YF=ww*(+O~would--
fium the oil p&se. llw volume and gravity of the gas evolved ~~@~14.7*
-~~~ atwhiiaurhce wpamdonis Y*=? IiWdtiy(-1) obtained atcmditions of
Theamountofgas liiiaminimii attheoptimum yO= oil!~ifi~gravity (water=l)
-~~. rfti~--ubbw P*=actual wpamtorpreaaum, psia
the optimum wpamtor pressure, the volmne and gravity of the Tq=actual aepam@r~OF
gas liberated decrmsm asthesepammr premureincmses. lllisequation is based on%data pointaobmined mm
Camrsety, fix wpamtor pressurea above the optimum analyses of 27 difft Colombian lWMVOir fluii. For this
y~,tivolumedmoftigmfiti equadomtbeaverage relativeerror was4M4%wit baatan&rd
Creaseaastbe sepmtorpmasure incremm. deviadonof 3.93%. The correlation coefficient was 0.951. The
The e!lkclofthe wpamtortempemture and preasum on the crossplot forthiicorrelation isshownin F~ landthemnges
gas gravity and solution gas-oil ratio suggests that their of the data used are m followx
inclusion in the development of empirical PVT comdations
should result in an improvement of the pmdkted values. A Gas gravity at aepmtor 0.599 to 1.329
method was proposed by Vasquez and Beggs19 accomplishing conditions of 114.7 psia (a& 1)
irr part this objective. It consists of cmeding the gravity of the
gas liberated ibm a sepammr opemting at a specific pressure to Gas gravity at sepmtor 0.573to 1.337
the value that would have resulted if the sepamtor presme were condkions other than 114.7 psia
114.7 psia. Ihe comected gravity is then used as an independent (a*l)
variable in the PVT comelationa.
Two correlations were developed to detamine the effect Solution GOR at sepamtor conditions 67 to 1~00
of separator conditions on the prdcdon of PVT popertiea of 114.7 Pa@ sct7sTB
Introduced intbisstudy isanaddidonal caredlo n fm solution
gas-oil ratio. These correlations correct the solution gas-oiI ratio SolutionGORat separatorcondii 66 to 1230
andthegas gravity msultingfkorn asepamtor opemting ata otherthan 114.7psia!scfWI-13
specific presawe to tbe values that would have resulted if the
~oetiamfmu~. Itwasfoundrhatin Oil specific gravity (water=l ) 0.827 to 0.931
most of the PVT analyses aveilabk for tbia research the
optimum aepamtor pmaure was in the range of 54.7 and 164.7 -r km-, OF 68 to 100
paia (these reauka C&l&k with Wk4t hquez and -9
found). Therefore, it was deckkd to select a value of 114.7 paia - p-m Pk 34.7 to 514.7
asthereferlmce presaum.
Itwaspoatulated tbattheecambon should be performed Using the same data base, linear mgmsakmanalysiswaa
not Udy on the gas gravity, as suggested by Viizquez and applied todevelop tbemrectedaqamtor giwoilmtio
Beggs9,but also on the solution~il ratio for the following eorleladon. Tbe following equadon Wm obtaimk
reasons. F~asstatede arlicr,b othpamrnetemd ependonthe IQ= ~[1+27.6417x~#xlog(F#l 14.7)] (3)
condkions at whkb the aepamtion is made. Secondly, in routine where:
Iieldpmcticeq thegaslii fiorntbe wpamtorto thestock %-solutiongaa- oilmtiotllatwould
tank k vented to the atmosphere, lltemfore, the stock-tank gas result fkom aepamtor conditions of 114.7 ps~
gravity and adution gas-oil ratio is seldom measured. fhis Scmm

&= %pamtorgas-oil
ratio obtained at corsditions T = tesnpemture, F
of T= and Pv SCVSTB lle avemge relative error for this eurrelation is 13.32??with a
llw average reladve error for this correlation is 0.57V0 standarddeviation of 37,02V0. Fi~ 3 shows the crossplot for
with a standard deviation of 6. 17%. The torielationcoefficient this correlation. The ranges of the data covered m the
is 0.997. The crossplot for this correlation is shown in Figure 2. Comelationare presented in Table 1.

p, = 33.22[ p18281 o(o000037T-00


An improved correlation was obtained by correlating the

BUBBLE-POINT PRESSURE, Pn, CORRELATIONS corrected separator gas gravity, Yw,and the corrected solution
gas-oil ratio, ~. These values were estimated fiwnr equations 2
Standing reported the following general relation between the and 3, respectively. The regression analysis yielded the
bubble-point pressure of so oil and gas mixture with its fluid following equation:
and reservoir proprties. l%is equation showed an average relative error of -3.49% with a
pb = XK,Y*,AP1,T9 (4) standard deviation of 14.61?40.The crossplot for this correlation
where: is shown in Figure 4.
~ = total solution gas-oil ratio
&J = average gas gravity Bubble-Point Pressure Correlations Based on Two-Stage
API = Stock-tankoil API gravity Separation
T = temperature
Several mode;s were tried as regression equations to Nonlinear multiple regression was performed to obtain a
obtain a general bubble-point correlation. It was not possible to correlation having the following general form:
develop an accurate correlation for all ranges of the data Ph = qIQqT,@ (7)
available for this study. Therefore, the data was divided by The following correlation was develo d:
groups. The oil API gravity, the solution gas-oil ratio, the gas P~= 30.21 ~w & (8)
gravity and the number of separator stages are the variables used The relative average error of this equation is 3.323% with
as criteria for this division. In each case, it was observed that a standard deviation of 16.26V0. The crossplot for this
splitting the data into at least two groups and developing correlation is shown in Figure 5. The ranges of the parameters
correlations for each of them improved the accuracy of the covered are presented irrTable 2.
predicted values. The best results were obtained when the data An improved correlation was obtained by correcting not
were divided based on the number of separator stages. only the separator gas gravity, but also the separator gas-oil
Consequently, correlations were developed for one, two and ratio. Equations (2) and (3) were used for these corrections.
three-separator stages. The bubble-point pressure was then correlated as a timction of
the corrected separator gas gravity, the CO* separator gas-
Bubble-point Pressure Correlation Based on Single-Stage oil mtio, the reservoir tempemture and the oil API gravity. llre
Separation Data following equation was obtained
p~ = 10[1.~l+l~~SxMAW.31WX[~A)] )
Nonlinear multiple regression analysis was used to develop a where:
comelation of bubble-point pressure as a function of field data. A = ~m yvnfl~% Ap~%2
Two different cases were considered. First, the bubble-point The average relative error is -0.95% with a standard
pressure was correlated as a function of the gas gravity, solution deviation of 13.08%. The crossplot fbr this correlation is
gas-oil ratio, oil API suavity
-- and reservoir temperature. The presented in Figure 6. The data base used is the same as in
model best fittin the data ielded the following correlation: Equation (8).
p,= ~fO.~W+l.Wl?MAN.M.MA)] )
where Bubbl&Point Pressure Correlation Based on Two and
A = ~g-13~X&l.~3X ~@@xT4,~&I)
Three-Stage Separation
~ = total solution gas-oil ratio, scfZSTB Because of the small number of data points, it was not possible
Y*= average gas gravity (air=l) to develop a correlation based only on three-@ge separadon
API = stock-tank oil API gravity, API PVT data. However, a correlation based on data coming fkom

two and -stage sepamtionwas obtained. The equationfor with a standard deviation of 16.85/0. The crossplot for this
bubble-pointpressure,P is: correlation is shown in Figure 9.
.,,,k,o(o.m35xT4.mxm-7 ~8,81 ~,o)
P~= 64.14 ~0w3 yg
where solution Gas-oil Ratio Correlation Based on Two and
y = total average gas gmvity Thre&3tage Separation Data
Equation(10) showed an averagerelative error of 1.91%
with a standard deviation of 9.80%0. The crossplot for this The bubble-point correlation presented in Equation (10) is based
correlation is shown in Figure 7. The ranges of the data used on two and three-stage separation data. The following
are presented in Tables 2 and 3. correlation is obtained by mathematical rearrangement of


This correlation show~ an average relative error of-
Three correlations for estimating the total solution gas-oil ratio 3.56% with a standard deviation of 16.85%. The crossplot for
are presented in this paper. The fnt two correlations are based this correlation is shown in Figure 10. The ranges of the data
on single and two-stage separation daa respectively. The third used for its development are the same as that used to develop
correlation is based on two and three-stage sepamtion data. The Equation (10).
correlations are obtained by mathematically rearranging the
bubble-point pressure correlations given by Equations (6), (9), Oil Formation Volume Factor, B., Correlations
and (10). The following general relation between bubble point pressure of
an oil and gas mixture with its fluid and reservoir properties is
Solution Gas-Oil Ratio Correlation Based on SingI&Stage assumed ~:
Separation Data BO= flFQs,~,T) (14)
An improved bubble-point correlation based on single-stage Be= oil formation volume factor, bbl/STB
separation data has been presented in Equation (6). The Numerous models were tried as regression equations to
correlation is a fimction of the corrected gas gravity, corrected develop a correlation for the oil formation volume factor.
solution gas-oil ratio, the reservoir temperature and the stock- Several approaches were used. The best three correlations arc
tank oil gravi~. The corrected solution gas-oil ratio is estimated presented in this paper.
from Equation (3). Substitution of Equation (3) into Equation The fmt correlation is based on one, two and three-stage
(6) and a rean-angement of the resulting equation yields the separation data. The correlating variables are the average gas
following correlation for determining the solution gas-oil ratio: gravity, the total solution gas-oil ratio, the reservoir temperature


and the stock-tankoil gravity. This correlation was fud to be

The average relative error of this correlation is -7.9?! with very accurate. Therefore, the data was not divided according to
a standard deviation of 22.7/0. The crossplot for this correlation the number of separator stages, as it was done for the bubble-
is shown in Figure 8. The ranges of the data used are presented point pressure correlations.
in Table 1. Two correlations based on two-stage sepamtion data are
also presented. The fmt correlates the oil formation vohrme
Solution Gas-Oil Ratio Correlation Based on Twr#Nage factor as a fhnction of the coneded sepamtor gas gravity, the
Separation Data total solution gas-oil ratio, the reservoir tempemture and the
stwk-tank oil gravity. llc second con-elation utilizxs tire
Equation (9) is based on 146 experimentally determined data corrected wparator gas-oil ratio, instead of the total solution
points obtained from two--e separation. Solving this gas-oil ratio. The other correlating parameters are the same as
equation for ~ yielda the followin relation in the fmt case.
x&o.wklo,o.m37xT@.olnl.m ~12)
&= 0.01936 xPbis74
The ranges of the data on which this cormkttion is based Oil Formation Vohne Faclor Correfatbns Based on he,
w provided in Table 2. The average reladve error is 0.79?! Two Orrd+hree-stagelikparadon Data

A total of 107experimentallydetermineddata pointswere used This correlation showed an average tdative esmr of -
to developthe oil formationvolume factorcodation basedon 6.85% with a standard deviation of 32.5%. The cmsplot fm
one,two and three-stageseparation. The correlatingpammeters this condation is shown in Figure 14. The ranges of the
are the total sohitionges*il ratio, the averagegas gravity,the parameterscoveredin the correlationare presentedin Table 4.
reservoirtemperature,and the stock-tank oil gravity. Nonlinear
regression analysis was performed to obtain the following COMPARISON OF CORRELATIONS
BO= , + , ~1-2.W14.SSKwAW.3331 HA)] }
(15) Calculationsof various PVT properties were made with several
where: widely used empirical PVT correlations. In this paper, several
A = R,0sgMX&an@X&-132n + ()<09T6xT correlations have been developed for the same PVT properly.
The averagerelativeerror of the correlationis 0.00028% The correlation achieving the highest acaracy is selected fw
with a standarddeviation of 0.03380A. The crossplot for this this comparison. llre equations or charts of the following
correlation is shown in Figure 1I. The ranges of the data used comclations were used
are presented in Tables 1, 2, and 3. 1) For the corrected sepamtor gas gravity, Vazquez-
Oil Formation Volume Factor Correlations Based on Tw* 2) For bubble-point pressure, Standrng4, ViwxpEZ-
Stage Separation Data Beggs9
3) GIuoa, and A1-Marhoun, Dokla-0smrm7, and
The experimental data for 146 bubble-point liquids were used to Petrosky-Farshad.
obtain a correlation having the general form of Equation (14). 4) For solution gas-oil ratio, Standing, Vazquez-
Nonliiear multiple regression analysis was used to obtain the Beggs9,
following equation: 5) Glasos and A1-Marhoun, and Petrosky-Fsrshad.
BO = ] + 10(4.74~+2.l WMMAW. 1223x[Ios(A) }
(16) 6) For oil formation volume factor, Standing,
where: Vwquez-
A =&o.7534x&41036.%-1017 + 0.33 127xT
7) Beg#, Glaso and A1-Marhoun. Dokla-0srnan7,
The average relative emor of this correlation is 0.427% and Petrosky- FarShed.
with a standard deviation of 3.26/0. The crossplot for this 8) For isothermal compressibility, Vazquez-Beggs9 and
correlation is shown in Figure 12. The range of the parameters Petrosky-Farshad.
covered in this correlation arc presented in Table 2.
As stated earlier, the stock-tank gas-oil ratio is seldom CORRECTED SEPARATOR GAS GRAVIW
measured. For this reason, it was decided to develop an oil
formation volume factor correlation based on the corrected The values predicted by this study for gas gravities at separator
separator gas-oil ratio (Equation 3). Gther correlating conditions of 114.7 sia were compared to the values predicted
parameters are the corrected separator gas gravity, the reservoir by Vazquez-13eggsE correlation. This studys comelation
temperature and the stock-tank oil gravity. The data base used showed lower avera e relative emors and standard deviations
~m vwuez.BeJ9 Com,ation
is the same as in Equation (16). Tle nonlinear multiple
regression analysis yielded the following equation:
BO= 1 + 3x10-3xiQ3~7 + A (17) BUBBLE-POINT PRESSURE
A = (0.000292+OOOO0459XI&0" 4sw)X(T-60)0M7XAP10 "nXy_o"2's The values predicted by this study for bubble-point pressures
This con-elation showed an average relative e;or of were compared to the values predkted by Standings4,Glasos
0.073% with a standard deviation of 3.63%. The crossplot for and A1-Marhouns and Vazquez-Beggs 9, Dokla-Osmans7 and
this correlation is shown in Figure 13. Petrosky-Farshads correlations. The correlations presented in
Equation (6), which is based on single-stage separation da@ and
CORRELATION FOR THE ISOTHERMAL Equation (10), which is based on two and three-stage sepamtion
COMPRESSIBILITYOF OIL &@ were selected for this comparison.
The correlations for the bubble-point Pure of this study
Nonlinear multiple regression analysis was performed to obtain achieved the lowest relative errors and stmdard deviions and
the following relation WSS seconded by Petrosky-Farshadsllcamdations. standings
. aOMOWJ035XA )
co= (18) and Glasos correlations performed Very pooriy at km bubble-
where: point pressures. For intermediate and high bubble-point
~= ~o.,m f3.66w ~c4210sm11.011y4.1616
pmsures, the results obtained !ium Standings correlations

were more awcptable. A1-Marhounsl correlation underpredicts Vazquez-Beggslv, Petrosky-Famhadsl1, and this St@%
low bubble-pointpmssmes and overpredictshigh bubble-point comelation of isothermal compressibility of oil were compared.
This studys correlation achieved higher accumcy than both
This stud)% correlation obtained higher accumcy than Vazquez-Beggs19and Petrosky-Farahadsl 1correlations.
VazqueAeggalv correlation. It was noted that Vazquez-
Beggs9 and kkkkMU1S7 COrrdatkm OV@Ctd bubble CONCLUSIONS
point premuw%
I. Empirical PVT correlations for estimating bubble-point
SOLUTION GAS-OIL RATIO pressure, solution gas-oil ratio and oil formation volume
fiactor have been developed W on sirdar work by
standings,Glasos, fi]-hfalhomls, WZqUeZ-BeggS9, Standmg.Equations (6), (9), (10),(1 1), (12), (13),(15),(16),
Petrosky-Famhadsl 1, and this studys correlations were used to (17) and (18) form the basis for calculating the bubble-point
estimate the solution gas-oil ratios. Equations (11) and pressures, solution gas-oil ratios and oil formation volume
Equation (13) of this study were used for thii comparison. factors and undemmmkd -oil compressibility. TIIese
This studys solution gas-oil ratio correlations achieved the correlations are based on results of PVT laboratory analyses
10WW errors and standard deviations. Petmsky-Farahadsll, of Colombian crude oils.
Standings and A1-Marhouns COITektiOllS stood amn~ thii 2. A new correlation that corrects the separator solution gas-oil
and fourth in accuracy, respedvely. In general, Petrosky- ratio to a ref-~ sepator pressure has been developed.
Farahads 11showed good amrracy while Glasos$ correlation Equation (3) forms the basis for calculating the corrected
showed poor accuracy. standings and AhMarhounsl separator solution gas-oil ratio. Estimated and measured
correlation tends to overpredii low solution gas-oil rati~ while conected separator solution gas-oil ratios were compared.
Cilasos*correlation underpmdicts solution gas-oil ratios. This comparison as well as the stdistical analysis of this
Vazquez-Beggs19 correlation and Equation (12) of this correlation showed that the correlation can be applied with a
study were used to predict the solution gas-oil ratio. Both high degree of accuracy.
correlations utilize the comeeted sepamtor gas gravity, instead of 3. Improved correlations for estimating the bubble-point
the average gas gravity. This studys correladon achieved pressure have been developed. The improvement of these
higher accuracy than Vazquez-Beggs19. correlations was achieved by introducing the new correction
factor on the sepamtor solution gas-oil ratio.
OIL FORMATION VOLUME FACTOR 4. Bubble-point pressure, oil formation volume factor, and
solution gas-oil ratio correladom based on corrected
The experimentally detmnined oil formation volume separator data have been developed. Since the stock-tank
factors were compared to the values predcted by Standings, gas gravity and stock-tank solution gas-oil ratio is seldom
GIssos*, A1-Marhounsl, Dokla-Gsrnan7, Petrosky-Farahad, measured in the field these correlations represent a more
and Vazquedkggsv and this StUdyS correkttionso @MtiOnS realistic form of estimating PVT properties thao PVT
(15) and (17) of this study were used for this evaluation. correlations based on totrd solution gas-oil ratio and average
standings, Glasos:, A1-Marhounsl, Dokla-osnlans7, gas gravity.
Petrosky-Farshads1, and this studys results am expressed as a 5. The numtm?rof surface sepiuator stagea was used as criterion
tlmction of the total solution gas-oil ratio, the average gas to develop dfierent correlations for the bubble-point
gravity, the stock-ta@ oil gravity and the reservoir temperature. pesswe, the solution gas-oil ratio and the oil formation
~is atud~s, Standmgs*4,and Petmsky-Farahadsll correlations volume f-r.
yielded approximately equal maults. In general, the four 6. Deviations fkom experimentally determined &@ indicated
emrdations showed very low relative emors, lhii confirms that as average relative errora, standard deviations and croaaplots
the oil formation volume factor cxmelations are more general were lower for thii study than for estimations baaed on other
thanthe otbercomhtionsconsid eredinthis study and can published empirical PVT correlations.
safely be used for @mates on a wide variety of crude oils, as
WW pointed out by Standing]. NOMENCLATURE
Vazquez-Begga19 correlation and Equation (17) of tlm
study were used to * the oil formation volume factor. API = oil API gravity, API
Both correlations again showed approximately same accuracy. BO = oil formation volume fhetor, bbl/STB
B& = differential bubble-point oil formation

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S1Mclric Ccmvcmion Factors
API 141.5/(131 .5+API) = gkm
bbl X 1.589873 E-01 = m3
Cp x 1.0 E-03 = ~x~
F (W-32)/l .8 = c
psi x 6.894757 E+OO Id%
R R/l .8 -K
sct?bbl X 1.801175 E-01 = std m3/m3
Conversion factor is exact.

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